A CURIOUS TMINQ. -FIRST A SOUTHERN SOLDIER. Osman Pasha Fought In Stonewall Jackson's Division. Savannah News. Is tho'fumouB Turkish general, Vosrhees Tribute to His Father. Stories of the late Hon Daniel W. Voorhees, the "Tall Sycamore! of the Wabash' ' of his marvel- i., oinntifince before iuries, his A LIFE PICTURE. Diary of the Office Seeker of the Present at Washington. March 2- Washiugton Post. -Tust arrived. Washington a , , r, x, i.:-u . uja o1 ei rout? nice town. Wonder u it wouldn't De Usnian ttwlia, 01 oouiu. oig-iieiu - . " to stav here as to eo abroad? .lie linlil nnnn tne anecuons oi ure . - . Sunbeam came to my house one day "Is there any place here for shadows to hide? They tell me that shadows are cold and trray: Eutl-etore I can caicu wm j a dashing (tare devil :m"u oui v-. March 4 Saw Maj. McKinley inangu- ' Urmv in tliserace in 18G4. Indiana democracy are bim We folks who nominated him j - ITT.. .1 PlW Sprcrpont. John Holliciav, heard about tlie noiois in aii- willbe all risrlit now. Iriink I liad oer.- X ui.vv 'B - I . w Hetarched abont through the great big ()f pjttsburg in an interview, ington. Hon. F. M. Dice, ot ter take an assistant secretaryship. ' fcse. ... u-hiP.1i or vmblished in the Mom- Crawfordsville, ex-Reporter -for administration wants good men A dear little fellow, warm and bright, . , x..4. o . nr f TnKann know something about ponucs In clouts, in corners, in mamma's hair, mg .New. a tew Uays ago, tne ou - ; , tT I etti"S to like W-Mngtonl Big crowd at the White years ago. UOJiiaay ciaims iu uewiuysiig""1 xx "" House. 1 ney ougni 10 give me rrebw"- 1. u have followed his career, and to ever heard Voorliees speaK, ana time to settle himseit. nave sold my ex house mat I .1 ... i .j ; ,i mil can Tno that Osman Fasha is how his eloquence nau iiuiumwu tmu u.Ml u . - u.. n.f,vr,l ,C!Dif r.n hi mi nd tor all time. " " The who Besides Now Love looked into my day be postive "Could Hate in here be hiding his head? I none other ii t Ulan. V,oi. wiiuMU6en uw- , , hoarding house. i noy w me mat xuk is giy anu uu. of the First Tennessee artillery. it was more m -j j Marcll shook hands with tiie Pres- Pcrhaps, if we found him, wed make A Morning NeW9 representative and the speech before the jury ident in the East Room and told him I Oh pkafmayllookandtryr-hesaid. yesterday found an ex-Confeder- was all the more remarkable in call on a matter of business in a ' V 7 l,i;,. o ,.nfrn f t.A fa- fhn t ,ir. noli tabled a son's tribute to fewdays. He seemed pleased. IXJve met Sunbeam hunting about- I u .,, ur;fTn1p . who Rflva h:s filtw March 15-Went to the capitol and Have you found your shadows, friend & ' rf iock OMnr VnnrhPPs wwa found Senator X' He was sour, baid Sunbeam?"-"Nay, that Sergeant Holliday, of Pitts- In 1856 Senator oorliees v as a wag here chaging )iim Not I," said Sunbeam; "they don't live burg, is correct in regard to Os- young lawyer but little past tlnr- Asked me what I wanted and said, "Bet here." man Pasha's being a Southern ty at Covington, Fountain coun- ter g0 for something in reach." Maybe "Nor Hate," said Love; "for this house man j but incorrect with regard to ty, Ind., in which county the an auditorship would be the thmg. is near. Let's look for a place to abide alway!" the place of his birth. The Senator's lather uvea, ana ne Morning News' informant is a had been reared from childhood. .. , -.. I iT T! practicing physician, who lives At the election that year tne ie- within fifty miles of Savannah, publicans triumphed and electa TT sn.id ; one David S. French Treasurer. Sweetheart Lncy came running in, Rright as a robin just out of bed. Sunbeam sprang to her eyes so brown; Txve in her warm heart nestled down "We've the nicest place in the world!" they said. Now the curious thing, which I haven't boJn and r R-lse& jn "Wytheville, portation of German voters from T.01U. ' ,1 1 . H yxi 1 J i 1 Lrt,rtU ' . sixty miles from Bristol. In 1857 election. Voorhees was employed l or never a shadow can show his head, when I was about 12 years old, by the contestor. And Hate, I think, must be really dead, my father removed to Wythe- The evidence disclosed that on v 1 -.ivy. . . . m . . -. i, tx nvu my mue i,ucy is piajuig ville. and 1 entered school there, the dav before the election a ite- Wm. T. Long. I , r.i -u, i, I 1.1: r.Tr:i,. i, i;-,r known, was 8 or 10 years my se March 21 Took mv Taters to the White House to-day. Thought I'd wait and have a private talk with the President but Secretary Porter said I'd have to go along with the rest. What an ill manner ed set they were. Elbowed me right Home, Sweet Home. Durham Sun. -. We live in a dey of irreverence and cyn icism. The tendency is to repudiate ten ets and traditions. Those ideals, of which home life is prominent, are jeop ardized continually by the worshippers of Realism, who scoff at faith of no visu al form. Man and woman both prosti tute their God-given talent to upset theo ries and creeds in which they should ever abide and solemnly cherish, for we have need of them always to help us watch and note danger signals which beset our dailv naths. There can be no substan tial, instructive and permanent home- life unless fa'Jier and