THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. TMIl VOUtl A MIUKOK. Whea 1 i-iitdj ilh Mulling Uc Th mI' 'lenl f.UtV 'Tl llaamirrv Kirt att WbcrV I iuilt cri l-te I j-ni mm ; !! m iekfat () hiui!'- u' a! 1" ar.1 l4e i j;ail. Ttic i ' ; Hi ". i ti W la ni,:. UK I all.) M-rui ' "ia J t,r -. i. c whom ! lliatlirl lliott A!'. artiilr a I lUf UJ-B Ol' a!i-cl Thr l.r.i !'i; "K Ili'll 11 l!ir) Uicanl lo auiilr at HI At l t!ir i ll! IfCII !!!. all. I (', t :! : am, I l..r to .'. n 1 a! ll tin "' i r-u at llik'llt wlirll I Cuuir III in llir K1' ' I mi a 1 ll 1 all ! ' . r al A ii. I ' i r-n a! lll.Mll 1 To K .Mr . k.l. irli. lic a''"' All. I a'., hrl j.ilia all.! afll'.r lr!Klll Arc tllium. l.. a IIM-r M 'Ktl1 U he:; i . .tnc .!.. it wild uiiIiiik lr 'i'lie- i i'h ilciil 'Iic Hut if I ::i iTui. a!' !' Tlir wirl V ili.lrrd l.alll a!i .i.a.i! n i: might 5ioits !r l thr A:nrricill IVntlil. who rhifxr.l u. li .jccr in I'anv uikt rr ceiel, Ix-forr lir went alinai.l. letter from iunu Venn nlrr ''' nlr. ct of false teeth tn 1 n l sent to hitu The lettet i. Jiiclu lol "Mi mouth l litre mche arrl. tueemlith inriiet threw ihe mw Some hummocLy on the edge. Shae. I ke a hoi shew, toe for rd. If you wat me to be more par ticular I h:: lie tocometbar " V(ttarUa When the price of tueati toeotrlun i) aa it U uointf now it ia nounh 1W o aay that in Ibe future ahall H0Hl.rUrit hut tilt troilllld ia that t will not atiok to that tleter- mutation Kla!i i not aUaya iirHvnaity of life). .fjuMally in hot wfallmr In fact, in ny iiuantl ly, it i not vvi tlt-airalilei. Hut wr )inve Ufii meat fHttn ao oun Hint i! is hur.l fo break nway from tho Hfih jiuls a.'ul we IomI ouriwlvra iwith ht lu'nrtieat l-r nrnl tlie jiiiMrHt lainti aiul nil the .th'r j iiin!s of ini uf I r i market afford. It in ii. t loiix ago I ri ftt a youn man hot Unlily condition in-ti Hint lie t the a lrniratioii and envy f all men who an him. I'linaed tiia iihvsical examination at the I'nite! States Naval Acade my; yet he aa n vegetarian in such a strict aenae of tho wortl that fn never ate Imtter. ami as for the usually easily assimilated fish, it una an iiUminttim to him Hut even with thin example Ihv fore us, it is not altogether clear that a jiurvly vegetable diet would fit all Americans, or even a larpj atiare or inem one jierson a nature is never like another a and what would suit one miuht be mm- III ll a i M la YK The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. friera ll a dlaM prvaihnc in Ihu Country moil danratoua La a r ooatn ar tausxj t y rieart Jlea., rxMsumouia. heart laliara or arxriei r often the reiu cf kidney dieo. If kldrwjv trjutlo It al lowed U aJvante tha kl.lney - a o Honed bluj will alta.:k tha Vital organs or ih HJneyi thsinvolvoj break down and waste a hay czll t v io. Ulalkr trsuttoi most alwavi result fr .m a diraroment of the kldneyj and a cure Ii ohtalriej qjljkest by a proexjr treatment . I ir.s r.uneya. ll yoj are feelinp badly you ibi. mm ria miataKe by taking Dr. Kilmer's .-wamp-KOOl, me rreat kldnev liver and biajjer remedy. I: corrects liability Ij hold urine and wakl Z Pln In painr-r ll, and overcomes thai unpl-aMnt r.e,-i-,i!y of being- compeiloj U f j cfian d jrlr.p the day, and to jel up many t:mai durinp the r-.lpht. The mild and t)e eitraorJinary effect cf Swamp-Root i3 -ocn reali.-9i. It stands the highest for Itj won derf jl cures of the most dutrem.-f caes. S vamp-Rjol Is plsasar.l to take and sold ty all druppnti In fifty-cent and one-di lLr i:s: Douiej, roumay hiv- a jamplo bottle of I'm wonderfjl tie- d:j- every nd a book that i. n. - ii -1 . .. . .. ... awui ll. om Hn.r,mJ,piB(K-. sent frea by mall Address Dr. Kilmer h Co Umfhamton. f,'. Y. V-Tisn writing mention r who KJJLX A hJ IS HIGH SURELY NOT THOSE WHO BUY FROM DUNIE BROTHERS, Gin Machinery ENGINES. BOIIEHS. SAW MILL and WOOD - WORKINO MACHINERY. wHrri ro mioii QlBBCS MACHINERY COMPANY At a colliery, uear Ieils, ii a haft with a itajring around it, it height Ixinjf consideralily ilove the av.