.... Jvv j.-.KaSk-v-!. -ft ' : . - ; . 7: : '- 7 THE SEMI-WEEKLY ffcOBESOfllAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1 3, lOOl i - . -I- THE LUMBER BRIDGE NEWS. BRIDGK, N. C I BV. P. R. LAW. EDITOR. EDITORIAL NOTES. The Synod of the Presbyterian Church io North Carolina met in Wilmington last week. It wai said while its work was coming to an fnd that it had been the moat en joyable meeting the body had ever tfcad. There were mnre good epeech ea and there-were more short speeches. A ooohtiittHO ou rules ljmitefLtbeTaTEershi thexplanar tion Riveu for so uianv thrilling aod tnoviug addresses. There were jnorn evidences of prcgreBS than usual. Fow very sad notes were sounded. Larger plans and larger apportionments were made for the work of the next year. All work ers in mission fields had been paid olT and there was a balance in the treasury. The famed hospitality , of Wilmington furnished delight ful entertainment. The body would have been glad of the opportunity to accept an invitation to meet in that city next year. Durham's graceful invitation, however, was accepted and Synod will meet there Monday, November 1, HKJ4. The Maryland election was an interesting one in its results. The results will cluster much about two personalities. The country looks noon it as a Brest victory for its Democratic Senator. Mr. Gorman is tho foremost man in the Com monwealth. Leastwise those abroad see it that way. lie is an Irish man. that is. his lather is one. His ability, his ken, his adroitness, bis conservatism are qualities that go to make up the man. 1 he other distinguished citizen of the State ia a Jew. Mr. Raynor is far louder tbau larga of stature and far more beautiful of speech than he is at tractive by reasou of bis pulchri tude. His brilliant speech making makes him conspicuous and there is good reason toexpect he will win the prize of his ambition, a seat in the Seuate of the United States. Now one and another is falling into hue in favor of the nomiua tiau of Cleveland for President the fourth time. It is an easy matter to make a prediction about the matter. We have not changed our miud in thinking there would be more certainty of success with him in the lead thran any ether demo crat iu-the country. It is not cer tain he could bo nominated, and if n'omiuated it is far from certain that be could be irduced to accept. He is a man who thinks aud'uets for himself. The whole democratic party would be a? belpless tamove bim to do what he does not want do as the simplest rustic in the land. The results ot the elections in New York and Ohio certainly point to Cleveland as the great standard bearer. The educational leaders in the State are sharpening a dangerous weapon for trouble in the future. The training of the mind to do more and greater things without any right heart education is a fear ful piece of work to do for a peo ple. The pace is set for the church es of the State. The good people among as are urged by the gnat school work going on in and by the State to teach the negro and others the scriptures. The Bible is shut ont of the schools of the State and there is no way to teach sound morals and develop the character the State must have in its citizen ship if it is to be great and pros perous. Let all christian people begin to organize Sunday and other schools to teach the rising genera tion of the negro race the word of God. We have been out ofthe current of events, buried but not dead, and beuce did not have the opportuni ty to write a word about the Bas sett article. We must have our say. "It deserves all. the coudem' uatlou we see it has gotten. We are surprised that any man with such opportunity to know existing oouditious should have written such things. Such invidious com parisons are always iriet by covert or overt condemnation. It looks to us like the stir that the article . has wrought was the thing aimed atT Certainly it is not easy to ae,e bow any other thing could hive effected it so completely. A little learning often makes folks mad. Tbe uegroes are getting just the right amount to become go upon occasion. Nobody is avowedly op posing equality so far as the negro is concerned. Those who write or talk are willing for bim to own as much property, live in as fine a house, get as much education as be may. There is no fighting of rqaality in these and other mat ters. Bat the white writers and talkers are oqt and out against in termixing socially. i Tbe lover of the beautiful in na ture is held spell bound and filled with' delight who goes up from Robesn-ftQd Ctattiam a .bright day early io November. Frost has oome and now the forests are in their loveliest robes.. Tbe growth of trees therajun apparent end less Tlriety.HU 4s "this fact that '-fcddi so great:T5harm to tbe scene. Tbe trees whose leaves are most beautiful ia the autumnal sun are there io greatest profusion. There rt riitai mosh like tb exanisite r . -: .