mother are united to watch the germ life of their offspring crow throuah childhood .Into man and womanhood. The continual annulments of sacred marriage bonds is the most painful and difficult problem which confronts the boasted progressiveness of cur land today, j warning us that there is a leak some where, a principle out of joint, an exist ing evil that needs locating, and the pruning knife applied until this dead wood is cut out and more healthful life engrafted upon Our moral standards. There is continual talk about the new woman Potash is a necessary " im. ingredient of complete fer tilizers. Crops of all kinds require a properly balanced manure. The best TT" irtilizers COMMISSIONER'S SALE! r. k. babxbs, ntir., vs. Cape Fear & Yftdlin Yalley R'y. Johx Gjix, Rkckitkb. COHDEISErTsCHEDULE. In Effect May 4th, 1897. tTM BOVUD. . . contain a high percentage of Potash. All W Potasli the rcsuluof its osefcy actual e: penment on the best farms in the United States is told fa a little book which we publish and will gladly BV'l free to any farmer in America who will write for it, GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York. W. T. SELLERS. A. H.SJSLLHKS. MARAfli A. UEltKl.Sti Mtd husband, oC lilPTJCii Mb.- RING; KOSJSTTA kuuijbo una nuHuii. . A.RHUlKd;KIAEriVKYand husband, JOB 1VKY; COLUMBIA STKHUKN8 and hu band, ROW LAND SXKl'Mli.i: Lt OIiA LEWIS and huKband, JOH LKW l. 1 fOt. Bv virtue of a decree of te Superior Ouurf I re Wilmlrtrtiui of Robeson County In th abuje entitled cauae, ArriTe KayWtcTllU . entered at the October Term, ISM, I will , pn Faj-f tUTille Monday, June 7th, lsa7, sell for casly ttttkr Tve Kayrtleylile Juavtlon hlghesst bidder, at public auction, at tUe court t,eTe ganford house in Luinbertou, X. C, the tollowlng dc- Lesye Climax scribed lund: Arrive Ureennboro . - First Tb act In Robeson County, X. C be- LeSW Greenaboro - ginning on the West side of tile road, about 250 jaye stokeadala yards North of Indian Swamp, at a short leaf jrc Walnut Core pine.an agrved corner made by A. v aliersaiuiJ. I i.jye Rural Hall W. Sellers, and runs with the road about North to a stake by the road in the line surveyed for Jo seph A. Walters and R. Walters, then with that line about W est, running by 2 hictory trees w i Le,ve jft Airy a stake in tne run oi me 3trsu uraucu, iaTe Rural Hall down the run of said branch ton old iill-dant, J jave Walnut Cove J. W. Sellers' line, then about East as the mill- I LeTe stokesdale dam and a lenee s.;iiers nnej, jsoriu s i Arrlve Greonshoro iaand 7-100 chains to the beginning at 'the road, containing 15 acres more or less. Second TJtACT-Adjoining the above, men- Arrive Mt. Airy OCT! BOCNB. Forty Acres and a Mule Nowhere. Newborn Journal. II. h. Hall, a claim agent of this place. ic pncKiwpd in an enterorise that has ere- S50 vards to a stake in the corner of Cage's Held ated some comment. The negroes are in then about West to a stake in the Johnson line. ... .. . . , i j , . j i then auout &ouin wiiu jtiiiiiwii xmv- mj uic We don't quite take in this eat hopes over the prospects presented P1"' Hmn ,hi. uith the Smith modern fad, so called. If it means that to them. iine about Kast to the road, then with the road Leave tireensboro Leave Climax 4-Leave Sanford tioned tract, beginning at the same corner at Arrlve Fayettevllle Junction the road, and runsa direct line with the fence to I Arrive fayetteville the mill-dam, then wltn tne mui-oam to a stase i iy Favettevllle at the mill-hole, then up the mill-pond about j xrtixe Wilmington MOBTH BOl'SD. "I know Crawford well, The Democrats alleged that the along just because they saw me President nU-.-lnr. T -,,-oa Vi!a nonio TTp wfLS? I 1 liollioon crn inprl Vvv tllfi 1 111 - March 27 Got some more money from could uiteniake Wythe county, Virginia, some Chicago, and contested French's kome ; j v. 1 1 4.v 1 .v - - , but the chap at Porter's door wouldn't let me in. Said it was after hours. He she should abandon the province wherein she -was born and reared for woifianly work and duties, she is no cood. But if she is only desirous to have that knowl edge and opportunity by which to en large her qapacity as a home factor, which is her true center anci rendezvous, ApriB-lt. which Mr. Hall lias m charge ana wmcn less is being ireeiy signea Dy ine coioreu pev- A rU 2,jtll isy7 pie, men and women, ah unci, uic pe tition is to De sem. to v asningion io ass. for a bill to be presented to enable all the old slaves to draw a bounty. It seems that some years ago a bill was introduced m Congress for some sucn purpose, tnose containing bo acres more or K. M. BARNES, Cmmtssioner. Leave Bennettsvilla Arrive Maxton Leave Maxton Leave Red Springs Leave Hope Milla Arrive Fayetleville SOVTU BOC5D. Xo.1. Daj)j. 00 a. . 11 10 " Hit " 117 - 1 X p. IB, S5J " S 2S - 3 U 423 - i6 - &-J6 - - .L Daily. 