J , X 1 V -I t MMsatsewa THE SEMI-WEEKLY flQDESONlAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1003. BR LUMBER BRIDGE NEWS. KV. Lnsaica aaiioa, P. R. LAW. . c. KllTOR idiyobial oths. Tbs Na ind Obserf-rof Fri (far o-MiUitu thisfaragrspb whicli ttoos credit to the beart that en eMVd it. "Th i?it ! d..nni tors- al Ririum Stimuli Orphana.- ted for the high ifli'J. W pr am ho would aoonpt it. Webtft uo d"Utt li ut bis tiominalioi ud tiliwtioo if be will hat It. It it bopxful eigu that Iba iea dTi of lh'u(bl kulIjh iba more ac tive in advancing th-oausa of pop nlur education ar maoh tisreised ut tliH nuiral tlrmiit in tb I tiMio tchoola. It cannot be de nied Hint moral oliaraclr mu' mveti hw Judu tit r H ! dev.lup.;d hr the uso f tbu li .l T.rlw.ro in MIMlllCrV Of HI' Wile. It is a Uautiful and llttmj! memorial I a n ! w..inn ""' beautiful drda "ai"H swt and t.lsm in thi-ir dui " Kvtry word of this ia true. We kuw hr. This uit'Uiorial is dt-s.ii ved. She ... , ... U.h tp-i.tlrtt, purost atnltet spiril.a wt me m r circle of our friend. Christianit otiaracteri.-U all ab did. The spirit of her redeemer was her matter. It ao turned out that the naint w tunR-stf-d fr the l..v-l .i.,.ir i.i linn column, l ne Anna Starupa H ward C Ma-. hii iieeu ffiveli it ai.d I V thisnattie it will bo known. What a beauti ful tribute it i I - Why do no' others follow thm example "ft by Jadflt Huaard and rt-arsuch mini- umHiits to the hih characters and nobis life of th.'a they loved Mouuments like thm that will not only endure, but endure m luv liuets because they are doinR on and ou tbe Rood done by the lovod one wheu living. We have been impressed with the number of friend Hou. K. H. Glenn haa everywhere we go. In whatever county we en'er we hear boot what appnara to be legion ..who want to make bim governor Toe number who are for him ap Dar to be on the iucreaae. We re tryiug to atate wbat weeee aDd bear aud no more. It ia not poa ' ailIe to add any thing to the kuowl edg the people has of tbe man in nnblio and Dnvate life. He baa been under the critical eye of all thn Statu ao Ions few men cau be known better. Hia ppotlesa career ia cJEcial and uix flicial life, o is ability abd gifta aUlker oa the bustlings, bis moral courage, fcif diainterested service to bis uwtyi bis tireless labors tu behalf-.rf tb people are kuowu t all. H19 uom ination and, election would give ' the State a governor of wich all classes would b proud. Tbe cause of education which for oioretbau decade has been growing in the af fecti'ma of the people- won Id bave in him an enthusiastic champion. This is uo mean 03ueideratiou. He is in the prime of physical and in tellectual manhood aud thereby peculiarly fitted to wave the Edu cational banner as our chjef mag istrate all over the State and aeaiust all its opponents witii-tbe greateat success. - A fit All the State fell to rejoicing last week at the victory of the foot ball team of her University over the great team of the University of Virginia. We refer to it as an illustration of the proverbial North Carolina way. Defeat attei defeat bad come to this Tar Heel combination, until aroused to do its best and when it did get aroused it defeated by far the strongest it had foaght. So it has ever been with the State. Itis slower than any other to bestir itself aLd throw off its lethargy aud pluinet itself for tbe fray. It never gel aroused without doing something that is historic It is only a qns tiou, it might seem, of aruusenient with the Old North State. When oncefcbe arises and dons ber stur dy re solves, woe betide ber oppo nent iu any sphere of coi flict. To all who would confederate with her, we would say put off the struggle till the spirit of the peo ple are ready and then plunge into the contest and you will win if tbe noblest aud mightiest efforts can make victory possible. Already the names of several good men Jiave