ROBESONIAN IJEIJCa KSTAHLISHKD l7o - . Country, God and Truth. SINGLE COPIKS 6 Ci- N' S LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. AUOU8T 12, 1004. WHOLENO 1030 VOL. XXXV, NO. 60 A YIS1T TO PARKER. Oar Washington Correspondent Sees Him at Esopas. r nVrri,S;:,nwr-RUSSIA IS NERY0P5. ,-r.tio standard baarar in this cam- 50 canta If ha stops at tha In. OTMLR LOCAL ITEMS Dsitio to id? raadara. laid Ion the hotol rata iocludo During tba ruoatlng of the na- the daily pric ol admission. Air. Arabia Toou. of W hitetilJa. tional committ, in ew 1 ork There it great demand for mouj at wu bare ednaaday . . i L . I I I i V. . I .1. - l.fl. T L. I. ... L J - . - L. I . - L. ..-r4.rl Vf . m pm I f f aiitfi a n I niiui t K I p. m a M z . i ..m A I from New York. I wu invited to tbev rariire in price from 11.50 to Maaara BJackar Brother barn w?.dJr. .,rrJ to l"rn h" aooompany the mam bar. of tba I2.&0 par day. roome with bath hanga of adrartiaamant in thia 7 WaK"1 ..!JrJPb,,,,, national committoo totbahoma of oosting from $3 50 to $5.50. AliMwoa. iainar. air. aui lown- to Waka Forest College Auguat Mr Waltar Townsend. of The Japanese Are Getting Tor Close for Comfort. El Sljl Tiftf! Ml Bl 10 D0lM! Eli Judge Parkar to pay to bim our thaw rate inoluda the prioa of lUinire nU:II itou icl luuj i luuiiniun iu ius r u ausi tui I assurances of our loyalty and first admission foe of 50 oanU la esteem. I want. I aaw, I wu paid at tba gate, single meala at conauered. I am hia'n. tba Inn will ooat aa follows : Elecdos, tod Iti hopliliil Eiriti Iklti HouitCrut ud Grtd In Pot ton Maaara. John H. and J. W ara, cf Barker, wera in Tuesday. Tba rainy seaaon oontinnaa Correapoodence of Tht Robeaoniso. Waahington, D. a, Auguat 10. It may ba inUraating to tba readers of this ooiraapondano to know that tba ration thay havs Tki SltaCoi or lvc;VU2 (i Ion CrtdaJ u tli ccrtai rictus Iroul Dim 4 Iimi Hi. mm - . mquereU. 1 am bia n. ioa inn will ooat aa loliowa: " wuik,uu tiu aaction. Jt mini tbat a M "J Mtiej na niaC Jf tou bara warm, rod oorpai- Braakfut, W oeaU lunchaon. 50; 00u8h li Pjrad yaaUrday to gr.t many ,f rom thnw p.Ur.Ktl . fA .f aa byoar blood ha la tha kind canta; etaning dlnnar. 75. Thar hara pal otf. to four nij from , I)0atoffioa. '"burg. Aog. 10 NaT. Ear. R. A. Hadirnath la anend- They ahoald ttka immadiata action :uu'IW aituaUon at tba t I."... I f m ... aand ia aiok, alao. oi lata cuaaad Dy lark of mailing laoiitttiaa in part ot tba Howalla- ilia aaction. It aaama tbat olaa in too of a man who would maka you lis alao a aarrioe a la oarta at vary gat out and hollar out loud for and reasonable raUa. Guaata who ing aararal diva in tea oounty on to eecure better aerrioa get red in I be laoe ana win aorosa aeaire to ooiin aooommouaiion ia riau to nia (atbar. h I on a rotten rail to aerre him I on the American plan may do so cot beard from me for a week ia j H campaign agalnat corruption at fixed ratea, according to Iooa. Meaan. D. H. Britt nd J. A. lootnpaon. of Hack Swamp, at- tMMQMlhaf been away and in and grtd and graft and uaurp- tion of rooin Every oonTenienoa L odXthe.rmeri' ' ConVe'nUon k- n.miA ationand akolldainrerT and milita- uiuall? found at a firat olaaa hotell. i :T. Klin luurivBk iuo &vuiwativ . " i - . . at RalaJgh laat weak. Miaa Nellie MoQueen. f Roi tv .ndinflidentallv in thair own nam. Judge rarker ia me anu- ia proriaea at me mn. ;.- t Ki,.. if . t, tbeeis of all the thinga tbat mil k., .nH ihm intiirMt of iUU againat dency and genuine Luaiber Brtdfe Locale tJW wa WMXd I 11 A A ? I I . - ?erv Democrat in the country to good ana "Ie conaiiuuonai rot- corrwpoodenct oi ne Robeoain. . I a Ind rA a-At I a T ri i a hi ft rnrrCt Den DICt U re Ot n"u",k' 1U wuu80.