THE ffi2MI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAM, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1003. THE RODESONIAN. tTJUmp TCMtAT AMP FIIPATS. FnoAt December 4. i?PJ- IAMJAL AMU'TUUOXAI. DTATMT. 'ruo srunssji 46. -J luJl-tJUt I- 20 eis. Ooltoa Iff Cti. Mr. L E ' Whitey Mt TossJt for rtoifolkon business trip. Mr.'Msleolm Wbitflald has ao csptftd ft position, at tha depot. Mr. O. 17 Floyd greetii.g frituds ou otrjtreoU lutsdsy. Mr 8. Milntyr nt to Wil miugtou 00 Miuess. Wedoesdty. Thsfluaute eomaaittM it io se tioo at th ooart hoaie tb is week. Mr. n. G.v'McNsir. of Maxtoo. waa biUioeMTititor here Wedaes- day. Mr. D. P. 8ba left last weak lor ft Tint to relatives at, Lumber Bridge. We regret to hear of tbe illuess of the iofaot aou of Mr. C. B. Skipper. : Mr. 0 J. Peterson atteuded Prsi CoDTeution in Washington, D. 0. tbia week. Mr. aud Mrs. Afei IUgn, of IlowellsTille, epeut yesterday bere hopping. Deoember term of Superior court oonvenea bere Monday, De cember tbe 7tb. Miss Georgia Ray. McMillan, re turned Taesdayfrom Wilmington, - where she baa been spending few days. Rev. J. P. McMillau arrived Wednesday morning from Geor gia where be bas been' tor some time past.' A son roe of amasemeut for the ohildren this week is a. Urge shaggy tarn bear, that performs num ber of tricks. Mr. Lloyd Towosend who bas b)9ii ooufiund to his room by aick neis for the past weak, is able to be oat again. Mr. W. B. Priou UlWthtt be bouifht a larg lot of oottou at Alhuton VV'eJuesiaj, giving 11$ oeuu all rouud. Miss Mattie Watson, return) Monday irom uear K-d Spring. where she went to spend i hanks f iviug with her parent. Ms Crissie tfloy3 retnrud The PrssbjUriaos 'vt Red Springs willibcfUr rst B,ud some Church, on the sie wham tbe old cbureh bas rusn staodiog. Tb latter will be sii- pated jail baek of tbe uew build school room Tbe baudome raidenoe being erected bv Mr. J. r. MeNrlli u 6th aud Waluut struct is Drogress luff raoidlv. aud when comnletHl will be cue of the most modsru reaideuoe of our towu, and will add greatly to its appearenoe. Mr. J. D Cobb i iu charge of the tax books at Lumber Bridgn aud parties who will rnt rum thereon tbe 11th and 12ib, aud pay their taxes, can do ao without ooat. Mr. A P. McLean, who has been at bis home in Lauriubarg ou so- oonut of sickness for some time past, bas returned aud is at work Lu tbe Bank again. Mr. A. K. White bas jost r- Lturned from Atlauta, where he hrobaaed a car load or tine Dorses, which are expected to ar rive to-day. Mrs. T. M. Watson returned several days ago from John Hop kina Honpitaf. Baltimore. where shi has beeu for treatment. At tbe titre of goiug to press Mr. A. II. McLeod. Sr. is no bet ter. His couditiou is critical. We were pleased to have a call from Mr. D. C. Bnie, of Moss Neck, yesterday. Maxton locals did not arrived in time to appear in this issiue ol the Kobesoman Mr. A. V, McLean returned yesterday from a busiuess trip to Atlauta. G. Mr. R. S. Roud, of Rowland, made ns a call while in towu, Thursday.. We regreat that Rpwlaud local arrived too late to appear iu thi issue. Mr. J. A. Barker spent Tnirdr y in Rowland on bnin. Mr. J. N. Bnie spent Sunday 11 FVyatteville. Ea4rtlieafit at Darker. An euUrtainmerit will b g en t Barkers Tnursoav 7:00 p. .. Dm. 17tn. in the Juieroar t a chiHil JiU.ftjy. Xo n.wius las hsn spared in shearing suitable iug, aud will be used as a SondaiTtitsretur. ir tbe iobkh, a re Mr. J. J Nance Drad. We 0uou':en witti rgrst tb death of Mr. J J . wlpch or cn r red at hi hum iu E si Lu-j berton Wdueid ntghs a it