R0B1 ESTABLISHED 1870. Country, God and Truth. SINGLE COPIES 6 CENTS. VOL. XXXV, NO. 8. LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1004 WHOLE NO. 10 1 THE SOMAS ASK THE MAN FOR If IJACOBl) STANDARD FOR QUALITY BEST AXE MADE. OR SALE BY TUB LRADINO MER CHANTS OF ROBESON COUNTY. Sarganl'e Gam Wood Chopper CHOPS FOOD P to Roth cooked and un cooked, reduces kitchen drudgery, less etii household labor. Take the place of chopping bowl and knife ! useful In prepar ing all kinds of dishes. N. Jevcobl Hardware Co.. Wilmington. RIP ROARING MAD Are Eotti Democrats and Repot)- Deans It Action o! President In Indlia Terri- torj Prmds Iioj Coogressmefl Stirred Dp Orer Postonict Cisei PROFESSIONAL CARDS. . A. H.Lhi. A. W. Mo Lean 1. Q. MoOoralok. IcLEil, IcLElI a IcCORHICK, ATTUKNJCYB AT LAW, LUMBERTON. N C Office Temporarily Located in Shaw Building, Over Postoflice. Prompt attention given to all business. Brsrass afoInTTaa. a. o. lawbbhcb Mclntyre & Lawrence, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Lomberton, - N. C W. S. NORMENT, Attorney at Law, LUMBERTON, N. C DmIa i .it .1.. ... i ,,. c... R. R'LEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rooms, Nos. i and a, McLeod Building LUMBERTON, N. C. u. j. imutt, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LUMBERTON N. Office in the Dr. Pope Building. Wad WiiHAJtT. D. P. Shaw WISHART & SHAW, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LUMBERTON, N. C. Office oyer Pope's Drug Store. Practice in all the Courts JOHN D. SHAW. JOHN Y. SMITH. SHAW & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Vatnpill Building, on Fifth Street, LUMBERTON, - - N. C K. T. ALLRN. F. D CASTLKBVRY. Drs. Allen & Castlebury, Dentists. LUMBERTON, N. C. Office orer Dr McMillan's Drug Store. Phones Office, 45 ; Residence, 94. C.H.LENNON, D.D.S, DENTIST, Rowland. - - N. 0. DR. J. D. REGAN, DENTIST, LUHBSRTON, - - N. C. Office in Shaw building, drug store. over Pope's Dr. F. H. PITMAN, DENTIST, ASH POLE, N. C. nnnBANK deposit j)sjmf Vf Vr Railroad Fars Paid. 500 gggggggggm K E Courses Offered. 4F0ni-l AR'MA BUSINESS COLLEGE. Mscoa.Ga. GUARAN- Whatever The farmer needs we make a spe cialty of handling. It's in our line; it's onr business to keep farm sup plies of all kinds and we strive to keep our stock fresh and equal to all demands. We still continue agents for the celebrated Hickory Wagons, Which for vears have given such general satisfaction in this and other sections, and unhesitatingly say that for farm and road purposes it la not excelled. Besides having a supply of these on hand we have "recently received a full lineof Cart and Wagon Wheels and Open and Top Baggies. We are the originators of the buggy business in this town, and think our past experience enables as to give especial attention to all who purchase of us. We can sud- Lply you with Harness, Bridles, Col lars wktps, sc.. sc. Accept our thanks for your past patronaee. and give us a share of your future favors. Very truly yours, 0. C. NORMENT S CO. . CoririH.mlrnor uf The Kobraonlaa . Washington, D C , Msroh 18 M tuy Democrats as well as Repub lican in Congress are rippirgmad at the President of the L' nted States because be baa done some thing tbat they oousider reprehen sible, aud this is tbe story iu brief : Several ruoutbs ago tbe President sent two agents or commissioners to tbe Iudian Territory to investi gate tbe stories of oorroption and rotteutiPSf dnwu there smoug tbe Federal cdioiala. Tbey went, made tbe investigation and report- Hi to tbe President through tbe Secretary of the Iuterior. Their report bas beeu in tbe bauds of the President for more tbaD a month, aud some three weeks ago the House, by resolution, isked tbe President for tbe report. At tbat time tbe Jndiau appropria tion bill was under consideration, aud tbe House wanted some infor-, matiou on tbe report tbat there waa rottenness in tbe Territory. Tbey got uoiia atid tbe bill waa passed by tbe House sud