ESTABLISHED 1870. Country, God and Truth. SINGLE COPIES 6 CENTS. olTxxxv, no. 44. !;; lumberton, north Carolina. Friday, july 22, 1004. . whole no7T5o 18 BRITISH BLOOD d Sea Incident Leads to Lond Tail ol War. tm wMt b Critical, ud If Ikli luilt b t tuti Cilia t (nttiest b fiat ILondoa. July 30. Tb Associs I Pna inteTviswed mny ioainsat personao onnected Mid clue toocn wna to govern- lent relative to tbs esisure of titisb vessels by stammsrs of tbe luiB volunteer fleet in tbt Red be. ... At a malt of to incrairtes, lew 1 Mwwi M wmmuMr Utll fasUag against Bussia of strength ud a bitterness almost tnout ,. preoeoeni (iocs i iu ir. Krea tbs mat oo ativa. who hva,be.v-taitbe of Ui government fur masy ears, and woo opsniy oepiorea is bun wltb WDIo wt ftoaght Great Britain had plung I into the Trsosvssl frmr, frankly Sclered (or polioy of reprisal gainst what Ja rsgsrded bars aa iusis's violation of trestle and hr f rattoal artsos on nnosn eom Sero. , , .- I Tb warlike ion of aoob PPre fTb Times, Ths Standard, Tbs lamina: Post snd Tba Daily Tals- rmpo. , which in astionsl crisis itbarto slmost isvsriablv sdvired auttoa, baa bad ita inevitable effect bar bs osea eurrea up a tarn of lndignstiosf among all laaaaa In tba United Kingdom. and iia strength with which tba go, mmaat itaalf oaa soevoaiy sug. ' ... Thoss who deplored th outbreak Iba war between Japan smlRus a insisted publicly and privately mi Great Britain, crippled ton nil after bar Booth African at- arisncss, moat not all all costs ba -awn into tba far JMaterstatjaay i, are oe amongst tba Boat upoken ebampioos of a physi t t fores that will prevent tba re petition of th Malacca in oidtnt in tba Bed 8aa. "Lord Lsnsdowne." ssys Tba ily Telegraph, "baa fsosd tba toatioa created by tba aboaa of aa right of sssreh in tha on It lannar worthy of .- British iniatar compelled to defend tbe titaraata of British eommsree aad ha booor of tba Bag, and, acting ilh nnbaaitatia annaees and iromrjtituds. wbiob reoalla - tba dava uf tba national doI 7, bo baa joati&ed tha troet of uaoonatry. V Wkiia eat oaa raah word ahould ae- wiuoh Jd---ba Jtba faot of iooreeriBa tba tanaioa of anxioua and aangroa inter il, it woald be futile to disgnsie ie character .or to minimize tba ka of tbe- aituation wbiob baa riaen. We hope and bliea that aolutioa of tba diffioulty may ill be found In tba withdrawal f tbe Boaaiaa guTaromeot from a falea poaition." "It would ba impoaaibla to mceira a mora ramaaabla aooa lalatioa of illeeality aad error ian baa attended tbe praeeat aaa." the paper aaya. "if tfaia Tontry wre oapable aader any .roumataaoe af tejnely enduring o grare aa ineuK to ite boaor. we aouid bare lorteiwa our me w a rraat nation. Iaanyeiiwaav tiui. m think H mar ba aaanm d that tba Malacca will aorar be lariuatedby apriaaorwwto any (oauaa port bba ia watebe4 ( not aotaaily atopped, by Britiah carahlpa aad aba will. In any -aa, ba reetored to ber owovt ion tjafcrebewrB'ta4ahee through tbe Dafdaaelleaor aarl jtted to Libav ; 1 '.'' j 'Thi mergeaey In aome re-i pacta, ai tbe stoat oritioal that baa marked oar relatione with Rneaia ia tbe ieet twenty reare aad ta tha ana of the inflamed etate of public opinion iaSk Patera bo rg it would be oawiae to blind onraalaaa to tha ixatano of poaalbiiitiae that woo Id other tea be uatbinkabie. Chia cooatry with deoieoa and own. pceure lad tatea attitude "Which -tMreeea ao (wtraat or ahacbiaej. i We aak eeiespie redreaa lot a ioteatandaaproTokediBiary, eoj aberatha peace of Ue wri oa pemie apna the wUt of tbe Out, beflere mai oiuimhu will look to him