elfVBii o'clock. Helianbieu ttn with pnum JU'a i"r anne day at d hi death was mt miexp. cted. M 1 Niiioe waq an holier t , u cciou 1 1 i t umu. h kind fatbr and bubiirf. Monday uiorumg- from Atbpola, a g'Kirf citiz -11 whom the comm-ii. wher-4 she bas twwi atuce Ihauks-1 it v will une. wa a uv d-i iir..uoe t. iiiv. the uubl.c tLe la test and I est ; kimntbiiiK I hit ill suit the grown fi'lks and children too. Our eceues will be hor, q'lite o)Uing and ntui taiuioz If you want to have a j llv go0J tims, oonif. bring all ur fr.'md long with vou i and help ui to es tablish m library which is needed in ever'cbool. Br eoch oiiepay- inir tint Mmall admittance fee. can placM library here that will beacenwr from whicli educstion 1 light will shi' h, in its rtfiniMj and elevatiLg in1 inuc, into ererv home throughout the sorroHbdinp community.- By the ue of such s librsry tbe bovs and girls will lr hrought into close touch with tV drtd mid lives of uiauv of tb grestet men thateverfived. Msiit of tbe distirguitbed meu f th Dast attributed their accs u life to the reading of some book that started them "n the rora' road to greatness. All are mvi edted, uome. Speotal donation will be eratefullv aocented. R membnr the date, Thursday 7:00 p m Dm. 17th, IU03 Admision: R"ierVed 'Seal 85ots., adult 25ct.,ohilJren 15;i B Judge Norwood bss returned to Wayurville, after a short visit with bis daughter, Mrs. R C Lar- Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. Cnbealttay Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood In your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. 1 nc moneys are your blood purifiers, they (li ter out the waste or Impurities In the blood. If they are sick or out of order, they fail to do their work. Pains, achesand rheu matism come from ex cess A uric acid In the blood, duo to neglected IS We are now receiving and will have for our' customers for tho Christmas Trade; 1 000 MILS FANCY HKD AITI.KH. 750 HOXrH FLORIDA ORANOK, I'M lum ClH'OAM'TS .'KM BOXKS I.AYKK RAISING. 7o UOXKS LAYER HUH. 140 HOXKH M I X K I M i s imi i!.S sTK K CANDY. 100 I'.OXK.S BROKKN MIX'CKK CANDY. a.V PAIL FRK.N'CM MIX 1 m K).Ki HERDED RAISINS. SO UOXKHCLUANKI) CL'RIUS'H. 1 OK) HOXICS f'ICN.VY CANDY. Al l. KINDS A oomplete line '.f Heavy Qroceries. and wb"n we say complete mi ii.pih n. u v ur I un,f, don't nd it awav from hoim. We guarantee the prox, and orl gt t sivo y u freibt aud drayage. 8 us bofore bn vinj Uxwh-r. THE FRENCH GROCERY COMPANY (INCORI'ORATKD ) GEO. O. FRENCH, PREST., & LUMBERTON, N. CAROLINA GOOD THINGS TO EAT ! Thanksgiving Specialties ! 3 kidney trouble. giving, visiting her parents. F ur handsome brick stores are be 1 us erected at Rd bpringa bv Mr. J A HaggMtf, 51 Wl" dd much to that itTmd progreing towu The burning of the barn at the residence of Mr. D. C. Sinclair Tuesday afternoon, caused a good deal of excitement for a short while. License waa secured on Novem ber 28fh. for the marriage of Mr H. G Mitchel, Jr. to Miss Maggie Hoggins, fijth of White House township. Mrs. H. T. Pope.and Miss Clara Johnson, atteuded the anassumiug tnuu wliee plaaii' iddress won t be IrieLdibip of ul' ith whom he ws thrown in con tact. AH we hrtVri liquid of 1 l.i. hes beeu complim titarv and w have ytt to hear the first ut er aaght against him. The remain will te interred in the Nuuce bury inggrouud at Uck Swamp tb it iiiuming. Rowland Bank to Opan January 1st. A correspondent from li iwland says : ine nans nere in an assured thing. At a meeting of a com mittee appointed for that purpose, Mr. Bnstow, now with the Bank