1 40 a. a. 10 Ot " - 10 S3 -1107 -II U -- 12 15 p. n, I3 " 2 40 I ii -MM " St " ISO " "Xo.4. Daily. B 10 a. m. H - a 10 04 - low - II m -. COMMISSIONER'S SALE!. ought to be fired. April 3 Saw Mark Hanna after wait ing five hours. Asked him why my let- intr in one of the out townships ters had not been answered. He said he o r I nior, and was just about to grad- WPnt to Attica, the only railroad was getting 4000 a day and his secretaries itate from the academy. He was town of the county, and brought would catch up some time next year I W. I). McINTYRB and SARAH C. McIN- TlKri, feXtcUlurS OI ALIA. .MC.11U.,1 1'laintilTs, VS. P. A. McKACHERX. Admr. of J. C. Mc- BAOI1ERN; HARRIETT McNKILL, MAL-1 CULM A. aiCEAOMKK. JAMS .MCNEILL, CATHARINE HADHOCK. V. A. McEACH EKN. M. C. McEACHJCRN. JOHN 1. Me- EACHEKN. NE1LL A. McEACHEKN. OORA I E. McEACHERN. IDA K. McKAClIERN.l Senator Daniel Tells a Story. New York Sun. Senator Mark Hanna got away trom"" "um 1 , 3 ' always thought Hanna was overestimated, the presidenUal party as soon as he could, known as a bull)', with dare devil home.with him two strange er- . and wandered about around the tomb, proclivities but the boys generally man voters. In going to his home A ril 5Had an interview with the ght President. Was last in Hue, so they father couldn't push me along. When I told McCook on the bridge over the tri- br 1(JU U1JUU uo " 01 voornees. xeiui lui mC - J;.u. umphal arch, under which the troops I knew him him personally for house, so the evidence went, tne ' inthe state Department. Said he were passing in review. Halt a dozen more than two years. Republican said to the imported h , friends in Indiana and "After leaving Wytheville, I voters, "We are now about to pass hoped they would be patient. Can he followed his career ihrough some an old Democrat's house, and you have forgotten that I am not from Indi- of our schoolmates. At the be- must lie down on the floor of the Probably the tariff is worrying him. inmn.r of the war Crawford o W n tkt hemav not SkmeMtkwaytlieSemte.sactmg. 00 1 "o I inn i Hwnwprl n littlp more innrtpv r I i I " " j- B UIUYH. ou trnil I . . i - bent tipon seeing all that mere was to be regar(jed him as lacking in moral he had to pass by, late at . ni seen, adow 4 o ciock ne mei senator cour Indeed tho9e of his own the home and farm of the Daniel, of Virginia, and General Anson , . . park policemen were on the bridge to see that the crowd kept moving. No one vns allowed to stand more than ten or ifteen seconds in one place. When the General from New York, the Senator from i r mri . I. i 1 MT i 1 ! 1 1 I urn, xc lno T m, jomea me wynieviiie yiuy0, Beeyou." Washington is an expensive town to live Uays, is the greatest of all, and of such t, , ,yyn "s uompany A, j ourtn v lrginia reg- v hi speech to the iury, com- in. comes the faithful home life. :"e::? the Fit m(mti thi8 testimonv. Mr. April I Senator X. says all the audi i red to honor. brigade of Stonewall Jackson's di- Yoorhees 6aid . "Down went torships were mortgaged before tlie elec- Seuator Daniel, who was a Confederate vision. This was about February, thoge virtuous constituents of Da vtteran, and who has carried crutches 1861. I went into the war in the y-d preuch until the old Derao tver since his left foot was shot away in Thirty-seventh Virginia regiment, .' Vionse was lost inthe dis- the campaign of Northern Virginia began Company A, attached to Gen. W. t Th he pronounced thi3 B. Taliaferro's brigade, which was eulogy on his father, without a part of the samejdivision. About naming him otherwise than in the following : we believe that evety facility and oppor- between 6o and 70 years oil were to re tunity should be accorded her. The wo- ceive 500 in cash and a monthly pay- man who knows most is apt to be meni 01 312, uo uc. a -, . , , , ., K t , were to get $400 and $ 10 a month, and so the faithful mother, wife and friend. An,tul e(.aiP Vice versa with man. But when their This beats in liberalltv the 40 acres - .1- - united ambitions are for vainglorious and a mule that was connaenuy expeciea . A- bv the colored teorle iust after the war. nrnminpTinp 1 1 1 a w i i 1 1 1 1 1 iirf ri iuiii!i ilia- i . . . j . .""J. - . v , . . . . uuua.v... r XVie Tticrf mtelllfrPTlt Colored TjeOOle dO I MARUARRT K. MnKAf'.ITKRN. VIA IK A Mi!. play, tlieir unity is imperiieci, ana motn- t anorove of this scheme. Tliey know EACHERN, SALLIE McEACHERN, Defdtu. erhood, fatherhood and homelife become that it is all moonshine, and that such an By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court a dismal failure. 1 1Qea 13 as impossible 01 realization as any 01 jvum sou wiumj u uk uu nu.uru wik, . ... , , nrmppt tbt could be conceived. 1 enierea ai me January xerui, is, 1 win, on The curnculnm of all our schools em- Prfw ' 0 i-l Mondav. June 7th. w. ell for cash, to the brace instruction that fits our boys and 0ljier work can be obtained in the field J highest bidder, at public auction, at the court girls to enter life with at least rudimen- these poor, ignorant colored ones of the house in Lumlierton, S. C, the toUeiring lands tary ideas of loyalty to home ties. From ra-e should be left to pursue an honest in said State and Count, In SmfcVu Town- contented home circle will come forth ''"j "1 . . t1 iA.. ... T.. e. lana eoniaining au acres ana aegenuea in aeea made to J. C. MeEachern by Angus L. MeAr thur, and described in said deed dated April Jth, 1857, and recorded In the RegiDter'a Office of Robeson County in Book D I, page 393, June 23rd, 1888. This April 23rd, 1807. G, B. McLEOD, Apr28-4t. CommiMiloner. Xo. S. Dally. 