THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBES ONI AN. a THE GREAT WORLD'S FAIR AT Indigestion Causes Catarrh of tho . . Stomach ... . . For, many y4J It k mopftmi sfcat Ct tafia, ml tha Z,tomJk ca4 Ud f rtoa TMOiU. rniilj roaolDalated during it p ejtaiation and follow'! by ordi nary toilot ijaxlients to aveM taint.' tbe odor of tha onion Iti ooljr objection way bo asllt ST. LOUIS. Is broatffcl wttaia tth b Ue low islra tflrrtl b) ibe ATLANTIC COAST LINE an ypf. i iha irwi u siacii a oercoaie, lea? lug tb srarUt 111 SKVSS ?.Sa. Of JTO-tl. .mi t.Ut, Muit. .. kiM- mo0M mnbarwa kiun Um amach and able, uihljr inorv so than before. poMtBMliKaiomh. Utactt- As a twautirier the ooioo stands Ip( IK Ut w at eto k-4 W fit arooDir vecttaLles, Hearing eye, smoothing uui urau ntrre woo- irwnUtnM tuanr ih imca. pniKU Dm lujr t lie injurious afler-f ffeota of nri. a&4 cut Ul Waal ft, auf riaJnjs, s druga Sanaa ol fullaaas aflar sadof. InAfasuoa, i. i mm a 'eyea. smoothing out tirad n Kodol Dyspepsia Curo b u.. wnuki. ami rshsvas ,11 Inltamrr.arioa W t mucMi ' tog refreshing sleep without 6 j ipe pirn and all stomach trsublaa. Kodol DIxesU What You at n,c-u Jujan Fr.Dcb Season, Siity Day sud Filteen Ticket no on sale. I'or rate and other information call m or taritf II. M EMERSON. Tifl.C Manager. V. J. CRAIG. Gen'I Paaa. A WII.MIM'.IilN, N. I TO THOSE IN NEED OH Fine Watch, Clock, Spectacle and Jewelry repaw.rtg are asked to call on W. L. Skip Ier. better known an "Bill Skipper." in the store of Mr. P. C. Hlake. in the McLeod Ruildmg (any one will show yon where it ia). All work guaranteed for a year or no money asked. Yours to plea, BILL SKIPPER. Lnmhrtnn. N C . loir 14. Ton B L. UOORK. H. h BLIZZARD. rreid'nt. hc. and Trran. U. C. I'ATK. Acrll. PALMETTO MARBLE COMPANY. DILLON, S. C. Prices tod Designs Furnished on IppliutlcB. Pbone Ho. 41. BetUMeaJy. RM If 1 1 00. Maia 3t4 la irWI vatck Mat tar to iwl rrmr4 kf L O. OaWTTT OCX, O !, Ho aale by IV 11 I . IVpr V Strawberry Plants Till! LARGKST STOCK IS TMK UOKI.Ii NKAR LY iuu AklHI IKS All tiir ctiiiKr. luKtiotit km. U for lh Oanlrn ami a n . v Market. . Sluj pi 'IK 'iict:m. Also, I'rult Trea of all limit to rowers at W'lmleaV Katr U'r will Mvr tu half in pl.tntniK an oicnaril. Ie leri ira. Aiwirrt)(u.i, Khu Itarti, ("trape Vine, e r. tic. Our IJ IKp Manual, frrr to buyer, ena -lrs evrrvlnxl ti row them with tuive anl profit. All plant packed tit carrr arriw the continent freth aa when dug. Illustrated cattalogue free. Stecify if you want cat alogue of Shipping Varieties or 1'ancy Garden kind. CONTINENTAL PLANT CO.. Kittrell. N. C UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA Academic Depa-trnent, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. Pre tuition to teachers and to ministers' sons. Scholarships and loum for the needv. 620 STUDENTS. 67 INSTRUCTORS. New Dormitorien, Gymnasium, Water Works, Central Heating System. The Fad Term Begins Sept. 5, 1904. Addresa FRANCIS P. YENABLE. Prkidhnt, CHAPEL HILL, N. C. til jul t Land Sale. I OFFER FOR IMMEDIATE SALE, for cash or on ewsy terms, a tract of land in St. Panl'a Township, Rolteson County, known aa the "McNau" land, belonging to the University of North Carolina, con taining 3000 acres, more or less. ' The tract is situated about four miles from the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad, and about three miles