been mentioned tor -Corporation Commissioner This fact shows that the State hat come to see the worth and necessi ty of this arm of the .government. The value of it appears more evi dent every year.v Its importauce to the people will grow more and more evident. Iutellignt, honest, judicious aLd stoidy men should constitute tbe court. We see that representative men from the peo ple who are most mtprested iu the work that falls to tbe lot of the court are advocating tfce-uame ot Hou. 8. Br Alexander for the place. We know no man in the State who possesses more of the esseutial qualifications to magni fy tbe cflioe. He is kuowu all over the State 'as a man of tbe highest character and wideetkuowl edge of the practical sides of all kinds of a law in its relation to the public good. He is perhaps' n e. i nero ia no otnnr way iu the bibfe ia abut mt of the ubli schools that are under tie direc tloo of the Sute The di ger o educating the bend exclusively, I obvious Svni"ia are appearu in all the lending periodicals oi i he ul j.'i't The news of presi dent and othMr bends of school mi ilie Mil'j cl are collected with a view to rentraiu any uprising o populsrsentimeiit to wuik ss it is and must be. Tbe ss tufactorj thing that any of them bas writ ten h an apical to tbe people t iiw to it that the sen U are dom mated bv cbrist laii it v. The head of the University that possibly has uvre stud-uif" than any other in thn land urgue that there can be no dungor in State, schools be cuiiie he notes that at morning prayer in hi institution the stu- d' tits bing s lustily the old fami' Uir songs of tiuj". Ho saya this shows tbe students como from the family or from tho primary schools too well doctrinated to be swaved from scriptural moving All we see of it loi ki like tbe chief iiurden of character building is thrown back at last upon fami Iv discipline. It is needless to say that tbe thiug that tbe State must bave in its peop'e iu order to tbeiighest prosperity it moral character iu its people. Tbe preachers of righteousness among u are doing the best work that is being done for the State Castloa 1 This is not a gentle word but wben you think how liahlo you are not to pur chase the only remedy universally knowu and a remedy that lias lmd the largest sale of anv medicjii in the world since 1K68 for the cure and. treatment of Odd s 11 mo tion and Th row t and Lung troubles with out losing Its great popularity all these years, you will he thankful we called your attention to Itoschee's German Syrup. There are 10 many ordinary qqugh reme dies : made hj druggists and 'others that are. clvtp and good for light , colds per haps, but for severe Coughs, Bronchitis, Crou'f) and tsptcially for Consumption, where there is difficult expectoration and coughing during the nightsand mornings, there is nothing like German Syrup. The 25 cent size has just been i troduced. Regular sire, 75 cents. For sale by Dr. . JD. McMillan. The people of England drauk some eight hundred millous gal lons of milk in a year. So many grand achievement are promised for the "coming girl" that we are much afraid that sh will not come at all. Mrppcd Agaloit a tlvt Stove. A chi'd of Mrs. Geo. T. Benson, wheo. tiling his usual Saturday night batu,1 stepped liack against a hot stove which burned him severely. The child was in great agonv and bis mother could do nothing to pacify him. Remembering that she had a botlle of Chanibeilaiu Paiu K.dni in the hous?, she thought she would try it. In less than half an hour after applying it the child was quiet and asieep, aim in less ir.an iwo weeks was well. Mrs. Benson 13 a well luiowu resi dent of Kellar, Va. Pain is an an tiseptic liniment and especially valuabl for cuts, bruses and sprains. For f ale by H. T. Topi & Co. , Signs of Polluted Blood. ( nnthinf so renulsive lookiuir and dispustiuir as ao old aorw, You worry over it till the brain