-V;;y "V : : . . . .. , , . . " . ' . , .. ' ' - , . , ' - - ' '-1 :.V,v ' . . , :-.. , ... . ' ' - , - ; . s- ' " i . , ' - . .... ; t . -. f . . . '" Tin can do rio letter ' thanUse Is the WtP &OZL&m Weekly ' printed An Western Carolina S feotoflSr Stanly ;3.teflqjr.i.i ad contigoDuaAcqontje8.r j,.-! our (xdummiffi&fakile toe solicit . .: I I mt I If I 1 l 1 I J , l I If I 1 I ; f I I 1 I i 1 1 I - 1 " L II 1 ft , :in I uj.- I . ,! ij. 2 I ""3" 4 ,5 6 7 8 0 "10 11 12 '. 13r 14 15.1G 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27; "28 29 1 ' U -1 4 . " :Tfob the sun. i v ;: rfr j Chairs and Soothing Svrup. Dedicate J "to my Numerou Friends. : Tgn have; all heard f tbo Dan ' bury man's aba60 of the wheel barrow, and, admired htsT5Biivle4.of describing that complicated artide.7 Biflajing all jokes asiie ajfi4- kibr a square and tair look at one of (kinbwil as a, huoqtliair) aild J do believo aiy taanj eticsst with me that. -of all the obstdc!c'to bo cacoun teredi ":'on i .darlc 'riightj! when tho babj ia needing Soothing Syrup, end that quick, too, a rock-ing-chalr is tlie most painful. To be sleeping quietly, when' till is calm and aerene pleasant i cretins the obd wife '(ai all wiyca are) gi ves you a gentle touch nd tells you the baby is croupy. v 1 ' Wliat is the matter, dear Get 'up,'' says th "darling, good wife ; M get up ; hurry. The baby a a a ft . f id croupy I hurry I btnke a match laud bring the Syrup quick , YoU obey , of conrse,'and the first thing you 6trike is the prongs of Ja rockiug-chair. Ypu swear just a little, and in trying to extricate yourself you fall, the chair tumbles all b?er jou up-side down. Ilou try tp rise to explain, when 'ouf good wile cries out : ' ' ' rf 1 ! 11 "pid any body ever Broke your neck, did you 3 Hope so I r For a. mai to be, so clumsyas all that, - . ' ' -i ' 'u m": " I . no snould suffu'r I liy the time you get up the babv will be dead ; If I wanted trouble I would always send you r , .... Such mild expressions are very consoliug. , You ask in a gentle and subdued tone, if thcreA is! any old linen handy, and where is the lini ment ? But the good wife is how asleep and the baby quiet. In your anguish yott lie perfectly quiet (on the floor) suffering pain only tor be appreciated by some poor denl who j has undergone the same .torture auu pmcr upuu iue uncertainly of things in general, and especially upon the fact that 001$ yjomen, can jdrop off to sleep so quickly At last you venture out, and alter stick, jing your finger in the Jard cup a time or two, knock -ove? the cam . ! phor and the medicineffon the mad tlepiecejjou at last finjj tie mulch es. After striking a light ax3 be holding the ' situation, you find the - chair broken, ac. shin i bleedings anu your good wife's head covered -tie up;your-fioro"shins,: and then fke pod lok at .'the '.conditio " Cf things '-Defdre youblow out the' ti and she.'almQst.bsijiaiiith ,.. ing attEccretiyei'' oeiilV27Snt $ a ldMral$ committed" jWid& and.'.re8olve,,r'.1 ) : v'A , xlil-w lsThat.. before going t$, pe& carried out of the rootih-: i!; -h tun ncccncii;my ciizm VI -plcic; 1 with all ithOrwartnlh id ccm could bol inspired 'tliabcir- : Oil CO frM.t rkVlT 1-4 1 1 ,4Ol mcisienr.V. ho .ttdjb: spokewdl. MjdillirO'-'chijltd wiugui to iycaji; A'fccra is fcnb more Bervicfe which yon ahould do ior mei" ; "Die: no4hdirtch. for.mft. fJDig-np the watch iolrjouiv "Certainly. YouundergtaasTthat inev will) Jreen thr'r'-nvm -vA wuuc juu, iu yuur pruinenz.ee, cxm 1 return' n to me." t? v. .di !r- ' -l.