- .'Rheumatism-' M Is Not a Skin Disease. Mot people have an idea that rhenmatiui U contracted like . told, that the damp, chilly air penetrate, the niuacle. and joint and caul, the terrible aches and pains, or that it i. something like a skin disease to be rubbed away with linl mentor drawn out with piaster.; but Rhuemati.m originate, in the blood and ia -a , nr.. or TTru Arid, an irritatiutr. corrodintr poison that settles In mm- clM, joints and nerve., producing inflammation and soreness and the aharp, cutting tnin's peculiar to this distressing disease. n.-ii.. ri.n ir, Kxposure to bad gather or sudden chilling of the nofly will hasten an at- tack of Rheumatism after the blood and in the rirlit condition for it system are in the nglit commion lor to develop, but have nothing to do with the real tme causes of Rheumatism, t.iol, r lntrnil nnA not external which are internal , anri noe"e"! Imminent., plasters and rubmng Will sometime, reduce the lnnamma- i .a .in.,., aH an.aA i.hn nln frvp liimj " , i , .li ,jk vAtutni unfn f 1 v the trouble. S. S. S. cures Rheumatism as a blood purifier and an invigorating, be mailed free. THE SWIFT hnoa rf the rarest loveliuess ere thovdie. Soon the fierce and chil liner winds will have come and blown thorn away. Thev are ready to yield to thd tempeBt for they are now beautiful beyond descrip tinn. What blendniR of colors; what nice arranging of complimen tary hues. No painter can copy tbo pictures. Art feels helpless The happy beholder lingers m the woods afraid to go away lest whilp ho is gone the storm king will comedown and the' pictures will be gone forever. '' President HooseVelt is beyond nuestion a versatile genius aud a self-forif'otful. bold aud honest man. He reminds one of the dash and poise of Emperor William of Germany! Ha dares to preach any where n the obligations and re sponsibilities of the citizen. No presence deters him from proclaim- tig me sanciuy or civic rigut- oousness. A ounday or two ago he stands upon .ground devo ted to an Episcopal cathedral aud before fifteen thousand people and discuss this theme under the orig inal phase "Militant Honesty," before bishops of Canadian aud American Episcopal churches. With Bible in handle took for a text, "Thou shalt Berve the Lord with all thy heart, with all thy aonl and all thy miud,' aod "Be ye therefore wise as serpents aud harmless as doves," and from a collect of the Book of Oommou Praver. "We beine ready both in body aud soul, may therefore ac complish those things which thou commandf'st." Think of the te merity. The dashing President standiug on consecrated ground doring the Lord's day instructing the prelates of a church to wbiob he does not belong. Aud it was son nd talking and should do a great good. Ous!? a bold President aud dashing man in very fact. JUST WHAT YOU nEEO. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. When you feci dull after eating. When you have no appetite. When you have a bad taste in the mouth. When your liver is torpid. When jour bowels are constipated. When you have a headache. When you feel billions. Tliey will improve your appetite,clean.e and invigorate your stomach, and regu late your liver and bowels. Price 5 cts. per box. For sale by H. T. Pope & Co. Yellow Fever Situation Bad. Laredo, TexaB, Nov. G Yellow fevur conditions during the past 'J4 hours are not so favorable as yet. Tbe official bulletin to-night shows: Now cases, 18 ;' deaths, 4; total cases to date, 691 ; total deaths, 66 Mt pped Agslnst a riot Stove. A child of Mrs. Geo. T. Ilenson, when getting his usual Saturday night bath, stepped back against a hot stove which burned him severely. Tbe child was in great ngonv and his mother could do .nothing to pacify him. Rcniemberiug that she had a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain.Balhi iu the house, she thought she would try it. In less than half an hour after applying it the child was quiet and acleep, and in less than two weeks was well. Mrs. Ilenson