of Dillon was eleoted Cashier, and the bank is to peu January 1st, luamuKr 1 ,u temporary quarters nntnaeun Kidney trouble causei quick or unsteady heart bts, and makes one feel u though j they had heart trouble, because the heart it orer-working In puraprng thick, kidney I poisoned blood through veins and arteries. ' It used to be considered that only urinary I troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, I but -now modern science proves that nearly j an constitutional diurases nave tnelr begin ning in kidney trouble. if you are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy Is soon realized. It stands the hiheit for Us wonde&ful cures of.the most distressing cases and is sold on its merits f: bv all drurcists in flftv- rfCESVfc: cent and one-dollar siz- es. You may have a sample bottle by man Home of Simnn-Root. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamtcn, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember 1 the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's i ?J Swamp-Root, and the address, Btnehamton, 1 3 N. Y., on every bgttle, The Parlor Grocery cfTer frrxh CranrrTi.S, California Evaporated FniiU Srnlrd JUitiiis. Cnrran'S. Ciuon, Ol al Orfjre aiwt Lcni.m l'cel, l'rt-Mcil IfiH New Itm, Mlx f r.'p-s. Florida Oraii, New Vo-k Ap- til -a Finr Btnanas. Nn a of Ail K'ti.n. ihtit pn wnni i""i,' tiirai Tunrake Flour, Cieam of W'hrat. Grapenuts. Pdflum. J'rrato and Forre H viz t lrere.l Piurapple. Peach and SUwwberry. Keiut's Sweet. M xed. Plain, Sur and W. Picklea. Full Line Heinz's Picklee, Sauces and Catsup in Glass. Mince Meat in cans, if'aoses or Nik. Green Mountain Maplr Syrup, Pickled 1 ie Feet ard Tripr. H.iuz'i S ur K aul ond Btkl Btana lib Tomato Sauce. KinR i.i. ReliiiMe Mama, Armon Frmh Pork Saa-a and Donv le Ham. Full Crrum Cheese, B al V.lfiin B'Jlt-r The mt aeb cl hw ( Carnal Oj-di in Hie oitv, Cowti( K NVh Prachrs. Aparaf(ua. Plum I'U'ldmi'. Peas Tomato. Co'ii.OVra. Iinvo trt SVHtdicea from loc. nr Pevi! Crab Hi e L' 1 tr. - hnmp, HenltiK ai.d Btneleo dSA h. U h On Torxue. SHctd Mam. S'iced H. f , tWncli- Pig Vrrt. Arniour'a Tripr- in Mi k. h'c-'cn. Ham. lrt and Vel Loaf. Salui -n SUak and Li! lij 'a Com 11. -cf 'UkIi v A Most Extenssivo Line of Fancy Cakes and Wafers. A'l the pup'itar Iht ?el ParVsgc uh, l'rta'- PUa. Breid and Cakrs ir...:i I nV-n twW n wmc. N'otfolk Ovt-r recciv d diilv, p - nty ot Ce f fi r 1 h -uik-jfivinif. If h is an: li:iii K'' 1j ral )"u w"1- CJ'1 ,he Parlor Gnicery, 'Pbonr 36. j'Yee Delivery. C. B. REDMOND, Proprietor, aa of Mr. Jacob Ivey and Mis Mol- atle building cau be erected, a lot lia Pope's Road,VVed- having beeu purohAsed for the nesday afternoon. bank building on tbe McQueei During the past year up to Deo. block. With Messrs Allen JCdene lai Rfil marriaire licenses havf .President, A. L Bullock, Vice h.. i....Ad in Robeson Conntv. Preaidont, Bnstow, Cashier a During the month of Novembor Kod B ard of D.reotors, there is BUSINESS LOCALS. 81 lioenae were aeoured. We are requested to announce that there will be an oyster supper at Centenary tonight for the bene fit of Centenary Methodist Church. Tbe publio is cordially invited Miss Mary McNeill expects to leave tbia morning for Council Station for the bed-aide of ber brother-in-law Mr. Jjb Powell, who is very sick with pueumonia Mr. John Boylin, has returned borne from a visit of several weeks to relatives in Monroe, Lylesville, aud other points, and has accepted a situation wit h the Wostern Un ion Telegraph Co. Miss Mary Harris, tbe capable milliner for Messrs Caldwell & Carlyle during the past season, ex . . . itnf tmiv lha irrnva a nH m ra much SI,. nn nn flltnUl nofo """ "J " ' f -v.