-rage of auch erection in the Vet RidiL. A miaer bad fallen off this itajririK to the grannd, aod on recovering consciousneas was of fcrexl a glaat of water by one of the men who had picket! him Looking at the water in disgust and amazement, he eaclaime!: " . hoo fur doos tha ha" to fall at this pit afore they gives yer brandy!" exactly the most harmful tiling redinf thu cenerous offer In ihb paper. for the other There is no douht, nevertheless, that we should ha much iwtter oil tf we were more teintwrate in meat eating. And there would be the added consola tion that we were doinu our little mite to nut down the fwef trust Don I make any mistake, but remumVr he name. Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's swamp-Root, and the aJdrasa. Binghamton, V. Y., on every bottle. q. w. mcqueen, Aside from the advantages to be The -LiumDertoii Barber. gained from restriction in diet, we miirht hnd pleasure in putting a little reverse Enelish on the cor poration now so objectionable in toe eyes of the people that no one seaks of it without damning it. hxchange. Wkto yoo wlib an y abara, At good a barber erer irmrn, Just call on m at my aaltxin. Al mornln ti or noon , 1 rut and drra the batr wtth (fraoa To suit the contour of th face. Hj mom la nat and towels clean. ttctMora sharp and raaora keen. And rythln I tblok Ton'll find. To still "i and rIeaae the mind A my art an1 aklll di If you luai call I'll lo for on Mr. Takahira. the Japaneae minister at Waahineton, is on fnendly terms with the Russian embassador. Count Caaaini, and is careful nerer to say anything that will offend him. But he likes harmless oleasantrv once in a while. Some one AT - informed him that President Rooaerell had decided to discontinue the training in jiu-pitsu, and asked him if he could guess why. "Can't imagine the rea soo," repl ed the envoy; "perhaps Cas sini objected to the lessons as a breach of neutrality." Here is a story that illustrates the es timate the German citizen places on sauer-kraut as a food staple. A German was speaking las, fall about the high price of cabbage. "I tell you, dese kab bages is awful high, dis year," he sairj me und me vife puts up six, sevent v barrels of sauerkraut every year- '. n can't dis year. Detn Jcabh ; j r ''Tie a string around your finger. " Get that bottle of Rheanacide today before roar ihenmatism gets a firm hold and becomes daogeroua. COLUMBIA, S. C. Strongest in the World. THE Equitable Life, OF NEW YORK. ASHIDLE. N. C. Of i-'HK, Coll -u i higher th ear tha:: lt. So ia Wool, but by a tr jk; i-f j;.mkJ iu'a r, mir uiut! if .loin buainc . liuUKht : ur -p:;::k o ! j!:i:ner 'iuk cfore the adiaui'r of raw uiatrrtal. and we are we'.; k tint it a!v to Klve the lrurriu of our bargain toour cuinrner. aad rprv':a!l) a tin t our fir.t pnu( and tumuirr at Ai'Mnle. n tn ! to irajn that te will try to keep our good irpu Ut.ou of K!hnK the HKr '.(. 1S AT THK lAJU'l-ST I'RICKS. U'r iiqlv sk td our Incii.U, patron and the public at large to just tilVK I'S A CALL aud tun will ce tlut neither Cttou uor Wooleu (VxN Ii any uigbrr ibis ear t!i :t e cr twfore. Couie, all. It will our owu gl Re!ucuilcr. our motto is : No trouble to Uow KMt pulur attentiou to all So come aud look over our leaii t:fjl S;niag aad S.iuuuer Stock auyhow. eten when not lni)iug. Yours ResjK-c'.fully, DUNIE BROS, ASHPOLE. N. C. LOOK FOR THE SION-THH NEW YORK RACKET STORE. Outstanding Assurance. 11,179,276,725 00 Assets... 331,039,720 34 Liabilities 259,910,678 28 Surplus.. 71,129,042 06 Lagest cash settlements given to policy holders. Death claims paid in futl and at on re. Strongest, Safest, Beat, and mont prompt paying company on earth. B. L. PAGE..