ia a well known resi dent of Kellar, Va. Pain Balm is an an tiseptic liniment and especially valuable for cuts, bruses and sprains. For sale by H, T. Pope & Co. , ThMburoe Journal says that J. L. Rollins, a well-known and wnll-to-do whitle .man living in the vie. ipityof Mst&r'e, is under a bonrt oX $1,500 pending an investigation of a charge made against him by a colored woman, who allegest that Hollins criminally assaulted her. The Rest Remedy tor Croup. From tin- Atchison Kun., 'Dally Ulobc. This is the season when the woman who knows the best remedies for croup is in demand in every neighborhood. One of the nirst terrible things in the world is to be awakened in the middle of ihe night by. a whoop from one of the children. The croup remedies are almost as sure to be lost, in case of croup, as a revolver is sure to be lost in case of bur glars. There used to bean old fashioned remedy for croup, known as hive syrup ana icuu, but spme modern mothers say that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is beU let, and does not cost so much. It causes the patient to "throw up the phlegm" quicker, and gives rehei m a shorter time. Give this remedy as aoon as the croupy eougn appear, and it jill prevent the at- tack. ' It never faita anrl ia nl..i.i .-a !afe to take. ' For u! s. h -t r. a. ' . .... Aboat t y.r M0 j WM Mt(M!kd bT rhiumtUm In my should. , arm and tars balow th knoa. loould not rata mr rm tooomb my hair. Dootor. prssortbad 1r m, ror OTr two monthirvwithou, !. jncmaanyrallaf. IaawS. 8. 8. advartlaad and daoidadtotry It. Immedlstalr I oom- menoed lta use 1 felt better, and remarked tomotherthatlwaealadl had at last found ,omo nnmt. i continued lu use and am antiraly well. I will always feel deeply interasied In the euoooss of 8. 8. 8. slnoe .did me ao muoh yood. v because it attack, it in the blood, and the Uric Acid poison ts neutralized, me aiuggi.n cir culation stimulated and quickened, and soon the sys tem is purified aud cleansed, the aching muscles and joint, are relieved of all irritating matter and a lasting cure or this most painiui oisea.a cncciea. w S. S. S. is a harmless vegetable remedy, unequalled pleasant tonic. Book on Rheumatism will SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GAm Newton News: Mr. Geo. Bolick, who lives near town.hbs two beagles and oue greyhound (bat are won ders. He says he Oallffht fifteen rabbits with them in two hours . . " and ahalf Saturday. For sick headache try Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver Tablets ; they will ward off the attack if taken in time. For sale by Dr. II. T. Pope & Co. 1 It is suggested, but on what basi is nU known, that Dr. Mclver, president of the State Normal and Industrial College, may beappoint d aaont of the peabodv fond to oucceed the late Dr. J. L. M. Car- 7- . , - For a Bad Cold. If you have a bad cold you need a good reliable inediciue like Chamberlain'. Cough Remedy to loosen and relieve it, and to allny the irritation and inflaiutna- tion of the throat and lungs. For sale by H. T. Pone Co. At an election held at Old Fort Wednesday a proposition to admit distilleries to tbe town was over belmiuKlv defeated. Old Foit has no saloons. How 's This r. We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be be enrred by Hail's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Props., Toledo, O We the undersigned, have known F. J. CheneyNfor the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their return. West and Truax, Wholesale Druggistr, Toledo, O.. Walling, Kiunan & Marvin, Wholesale Drnggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and rnn- cous smfaces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by Druggists. Testi monials free. Hall'. Family Pills are the best. Newton E uterprise :Tbree young white men trom Uatn-ih wore brought to Newton and pot in jail last batarday charged with steal ins chickens. A negro remarked that they were jailed for infring iog ou the prerogatives of the col ored folks. A Oaod Nana. From personal experience I testify that DeWitt's Little Early Risers are une qualled as a liver pill. They are rightly named because they give strength aud eneryy and do their work with esse.: W. T. Kaston, Boeme, Texas. Thousands of people are using these tiny littie pills ill preference to all others, because they are so pleasant and effectual. They cure bil iousness, torpid liver, jaundice, sick bead ache, constipation, etc. They do nn i purge ami weaken, hut cleanse and t. (J. .11 1 T if t o I w-iKi.UEII. 1. . a. lupc . 