ROBE AN -I ESTABLISHED 1870. Country,. Uoiland Trutli. SINGLE COPIES O CENTS. VOL. XXXV, NO. 17. LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, TUE8DAY, APRIL 10, 1001 WHOLE NO. 1023 r 3SON J ASK THE MAN KOR RUSSIANS DEFEATED Another Battleship Destrojed By Their Owe Mines. LTANIUIU) FOR QUALITY BKST AXE MADE. fORRAl.RBY THK LEADING MER- CHANTS OF ROBESON COUNTY. POULTKY I OH HKOnr. Tills Industry la Attracting a Ureal UmI of Alleailo. UuMMintmleflra lo tlir "Hotter itoultry and more of it" ii an old saying that ia appli cable to tlilt section of the coun try, as housekeepers who failed to tret sufficient eggs and ohickens for their use during the oust win ter, will testify. It is a little strange that there should lw n short aire in North nn of this uiost desirable Hear Admiral I'rinee Ooktomsky ' addition to the table, as a more Bat the Jipiatse Clilm Lhit Their Torpedo Boats Did tbe Work, Wolck Ij Strenuously Denied fcj Bissla. ,3: Sarg eni'e Gem rood Chopper CHOPS FOOD 3C Roth cooked and un cooked, reduces kitchen drudgery, lets ens household labor. Takes the place of chopping bowl and knife : useful in prepar ing all kinds of dishes. Javcobl Hardware Co.. Wilmington. PKOFESSIQNAL CARDS. wired from Port Arthur Thurs day that the Bexstrashni, one of the Russian torpedo boat destroy ers sent out during the night to reconnoitre liecame separated from the rest of the fleet, owing to the bad weather prevailing, was surrounded by Japanese torpedo iKiat destroyers and was sunk in the tight, soys a St. Petersburg dispatch. Fire men were sated. Admiral Ouktomsky adds: I have taken command nrovis- ionally of the fleet since t lie dis- nster to the Petropavlovsk. During some inatioouvering of the battleship sonadrou the Pobieda struck against a mine amidship on the starboard side idsal climate for the business of raising fowls oould not le de sired. All over the land this Industry is attracting more and more attention and daily more people are becoming interested in the work, the wide awake individuals are taking it up with an enthusiasm that argues well for their success .Vrany who are not strong physically or who desire out door occupation are sure to lie attracted to this work when its possibilities are realized, for if intelligently managed the re turns are large from small in vest nienta. There is no ques tion as to the fitness of women MISSOURI BLOtVN UP Fiie Officers aod Ttenly-Ioor Men KUied Oalrlftbt. Experts Si; Tint (b Clou t! tbe Explosion Wis Tee (9 FIiocs Blown Back from (be Icn'e of tbe Gons SI A Hi NLH s. The lrd of alderm-nt o' ( irreiiiMrn have toailively tie- rlinnd t k'" a riiul fur an oilier ( ! carnital One. they think, in eintipli fur any town TI10 dlnge of HuniMnlm illi', Some uiilra west of AaherilU. m almost wiiMil out by I' re tail week, few bounea lieing Ii ft stand ing The l.-M in i ahn.utcil Mtjfjl), . (, ith lillle insurance M Hill, aou M N M M BLACKER BROS of tht late Not Ih ( 'aro- neaday afternoon Jt5,(M) Hundn ! Ima. and well known to many While on the target range W ed Mien 1) II Mill, of A. W. McUtn M. A. UcLcau. ). O. McCurmlck. icLEii, icleii a Mccormick, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LUMBERTON. N C. Office Temporarily located in Sha Building, Over I'ostoflfice. Prompt attention given to all business she was able to regain port by j for this business for they are mas of powder exploded on the twit Ilea hip Missouri, killing tiu ofli ccrs and twenty tour men and injuring a n timber of others. two of whom will die, says nn Associated Press dispatch from Pensaoola, Fin. Thursday .two more ordinary seamen injured in the explosion on the battleship Missouri, at target practice Wednesday, died, making the total .'il. A No one man is miasing frum thu turret pie in i lis rMaie, nns won the I Hun ocrnlio ii iiti i ii t i i n for Chief Jus lice of the (Supreme l oiirt of Ar kansas The Inter Di'iiomiiiatiotial Sun day NcIwmiI Ahsoi'intion of North ('Hroliint win in Hcswion at Salis bury