THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1003. THE ROBESON I AN. PUBLISHED TUESDAYS .AND ..FBIDAYS. Tuesday, November to, 1903. IXKJAL AND J'KttSONAL DEPAHTMEMT. 'PHONK NVMBEK 46. Cotton 10J CtS. Mr. Oaoar Page, of Page's Mill, pent yesterday iu town. Mr. Frank Floyd tp)ut Sunday with relatives at Asbpole. Rmt. A . E. C Pitman, of Renert waa a visitor here yesterday. Mr. Walter Bnthea 'Visited rela tives at Towusends, Sauday. Miss Mtbel Ashley, of Marion pent Suuday here at her borne Mr. C. P. Qrautham., of Iona was in town yesterday on basioess Miss Chattie Ashley, of Ashpole speut Saturday here with friends Mrs. E KT Floyd, of Spring Hill, spent Saturday bore with friends. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Williams, of Marietta, speut Thursday here hopping. , . Mr. W. M. Worley, tobaooo buy er, left last week for his borne in Asbville. Mr. N. D. Johnson, of St. Pauls was among the visitors to our town Saturday. Mr. H. K. MoOormick, of Row land, was a business visitor here yesterday. " Mrs. Amanda Bennetts left Sun day for Barno&villa for a vitit to relatives. Mr. T. 0. McNoely, of Marion, S. G . was a business visitor bere last week. Mr. J. R Prevatt has accepted a position iu the store of Messrs Blaoker Bros. Mr.W. R. Jacksou, of Rud Sp'gs, , made us a uleasaut call while iu town Saturday. Messrs. Blacker Bros, have just received two oar loads of bouse hold furniture We were glad to see Mr. X. A Uuinpurey. of rniiadelpnos, on our streets Saturday. gfeMr. Win. S. Jhnson, and two daughters, of St. Paul, spent Sat torday here sboppiug. Master Stephen B ioiw, has ao oepted a p siti n in the store of Messrs Urump & loyd. Mr, K M. Bigf spent Wednos iln niif (if -uf thn h.,mu if l UQ I UIEIIV mu ViaJ Biwuiv 'l tU r Thojia CarlyM, 1 1 K zwrs, T Wh regret thit the locals from MoD)iild-t were recxvid too late for publication last week. v Mrs. W W. Ward, who is teach ing 8;ho.. a Spring Hill, spent Saturday and Sai day here. Mr. Tom RussdII, of near R d Spriugs, was among the bnsiueap visitors to our town Saturday. Misses Mattie Wat bod and Rtoca Ward spent a few days at Back Swamp with friends last week. Mr. W. D Rogers returned Sat urday from Qaddy, S. C, where be has been speudingseveral days. Messrs. Denuis Biggs and Mac Curtis "atteuded the Suuday School Association at Back Swamp, Sun day. Miss Ellen May Smith, of Al leutori, spent s viral days at the borne of Mr. W, H. Humphrey last week. Mr. Mike Caldwell returned San- day afternoon from Hartsvill, S C. where he has been atteudiug chool. Rev. H. Q.Hill, D. D., of Max, ton, -preached at the Presbyterian church Suuday uight to a large congregation. Misses Minnie and Jessie Leu- nou attended the Sunday School Association at Baok Swamp, Satur day and Suuday. Messrs. Victor and Ben Pate, and Giorge Waddell, of Bnnetts ville, are visiting at the home of Mr. W. J. Pate this week. Mr. E J. Biggs, one of Saddle Tree's most suooessful aud influen tial oitizens, made us a call yester- A Booial gathering at the homp of Mr. J. T, Bryant, Friday eve ing, was a source of much pleas ure to a number of young people Mr. B. O dwia is having a store erected betwMii ths aton of Th McAllister Hi w. Co. and the millinery of Mrs. Fannfe Pxter- on. -' "" :. Messrs. J. W. Carter. E M."Mo Rao, J. 3. McCallom and A. J Oottiogham, of Maxtori, were fog- lsteredat the Hotel Columbia, yesterday. Superintendent J. R PqoTeleft yesterday afternoon for Raloigh tr attend a meeting of County Su perinteudents, which is being held there to-day.. Mr. Travis Orimsley. while in town Saturday, aialifled as axai. tor ot Mr. OJon William, d ceased. His notice appears in this issue or the Kooesoniao. Court oonveued yesterday with Judge Henry D. Bryan present ud presiding. Solicitor C. C. Ly-, ' Oil was