X, O O .A 1*. Mr J«« M. Smith, of Mewr. W. D. 8.Uh * Co.. h« kiodiy consented to ect « *g,Bt forTHS RoMSOf'A" JIUcriptions, or ndrertieemenls left with him will receiVe prcmpt stiention- THK MAUKKTS. ‘ . Not. 26. l‘*"2. CottoB; In Wilmington. 16®18| « ' iiWSSil74 in Lumherton. I5@li‘ Fny Tille, Turpentine; 8.00 twu. Rosin, 851^6 8 ^ fodder.in demnnd in Lnmberton *t Wew Adycrti^meuts. George B Brown -i.-nd for sale. Dra. Hunter & l ew—.^iottce. Johns. .autsby-Benler tn. Grocer. G H Davis-Hurdware, luiwarc. A D.. J. K..Bent e>-‘'»fcer8 cured. ^ F. W. Kerchner—B 'h White, Cannc Goods, Ac. T t> •' WilHanrt A Murchison—At Low I’m-' Th^ Office—Shucks Wanted. N C. Cu.N*-..dn;.c..-l'ho Annual Conierei.ceof the ach.dist Episcopn. Church, for the State of ; n., will meet in FayetleTilTe, on Wed nesday, Dec. 4th. Messrs. James S. Topbarn ACo., W>l mington. N. C , nre receiving Urge ad AH the latest styles of dross goods for SJile by W. P Barnes The finest grades of flour at W. P Barnes’. Projectbb New County.-—VVe hear occasional mention of a proposition to tor.11 a n.:w county out o» a portion of this couniy and ot lUfhniond, with .^lioe Heel as a centre. Wo believe that the people proposed to be included in the new county are generally in favor of tne project, and we hear ol no opposili^ Iroin any quar' er. We think it bad policj, in ihe pre sent depressed condition of our people, to be multiplying counties unnecessari- y, thus enh ncing the already burden some expenses of government; but it any portion of our people are dissatisfied fith their present relations, and wish to set up [or them-elves we are ready to ecogiiiic their right to do so, and shall ofi’er no factious opposition to their wishes. The community to be embraced in the new county is one of tho most in telligent, enterprising and prosperous of our se. tion, and if tlie project is carried out and the new caunty formed it will take rank immediately among the first coupties in the State in all the elements of moral and material importance. . Over coats and suits, the finest, at W. P. Barnes’. fob bale. IE V a n s A V onGla hn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL After carefully reading one ot L ^ ® ,a»n oir»l.>.ofWeir.O»»l Tb. SS! which uke. pl.ee at Bridgeport, Conn., torpendnewd timber Dmt. 10th 1872, w. h.« become Wjr Thj™ to • OBBt Hlbh en^n It~d 6ed that it to »n enlorprlBC worthy _‘hp *1^—..aolberinwhiomy. Iti. attention and patronage of all. It JS a one mile from the home .Ifair, endnrmni b, .11 the Itmdlng f '» citixena of Bridgeport, and the vast nin®nR?iWN amount of property to be given away OKOROfc^BD IDEB . will afford an opportunity to hundreds j ^^O-U of securing valuable gifts of various CURED I mo7l eioiant”a88ortment of goods ever kinds, including Houses and Lott, ^ offered in this city. In —DBAItSas «— BOOTS ANS> SHOES, No. 2 Evans’ Block Princess St. opposite the Journal tifBoe, Wilmington, N. C-. Not 18 148 8m. FRANK THOBNTON W OULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE to his numerous friends and custom ers that ho has now in store the liirgost it.Mi NHTUN NOETU CAROLINA K IB BESS goods 1 have a full line of Black snd Rich ^cUUte oUft cv/N IDg I , , J Principal office at Charlotte. A conspicuous and glaring error oe- CANCERS, TUMORS and ULCERS Uat week by Ur. Kline’s Great CANCbB Aivit- ' dotes. Chronin Diseases of >** kinds treated With unparalelled m - t„ A. . heeding