THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. THE ROOESONI A N. t-uaUeriaii Ti'kov and rtiliAY a, . LUTia. smroa. Fanny, MijV I9H ec eirtioi" run. II M rsa TSaa. Wlih tliit lsa Tb Koheanoian change from a for page !' Prr Trie pnrpos of th a change it lo glr oor readers nrnr reading matter and at the samn lime leatli ui to believe it a tniirep rraentation, certainly generally jtfiking. In the first place the negroet of our town reoongize tie right of the whites and rapct tlierrf. mid the town bat always lawn frve from race antagoniimH. Were thiy otherwise than rea,cH- lul, iaeoialiy to our women, they woulil tw apeedily swept out. To make the impression that the pippin of Lumbflrton ermit our women to suffer audi indignities irtftMe ut to handle mote drrtislDK on ita puhlio street is An itfno Ii m our .mMe to rntino this sice miit or malicious. Blunder, which until further niUrto roeDt it noriary, bat the larger (taper eoM you the same price We prnjxtae, and that too without riiii nitii li at'oot it, to cod tinoe ( fie our rradsra the biggi-st pijirr I itiodf-otT forbids ua to hy the bent i fur the money ere.- published in the roonty, an I when we fait to do thl - The Kobeeonia.i will be oat of business That's all. A writer, who (ltBn't sign his itHine which by the way Iihh Ihpii wit li hclil uiulcr tin caption of "A Town When; all d )aTh"y IMea'" deliver himaelf of an nrticlo on Lumlvrton. which is a rare ptl mixture of commendation and oouiplnint. fcmice be ajtesks so kindly of our people we take it that the tenor of his article which does violence to truth in the im pression it makes as to existing conditions. wa9 an unintentional reflection on our towu orweahould characterize it more harshly. The burden of his complaint is that here the use of a telephone "is one j ming you can i oorrow irom you frieuda ;" "the people do not think they need any rules and regula tions:" "bicycles are allowed to run on the sidewalks some as on the publio roads ;"the town "run(s) scavenger carts during the day time;" "there seems to be no re strictions on horse racing in the town ; saw a young man going to church "so drunk that he could not have told his name;" "saw a drunken negro driving up main street like he was on fire;" "if a lady pased that bicycle shop she would have to leave the side walk to get around the crowd of negro boys congregated there; "the boys played baseball on any sreet:" "1 did not see any police man while I was there;" and was told "that the town had no use for a policeman." Just as in tons of rocks may be found a grain of gold so in the above may be found an atom of truth. But as about a kernel of truth is often woven the distorting fabric of the vilest sland ers, so the above facts are taken as truth aud a condition of lawless ness, which does not exists, is ar gued therefrom. It does cost mon ey to use phones in Lumberton. The proprietors installed the sys tem for its revenue and not for the benefit of the traveling public. The pecple do think they need ules and regulations and have com piled ami enacted as comprehensive a code ci Jo ws as their ingenuity . could devise, and these are enforced as judiciously ns elsewhere. In ; these is included an ordinance against fast drving as well ns against riding bicycles on the 6ide- " walks. There has never been a case of horse racing on the street, 'and the violators of the bicycle ordi nance usually young children and these our people people give the right of way when they meet them. Lumberton is remarkable for the soberness of its people, and it is not wonderful that a drunken boy and negro should have attracted attention as such spectacles on our street are un- common. The fact that the boy though drank was gravitating churchward even shows the effect of impulse and of habit due to training, and one.