4'25 p. m, 4 U ' SJS" 6 10 - t IS 7S0 men and women prepared to bear and discontent and idleness. forbear, and it is high time that the grow ing evils which result from neglect of this sort should be considered and some rem edy devised to decrease and eradicate this increasing evil. Let us cherish our ideals. Let us stim ulate sentiment, believe in penance, sac rifice and humility. For of such cometh faith, hope and charity. The last, Christ tion, but he will endorse me for a spe- law. Tutfs Pills Cure All Liver Ills. Secret of Beauty is health. The secret of health is the power to digest and assim- COMMISSIONER'S SALE! R. BARKIS v. to tell a story, which commenced like this: I n tsw TJnMHA 4lo rfc a rrfn m A oean tacle, not so much for the pageant, as for aieii n, i, u"" the lesson which it teaches. Thirty years cause the Conscrspt Act went into njco you and I, General McCook, were effect at that time, I learned fluting on opposite sides. Today this through comrades that Crwf ord rercuiony ana uus pageant snow mat . , jpcprfpfi nn -ihpt hftt.t,lpfild at. lliiM. I n 1 1 f nnA mi n MUt.inH I nit' v. .9 v"i i win. lull: auu vvuiiu I - 131111 J.YU11. it a uoociicu Dum Vivimus Vivamus Do not keep the alabaster box ;if 0 nmnPr nnnTtir r,f fnnA rial ao-pnev or a chief clerkshio if I can I i j t i.j 1 " " o j - . 01 your love tenaernesa seaieu up find one that isn't under the civil service 7 , - , until your irienas are cieaa. r 111 Aoril n D n the civil service law. tneir lives Wltn sweetnefas. opeaiv April 17. Didn't know there were so approving, cheering words while many good positions abroad. Ought to their ears can hear them," and have gone for one of them in the first while their hearts can be thrilled That State Department list is a STEPIIEX BARNES and wife. APPIK BARNES; HENRY BARNES aatd wife, MARIS BARNES. By virtue of a decree of the Superior Oonrt of Robeson County in the above entitled cause. ThlS Can never be done When "ieied at the January Term, 1867,1 will, on . . , Monday, June 7th, 1897, sell for cash, to the the llVer does not act It S part, highest bidder, at public auction, at the court , f house in Lumberton, N. C, the following de- uoyoii Know mis r Leave FayettevUle Leave Hope Mill '! Leaye Red'gpringa Arrive Maxton LeaTe Maxton - - Arrive -BenneltSTille KORTH BOCSD. (Daily Except Sunday.) No. J. Mixed, Leave Ramseur - - tfa.i. Leave Climax 8 SS - Arrive Greensboro 70 - Leave Greeniboro Leave Stokeidale 11 07 - Arrive Madison 11 U - octh noes. (Dally Except Sunday.) No. IS. Mixed. Leave Madison 13 30 p. m. Leave Stokeiidale 1 28 - Arrive Greenaboro Sta " Leave Greensboro I ft Leave Climax 4 Ju - Arrive Ramseur (OS fMCALS. NOKTH SOUND COXKKCTIOXa at FayettevUle with Atlantic 47teaiit Line for all points North and Kaat, at Sanford with the Seaboard Atr Line, at Greensboro with the Southern Railway Company, at Walnut Cut with Norfolk A Western Bailroad for Winitoa Salem. sorra socxrt cosssctiohi at Walnut Cove with the Norfolk A Western Railroad for Roanoke aad paiwa Krth aad West, at Greensboro with th Southern Rail way Company tor Raleigh. Richmond and all points North and Kaat, at FayettevUle with tlie Atlantic Coast Line for all points South, at Maxton with the Seaboard Air Line for Char lotte, Atlanta and all points South and South west. W. K.KYLK. J. W. FRY. Gen'l I'aas. Agent. Gen'l Manager. x 1 and that rexiiinds me "nease move on, gentlemen; you on ..1 X niir .T t-, .1 CI HI .!.! K 1 It 'I it . , I ... . ri-:i t,h x x -.1. a x cliiu. limuc xikj Jici u y uiciii. jlxxc "Sleep on, old Democrat; sixty great uimg. muin iu .khaui- . . - I i i . i Bna werp and check off a few that will suit kind things you mean to say when winters have lett their snows on , . , ,, , , me bonder where lean negotiate a tney are gone, say before they go. your head and sixty summers have small loan? fl , f fanned your furrowed cheeks. The April I9ck,tinto see the President their comu;send to brighten and cm-oof rf on hrmpctr. nrnw nflS I anA told him T could best serve the ad- ... . must good authority that he had on! o , .. . , Ministration and the party abroad. He their homes belore they not stand here." exclaimed one of tlie tK- various occasions acted dishonora- tv-.- v. v said. -Oh, yes," and to file my papers in leave them. It my triends Have licemen who was guarding the bridge. bly. He afterwards returned to J , . , , the Postoffice Department, and he hoped alabaster boxes laid away tull ot The three distinguished gentlemen paid his former home at Wytheville, goyernment, you have been a his iriends in Massachusetts would be fragrant perfumes of sympathy no attention to the policenian, and Sena- but thiiiES became so hot there for law-abidmg citizen and have seiv- patient. mat made him think I was and affection, which they intend to - Dut ininR9 oecame so noi tueieior , ..mi nrv well. Good blood, from Massachusetts? I suooose he srets . . ' : T him that he left Virginia and went . 