-r'; 1 ted. cr v -jnst to vv ia case of tartness." A young globe-trotter was holding forth during a dinner in Paris about the loveliness of the Island of Tahiti, and the marvelous neauty ot tne women there. One of the Barons Rothschild, who was present, ventured 'o inquire if he had remarked anything else worthy of note in connection with the island. Resenting the baroa's inquiry, the youth replied: ' Yes; what struck me most was that there were no Jews and no pigs to be seen there." "Is that so? ' ex claimed the Baron, in nowise discon certed; "then if you and I go there to gether we sha'.l tnike our fortunes." What Lemons Will do. No family should be without lemons. Their uses are almost too many for enu meration. The juice of a lemon in hot water, on awakening in the morning, is an excellent liver corrective. Glycerine and lemon juice, half and half, 011 a bit of absorbent cotton, is the best thing in tge wcrl l wherewith to moisten the lips and tongue of a fever-parched patient. A dasli of lemon juice in plain water :s an excellent too'.'uwash. It not only re moves tartar, hut sweetens the breath. A teaspootiful of the juice in a small cup of black C( fTee will almost certainly re lieve a bilious headache. The finest cf manicure ac Js is made by putting a tea spoonful 01 lemon Juice in a cupful of warm water. This removes most stains from the ringers and nails, and loosens the cuticle more satisfactorily thap can be done by ihe use of a sharp instru ment. Lemon juice and salt water will remove rust stains from linen without injury to the fabric. Wet the slain with the mixture aud put the article in the sua. Two or three applications may be necessarv if the stain is of long standing, but the remedy never fails Lemon juice (outward application 1 will allay the irri tation caused by the biles of gnats or flies. Lemon peel (and also orange, should be all save.! aud Cried. They are a capital substitute for kmiling wood. A haadful will revive a dyiug fire. Prefers Weavil to Ants. Rosa L. Clark, owner of big plantation in Calhoun county, Texas, and of other lands in Vio toria and adjoining counties, has sued out an injunction to prevent LntomlogiBt Cook bringing into Tens ants from Gutemala, which the Government expert declares will exterminate the boll weevil. Mr. Clark said in stating- his reas ons for this step: It is alwayai? ..r'&us to bring in one o ,ot an other, and e wlhis ap ply in this Un ,;ieause we run fh- '.' ' " a aud stand no obr wdnefitted, and the . te thing that oould A1 oonneotion witti the --H?' would be for this gentle rf to succeed in the very thing be is trying to do that is, to breed this ant in sufficient num bers to dastroy the boll weevil. "Any man who has picked cot ton and has had the little black ant get in his shoes in the field will understand what I mean. In other words, this ant. to be of any practical benefit in destroying weevil, must cover the entire field and visit every stalk. He would be present while picking was going forward. Two-thirds of the cotton of Texas is picked by negroes, who do not wear enough ciathea in the field to make a respectable start. One half of the remainder is picked by the barefooted children. If the ant ia in the cotton in sufficient number to destroy the weevil. you could nut get the co'tton picked. "Unless this ant i? different from all other ants, the weevil destroy the vegetation that grows around his bed and paths. To be of any service in u crop of cotton, his bed and paths of necessity would cover t tie entire crop. Another thing: On what will it feed when he ban annihilated the weevil aud how will we destroy it? I have heard it said in South America that iu some sections the natives are compelled to wrap their feet a"bd legs in cloth and saturate it with oil before they can go in the cotton field, to protect them from trie. ants. " 0 ..nton. N. C. ? We are Pushing Paint Ihe painting" season is at hand and we are ready to supply your needs with The Sherwin-Williams Paints Let us figure on the paint for your house. S. IV. P. will prove the best and most economical paint vou can buy. Full color cards for the asking. SOLD BY. 