grows wrary and work with it until-tha Pflienceia eKhausteU, ana Use very aignioi mcoia icoiciuik, kijt iuwwi place luakM you irruaoic, ursponurni inn ucjiciir. A chronic aore is tbe wry fxrst evidence that your bloxl is in an uohealthy and impoverished eonditiou, that yourconstit-.ition ia breaking down under the effects of aoiue acrioua disorder. The taking- of Mionj niedicines, like mercury or potash, will aonietimea ao pollute an 1 vitiate the blood and lm nnir thr crenrral avsteni that the merest scratch or bruise results la obatinata nnn-hutlinir aores of the inofit offensive character. Often an inherited taint breaks out iu frightful eating sorca upon the limbs or face in old age or middle life. Whenever a acre rcfusea to ileal the blood is always at fault, and. while antiseptic washes, k.ilves, soaps and powder cad do much to keep down tlie iniuiumation ami cieunse iuc aore, 11 win never heal permanently till the blood itself has U-cn purified aud the deadly gerniaand poisons destroyed, and with M. S. S. this can be accomplished the poliuico Oiooa IB piinucu ami invigurau-u, mm wucn rich, pure blood issain circulating freely throughout the tody the fleth around the old aore begins to take on a natural color, the discharge of matter ceases and the place heals over. w S. 9. ia both a blood purifier and tonic that nuts your blood In order aud nt tne same time tones up the system and builds up the general health. If you luve a chronic aore write ua. No charge for medical advice. I THE 8 WIFT SPECIFIC CO., A TIAMTA, CA, Richmond; Fredericksburg and Potomac R. R. AND WASHINGTON SOUTHERN RAILWAY. The Richmond-Washington Line. The link connecting the ATLANTIC COAST LINE R. R.. BALTIMORE & OHIO R. R , CHESAPEAKE '& OHIO R'Y, . PENNSYLVANIA R. R.. SEABOARD AIR LINE R'Y, and SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Between all points via Richmond, Va. Fast Mail, Tassenger, Express and Freight Route between RICHMOND. WASHINGTON. BALTIMORE, PHILA DELPHIA, NEW YORK, BOSTON, PITTSBURG, BUFFALO, AND ALL POINTS NORTH, SOUTH, EAST AND WEST. ' W. P. TAYLOR, Traffic Manager W. D. DUKE, Gen'l Manager. C. W. GULP, Ass't Gen'l Manager. TO MAKE ROOM res Our . , Fall and Winter Stock The following will be offered at very low prices for the next ThiHy Days to mako room for our Fall .and Winter Stock : 10,000 Yards PUidsaotjIfomespun, 1000 panta Cloth, 500 " Tkklnf, 300 " 10-4 SheeUiif, 1500 ' bleaching, lo.ono " PrinU, 1500 " Dreaa Lining, 1X0 White Good. 2500 " Dress Goods. T ARCS ASSORTMENT OP Chambrays, Madras, Satin, Gingham, Swiss, Lawn, Per cale, Duck, Silk, U hyr, Em broidery and Trimming of erery description. 2500 Yards Ribbon, 1 joo Pairs Hose and Half-Hose, 1000 Handkerchiefs, 73 Dozen Gents' Collars, 1500 GenU' Shirts, aco Pairs Cloves, 150 Corsets, 1300 Yards Braid, aooo " Lace, 1000 " Matting. -Lunaeaie. . CUOUIl IOSTfEEl RAIUOID. 1 offer for Immediate bale. I , . U4V' a?S,.fVMr I'i'r Umd cldl Effect Beplemhrr XXh, loo, i fit. Panl'a TuwtuLm. Rabewta Count. I . ... f b - u-..x.vi.f.x t -1 l'l. aoiaaoe, I, ww mm hw (imm hdu, ui(id i Umm LaaiMra..lsai a I to uw uaiwMiy ot riortb Larvllaa, cow uialaa: -sooo terra, lore or lesa. Tbe tract la aitiMird about four mils Imta lb Atlantic Coaat I Jus Rjulroad. and about Ihrt nUea from St. rauls. am flood part of it is excellent farming wau, wrui me uaianca ts timbered wllb long and short leaf uir oak. rvorcaa poplar and other naiivs woods. For further inforumtton. as to location of lbs land, call on W. B. Burns. Eo . 01. i-uuia. n. .., aixi lor lortner Inlurma- ttoo km lu price and terms, call 00 A. W. McLean. Esq.. Attorney at Law, Lutu- lrtoo, N. C. ' arpt 15 fop .... .! a aiaadi...M s rMiBujia....M4 ffwrUrrtlM.il at pwabar 1 1 IS if Flvr 11 H Martoiu 11 1$ HulatMTlll. II M - Mill . 