3 . . ' brealc over my aead body, l would One of my constituents came on to w . . too, is in your veins x oiu xauiex Washington the other day to ask me if x. , , . . , . , , heard the roar ot Washington's "f"- inn,, T-r,nl-ll hnnr- I couldn't do something lo stir up a war a time I lost Bight of him. chance in a million of getting a consu- in my weaiy and troubled hour., letwee the United States and Snain. I The next I heard of him he was in n- . ,J, late, but if I will concentrate on Ztown. and open them, that I may be re- I I lltilllUH. ill 111 VilltLliiCS. llll-tCX L'AAC I ha nttri IqIdaotiavi -.xnll Ha iihof tliot' -! it 11. 1 1 t asked him what he wanted such a war EevDt. I think Sergeant Holli- e Al . , " " -"l"'"' tresnea and cheered by tnem wnue Mnvia in nrror in Ravinff he first 3 . ,! . "V 0 . I. need them. I would rather have 7 " , " , J . and saw the noble Mercer tall. Sleep on, though now for once the enemy has passed the lines and the battle, is lost, for tomorrow's sun finds the lurid Hessians as- scribed land in said State and County: First Tract On the South-west side ot Lumber River, beginning at a stake in Jacob Britt's field, his corner, and runs North 28 de grees East 10 chains to a stake, thence South S4 degrees East 2 chains to a stake, Josiah Barnes' corner, ffcence North M degrees Kast Tutt's Liver Pills are an abso lute cure for sick headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach, malaria, constipation, torpid liver, piles, chaina to a stake-,hence M r r East 18 chains, thence South 38 degrees West SI jaunalCe, DlllOUS lever, DUIOUS- chains ana w links, thence direct to the begin ness and kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills WILMI3GT0S H WLD0I SAIL COiD AID BRAICHE1 AID FLORENCE RAIL ROAD. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. Dated Feb. 7th, 1S97. The South to be Supreme. New York Financier. There are the strongest reasons in the world for making the assertion that the South will at no distant day wrest the supremacy from long-estaMished North- ning, contaiiiing2 acira. Second Tract On the South-west side of Lumber River, beginning at a stake and 8 pines. Britt's center cower of a survey of 150 acres, and runs with that line due West S8 ehainsand 7:1 links, thence North 44 degrees East S3 chains, thence direct to the beginning, containing 75 acres. Third Tract On the South-west side of Lumler River, beginning at a stake by a large pine between tlie field and the river, where his '. line intersects and runs due South 24 chains. raAixs oa south. No. Pally Leave Weldon Arrive Rocky Mt. Leave Tarhoro Leave Rocky Mt Leave Wilson Leave Sclma Leave Fayettcvilla Arrive Florence Leave Weldon Arrive Rocky Mt. 11 SO a. n. i for, and he said " Gentlemen, you'll have to move on. joined the Turkish army. My in formation was that he was with the Khedive's army, which he joined about the time that a num ber of other ex-Convederates went to Egypt for the same purpose. Can't let anyone stand on this bridge. Them's my orders." Not one of the gentlemen turned his head to show that he heard what the of ficer had said, and Senator Daniel resumed: section. Those who recall the early days of Birmingham will remember that Northern iron manufacturers were wont to make light of tlie claims that the new ji n-n, mnntn,tl nn r "VVV1 aspirant ioruns Drancnonraae was aDie I il "il X - l I fv 'nntinfoxxfiira irA-t lininae fVic I Got in the iine today iust for a moment uulu" wiluoul h nu i , u - - TT V,,. TC a7 .. ... . 1 1 V 71 Lit xU1U I fl VJll 1.x .V. 1I11L tiv.- ti-i r 1 vt-i r r mi 1- n-n 1 -mT t p , 1 1 t sii . xLU.iJ.iri.a-x nimuuu i cuius , lxacvai. ti i lnQinTi line hPrn i ern centres as an iron and steel produc- tllen. direet " the beginning, the 3 tract con- Mu taining in all jlu acres. This April 24th, 1897. K. 31. BARNES, Apr28-4t. Commissioner. to tell the President it would suit me He said "Oh, yes," and to file my pa- hoped " satllting at the polls the bulwark patient till he could get around to them, of every American's liberty." -ueer he sWd think 1 was from Min" nesota. Mr. Dice recalled this tribute, April 27The ineratitude of that man "He said he wanted a war with Spain In Egypt he first distinguished iust to rive the Yanks and Tohnnies a himaplf na n. fio-htfir and attracted chance to fight on the same side, just to J xi oftpntion of the &ultin ofr0111 ory years had elapsed McKinley! He has nominated Jones for see which would stick the longer." rpi o : a i, since it was uttered. He asked consul to Ztown, when he knew I had oj "" jusion nas Deen expeiieaione since. 10- life without, the sweetness of love day Southern iron is a potent factor in 1 . -. - , r . . i hoped Ins friends m Minnesota would be . , , . , , r , j u x i Jtr x ,t,, x n l )in lrimius Lieioreiiaiit.1 iui au"UL -" "u'u j-t. : - i, l t. A J b.e sold more cheaply, but because intnn- mcix uiiixcii. .luoi-iuuiicm xvixivx- slcaiiv it is metal suited to the riiversi- ness does not cheer the burdened hed uses to which is has been put. COMMISSMER'S SALE! R. I. CALDWELL and W. W. trading as CALDWELL & vs. CARLYLK. CARLYLK. rittiinias, Leave Wilson Leave FayettevlUe Arrive Florence Leave Rocky Mt. Leave Wilson Leave txoldsboro Leave Magnolia Arrive Wilmington Leave Rocky Mt Leave Wilson Leave Goldsboro Leave Magnolia Arrive Wilmington Turkey iU!La!! !Z -Ath? seventies Crawford