at his post. The following .isitfHg""attoroTs were in attend ance t Messrs. J. D Shaw, Jr . o' Aariotrarx ; U T, Cook and Juh. H, Cook, of Mutori, . i . Mr. Robert Raqkley. who , hi . Women 85 Well US Men held a position here as book isep-. , Are made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. n for Mr N. H. Wright, buyer for the American Tobasco Com pany, left last week for Dunu N Mrs. Mamie Sinclair is expected home this week from Mayesville, S. C , where she has benn visiting at the hnirj of her sister, Mrs Robert Cbuflin, for several days past. Mr. Henrv. Sax lev. brother of our townsman, Mr. Neill Baxley. happened to a bud accident a fe days ago. While mounted ou the top of a large wagon load of hav, be fell to the ground breakthg bis arm just below the elbow. List of Letters Remaining in the IiUmberton, J C, postoflfoe, Nov. 9th, 1908, il not called for in one week, will be sent to the Dead Letter office. Washington, D. 0. Parties call ing will please say advertised: Charles Arnett, W. H Rauden. Miss Emev E. Dawaou, Mrs.Sarab Faulk, Evauder Hardier, J. M Tuttle A. L. McCormaok, J.- W McLeod, A. L. MoMillan, Oyskar McNeill. John. McCallar, Mits Lu la McCallnm.Miss Malisaa Suttan W. D. Weathersbee. R. M. Nobment, Postmaster A Son of Robeson County. The Sparks Enterprise, of Sparks, Ga., ooutaius an elaborate write up of that town, and is illustrated with the numerous cuts of the va rious buildings of interest there rrommentlv mentioned among those of its most promiuout busi iosb men, whose energy and busi ness ability have contributed to its rapid development, is Mr. B. A Rowland, better known iu this oouuty as Ashley Rowland. HeU a nephew of Mrs. Eliz Fuller, ol this plaoe, a grandson of Mrs Mary Thompson, of McDonalds, nephew of Mr. J. P Thompson, of Biok Swamp, aud a graudnephew f Mrs. Rosa Pitman, of Ashpole Ha started iu life without mone ud without an education aa ada aborer on the farm of the late Richard Ashley, of Leesville. He afterwards accepted a plaoe as clerk with Mr. Charles McRae, of Al t'ordsville. About ten years ag be . began a general merchandise Uid brokerage business at Sparks, Ga. A few years since, this com pany was incorporated with a paid in capital stock of $10,000, and hi was elected president. To thit hu9iiiess'he gives his personal at teotiou, although he owns sharer ia other corporations in lht fl ur- ishing town aud has amassed oon iderable propertv. T.iAiativaabil itv he has coupled energy and in dustry which, have won him thn rospenty. It is pleasant to read f the high estimation iu which lu s held by the people of the com utunitv in whioh he lives, aud it u gratifying to know that this son ol iobesou etjiys the reputation of ieipg one of the best business men n his community. It is with re gret, however, that we notice that ho many capable men of this ooun- y are expending their euergy in the upbuilding of other States, when the resources of their own home county are surpassed by uonef nd it would be proud if their ta bors were exerted here in its behalf Letter to A. L. Jones, ASHPOLE N. C Daar Sir: -When you can boy paint for lers than Devoejdpn't; save your moony. Mr Aaron Higgles, Plaiofleld, NJ, always used 15 gallons of paint for his house ;Devoe took 11. Mr Ezra Rath raell Williams- port, Pa, always used 11; Devoe took 6. Mr Burt Young,7 Giraid, Pa, I ways used a, gallon for certain rooms ; took half as much Devoe. Mr Nathaniel Barber, Cantou, N Y, bought 12 Devoe; used less than 0 You can always buy paint for ess than Devoe; don't; save your money. The wearing oounts the same way aud doubles the difference. The cost of painting is by the gallon. Weak- paint cost most; most gallon. Yours trulv F W Devoe & Co The Ashpole Drug Co. sell our painty . ' . Circus Opposed by Frayer. Barnum & Bailey's circus were hilled for Danville, Va. last Fri day, and it is ajlegad by those in .ihargeof the Craighead StreetMiS 4iori that the failure of the oircus to perform iu that oity was due to the efficacy of their prayers. All day Bervices were held at tho mis sion, commencing .early in the morning. Prayer was held for sev eral hours m the early morning, the petition being specially that the circus be not allowed to jer foritt: It was not kuown till late in the forenoon that the circus managers bad decided not to give the show there, and when the fact was learned there waR much rejic ing. It is claimed that the failure of the circus to show was due en tirely to the prayers of the mission people. - "The Robeson ian job tffioe ha received new presses and a consider able qianity of late "faces' of type, aud is now one of th moat up-to-date pUnta !iti the 8ut9.'VR-d Qpriogi Oiiiivo. ' Kidney troublo preys upon the mind, dis courage and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor .j mjiu cnccnuiness soon J uuupioKr wncn me Kia neys are out of Order or diseased, Kidney trouble has become so prevalent mat it is not uncommon (or a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when It should be able lo control the passage, ft Is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble U due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It la sold by druggists, in fifty- cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a feiart'H sample bottle by mail tree, also pamphlet tell- now of RtwBooc ing all about it. Including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer St Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address. Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. SMS (0 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to THE WAR HAS BEGUN And the enstome r ere -urging the clerks to waft en tbem at the RELIABLE BARGAIN STORE and BRANCH UNDERSrLLINO STORK on Depot Street at RjwUnif, . N. C. We are just front the Norlh with 1 15,000 worth of the latest, up to-ilute Clothing, Dry. Goods, noes, Hats, Gaps and Notions. Our stock wns bought for a'iout HALF-PRICE, and we it'ret all competition anil the other merchants. With purchases of l and over we give prizes. Every body invitee' to come ami li,ok nt our line and net our low pricv. Polite altt ution to all wbo will call and see us. Thanking you for pat patronage, we remain Yours truly, A. B. BRICK, Prop. Rowland, N. C. Our Motto: SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Of ft if iiif il) Or vi ii ii U vi vi 0 vi vi vl M-tt' e Sundi Alaxton News. Correspondence of The HobeeonUn. Maxton, Nov. 9 Mrs. Cook speut Tborsday in Favetteville. Mr. A. J. McKmnon spyut a few Jays last week in Greensboro. f. McKenzie, of Tatum was in town last, wef k. Bank Kxaroinor Ellington, of SmitLfield, was in the citv Friday inspecting tho books of The Bank of Maxtou. " Mead lers say tbey funud everything in ship-shape. Quite a crowd of our people at tended Cumberland Fair, last Thursday, -nearly a car laod in all. Hon (J B Patterson left Sat urday for Wash ins ton-D. C. Miss Sail e MrKmnou, of Linr- inburg, is th guest of the Missies Patterson. Miss Clara Smith, of Southern Presbyterian College.epent Satur day and Sunday with Mips Annie liill. Miss N-llie Smith, of Hacking ham, is the guest of Mrs. Ko s' nal. , Mrs. Harris at d Miss Harris, of McCill pp;nt ith Mrs. Wathfrly. Mr Lather McNeil!, of Linrin itirg ptnt. SuucUy burn Mrs J. A. McliMan retnruixiSat jrday from liileigh wl.eru fcbe hut- Ueeu for neveral weeks With hni Jaaiihter,Miss J nie, who hopes t be able to return this ek. Mass H iriet Morriscn.of S n'h ern rnbvtRrK'U Uolkge speiit Sunday at home here. Mies Margaret French, ot Lum brt'n, wa the guest of Miss Sal le MrLaiiIast week. M ss