fer a p.r.gr.pb,gi.u.8 I ^ an account ot religious meetings recent j pi,iiadelphia Bellevue Institute, iy held at St. Pauls and Phiiadolphus we wrote the word Revivals, but the ditions to their stock of Harness, bad diery. Trunks. Valises, &c . Ac Highest cash prices paid tor eggs at W. Py^arnca’. Suspicious —On Sunday last a party „f voung men wh.. were walking aloi.u the” river bark di^(^.ve^ed a hatteaui ^ concealed under a raft of timber, «earl industry and enterprise among the pew bridge at tbe f>ot of 6th street. onjy the facilities Fayetteville A Florence Rail ROAD —We learn that the building of this important road is now assured beyond the pos-sibility of failure. It will open up both to Fayetteville and to Wil iiiingfon a section- of country capable of high degree of development, and will Horses and Carriage.T, Bank Stock, Gov TTrtife 1 NO BlOOdt I einmcni Bonds, and uiuny articles we T TMBAutflav have not space to enumerate. AH are j|r« tJ« Jiit AvUvivy) advised to send early to the Groat Cen ASSOCIATE PHYSICIAN AW Fancy Silks, tral Office of Wjslls’ Grand distribution, To the Charlotte Branch Office of Philadel- giijt poplins, tral umce oi Bellevue Institute, will, for the pur- silk Valours, at Bridgeport, tJon , and .secure a hand p^^^ accommodating those who desire to gpi. gl.nes, some Chromo or Engraving, ranging m j gpnault him, be at . , Cashmeres, • nrice from fil to $5, and a sham in the Columbia, 8 C., Dec. ®jj®!®}’ French Merinos, ZJ Dilihulioi f»e.eb MtortoC.. . P:”r”,“r .e„b .fpielere. pureh..^ ^ to*™." see them I Davis House, wuere ue wiu ■••• i DEPARTMENT, p A Normeut. Up«l ^®'‘‘*® P"'?*®®® ®^‘.”¥1 I shall continue to keep my stock up to the i. A. Ttorm . H cannot conveniently visit thk , the best in the market, it being continually replenished with the latest styles lor Men, Youths and Boys. I have always in stock a full line of the best brands of black ALPACAS AND Black Pure Mohairs, which for durability are splendid assortment of Brussels, Three Ply and Ingrain e O.ARPE TINGS . " Asn (I-LOOB OIL CLOTHS. Ladies’. Misses’ and Children’s FURS ^reat variety. My stock of HATS curred iu our local column which we beg leave to correct. Dr. E. H. Greene, pes by some unaccoantajile gerry* j phygiclan In Chief at Charlotte 1 niaudcring, transformed It into “privaie.” Branch Olltce to PhHndrtphln ’Iheerror escaped the proof-reader and was not detected till Goldsboro’ December 20^ where he I the whole edition was printed off. will remain until April 15th, 18(3,^ Nov. 27 150-4t Municipal Matters—We are| bob WHITE!! Tiie biiat liad been lurned bnttnui up wards and pusned'uiidpr the rail, appa rently for the pur -ose ot concealui. nr, the chain only reiiuiniugin view The boys seised the chain, and with a united effort drew the bi>ai ou:, and turning t over they found in the fish-b..x or till a hau-het and a pistol, the latter of which has been recognize 1 'as one of a lot stolen from the st >re •* Mes.srs t’oia; & Mclweod on the .u-.msi m .1 the loh bery by the Txiwr \ Hand, in 1‘ehiuary last Buckets. Tubs uni a 1 ..f w il ware :»■: !'