left the service Senator Voorhees, - not many this administration. concentrated on it. After my services to hceman came along again, looked at the wlt mu "'""s months affo whv this sneerh had tte party' too- Jones, anyhow, two Senators and General McCook a of the . Khedive and joined the mohs ago why tins speech had April 2?T am going home Senator inhmte, and then shouted: army of .the Sultan. not been deluded m the printed x has got me a pasS- will send for my fMv.w T-. ci- m ti, "Thc r,n, with rhk Collection of his addresses before trunk later. I tremble for the future of times to move on, and you haven't career was sent back to Virginia Junes- Aue senator said it was budged. My orders is to allow no one bv pXn0iifederatea who were with because tlle case wa3 a Political to staiid oil this bridge, and now you him .q e There j one, and hs didn't care to do any- fWm nnnh T om ratf .won txiing tnat might, even in a remote r . ww . . . m I V A AAA AAA VliVU(S.U JL, UxU VJ VVvT IT WA A 1 ' si ' ' Z r assured with Servant Hollidav. war revive Pari7 animosiues ClJsU OClAUa xUlCkl y I O ol ' t-tj t Li. . I of Pittaburt?. that Crawford and heard you. If we're not wanted here Osman Pasha are identical. Craw- n th9 authority of one of we'll move on." ford came of a good family and te leading statisticians of Europe Tust as Senator Hanna said this a police mnrripd an excellent, Virginia Dr Lipids, of Berlin, it is stated sergeant came along and whispered some- ,d BO t understand. After coins th.ng to the policeman, and then said: .., n. . v, an a, 100,000 Armenians, destroyed 2.- ,J tllQ V A AAA tl 11U V f A 1,'AA I - spirit. Flowers on the comn cast no fraerace backward over the i weary way. If we could trace Dyspepsia to its source, it would lead back to our kitchens. In fact, the secret of good health is good cooking. If well cooked, foods are par tially digested; if poorly cooked, they are If F. McK. LEGGETT and Wife. ELLES LEG- t.nrr. and St. SAX A LEGGETT. l). Mt By vi rtuc of a decree of the Superior Court oi Robeson County in .the above entitled auae, entered at the January Term, 1897, I wUl, on Monday, June 7th, 1S97, sell for cash, to the highest bidder, at public auction, at the court house in Lumberton. N. C, the following lands in said State and County: In Howellsville Township, adjoining the lands of M. Howell, John Howell, William Hunt and others, being I Arrive Wilion the 1st and 2nd tracts (containing 71J4 and 6 ! Leave W ilson acres) of land fully described In a deed from I Arrive Rocky Mt. la 12 ia si - SOft - 3 tO -tU-ft U " No.Ji. Itelly. 1 4S p. m. 10 ti -10 Si -. 11 W " ' 1 1 a. m. IU -Ko. 41. Daily. 4 46 a. m. 30 -70S " 07 -D40 " K.t.&ay. 13 i p. m. a is - w - IU " 4 " Leave Florence Leave Fayettevill Leave Selma "Gentlemen, it's all right. You're at liberty to stand here as long as you like. You have special permission to do so." Then the sergeant took the policeman to one side and told him a few things. The three gentlemen had meantime moved to the eastern end of the bridge. Look ing down on the National Guardsmen who were passing, Senator Hanna re . marked: A Store In Which Nothing Is Ever Sold. Chicago Times-Herald. In Bainbridge, Geauga county, Ohio, not far from Cleveland, is the queerest country general store I ever ran across. Bainbridge is a small hamlet, but the store is as large and as well stocked as the average suburban store. It is kept that is precisely the word for it by an old widower, iho has no Q Q. page 141, In Office -of Register of Deeds of I Arrive Weldn Robeson County, N. C. This April aith, 1S7. K. M. BIGGS, Apr28-lt. Commissioner. storv eoes. he became intensely 500 Armenian's towns and villages o 'l i a r o . i . i t -i , -. 1 J Oriental harem and all. Ser- sacKea ooo cnurcnes ana compenea Natives in that section of the geant Holliday's statement' with 282 towns to embrace Momameda- country and is practically a her regard to Crawford's career at nism Wlthm e-la8t two years. mit When the civil war Weet Point and in the Federal Lipsms, 9ays The New York Mail he was running a flourishing gen army are substantially as I had and Express, is a fair witness, and eral store in Bainbridge, and made heard them previously." aa made a ,carefu? inquiry. He money rapidl in the 8ucceedin Ut his career m the Federal V6""" iiV'"a vu",i.v'Li"u tour years. When peace was de- Gentlemen, there's line marching, army bergeantxlolliday said: """" T u xuuw dared prices, which had been In the National Guard is the fibpe of the "In 1863 he was authorized to ana misrepresented nut as he greatl inflated, took a sudden Value of a Good Newspaper. The Two Republics, published less digestible than in their raw state. inthe city of MexicO paVS the yOU are a victinl of faulty cooking; that Susan A. Leggett and others to F.McK.Leggett, j Leave Tarlxjro . , . . . is, if j-ou suffer from Dj'spepsia, the ra- dated March 26th, 18i and recorded in Book Q J tave Rocky 3ft. 1U"U"U, "uuc " tional cure must be looked for in an arti t J ll A I gooa newspaper to ine conimuuny ficially digested food, and a food which m which it is published : will at the same time aid the digestion of It 13 impossible to estimate the other foods. Such