- jar. j. . oamw icu aiunuay lor ico Jud Alton Brooka Parker, my are enougb man dy oaaag t St. Loi. candidate and their oandidate for you ever atudy man ri nen uiaa Alma Love. whohtbei vinUng .way or teverafdaya paat Tieiting I . .L . TT!.JU4-. T I an tin And miWl JUUira rlrllr 1 WillurrMb ntnfnn Mninlif I f J- - rt' - J - L T rl -il ureaiaeni oi toe uniieu oisies i - -r ... . - - "r baa been viaitina at tba of 3lr. g. T. Willima for the .v. .4 - . I ia. land and MIaaAnna Urfvi nf . .-T"BI W.M": Je,ur Mn.M1. i. l I "mJ c ni lkju lor ner Dome :u .... r nf m.' j J r londa. wiwu ira. u. a. lOWDHDa front aeema to ba increaain aitux Mr. C B. Sklnnai- wh h.. oiion Dy tba Janaoa of been aick for aevaral dara paaL ia tbe Wo" Hllla before Port ArlSn, improving we are glad to laarn. It ia admitted that th Miaa Johnnie Thorn peon . who hin .u..ij viaitina at th. hm. . "uon in i i . - ""t",wu W can command the fortrwe, and while .till profeeeing confidence that General 8toHM will be able to hold out comparatively email i . - . . i have been writing and you have "d. you win unaemana my en- a; Lt. fi n..r. tbunatm lur our oanataaie ior i r,o .,wl i fMhHthri ureaidancy. He Iovee nature n u M..Mnf UH.r. fl and lovea the amell of new mown .i t u. m ; hav. of mother earth and the on etraight. The may have and, breezes that come to him uncon many no doubt did, disagree taminated by the touch of any 1 thinff but natore in all her purity .Tforom Kfr.r h nnmintinn He lovea horsea and he lovea ohil ritb bii garriT U! i L . . .1 r. n n n n u i i oinw ids o neraiion oi ine new wuwuba iwrau,.. u-.u i .u L . .. 1 J . .1 . ; naiu mo UVSUUtni I U B KDRU- IKIiOll IU! ftnvmna - I . mwnj iwi jrrii uara pmmi Timing . . , , " uummr oi .ad Won,,,., ,,! ye.Urd.j .Vi. 'p.'b jd?. f?" - r Mr. Dan Curric spent SudJaj at tht Home oi aim bdcic, iur. m. L.. oiariey. i . I -' " ouiiu i i . . J t p fcf-H u;t.i , -air. iora ox noita. or Mose connection bv tn m nutu nn i manner in which th AKA.AA1. I- A WtAliWT VUUUibU UVHI I . . " I J vvv . - . IUW W VaMoau. Ga.. are uiUnit reiaure. here. " yiexuy. xae me uaniic coast Lane tann bap- ,low me outer poeitiona tha Mr.. Effie Smith and sona of Perrv. FIa , Are visiting relAtives here And At I The Lntnber Bridge Liaht infAntrv Mr A E Whit h. hnl.r Aabpole incluaive. Hereafter the ... Ir lo acnaowiedge. cotton aenouslv injured iens to be late. rhi vnnnii r.,r itii nf..: a.. locality by the exces.ive be latent, in thV ..1 AV thlk ... "7 more ,PPre" paper .t point, from Klrc to 17.! l" 7" ffio- or vat) made at St. Louis, but there is no disagreement among real Dem ocrats after the nomination has bnen made and we nave lined up for the fight aaginat the common nemy. There should be no dia agreement among Democrats when left WednedA7 for the encampment at house on bis lot facini? the CWt PPr ror these points will r sent . i:M,,," miagivinga exist rfw-rd- dren. That's why he is a real man : Morehead. Houae square which will be occu- eyatward in the morningthat is lnS 0DralKaropatkin's position. that a why he grasps your band Miaa Elma Johnson returned home pied as a meat market by Mr. J. B. in a nearly ansae; mai a wny db Saturday from Cumberland, where she Bmitn. can laugu out louo, ana mai a hAs been teachinir . ml wbv ha can look you aquarely in Miaa Vinnie lohnson. of Buiea. who the eye when he is doing it. Judgej been visiting Miss Lena Shaw, re- Parker 13 over SIX feet in beigbt, turned home Monday Henderson Smith And sister, Mrs. MaIIoj, from Perry, Fla., who hAe visiting here the past week, left the fact is staring them in the broad shouldered deep cheated Mr. h face that their liberty is