• ‘ Co.NEECrio'7A >Dt A'.Ntf- \ fresh Stix k embrscni^ tv.TVti.irg 'o this line at IV B ]>i-.ke .s. pleased to learn that our town oommis | gOB WHITE ! signer-,r appointed and qualified six 1 goO Bbls. Bob White Flours, mouths ago, have at last organized fori For sale by^ KERCHNER. business. For the pastsix months we have ANOHC LIFE INSURANCECO/ OFFICERS t. ROB’T H, COWANj President, JOHN W, ATKINSON, Vice-President, F. H. CAMBR'^N, Secretary, Dr. A. E* ANDERSON, Medical Director, BIBECTOKS: T. W. ATKINSON, Gen’l Insurance Agt. I. B. GRAINGER, President Bank of New Hanover, p. W. KERCHNER, Grocer and Com mission Merchant, C. M. 8TEDMAN, of Wright & Stodman, T. H, McKAY, of W. H. Whitehead A Co., Fayetteville, R. H COWAN. President, U B EILERS, Commission Merchant, A. A WILLARD, of Willard Brothers, W. A COMMINU, of Northrop S Cum- *” G^’w. WILLIAMS, of Williams k Mur- eb'sotif « ^ ELI MURRAY, of E. Murray ACo., A. J. DeTROSSETT, of DeRosaeit A Co., ROBERT HENNING, of Dawson, Teel ALE*EX SPRUNT, British Vice-Consul, of Sprunt A Hinson, p. M. RPHY, Attorney at Law, J. D WILLIAMS, of J.D. Williams &Co., Fayetteville, * JA8. C. McRAE, Attorney nt Law, Fay- ottevilie^^LLEY, Merchant, Kenansville, J, T POPE, .Merchant, Lumherton SPECIAL FEATURES AND ADVANT TAGES. Ist. No restriction on residence or travel •2d. No extra charge on the lives of females. l^cnmraE (late MclNTYBB A FRENC ,•) DBAUBBt IX— For^igi^iid Domestic Dry Goods, 32 SOUTH MARKET STREET, WIItoHIWOTOW, N. C., pay personal and prompt attention to all / CO TA UiV OliDEfi S ^trusted to them, and respectfully solicit a ^continuance of the patronage awarded to tho late firm. We are now offering our few remain ing new SEASON CARPETS at eoit and frr.'ght for rath, to clear out this department fur space, nov 15 148-lm B R O W N, dzalsb in M. ® Dry Goods,'-GfSceries " AND General Merchant lumber TON, N. Has just received a new and well selected stock of Dry Goods, Hats, Bools, S^es, No tions, Groceries of all kinds, Hardwaw and General Merchandise, which he is selling at such prices as to make it to the inter- t of the public to give him their patron- age Call ami tre viv tlmh. M. C. BROWN nov 6 AND SALE \8 very that will thus afforded them to make sect; i one of the most prosper ousvnd V Jlthy in the whole South. Wc everything in tlieir power to hasten the completion ot this road, and that the I..€gislature will extend to the-project any assistance the impoverished condition of the State will ad nit of . A General ru.--h fb:’ ehe^ jS 'ds at W. F.^arne.s’ .\!iiiost everyihii g can be found very iii-at and cheap at W . P Barnes T;--' c.'e.;i;'-nts -.r s-.nie ot "ur ev- . ■ . s I'C the ii'.if fire 10 •'ll the old lad) wh - regardc-,* | been without any municipal government ^aNNED GOODS, BRANDY CHER . 1 yvWIoafYO havG Vi**t*n I V-/ whatever, and our citizens have been subjected to great inconvenience ami annoyance from the want of proper reg ulations for the protection of property and preservation of order in our midst. Wc trust now that an organization has been effected, we shall hear no far ther complaint of reiiii.ssness on the part of th.'se .)fficlals J)is. J.-.'liies lluiiier A Tew will be in ti.is place to umrrow. They make the treatment of caiieers and scrolua-iis I affections a specialty, and are reputed U, be very su.'eosfrul . raentciicrs— ; .-•'(jc n-.itiee RIES AND CHF.ESE, So cases Sardines, 150 “ Oysters. 50 “ Fresh Peaches, 25 “ Brandy Cherries, 250 Boxes Oats, For sale by F. W KERCFNER. I HOT, CAPS. WRAPPING PAPER AND C.YNDLES 250 Bags Shot, 250, WO Caps. _ 300 Beams Wrapping Paper, •225 B-xes; Candles, For sale by „ _ ' F W. KERCHNER '.i -IS Wo have lo.eived the pr-i.-peetus 1 t l-.i-tieli.- a weekly pap- r wliieh H. niis-.