- uo reason why a bank should not pay a handsome dividend, surel a great oonvetitauoe. Vou Know What You Ara Takla When you take Grove's Tasteless Chil Tonic, because the formula is plainly printed on every bottle showing that it is simply iron ana umnine in a tasteless form. No cure, no pay. 50c. "Woodman, Spare That Tree." It is reported here that the fine pine grove around rhiladolphu church is being cut away for th purpose of makiug timber for building a mabse. This is one of the oldest churches m tha countv. Many ot our oldest and best citi zens have worshipped there since their childhood, and it is eudeared to them by many tender associa tions. Home ut these teel tnat u uothing short of de&ecfation to who rogret her departure Mr. W. B.' Person, ootton buyer for Sprunt, after making prepar ation to go' to Enfield during the ' rmm. in lhh ulBjsjlu orjaguui auwosvews a telegram advising him to remain here. He will be heie'nntil Christ mat. ' The membera - of tbe National Uoiou are requested to meet at the hall Monday night, Deoember the 7th. A fall attendance is re. q seated at tbia meeting. New of ficers will be elected for tbe ensue-, ing year. . ' ' 1 Mr. and Mrs. Er A. Breeoe ar rived here from Cbarlotte Wednes day morning, and will make, this their borne. Mr. Breeoe bas ac coptM a position with The Rob bsonian. We are glad to welcome them to our town. "L:oonsea were issued Wednesday bv the Register of DAs- for the marriage of Mr Jacob Ivey, of Ster ling", to Miss Blackwell, of Pop R ad Tbe careonoDy aa perform d at the home of tbe .bride Wed ndsy wveuing.jafter 'which tb left iwuKMliaMiv.forbfir fotor Weope, however that the report 18 an exaggerated one, and that the premises may be no further shorn of the beauty of its grove than la absolutely necessary. . ."Gets at the joints from the inside'' that's the metho d ot cure by Rheuma clde. Yoq'll find it is your druggists pride. ; . 1 i , Conference Appointments. . From the Rale'gh P jet we take, the following: Launuburg R A. Willis. Maxton aud Caledonia N."H" D.Wilson. r 4 Red Springs SvE. Mercer. Rowland J W. Bradley. Lnmbertou Z Paris. Robeson J. M. Ashby, R. W. Townsend, luperuumerary. Rev. J. P. Pate, former pastor of the Methodist church at this place, goes totlookertoD.N.C.'.thi year. Rev Z Pane waa transfer red from tbe Western Conference. He is expected -io-arrive tcday. . Ta Cat a CM la Om Day Take Laxadrj Bromo Quinine Tablets All drnggists refund tb moiey if it fails to wre K. W. Oron'a aignattif is on aaa ni, , ijs, FOR SALE! TWO FINE - BKY taares. one 4 and one o years old. Fine aftd good diivers. Bargains to uiclc buyers. Also onejlnew top buggy and harness at a bargain. See W. M. Bag wel. at The Cable Co. store, Lunberton, N. C. LOST-A SMALL SATCHEL CON taininntnail equipments aud a bank 1kk1c A liberal reward will be given for recov ery. W. M. Nivenr Mail Clerk. PIA-NO FOR SALE ! ONE SPLEN did and. hand square piano taken in ex chanife for a fine Cable piano. Must be gtAd, bargain for cash at I75.00 The Ca ble Co. FOR RENT. MY HOUSE ON fourth street, between Chestnut an.H Walnut; - Six rooms; convenient out houses and garden. W. O. Edmund. "t- FOR RENT, 100 ACRES FARMING I,and adj lining the town of Lnniberton, prefer tenant furnishing own stock bul can fnruuh stock if necessary, apply to A. E. White or Frank Gough. PARTIES WISHING TO BID ON RE- patiing the Fair P.hiff bridge across Lunv lier river atFair Bluff will be present at