'idlNG YOU NEED I offer for sale one 35 Horse Power Boiler; one 30 Horse Liddell Engine, good as new; one number one Lane Saw Mill, with 50 feet of carriage, brand new one United States Edger, new, together with 350 acres of timber and more which can be easily secured. The whole plant is complete in its equipment, with cut-off saws, etc. It is in fine order, and my sole reason for wishing to dispose of it is that pressure of other business requires all of my time, and I am unable to look after it. Eleven head of mules and oae carload of hay also goes with the outfit. J. L. TOWNSEND, MCDONALDS, N. C. GUARAN TEED BV A BANK DEPOSIT Railroad Fare Paid. 500 FREE Courses Offered. SaSSSSaSSSSSS Board at Cost. Write Quick GORGIA-AUtRAMA BUSINESS COLLEGE. Macon.Ga The Chesapeake & Ohio Railway WORLD'S FAIR SCENIC ROUTE TO SAINT LOUIS. .SHORTEST. (H'ICKKST aid BKST ROUTE. Veitibnled, Kleo trio Light d Trams wtth Pulimau i?Uperi aud Dining Can. Through tickets f r -en North Carolina with direct connections. ypcial Rat for Sasou, S:xtf or Fifteen Da? Ticketi. Kiffjun Dav Ticketa from Luna barton, N. C, 20 25. Blewping Car accommodation engaged upon application. Special Coach Excursions Oo authorized dat. ticket good tor ten dtyi, at rte of $20.40. Correspondingly low ratm from other stations. Special accommoda tions arrauged for parti. Stop-oTera permitted within limit at C. & O ceiHbratd mouctain resorta. Use the C. & O. Rout and pur chase your tirketa accordingly. For coach exenraioo datea, reaenra tioos and other information, addreat C & 0. R. Richmond, Va. $5,000 UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL R. G. Rozier, Lumberton PIANOS AND ORGANS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A.D.J0NES&C0 . Greensboro, N. C. Southern Factory Dis tributors for the World Famous KIMBALL. Chamber ala s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. i Thia remedy is certain to, be need-" ed in almost every home before the summer ia oyer. It can always be deepended upon even in the most se vere and dangerouso cases. It is espec ially valuable for summer disorders in children. It is pleasant to take and never fails to give prompt re lief. Why not buy it now? It may save life. For sale by Dr. H. T. Pope & Co., and Dr. R. G. Rozier. It is easy to acquire a fortune. All you have to do is quit spend ing your money in trying to get something for nothing. We loan you money to buy them. We give free trials. i We pay the freight. We save you 35 per cent. We add nothing to the principal when sold on Easy Payments. BsaTWrite for our latest Piano and Organ Catalogue, acd for full particulars. A. D. JONES 4 COMPANY, 208 South Elm Street. GREENSBORO, , N. 0. The Summer Term begina June 8th, to continue three months. Thorough instruction in courses admitting to the bar. Special lectures by eminent lawyers. For Catalogue, address : : JAS. C. McRAE, DEAN, CHAPEL HILL. N. C. THE INDIVIDUALITY OF THE STEIFF PIANO Is three fold. It is noted for its individ uality of tone, qualltv, individuality of action ; individuality when it comes to profits in that you may buy it direct from the manufacturers and save the re tail dealer's per centage. F. M. A5BUK.Y, Factory Rep. Box 46, Charlotte, N. C. MAXTOM SASH and DOOR CO. MAXTON, N. C. Has as large a stock to select from as any House and can sell you first-class work for less money, than any other House and gives the Largest Discount for Spot Cash. They have . . 2 OOO DOORS TO SELECT FROM. GLASS DOORS From $2.50 to $8.00. &0 ceihrati mouctain reaorta Uae the C. A O. Rout and par- W. O. VVARTHEN. D. P. A . C & 0. RV : I . . i I ALLEN ED ENS, A. L. BULLOCK, W. F. BRISTOW, I ! II President. Vice-Pres. Caahier. I j I d n li 1 n r n r in i n 11 r I dhnix ur nu w bnn v. i I Dnti'i Aim U .r I y'l WE, SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE 1 I i i The KEELEY INSTITUTE, GREENSBORO, N. O. FREE! OUR ILLUSTRATED HAND BOOK CUT THIS OUT TODAY-MAIL IT TO BOX 166, GREENSBORO. N. C. Piease sen 1 rre your Illustrate 1 Hand Book No. 16. Name : - Address ,.. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Cure Crip iaTMroDytv on every 4 t -i .1 . -t .