-rtunes as >riah while | the or nei‘'i l.ors were piously c-iii- ! it is proposed to issue ah.-ut the first ot ' i-nfiei-i. .N. (h it will bf ;oa at o-iv TO.: ■;^:r' 'S o-- e^ t ldveri!'0i.:e:it Br.-^. 11 Gre-n. represccta Cail at 0. A Price's Live Boot and "Sie-e ?tore. corner FKmjI and Market The :it: to tivesbf f>r. Kline’s I'hiladelpbb Cancer I Wilmington, Infirmary. Dr. Green has visited this | ^ (.jg fij.cfitting shoes or section two or three times within the i past two years, aXd we hear of scv.^ral j important cures pcOd'ormed by him. V- e earnestly advise an^ of our readers wiw. are the uiiloriymate victims - f any scro fulous or canccrou-i disorder oi consult him or Dr. Bentley J;;iiu:iry, at G' 111-t.-r Y a 111 o 1 nioSi earnestly J!i^:.;ie# and wiU labor ior the good ot that C OFFEE, MOLASSES, PORK AND SU GAR. 400 Packs Coffee, 225 Hhds. and Bbls. Cuba & S. Molasses, TOO Rbls. Pork,- 400 Bills Golden Fleece, 225 Hb si Raw and Refined .®ugar. For sale by F. W. KERCHNER lai^geand contains the newest and incontestible after five years. most --esented in my com- 4th. The rates of Interest on the Funds Every novelty ’^®P®®®® laces. the Con.oany higher than those on the plete stock of ® hiefs, vvhite Goods, Funds of Companies lo-ated in other ^ates, 1 Embrotderies. Handkerc^^ thus insur.n>i larger Dividends to Policy '^Tpuse" k”\.mg and^ DomesUc Go^^^^^^ “ afh^ The Directors and Officers of the great variety; Fla ’nA Damask Cur-1 romnanv are prominent North Carolinians, h«ISitrS ..»..« .r ShUlings and Pillow caw^Goo^^^^ The Company is established one the‘lS P®|^‘J®,P7hT.-olJ’ ?ogy“ war* ^ th^f CapuTsio'ck';^ ductmybusmes ,h,^,tON. U30O.m company are Nov. 13 1 inve-ted in this .'jiate and crrulaled among our people This fact should commeml tlic HE GREAT democratic 70ER8AI. | .f—‘'iSTo”". 1 Capiialists, thus continually draining our people of inimense amounts which should be LpLl home. On this ground the tnends of this t ompany confidently appeal to eviry son of the old North State, and ask their support for this Home wMle il offers substantially all the advanta ges of Northern Con-paiiivs, helps to build up Home interests. j p ppooKS. Q.-ueral Supervi.4ng jj. c. By virtue of authority vested in me, I will^n Saturday, Ihe 7th day of December, 1872 expose to sale nt public auction, for cash,’ before the door of the Court House in Lurnberton, the legal and equitable interest of John Taylor, dec’d, in and to the follow ing tracts of land in the County of RobeMD, to wit: . wo Hundred and Fifty-four (254) acres between Moss Neck and Holy Swamps, joining the lands of W, C. McNeill, F. il. McNeill, the Kelly lands and others. Al«o the legal and equitable interest of the said John Taylor dec’d. m and to Nine Hundred and Eighty-sii (98«) acres of lanaon Bear Swamp, ai>d on the west side of Burnt . wamp. adjoining the lands of Mar garet McLauchlin, F. R, McNeill, Sara Kelly and the lands belonging to the lnt» Neill Kelly, dec’d. ^ Adm’r of John Taylor, dec d. Nov 4, 1872 148-ts T TnENEWVOaH WEEKLY NEWS. BKNJ. wood. Editor and proprietor. A Mammoth Eight Page Sheet. Fift/-8ix Columns of Reading jlatter. PROYI8IONS. ^ rrv BOXES LONG CLEAR SIDES, 150 ^ , 1 Hhds. and Boxes Bacon and A Shoulders, Barrels .Mess Pork, williams & MURCHISON. SALT-—SALT. 5,000^- ' For sale bt SACKS TO ARRIVE—DAILY Exreoted. Nov. 27 1.50-tf FloVU—All the fancy brand- -f family fl-.^ur at W B Blake s. Notions.