1 u mptT Ilk Kiwnl II 4S aqulraa list fork It a a as (loa IS II lopri 1.SS Arm Marina IS m $100 Reward taufnUj oalf . I aaiWrtuB.ia.1 a rom a ta Klnadl.. S M I'ulopv la. . t an Frueutrvllk.. I ll lalwr S M aat as a a T TBS Kf i tJS TS T w tJ . sss , S M ' ss sat .u ss s i w 4 st i-m m IW It IN ISS 111 S4 as i as twt jriral Umw. iXtsM. T3IH.S. INn. 4. Ha.t. Will be pan! loany North Carolina citizen I HaraMrtiu'l s who can obtain a policy in any company I VHItL""" !!r other than tba Penn which will meet the I Moiiii . a n r..ii 1 : wiaiu.. i n viKniuir iiuuirnnrnii ; 1 ne couiuaoT I Haatarr fia must b as safe, as old and conservative. I t! aa libera, aud bave as clean a record ; the I 'ork T S6 !...... , . .. ., I lloa T.ia piiruiiuiu rain, cxpcuK 1UU UCaiU ratios I mUmr t M mn.i 1 in. . lni.. :-. ii I Marina aa . , . enui mim ue as large ; tne contract 1. must be as free from restrictions, aud tba policy must contain loan, paid-up, cash surrender and eitenalon values as great aa those of the Ptun Mutual. J. D, AUSTIN, aug 14-301 Maxtoo, N. C. ia la ill ss as (Ml IIS HI t IN 11 I IS III ISS IU I tS IIS 4 8 41 JS I SI 4.11 im m I IT Ul is III JS las III lis 1.0 tSaodav ol j. T. O. McNKBLY limm a. W J. IDWAlDa lUoaUar. ' SEABOARD Air Line Railway- Betieca lei Tortjunpt, Itltoti, let 0rl8U8 isd Points SoaU ul West m irracrr araib ma. isoa. SOUTHWARD Mo. Lv. Maw York, F. . Lv. PhlUuUlpala, P. a, 1 TTICSTllE V4-IINEV& & HoPOfinHFAppopTpiV'pro f - - w a f a w wa a aw Vaaar N o RTH !ND -S O UTH Florida Cuba. A passenger service unexcelled for luxury and comfort, equipped with the latest Pullman Dining, Sleeping and Thoroughfare Cars. For rates, Schedule, Haps or any informa tion, write to WAL J. CRAIO, General Passenger Agent,' Wilmington, N. C. New' Seaboard Extension. Augusta, Ga., Nov. 80. It is re ported iu railroad circles bnre that the Seabord Air L'lie Riilway is about to absorb the Atlantic and. Birmingham railroad. It if sairt an (iteiisiou will lmlt from Moijt zuma, Ga.. to Birmingham, HiuiK te seaboard Air Lin direct linn from Birmingham tc the sea coast. JUST WHAT YOU EEl). Chimberlaln'i Stomach and Liver Tablet!. When you feel dull afr eatint. When you have no appetite. When you have bad taste in the mouth. , When our livt-r is torpid. W hen jour lowelsare constipated. V "hen jou have a headache. . When-you feel hillious. - f' They will improve your appetite .cleanse and invigorate your stomach, and regu lte your liver and bowels. Price 25 cts. per box. For tale by H. T. Pope & t o The atudent in the geograpL., ciass wnoaeciareu tnat 1'auamo was botftided oil tho east and west by warahips and on tbo north. .and s uth 17 marue8 is not'coiifiuii g studies to text books that were 'published dav before yeaterday.' ' Haw'iThUf- We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be 0U8 of the most Courageous men j he CHrred by Hail's Catarrh Cure. in public life id tbeState. Fewmeu 1 i ... . 1 1 . uitb pui iu lueir rtcora a loitier ; resolve to follow alike hi high iu atiucta of right, aud wbat bis judg tneat conceived to be for tbe best interest of tba people, without re gard to the clamors and threats of capricious popular isutiment. Tba wisdom of his jadgment as Men in tbe light of ao after expe rience baa bad to rescue bim from a nnpopularity bit public acta - brought down on bim in the pass ing boar that other wise would hira dtatroyad Jum for ill time, omioio tbe State ia better 15 1- F.J. CHENEY & Co.. ProDs.. r ' Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F.J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their return. West and TrUax, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O. Walling, Kuinan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the brood and mu cous aurfaces of the syatcm. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by Druggists. Testi monials free. Hall'a Family pyi are tba bast. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Th.' uidi'rsij.'ncd havlne this dajr qualified as aln intstrntor of Berry ThoaiprHin KlvfS notice to all iTson holding claims aKftlimt the estate of sn!a Herry Thompson 10 prt'senl Ihein to the undersigned for paynientou vr hefor OeUiher 2". tli. lie 4. or ihlf nolU-c will te pleaded lu bar 01 1 itei repayment. Al! piTwiiH liidcWf d to the said Berry Thomp son iiiuhi mnke into rotate pa ment. This Octnlx-ri-ltli, 1WW. IKA B TOWNSKND, AniiiiiNHiraioroi orrry 1 nomoson. A . Mrlean. McLean A Mccormick, attorneys fori V adoiinlntrator. oct 30 4 w Mammon ba a motgage on half tho people in this world and tte other half don't obj-cttoa li'i.l" pftonev occasionally. Orange, Va , Observer. The Ben Remedy tor Croup. From the Atchison Kan., Dttlhk'-lobe. This is tbe season when tne woman w ho knows the best remedies for croup is 1:1 demand in every .neighborhood. One of the tucst terrible thirds in the 11 t- i.t- : ,u- : r renoaniw requtrea 10 pnswer or aemur, or tne world is to be awakened in the middle of , i, th .mnii. lm 1 Notice of Service of Summons ar.d War- raut of Attachment by Publication. NORTH CAROLINA,! c " u Robeson County. SuPer,or .ronrt- A. B. rearsall. Dliilntlff. V. , Amerlean Lumber and Manufacturing Com lany. defendant. . The defendant, the American Lumher and Maniiftcturlng Onirany wl'l take notice that an nction entltl d as above has been com menced In the Superior. Conrt of Robeson ouiify by the above named rlaTntlff. to cover the nun of four hundred and fortv-lhree dot lars and peventy-seven cenK". wl'h Interest thereon, from 3-ptemlier 80th, 181)1, due by ae emnt'by the said defendant to plaintiff, and the wild defendant w'll further take notice that it In required to appear ths next term of the Superior Court of Rolieson County to bo neiaon tne ikui wuunay alter tne nrst von day In September. !., It lielnp the "th day of Decernlier. lifjl.at the Court House in Luf lierton. North Carolina and answer or deiijur to the complaint of plaintlfT In said notion, or the niaintiir will apply to the court for tneTe- Uer demanded in said comp aint. And the said defendant will also take notice that warrant of attachment has also been Is sued by the said court ugniiipt the proueity of tne sain cierenoani, wnirn )ai'i warrint or at tachmenl ts returnab e at the ncit term of the SuperlorCoart to be held at the Court House In Kobeson County. North Oroliua, St the time and nlace above named for tbe return of the'summons. when and where the sld de- 300 Paritao Corsets J1 Styles wd Siiss. Large Lot of Gents' Ties, Umbrellas, &c. the night by a whoop from one of the children. The croup t&nedies are almost as Hire to be lost, in cafe of croup, as a revolver is sure to be lost in case of bur glars. There used to be an old fashioned remedy for croup, known as hive syrttp and tolu, but some modern mothers say that Chain berlain's Cough Remedy is bet ter, and does not cost so much. It causes the patient to "throw np the phlegm" quicker, and gives, relief iQ 8 shorter time, (Jive this remedy as soon as the croupy couh appears and it will j)reyn,t the at tack." It never fails aud is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by H. T. Pope& Co. ' Caught a crauk iu Colorado's Capitol," pava a dispatch. How times flie! Ooly a few years ago and the newspapers would bave made a eeasation out of the prea- aonce of a ppnsthl man iu that building New York Heard. irranted. Witness o&'rsaia-elark this the 'Jtith dav of October, 1008. ' W. H. H V M I'll KKV. ' Clerk of the buperlor Court. McLean. McLean fc McLoru.lck, attorneys for plaintiff. frlnovS 4t Mortgage Sale. By virtue of the provisions ot aeertaln mort- gatte deed executed by . Jt. Townsend and wife Carrie Townsepd.. to the undesigned on the I th day of March. IIW which Raid Oiort- 350 Gents' Yonths' and Boys' Suits, 800 Pat rs Pants, 7500 " Shoes, (Gent"', Indies, Misses and Children's.) 900 Hats, 150 Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases, 3000 Pounds Tobacco, 1000 ' Snuff, 25 Bags Coffee, 10 Cases Gold Dust and Pearline, 10 " Soap, to " Baking Powder, j 300 " Candy, 750 Gallons Molasses. Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Washing Tea, Sjigar, Crack ers, GritU, Bacon; Lard, Meat, Corn, Tomatoes, CHOWAN Baptist Female Institote Murfreesboro, N. O. TUB FIFTY SIXTH ANNUAL SE3- sion of the Institute opened on Septem her oth. lOt. with a larire attendance. I Lv. aalnawra, p. E. a It. pstronageis. rtelilyTnereased since fej; JaJ its present administration tegan in tbe Lv. heurstntrf , - rail 01 197. m. aoniu, Tbe course of study is broad. The T- i;7-,Zi. eleven member of the faculty have been Lv! Soaihara Float, careiuliy selected and are well trained - naaiiat. and specially qualified for their rawneCt- tT' STif "" ive positions. Ar! Jaakjoardla, 1 ne neaitu record nt tne acnool is not I Ar.Taaa surpassed, if equalled, bv anv other school in .rout of the Stale I Lt. Haw York, H.T.P.aM The record or the Institute for fifty- M vJrV, W m . n m . , .... , l. V . . ' . Tf iivr years anu Hie riiK-iency aau won V' snuaura, B. a. r. Co. ita uraflnftlea are ita Kat Mnmm.nil,. I t.V. WaSh'IOD. IS . AV W. S. B. : I , IV wwvwMa, . - I l.w M iinna. Ne.-essarv expenses for a Scholastic Lv. Norllna Y. ar, f r Literary Tuition. Board and LL-Hspderson ruei iwnnom unrqn , Jili.oo. Lv. Boathirn FIdn. rut run inivrmaiion, nciure-s 1 lt. Hlaltl, IOHS t'. SCARBORtlt'GH. Trea. Lv. Wilmington ' ' ' IA.rUB....at. Murfrt-eshoro, N. t Lv. Uraenanod L. Athens. nwiMinn dl niiunT nt; Ar.Atianu.i ' I Ar. Monta-om'ry , A. Sf.f r. Mobile. L. N. Dally Sl ncv6-tf . VJL, THE fJREArtJ.ST STOCK OF FINL AND MEDIUM FURNITURE m m soma . CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. . . . 709-711-713 E. BROAD ST RICHMOND VA.. Ar. New Orleans. L. A N. I Ar. Nashvllla.N.O. 81. L. Ar. MemphU.i II M am I IS a an s m p m Itota IS ST a as 1 ain I Ha aa 4 ua ai I lttB T M 10 a as 1 asps. T Warn Sam, No. as. t Ham 10 IS a in TSO0BB, t 06 D BO 11 44 Bl 1 Him I ma u 4 Ma ai 5 os a as T Mam 18 OS a 10 Ma m 11 Ua B 1 Mpsa t top m S 30 p Bl t p Bi SOpB I Ma at 7 II a ai I Mi a I 41 P Bl Pally Mo.iT U 1 J Mass I S4 a aa is Mia I IS p aa IStpaa I IS pa SOSpaa TSSpaa SSpaa )Spat 11 ai a ai staaa S Uaaa OSPBB No. il. tsaas 11 sspm ItiatpBi ODD sataa 11 tl p Bl 1 4Spai I lOpaa 4 00 p aa 5 ISpaa 10 40 p 01 S SS p aa lOMpaa 1 staaa llltn SOSam I Ma aa U Maas laspn S M 141 Peaches, Canned ' Corn, Baskets, Brooms, Crockery and Tinware. A Fall Line 0! Furniture Iron Bedsteads, Chairs, Rockers, Spring Mattresses, Suits. Hammocks, &c. For a Bad Cold. If you have a bad cold you need a good reliable medicine like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to loosen arfid relieve it, and to allay the irritation and inflamma tion of the throat and lunga. II. T. Tope Co. For sale bv The best dressed womau iu cbarcb doesn't care how long the service 11. For aick headache try Chamberlain's Stomach and iiver Tablets ; they will ward off the attack if taken in time. For sale by Dr. T. Pop& Co. , . 1 1 r i. - Yon cacoot till by nze of a mati'a boraa the tiia of fail bap- in&aa. (infte in recorded In tiook It ct,Uiri)fii . rs. mire aa in me omce 01 reaiaier or oido i county ,.1 wllK on Monday, the 7th clay of )-eniitr. 1W, at 11 a toPJk,M..'it the court hou ,lo r In Luinlierttfh. N. C.. offT for al to the liiirheat blddxrat public auoil in. for cash, the foliow- lau dccrlli-l iraet of land : In Kck Sna npTownahliv Rotenon county, liounded and de crtbedaafolliwa: On tli wrut by1 the land-t of Mr. Naah. 011 Hie ninth l,v tlip )a.id of C R. McNeill, on the boh t-tf" by, tU, lan'la of DouKald McOormac. on t 1 nl- Sff crt-n no won a iji a- vwi-' crp iiact ror- nierly nwiicd by l(ould MeOormae. At the came lime and place we tfill alao a II ne liay mare tile, 4 ye r!d.Mi,e UKhr of the underalaned on the 13th day of March, ims Dy raid . n luwnsena, which 18 Inelud ed In fiid niorWace. Time of gale: Vi o'clock, M . Tei mi of sale : Cash . W I. LINKHAW, MortRaiee. Mclntjre & Lau ence, atiyg. frnoS-lt ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The undcral.