-a rm T . ' course you are truUtvt" 4 r f ,'Whatl didiftTott know ftfe.B Ihadn't beenfgiiilty, lahould have aispensea witn a Jawyer, aUd -Tieen J : vj, :,.. . ... 'v.n.-.,T- 0,r; J ..Tumi 'I&ifcjLn.iB&-T?Ahihir:Jl i really itythe omawlwiafdrtoll ov the commands of fesbion to af r ?r nrf ' Thif tTii 5Tiiatehca shall rW CiV LIiiailtCiy u:5c:triC3 rfcww:fi,.w,asgaTO) . -rf??? SS .37ASu wTt lrrr hchV-rtiii aW.W principles. He In tfie rightpla3 hM Aigfe OfeetoW alStttlS'm1 from the. bed to the imtcha" ktf tt eanicd aikbtit lawyer,-wiioiins ccrca i. tciilrrbVn' -V-- t-- po.fioj.cjC5?ca a.3t:.ic:tiii afi6i-t and. tldl-tetrr f-UtfefcSE-s&VnS.W.W?. '"' ' V man had edrivincsfl iv'rf Vw - shc'zldiiK::t::a rdtc- -,r--ii c-J tha basket man to waiVi'Ai 1 1 She inishtW well Wooqflnedlo 'iIjtejlUJMAiQQOV, traveling of locomotion left wnrtTi lAn T0Q0. rfar about 10 .ter;cent.oflthe she have naturally theait f a tr bust she can t only move - oa wii in ;pl ace of free motion ? sm ; r JiMiiiiiii varan nmrm m k. : n ... . b crumpled mass of fihirr vnfino wi Iknife,! plaiting, and Frefmh fnT'r Wlch,Ll aaovert 9mernetet; hai,paid;iari4,the abol-, I after her lika tfm ton 'A?J?5KriiL-MRlifn f .wtnM ha r.f . immonA 7fl dog on a wet day "She jahhot step across a wet spot i ihe street, her clothes .race,?; when he sees half a dozn wc- IS - W .ful9Sl . 1 mri in :i.tMJ7f teff years before thtf eatbr of Gbak bus robfea 6F Xih A-Zil" dwl nnflA i iia,L Alii Ii;rjr 7 ria'W&doysin? ; wh niAn tl AntAnMn4i . ftvrjw juV)? ue.waamar- nea. . i .qqNpffD; H. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15 -1876: ;;Vft!;66r-:OiLiirr,J r.Wmta Te;is a6 'old tad litiug: iti the foWrUf 5rU11 L i- f ArUw'tir: r.C uvf n u u& iiiiiiivi ' iTMirTTim! ivnri i mn i C xt:d:ifr:,::;:3irtA ts-n 4lny ' w ia tbo Cslda all his life cnd&e trJIf lhcnithiaihjiowlediTe must be li put in pracfeOurr.views;;if t;:cvc;u utltacd the; tcsi of; ac tzli czzzrizicztit i . ara k worthless. tAUitdd,theoryii!ia bsMpoh! lir&wuuB, sauiiui Benzole praeuce. is the resdU iofiwdlgronnae;?pforri mation, whether learned by,vpur own obsryatlbiidr-from-lhe exrieU ticaof others, hii theory whieh-j will cet ttind' the tcst I6f iperi-l t wmw, - uuu -urn practice pry.-iequsii'Worxnics3. e-zniK'i f J :?il- r mtm r. -,.7 ;?Tlie Boston. Traveler, insists Jha.t PiW WW,,:to6tI4iy gff i at c'l7 conducting jthe. business, f ," At a re- cent meeting oi the, creditors: of one olrtheJarBeet drycobda, ibbbinsr hoiisc3-;in-lhedtyf theJfollowing - cre r.cp9rtPd : Jttents, $1?! ffross amount of eaTeaT One, of the greatest evils? that haa grown up of wi a t. w rm wvn" i n nmn m am is tlie jabsurd cubtc ta of senafnir ont drummed: Tho tcstimonvot nnA larfre concern is that it does not nav: ceneat to Jthe trade, i A Jew fmore revelations like ;the one alluded to speui reiautJns liffflat asfleni every uissexwie year aomwaWi dufitte' the tici$ it cotiauctli .f BuguTi or tmnuimeiw'"' j'q it Li bhr of iwaterill dften reBeyefthe moftfL nftaofl -h'io w Vo.kW- ".rrfj rriruj? t n c !; -by. what tve sea around iijl epearo, is this explanation regard mg ladieiy privileges itx ;leap yearsi Albeit it is hovmftftefimk a-riart . a - l : - . . i ? i jtit - t,.tt', r i Will apt attend diYme WviMtM; bud while' noeket hU;iHci bveHhe flborT w Then ,he leaned over 