—Blake's is the place to get ’em. He has a umst beautiful stock .embracing evi-rylhing rich, rare and j'Hjjl—Mackerel and Mullets— fresh and nice—at W. B. Blake s. Mnrdcrer Arrcsicd. racy Postmaster Holloway requests us to say that partie-s desiring p -st office boxes for the ensuing year muse apply before the close of next month. In the mean time the office is to be thoroughly over hauled and reconstructed, the boxes glazed and numbered and so arrauired consuli the convenience of the publ'ie. Cbockxby and Glass w.abe. A splendid assortment st W. B. Blake s We had the pl-asure, during a briel business visit to Fayetteville, -ast week, oi forming the'acquaintance ot Rev T L. DeVeaux, the talei.ted and acconi pl'ished new editor of the N. C. / ret byteriiM We found him an exceed!n * ly affable and pleasant gentleman, aiic ws congratulate tue Presbyterians c« NorthtJartlHna bn the-r good fortune , 13 securing the services of »> able aud worthy a gentleman to conduct their gf orgtn. We hop h'» effort* will be nppi^eimted ami sosUined. Ladies AND GxNTLfMBN’s Hats — Styles unique, st-iek complete—at W. B Blake’s. New Fayetteville Ads —Tlie at tentiou of our readers is d.rected to the new ^dyertisementa of Ma«I N C. On Monday iiioniing last Sheriff Me Millaii. of this County, received from Cumberland county a warrant lor the arrest of one John K. Scott, charged fith the murder ot his brother, Couti- ii Scott, in that county last fall. On receipt of the warrant. Sheriff Mc.Millan proceeded iumiediately to Scuf- lictown,'whore'he 8"on found his man, whe bad adopted the alias at John Har den, and was in the employ ot Mr John party. Tho Times will be publi.-hcd by the I '.'inies I'ublishing Co,” and wil! be | edited by Mr, Daniel Bond. Boston h.i.s h-ad another fire—loss re ported at SlSO.OllO. At the great fire, the loss, as corrected by latest returns, sums up asfi'llows; 959pie'Csof p'op evtv, valued at 815.00ll.00U. Number Ilf firms burned out, 2.0-13. Total los.*. 880.000. vjt this sum. it is tliought. 830.000.000 will bo paid by insurance companies, leiiving a clear loss ol 850,000,0001 ' What sums in the way of relief that will be contribute') is imt yet known. G. w. DAVIS, DEALER IS H.'BDW.AKE, TIN-W.ARE & CROCKERY, Fayetteville, N. C. Nov. 27 MABBI D At the residence of the bride’s father, near Ellerbe Spring, in Richmond cou^y. on Thursday, the 21st inst., Mr -ames Parsons to Miss Theresa, youngest daughter of Carey Bennett, Esq. Buy Your Furniture .AT THE Brick Store, Lurnberton, N. C, W. S. JIcDIAF^dlD^enU „ Lurnberton, N.u. —p.-inaiiiB uil ihe iitiw, -ft— „ , political and general, with full and reliable i24-ly renorts. Each number also con-| _ tains several short stories, and a T® riety of literary, agricultural and fcientific malLr. etc., eic., constituting, it is confir dently asseated, the roost complete weeklj newspaper in this country. Terms u Year. INDUCEMENTS TO CLUBS: •Jl-Qll axvia 'a 'av •o'81 'l.iv mk "J 'N *600 -ud 1D«VK 8P®®* •‘®J ®2nvqoxo ni g'uoiidijosoa iivjn aonaoHJ AU-i-.'iaoo •gajes nomb oansni oi sti Bigoad nsms qans ta tneqi 2utnaB pun ‘eoioii -« taoq oqi JO qoois ((nj n s^tiAqo Suidoaji ^'^'^w'lLLA.MS & MURCnifO'f. 50 COTTON YARNS. bales LITTLE-RiVEft^YAftNfir ^°”^M°LUAMS k MURCHISON. A.Humphrey a.s a laborer. Hewasimme diately arrested and conveyed tn Fayette- W.ANTED. trial before the Superior Court now in 8es.sion. In twenty-four hours from the time the warrant came into the hands of our Sheriff the ac^ed was arrested and conveyed a dfftance of fifty miles to the jail of the county where the crime IS alleged to have been commit ted. ' Your accounts are made out. Please call and settle them I need the mon- cv* T. A. .Noruient. Cash will be paid for a few loads of good Shucks, at Office. Nov. 27th, 1872. essrs •! 