then paased by the Senate and h been aigued by the Presideut. Now. alter tbe tbiug has become the law, tbe Presideut sends iu tbe report f bis ageuts who investigated tbe stories of corruption, aud tbe re port corroborates every charge tbat has beeu made concerning tbe Dawes Commission aud tbe men who repreBeut tbe goverumeut iu the kdian Territory. It tbat report had beeu before the Indian ippropnatiou bill bad beeu passed tbe appropriation continuing the Dawea Commission iu existence would have been knocked galley west. The President, by holding R005EVELrS PROCLAMATION. It TRUCKING SITUATION. PreDintloLU Mil Made For Hudllng Strawberry Crop. (Jive Oraat Satisfactiosi to Raaats. War Mews. A 8t. Petersburg dispatch of Washington eays. President Roote velt'a receut proclamation re garding tba neutrality obervano by all the officers of tba United States, prodooed an impression The papers this moroiog priut promiueut articles jommeodiog tba eubstance and apirit of tea rroolamatko in theh'gbeat tern. The OSioial OsietU aooepta it aa a aomnlete answer to the chars tbat tba American governa-wotl The leading editorial in tba was hostile to Russia aud declares I fourthooming iaaoaof thaCarolin Fruit and I rockers Journal is on tba strawberry and vegetable site Lirfi Iierasi ti Aerei0i Till Seisoi. Salpmeati ol Sprtif Uttaci to It ill nil luti-Iet Hoisu PilJiBl STATIi NCWt. it may be considered Mttlad once and for all. despite whatever may occor. "ibe Aoserieau govern meot bas taken a friendly attitude toward oar aims and policies in the far East." The Njvosti hails tbe anapiciona iuitiativa of Presi dent Roosevelt iu tba ib teres t of ouivarsal peace and good fellow ship between Russia and tilt Uait ed States, sayiug: "lie wields praotioally nnimited authority with respect to tbe foreign polioy of tbe oouotry, Secretary Hay submitted to the will of tba Presi dent. 1 ne uoers Usiette says: "I beara tba stamp of strong and most distinguished personality. ation and tba following is a por tion of tba article: A few dava of snnsbine during tba first week of March baa done much to start ft vegetation and the strawberry fields art already beginning to ahow tba result of warm weather it fliaoees. Tbe past winter baa by oommon 000 aent bean tba moat severs we have had in tbia territory for aqaarter of a century at least. What effect aaob weatber conditions will bavs 00 tba following strawberry crop tbis season is as yet an uuknowu auantitv. Que thins ia certain. rr i ,a a 1 I mere is 00 irutn in tue report there baa bean no mid winter that the Russians have abandoned I strawberry blooms in these parts. t'ort Armor. Admiral abiii, ... th Un vir. mri th secretary of tbe commission for fsr Eastern affairs, authorises tbe Asooiated Press to deny tbe story. He says tbe situation at Port Ar thur is unchanged and nothing of importance baa occurred there in tbe last twenty-four hours. A Tokio dispatch of Monday says: The supplementary report from Vice Admiral Togo, concern ing the effort made by tba Japan ese crews of torpedo beats to res cue tbe crews of the disabled Rue siso torpedo boat destroyed, reach ed here today. It saya .that the Japanese wonld have been able to rescue many more of tba enemy, vinea this season should produce some unusually Qua fruit. We give it as onr opinion tbat tba 1004 aaaaon will show up with a good Average crop aud an io orease over 1908, as it is a well known faot tbat the iuoreaae of son age throughout North and South Carolina and Virginia this year bas bean fully 15 per oeut. over tbat of last year. The oantalonpe and melon crop will also be much larger than last year; indeed, we might say oU per oent. in exoeas of tbe 1908 output New strawberry and vegetable growers are entering tbe field ev Ciry Cr.well killed Bsmusl Johnson at Tillery 8 ajar Jay evso iug with a piece of iror. II Jtb mill ware colored. ud nsney Ann, aa she was well known iu Oiford, waa borned to death in her ho inn Fandav