Uat week, with trims State I iiiummh I'1"') " niienunnro I romirient aiicakerH addressed the meeting A diseam known hm S I i m , i i Sickness crew. Jt Is U-hevisl tliat he was '' " o"i uisonvenu, either blown or eHes-d " '"'at symptoms of which is from the turret and ci -a zed ith ' disinclination to work. It hns luiin. itimimd overboard. Koert i 'vn prevalent since the fmnida- S. C. LAWatKCI STSfBIS NcIVTTir. Mclntyre & Lawrence, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Lambertou, - N. C. Attorney at Law LUMBERTON, N. C Practice in all the Courts in tbe State R. E. LEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rooms, Nos, i and , Mcleod Building LUMBERTON. N. C. E. J. BRITT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LUMBERTON N. Office in the Dr. Pope Building. Wadk Wishart. D. P. Suaw WIStJART & SHAW, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LUMBERTON, N. C. Oflice over Pope's Drug Store. Practice in all the Courts JOHN 1). SHAW. JOHN Y. SMITH. SHAW & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Vajupill Building, on Fifth Street, LUMBERTON, - - N. C. 8. T- AJ.I.Kt'. V. O CASTI.PBI'RY. Drs. Allen & Caatlebury, Dentists, LUMBERTON, N. C. Office over Dr McMillan's Drug Store. Phones Office, 45 ; Residence, 94. O. H. LENNON, D.D.S., DENTIST, Rowland, - - - N. C. Dr7j. D. REGAN, DENTIST, I.j'Af BKIfTON, - - N. C. Office in -fihaw building, over Pope's drug store. TDr. F H P1TM ANT" DENTIST, ASH POLE, " N. C. AAA BANK DEPOSIT JJ vj J J J Railroad Fare Paid. 500 7 1'llEK piursffs OffsrfiJ- ft 41Mi?nMr Btad at Cost. Write OulrV CQIpiS-LRM4 SUSlllE$iS COLLEGE. IMacot.ea' Whatever herself. No one on board of fur wa8 killed or wounded." The Pobieda is a battleship of 12,074 tons displacement and of 14,500 horsepower. Sho is iOl 1-4 feet long, has 71 1-2 feet beam and draws 2ti feet of water and is heavily armored with steel. She was completed in P.HJ1, has a corn plement of 732 men, ber estniated sjieed is 18 knots. The steel armor of the battleship varies in thickness from 4 toil 1-2 inches I along her belt. The armament of the Pobieda cousibts of four 10- uion guns, eleven b-inch guns sixteen il-incb guns, ten 1-H-inch guns and seventeen 1-4-inch guns She hns six torpodo tubes. A Tokio dispatch says; A brief report from Hear Alniiral Uriu, of Wednesday's lighting oh Port Arthur reached tho .Navy Depart ment Thursday. It says Vice Ad miral Togo's fleet attacked Port Arthur in the morning and suc ceeded in sinking a battleship of tbe Petropalovvsk class and one torpedo boat destroyer. The Japanese sustained n,o lqases, One Japanese was wounded. It has been learned from Japa nese sources in cneioo tbat tbe attack on the Russian Port Ar thur fleet of yesterday moning was planned and put into effect in the following manner: At daylight the Japanese torpe do boats made a demonstration before the port and at the same time laid mines apross the o liter entrance to the harbor. They then retired and joined the main squad ron j tie jSquailron t,nen ad vane, ed and as ltdrewnegr the Russian ships were seen coming out. The Imulestiip retropavlovek s track one of the mines laid by the Japa nese torpedo boata and was de stroyed. Tbi farmer uecds we make a spa-' fiUlty of Uuttdliug. Jf in out line; it's onr business lo keep farm sup plies of all kinds aud we st:ive to keep our stock fresh and equal to all deintnils. We ktill continue agents for the celebrated Hiciory Wagons, Which for vears have given such general ' stit sfaction in this and 0l)er sections, and unhesitatingly say "that for farm and road purposes (t lj not excelled. Besides having a supply of these qn baud re have recently received a full line of Cart aud Wagou Wheels and Open aod Top Baggies. We ure the originators of tbe bnggyibttsiness in this town, aud think our past experience enables us to give espeenl attention to all who purchase of us. We can sup- Iy you with Hat ues. Bridles, Col irs Whips, &c. &C Accept onr thanks ' for yonr past