'hn ■ilG W. lluvis, F-iyettevilD, , W P.Bvrnes keeps a L'cneral st-'ck ok Furnishiiig goods whi.-h he wi;i sell very cheap-. tlA|^ Greeley ha^isiled t secure the lltS^I, North Carolina but Mesro. Shrier Bros., 30 Market StfeetrtWihniNgton, N. C., eontinue to sell men and b lys’ ci -thing and lurni-h' iog goods a6 ch-mo as ever. Bnrder Brown offers tor sslc » valoable tract .f land with good im prouyngpts, near the Bed .Spring, i See n -tice NnWs.—Special atten giggi ia directed to the Pr-pectus ot 1HB ir«r-¥M-Weekly News in am-thei •oiu«u.*^^& a' couaple’e democratie J’ry it a year. jtil^jlpc uhKlMig'of W. B. Bluke. The Deer Law —Mr. T A. McNeill, of this county, has introduced a bill in ilie House ot Representatives exempt ing Robeson trom the operation of the Deer Law” pussed by the last Legis lature. 1 his is in accordance with the wishes ol four fifths o the people OI the county and we tru-t the Ijegislature will prompt ly puss the bilL Coffee, sugar, cheese, salt mo-asses mulleW, &c. just received, cheap at T. A. Noruieut’s. Attention is asked for itiecard of the Cliff «rd House, Wilmington, N. C. Mr J. A. Citiord, the proprietor, is among the hve men of our day, and hts bouse is kept in a style that shows a thorough acquaintance with his busi ness, and a correct appreciation of the wants of the public. Mr. H. U. Parker, late of Wilming ton, has leased the hotel at Laurinburg, which is the breakfast and dinner house for passeo^cra on the »Vil., Chur & Ruth Railroad. Mr. Parker has considerable experi ence as a hotel keeper, having formerly kept the Parker House, in Wtlmingtoii Castings! Castiiigs!! Mr. William Bocsser is my agent at Lum- btrton for the sale of all varieties of cast- incs manufactured at my Foundry on Big Rockfish. All orders left with him will be promptly filled at Foundry prices. • I employ none but experienced and skill ful foundrymen and guarantee our work to be as good or better than that produced by Northern Foundries, though our prices are considerably lower We tiave on hand and are daily ^aufae- turlng Andirons. Cauldrons, PT w Castings, Gearing and Fixtures for all kinds of ma chinery, Ac., &c., A good supply of our work will always be found with our agent m Nov. 20 i49-8m' $9 00 AiTBioadg *8 seiiaooif) year, and extra . ’ eqam j ‘siuoin,avdop u- u. copy rtho sender, 00 j „oiamoo :punoj oq U-at ,oo,s Xtn enq^v 1 wenty copies one year, and extra Bagging and Ties. > (BAGGING, 25 -.=TIES, '""'llK.TMSSMDKCmSOS/ nov 6 John SsManltsby, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL —PCALEB MI— GROC ERIES, PROVISIONS, HARDWARE, Cutlery and General Merchandise, No V. ay Street, FayetteviUe, N. C. Nov. ‘27 ■ A passengers speak in high terms of hts bouse at LMriutisrg Hats, Hats—FoKsale »ory cheap at T. A. T LOW PRICE 81 6,000 S-'cks Salt, 1,200 Barrels Flour, 160 Boxes L. C. Sides, 100 Hhds. and Boxes Bacon Sides, 25 Hhds. Bacon Shoulders, 160 Barrels Pork, 280 Bags Coffee, 150 Barrels Sugar, 200 Barrels Syrup, 100 Hhds. I'yrup, 5,000 Bushels Corn, 200 Bales Hay, 100 Barrels Glue, 20 Tons Hoop Iron, 250 Rolls