being and athletic. He is at the very j. H. M th;. r,afmrn i. haino zenith of his physical and Intel- btea vi atolen from them, the very bread lectual powers, a man aevoiea 10 Monday for Jackaon Springs. ia being taken from them by the oleai. oonaUtutional government ranaoioaa trusts of the country, economically administered in .the Raft Swamp Notaa as Well as tbsir meat and they interests lof the whole peraie, and Corre8nd .A,it nn tua vnrt-m that a why he makes an ideal can. . of colonialism which is foreign to didtfl of Democratic party rom LaadaTgWeday Mr. W. A. Woodside. of the O. A. Bobbins Co.. of Charlotte is here erecting the boilers for the Cotton beed Oil and Ginning plant, ibis done the ginnery will be ready for operation MissIsabelleTeakey who has been tha letter and the spirit of M presiaenoy or me uuura the oonatitntion of the coun- Oltites, ana tuai s wny no wouiu k. f rrf ha rur. same. Judge Parker is one of the AA -l AUfI AA. A M A mm Mm uvr 1 - a . ated and honeycombed every de- "w men you meet with sunmssed partment of the national govern- biummkuo - ent until it reeks with rottenness Passive brown eyes with a merry of dishonest adminiatration. twmkie in them, tie possesses a t t wnia n afrm keen sense or me ludicrous, loves ab a a uu ivj iuq iwwuiu wv wwv I.. . . , . . this riot of rapacity or allow a joke and i can laugn ai u anu, rhoi arnA nnhiin .nH tha ortknt. therefore coes not make the mis- est government ever established fake of taking himself too serious- bv man since the tide of time be- 'J- VBry ulBUJU?r ul.luo mareach the people at the points the advantao nt t namexl in the afternoon. La.K...v , h' -"- at mw awang is great- Ih I ? A? a I a Substitutes For Tha Bat Room. ' impuiying me problem of pro- The recent dedication of a tArern In T",UUID inf,r my Ming fully New York citr hAs been commented realized. But it ia the report that upon throughout our conntry. The in-1 the Japanese are working'u pward sutuuon was et np in the name of tea- westward from thelmain army p.rance reform by good and sincere men. Ulk l aT . . Biahoo Potte, th. si.h f ,.. wbioh OMon the greatest un- visiting Miss Dora Faulk, eipeots BpUcopal charch in America, was pre- ea,ineM- The rumor that they are luinavB iu iuv uuruiug lur vaikuu cm sou nuf u taarca). ine aoxoiofjy I up tuwiru OimullQuD, ft where she will aped a while with Praise God from whom ail blessings I short diatannA at .f fnk1An ww...w I I .mwKM MISS Mai tie JlCLiean. flow" was sanar. This Uvem will sell f. V Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Birthright, th? Mtte drink that br-rooo, belieTed The rains of the last few riava have I .-f PolaK noo. l,mnn). haM Viae. It IS defended, however. OO the auuw rS I ...... .... I Wifk tk. T-n. J h.n vrr xroaaiv in thialnralit. I aQfrl Nrronna tHAt US environments Will be I "" aouom OQrUOal 1 ' - - . j ooioiuav cru xuu3 v v i a iiiiuu i i . , , . . , . . . Mr. Newton CulbreAth. of Defaniak ton and tha heaoh Thev will more wholesome. Drunkenness will be UgDtening aDOUt tnem, the ap- Springs, Fla., is visiting the family of yisit friends in Lubmeron before discouraged; gambling will not be coun-1 pea ran ce of tha Japaneae oa the his uncle, Mr. W. K. Culbreath. returning home. tenancea; ana tfte general endeavor will othe- Q$ Mkdn nnM jafti m mm., . 1 I Warn A aMk.l.'H. L. 1 J I: I ine numoeror coptes oi ine Kooe- ... , . - , , . . . ... vuduuuuuuii ui Kinnauu "onua .anraM, .