Fair Bluff n December the 10th, when and wfiere the contract for said 'repairs will beletont. E. C. Nye Committee CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY RATES! For the Christmas holidays tbe Atlantic Coast -Line announces a rate of one and one-third one way fares plus 25c for thr round trip between all points south ol the Potomac jsk1 Ohio Rivers and eet of the Mississippi River. Tickets on sale December 2j,rd 941b, 25th. also 30th, ard 31st and January 1st. 1904, with final limit January 4th, 1904. . For the accommodation of students and 'teachers of schools and colleges thr Atlantic Coast line has arranged round trip rates as above, December 16th to 22nd, with final limit January 8th, 1804. The train service of the Atlantic Coast Line is unexcelled For tickets and full nformitlou apply to ticket agents, w. .Craig General Patsenger aent. Wil. mmgton, N. C. RENT OR LEASE Tbe Troy Plan tation. Situated in Cointnbus Coun y, N. C. For further information address EL Troy; Cincinnati, Ohio, Sterling IIo- tel. oct6 3m WE G1VB ANY LADY A SPLENDID chance to earn spending money very easily workini; for ns in their leisnr time; the work is not hard, and any wo man or girt who has a little spare time will do well to avail themselves of tbi great opportunity to earn money. Send as 25 cents (silver) and we will al oner end yon the cloth with fall directions prepaid by Iks anywhere in the U. S. so that yon can commence work at once. Address, BULLIAXT7KA CO. (N. 5) fblfaaa, JOHNNY GET YOUR GUN," GET TT" aT ONCE. GET if FROM U3. We have just received the largG3t and best assortment of Guns ever brought to this mar- ket. Our line embraces the Celebrated Lefe vor, Remington, Smith & Winchester Shot Guns, Colt & Winchester Famous Rifles. Shot Guns from $2.50 to $35.00 Rifles from - 2.00 to 15.00 Everything needed in Hunter's Supplies. LEGGINGS, BELTS, SHELLS LOADED and UNLOADED, RELOADING TOOLS and AM MUNITION. Our line of Pistols and Pistol Cartridges is complete. We know how to buy these goods and can make the prices. Truly, The McAllister Hardware Company, inc. IV i ft I it) 0 i 0 0 0 THE WAR HAS ENDED And we surrender to .the people and customers, and give tbe opportunity to all to buy. Ten Thousand Dollars worth of ( loibi-g. Jry Goods, Shoes. Hit. Caps and Notions to be sold in the next 30 da REGARDLESS-. OP PRICE. We give a prize with every $1 worth of goods 3 ou buy from us and WE CAN SAYE YOU FROM 35c' TO 45f ON THE DOLLAR Talk isCheap, But We Won't Talk! BECAUSE, OUR PRICES TALK I In the last four years wo have been in business in Ashpole show that it was not a voice calling: in the wilderness, but a leading star in the business firmament, because it was no idle talk. Why I be cause it saved many people many of their hard and honest earned dollars, and we are glad to note that it was appreciated immensely by all. Because every other man or lady you mo3t ia dros33d in something bought from us, an 1 any on 9 can rocog niie goods boujht from us. Why! Bacause Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Jackets, Capes, Dry and Dress Goods bought from us ha3 a neat appearance, and with life all over it. Ask any one wh.-rj to buy goods and tho .answer invariably will b goto DUNIE BROS. AiiMi OLE, N. C. I.ooV for our f'.iir Si.n. Our .Vot'o, THE NKNV YOiK K CKKT tiToR H. Ni. I run Mr ti how grxfls; polite atleniioii to all. JUST ARRIVED. Nice, fre?h stock: SEKDICI") "RAISIN?, CHRP ANTS, tlTRON, NUTS, WIVCK MEAT, HEINZ PICKLES, STI'I FED OLIVES. Our Turkeys will ba in this week. Our Thanksgiving Celerv will be here on time. Your o dtTH will he appreciated and we Hill do oar beat to ' please you. JOHN H. WISHART, the Grocer. 