from St. Pauls, and a good tart of it is excellent farmine land, while the balance is timbered with j lng and; Thort -leaf pine oak, cypress, poplar and other native woods. For further information, aa to location of the lands, call op W. B. Burns, Eq., St. Pauls, N. C, and for further informa tion as to price and terms, call on A. W. McLean, Esq., Attorney at Law, Luui berton, N. C. sept 15 FBEV: VERMIFUGE Is th ! goi. old-fh-lontJ m4icln that h ! Iht lives t little children for (he pail o yr. It it a4 Kin aisiJ 10 cur. It ha nvtr bfn known to (ill. If vour child I lick i tot il of FRCY'S VERMIFUGE A FINE TONIC FOR CHILDREN 233 Do not Ukt a substitute. If your drutr'st does not keep it. send (wenty-tiv ctnts in ttaaips to BslUmore, Md. and bottle will b iniiled you. Spaniah and (ierman Tooliati ate (xrlial to onions and Karlio in their diet, tlievii) that their frvt ue tends tot-Iear the tone and lirtaerve the TJfal errant. For whoojiing couli a hvrnp that the children like is made by licioK onions fint, sjirinklin jden tifully with with brown suar.then allowing the uniuii to stand l tern hot In tea under a teavy weilit until all the jui- is ex tracted As a ruDf for insomnia the onion ia excellent tlicinl taw and eaten just U'fore retiring, w Idle as a MuihI purifier it Hiiraa i'H most of the so called "skin cures. Much of the prejudice nirninst onicjniB(Iue to the inornt:ct of the one who prepares theui If thiw who think they cannot eat onions will try this method of treatment they will tind that tliey are not nearly ao difficult of di gestions they supposed: Select Bermudas, Spanish or young home grown onions. Peel, slioe, cover ith hot water and let them stand covered for half an hour. Turn off tbe water and pour on as mucrt more cold and leave another half to crisp. Drain, dress with salt and vinegar or a French dreaaing with qil and rerre. It must be borne in mind hot anough to rrisp them Instant ly. Ilaals) U naceaaary, as you can not keeii lie sIwm whol afUr they have cooked a 1 tniautta Take out with a sklronier and pat on brown pr long enough lo ataorh the least suspicion of grviae nrd serve at once AaJ lbs by Blew It la "A 0 tuiemporary tails of a wan who worked and stared during naif a century to lay up money He denievl hiuiajlf practically all the pleasure and cotnfoita of life during these fifty years and died a rich mar. All his wealth went to a son who ran through with the whole of it in one year. If there s any moral to this story it ia that the man who makee the mon ey had tltr enjoy some of it aa he pHsaa along, for he'll take none with him and can't tell how it will k after he is dead." The foicgoing ih from an uoremcm beretl cuiitemjorary- the Mont gomery Advertiser, we think. There is a lot of worthy wisdom in it. "Surely every man walketh in a vain show," said David the rhalimst .Surely tbev are dis quieted in vain: he heaeth up riches, Hin! knoweth not shall gather them. "It were of the ht Hper-up if he K"t pleasure of them himself. lotte Ihsener. I or t.aot Only. You have 8jent day after day, during hot. string July and Au gust, stewing and sealing fruit and vegetables, in air-tight jars and stewing yourselves at the same time. We bring you relief. r fir BOssy iJBiioisiiJKii (aLiaqim XJttmmtsatm It orr it out or too ststcm now. Will aU rJtt rok jukllr, SVrirjr aat witikf aar iajury to tW alimtt af M. fa lat, it ill Wat yM ia mnik krm cwtdtMioa rwry , Ut it e Wane ia stood ml yiwnw Urtar im n mti4t rhal cawM tkrutmmtmm. iidnrj trwBU, im dir4tati. botla. ckraaic rMif afioa sad caurrk, and sH germ iksl U mn aa y fitj to asslaria sad contagious blood poiaoa. It s mat my tka f rtalrat blood sntrifWr. but buadrvds ol rtlwvvd CI ufferrrs rrtify thst it dot oM tbiag ibat a UW 1 Nflktdr do CURES RHEUMATISM. rra at tmi aistva raoa tmc istaiaa." ar au aawaaiava. J 1 WHO i'r Rome Chap ! 