-ned having Ihiit day qnalilted as admJnlatrMor o. Commodore Floyd, hereby etvca notice to ! neraona boldina- elatms aaaiuKt the estate of asfd commodore Floyd to prewnt Ihem to rhe on?rirned lor payment on orl'nr Ofiob'r 2th; IK. o' thfa notice frill tie pleaded In ba' of their paynieat. All pervont indebted to aald commodore Floyd matit make Immediate payment. " Th la October Mth. ! JAMKS L. TOWN8KXH. Admlnlatiatorof xmaiodore Floyd. Mclean. McLean A Mccormick, attorneva for administrator octaolw Executor's Notice. Having qualified tbta day aa eteeatnf of A. D. Thnmpaon. dece'aaed. thia la to notify all peiaot i having clalma agnlnat aald eatate to preaenithen to me or to McLean. McLean A weoorale. any attorney, at Lnn hcrtou C. on or befttr tba Mth day of October. ISOl, Large Assortment ol Hardware, Cook Stoves. Wood and Oil Heaters, Hoes, Forks, , Shovels,' Spades, Rakes, Axes, Carpenter's Tools, Spokes, Rims, Hubs, Axles, and all kinds of Buggy, - Wagon aud Cart Material. Paints, Oil, Putty, Glass, Brushes of Every Description. A PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR. $200 Reward. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1 KXHCtTJlVK I.lEPARTMKNT. j Whereas, official inform itiou has been r.ceived at. this department that some person or persons unknown did on the nth day of June, loot, burn the mill of Mr. Wesley Thompson, in Robeson County : And WnHKEAS, it appears that the said unknown person or per ons has' or have fled the btate, or so conce .is nimseit or themselves thut the ordinary 1 roce.-is ot law cannot le served upon ljim or them. Now, Thkrf.fokk, ;. Uiarlerf'Ol, Ay- cock, Oovernorof theSta'e of Sorth Car olina, by v rtueof authority iu me vested by law, do i.sue thi my proclamation, offering a rewjrdof Twi Hundred (f o) Dollars for the apprehension and delivery of the said uuktiown person or persons to the Sheriff "of Robeson Countv at the Court House in Lumberion, with evi dence sufficient to convict, and I do en join all officers of the State and all good citizens to assist in bringing said crimi nal or criminal? to justice. . . Dnneatour citv or Kaleitrll. V the 32nd day of October, in seal. ! the vear of ou rLord one thou- j sand nine hundred and three , -' and in- tbe one hundred and twetity eigth year oi American Indepen dence. By the Governo : CHARLES B. AYCOCK. P. Si. Pkarsall, Private Secretary, o 27 NORTHAW Xo. U. 114SDOOB IHiu a 16 pm II 4 am a 44 an IS 10 a m llSSnooa liTin I U,B T 91 p bi I SSpm IS SO p m it lip 1 .It lima S 44 a 111 e a tr S lOa d Lv. Memphis, N.C. A St. L. Lv. Haanviua. Lv. w Orleana, LaK. Lv. Mobile, L. A S. Lv. MontKom'ry, A.4W. P Lv. Manoa.U ofUa. Lv. Aucnata. 0. A W. 0. Lv. Atlanta, t . A. L. By. AT. Athens. Ar. tireenwaod, " Ar. Oheater, -" Lv. Oharlotta, " Lv. Wilmington " Lv. Hamlat, " Lv. Southern Pines, " Lv. Kalelgh, " Lv. nendenton, " Lv. Norln.a, " Lv. Weldon. Ar. Portsmnnth, " Ar. YVash'ton.K. A VT. S.B Ar. Baltimore. B. 8. P. Oo. Ar. Nw Vol k, O. D. 8. 8 Oo Ar. Philadelphia, N.Y.P.4N Ar. Mew York, " 1 Lv. Tampa. 