'Plume I, Ecxt d'-or l Posloflice. A Reason For Its When you buy good from us We invite eTervboJy to come and look at our Up-lrPate 8tock st a low pi ice. Thanking you for past patronage, w remain Yours for bargains, ' 0u, Motto: A. B. BRICK, Prop. GUARANTEE AND SSTISFACTION. ' Kowlaad, N. IF YOU CONTEMPLATE BUYING a Watch see II. C. Bovlin. He has a Rood stock of Elgin and Waltham Watches from 7 to 17 jewel J. Also other makes and grades. FOR SALE. ONE-HORSE FARM Lo cated 2 miles from A slipolr, on S. E. R. R. Esy term, apply to R E. !., Lomberton. N. C. WHAT IS ASBESTOS? JT IS ONE of the greatest heat residing subs'ances known, it si al on of the snbhtaqceS in Rnchter's Durable Pa'ot, which prerents it from flakfsig r Miatenog and makes it L. best psvloi os the market. Ask jo- r peJoter, Tlu XA1 vta Uvimt CO. MAXTON SASH and DOOR CO., MAXTON. N. C o Has as large a stock to select from a any Hou?e and can sell you ricla4 work for less money than any other Houne and rives the . largest Discount for Spot Cash. Tbey hate r 2 OOOOOBS TO SELECT FSOl. GLASS DOORS WE WILL tILAOLY F.XCMA-aRytlie rctrr p-rii..u of ou preMnt i'liiuen e Slck of Ooudnfor Cash We do not care to ckneout entirely, Uui we triil glnd to part with at least $50,000 00 WORTH OP MJiRCIf ANDfSH during the months ;f September, October, No vemlera:id IVceinlMr. Evrrv D-purtineut of our Store and Warehouses is Crowded ex cept the Cah lrpo .it Boxt-a we have plenty room there. ON OUR FIRST FLOOR The Stock of Dry Good fill the shelves, covers tables and coun ters and fills drawers under the counters, itli n reserve stock on the second fl-or sufficient fr an ordinary store. 1 ' It is the Mme way with SHOES They are aclu-ily in the wy. They are pilril up and stacked up on both first and second Honrs and they are god Shoes, loo. The other Lirid diplea-s our customers. Every audience which his assembled this tumnitr lias shown nu nnusuMl number of PREXTV LADIES iu attendance ; yea, beautiful girls and women OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Is entitled to credit for a yreat deal of the charming Mlractiretirss of such gatberinirs. Oir aim ev;n excel ourselves this Halt We shalUhavether-.REATEST STOCK OF MILLINERY GO.)I3 l,A DIES' WR.FS. CLOAKS. 4c ever carried by any Store here. MEN'S CLOTHING Well, we havOych a.greiit .'lok we can't talk about it. but will just ur, UiJIBSirBHK IT. In a great stock like ours ttis almost im poasible to atWcify arttcles, but we must refer to lines of goods in a rithe- whole tie way. -j THREE CAR LOAHS-'OF FURNITURE. ONE CAR LOAI) OF STOVES, CAR LOM TRUNKS. BASKETS, CROCKERY, CAR I OAD. TOBACCO, XSiVSV CIGARS, &C. TWO CAR LOADS FLOUR, , CAR LOAO SALT, CAR LOAD HAY, ' ARUA'yiCHOR,, LIME. AC. &C. , We ask an irjupect ou of our Stock, promising fair and square treatment ttf 'll customers Respectfully, CALDWELL & CARLYLE. Lumberton, N. C , August ai, 190J. Barker's High School. Lumberton, Robeson County, N. R. F, D. No. 1. The Place to Get an Education at Cost This is one of tne heat preparatory in North "roiitit, -tleal-Jijr Loc tion ; Commodious School Bui'dings ; Strorg Fncul. ; Excellent Water ; boanl at College Home; for teacher al stnlents. reivjna'ile. The IVfcjary. Mulc. Prstnaratory and Teachern' Defartmeni, wrlll jxb Septrmber i, 1903.. Writ "or Culftgtt". r ' ; WALTER W. COLcCN, SsrarrlvtrA Bt. W. H.,HUJlPIlJkKY. Sec Bww4 frvstees. j u. r.rxca, Tvpsi. T. U. ruWJUtS Uma B4, Tru, i- v-- -:' --.