during tba aait 43 ooora tn yam. ' , Tbe foregoing pronouncement fr.o an orsan ao notorioualj in- apirad. with ita open reference to a poatibiuty of war, add euor moualy to a aituation that wai Krare anough. Every other Xondoo ntoralM paper deTotaa ita leading etlitorial to a limilar view of tbe aituatiom War with Boaaiaia openly eon templated by tba moatetaid paper ol tba Empire aa a contingency maoh to b resrrettad. bot nrtbe- leaa inevitable for tba honor of tbe nation onlea aiwedy repara tioa ba mad for what ia alleged to ba dir inault to tbe Britub flag. Jwace PwraaU'aPaaltloe Saatemaf. Tba Bicbmond Time DilDatoh of Friday oontained tba following retaranoa to an important oaa important biee naa of tba princi. DiainvolTadr. - r The United Rtate oircuit court of appeala yaatarday afteraooa de cided the oaae of tha Newport Sew and UM f oint Jiailwar Electria Com Dan r. Tba liaan. toa Koada Railway aad Eleotrio Company advene to tbe appal- ianta, who tbaraupan naked that the appeal he diamleaad. thereby agraaiBg to pay tba appalle f osate. Tba real qoeation in tbe oaa baton tha oourt waa aa to tha otioa of Ciroait Judge I. O. Pritobard in granting a (aptnede- . after an anneal bad been grant- ad by Aotiog Circuit Judge Wd dilL from aa iaiuaotioa directed gint tba Newport New and Old foint ttailway and fclaotno Uoai pany. , . ,s " i Thi ia tba caaa, tba' real taaoe ta wbiob waa the right of tba Naw. nort New and Old Point Bailwa and Eleotrio Company to areot aad maintain tana at jSaokroeiMaan, thereby excluding from fan entry t thai reeort pereon going there to on oar of tba Hampton Boade Bail way, tba two line bang oom. patitora for paeaengsr traffic there to. Tbe afiect of tba deouion ia to perpetuate aa injunction and aaoira tba NewoortiNew aad Old Point KaiiwaV and Glaotno Uoav pany to remove ita fenoa and pat- it tbe JUamptoa Itoade JKatlway Oompaay to have free aooaae to Huctroe lieacb. Tbua aada an other chapter ia lhe atubbora fight between tbeaa rial railway It tbeana tbat J ndge Pritohard'a action in granting a aupenedeaa ba been overruled. ; Thi 1 to m principle about wbiob Judge rurnell exprened ooodt a w tba right of tba chief initio to grant tba aupereadeee tbe At- hntie and North Carolina Railway litigation, and it practically up hold Judge PnrneU a view of toe BJtteSMa!...-r ' ' ..A j. - - The opinion waa delivered oni. I by Judo Ooff. but ia ing it be aaid he would later file a written opinion Battling tbe preotiot in uoh oaae. Balaigh Port. - ' Parker aad ayae. Eeopu. N. Y.. July 19. -A re port ia current that than will be an effort to got Judge Parker to b"ia be auuva campaign ia the kuidle Weat with a apeaoh at Chi. easo aooa after tba aotiBOanon oaremoniee. It is oaderetood that Mayor Carter EL Barriaoa.of Cbi oago. i nxiou not only to bav tha Hrai rir mm of tba aamoain fired iaChioanTO. but to have judge Parker and V llliam J. Uraya ea tba Dlatfona toawtbar apoa tbat ooeaaioet ,UI eourae aoumg danait oa that aabjeot oaa be laamed bare, for Jodg Parker aaeolutely refwee todieraa any of bia planubqtfat to hiaaoti- Beatioa. -,-. ,....- -j - " T1its Srs BO' shipwreoks ia a paddle. r .. - , r : S atrlcWea M Pmrntyms " SX Kev. ASA. Wataaa, Maaaeef u beta of Beat Oratiaa, wm attkkea wt pualru at W. beeaa m enditioe U abr. waa cxtreaMly grev Be fWd tatar, bat U ween fcxUr. end tl k etirvad h Meet reevrar. Kiboe Wtaoa hu bcea ia wiy twale for th awl rvat. aa the atrak day wa iba thirJ h baa eaaand. 