-so , bent could scarcely be ignorant of his name. The comparison in regard to the negro "driving , like he was on tireV is too meaningless to deserve comtnent. The statement made in regard to ladies hving to leave the side walk on account of ne groes congregated there, more than thirty years of observation they unreservedly repndinte. Lumberton, too, hna a policeman, who will take pleasure in n.aknig the acquaintance of the writer of the aricle referred to when he next honors this town with a visit. Hid Hervicea are usually ouly called into requisition by outsiders who hj jhmi here nud who fail to con duct themselves with due propriety or arn officiously meddlesome. The little children are the only ones who are known to piny ball on tho streets and they use the less traveled ones No one would claim that Lumberton or ita in stitution are jwrfect. Its people are human, its institutions are of human origin and subject to the imperfections of all things so derived. But in laws, manners, customs and religion it is tho peer ofsny in the state. Wheth- er isuorarantly or purposely the article referred to creates an im pression wholly at variance with the facts concerning exisitng con ditions. There is enough attract ive and interesting about our town to claim the attention and admirntion of moat of those who chance to visit it. These things miVht have furnished eufficien food forcoinmeDt, but perhaps the writer was bilious or dyspeptic and saw things through the green gauze, which suph disorders weav before his vision, minimizing the good and magnifying the evil If such be the case we commend to his use some of the patent medi cines so widely advertised for the relief of such organic inactivities it might be wise tor the new board about to be inducted into office to employ the services of this discreet counselor to recodify its laws, enact others and shape its policies as they are evidently according to his way of thinking drifting in blissful ignorance of their duties in all matters pertain ing to the administration of our muncipal affairs. However, that is their matter and if they decline on the ground that they can manage our affair without the as sistance of outside interference and suggestion, ' and intimate that they are already surfeited with such their action will receive the approval of our people. The Lexingtgon Dispatch Is in its twenty-third year. It is a clear beaded conservative paper devoted to the development of 'its com munity and exercises ao influence comuvenau rats with itshigh aims. It is a model for county pajrs to copy after. j Ied by oorloofy to tmke soma r-, aearoh recently Into the past history of th town we wero appalled at the dearth of accislMe Information. Mattert of interrtt have beeu pre- 1 acrved in no permanent records and , all knowledge of t!'iu it irretrlova- j blv lot. It wan porprw in the brief sketch on II.- flrt page to ! compile at accarntely at pottlble u record of the towo .tt it it at pret- : eut truttinK that it may be ot inter- j ett, if not of value to aach at may at 1 some future day ere to Lik back - 1 I ward. i GARDEN SEED! LITTLE THINGS YOU HAVE TO HAVE. We handle the very bi8t varie ties, fresh select ed, bought from the moat re'iable Seed Growers in tho country. Mail and Telephone orders promptly filled. j.d. McMillan, Droist. Phone 31. I.'i.ltr the law erry citizen hat a voice iu tlie election of every candi date for ivfry office iu the gift cf the people. Uuder th plan of orgaoizi- tiou every citiz-o hat a right to a ! voice in the selection cf every candi- , date for every cflice. E.ery ci.Uen. PRESERVA 1 ION Ol the TEETH then who Uoldi t mre does so with the endorsement of a majority of the qualified voters, and if inch is not troe it is solely becaote voten have proved recreant to their -citizenthip and have absented themselves from the primaries and tbe polls it an important mutter. Tlxre are huudreds of tooth powder, washe. etc., but the production of an article that it Iiartnlett. Effective, Antiseptcand Agree able it really the work of the chemical expert. i w- w a t t r v m . f Clothe Hut, Aug.; ( Uhet Wire, lor; CiwMor. ioc: CalvanUeit We wl, ioc; Sure clrh M -uteTrap. 5-; Vid8 ppcr Iju-ft, !: C Cteion No. Ijo: ! Curry 1 m.iI. i.; C.uo.1 iVjl.airxtd iHpiirv. oi-; .trt Dinn hpoon, jc; 6 Cke Oct ('( (p. sc; IrjfeC4ke 1 -nnAry S p, ; Kn.iMln' St r e'ih, 5-; 4 B ew i.r. lit'; rnun, 4T wmiimi: Mitftr. 