Bagging, 26 Tons Ties, 60 Bales Yarn, 25 Bales Sheeting,^ For sale by WILLIAMS & Nov. 27 Oranges, Onions, Potatoes Corn, 'Tomatoes. Peaches, Oysters. Condensed Milk, Crackers of all descriptions. Pickles Sardines. Polled meats. &c., &c;. just received and wr sale kc R F- LEWIS k C./. - 149-2t Tov 20 copy to the sender, 9*9® Fifty copies one year, and extra ^ , copy to the sender, Parties sending clubs as above, mag retain 20 per cent, of the money received by them, as j commission. Persons desiring to act as agents . P plied with specimen bundles. | S'fZOOk? A-Jd copies sent free to any addrtss. / Allle should be Directed to New Yorl^iWeekly/New*, pajiAUi iqnjioodi 8i st aiiqn'i 9qi J® **H o-p ‘o.pmotion MHVMORVn 'S31iId)0iT0 ‘SJ.VH ‘SiOHS ‘SAOOa ^JO SailBISdOO 'ivuaMao Nov. 13 Nxw Tonx Cm Pf®*' S ' ECIAL TERM OF THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR ROBESON COUNTY. His Honor. R. P. Buxton, wUl hold a Special Term of the Superior Court tar the county of Robeson, commencing on the 6th day Of January. 1873, tar the trial of civil causes. Suitors and witnesses having bus iness in said court are hereby notined to be in attendance on that day at the Court House in Lumberton^^ Not. 18th, 1872. W® 4^- E. K. PROCTOR, : At the Brick Sto'®-..m AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES, Clocks, Guns, Rifles and Pistols, Jewelry fancy eK)ODS. SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES Agent tar King’s combination Spectacles. 8* ECTACLBS TO SUIT ALL EYES. Repairing carefully ®*®®“^-g.gm JO qaoiB 1 ejeidmoo pnv paw»a * eaoje n( «ou eavq J ’Siqi p«eH Not. 13 N TICR During my abstnoe from the State, Mr. 8. B. Tolar, of St. Pauls, Is authorii^ to act 08 my agent in the irun-aotion of bust ness in this State wc-itt CYRUS McNElLL new GOODS A>D NEW PWOESI If you wontto'let the worth of your mon ey call on the undersigned ha had Produce wan ed in exchange GEO. A. SMITH, OF NORTH CABOLINA, — WITH — (DsiffMm & Ftiiil4®iiii. IMPORTERS OF Hardware, Cutlery, G U & €.. NO. ao S. H WkBDSTBEfiT, .BALTIMORE.' Special attention given to orders. July 11. 129.lf. g 15. T O L A R Is now opening, at St Pauls, his fall and Winter stock of Dry Gii'jds, Clothing, Roots and Shoes, Hardware, (jlroceries, &C.. &c All freslt and new, and offered at prices ns low as the same goods can he bought any wJjere. . An exatuination of my stock is respect- fully solicited. S. B. TOLAR. ' St. Pauls, N, C. sept 25 Y ^ Y ETTE gun & EDGE TOOL MANUF.ACIORY, I have in store a lot^ of fine Double and Single . « s OVN8 A NO BIF t E » of the best make. Also a good ®“PP‘y ®‘ the best and cheapest repeating Pistols— all of the newest patterns. I continue to nii.tmtaoture Single Guns and Rifles to order, of any calibre or quality . . Gun Powder aud Shot of the very bo*4 brands always on hand. Pistols, Cartridges of all kinds. Caps, Se. Edge Tools of a'l descriptions made to °’^Pw-ticular attention paid to the ®»fl“r*®‘ turoof Turpentine Tools. Lock-smithing, Bell-hanging, &o.. done on sbor' notice. KepaiHng oh Guns, Pistols, Stock and P“> P'“"P'fcL™'1i ATSOS. Nov. 20 149 2t 11 OUSE ,CH180N. 160-t/ N 0 T I C B. Dm. j. Miles Hunter & Tew will visit Lurnberton on the 28th November. Those afflicted with t'anoerous or Scrofulous Meo- tions can have an opportunity of visiting them and availing themselves of their pro fessional eervicee. Nor 27ih 1501^ T Q I, I K F 0 R 0 Thoroughly Renovated. THE BAK Always supplied with the best and^purest WINES end LIQUORS. Pure Old Bottled Liquors, Fine Chewing Tobacco. Cixars. &o FRONTSTREE'T Wilmington, N.C., J. A. cilFFOBD, Propricto . nov 18 148 1m Mel^e & Jamei. Sneeesiors to J. A. Mbbaxs. WVOLXSAZB AND XSTAIL DIAZXM IN DRUGS, MEDIO NES, > ERFUMBBT, Faaoy and Toilet Articles, kc„ 8 E. Corner Front ft Prinedss Strccis, WiLHINOTOR, N. C. K B.