( th K.r rnom .hntm. I t " uuiu.Mta on tne street we are glad to seel Tf. ;, .; ueiug mmuTwi. mere u a bar-room out of business -B.Wical ence of The Robesonian. F. Hodges, Sr., came home Chwang ia geuerally With the Japaneae sonian delivered from the Lowe office has increased over 50 per cent, in the last two months. Mr. J. E. Carlyle with his force of bands is doing some splendid rork on the Lumberton and Pembroke road, be- of thrift in the appearance of the town where grass and weeds are permitted to grow. Re corder' Principal of School Chosea. The friends and patrons of Robeson by man since the tide of time oe- TTT.rV A;A3 tween McNeill's bridge and Odum'a x Now that the days are becoming iae Inenda an1 Ptroa' of Robon gantopieoes. to disintegrate of its "lJthoJh roads. Of course the road must be bad appreciably shS The Zht! Ititntewill begUdto learn that the own rottenness because owned and gP' for a while, but let u, wait patiently un- should be turned on at least Wf of Trnn"' gl Pf. if he has reso I red to accept battla with his whole army at Laio Yang. Shrewd military attaohea are extremely doubtful whether General Kuropatkin could now withstand even if be so detired. or.nfiiari h tV, nrlof rr, alrK Mack and who met Judge rariter, of the eunntrv whiob also owns w8 impressed with him exactly and controls the Republican party, as I was and every one of them its agent,. The only way the went home singing his praises and people can do this is to defeat the was his personal friend andwell KeDublican nartv in the cam- wlBUr BB wo" B! U1B Bwuru po""- & - s j 1 I a nnifyn intf nnw. nnAninrv nn nn Cal parilSSU the only wav to defeat the Renub- . He is going to be elected and lican prty is to vote the Democrat ic ticket straight from top to bot tom. I appeal to the Republican voters of the country who are honest men regardless of their past political amhations, to toe great and independent voter who Votes bis conscience and his hon est convictions regardless of party lines and to the good old, straight Democrat who votea his ticket after Ithe nomination has been made no matter how sorely dis appointed he may have been at the result. No man, however, has the right to be disappointed at the result. As every man knows who has read this correspondence cor the past year and a half, I did not support Judge Parker for the - nomination. If, as a man who did . not support him for tne nomina tion, I rejoice now in his nomina tion and honestly believe that it was the solution of the problem of getting together of the warring factions of the Democratic party, other men who were siilarly mind ed can do the same thing with the greatest good grace in the world. I say to the Democrats of the Country and to the people in general that the Democracy of the nation in convention assem bled at St. Louis made no mis take in the nomination of Judge Alton B. Parker for the presiden cy of the country. This is the verdiot of every leading Democrat in the entire nation who has bad .the pleasure and the privilege of meeting Judge Parker and of tak ing him by the hand. Ihave had that plesare aand that privilege, T i f . 1 A T 3 A - " - " - J few words concerning the Demo- the people of he country will have in the White House a deep student, a great constitutional lawyer, a man who loves the peo ple and who knows their needs and best of all a generous, honest, manly man. I met the Hon. "Jim" Tawney, of Minnesota, chairman of the committee "tinTArtsand Exposi tions, in the national House of Representatives, the other day, and he is very muoh interested in the St. Louis Exposition, I asked bim, in the interest of my readers, about the aocommodatioas out there for sightseers, and he said to me: "One of the unique privileges to be enjoyed by thouasnds of World's Fair guests is that of living, at a hotel inside the grounds during their stay at the Exposition. No other exposition has afforded ,sucb