8. A. L. By. Lv. Jacksonville, " Lv. Havanuah, ' Lv. Uoiuuibla, ) " Lv. Hamlat. " Lv. Southern Plnea, " Lv. Kalelgh. Lv. Handerson, " Lv. Norllna, B.A.L.Ry. Lv. Peleraburc, " Ar. Hlehmead, Ar. Wanhtngtaa.W. 8. B. B. Ar. Baltlmnra, P. B. B. A r Philadelphia, " A r. Maw York, ' f 4PBI Itpl SO.U OS p an 11 1 11 a r I H lv IS IS p Bl 11 IS lain I Ul D S 41 S 4Sa ISir is is a bi 11 B Daily Km. aa t S pa s so am 1 uSRaa 4 pm ISp m U j p m Sotaaa 4 Uaat a as TMaaa UllB II IISBl t Mp ta a p as s OS p m SSpm S Wl M rMSOaai ra 00 pa warn as Ma. a. 8 soaaa TMaaa twin sataas S tta aa Kl Maa 1 IS pas 1 at pat scspar 4 M s as sspaa 1 Sty s. t Hi. 4 llg-sssaw 'Nate. fDally IimiI Haada I oantrai Tina. aastera A. O. OSflORNB. Aeat. LBBberUa, B. 01 OSCNATBa)- or this aottve. will ba plaaded la bar of their recovery. All persona Indebted to tald estata Win pimmmt aaaaa InaMUM paj Thia utAt day of October, IMS. paymaat. my n ttimiH iaih lUtaaa, MaUaa A IfptjoraUak, IitomeraL ANYTHING YOU WANT IN Dry Goods,' Notions, Clothing Shoes, Hata. Groceries, Hardware, &c. ' '. All New Goods. This large stock will be sold at largely reduced prices to znaKe room for our Fall and -Winter Stock. Call early and make your selections ang se cure bargains. : ' - . . WaJ.PREVATT. iVmbtrtoa, K, Ufa It, Ifo). Commissioner's Sale. Bv virtue ot a Indetren t of hfi Snnerlnr Oourt or avooeaon ooouiy. encrreu oeipre me uiera thereof, on Nov. 1 1 tli, Iwl. lnagpeelal proceed' Ins therein pencil n. wherein 8ion P. Baker and othem are piaiot'ffa and John W. Bake' andothera are defendanta, I will, on Monday the Slat day of Dnntr. 100s. at lao'clock. M offr tor aal e to the highest bidder at public auction lor caan, ai me . onrt tiouae ooor in Lumber ton, N (J . the followlna described laoi. in Airordav.lle Township, Robeson Coup tv. N. C. to-wit: Beginning at a stake by two pines, the comer. or a i-rre aurvey. conveyed by Ston Airord to neui i. inner, on U"iooer min, unr, and run thenoe North UH Kaat 1.46 chains: thence North 4SH W. 1S.H4 chaint; tbence North 48 i o.m cmmi w 1 rue 07 1 oaa, rne ne ginning corner of M acres ansigned to John W. Baker from the landa of Nelfl Z. Baker, de ceased (lot No. 11; tbenee aa that line il.'l w. or enalns to a stake by two oakaana pine in Htmer'a line: thence 8. 4 w. 4 Sl chains thence 71 H K. S chains: thence 8. 88H K. SO chalna; thence N. tU K. 1.40 chain ; thenw NoithMLtB. 8K chain: tbencc 8. asW B. It SO enaina; thence a. sbm Baat i.ai cuain to tne beginning, containing I'O acre more or lesa. B il. LAW hKNCK. Oommlnioncr. McLean. McLean A McOonnlck. B. P. McLean. Mclrtvre A Latwpae. Attorneys. rrj :Mct ol IdmlolstntloB. Havlna a a'ifled thia ."at as arimlnlatrattr of tbe catata of f. K. cDi aid, deecaae.1, late of Boheaoa Conn y ihla ia to rotify all per a.na having claim" agaiBPt aald 't- lo pr aeat them to an al McD- .aald's. li . O.. or W MclatyraA atnsce. my atto-aya, at Lnai berk . .0.,0' Oi before the 4 b !ay of Oo tober. 104. or thUnotie will b nlcarl la bar of laatr reeovwrr. a 11 nervosa lnrlr btad tn aald SSIatawll) pleaaa wiaa r ro ptpaynent. - . . t. a. uhiiaiu. aamiauirmtAr, -MtUtyrs 4 Lavwreaea, aiwraay , ; tr Double Dafly Trains Carrying Pullman Sleeper, Cafe Car (a la carte) and Chair, Can (aeatta freeX Electric Lightets Throvghout t arwaaaa; -Birmlnthao, licmpUj aa Ktnsts City no to fct, oita IN Texas, Oklahoma aad ladtaQ Territories A0 TNi Far West and Jfortlirest , THB ONLY THROUQH SLAB PINO CAR UN8 BBTWBBN THB MUTHRAST AND ' KANSAS CITY f Deacriptiva Hter.JnxjiilcketB ar ranged and through reservation made upon application to , W.T. SAUNDtajS, C(M 1. Aat. rW Qg-w. ,"oa . -'1 V.C.CLASIK, Taav.Paaa.Aar., AvLaava, Oa. Strawberry Plants . a 1 1 . Trfb LARGEST STOCK1 INTHBWt)RtD. NEAR XY too ..VARIETIES. All toe choice, luscious kinds for the Garden and Fancy Market. Alao Ship ping Varieties. - Alao, Fruit Trees, of. all kinds -to growers at Wholesale - Kates. -We will save too half in olanlii r an orchard, Dewberriea,. AnDaraeus. Khu- hfearh, Grape VineSTfc. etc i Our iao page Mananl, free to bnyers, euai lea every Ltd j to , grow them with success-and r rofit. ' All plants tiacked to carry acmes the ' continent fresh as when dug. Illustrated cattalogne free. Specif r if ou want cat- alogne of -Shipping Varieties or Fancy ' , Garden kiode, - . CONTINENTAL PLANT CO., Ul T e ai 1 run tribe - . . wnwsws.st, v S. wen 'I Agent Pssasnger Oepartmsaw ATLANTA. GA. . ,