momioi atx ut J o cock id (Ire is th ught to have originated from tbe old woman's pipe. Judge T. A. McNeill issued an rder Monday rattraioipg the cav Irom proceeding with the work ol oouatruotu g a grade cruasiug u North Tryou street, ore of the Isidiog thoroughfares of Charlotte WEIN 8 TEIN S GREAT FIRE SALE I wish Tim rrauc to know that on FRIDAY, JANUARY 29th, 1804, , I WILL START TO SKU. MY ST.K Regardless of Cost ftvrrvthing tM,t t awM ami Sold quirk, sa I wmnt t yi ia an rwtire new IU of k(m1s f ihr sfWing trail. If yua uf liukinf ft the tt values yov ever had, num to are the grrat Itxlutrmrnia I ia to offer.' Rrmeotbrr, go Ja go regardless offot. tjSB SpoLM fo Everybody him, aud Dsvid Wise was sxrious- 1 0 0 ly if UOt fatally l j I red B th Clothing. Hata. t'n'lrrwmr. Crnl'i i'urniibinga. lilies' were promiueut faruisrs of I, u Skirts snd Indies' Uadrrwear will t all I. oolu o.uuty. The plan for tbe new d ormitor? at tba Hiate Normal atd Iudustnal Cullege at Ureeusboro is entirely uu (j le. It is two stories high, witu great pillars aud with p r tiooa ou the wiugs. inere is s very stately dome. Tbe town of Pineville, ten iniUs south of Charlotte, was destroyed bv fire earlv Mouday morning and only one business buea remain. Tbe fire is ID oght to have origi uated fri m lgbtmg duru g a FIFTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. Home goods that are damaged very had will be awil.t at any price. So oooie and e what have to gire you brfrr ihr atock Ia fucked over. First to come will get the bargains. Will have tbe stock on sale at LBNNON'S OLD STAND, Acniaa the street from my furmer place of l utinrta A. WEINSTEIN. lied in m lgntmg duru ga s-:- mm s-j .tirwib,.,,,ll PorinQnont MIqpo vts.:1, F u I III Q II u II I l I d b u . that report, has continued tbe very men in office who, bis own agents say, are corrupt aud veual and should be driveu from the public service. The people may draw their own conclusions. The administration bas got tbe daylights scared out of Wail Street and tbe big business interests of tbeoonntrv because it is going to ed tbe Steregnsohtcbi, only tbe dead remained aboard. It is be lieved tbat tbe livipg members of tbe crew jumped overboard and periahed. Three of tba resoued were Russian engineers .and tbe fourth a torpedo operator. All were place on the Japanese battle ship and given food and medicine. The Japanese at Wei-Hai-Wei ttithHrrw ihn monev from the report mat ron Artnur naa oeen banks of the country, deposited captnreu. will be established tbis year. Th aw allows 500 supplementsry li braries to schools which were e- tablahed under the laws of 1001. In the Superior Court in Ashe ville, Mouday, Rev. R. I. Oeeuby. formerlv a member of tbe Western North Carolina Conference, and young diviue uf rtcgoizd ability, secured a divorce. Since the beginning of bit domestic troubles, he has oeasd to preach Secretary of Slate Orimes. who is a large tobacco grower 'and in terestrd in tnat crop, says mat in the western tobacco region k full crop will be planted, but iu th era and Kmreaa rwnnl am flllinu east a short crop. Tbe bad weatb- r r i - . . . . , , . . their ice houees along the different 18 KmnK oacK-ee'. to me to- lines, hnildinir new ones wherever I bacoo planting and also to the necessary, and turning their cars irucamg interests. aoatnward and making other nec- lbe dispensary commissioner easary efforts to give our people I at Raleigh bas adopted a resolution I the best possible servioe during tbe asking tbe mayor to furnish them I ooming season. with tbe names of all persons in- It begins to look as though ship- dieted for drunkenness, and have but for the deadly Ore of tbe shore er. Tetlr aDd possiblv there has naileries ana ine Close arproacn I rwn a arearnr lnrmaan in thennm cruiser Novik ber of truck farmers thia vearmver ii'i .l. r .. . u l . Ri. uou nio rfpnT imuuDia ioBuu-iaD previoua one in a long while Armour & Co., tbe Fruit Grow- there oy