5c; Klcr, 5c; l unrt, luc, abd lot tt lhf I til things we t lMr .tt !. NrineniVr Ijit ihe "Star Bmnil Sh.i 4re n't'er." tbat yoi ihu i(Mk bi imt iifi-i .sunimrr irt lhla, i;-niruiilriies, Iiapa krr. liirf CulUrt, Tiea, Sbi ta. itau. etc , YfIT tO plrilte, CRUMP & FLOYD; PHONE 22. 1 m The aldermen of Durham, now that Durham is a dry town, are making a fight for real prohibition in earnest. At a.meeting held the first of May'they refused to grant license to parties wishing to st'Il sweet cider. Lumberton, with its almost twenty years of experience iu trying to enforce prohibition laws, can sympathize with them in their efforts. Before actual pro hibition can be accomplished the periods of blind tigerism cider traps, bee ri ne and tonic dispensa ries .alcoholic drugs , and bitters joints, must do disgust the people that public sentiment will repudite the right to respectable recogni tion of only " any so engaged. MoraJ estimontalone can eradi cate the curse, and this cannot be expected to boom up in its full strength on the enactment of a law. Be patient, eep up thde fight. IJ will come, lie it resolved by the countv i EWTQVlffll THATH DH?TL contention of the Democratic uar-! 1 Ifl IfflUL lUUlfl fAIf tv of Riohlaml, That from and ; after the adoption of this reaolu-! tion citizen of tl is county, who! offers himself as a candite for any j office, shall be required to pledga, himself not to give or spend money, or use intoxicating liquor! for the purpose of obtaining or in fluencing votes, and shalj, at the conclusion of each campaign and before the primary election, render! to the chairman of tho Democrat-) io party of this county, under oath, an itemized statement of all mon eys spent or provided by him dur ing tbe campaign for campaign purposes. The above resolution unani mously adopted by the Democratic t convention of Richland county, j South Carolina, not only should be adopted by every convention, but recites the very provisions which should be come incorporated in the laws governing, e ectionf. The people are tired of the cor rupting influence of raoney in elections and demand in the future that they shall be conducted with cleaner and less objectionable methods. supplies all the rr'quisiles. It is made by Parke Davit & Co. This is sufficient guarantee of its quality. Have ou tried ii ? If so, you are tisiiix i:. ntil no doubt con iuue. This it alwava the result. We have it in tubes at 25c. each. Call for sample. truly, DR. H. T. POPE & GO. SOLE AGENTS FOR Nnnnally's Candy and Brannon's Cream rhe KEE1 EY INSTITUTE. OBEENSBOBO. N. C. OUR LLUSTRATED HAND BOOK CUT THIS OUT TODAY-MAIL IT TO BOX 166, GREENSBORO, N.C. P.ea-tc s.n.l me our Illustrated Hand Book No. 16 Name Address 1 We are informed that Hon. G. I Patterson has secured the nnm- 1 ber of shad ' which will be used 1 or the purpose of stocking Lum- her river, several attempts have before been made to accomplish his, but without appreciable' results. We l:o;:e tliis time it will i more successful. Gets. W. P. on your house and you'll get satis faction. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT is a pure lead, zinc, and linseed oil paint. It covers more surface than any other painting material on the market. Wears longest, looks best and is roost economical. z Big line of shades. Ask for color cards. We have heard a whisper of some reports gojng around tuat' say that Mr. Patterson will not; receive the support, of "KobeSon : county in the coming congresp ional convention. The report, we think, is without foundation , and we believe . we voice the sentiment q. H.oziiT 1 O or tne people wnen we say tnat tbe countyhas no disposition whatever to recede from the time-bonon d custom of returning congressional representatives for a second tern. i SOLD BY. A corresponded Observer puts foi of Capt. J. H. Wt.. Lieutenant Govern.v Weddington is well kno Charlotte namei n, .for ''tain --gh out the State, and iflie t enter the lists, will make & opponent as he will make V cient officer if elected. . Mr.. William 'C. Whitney; lied