4iiatA ieai eTflartegtoe ey on mil ii ii a 1 ' latl r kooa atl aa fcw hia mr awn, aad m a4 trfnmi at ito aay boar, rnvwaaaa art aaag every mi" - at aliv. Fayatamll Otrni m. Comapeadaaeael The Wnhwaam, Tba beat wa in ten all ad. judged Sunday, Monday, Tueeday till Bp. m. Wdnady wbea a elond with tbundar, alighter rain, and wind iooompaniment brought down tba tDremometer, .? y; Tba work .of r sbipping oadla loupe aad watermelon goea on anergettoaiiy in tbt oommuntty. " A Democrat, whoever ba may be. In 'the last ' Kobeaonian, to quite right in tba eatimate he Dtaaaa anon our towaaraan. A. L Shaw, a to hi qnalification to fill uaelally the poaition of aanstor. We are perauadad be 1 ao aapirant. however, for the booor, hree t ao-mocey Li it for bim. Hi ambition ia along other Una, Lumber Bridg townabip bppra eiataa tbe anggoatioa all th aaiue of one of bar . aoaa lor to high a Tjlaoa - Mr. Will Johnaton ia pnding a while at bote with : bia bou ar. Wa are alad to aa him. ' In our bnc, Mr. . and Mr. Kenneth Carrie wre planged in to doee and aonow By tha daatb of their baby boy, Tba little fel low died after muofa atoknea laat Taaadaf aad was oariad to Lauin- burg foe burial,' Our heart bom out to tbe bereaved boowbold in tbeir griaf. It i a painful beraave meot that 1 felt at tbe death of child like that's The ohild 1 in heerea aad tboat who mouri ita lua mav be oomfortad by the thought tbat tbay oaa go to H. May God aaaetify tba aorrow to tba geo of tba aorrowing oaa. ' - Borne of oar boy rot toafther aad want to Bed 8pring and clayed a baaa ball game with tba Bad Spring "boys laat Tuesday, and got beat by a soot of 16 to 4. U waa a bot day far ! - ' . ' 1 Th soul is the of oivili.5a. tiOB. i Leat' CUrtoe grpraV ' - Maaniaa aad Fenaer Bloa wvar to tabciM ea aawav Satarday. Kr. Motn TDemfKO. o aiitiaiawaig. aaa a soattiea aitk tbe S. A. L. m tbia Mim Mary Clark Mt ituaday e'tar-' aoaa for a visit to fncoda at Iwabartaa aad LanhabafK. f , t MiM Marfwet C. Creiaarti ba bar apawtlac the past amrel aaya with rata Uvea ea Seatk Rivw. ; t . . .. Tba poatoSVi ! bow toeaeKt ia tbai wr ef 0. M. Clark & Co., waare it wiU arauia for nrnnl bubUm, aatU Kav W ft BaUard, Ut thia place, W Ka. J. C. Blalotk. of ubttavill. ergaa laad Bapttn church at BaaHaaa Soa day Bight with ea ajemben. A BaaAtr of thia were Jouag bmb lad yoaag - btr. W. T. Ptufar aad sunlly have tanad trow a are- Aava viait ap eaar Charlotte. ' Mia' Otbora,1 of Waahaw, aaeeeipaeiaa Ibaa t.-'1Ct-.'-r1rtfw aye crop ta all BKtiou tbreoab which he pimil atetbeeeit he baa aver eata. The Cape . Fear Lmabtr Cosnaay, which baa baca largtv ia a!ii- .ing log! troai thU place ta WllauDjrtoa tar tba pat tcvara! year, save plated thttr railroad ts Whttavttla aad km mam tkeu r latbat alaaa. Mr. at W. Pridtae. mof Colsabae eaaati' ateat Braeuaaat lilitaat. at ate but ta Western Pratt lewoaHp j met day ieniig ahwet txm e'deck Be wee partially pmtyaad aver a yaar age-aad had beta aiaatet aa. tavaUd eiaaa Laattatareay Btglit Be tbeaaoaed etna, ileal aalliaa, altbeogh h wee gtvea every aV Itattta tbat leved eaae eaeJd adairaitlaf air. Mdaaa waa eatbei at Juahimeia harcb aad waa a ia. ' Be awe ban aheat 4 tarred sUak.a b CM war tea Hal tat at. Oa. R. ji aT. C ttgiaieat, btiag ia the hltaly aghia at Ft Piakar. tU waa a da at ad baaated. e hied bahat. a gaed aatghbar, aad wiU heaiBMlyadim Ma fy. Cittarttra, )aty re. Tbe oaMal Si tbe amhlhtiiaa tiiitiue boa Jaat aa- laaad thnwa m eattaltT talutai tad 7i aeaiBt. tao Itwla' pmajmiea ta Quaailiiiia bat tw yaaca aflat aaat a St. Loala KvnabUt: tor Dtvia b hate waae at e at baart, is phyalat ttrarh aad activity, hi tpptiraant aad Bt ia te yaanetd eatvtaea ad