tbe governmeut, to pay the opera bouffe republic of Pana ma for the canal strip aud tbe French people for tbe canal. Ev erybody seems to be mortally afraid that it will create euch a stringency iu the money market that it will preoipitate a pauio The money trusts are lying awake nights now wondering what will be tbe next move of the politioal acrobat in the White House Well, tbey put him there, now let tbe galled jade wince. There was a small sized sensa tion in the House last Monday morning when the committee to nvestigate the report of Assistant Postmaster General Bristow made ts report. It was rumored that uot less than 150 of tbe House members were implicated In the report as having violated the law and there was considerable "doing about" until the printed report was brought into the House. It was eagerly seized and scanned with much fearaud trembling by tbe members until the7 were satisfied that thev were uot n the list of alleged evil doers. hose implicated were charged either with renting buildingsowued by them to the government for postoffices, or else that they had hern instrumental in getting the Howance8 of the" postc ffices in their districts increased, the infer euce being that they bad done so with some ulterior motive and not for the good of the service. This whole thing is a case of great cry and little wool The members who ave been thus pnMicly charged by Mr. Bristow with violating the aw have only done so technically and for no graft or loot. They ave simply written to the Post- fiice Department authorities wbe? ppealed to by their constituents by tbe prsmasters in their d le nds for greater facilities fur andliLg tbe mails. Many of the cases of increase have been justi fied bv the increase of busiuess in he ( ffices asking for it acd per- sps unt one per cent, ot the so- called ( flenses have beeu commit ted with guilty intent. The whole ruth of tbe matter is tbat the report was started by the Repub can postal authorities to hide tbe culprits in this disgraceful lust of oot and distract tbe attentioq of he people of the oouotry from the bead devils and center of this volcano of venality. Tbey are trying to do tbe cuttlefish bicb spews out an inky -stuff to bide from its enemies. If will be the fault of tbe people if tbey allow tbemielret to be hood winked. A Paris dispatch says: "It is almost certaiu," telegrapha tbe St Petersburg correspondent of Gil bias, "that the Emperor will as sume command of tbe troops in tbe far East after tbe first impor tant engagement." Peril In the Handkerchief. ments would bardlv go forward before the 20th or 25' h of April Some think earlier, while others predict tbat it will be tbe 25th before there is any movement to apeak of. Laat year abipmeuts began on or about April 5th, and at this rata the 1004 season will be from 15 to 20 days behind last year. The Atlantic Coast Line and Peunsvlvania Railruada are It ia in fact a grave sanitary now at work on the arrangement question whether the handkerchief of a schedule for expediting the does not ao more narm man gooo movement with as it ia ordinarily used. When welble disnatoh. and Mr. Banmao. assume tbat toe healthy nose does! the shipping master of theasaocia not need to be wiped, We face a tioo, will take up bis quarters at reasons oi y oroaa proposition as 10 1 R0CIj Mount just as he did last tbe danger of tbe handkerobief asyear ta aooo M the first car load goea out in order tbat tbe greatest possible regularity may be exer cised in the distribution of this season's orop. At Rocky Mount he keeps track of every oar going out of thia ter ritorv and its destination, tbe hour a- . a " oemg promptly wasned, is slowed 1 0f ,ts departure Irom that point directed tbe dispensary (fliers and employes not to sell any liquor to such persons, or to those whom tbey believe are seeking to boy liquor for such drunkards. Miss Lillian McCreary, of Win ston-Salem, who was so seri uly hurt by being struck by tbe South