1 Co. , j Tbe Newton Enterprise says that W. A. Kelly, who lives just across JLA L. ; f 'a r .1 I'llJW UUriB. Was at J. A. ouuk o coiiongiu, id liHIiay low U- Ship. UataWba CODutV. a few davs aan and ar..oid.,t.ll crnt hi. r ' " r, J - 1 " 1 .... . I, . . 1 . . muui iu i.uo Km onwB. iiiss arm wae so badly mangled that it Was foDiid necessary to amputate bis arm just below the elbow. Wanted. we wouiu iiKeioask, tureugn the col-1 units of vour naiwr if thpr.. U nv . ' f J'- I n lu. n.i r-v . T-i I son who loused Green .August Ilowej iw iu. lure i luu.gesuon, uyspepsia nd Liver Troubler that has not been 1 cured and we also mean their r,Ud sucli as sour stomach, fermentation of fuod, Jtiabitual costiveness, nervous dy. pepsia, headaclies. despondent feelings, sleeplessnessT-iri fact, any trouble con nected with the stomach or liver? This uieiuciue nas Deen som ior many years 111 an civilized countries, and we wish 46 correspond' with you and send you one of our iooitsjree ol cost. If you never tried August Flower, try a 25 cent bottle first. We have never known of its failing. If so, tiomethiug more serious is the matter with you. The 25 cent size has just been introduced this year. Regular size 75 cents. For sale by Dr. J. D. McMillan. ah wood that is more tbao two years old shonld be cat oat from the cnrranti and eooaeberria They will produce mora fruit, even it tbe vinea are not so large. VVe ought either to have a law that would, be absolutely proh 1 1. tive. of carrying a pistol or pvrv tody ought to be allowed to bT I one. . It's pot fait to alioir poe roan to ha va all the advantage in tbii mattar, Elsigb Timei, . . ; 77., 7:;: Executor's Notice. HavlnitQuallflod this day M exxentor of A i. Thoeitwon, rieecaaed, this Is to notify all leraunsMvliiK I alms aasln.t said estala trrtrnl thm Io moor Io sIcLrsn, Mclean tcOomlcx. irfy attorney, at l.naibertoa 0.. on or brfor the inth day of Oetobtr. ISOI r this notice will b pleaded In bar of their leeovrrr All uerons Indebted to said estate rt'l plriiK make InimcdUlc psrment. This IHb dar of October. Me. -i W H OR t HAM. BieeutOT italMD, UeLean A McOurailck, AtUirul Commissioner's Sale. Rt virtue of a judaic on t of ; lie Superior Court of bobeHon Uounty. entered before the Clerk thereof, on July Hth. 1K03. In sjieelal proceed- iriK therein prndliic. wherein Dion Y. naaer and otlient are plaintiffs and John W. Uahe and others are di-fendants. 1 will, on Monday the ISthdarof November, luus.at lio clock. M. offer forule to lite hlKhext bidder at iul4le tuction for eHh, at the Court lloose door In l.nmberton, N ).. the fnllowliiK described lands in Aliordnv.Jle Townithlu, Kobeauii Uoun ly. N. C. to wlt: negi lining a( a stale or iwo bines, tue corner of a 41'Scra survey, conveyed by 8lon Al ford to Netll 2. inker, on ( tniM-r '.Blti, imi, and run thenoe North i Itwut l,4& chains; thence North W W. L.tX chains: thence North 4lA K o.7ensiiis to a sisse ny a rva okk, ine oe Klnnina corner or i) seres SNHimen to junn Baker irom the luncln of Nelll Z. Raker, de ceased (lot No. li; thence as that line N.rt) W ohslns to a slske by two onks and pine In Hsmer s line: mencu a. w. ei cnaina thenc7l'.K. chains: thence 8. mi K. ) chains; tln-nce N. US 1 40 chains; thence noun iik h. ennuis; mence . m' k. is m chains: mrnoe . wr. ivuhi in.xa cnains ui ine begluntnu. eontalnlajr, l'.o acres mora or Issa. K V. I. aw iiKistn. uonimiHsioiier. Sfclvean, Melees u A McUormluk, H. P. McLean Velrtrre A lwiwrenoe. Attoruevs. frl Commissioner's Sale. Bv virtue of authority vested In me by a judg ment of the Huperlor Court of Uoliesoii County In an action therein nendlnir. entitled John 1). BlK.et sis vs. W. hrJUirn,etalH. same win I niiM.1 .1 uniceefltnir No 'JI7M. I wlll.nn HmidAv novaraner aum. iwa, ni izociocs, m, si me Ont rk House door, in the town of Miniberton N. CJ.. offer for sale st public auction to tho hliraest bidder tor cash following described tract ol laud in Kobeson uounty : On the northeast side of Raft Swamn and south of Watery Branch, adjoining the lands of M alloy MeBryde. the late Archibald Camp lellandotbers, bounded as follows: Beginning st a poplar by three poplars in the north side of Little Uuv Branch and runs east SJ.'Och tins to a pine by three pines; thence north 2S chains to a stake bv a red oak arm three pines: thence wetS7onsins to a slake by two pines In the cast ern'edKeoI Hiewaterj-l! ranch ; thence down the various course, ol said branch to me run or Kaft Bwsranf thence down the various courses of the rnn of said swamp, to the late Arehl'iiald Campbell's corner; thence wilh his line to the beginning, containing hio acres molo or less. nd being the same laud conveyed oy liantei Biggs to J. K. Biggs by deed roistered in bonk PPP. page US, daied October?.1. 