a preparation virtually value of a really good newspaper restse tirea mgesnve organs, thereby , . , , ,r f. restoring them to their natural strength. J The Digestive Cordial, as prepared by year the size and scope of the pa- shakers of Mount Lebanon; is just per 19 enlarged With tlie growing such a preparation, and a single 10 cent demand of its constituents. As bottle will convince you of Us value. If there is no royal road to learning 'our dS&st doesn't keep it, he will be J I 1A I x :x x1 1 - 1 1 , , , , i j , I Kxxtii iu gci il Luroutu nis wnoiesaie House. uxxvx xo XIV xvyjex-x xucxu ouv; cess in newspaper making . News COMMISSMER'S SALE! R. D. CALDWELL and WV W. CARLYLK 1 trading as CALDWELL tb CARLYLK. Plaintiffs, I Leave Florence Leave Fayettcvilla Arrive WUaon Leave Wilson Arrive Rocky Mt. Leave Rocky Mt. Arrive Weldon Leave Wilmington Leave Magnolia Leave Goldaboro ' Leave Wilson JJ. H. ISM AN and wUe, ELLEN IXSML Defendants. . By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court ArriTe 31 oi nobeson County in the above entitled cause. enierea at January Term, 1897. 1 will, on Mon- LAXOL is the best medicine for children. papers grow by inches not by leaps Doctors recommend it in place of Castor June 7th, it7, sell for cash, to the highest 1 x d j j l I bidder, at nublic mi-Hnn t ti. , , and by bounds. There are creat- ' Lumberton, N. C, the following lands in said ures of hard and incessant toil . , l4... ,. sl, ""d.cun,ty: 3In "'h.Ue House Township. . I ' xioiiiiigtuxi jjuiiuuiaus Ml U18-1 xujuiinjig me tanas oi josepn Bullock and and honest, painstaking endeavor, cussine Mr. Brvan's f vrtnre. Menn- Henr7 Bullock, and being the North-west nor- . 1 T 1,1 x.i . .... A man goes to them not only for while his future is taking care of , T , , pariy w tbt! nret pt. , . . , J , L-iix- xx ii " c U1 beginning at a stake, 2 stumps and a pine, and the news DUt lor history, law and 1WBU pxeixy veii. Nor0l 53 West io chains to a stake theolotrv. His nanar tells ' ' and 8 lnes then S""111 WfS chains to ' X A where to make his " purchase. Crooks find that the man who TZAlXS COINO KOBTB. No. 78. Daily. 8 45 a. m. 1110 " 1'asjx.jtt. 141 -143 " -1313 " 1(3 " t M -No. S3. Daliy. 8 U p. m. 10 30 " IS 10 a. m. H3CS -13 U " 13 M -144 V: 40. Daily. 7 U p. m. IU -1010 " 1130 " 1157 " No. 4. Dallr. 00 a. b. H40 " Tt-K pan. 13 4 " IS) " JDaily ezeept Sub- nation in time of war." ' i IN raise a regiment of artillery and went on with the work he discov- drop The old fellow believed reads the newspaper is "onto their succeeded in organizing five bat- that the stor7 of their infa" that this would be followed by a little Same" and thJ seek the teries. In 1804 Col. Crawford, as VU1U auu boom which would send prices sky- At511uw wuu iS noTl a BUscriuer he was then called, was dismissed that the full truth of the butcher- ward and rpf, . a o11 , . when they want to sell an excep- . H. 1J i. 1 X.-X-- X vxwxxxxx , , . , from the service on a charge of pmn to goods for less than he paid for "onaoiy nne goia DricK or paten aDDropritttmt? . ffovernniAnt nrnn. """ w wuiw. t.hom Tlnwr. nron ! u ui gieeu euoub. jjui a newspaper xx- x o o- X' X Itt. j . . , i . . ,. .. - I " " " " nuuu uxxc uiivra 1 , , ... I c erty to his own use. He then went aiB "reaaiui Btaiisncs 01 tne de- down down downand finally he must nave a reputation just the ..An Evolution la Typewriters.. A LITTLE Machlaw with BIQ Record.... The . . . BLICKENSDERFER Leave Wilmington Leave Magnolia Leave Goldsboro Leave Wilson Arrive Boeky Mt. -frDeily except Monday, dav. Train on Scotland Keek Branch Road leaTVt Weldon" 4 10 p. m Halifax 4 SS p. m. anivVs Scotland Keck at 5 90 p.m.. xCmuimdlle 57 p. ro- Kinston 7 55 p. ra. Retnminc leaves "Kin- a stake and 2 pines and i hickorv trees thnr I "ton ' 50 m- ireenvllle S 53 a. m.. arrivlncal along the dividing line be,we7n 7p Weldon U U a. daily ex- lock's and the 65 acre tract of parties of the nt 1 Trains on Washington Branch Ihth Wash- part to such a point as that a line direct to the I ,nC,on n. m.. and 1 00 p. m- arrive Parmele becrinninirwill m.k ok -., v. 10a.mand 3 40 p. returning leave Par-. meie a. m an SO n. m arrive Wasblnf- beginning will make 5 acres, thence to the Deginning, containg 15 acres. This April 34th, 1807. K. M. BIGGS, AprtS-4t. Commissioner. and 7 SD-tt. Wrflxvi1.r Train leaves Tarboro, K. C diTyxeeptnn- ton 11 00 a. m Train le day 5 SO p. xn Sunday 4 06 p. arrives Wy- W.L.DOUGLAS S?H?.E .nthWorld. for 14 : years thU .boa. by merit alon bu dldtaaced all competitor, , ,.w- U Doosi.. asjin, ai.oo and nvno.lmes are ih pniwtlmi of nkilleil workmen, from tbe tjert matertal IpoHlble at theaeprlCM. Alao. "1 ' xoe for men, 83X0 and x.xt lor dots, W.X. Doafl.f .hoes are IndorMd hf e.r 1.0UMJU) wrarer. u the bert In jrl (it and durability of any aho. olfared at tbe prices. Th.y are mads In all tb. latort PJ". ".I " f aw art- r ot Ivatber. . CALDWELL c CARLYLE. to Mexico, where ha nht.ainAd o -""vu viviu wna tf,J.t.0A frt iao v,- x f commission in the Mexican army. HSht uPon the character and pur- want of purcllagera. Crawford continued in the Mexi- U1 tuw utu,luu wao3e nanas Today his store stands nlmost canarmy and then became wealthy tne European countries are now exactly as' it did thirty years ago. xl 1. v. x a: i I x : . , . I t, - , ... 