ROBESONIA ESTABLISHED 1870. Country, God' and Truth. SINGLE COPIES 6 CENTS. VOL. XXXV, NO. 00 LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1 004. WHOLE NO. 1 033 T I . . . . I 0 . M , . M... I .... . - . LvaNf 0rtd Lm ri sTAnr. r AT CITE VILLI;, i DEMAND SURRENDER The Lena Incident Considered Closed Bj Agreement. T.i Jtpucu liili Kiltlil Skelli Iiti Port irtlir-Thej In Pnpirlii For hotter idnnce lUch III Riqoln I Month. All drier from the Far Kaat indicate that another Utile U imminent, but that the Japaneae are carefully prrpanog lor further ad race northward. Theae prep arations will require a month. General Stoesael report! that the Japaneae con " tinue to bom Sard Port Arthur and are ac tively constructing fortification iu poi tiona they bate occupied. e p.i.nIUr. Sent 14. An addi- tioual Hat of caaualtle among the officers from August 76th to September 7th gives tbe names of J4 killed and 14J wounded. Mukden. Sept. 15. According to Chi nese advices the evacuation of Lino Yang Correspondence of Tbd RobaaooUa Mr. Robert Cooolf left Tuesday to tbe great St. Lonia. We dart aay be will look upon it with tlraaf e I n 1 rr el nod ex citement. Mrs I Ian let Catbwell, mother of Mr Jaoiea Caabwell died at tbe hocu of her on near Ret laat Sunday. Rev. I. W. Cobb condacted the fuueral the neat day. Tbe Sute Board of Health propocr to inaugurate a vigoroua campaign aaiat tha moat fatal of all diaeaara, pulmonary crafunipUon. It i a preventable diaeasi. Coereapuadence of TW Rub itaa. Mr frank Tiwnaed. of Barker. was era Sasda v. Mr. M. V. llodgra, of remUuir. .peat Sunday with bia parent here. Mltort belle aad Ad41e Tyner leave 10- dav for the Baptist University at Raleigh. An orgsrrinattos ips the haptiat Young People' Union waa efT clnl here Sunday afternoon. Twenty t wu member were enrolled. I. A. Parham waa elec.ej peraident. Obacrve? Mr. Lock Shaw of Lumlr Bridge, waa Ja tbe city today Mr. T J WbitUd returned to- day from visit to bia brother, Mr Duncan Ubittod. at Chadbourn. We are glad to learn that little Mia Lla Marab. who baa bean unit lick for several weeks, ia muoh better. CLAKKTON IT En Kspre. A pamphlet ha been prepared to bow bow it may be averted. A p. atnl card to I that ha fallen here in many year. Some I. R. !(. Leait. Ralaigb, N. C. will 0f the oldeat dtuen ay they have never bring any one a copy of t bia pamphlet cen ao nincb water on the grouu J. Tbe Yea a gaodly number ia wanted for dia- wind wa very ttvrre. blockading the tribution. I road every where with tire, blowing Mr II R Home want to Mr. Eliaa Prevail ha been aertoualy ill Pituboro yesterday for a faw days atsy Maa Mary Led be Iter who baa been visiting Mra. Emma Hunter of Dock street, haa returned home. for several day, we are aprry to report Tha rain Wednesday waa tbe beavieat Miaa Mary Lantrdon Avar, who baa bwn ill for several weeks ia Mi Lida Law went down to Red down ahade tree, unroofhug outhouse. I greatly tupruved. Spring Monday to be ready to take up her work in the CoUege at the opening. Miaare Lena Shaw, of Lumber Bridge, and Ethel Cobb and Nellie Humphrey, o Shannon have matriculated a tudrnt in tbe College at Red Spring. The Southern Preabyteiian College is demolishing fence, etc. A tenement houeonMr.W. K. Cui breath', place, occupied by Keeduara Mitchell, colored. wa blown down while tbe family wna within. All eacaped injury. No other eriou damage ha been reported. Hoaund School by the japaneae ha. been forced owing .brolutely full of girl I'.tll M,metb,ng Tbe raoent events at the A. Si M to the fearful tench aring Irom tne aeaa UrM up ,0 ma . vac-cT J' CollaKe in this city aarva to em bodiea. Th. Japaneae were Mi.y .oru pUce lor .o,ner g. q( tet yf fyiugthe.pF-cbc. hy t way o. toe ,n.l hoo tnu , acaoo. .. - . . modeta lifethrt .ok of restraint 1 i' 1. uninu rait I it ...t in.1 annreciatlve tnl entire ..... . . river, oener.. - 1 " T . .. . . :. . ot crjiKJren. TDeworlU baa never while to the preparatton. are Uect.on ahou.a ne o. . aire uu ... K. r q whjB cbdnn ffew being made to nd a Urge force np Ltao work. gQ iu)tJ troU a, t(xay River a far a Tie Pa. Tbne prepara- Rer p R Uw w,n fill Rev Dr. Hill Thi Jack o COQTQt jf acwed tion are expected tooccupy one month. lpt io Muton net Sunday. to KO on ja Jentined to undermine a Mukden. Sept. 1, All ia quiet here. w-n,riff T. W. Hall and wife went onr looiil industrial and o-overn. The japaneae have retired southward and piorida Monday afternoon on the S. mental inatitntiona. Uncontrolled First North