1881, and regis tared ! the oilice of the Register of Kobeson County. Terms or sale: cash. Time of sale: li 91. November SO. 1903. This the ith dav of October. lKl. aR. U . I.aVkKNCK. Commissioner. Mo In tyre & Lawrence, atl'rs for plain tiff. frl t nov tl. Holies o! Administration. ITavinr (lualifled this day as administrator of the estate of P. K . clXmald deceased, late of ft lsn Coun y . this is to notifj all per- sonshnvlnx claims sgalntt wild cat to pie sent them to me at Mcboitald's. M . ).. or io Me In tyre aw rente, uiy attorneys, at Lum bers n. N. t!.,on or before the i luday of Oc tolier. 1904, or this nonce will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will pie me make pro pi payment. T. 8. URRYARD, Administrator. Mclntyre A Lawrence, attorneys. frl ADKINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Theundersl-ned having thlsday qualified as administrator o. Commodore Floyd, hereby gives notice to all persons holding claims against tlie estate of xaid commodore Kloyd to present them to the undersigned for payment on or lie ore October 26th, 1901. or this notice will lie pleaded in bar of tbelr payment. All persons indebted to wild commodore Floyd must make Immediate payment. lnis wcKinermn. ivua JAMK3 L. TOWNSBSI). Admlnistratorof commodore Floyd. McLean, McLean & Mccormick, attorneys for administrator octJKMw $100 Reward Will be paid to any North Carolina citizen who can obtain a policyfin any company other than the Peun which will meet tbe following recmirements : The comuanv must as as old and conservative. KKeral. and have as clean a record : the premium rates, expense and death ratios must beas low ; interest earnings and div idends must be as large ; the contract must tie as free from restrictions, and the cy mvA contain loaI1 paid.up h surrender and extension values as great as those of the Pen 11 Mutual. J. D. AUSTIN, augi4-3tn Max toil, N. C. CHOWAN Baptist Female Institute, Murfreesboro, N. O. THK FIFTY SIXTH ANNUAL SES sion of the Institute opeued on Septeui tier otli, 1903, with a large attendance Its patronage has steadily increased since it. present administration began in the Fall of 1807 The course of study is broad. ' The eleven members of the faculty have been carefully selected and arc well trained and specially qualified for their respect ive positions. 1 1 a -1 . . . - - T V 1 i k .J. 11 . ' ' . . . J J ... ln , r out 0 llie State The record or tha Institute for fiftv five years and tbe efficiency and work of it9 graduate, are its best recommenda- tK)"- , . , , ,. llCClalT CALrTUMTB 1UI It OVllMlaslli; Vrar fnr l.ilrv Tnllint. R,,r.l Fuel (without laundry) J131.00. For lull itiloruialtou, address JOHN C. SCARBOROUGH. Pros ,j . c 1 VT r ruuvo.ii iTl U 1 1 1 CrMIMI II, in. V Land Sale. I OFFER FOR IMMEDIATE SA1.K for cash or on easy terms, a tract of land in St. Paul's Township, Rohesbn County known as the "McNair" land, belomrin? to tlie university 01 wortn Carolina, con wilt ,v acres. 'more or less. -rt.L".-. . . , . . , . ... v,e tracl '9 aiiuairu aooui tour niut-s the Atlaic Coast ,ine. RstTjroa(lf and atout three miles from St. Pauls, mid good part of it is excellent fanniiiK 'and. while the balance ts limhend with long aua biion icai pirjc o.m, cprco, poplar and other native woods'. For further information, as to localiuii of the lands, call on W. B. Burns, Esq St. Pauls, N. C. and for further informa tion as to price and terms, call on A. V Mrl.i!!i Klin Attnrnv At Tjiis I.hih. berton, N. C. sept 15 Strawberry Plants THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE WORLD. NEAR LY 100 VARIETIES. All tne choice, luscious kinds for the Garden and Fancy Market. Also hip. ping Varieties. Also, Fruit Trees, of all kinds to growers at Wholesale Rates. We will save yon half; in plantinlf an orchard, Dewberries, Asparagus, Rhu barb, Grape Vine, eic etc; Pur 120 page Manual, free to buyers, enables everybody to grow them witb success and profit. All plant, packed to carry across' the continent fresh a. when