33 . miuugu um uiieresi, ui Bome mines, i Buppurwiig in a war.oi suDjuga- it is stocicea witn such coods as nr, . - - I I w wnen peace waa restored Urawf ord tion against Greece resigned his commission and went to New Jersey, where he purchased an estate, but soon grew tired of leading such a quiet life. His next same as an individual and this cannot be obtained by self-rec ommendat ions and vouchers. It No. 5 Typewriter. Karvel in Mechanism. (PflikQnfnnfinn JOf Stnnaara of 9JJ Mmnllcltj. must gO through the Crucible Of Has More' DESIRABLB Peatnres puaiic inspection before it can hope for complete public confi dence. The paper which starts out with an ax in one hand and a grindstone in the other The never are usually found in country stores, but, of course, the stock is now practically worthless. Every dav the old mn.n rvnens nn " "i' x- i 1 . , i the place to give it an airinsr. He 1BUCUe8 tne Sai. me newspaper step was to join the Turkish army. Ill ' AJUUIsUilUilUflS is there, too. for busing if ,,v h beSins lts in this world where he rapidly rose to the front VLr4 ajto wa cxnm one chosea to buv wW hL h? bating that it intends to "plant and won great distincsion at the g cSoT1 Bysrxrr5r0at Bell, and is willing to pay what he fos over the graves of its con- battle of Plevna in the Russo- thousands of hopeless cases have been already asks. " temporaries invariably goes to Turkish war." SOTV EEOT "Whv. Hir h b;a rt the journalistic God's acre un ansVktr; 'i rZ . T C t, unhonored and If some persons were to bestow one-1 who have Consumntion.Thraat. Rrnnrhial nr half of their fortune in learning how to Lung Trouble, If they will write me their cost 6 . -v-x-Yflc-. B4i4m e: i I i spend the other half, it would be money T. A. SLoarit M. X. m read Srl v.U 1867 I extremely well laid out. I iJ2i ZSlP. mnt of m awwrgns rTopoaiuon. and Less UNDESIRABLE Ones fV3 than Any Other Typewriter Mada. Wtm4 by TbouMSi w4 ....ENTHUSIASTIC U5ERS.. CATALOGUE ANB SAM PLC P WORK FRCC. NORTH CAROLINA, iwntHJS VvOL NTV Jno. W. Ward, Pltff., vs. Catharine Jackson, Admx Allen Jackson, Catharine Jackmn, Duncan Jackson, John Jackson, lvmlly Exerton, Irvin Kgerton, Cora Jackson, Ella Smith, John Mclnnis, iaiie -Mcinnts. Gertrude Mclnnig, Mattie Mclnnis. W. C. Jackson. DMl In Superior Court. Service by publi cation. K0TH3. mouth 7 40 p. 0e n. m. Return in .lrTt Plymouth dailv ezeent Sundtw. u. m . nd Sunday too a. m arrive Tarbora to 05 a U00a,aa. Train on MUdand. N. C. Branch rrr GckUboro daily, ezeept Sunday, 7 10 a. m- ar rlvlnc Smlthfield S0a.in. Ketuntcnx J Smithfleld 00 a. aa, arrive at GoMysw io 3b a. m. Trains on Nashville Branch leave Rock v SI t. at t a p. arrive Nashville 5 05 p. Sprinf none a N n. m. Retaraln la& fijxrinr Hon. 00 a. m Nash ville arrive at Bocky M t. 05a. m.. dally ezeent Snndav. Train on Cllntan RrxHh l,., vmh for Clinton dally, ezeept Sunday. S 30 a. m. and I 4 19 p. m. Returning leave Clinton at 7 00 a. m., ana so a. m. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for all points North daily, all rail via Rirh- I Bcy Jt. wKh Norfolk and up ouna a., n... lor aoTTOIKaM all sulnU ola via Norfolk. H. M. SMKRSON. Gen'l Pass. Irat. J.R.KESLY. General Manager. T. M. KMKRSON, Traffic Manager. K. n. Turner, ,'L lOtnuu AGIST, 41 N.road St, Atlanta, 6a. 918 F St, N. W Washington, D.C. 914 1. lialn St,, Richmond, Va. TnT,I?v"nt8?:u,ncI, son. John Ve Innisand Warren Jackmn. above named will take notice that an action entitled as ilwti Al" C"n'y toreclo. a certaii iiortS; 5.rtin w 9 aeeure I will aell tor eaah to th hlx wddersit . . lur IBR flttmrflfiA I XL- r . . ' - . .. interest at 8 per -cent. r .nnn I Crt s.nw.'aeriam. EXECOTIOH 'SALE I 1 aell for ea&h to the Ughe said defendants. Duncan JaTln vi i liL1" Pmiv' o"Olp la Bobeson county, son and John Muln.. if vlW55I7" ,ck: 1 "ni"!? at a stake In Mid road lFayetteille ( Nil 3. &nd runt wim Dally Record BiiPg, BalUmore, Mi, min i .- i iiih iniirni iar.li tnH'o :. fvv . . ... . ... vv ny, sir. ' ne said . to me. .J &AJttWs?JLiO'jriiiZzrJ? -f v T, 7 , wept unhonored and unsune wwwwwCajvc)Cfaw some of the calico I've got here Thle newspaper that tries toTife W. W. JONES, State Agent ost me sixty-five cents a yard in on the ashes of its rivals is gener- t 'i i. -vr ' vvouian tlbeafooltosell -Z, O. T. WILLIAMS" T &ff it for five cents?" ItJ'mthW .a" rr " a T . ' T i 6, uS, .,. " "- "ux.m, xxuinuciioil, IN. l.' ...,. TT11T Of Au nriir Coo rt. ingdeseribed tract of land, vis: hy thev are renuimJ . . - i i nu ut laa OMtterof lot tne superior Court of said countT. to be held 1 iTVTl 1 f-l" . cbaxnianuj- n arrst. 4 chain ami " Add. thence north 45 take ta the said roan. road lo ta. beginning. v lm In Iiiud uut 4if A. KDMCM). C. 8. C " .... 'r.",v " - - i awniivi wn. iauii n ava si r u sal jaw rsa r ksf . . .u mr a, in oay oi May. 1SB7. at the tlnnr I ot saw county, in Lumberton K o ' Vj 1 1. ?r. xoeeiee ntn I swer or demur U thx, ."."-.1?! 9.'. t 1 Un atake la the a t XXJ..I . AVrtll4th4t J.W.LAixL. Sheai.

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