patrontjre, and give ns a share of your, future favocs. Vary truly vowra," 0. C. HORHENT 4 CO. 41 North Carolina Odd Fellows. The Odd Follows of North Car olina will lie interested to know that at their coining meeting in Durham on the lUth of 11 ay the reports of the ofh'pers yl show litrg'e increase in membership, nd that the order has made derapld strides all along the line, says the naleigb limes. It is a fact that the past year was, in every sense, tne greatest in the history or the order, and the reports of Grand Master Mc Brayer, of Asheville, and Grand Secretary VYuodell, of Raleigh, wjll 6liow marked changes for the txitterment of the Odd Fellows of Jorth Carolina. Grand pecretnry V cofiell re port ehpws that up t Decern: jer there were 137 lodges in North Carolina, and that in 9(J3 sixteen new lodges were instituted, the charters of three renewed, ona consolidated, and seven charters surrendered, leaying the number how 148, showing a galnof eleen lodges. The nieiribership unto December 31, 1902, was 8, 128, and at the end of 1903 this had grown to 9,490, again of 1.3fi2. For re lief in subordinate lodges, the amount paid out in 1903 was $,. 8771.89, while the receipts in he Subordinate lodges amounted tp $0(5,290.04, T be disbursements for relief ampuntedto $48,075.90, and this-added to the f 10, 877.89 paid out by subordinate lodges, amounts to a total of 04,9537.9. The assets of the subordinate lodges less all encumbrances, amounts to $130,851.90, and this shows a net gain over last year of 18,9681.1. ter hands as poultry breeders on both large and small scale. For years the poultry fanciers have spared neither time, trouble or expense in developing certain points in fowls, and the purchaser today has only to make up his mind what be will make a special ty and without difficulty can make satisfactory selection of stock. It is a mistake in any branch of stock raising to be satisfied with poor stock and as a consequence half way success, and poultry bus iness is no exception ; a hen that will produce from 100 to 180 eggs a year is more prothnble than one that will lay only half of that nuuj ber; and chicks that are ready for the table in ten weeks are a better pacing investment than those that take four to eight weeks longer to reach the-propcr weight, aim it is possible at a comparative small outlay to stock one's uens with profitable fowls. It is safe to prophesy that in the near future not only the owners of large plantations but those who possfsa sufficient grounds for limited number of fowls, will have first class poultry a feature not for market alone but for home consumption. April is tho banner month for setting hens, which accounts for the shortage in eggs just now; the wido awake poultry fanner knows well the value of early bfttched pujlets, anq with fn eye to profit, endeavors to stock his pens nt tbe eqrli!Bt possible moment. Later we ftill consider the difference in the number of eggs laidd by old bens, early hatched pullets and late hatched pullets. AILSIE CRAIG. Board man, N. C. At 8 o'clock Wednesday evening in tbe Methodist church at this place, Mies Annie Leak Wall, dangbter of tbe late CoL H. C. Wall and Mrs. Fannie L. Wall of Rockingham, was married to Mr. Dowaro Alexander Foushee. of Dnrhsm, by Ber, John H. Hall. Rockingham Anglo-Saxon. . Dragged to Death. Thigpen Whitley, a son of W. B. Whitley, of this city, and Charles Fortescue, a young negro, were drowned at Red Banks, just below (ireenvillo, lata Thurs day afternoon, says a Washiutgon, N. C'., special to the Raleigh News and Observer. Herman Ricks, also of this city, suoceeded in reaching the shore and was saved. The particulars of the occurrence are meagre. Young Whitley was about 17 and has been assisting his father in towing on the Pam lico and Tar rivers with gas boats. Fie was a bright and interesting young man. oung Vbitley, Herman Kicks and a nenro left there for Rel Banks to bring back souie logs,. Tey arrived at their destinajiqu all safe and while