a privilege. This hotel, aptly named Tne Inside Inn," has a capacity of 6.000 guests. Its enormous size attracts ' great attention. It is located on the southeastern oorner of the grounds, close to an In tramural railway-station, and in easy walking distance of the 'main picture' of the Fair. The Inside Jnn is conducted under the supervision of the World's Fair offioials, who fix" the prices for accommodation rooms, meals, etc. Thus it may be seen that there can be no extortion whatever. Every guest registering at the hotel will know exactly what price he must pay per day tor his room or rooms and for bis meals. The guest pays bis way into the World's Fair grounds 5tata Farmers' AiUaaco. The State Farmers' Alliance of Carolina held its eight- North til it has had time to drr and harden, an hour aarW Thn.w who Ho living, or tnariottsviile, Va., as The work was much needed. not wish to use them this earlv P"""!1 01 ine ntw department for Prrrf H P Pair. nrcnni7M1 a r1a in Mnn'f hava fr Ar. an hf thai. a the COnUHg Session. Prof. LOviniT is ml vocal music training at Raft Swamp necessary in the stores. graduate of Richmond College and of tenth annual session near Hills- Wednesday for a term (f two weeks. He . the Massey Business College, Richmond, boro this week. Tuesday Presi- has superior gifts for this line of work, Wilmington Star: Judge Par- Va., and has had several years' succes- dent Graham delivered his annual which with his experience of several ker'8 resignation is being discussed fill experience in teaching. He guaran- address and routine business was vears. make him an excellent teacher. ?y tbe press all over the United tees that graduates in the business de- Our oeoDle should much aDDreciate the States. We hope that the paper, partment will be accepted as fully - - 1 opportunity offered. St. Pauls Newa. Correspondence of The Robesonian. after the eleotion, will be able to tell us about Rooevelt's complete resignation to his defeat. Meter9 are being installed in Mr. Lee McGougan, of Midriver, Oa., j the stores, offices and residences came home last week on account of sick- j of all who are using eleectrio ness We hope it will not be serious. lights so that hereafter there wil Mr. W. Johnson left Monday for WU- J be no kick cooiing from oonsum mington, where he will spend a few! era. Payments will be made at days. Miss Boline Shaw is is visiting Miss NcNeill at Wade. N. C. Mrs. W. J. Gillis, of Galatia, is at her , father's, Mr. Sandy Parham'f, this week. Mr. D. J. McBachern and family are still at his brother's. Mr. A. R. McEacb ern. We are glad to note his improve ment. Mr. Dan Brisson, of Fla., is at his father's Mr. Reuben Brisson 'a. the fixed rate per thouaand. Mr. G. A. Mailer, baker for Mr. W. J. DuBoise left yesterday for Charleston, S. C , to visit his old home. Mr. DuBoise says not to be alarmed as be has not gone for good, and the bakery will con tinue to meet all demands daring his absence. It is rather singular that with Mrs. Effie Smith and sons. Jack and the rjnusual rainfall of the past ws1"""! "i ""j "-f i3iuuK several weens me nver nas risen friends and relatives here, so little. It is due doobtleas .. to Misses Essie Shaw and Annie Mc- the fact that we have had no Geachy are spending the week with protracted rain fall in several friends here. yeara and because evaporation is MissAdcne jonnson, accompanied by at this season more etive. her aunt, Miss Christian Johnson, of Spring Hill, spent last week, at Galatia. We are ail glad to have Miss' Delia Mc Googau back, she looks none the worse for her stay and work in Georgia. The ladies of St. Pauls are to give an ice cream supper August 25th. The pro