wwdota, B baa tke aea- tal aad aratcalar vor at e Ctadataae, aad be wUl aid powerfaUv nma( dawa rh in f Kcewbrjeaa bacas. at -.:! H t , TRIP NOTES. ; Staff Corrtapoadanet, i Bom time ago wa made a trip in tba upper aud and, although late, w will tall something of what w saw: , and learned. Between JjUmbertou . and Bum wa pas through a fine pieua of oountry. For tha tint three .milee one' attention is attracted moat by the fin road.; No finer road bare we ever teen than thia. though a year ago it contained on oT th wont and - beds . we ever aw. It faraigbtDeee aad uniformity make it beautiful to behold. Maaar. J. Bennett, Charlie Stephen and tl. V. Hol eilL have nioa farm by tbs way. Aero, Lumber Biver again. At MflfieU's Dridga, and wa are in tbe tun Swamp aectoo. Mr. 4 B.: Carlyl dm a beautiful farm at Barker a - Oat, where be la growng aome tobaooo and aome trnok as wall aa plenty ot cotton aad corn. , At Baft Swamp ia a good oharoh boo, paiuted inaide and ant, and nrntsbed wan mil organ, .' clook, to. . Tba" school bous,oontaining; three large room would present a bandaome appear, knee it repainted. Another mile tut Wa are nassina Mr.' W. C. Prevatt'a. . Ha owna aud operate tba water mill tbat his father built e half century ga 1 ' " Mr. U a.-, ryuer n an eoiel lent farm and doe ' SDlendid gen. aral mercantile online He i trying th tmoking buainee this year. - Mr. vy. f. rravatt u add ing much to tba comfort and ap psaraao of Jhi home by building him a mo bona for reaidenoe. Tbaaa is a farmer in thi Mo tion who produces more per sera thaaMr. W. a Powell. B be- lieves ia inteaaive farming. And that re fine people. So are the Tomend Davis's, Odums, eto. But we pass oa into 'Souffle town," tbe oall it X- But Hustbv towa would b more sppropriats. Why, bar are fine roads, wall drained end wall cultivated farm, and oomfortabta homes, sad on would never guess that the inhabi tant are Oroatana. We find Wiley Lewria digging , Irian - potato. Be ia working over a dozea hand, mostly hired. Ba ha gathered 135 barrel from 4 acre. Moat of thaae be sold at $3.30 to HM a barreL Cord is kaas-aigb between the row and bids fair to make a big crop. Wa find Alva Oiendin picking ououmbere forahipptng. Us ba tha moat divereified farm we bare seen. Hia figures are a follow : On fourtb sore sqjnaabea, on acre Ireih potato, una aora canta. loupe, two acres cucumber, tiz seres tobaooo. ten sores of cotton and oorn ecb, nd 11 seres water melon. . . i.', : " At Buia'a are three' general tore sd s few white famil. Shipment of near 200 crate of oucumbars b. day vara made thia At Oromartie we made aome Inquire and learned that Mr. J. T Danny has bar a 14-hore frm. H baa on tbe farm 16 bona. 76 oow n 60 bogs. Thia year ba baa about 136 aorea of wstennelons, 90 ores oentaloupes, twelve sorsi cuoumbera, tea sores Irish pats- toss, basidss beans, oars, roasting ears, eta i ? Wwib to' speak of' Lumbar Bridge, Bseford sad other place iaowraaxt V. A. fAxttlAM. Sin asars over th i aeoi : Bay latclSM. ' I air . At Gafliord CoUtg vaataniay the ih-aw aid ka of Mr. Joha Eiddalaibad rata a charvy Waa, twd plew lag) areaad Wa atck ad) iaaaad at tba kresae. Hi m da. It kt aa aaliaiad tbe lad UaaiiiWd iag Waewa Uf. Urn llilnid t heaae playiat aad that b aalintitid tbe tea th tbe bat wea taBrttBtly laa Ml tBabl bia ktyaaay ta tha greasd ithaet buary. . v. : ... ' Ta CeaUawe Fear Waafca. . Mr B T. Mcavrde: eaasty taowiataa- taadvat Bahhc tadrectiea: Fnraiiar af tbt Oob- Mclatyr are eaadwetiag tba Borae! cboal bar ta wku taeehtre al Caarbar- Tba mi nai are katd ia