getting the raft in shape had oc casion to leave the gas boat and take a small skiff. Both of the white men got in the boat right, but when the negro attempted to jump In the small boat she over turned and all three were thrown into tbe water. The nergo could hot swim and he immediately grabbed young Whitley, and they both went down and were drown ed. Ricks clung to the boat and was i rencued. Parties have been dragging the river all day with the hope of securing he bodies-, as, yet they have beeu, unsuccessful. When the mother of young Whit ley beard tbe news of his death-4 life. she was on ber knees engagoft in family' prayejr. Our intire eomnfunity is saddened by the occurrence, tion of the world (iUd n nnme Ima U-eii found for it Grit-us-Ixiro Recunl Ten applii-Hntit for the CeoiM Rliodt-M scholarship slmxl cxhiii I inatiou in Raleigh, recently. ' Fifteen inndo their npMarHnce ; tint, for some reason, five retired liefore the examination U-gnn It whs concluded Wednesday, and the papers were sent to Oxford, Knglaud. Millard Rnusenu, colored, of Ktatesville, ttii-d to end his life by taking nn ounce vinl of ,1 laudanum. A physician arrived and saved the negro from an untimely end. Rnufenu has grown despondent under the impression that he is not treated right m tho world nnd Hint tho world is against him. Alexander Evans, whose alleged violntion of the Watts lnw in Boon township has caused wide com ment, was arrested in Lexington, by Sheriff T. S. F. Dorset, and held in $1,(XX1 bond for his np Iearancc at the August term of court. Evans is indicted in five cases. It is said that all of the stills formerly operated in Boon township have recently liecn re. moved to Salisbury. The accident on tho battleship Missouri, resulting in the kill ing of thirty-one men, was a most deplorable event and a omcers ot li e vessels in or( say that the explosion is due to "lilow- bnck or flames Mown back from the muzzle of t!ie gun by tho wind, igniting the powder charge leing hoisted for the next load. Kxtra precautions had lieen taken to guard against such an accident, realizing that it could occur, and for three days there was no tiring with large pieces on account of the wind being (-IT shore. Yesterday the wind shift ed and it was deemed safe to begin firing. The oHioers of the Miss ouri differ as to the cause, and it is probable that tho exact causr will never be known. A board of inquiry was convened yesterday and is still in session. There will be no finding for noveral days. Impressive ceremonies over the 20 dead seamen were conducted this afternoon at the navy yard. Tire bodies the five officers ore lieing held awaiting advice an to burial or shipment to their homes. The President and Secretary of War each contributed $X1 as n nucleus for a fund for the relief of dependent of enlisted men who were Killed on the Missouri In a letter to tne secretary ot War, accompanying his check, the Pres ident says: "Under condition of modern warfare, in order ell), oiently to preprae for war, a risk j i u :.:! I.;... I 41 1. J .1 il, .i,.t iiiiui lo i ity joriiio otr IMUIIKII ll'Jfc til UCLtcrj IW l tic I JOA i . n i til Hi rfM of battle, nnd these men died for f -" ... . . -. officers and men of the navy are their country as much ns if the!.. . . J , , and it is probable that the inves UV ut lo call on lirt,..i lo Ihr ( ( that mr si in brt Iff atiar lo rivr out ony -nU4tirra lm lliai) liav lrti We hr J.i.t c, ('.. I p a fr-'i llo 1 Clothing of td. Utrst alvlr. ami thr I k K K.s AKh RIC.Iir. W hae .i!m a. I.!, d nice line of Irr i . na al! kila, lrra. Ki'il-n i-lrrirs, InarrlHin, Kibbon. Iilira1 llala. Irri Skirls, Mint Waiata, and a tbuuaaml othrr Ihliii COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES ! Sl.r Wc have a nice line at s'l price and Mjlra. Suit Caara, Trlncoprt Tiunka, allr. etc Mnairal loa'ro nirula W'r liavr all kinl, from a On lollr Itanjo to a fll Oi-au Well, u i iiwlraa to -ay anything; aUmt our 'urni t'irr, for eyrr)Unly know, w