dug. Illustrated ctt1Kae fre- Specify if ya i,05,u of, Shipping Variwiea yon want cat es or -Fancv Garden kinds. , ' ; CONTINENTAL PLANT CO.. 7 7 , ... . Utrw. if. 5t TO MAKE BOOM ' roi our - to Pall and Winter Stock The following will be offered at very low pricee for the next Thirty Daye to make room for our Fall and Winter Stock : 10,000 Yards Plaids and Homespun, 1000 Pants Cloth, 500 " Ticking, 306 " 10-4 Sheeting, 1500 ' Bleaching, 10,000 ' Priuts, 1500 " Dress Lining, iaoo " White Goods, 2500 " Dress Goods. T ABCB ASSORTMENT OF Chambrays, Madras, Satin, Gingham, Swiss, Lawn, Per cale, Duck, Silk, Ze: hyr, Em broidery aud Trimming of every description. 2500 Yard. Ribbon, 1200 Pair. Hose and Half-Hose, 1000 Handkerchiefs, 75 Dozen Gent.' Collars, 15(10 Gents' Shirts, 200 Pairs Gloves, 150 Corsets, 1500 Yards Braid, 2000 Lace, Matting. 1000 300 i-'oritaa Corsets, 111 Styles md Sizes. large Lot of Gents' Ties, Umbrellas, &c. 350 Gent's' Youths' and Boys' Suits, 800. Pair. Pants, jsoo " bhoes. (Gent -'Ladies, Miwes aud Children's.) 900 Hats, 150 Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases, 3000 Pounds Tobacco, 1000 " Snuff, 2S Bags Coffee, 10 Cases Gold Dust aud Pearliue, 10 Soap, Baking Powder, 10 300 " Candy, 750 Gallons Molasses. Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Washing Tea, Sugar, Crack ers, Grills, Bacon, Lard, Meat, Corn, Tomatoes, Peaches, Cauned Corn, Baskets, Brooms, Crockery and Tinware. A Full Line ol Farnitore, Iron Bedsteads, Chairs, Rockers, Spring Mattresses, Suits, Hammocks, &c. Large Assortment o! Hardware, Cook Stoves. Wood and Oil Heaters, Hoes, Forks, . Shovels, Spades, Rakes, Axes; Carpenter's Tools, Spokes, Rims, Hubs, Axles, and all kinds". of Buggy, Wagon and Cart Material. Paints Oil, Putty, Glass, Brushes of Every Description. ANYTHING YOU WANT IN Dry Goods, Notions, jClptMog, Shoes, Hatr, Groceries, - Hardware, &c. All Hew Goods. This large stock will be sold at largely reduced prices to make room for our Fall and winter Stock. Call early and make your selections and se cure bargains. - W,J, PREVATT, 7 ymtyXtfyfritf it,?9R3 f Round Trip Rates Richmond Va." Account of the Richmond Horse Show. Tickets on sale October mh to 15th Thf. rate from Pembroke to Rich mond return for this occasion will the $8.20, including one admission to the Horse Show. Raleigtl, N. 0. Nortn Carolina State Fair. Tickets on sale October to 23rd, and for trains due to arrive forenoon of the 34th, final limit October 26th. The rate from Pembroke to Raleigh and return for this occasion will be $4 -OS, including one admis slou into the Fair Grounds. H. M. EMERSON. Traffic Manager. Mortgage Sale. By virtue of Hi provisions ot a certain mort - KaK" deed nxi cuted by W. B. Townsend rllA Darrle Townsend. 10 tna uiKiris'iriu d the lith day f Marrli. IWW which said am la recorded In book 8 of Mortaaites. n.ort - naire 8-2 in tlie ofllce of register of ' oiieiiiin county, ill, on Monday, the 7tli day of Ih - eemtk IHoS. at l3o'ulork.M..at,the court hoii'e door Luuiberton. N. (J.. offer for sale to the blithest bidder al publlo auotlon. for cash, tho follow ing acfcriD-u tract or tana: In Back Bwamo Township. Kobeson county. bounded and da crlbed as follows: On the by the lands of Mrs. Naab, on the north by lands of K. K . McNeill, 011 tha south by lands of Doiignld Mot'ormac. containing !c a r m and bring a part of a '2V0-acre track for merly owned 1 Douirald McOormac At the aame time and ulace we will also one bay ware mule. 4 years old, same bought of the undersigned on the 13th day of March. I'V, Dysmiti tv.d. lownsenu, wrnun is inclu ded lu until mortgage. Time 01 sale : u o c oca, M. Terms of Sale: Cash. W. I. I.INKHAW, Mortgagee. Mclntyre A Lawrence, attys. frlnov t Notice of Service of Summons and War rant of Attachment by Publication NORTH CAROLINA, Supi 'enorTCourU Robkson County. A. D. l earaall. plaintiff, va. American Lumber and Manufacturing Com - I any, defeudant. The defendant, the American Lumber Manufacturing Uompany will take notice an action entiti aaa au-ive naa reeu cora - inenced in the superior Court- of Kobeson County by the above named plaintiff, to cver the aum 01 rour nunnrea aim nirir-triree om lars and aeventy-seven cents, wl h interest thereon, from 8 ntember SOth. 1(101. due bv ac count by the said defendant to plaintiff, the nam oeienuani win runner u.kh notice that it la required to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of