ceeds are to go towards furnishing a room in the Morgan Hall at the South ern Presbyterian College at Red Springs. Mr. Jesse B. Humphrey, who was seriously injured while repair ing the roof of the dormitory about eight weeks ago, and has since spent several weeks in a hos pital in Charlotte, returned to Lumberton yesterday. He has accepted a position in the store of Mr. A. R. Philips. Wilmington Star: As fast as the qualified to teach in any business college in the South. Preparlag for tha Fray. Active work is now going on to make the approaching campaign a wvrm one in North Carolina. Democratic head quarters will soon be opened ia Raleigh. nairman Simmons is at work preparing a 250-page handbook. Speakers are be- in? called to arms and clubs are being organized. Altogether quite a livelv campaign can be promised. Wilming ton Messenger, Marriage In Sterlings. Mr. N. P. Barton and Miss Lula Nye were married at tne residence of the bride's father. Mr. J. E. Nye, in Ster lings Township, Wednesday. The cere mony was performed by Rev. Kiachen Barnes. The young people are highly esteemed in the county, where they are well known. The Robesonian hastens to join their host of friends in wishing them long life and great happiness. transacted. Wednesday there waa a farmers' picnic, and addressee were made by Governor C. B. Aycock, Supterintendent J. Y. Joyner. State Veterinarian Tait Bater'and Rav. Charles E. Mad. day. The revival of the Farmers' Alianoe in this county is very gratifying and should be appreci ated by every Robeson county farmer. - Pastor J. W. Cobb and Rev. E. I Japanese push the Russians back Lee Fox conduced a series of revi- they repair the railway and pro- val meetings at Clybornville Bap- pose to operate it between Port tist church , last week. Thev are Arthur. Mukden and Nieuchwaug. conducting a meeting this week at The little yellow men are som. Ephesus. thing to be wondered at A Record Breaker. The monthly reDort of the Department of Ajtricu'twre shows the condition of the cottotfropXis almost a record breaker. It :v9r hss been exceeded only once during Hhe last fi'teen years. In 1S94 the condition wa- qi.S. IrrAngast, 189S, the condition was 91.2. Upon the basis of this average ani the increased acreage thi government estimates the coming crop at 11.000. oo"1. ChiMrea Strickoa by Ughtalag. A tobacco barn on the farm of Mr. R, R. Barnes, near Barnesville, was truck by lightning Wednesday aboat ssoa and two children of Mr. Quince Britt, aged 7 and 9 years, who were keen ing np the fires were seriously injured by the shock. Their bodies were badly blistered and their recovery is doubtful. The bsra was considerably damaged, though not destroyed. Republicans ho are much concerned about buw !t i o ag in Xoveruber find litt.e consolation in tokirg toward the meat pac'i Dg rejfons. - The strike situa tion is not at all reassuring. Post. -Marlon (S. C.) Notes. Star. Mr. Palmer "W. Johnson, of Marietta, spent Sunday in Marion. Crops all over the county sre more or less damaged by the recent heavy rains. The much talked -of cotton null is soon to be buiit. For several days some of our Business men bad lad the matter under consideration, and on Monday, canvas was begun for subscribers to the capital stock. About half of the pro posed capital has b;en subscribed and it is not thought there will be any difficul ty in raising the balance. It is not yet known jrst where the mill will be lo cated, but it is probable that the Ash by Cotton Mill property will be bought, and utilized, provided enough land can be. secured. It is understood that Mr. W. Stackhouse. of Dil!oa, wil' have charge of the management as president sad treasurer.