Carolina Regiment it i even reponca m.i I a. L. on a buaines tnp. cm lareo grow inio uncontrolJea returned veaterdav from the Ma. Mr. (ieu C. Weirtiirer. who haa been in Weatern North Carolina for two or three weeka for bia health, haa returned home. Miaa Minnie Shaw, of St. Paul's. ia tbe guest of Miaa Annie McMil lan, on Ua stnwt Miaa Jennie Belle MoPhaul, of Poland lia . ia tb guest of Mra. T. A 8 moot on Oilleanie atreet. Miaa Allen Robinson of North Wilkesboro is here on viait to ber sister, Mra. Jas C. McDiar- mid on Dick atreet Capt. J. 0. Led better, Insiec- tor of Small Arm Practice of tbe LorretfHjn.leuce of The lohewaitn, Atlofney tleaer.! Rotrt I (.ilaier will pek hee on .Saturday, (M. 14 Kverytio.lT incited Capt Tha. Wh'.ttrd. of Elisabeth 'own. wa here Mon.lav irturmrf if..m a viait t J Cbadbouru Hon. and Mr, J. A Bfown. ..f Chad hour. ,pnt laat U r.lura.Iay night In town. Mr. Brown ou hi .y to EliiabetUlowo. where be take on Im Thnraday. Mr. Henry R. McFadyea preached a moa eiceilent aerroon frti hia father's pulpit hereSnnday. He retnroe.1 Monday to Richmond, Vs. A machine from the factory wa here recently fw iwore than a week installing new machinery for the ginaloa; ("ocnpo ny and re-adjuting ibe oIl machinery, ao that CNrkton now bat one of the moat ciwp'.e'e nd uf -to date ginneriea in (he Su-e. Thers are 70 aaw gin, with a capaci' of ginning 50 bleaday. The cotton is handled and rerrtbing done in the lateit improve 1 atyie. The ruachi nery alone cot live or .11 tbcuaand dollar WEDNESDAY'S STORM od Mr. Rymon Corbett, of and uncontrollable men, and un- laasaa Manoeuvre. He says that a Vantni Th. hflif DrcTftils here niiu ' T I that the lull may continue aevemi weeks. have riiing ,t Shannon oontrollable men produce dieregard tbe North Carolina Regiment de Washington, Sept. tj.-CapUm Ber- ' . of law. and disregard of law means eervea all the nioa things the oor linsdy, commanding . Km -P r a n respondenU are saying about ita " "J " - " nl. onnd and look, altogether a. . ". . e 10 4 . the great sh.m battle Kear Admiral uoouncn mw r " . , ,, . Daa JU81 taken place at tne A. x 31 . . .a .1 TT 1 a Artinvino t tla IOrTTlr fMN I . . . to dismantle his ship, and la akeu as 10 " "" p. n. Ool'egO 18 taking place in some Fever at Orphanage. the extent to which this dismantlement oce o. ihai shou Id be made. Admiral Goodncn nas u8 Tiioaraitf mnmlnap t ia ia t h a , . , 1 amwuvv mj wwaaataan. j everv wees. 1 most everv aanirir rrx ... . 1-- i . ir 1 ir rT .n,l fuilv I.. r 1 1 . . 1 onuonou. tucn in wou called on me wavy uepanutem mi .u- ... ' ine noma, sonoois ana ilqu strnctions on this point, and details are have been vmting witn kindred at Max- establishments tbrougboUTt the now being worked out between the Navy ton sbout ten daya. aQ(j Tj,e preae uipatcbes and the State Departments. Tbe State The cotton ins at Shannon are both tell of family rows, of Strikes and Department is in telegraphic commum- rurju;ng and are proving to be a great I mo be. These disturbancea are con cation with Count Caasini, the Russian convenience to tbe community. ned to no section of the CCUDtry ambassador, on thh point, and a sUte- Rev. c. E. Hodgin, of GreensJwro. is They are even confined to male at his old home at Antioch and preachice. 181 a seriea of sermon there. The trouble is at the horns and n 1 1 J tbe schools of the land are not all rta .. eek iS convalescing nicelv. do,Dg .thelr .duty- Authority IS r . J owriddn and were maintained at Air. uamei aicueoa lias Been eiectea ment is made that the incident will be cloied in a short time. It is expected that tbe Lena will be dismantled at the Mare Island nsvy yards. St. Petersburg, Sept. 15 A dispatch from Lieut. General Stoessel, commander t the fustian military forces at Port Arthur, says the Jspaneee are actively constructing fortifications on Sampson Mountain and at other points, and they contitrac to bombard the forts and the harbor. On September 2 they threw 250 stbella into the town. A Japanese dis patch adds that they have issued a proc lamation to the Row's n troops, demand ing their surrender. delegate from Shannon chnrch to Presby. tery at Bensalem. MAXTON. Scottish Chief. We had our trial at Dumbarton last all it is with too loose rein and too lax a hand; discpline is not enforced with firmness and de sision ; and tbe foolish whims and car ices grow into dangerous and unrestrained passions of men. It is time for reform in the nurder They Say. Salisbury, N. C., Sept. 15. Thomas mnd Chalmers