rarrr the nirrat line lo be I tirfl anyalirrr. A l ! I vll il I j y( n on INSTALL HUNTS. S us Iwforr )ou buy )(.ur Suuiturr Suil. Yours for Muainraa : BLACKER : BROTHERS, LUMBERTON, N. C. 1 HXIIIIXITTTrjIIfll WBIMSTBIN'S GREAT FIRE SALE I WISH THK 1'tJIlLlC TO KNOW THAT ON FRIDAY, JANUARY 29th, 1904, I WILL START TO SKLL MV STOCK Regardless of Cost Kvrr thing must le aral'l ami acid quick, as I want to put ia an rntirr new )inr of jjooila for the spring trade. If you are looking for tlir I'rit valura you rvcr hal, come to see tbe great imtucrmrnta I have to offer. Rctnrniiier, f i jo rrjrsnlless of cott, Spot Cash to Everybody! Clothing, Slioes, Hat, tln'lrrwear, Cent's Furnishings, Ladies' Skirts aii'l lollies' Unrlerwear will le sold FIFTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR S'ltiic oola that are lamiif;ril vety bal will be sobl at any price. So come ami ee wh it we Lave to give you before the stock is picked over. Fir at to come will gel tbe hargaius. Will have the htock on mIc at LBNNON'S OLD J3TAND, Acroks the. street from my former place of business. A. WEINSTEIN. shin had been the enemy. in action against The lest medicine and tein)ierance. Iieerfiilness J. Q. White, who operates ji'ooms in the Mooresville Cotton Mill at Mooresville, met with a painful acoident Taeeday evening. His band was caught in the machinery and two ringers severely jpat. He at once went borne, dressed his hand and saturated tbe bandage with turpentine, and while hold ing bis hand near the fire the tur pentine fcansed the bandage to ignite and bis band was badly baroed in addit'on to the, first injury.' ; '7 "' ' '4 ' , - V - -$ tigation which will follow will show that the accident was due to no carelessness on tho part of offi cers or men, but that it was due to causes that could not have been foreseen. Charlotte Chronicle. The Chester Chaptor of the Daughters of the Confederacy held nn interesting meeting this week with Mrs. Lucius Melton, says a Chester correspondent to the Charlotte Chronicle. A report of tfie funds raised to wards the erection of a monument to the un known Confederate dna'd in t ho public square, showed over $.'100 to the chapter's credit. The fund has only recently b,;en or. ganiz d and pamt mider the manegetnent of (Jul. I. W. Rred, with t"P above gratifying j-etmlta. A committee of Miss Annie Har din, Mrs. fiuciua Melton and Miss Mary Withers, wis appoint' ed to invito the speaker for the in. 'inarial day exercises nnd to I make nil neeeisiry arrange- inuiits for that occasion. j (live Your Farm a Name. j Honor and distinguish 'our farm by giving it a nnme, which ! Khnnlil tie lilfnunnt to tin. por ;md ! flowersk rove Old People. I want to say a word to old peo ple. I see you wherevor you go. I seo you on the street cars. Hie conductor gives the car an extra rest wheii yoq get o or off, out of courtesy to your slow steps. J see you t church. You nod sometimes, hut the sermon is not complete without your nod of approval. I see you in the wnrm est corner of the hearth reading the paper. iou have one great temptation it ia to think that your days of usefulness are over. You are in, the. way, so you feel, tnd you'd better be out of the world. It is great mistake. If the Lord thp,uglt thftt old jjeople were use. eB,s. he" wund devise some wav to get rid of them. j What makes u person useful r Nut ability to work. A baby I cannot earn a jienny, cannot do n j stroke of work, yet it is often the j nibst important factor in thej household. Baby's coming often makes father ''straighten" of- IHll lIMIl.t-M Llll- I-HLIHIIUT 'J llt'tlliat of husband and wife: often bring j suggested 'by the society and industry into the J or brook that contribute to the WHO Wk EM M.H 11 V Wll X KT j) rjUjfl SURELY NOT THOSE WHO BUY FROM - DUNIE BROTHERS, ASH POLE, N. C. Of cotirfif, C-itton if higher lli!s year than lat. So in Wool, but by a Mroke of fc-ixni luck we, as our usual wav of doing buMiies is, bought all our Spring a Summer Stock before