Kolesnn County to held 011 the ISth Monday alter the first Mon day in September. IW. It belnv the 7th day of December. lBuS. at tha Court ilou-e In l.um- berton; North Carolina and answer or demur to the complaint. of plaintiff in said action, or the rlalntlff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded tn saittcouip.alnt. And the said defend ml will also lake notice that warrant of attachment baa also been is sued by the said court gal nut the pronrty ot the said defendant, which said warrant of at tscbmenl Is retuniab e at the next term of Ibe Superior Court to be held at the Court House in Kobeson County. North Carolina, at the time and tlaoe above named for the return of thelsumnion.. when and where the .aid fendant Is required to answer ordewur. or relief demanded by tbe complaint will granted Witness our Mldlerk this the loth day October. 1808. - W. II. Hl'MPHKBY. Jiefli rr the superior uourt. Mclean. McLean A MeCoru.lek. attorney for plaintiff. . frl nov Commissioner's Sale. Bv virtue of authority conferred upon me an order of the clerk of the Superior Court of Kobeion County.ln a .pecla' proceeding pehd- ig tn f-a'd eourt, wnerein iewia ritman. aa Inlntrator of Jesse Hill is plaintiff and Mrs. Ore Hill and others'are defendants, I will, Monday. November 80t!i, 10iS,at lio clock. eipose to pub'lo sale to the nlghe t bidder f r cash at the Cfnirt House-door la Lumber ton, N. C, the following described tract of laud: In Kobeson County, heglnnl'i ata stake the run of Wild Cat branch, James In man's corner, also the South corner of the Jesse Hill land, and runs a raid In man a line bevond. norfh PS chains to a stake by Ines about Ad yards almve the ah ley road. ohn Hill's c rner; thence east IS chains large ptno stump at the Ashley road In near the Aahlev line : thence as Jld line south 40 chains to Smith Floyd's corner in the head of Wild Cat bnnch; thence at the run of aald branch to the beginning, containing 70 acres. more or leis i.: . Terms of sale- Caari.'. R. :. LAWRKNCK. Commisloner. Mclntyre A Lawrence, att ys for iilslntiff. frl oct is 4w Whatever The fanner needs we make a spe cially of hatwllirig. HV in our line; it's our business to keep farm sup plies of all kinds and we strive to -keep our stock frosli ami iqttnl to all demands. We still continue agents for the celebrated Hickory Wagons, Which for rears have giveivsucli gruaral satisfaction fin this and ol hew sections, and unhcsttalitigly say thnt for farm and rotd pui poses it i. not excelled. Besides having a supply of these on hand we have recrtitly received a full line of Cart and Wagon Wheels and Open and Top Baggies. We rre the originators of the buggy business in this town, and think our wist experience enables . us to give especial attention to all who purchase of us. We can sup ply you with Harness, Bridles, Col lars Whips, &c. &c. Accept our thanks for your past patronage, and give us a sharef your future favors. Very truly yours, 0. C. NORMENT t GO. in Opportnnitj, With Small Outlay. AN IDEAL HOME, ELEGANT FARM. Beautifully Situated, Convenient to Railroads, Churches aud Schools. giue farming or trucking WU , wo ARES. Good dwelling and ouf houses. Two-Fifths cleared and under high cultivation: Three-Fifth Wood Land. Also Five Tenement Houses. AIL situated between St. Pauls and Lumber Bridge, near A. C. L. Railroad in Kobeson County, IN. J. Good Land. Good Water. Neighborhood. Good fcsTEaiy terms. oct aist Apply to J. D. BROWN, Fayetteville N; C. q. w. mcquebn, The Lumberton Barber, Wbea yon wish an easy shave. At good a barber ever gave, -1 ant call on me at my aalooa At morning, eve or noon ; 1 rut and dree, the hair with graee.-b.' To rait the contour of the face. Mr room la Beat and towel claaa, . . Solaaora aharp aod raaor. keen,-- . AadevaryMilDi I think voa'll find. To suit the faa ana pies th. mU4 Asl sU sa art snd .kfll om go. 7 f f tMliUt14 foil? f via Atlantic Coast Line. W. I. CRAIG. General Passtogier Agent. CAROLINA I0RTHERI RAILROAD. Sche1ule in Effect Septemlier 30th, 1903. sotiTnaotJKD. tNo. l. No. S. No. i. Lve Luiuberkm.. 10.85 a m S.Buam S.OO p m and on 1 roiie, 10.4 s. us a.is S.4S .40 S.4W .M J7 M 7.0S ..SI 7 li 4 SO 1MI 4.48 77 6.00 7.BS .1S 7.0 " .4 T.'O t.SS 31 .43 7JS 1.64 P m s oj s oo 8.00 S.1S 8.16 S.as S.S0 7.U0 - r. Klngadale...lu.4S Polopolls UM PMcUirvllle.il W Dunbar II. It Barnesv'e.ll.l7 Flowers 11 l MarietU 11 b-l Iloluiesvtlle.il at Page's Mill.. 11.44 Kemper II M) K I wood II M Hqulrea II W Kork ....li.02 Hon ll.u Rogers li.su Ave Marlon li in wst the the sell taunday only . 