reputed to be worth $25,000,000 died in a house said to hare cost $55,000,000. Now the story is thst he did not leave enough to pay all his debts. There is an. old adm onition, call no man fortunn'e until he is dead. The Louisville Evening Post, - a naot a. niiMliMn K i' ' al If eight only 30 toanttd rv- ejy tefceee. Pmn ha nmt on BtlllaMa or on leral rrovnd i can teka liiirr atrak nd aatw orr and with limit tmmr tbao with any other machine. bend for circular o a r. asauiaa, imMmmtmeturmrt ClaeiaBaU, Uhvlax. . . this to fit the case of Mr. Whitney, says, call no man rich Tintil bis death. Charlotte Observer. NOTICE! The Boaid of Comm iasioDer of th parjihrasii g Town of Lumberton ill leceive bid - We are indebted to Rev. J. A. Campbell, principal, for an invit ation to attend tbe sixteenth an nual commencement of Buie's Creek Academy and Business College, at Buie's Creek, Harnett ootinty, N. C, to be held on Sun day Thursday and Friday, May 15tb, 19th and 20tb. Among the contestants for reciter's medal re Hisses -Loula Baker and Addie ' 'yner of this county. 'Jv- - . .. ..was. to fnrniah a regular n apply of woo for the Electric Light and Pumping Station. Five cords per day will bi required. . Bond required for faithful fulfillment of contract. The Boarc reserves the right to reject -any. and al blda. A. E. WHITE, Mayor. May 6 tf . 1904. W. I. LINKHAW & CO. We tbauk the generous puhlic for their very lib eral patronage during the pat year, and y honest dealing bnpe to merit a coutiuuanceof aame. Wa shall carry a large stock of thH we'll known aud calibrated AUBURN STEEL AXLE" FARM WAGONS A 1 - z -. Have boufht at. nit two hii"lrd Rue- iei for th Spring Sea son. em'iracii'K thi taud ard ui ikea of Jabcoclt, WrecD, Hackney and Rock fiiij To thnne who cont . an plate bnying mul", w wih t aav. d " nw O count of th Hdvnciim jiricHfj t ne PHon will ii. arily nhort ii Th'.x lmo. Our terrna ar rah or on t i inn with anprnv-rj security. W: i. LINKHAW & W. MM Is the same good, old-fashioned medicine that has avJ the lives of little children for the past Ao years. Itisamed-, -tcine . made to cure. It has never been known to fall. If your child Is sick gel a bot tle of - FREY'S VERMIFUGE A FINE TONIC FOR CHILDREN Do not take a substitute. If your druggist does not keep It, send twenty-five cents In stamps to 33. uaiumore Bid. and a bottle will be nailed you. COLD STORAGE!, Now that the stimuier seasor is opening, we have laid in a supply of ice. We shall from now oh keep 't on hand. Be sides this, we propose to handle meat jti cold storage, and can at all times supply the demand. If you want Ice, a Steak, Roast or Stew, Phone POLLARD, TBE ICE MAN PHONE NUMBER 11. Don't forget, too, that we carry a fulll line of Heavy and Fancy Groceries,' which we bny frequently iu small quan tities, so that they are always fresh. Ice meat or other goods delivered in Lowu without cost. Yours truly, B. L. POLLARD TO THOSE IN NEED f OF Pine Watch, Clock," Spectacle and Jewelry repainno are asked to call on W. L. Skip p.-r, better known as "Bill Skipper' 13 the store of Mr. P. C. Blake. inMbe McLeod Bui'dinir (auy one will show you wur-reil IS). Ail wor guaranteed for a year or ao1 tnotjev uriiced.' Yours to please, ": . ' BILL SKIPPER. T Umvrnn M. P.. Ttilv T4. ions BennettsYille Marble Worts J. W. McELWEE, Proprietor. BENWETTSVILLE, S. C, In business since 188-1. Prices and de st"s of the newest and latest styles. MONUBEKTS, TOMBSTONES, CURBISGS Etc., furnished 011 application. 'First-Class Work and Reasonable Pried UST RECEIVED!--LARGE, LOT OF the latest styles of Picture Moulding. Don't fail to see it. McAllister Hard ware o. W. W. PATE, General Agent. G. E. RANCKE, Salesman. maro5 PORRPrT pt.othrs t?nw r.vTi.K. - men at low pricsa. Largest aasortmenj of samples to select from. Johu Dl McAllister. ! a To Cure a Cold in One Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tajbiets. Seven MZSoa kom soM b post 12 BOatbs ICS SaCTatCTBr Day Orel Grip ' fa Two Days on every ftox.25Cs i IS .1 'i $ "X I,

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