'tha-finrf nf ttiki aivpse. anu mane in pm hnttpr eti uew.anari.eis t me othencside coat noekfit and Hrfivir mV "KnnAik JA tTatcrristrsmgecf w ' ? ? r " ' Jmsend,:! against m$ MifynAq&m Emgiis- r?mr4mno& Wi Xxsrclin fasfeberai DnaeinW TT! social -telaHonsau !ifelm'SaHift. fehacfl0l-htootlrnmiliia ,dofn!t nke to tat- aboHtu&Ii-1 the;.Mbydtrb pmmtmmfim4mrt 'tite' -hfi1; reticent 'lrVV,fetff! may iKsincid -rlicafd rlortifVw hyrins . . i 4 Jtha basket man to w,"f i',! iJ:-;Utcra !iad friends filial W. the .rw F129 'TintfliVKU. Ti.''iJilmeinefrMW.K .n: a ipn whhqaill twtfcwm pibfwricVrobVabdut loner. , and threa:; or'VfeWi' jVAi Then heeaned .iynaiefaQi baadnntte'dllntQ.oMt.raQfes. ; tomadness bv the?emilcs.tffhirwMS UkJLTJH".n -h .t 1 - wrsa tffa,' meailes.q X ' a: overcoat button, and j'a fioercs sprtmentoij bite of dried orange teel might tbmewoftaftf iwallbw'up either , him orUTie reatbf .thk' f form- Irrreation'iuhs ,t didn't mnK. waica,.anawent down lntoiahiD ppesets,- From, which he evolved in: "T r, rA'Sf "rr'i" i "t . ' , H tr:.'T!:.H ---t;Ts Trrtii ;-vu. neia liVy 'TiiJT? Tr;,iJT!ft , t9 come out tp church1 again to he made a foil1 otWSli a, 1 lbncnHTpH VinnftnV- - - xw; wo 1 - rKur liVl3!: i'H'd PVfti 5aw.. is, taKen t)? GraHd'todgeAjf Masbnal It a fiy.ed custosi-to have frequent ltlierindFRnrfil th "'uu mo uueuiuors to oe nnH usually c-efnl bout1 th'd quality ori iwy.iHiw m uui'Wiiuiimsfi.wnom uia&o jacsocs. -aiu examining intd tbiacnnt him. est; v - .1CIUhco,nr&uv,1 auVkiet wnisey aioue." Mnt .... . trt4 vmow hoIlow.it scmds rsaioUa wf", -il" 'r- nlv with Ofiirtyrf-W& he,-hold mest dear; ia ife.randi th"atrieaouthiai5r& alfiorkt rYwJvre"ra iilVifWeaUh,orthonhr! tYrtv hA..fir Md.dan former, vears.- bodies; who: 'h'aa? Uevera Ldftselonedf sumcient' forrae of fkrfor tn. mVah wmseiA recosrniaeat ihtefrral nftHrtF can profit bvMaaonrvIand ha ahnnM 1 JTOfifc. a1PMJS;ei,andj.JaiirxJa;iery !Pls!Unn ofiiTriely $wdf& P kf?wff.Ti9 t John5L Claytob iralargeela: ftgfowcrJ.ami iwy.auc- aim .inen 'faDnilta .trcirrv ttnrw tw .. iuc Kim wtDo-TiaKea Tootajat Kills wis gfuc3 2LTdr.tbogrQWtii 7 Ti-ri' , r urz? bsijb oi. ween 7 -,""7r"'y'-'7'. twOlefifffrisreU bealerftHttt Mn hf e-iSP 'iRPF W . W. iihIa hir o.3 - rTrv)rl jenougn to ou.em.wiin an axvtH little sharp aananihif ,w -1 - oueiy. ,i iew minnrpsi ti rpmAvA every .particle. - . rrsr ' 4 v mfblie to 'pdtrohtse w if our terms One inch. lJck -r-$f .a&aiHariu:t i 25 4-4- - 2 00 Qontract adscxat lowtcs 13 iat aintnr bonccti 0 odi aut ixns eftaButr ifednsrttte tM, rplamtiifitaiietiitkayiMn two postage stamlto thyadfi i?1 your i r-A wwnwiDWP'ff2Stfl!. J -ti: wry i extant oi martin ate t IS 17:7-77. .rirrjrv. 1 thaV thO itou&of Ithe ieiratiaft hft May hadiicade) his head ache, l?o-fc itwasnotthatiroada: vonr fe 'X- turtle fok neihbr.-ftridt Himizxediatelyiato cuJ&fisvhdad. etitrrelV 'deadybulvtois hbtei an. .scio'cs of itqi fit fhi-jijoifa' D'fafe&cP forhis wlfe oe eveningj hef thomeTfo2!fhe 4omee arnxuac&oas rtenrnfttiir ull-bavkl , ff It yWt hi well for t wwomHuriu uucwjwjcu otr"uwwluau,3iWJ "swi ver tq buqai, ace wnicn had been IbOkuier' waixea: awxvYaue rii - . ii, . - v . p - ii wasinen diseoYered tobd about v;;o o' Jivofn fsihmg, imiTTr rPecapse an Iodian woman is al7 mrA yertooje.saya 'that mav- alrwlmfse i4iai ixjU 'ittrxiustuiArQrawiea about. .MhW r '5 .4 school itf'mtt

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