Maude Flemmiog McRa nteitained a unniber of here littl friends at a birthday party Satur day. Mr. J Qilohrist McCormick, of Iimbortou Bput Saturday uight I tiere. Rov. Edgar W. Fufls, of Leen McRae Iustitute, at Burner Elba. N. O. filled Dr. Hill's pulpits Sun day and presented the needs and work of the most excellent tho l w th wbioh he is connected. Dr. Hill was abHed, filling on appoint ment of Presbytery. Mr. McNair, ct McCall, is visit ing the family of Dr. Hill. Next Suuday the children of the Methodist Sunday pchool will hold their annual "Rally Day." This service will oocupy the preaching hour, 11 oclcck a. m. Rev. J. A M'Ksugha.of Lumber Bridge, pnaohed in the Baptist church Suuday night. V . "ir Cold In On Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. K. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 35c. A Street Fair and Carnival. Ib all well enough at the right time and place, but what we want is a Fair chance to show our goods and prices to the people of Robeson County, and our Store will have a carnival of customers, which is bet ter for us and them. We are offer- s ing ten Thousand Churches In the United Statea,,have used the Long man est Martinez rare rants. Every church will be jjiven a liberal quantity whenever they paint. Don't pay a fi.50 a gallon for Linseed Oil (worth 60 cents) which you do when yon buy tuin paint in a can with a paint label on it. 8 & 6 make 14. therefore when vou want fourteen calloasof paint, buy only eizht gallons of L. & M., and mix six gallons of pure linseed oil with it. You need only four s:ilons of L. & M. Paint, and three gallons of Oil 'mixed therewith to paint a good sized house. Houses nainter with these paints never grow shabby, -even after 18 years. These celebrated paints are sold by Dr. R. 3. Rozier, Lumberton, N. C. An qd merchant of 'pw York city who, as be himself phased it has the misfortune to be named Ouiteau, was returning to his country home ou the Ha lson the other evening, wheu he was ap procbed by a stranger who had observed the name on his hand bag. "Excuse me, sir, "Iwgau th unknown, curiosity aud trepida tion blending iu his t'ne," but are you are you a brother to the gentleman who er erhad a littler difficulty with Presidfiit Gkrfrld?-ExcharjKe- DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, HATS, GROCERIES. SUIT CASES, T0UACC0, CJGAR4. cutiVfry. GENT'S FURNISHIN03, PANNED GOODS. VALISES AND TRUNKS, Hnvj' WAGONS WOODEN WARE. These goods are new, are right in price and quality. An opportunity to show them to you will convince you that we are rififht. We will give you full weight; full measure and polite at tention if you will let us serve you. Truly Yours, TO WN SEND BROTHERS, Lumberton, October 23, 1003. Walter Morrison, color.d.acco el of breaking into th dwrllingof A' 8'- Cromitie.some monlhs ag , a id who has kpt in hid ng ,v r S"re, was captured Sui.dav nigbi near town by D pt. SherilT T. I,. Smith and posse The negro trm ed with a gun, harac d d hiiinll ii his houve and threatened the life of the first one to enter, but our vung D pt, was n to be bluffnd in any -u i mum r and did not only kiiock down tl e do t, but thtt nrgr also. He w. s q i cklv hud c i fTod and carried U j til Tuesday. Scottish Chief. Briginoing with i's ibu o n xt Tuesdav the Concord Times wih bo published twice a wk. THE INDIVIDUALITY OF THE STEIFF PIANO Is three fold. It is noted for its individ uality of tone, qualltv, individuality of action ; individuality when it comes to piofits in that you may buy it direct from the manufacturers and save the re tail dealer'a per centge. P. M. ASBURY. Factory Rep. Box 46, Charlotte, N. C. BUSINESS LOCALS. IF YOU CONTEMPLATE HJYING a Watch see H. C. Boylin. He has a good slock of Elgin and Waltbam Watches from 7 to 17 jewel J. Also