1 King s Fruit Preserving Powder (Large h-xes and low prioe) will , preserve fruit and vegetables with- ont air-tight jara, with surerl result and at one-fourth the prioe. A 2bo. box puts up 40 pounds! I: Parker - Gardner 60. FURNITURE CARPETS CURTAINS Y 'U ran "!ir('h the land and von wnn't H"d twtf-r tar Kaiija or rrvrx attrrctivw noods than w ffr ' quar tet to iivk v hi rnouev. :::::: PIANOS AND ORGANS At tin store you can buy the very bet made on earth. Instru ment of Artistic Charactr and Wirld-Wide reputations. Our Pianos and Organs are the kind that you find in tbe aritic musical home all over the world. No sensational n-ethods. No false claims. No promises unfilled These are our methods. In our Furnitut c and Music departments we show more than double the stock of any other dealer in the State. Write n for catalogues. that there is a great differenoe in 0f fruit. Note the great advantage ; onions. Old onea are naturally in tA8t3 an(j expense. Get of Dr. J muon stronger man new ana rea n T Pone & Co. onea man me wmie. doiu me PARKER - GARDNER CO. LARGEST DEALERS IN THE STATE. CHARLOTTE, N. C. Spanish and Bermuda onions are more delicate man tne nome- The center of the production grown ones, and therefore prefers- of the moat important cereals 1 Die (or eating raw. ?orn- beat barley rye. atd !. .. .. 0 1. 1 ' luiolr u.-hAt faken in the Asrim. N bile tne ordinary rneu onion, - -- -re a delusion and a snare, onions gate is in Illinois, a. fev . 1 e cooked in the Kenilworth Ranch norm 01 s-uincy way will le found firm and thor oughly delioioas. Cat in slices, anak in milk ten minutes, dip i- flour and immerse in boiling fat. annex a wife. 1 w miles When a bachelor has more mon ey than he can 8)end he should Administrator's Notice. listing liusllOd as administrator of E. B . M rd. d-c-a-ed. Isle- of Robeeon ciun ty, N . C. thin Is to notify all pnon having claims liln-r ihr elsr of Hl(l dreit-cl lo rxhlbll tm t the ind"ilKnt''i at Ecbo. N. C. or to Mrlnlyre k Lawrence, sttornt-ys, Lutuberton. on ftt beiort- May v. limb, or this notice rr. ale will .Mcmiyre Lawrence, atiornt-ys, i.uni N. on ftt belorf May u. I&nfj. or thli will op nteadinl In lr ot their recoTery All Inifraon indebted lo said rata pleaeTnake Immt-dlate parairnt. Tbi Xih day of May. JOHN W. WARD. Jldmlnistra'or. Mclntyre A Lawrence. AttornryN. iri jy 1 NOTICE. I do Pert bv forbid all persons to hire. aid or give supplies in any wise to J. K. Maynerantf son, Arcnahle Mayrer, as I have all of their time hired far th s year A. D. ior4. and in direct violation of a special contract existing !etw en us, they haav left me without haxirg a j-ist cause for so doing. cui-in(r me jrreit injury to my farm in loss of time and labor. This 7th day of May, 1904. , J. D. Johnson, i ins 31-4W. Buie N. C. j MANTELS (iNCODPoaano) Capital Stock $30,000 RALFICU, N. C, ANO CHABLOTTK, N. C. Lea.ia in traiuintc Young Mcu and Women