ern s fast mail at L.inwood Satur day evening, and who has been iu tbe hospital at Salisbury aince, if reported to be improving. Her mother, who was killed in the aa- tbe greatest pos- oident, was buried Monday at Jer We herewith take pleasure to thsnk our friends aud patrons from Rohesou and aurnunding ooooties for their patronage last fall and winter, aud at tba aame time ws take kbe liberty of informing all that we took their advice to remain at Asbple permanently. We engaged 'wo of tbs bast atid most courteous sslesmen to attend to our business iu the spriug and summer while we weM North Luvinir the stick. We will uuder no consideration carryover our winter stock left ver for another season. We will sell our eutire ' left over stock, consisting of CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, ETC., For the next Thirty Days for less than the cost of tbe materials make it. Come early and get the first choice. Remen.ber. this sal will ouly last for 80 days. Respectfully, DUNIE BROS. ASHPOLE, N. C. a disease propagator, says the Medical Record. Moat of nasal catarrhs are of an infectious char acter, notably those of grip origin. Contrary to a general law of asepsis, tbe handkerchief saturat ed with disease germs, instead of for boors in tbe pocket, with a result tbat can beeasily imagined. Is it any woonder then tbat ca tarrhs are constantly fostered by a system ot anto-iofection? and the time of delivery at tbe other end of tbe line. He is also supplied with telegraphic advices aa to tba strength or weakness of each market in all the territory covered by shipments from this tsaAtinn asma4 laotiaiai aa. A a i 1 hnllahn "None of yoar Jap sympathy in L..h ' in. for dutriuntic.n on No Yellow Peril for Him. mine," said Mr. Ed Mason to tbe Gastonia Gastte man. "Tbis yellow peril is something to be afraid of, I tell yon. Suppose tbe Japs were to lick Russia and get oontrol of the Chinese Empire and train all those yellow millions in to good soldiers don't you know there's enough of them to swarm out and overrun tbe whole earth? No Japs for me. Away with tbe yellow piril! Bully for tbe bear 1" To show tba progress of, our town along the building line, there bas been built within the past year 10 dwellings, toe most . ol them nice, four stores, a bank, a large school building, a Methsdist church, a cotton gin and a livery stable, says the Rieford Chronicle. Several buildings are under con struction now and work will com mence on a number of new build- ings as soon as the material can be placed on the ground. Can any other small town beat tbis re cord? tba "Sboo-fly" leaving Rocky Mount at 5 80 a. m. aud reaching Wilmington at 10 10 a. m. Spring shipments of tbe lettuce orop will begin afresh on or about the latter part of the present month and the outlook is very promising indeed for a full yield Aa a matter of fact tbe lettuce acreage this year has increased ful ly 50 per oent otar last but the se verity of tbe winter bas seriouslv retarded its growth and develop ment. - Past Days la Kusala. Fast days in Russia are numer ous. Besides the ordinary Lenten period, which, however, in Rus sia is forty-eigbt days long instead of forty, tbey have three shorter periods of fasting one of nine teen days in June, one of four teen days in August, and another of thirty-three days in November and December. There are also three single days of fasting, of which two are also holidays. Fasting is a serious matter in Russia, for fih, milk and eggs are forbidden as well as meats. The result ia tbat tba markets for such product are largelv cat off for dairy farming becomes sey, Davidson county, her former home. F. Kirk, a white fartrer living six miles irom Durham, was paio fully wounded late last Friday uight by his brother. The two brothers were out fishing, when their dog treed. an o'possum. Que brother went to the dog aud was soon followed by his brother. In ihe meantime the first Kirk bad gone up the tree, add