—Special attention paid to Mcr-'E chaatt’ asd PiiysieUM’ Ordnrt. I Bay Yonr Fnrniftiie BBIOE STORE) Ldnffic^tMi, N- C. Jolm B. COMMISSION MSIbJJHANT. Wia«*RO»o,»»^* C. CoBaigmnentt of OettofcfHft**! Berea andaU Ufaids ef prnl»eeeellolM.«»d ««»«• promptly flUod * AU bi^ces ofttnicted «iy "ws w™ k^etpMsbMl AtlcBtMkftftf praap^ ** ill with ilO-If Produce wan A w. FULLER. 148-2t jt O U S A L E ■ offer for sale my plantation containing 1,000 acres, lying immediately on the wsst bank of Lumber riv r. five miles south of Lurnberton. Two hundred acres are clear- ed and in cultiv .tion, the balance well timbered with pine and other giowth. A portion of the pine have been boxed Md cultivated, blit two yeari., H*®” “ * targe quaniit af round pine. The F*™ “ one of the best in the county, and has on it a dwelling and neovesary uuildings. If not sooner disposed of, this property will be sold at auction, in Lurnberton, on the 7th day o*" ^®"‘**®':j“®j‘p^pg. 140^U ^ept, . 4. Hay Street, Fayetteville, K. C. 138 tf W 'mKfoRB 51S TO.”” No. 7 H.7 Sire.., Veje.tovUl., N. 0 n^v 6 Owioi CHizr EkOiHiZB ardGin’i. SuP’T, \ WiLMiNuiOR, N.C.. June 2fith,18(». ( C)sAWOE OF SCHEDULE. Until further notice the regular trains will run over this rofl-d m follows. REGULAR FREIGHT TRAIN. Leave Willmingtou d»ilv at 6 a. m. and arrive at 6:80 P. M. PASSENGER AND EXPRESS FREIGHT trains. / Leave Wilmington daily at 7 a. m and ^’^Uave^LilMville daily at 6.15 a. m. and "S.“«”,'p»"tol »rel.« ,7r*>“ ION LUMBER will No Train will leave on Sun^daj e •Mr g FREMONT. 128-tf Chief Engineer and Snn’U McArtan’s Gallery, 7 Huy Street, Fayetteville, N- aving just returned from the North I stairs LILLY ft (iBsWii'3HRct|iiiti, Office in Worth’s now building, up eti Corner Mulberry and Water St., wilAjnoton, N €. B usiness entrueiedto them will have prompt and pereonal attention leodKiBMMl Hev.ii.itnto If. ^SO(»BIB8, u4 ff aw Dry ,0letUaft,CK AI.*X4RM» SPaUHT «0. w. HINSON NAIIBS SPRUNT. SIVUNa' & HIIS0N, GENBRAu COMMlSdlON MERCHANTS —URAWaSIR— Cotton ft fcval Stores. WlUllNOTON, N. C. _ Planters auppHea famUhed a H- bare entirely retilted my gallery, and can now furnish pictures in the very Utest styles, including the Rembrandt Effect, Porcelain Picture, and Cabinet or Im perial Pliotograpli*, these being the most popular styles. To show tho latest styles, I have brought out some very fine Northern which will-be on exhibiton for a short time only. Call and see them. 1 shall endeavor to take p'C.ures equal to those taken in Northern Galleries, lhavo on hand a goo I lot of Stcreo^opes and .'tereoscopio views, Frames of all sizes, Al bums, &c. , lid pictures copied and cnlargca. Oct. 28 145-tf •’UPP . . . lowest market cost, free of eoinniiesio- Prompt sales and returui gaarantceo 11 HOFFTET COMMISSION MERCHANT (Worth !> Worth’i old stand.) 'Cbmcp Mtdberry and Watcp Streets WlUURUTOE, H. ro prepared to IbrnUli ss^ldieB of Rvmy TOEa-u. ctt» B.itto( iito.y«~"‘.p-!!wA 1^14. . 8i-tMn.pd. . Mi:*! i.-i- T

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