1 PI rut elasa iMiied. . 4. No. t. NOBTRBOCND. fNo. JNo. 4 tt uamoeriou.iu.iva m Pp S.4S Ktng-sdale.... .4U Polopolla tsu Proetorvllie.. s.15 Dunbar S.M BarnesllU.. S.V Flowers IN MariatU ;iS7 "v Uolneavilie . S.lil Page'. Mill 8 0S Kemper 7.60 81 wood -.-1.U riqulrea 7.r Fork T S5 Hon 7.10 ' Rogera I U Marlon 6J0 tMlzed. First Class. 4.110 p m ,6.00 pat S., 6.40 S.M sso 804 SOU t.4 .ti t.t til Lis in res 1.68 4.61 4.48 4 41 4.S8 4.11 4.18 4.00 4. OS 8.67 8.61 6 46 8.41 8.88 88 8.14 ' 8.16 and that 1.48 180 8.1W (Sunday only. T. O. MoNHLY. Crea. St XDWAUDH Receiver. W 1. and SEABOARD Ain Line Rajlwav Between in Tori, Tampa, '.Atlanta, Kei Orleans and Points SoatH andlest be IN XFFXCT APRIL lira. 190a. SOUTHWARD . vallT Mo.il Dally Mo. IT li 1 T toass 84 a. 10 48 a m 1 18 pa IMpm 1 18 pm opm f'SSpai. de- Lv. New York, P. R. R. -Lt. Philadelphia, F. R. R. Lv. Baltimore, P. R. R. . t v ur.i.i.A ur u D l It 88 p ml tha IffpB I4lpm T eoprn ui 87 n m ba of J T a ..Ulll, mu , T. . U. M .Mm. Lv. Richmpud, 8. A. L. Ky. iv. refers Dura,-'. Lv. Morllna, . " Lv. Henderson, " Lv. Raleigh, " Lv. Southern Pines, Lv. Hamlet, Lv. Columbia, " Ar. Savannah, " Ar. Jacksonville, " Ar. Tampa, w 11 sop m inin 1 US a ml 8 - 4t 4 isa 8 18 a ' by 7 Mam 10 4t pa io is a is ao a t 88 pm I osam r twpai 8 48 a Bi lllia HO. 81 on Lv. New Tork,.Jr.P. 4k II 17 88 a M. ir rnuaaeipnia Philadelphia, . .NwYor,O.D.8.ft.Co. . Baltimore, B. 8. P. Co. io is a m Lv. t00pm Lv Kwps) Lv. Wash' ton. N. A W. 8. B mia 8 18am Lv. Portsmouth, 8. A. L. Ry Lv.Weldon, " Lv. Norllna. " Lv. Henderson, ' Lv. Raleigh, " Lv. Southern Pines, " Lv. Hamlet, " Lv. Wilmington, " Ar. Charlotte, " Lv. Chester, " Lv. Greenwood " -Lv. Athena, " Ar. Atlanta, f " Ar. AugusU.C.A W. 0. Ar Macon. O. of Ua. Ar. Montgomery, A. AW. P. Ar. Mobile, L. N. Ar. New Orleans, L. A N. Ar. Nashville, N.O.dk St. L. Ar. Memphis, " 08 a m In 11 48 pm 11 88pm 1 warn 8 Ham 4 Warn wpa I IS pat 4 oopm MPS. r. and two 8 00.aU 7 40 A ail 10 ( p at 8 80pm 19 48 pm to or 10 Mam install ililtn Ittia 08am 8 80am IWpn 4 lop m 8 Mpm 7 pm 8 lop m 1 to a m 7 18 a m (Man' 8 44.ni , 11 Haas 8 88 14 la NORTHWARD. liatlr Dally No. 8 oopm swam ho, 81. Lv. Memphis, N.C. A St. L. 11 tftuooii i.v. Naanvine, Lv. New Orleans, L. 4k N. Lv. Mobile, L. AN. Lv. Montgom'ry, A. AW. P. Lv. Macon, C of Ua. Lv. Angnsta. C. A W. C. Lv. Atlanta, t 8. A. L. Ry. Ar. Athens. " Ar. Greenwood, - " Ar. Cheater, " Lv. Charlotte, " Lv. Wilmington " Lv. Uamlel. " Lv. Southera Pines, " Lv. Raleigh, " Lv. Henderson, " Lv. Norlina, " Lv. Weldon. " Ar. Portsmouth. 80 pa . 18 pa is 40 a a 8 48 a a I mpm 4 Wpa 8 18 pm II 18 pm l8am 4 lilB 8 wl am S oo a n 10 loa u lioiinooii 1 87 p di lllpn 7 17 a n I Si p lu iwun 10 SO p Di 11 IS p n IUl. 8 48 am 1 MD 1 IS a Di 11 18 am li 8 p.m 8 48 a at i a p m oopm Mpm 8am & ot a a. Htm i-Ar. Waah'tou.N. A W. 8.B. Ar. Baltimore, H. n. P. Co. Ar. New Yoi k, O. I. B. 8 Co Ar. Phtladelphla.N.Y.P.AN Ar. New York, " Lv. Tampa, 8. A. L. Ry. ts soa m f8 oopm r 48 po. a tea m 8 08. m Mo. 88 ibia 7 8o p m V llpl No. 84 Ml p m i.v. jacasonviue, Lv. Havannah, Lv. Columbia, 4 " Lv. Hamlet. " Lv. Houthern Pine., " Lv. Raleigh. " Lv. Henderson, " Lv. Norllna, 8-A.L.Ry. Lv. Petersburg, ' Ar. Rlohmona, Ar. Waahlngton.W. 8. R. R. A r. Baltimore. P. R. R. Ar. Philadelphia, " Ar.New-Tork, " nil I Una 11 1 p m 8 88 p m a mm m StSam 48a a 10 80 pm u iu.p ai II 88 a m a IS a m 4a ai Mill 8 sa at 1 lo pm lMp 4 08pa 4 88 8 88 18 18 am 11 a in il mpm 1 Mpai 4 18 pm 1 88a m 8 soa a Note.-H-Dally Kxeept Sunday, t Central Time. 4 Eastern Time. A. O. U8BORNR, Agent. Lnni barton, N.U THK OaiSATI Double Daily Trains Carrying- Pullman Steepen, Cafe Can (a la carte) and Chair Can (seat freak Electric Lighted Throvghovt Birmiogtam, McapWf d KtiSM CItj N670 All tOINT'IN Texas, Oxlahoaa asj ladlai Terrltarlcj AMD TMsV-;-'" Far West ail Nertlwcst TUB ONLY THKOUan RLBBPMQ CAR IM . BBTWBBN TH8 S4WTNBA4T AMD KANSAS CITY Descriptive Utentara, ticket at I ranged and through reaerrationa aaada J npoa application to V. T. Saun otaa, Qca-t, Aav. Paae. Oaf. , ' . es v . : - . ! l " F.C.Clark, Tm.: Atuuttiv Oaw W. T. 6AUNDER0 t OM'l Aftnt PaaMS)0 PtMrtinl'-.f ;." 5 . :- ivi iiivi Ma : -1 T--;-.-f; IS .V. 18 pm V at 1 r& . t. - r -

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