when tbe latter arrived he shot him out with a nil). Superintendent Joyner sajs there will be two large summer schools, one at tbe State Universi ty and one at the Agricultural and Mechanical College at Raleigh, and that there will be several groups of schools held by counties for at least one month. Hi re gards this plan as much better than tbat of holding county insti tutes, as so much more can be done where the couuties thus group their interests. Tbeanuual reunion of the North Carolina Associotioo of E'ks will be held in Winston Salem May 1 1th and 12th, at which time the n-w Elks' Home will be fermallyded icated with appropriate cramo- nies. The annual reunion of tbe Elks Was ' first arranged for Easter Monday, but when it was learned tbat Grand Exalted Ruler Joseph T. Fanning, of Indianapo lis, could not be present on tht date, it was changed to May. Look for our Big Sign, Our Motto, THE NEW YORK RACKET STORE. No trouble to show irooda: oolite attention to all. THE BANK OF LUMBERTON. LUMBERTON, N. C. Ample funds to meet the requirements of our customers at all seasons of the year. Fully protected by the best Burglar Proof Safe known to the bank ing world. Fire and Burglar Insurance sufficient to cover all possible loss. A. W. McLEAN, PRESIDENT. R. D. CALDWELL, VICE-PRESIDENT. s Sk-' A V W W VsW.fAw y CASHIER. J. P. STANSEI ASSISTANT CASHIER. 1904. Two men q tarreled about tei cents and both were afterward" taken to a hospital I it worth while tfi be a peacemaker? lb the fourth ceutury waa in troduced the q nll, or feather pen The first steel pen was made iu tba latter half of the eighteenth and the first gold pen in the first half of tbe nineteenth century. About 2 o'clock Friday morn ing,, during a thunder storm, a gang of safe crackers did success ful work in Kenly town. Tbey blew opeo tbe iron safes ol J. Stan-1 product are largelv cat off for It is perfectly impossible to cill and Reafrowand G. M. Mar- about one-third of the year and cause an electric spsrk of bigb acti-Un. . The robbers secured 11.600 1 dairy farming becomes unprcfita- electromotive force to leap from from Messrs- Statuull- ao4 i Betvlblsv aa atrict observance of fasts lone surface of a liquid to another frow. but failed to cat . anything I ia ,A -weigh isr natter with the For this reason it is rare that from Mr. Morris, ba Liariac 4sdo i Deocla than honesty or auf other I lightning strikes tbe surfaoe of IrtV tH Pit JU I 1SJMI V Vl SIVVIH V WWe. IWIHI, . Depend on conditions nnkftown. No one knows as to the seasons, . whether favorable or nn avorable ; but everyone knows that effort will be necessary in order to real ze good results. The maxim, "PEED AND CULTIVATE-THE LAND AStf IT WILL FEED AND EN RICH YOU," has often been verified. We furnish "THE FESD." GOOD STANDARD FERTILIZERS Our brands sre not Surpassed. Analyses and results have stood the i test of time and experiment. . Try them this' year and reap a rich re ward. Perhaps you have already tried them; if so it means continued ! use of the same brand. We can't promise lower prices than any other dealers, but we give all we Charge for your money's worth is aU you want. Send your wagons and carts to cur warehouses either at LsK bertoo or Ash pole (Mr. Jas. L Stephens delivers for us at Asbpole) for High G ade Acid Phosphates, Pare German Kain t. Owl Prand Guano, '.. Columbia, Soluble Guan-, Charlotte, Ammo. Guano. Charlotte Special Three Per Cent. Guano. "Split Silk" High Grade Guauo, Armou 'S - - General Guano, Armour's Special Guano. Hyco Tobacco Guano, Ni trate Soda, etc. The Charlotte and "Split Silk" Guanos contain cot. , tonseed meal, whil the Columbia, Hyco and Armour's Guanos sre animal bone goods. We have found these brands ''THE 6EST BY i TEST." Just received, Gar Loads ol Wagons and Carts, For oil ore, Coot Stoves, Plots Etc. Begin now and stick to us all the year. Promising best efforts, we are, respectfully, w . CALDWELL & CARLYLE, LUMBERTON, N. C. ; ."