other makes and grades. STRAYED A PALE RED HORSE mule, weighing about 700 pounds, about six years old. having a nick in the right and left hind foot, turned slightly out ward, strayed from mt stable, near Kings- dale, We'luesday night last. Finder, or any one giving me information by which I can recover him, will be liberally re warded. ALLEN BRITT. nov 3-at ' SOUTHERN ALL STAR Vaudiville Shop ! ! ELEVENTH ANNUAL TOUR ! ! Enlarged and recon structed for the present season. Largest, Rich Vandeville Show ou Earth 1 WILL EXHIBIT Under a Mamtaioth Waterproof v Canvass At Lumberton, THURSDAY, Nov. 12, Alternoon and Eenlng. Some of the features to be seen with the Southern Shows: WANTED TO EXPLAIN TO YOU IF you are interested in the merits and ad vantages of The Osborne Mowing Ma chines and other agricultural implements The McAllister Hardware Company. MURESCO IS NOT ONLY A DIS infectant but the best water paint made lor use on bard as well as rough nmsn walla. Ask for color card. The McAllis ter Hatdware Company. WANTED. A TRAVELING SALES- man, to. work retail trade, in this, and four adjoining counties: Good salary and permanent position to right man. Address with references, Lock Box, 167; Bedford City, Va. A MUSQUITO OR FLY MUST tOOI the loops to enter yonr room if you use wire screen doors and windows. A full line, all sizes. The McAllister Hardware Company. !""'"" . '" "' Mormons Bay a Jail. Keokuk, la , N .v 5 The M r moo ohQrch has purchased for $i. 000 the old jilt at Cart ha. 111, n, which Joseph Smith, the Mormon prophet, and Brother Qirm were killed by mob ia tM rl' tit torjo( tboiUto, RENT OR LEASE. The Troy Plan tation. Situated -in Columbus, County; N. C. For further information address E 1. Troy, Cincinnati, Ohio, Sterling Ho tel. octo 3m PARTIES DESIRING A GOOD. SAFE iuvestment for small snins of money with an excellent rate of interest write us for particulars. A resident solicitor want ed Pennsylvania Improvement & In vestment Coin pany. No. 703 Baer Build th!?. RMditiir. f Executor's Notice. "Ih underxlcnwl hylnt this (far qnallnd as ex-cutorol Colon Wlllltins. (1n-ra-d, hrre bjr 1vm nolle to all prr nns having elalms aMlnt the mtatvnf thAnali Oolun Williams topmrnt tlim for trrmci.t on brf.iro Mo vmher7th. IvM, All fMUDons Indfh'fvl U said atate muitt make I m mediate pajmanl This vovamber 7ih. is. MAVIS GS.IMSVi -- - ! tor (J Ouloa Wll.Umf. i KeUaa, McUaa A MaOorwiek, sitf's, v THE GREAT ARDELLO FAM ILY: World's Greatest Acrobats Six in Number. FERRIS AND GREVANION Break Every Ladder Perch. WALDIMER LISTERS, In Their Terrific Flying Trapexe. WILLIE FERRIS The Dancing Balancer and Table Acrobat. LORAM AND GIBSON Triple Horizontal Bar Experts A host of Happv, Mirtb'Proyok ing . .. Jesters aud Knock-About Clowns, and other Acts and Nov tiesrkmerous to mention. This sorely is the best, greatest aad g'rsudest All Feature-Show that will visit your oity this sea son. Two Performances Afternoon and Evening. . MAXTON SASH and DOOR CO., MAXTON. N.'C. " , Ha is large a stock to select from Aas mi. .louse ani can seu yon n rat -class work for less money than any other House and gives the' largest Discount for Spot Cash. Tbey have r V 2 000 DOORS TO SELECT FEOI. GLASS DOORS ' Talk isCheap;Bnt We W6n't Talk! BECAUSE, OUR PRICES TALK! v and the Jast four yeara wo have been in business in Aahpole show that it was not a voice calliug in the wilderness, but a loading star in the business firmament, because it was no idle talk. Why ! be cause it saved many people many of their hard and honest earned dollars, and we are glad to note that it was appreciated immensely by all. Because every othef man or- lady you meat is dressed in something bought from us, and any one can recog nize goods bought f(om us. Why ! Bjcause" Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Gaps, Jackets, Gapes, Dry and Dress Goods bought from us has a neat appearance, and with life all over it. Ask any one where to buy goods, arid the answer invariably will be go to DUN IE BROS. ASIU'OLK, N. C. Look for 011 r Big Sign, Our Motto, TUB NEW YORK RACKET STORE. No trouble to show goods; polite 7 attention to all. The Best of Everything I what you want when yon are buying something to eat. We endeavor to knep it and onr many sat fe Bud coxtoronrs make us beliey that wo kiicm-m! We cuter ouly to the inner mau and to snpplv his newR Wo have Breakfast Bacon, Ham, Sausasro, Pickles, Jellies, Preserves, Fruits, Candies, Crackers, Cakes, Nuts, Raisins, Bosidrts a foil lioe of Huavy Groceries. If yon have not tried onr C-ltbratd Flonr tak a sample heme for roar Holiday's corking. It is msde by Voight, which gnarao tees its excel hnce. Call or 'phone ns your wants. We deliver all goods in town. Virv truly, JOHN H. WISHART, the Orocer. Lnmberton, N. C. October 28. 1908 A Reason For Iti WE WILL GLADLY HXC1A(G the greater portion of our present immen e Stock of Goaxls for Cash. We do not rare to close out entirplv, bnt we wilt He gtad lo psrt with at least $50,000 00 WORTH OF MERCHANDISE during the monlhs of Septeinter, October, No. veuileraii(l feceifrler. Every Dejiartinetit of our 8:ore ami "Warehouses is Crowtle.1 ex cept the Cash IV Do- we have plentv rom there. ON OUR FIRST FLOORS" The Stock of Dry Oxxls fills the dhrlvcs, covers laMes ami rcun trrs bikI fills drawers binder the countrrs, with a reserve stck on lite second floor sufficient for an or.lin irv store. It is the Mtne way with SllOIiS 1 hey are actually in the wiffk They art pi'eil up and tbcknl up on both first htul mcuf fluors and they are good Shoes, lo. The other kiml displeas s our ctiKtomrr4. Every aitdience which has Srai'ded this summer has shou hl unuHual number of TKETTV LADIES in attendance; rs. Iauliful iris and womcu. OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT -aw Is entitled to credit for a ifrcnt dral of the chattninf; Hliracliveness of such gatherings. Our aim is lo evn exeeh ourselves this t':dl. We shall have the GKKVTEST STOCK OH MILLINERY OO DS-I.Ar DIES' WRAPS, CLOAKS, &C ever carried by uy Store here. MEN'S CLOTHING ir Well, we have such a great ltock we can't talk about it, but will just siv, COME AND SHE I f. In a great slock like ours it it almost im possible to specify articles, but we niust refer to lines of goods iu a rathe wholesale way. THREE CAR LOADS OF FURNITURE, ONE CAR LOAD OF STOVES, CAR LOD TRUNKS. BASKRTS, CROCKERY, CAR LOAD TOBACCO, SNUFF. CIGARS, &C. TWO CAR- LOADS FLOUR, CAR "LOAD SALT, CAR LOAD HAY, CAR LOAD "ANCHOR" LIME, AC, &C. We aak an inspect on of our Stock, promising fair and square treatment to all customers Respectfully, CALDWELL & CARLYLE. Lumberton, N. C , August si, 1903. To Arrive This Week. 1 Car, 175 bbls. "Crystal Flour." 6750 lbs. Palmatina. 2000 Picnic Hams, 6s to 8's. 100 Cases Pie Peaches, 300 Cases Tomatoes, 2's to 3's. In Stock To -Day. 385 Cases New Pack Sardines. ' 800 Boxes Smoked Herrings. 2500 lbs. Pure Lard. Full line of Tobacco, Cigars, etc. dome and see us; "get our prices. Don't leave home to buy Groceries at Wholesale, . Get it here, save freight and money, v I : le .French Grocery Company, Lumberton, N. C. GEO. G. FRENCfl, President. ' ; fDR. M O FFETTfS L- gJSJ ? 1 1 11 I 111 I If 1! (TEETHING POWDERS) A tuci SrauuM. Ark. t wt t&iyuL 9am. t. W. 9vi) ffAilMnllWhSltlOylat.iWt) "Euclid 8n4 Sftt far wkieit jlnii wll BWIHIimMTHTHISt." WOWMroksnnUMCSIiatUWit H. TMMMI Hi m 111 I M PCMe SUMWI MHMMIIM!WMMIUiatMI1n COBdlW i4Snsil matMMtaMliMIarkakww1srliiH coadittoaikl lnnltkU IMMUM XMniUMMq BUM t4l4 lattenrtHi (Mm Ux UrnHf kun a4aaa4slf SMsSSS ' 4 - - - , . . . 1