eta eadrtoriow af tea city giadwl Irhtal haOdms. Fay aatviUe. aad are vary wad amadia. A fall aoar m ef srady will W ptiawid. WOA tkataachara aiiautad ta ranlar daaaaa Raaferd Hate. Ritford Chronicle. Mr. J. W. Barnard baa purchas ed tbe property occupied by Mr. Townaeud and will mov into town thi fall. 1 Mr. E. G. Cook sod Miss Zaells Alalone, of Uolumbia. B. U, sre vititingtbe family of Mr. & B. Oattin. In about aix week from now when cotton begin to com in, tb lazy club will have to go out of buain. Mr. B. B. Gatlia ba purch se ed a lot aad given tbe contract for a mi reaidsnos to b built right away. ... The convict have arrived! and re at work on tb Hope Mills extension of th Aberdeen Sc Bock. fih Railroad. ,, Mr. Hilburn, of Pinebluff, waa in town Monday buying lumber for a naw reaidenoe tbst bs is going to build there. , , - Lightning struck 'th (tors of Peele Bro and MoOill last Tuas- day, but ba are glad to aay didn't do much damage. . r ttot. -John McLeod snd ' wife returned yasterdsr faam the Agri cultural and Mechanic! summer school st Bligb, , iMr J.W . Moor returned Men. ds mornitta from S trio to Hm 1st on otMtne. Mrs. Moor snd children rf vwiting st Littleton. Our friend Mord McDuffis says if you sss bim working any mora baton September nret Vou may know ba ia doing it aa a deed of charity. ' ' - - A yjting man by tha name of Deaton died with typhoid fever at Purvis' MU1 last Saturday snd bis remain war oarried to tttar through th cooatry oa Sunday for burial. : rtav a Spite did Owsertaaltr. y The Timaa-Dianaoth heliaV.a tbat tba Democrats have a splendid opportunity to elect their ticket this rear. A. plauorm oaa mads np oa which all Democrat may comfortably atand and our nominee is a msn whom nil Dem ocrat can oordislly snd sntbusiss tiallv tutiDort. H . haa shown himaelf to be s msn of oonacienoe and of courage and a leader. Aa president of the United State sll interests would be ear in nit bsnds. snd, bs would tasks s record ot : which tbs Democratic party would b proud. , But we mutt take nothing for granted. Wa mutt have bold, vigorous. ggressiva campaign. Wa most storm tbs fort of Bootevdtiim. snd plsos th bannerol Democracy oooa tbs rampart W muri ooa- vino tha voter tbat Booeevelt ia an impwialiat; that ba ia tb anti- then ot tbe true uemooat; tbat bs is bom arisotorat - H bt- lieve lb strong government; bs believes in oisas wglalstioa and is eoritism ; b believee ia foreign x plottstioa snd isdispossd to rough nd over tb constitution. . Ms oonosds tbst bs is sa how it man and eoBsoisotious, bat tbst make bim alii the mora dangerous as a nolitiosl rough rider. Be ought to b beaten this time, aad he oaa be baa tao if tba Democrat will anita heartily apoa tba platform and ticket which tba eoavatioi has offered to tb public Richmond Timee-Dispstoh. - Nw York. July a Artiolse of inoorparstioa of to Moot bam oottoo corporation, having a capi talisation of SS .000,000 preferred sad $16,000,000 ocesmoa, were filed st Tsaatoa. H.i.. today. Tb par vain of tba iwsfoied is 91UU, Out tne per vaiaa at tke sosj- mos, wbieb will be ssbsa buweiy ia. tha Soeth, will beoaly tiU This is tbs oompaay whieb has bsso talked a boat siao sooa af ter tbs f sll ore of D. J.