for bib positions in Bookkeepinc and Shorthand. No school in th- South can approach them in thoroughness and in spiring ambition In its students and securing positions lor them These schools art equip; ed with np-to-date and modern appliances. Write to-day for the moat business like offers an 1 College Journal ever published. Address Kincr's Business College. Raleigh. N. C, or Charlotte, N. C. We also teach Bookkeeping, Shorthand ami Penmanship by mail. Pine a ad Hard 4. NOTICE ! The Board of Commissioners of the Town of Lumber ton will receive bids to furnish a regular supply of wood for the Electric Light and Pumping Station Five cords per daj will be required. Bind required for faithful fulfillment of contract. The Board reserve the right to reject any and all bids. A. E. WHITE, Mayor. May 6 tf. Latest Designs! Beiitllj loir Hone it Soill Cost. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS SCREENS, ETC. Quality Guaranteed. Orders receive prompt attention. Write for particulars. HYATT'S STUDIO PbotOoTtphs, LiBdscapss, Enlaroii0 ud Kodak FliMing. All work done ia Aiisto Platlno and Platlava. OVER POPE'S NEW DRUG STORE, LUIBRRTOI, I.C CAROLINA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, CHARLOTTE, N. C. I V PRINTING YES. THAT'S WHAT WE DO ANYTHING PRTJM A VISITING CARD TO A 1'ULL-SHEET POSTER. AND AT RIGHT PRICES. BOOKBINDING AND EMBOSS ING ARE ALSO NOW IN OUR LI-N'E. ASK PRICES. ROBESON! AN PRINTING HOUSE PHONE NUMBER 99, LUMBERTON, N. C. & ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 1 (Ul n j We do not sgi our "cap- to caDtnre tne trade ot any particular season of tne year, but we start on tne first day of January of every year THE FAUL lb, UtK IfltiM A.ty r 1 y unui.uuujriO AL.VVA1S SO WE ARE NOT FOUND AT ANY TIME WITH A RUN-DOWN, REMNANT STOCK OF GOODS. WFLL FILLED WITH MERCHANDISE. HOT WEATHER GOODS' Are in active demand now. Ladies want the thin. nirv. beautiful, de lightful Lawns. Organdies, Persian Laws, Nicker Voilles Point D'esprit. Silk Mulls. Crepe, China, etc.. Laces, Embroideries, etc. "We are agent for the fale of "R. & G." Corsets. "V. B." Corsets, and Thompson's Glove-litting Corsets. SUJ1MER MILLINERY. While we have sold Ladies Hats and Millinery Goo!sbythe wagon load tlrs sason, we still have a good" stock cf goods in this depart mrnt, as we keep the goods coming by freight and express. THE HOT WEATHER IDEA Kuns 'all through our stock new. It is seen in Men's Clothing, I'.i detwear, Shoe , etc. Even our Furniture Department recognies it by making provision for good, comfortable rest and sleep. Our Noiseless Sprral Bed Springs at $2.50 and our Elastic. Felt Mattress, four grades. $6 50, $8.00, $10.00 and $12. Of course, we have cheaper grades Comfortable Footwear Hamilton Brown Shoff. Co's guaranteed brands. Ladies' Slippers at $1, $1.35 up to $2 50 a pair. The celebrated Douglass Sh es, in summer weights, f-jr raen. Fine Line Summer Underwear and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. HOT WEATHER COOK STOVES. We have tbatn to burn wood or oil. See our new lice df Oil Cock Stoves. We have one at $2! 75 which coots well and can be ued as a Lamp also. Take a look all through your dwelling house ajul r.oie what you need and then come to see us. We'll very likely show vou the goods to fi'l your needs. CALDWELL & CARLYLB, Lumberton, North Carolina. m snappy" JJ j jji -iwniafusriiL-zi