tbe advance of raw material, an'l we are wr II known always to give the benefits of our bargains to our customer-, anil e-jecially as 'tin is our fir-t spring and summer at Asbpole, so it stands to reavtn that we will try to keep our good repu tation of selling the 1JEST GOOIS AT THK LOWFST PRICES. We only ask of our friends, patrons and the public at large to just C.IVK US A CALL and you will see tbat neither Co ton nor Woolen Goods is any b gb-r thi year than ever Wore. Come, all. It will 1 for your own g l. Remember, bur motto is : No (rouble to show goods; polite attention to all. So come ami look over our beau tiful Spring an-1 Summer Stock anyhow, even when not buying.' Yours Respectfully, DUNIE BROS, ASHPOLE. N. C. LOOK. I OR Till! SIt;N-THK NEW YORK RACKET STORE. home life An old tnan sitting in an arm chair, feeble and helpless, m,H,y ho the most useful mem. ber pf the housebold. Iet nie say thi-ee things tct you i I. Old people are a bleaslng, he cause of. their accumulated wis, dom, Yow have made tbejouruey of ou have the neb experi ence, mat noy is a DrTghl rjtiy who forms tho aoqual itance of some aged person, 2. Old people supply a neces sary conservative f6rce. You make society more stable. You bring reverence to it. The age that is nise rises before the hoary head. y. Old people link us to heav en. You remind us of tho future life. "My old mother kuows how to pray," said a merchant, recently, to me. You bind us to the throne of God. " Tbe earth-would be positively poor without you. I am not sure but that you are the most useful members ot society. Advance. beauty of the rami, says the Dur ha:u Sinn. Nothing adds so much tq tho beauty uf the rural home as vines and (lowers; they coat hut little of either time or money, anil the income in four fold in pleasure. No mutter how unsightly tho house may be, flow ers and vines, with their simpli city, beauty and grace, will cover every thing ugly "and give new char acter to-" tbe surrcijitoding. Iet it be said of all as it was of Shakes peare, "h must have lived in a rural home, to have had such a perfect idea of floral beuuty." "Even remenilr tbat the city home cannot shut out care, it is not whore you are, bat what you are, that makes life what it is." - ' In the South of Ireland, near Inchagt'ciath, is tbe "Cat's Weil-' the water of which are supposed to exeit marvelous reru (dial effects upon all ailing tab, hies. ' J PEOPLE ARE SURPRISED When t-ey visit our ftnre for the first time. There ia more in ft than they iu ngtned. Every department so well filled with sucb excellent assortments. But il is few th.'t meet this as nearly everybody lias been comla -to this store, and tliey expect to find the best and nicest. If you have not paid us a visit this Spring, don't put it off any longer ovne to lay. Yon can buy nearly anything you want here, anrl you are always safe in buying, as goods are sold entirely on their merits. Only those who have been bown4brogh our msny drp-trtnuiits and wareliousea know anything as to the imsaense quantity and Hsortment of goods we Carry iu stock. People will wear Clothes . and Shoes and Hats, Even ni Spring and Summer time, and everybody tbat exacts to wear these things tbij Spring and Summer sUonkl visit our store. We have the things that ; h ae the people,' txth in uuahty, style and price. WE PLEASE ALL, UKN, WOMEN AND CHILD KEN OLD AND YOUHG. We do not think you have secu the !est till yon see ours. Come a(M see for yourself andJorm your own opinion. Wc will leave tbe decision to you. Even if voaBtat "want to buy anything wt will be glad for vou to call and inspect our goods. We know we kave the stock for you. OUR STANDARD IS THE BEST' STANIURD. OUR HOPE FOR SUCCESS LIES IN YOUR APPRECIA TION. Vou ill wairt NEW THINGS TO WEAR, new CARPETS, sew MATTING, new RUGS, new FURNITURE, new HOUSE FURNISHINGS Etc. We have it all. Respectfully, CALDWELL & CARLYLE LUMBERTON, N. C. ; ; ' , , h; - - 1 "v

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