-Sally A Ca, for introdureag Implored meabsainsisa for baling aad gis- ning eottoa as wall aa sompra. bansiva warehoa ay stem to aaa- bia grower to bald tbeireottoa, if they e riaaire, iasread of atfiiaf it ia a glutted market ot uts-aarly 8. F. B. Moras, formerly uf Daniel J. bally A Co . aad pss- urer trame msaager ot to Soalbera Psoitis to bs tbs preeidaol ot tbs saw euaapaaiy. TERRIBLE THE LOSSES Stub Librsi7 'iuo ftuwuiia Luse ,2,100 and ' Japanese 1,200. UH itoil KuopitUi'i Proit tit Jips In IotUI Iitt Ptsitioi ul Ittp till Eisslus lBf ORldal nans Chicago, July 19. A specisl to th Daily New from New Cbwang ssysi Hard fighting haa been going on for several days ia the neigh, borbood of Tongaoho. sight tuilea esst of Tatoheklao. It u report ed that tba Bossisn loss in last night' engagement whs 2,100, mi the Japanese loss 1.200 Tbs Jan snss nave bee in active content with the Bussisns sast of Hai chsog where there V bare - been mny minor sctions. : ! , , All along Kuropatkin's front th Japanese sre moving into posit on, but tb general attack 1 being ooetDonecf until suDDliee . snd rsinforcsmsnts com to the front. Progress slang tbs muddy rosds an mountain pass is slow. Si. Petersburg, July 19. Tbe War Office bss ad further detail of tbs Bussian repulse st Motien Psas. Tb loss ot men which, it 1 freely emitted, ' will probably bs considerably in excess ot Gen. Kuropstkin's figure given out laat night, i rgesfly deplored. But evidently tbe sngsgement st least served tbs pnrposs of dstaonstrsU ing tbat General Kurokl'a army bss bean bssvily reinforced north, snd th osnarsl staff is now ia. dined in believe tbst tbs Japanese commander (bay bare decided that s frontal attack from tha sooth is insdviasbl and is concentrating hi forces for s direct sttsok on Llao Vang. Chicago. July 20. -tba strike of packing bonss saployas. begus nine dy go,"snd wbiob naa de moralized tba packing industry . through tbs country, was settled here to night st s conference be tween representative! of the pack- art, lbs wbols controversy will bs submitted to a board ot arbitra tion, both aida agreeing to abids oy wuaiervr oeoiaioa inis ousru may resob. Pending tbe decision of ths arbitration board, tba men will be taken back to work ss . rapidly ss possibls by tb psokers snd it is agreed by tha - packers that all tha old amnions are to be reinstated within 45 daye from tba : data work ia resumed. If say ot tbs former employes are till an. employed at tbe sxpirstioa ot that time, eaob persons are to bare tne - privilege , ef : submitting , their esses to the srbitretion board of settlement Tbs striker , will return to work as soon ss tbsy osn bs notified of . tb pescssbls adjustment of tbs trouble, and it ia expected that by Friday morn, ing. everything will be ia normal abapa at all th plant ia differeat cities ia which the employes were -oa strike. .: ,- .... .. . Mra. Truro. Cornwall Ens.. July XX . Mrs. Florence Mavbnck is free. . She left bare st 11.45 s. m. today oa ber wsy to Franca. Mrs. May or! ek I tmprfaoasjsat waa act tar. miastsd with tbs clsag of doors, ths bat soaad which remsins ia tbs ssrs ef so msay of her fellow pi i sous r wbo bed preceded bar to liberty from a Ysiasbary prison, where b spsat smss tnaa foar- a year of ber Ufa. It dues before th embed door way of tbs whits cca vest ot tbs siaiaihuod of tb Kpb'phsey of thia little town, with tb black robed aia ten softly atasriag their bless. tags aaef good wishes for bar futom With two oompeaioas. Mre- Mtyhriak esrered tbe car riage of Miss Dairy tuple, secre tary at tbe sisterhood, . sad waa . drives rapidly - to Stsotlall, a eaisll sutfoa fooibwa Bailee awsy, where, sftsr eiohaagmg goodbyes with bar coa-panioa- ebe boardsd a Hsia ami starres oa ber joarasy to Freaos. Sba will act go to Aaierios ostil hrf pressao (bete is oaesidetsd im peretively atcsmtry. Tbe gieet art saorecy was throws aboet Mra. Maybrick' dVparture. t