Wbtte, charged with kill- insr Rnasell Sherill one rear ago, stand to-night convicted of murder in the sec ond, degree. The Fury la the case, after being ont week, and were acquitted of the crime of tome and reform in the school. It is not too late, rne borne ana toe school just cooperate, as they have j'ust done in case of the A, & M. CoUege students. Parents should teach thier children obedience; school and college authorities should enforce obedience, and maintain proper supervision and oversight over the inexperienced ituuemai teeen oaBeg & the Iaflrfnary five of who are convalescent. Seven others are discharged, making 1 total of twenty-four cases of ty fihoid to date. There are at leaat wo more cases, not yet removed to the Infirmary, which are al together likely to develop into ty phoid. Fortunately tbe disease continues mild. The Infirmary is full, and tbe nurses are skillful, patient and tender. Dr. Julian is giving the greatest oare to every case and Mrs. Boone is as wise and vigilant as ever. Nobody knows where the scourge is . going to stop, but' we are grateful that everything is as well with us as it is. Thomasville Charity and Chil dren. holding a county office. The Bank of Maxton is doing the most prosperous bnainets in ite history. Mon day the deposits were $ 125,000. Rev. G. T. Pace of Red Springs spent part of Saturday in Maxton on bis wap to Charlotte, to preach at Hopewell church ner that place. .We neglected last week ts note the re- youth retrusted to their care. turn of Mr. L. T. Cottingbam and family Boys of immature ace eroig away wentv hours returned its verdict this f. to this place, Everybody is glad to have from home should not be left to rnoon ucm UJV"" inier own aevices, 10 suay or not The White brothers are orominentl We think it very poor taste for the BS the notion takes them, to waste "businessmen of Cancord. Russell Sher- Lumberton papers to go to crowing and money in vices and dissipation, to zill. whom they shot In alleged alterca- chuckling over the result of the Conven- spend time loafing, in the Streets 0 I . . I 1 1 .a? A. .1 A 1 tion, growing out of their efforts to in- tion. They may find something else more insieaa 01 Biuaymg, 10 ouserve no luce him to marry their niece. Miss important to deplore. regularity nor system in eaung, Annla Whit, whn rhurorl Stifrnll with I rw n n r.T f T unnnlinrrr cn.n SlCePir. BBCl Working,. It 13 ruin waa an eanallv nrominent Unn. irhn nnrntn. TT. Mm horrible to think of the vices and young man of Mt. Ulla, Rowan county, to meet hU sister, Mrs. T. A. Brown of 'ollies of the unreetrained youth Because of the high standing of all par- J Chadbourn, who was on ber way to Red R , loose. 1 ... ties connected with either side of the enrinps to enters niece in the Sem-.l We hope ti.6 A. & M. inciden caaeandofthenrominenceefthe connael L.r. Will prove a Valuable lesson to ennnd. the trial has been one of the parents and teacher B There o.t noted ever heard in Rowan. . ? 9,,ng " f C i crying and need . of reform al Th. wAirt of th. inrv ahnear. to meet U""5V . a.uc u. iuc mo8t every wnere. A little tl I U HOBS hha-lannror-rion. river was left in bad shape by the late . Uttto Mercise of revolution and TJLr I Jfr?.bet "? neVflx.ln antboriety. tackisned by good WSnX.o. wl aocompilsh "the . i way wiinoui mriucT ueiay, as cotton IS Counsel tor the defense save notice of coming to marketand tishard to cross mm sppeai to tne next term o: xowan oUce witn an emD. There b, been grneial sc-ttteration aarong our voung people lraving for col lege du-ing the last week or ao. The f Vw ng tuve gone aince !at rrtprt: Mis Ger;rade McFadyen and FthelClark, to the Tresbytrnan College for Women. Charlotte; Mnr Kate Johnston, Iura Dei! an1 Amanda Clark, Mary Wuoten and EiaaCromartie. to the Southern Preabyterian Co lege, Red Springs; Mia aes Laura and Amelia Meare,to Littleton Female College; Miss Phils Ballard to Welch Neck High School, Hartsville, S C; Cnrrie SingleUry to Chapel Hill, By- ard Clark, Slade Smith, LeRoy Newland and Neill Stevens to Dsvidaon. LAURINBURQ. this Superior court. We spent yesterday at Jckson Six Marked For Death. Stmnm. and had the mnat re?firt Macon, Ga., Sept. 13. Specials to the experience with the storm and Telegraph from Athens, sy there is sorr. hihg water we have gone through xcitementand much talk 'over the ae- Mnoh' timber is down and the tres- enring of what is-' said to be positive evi- tie crossing Jaokson Creek near dence of a ''Before Dsy Club" ia Clarke the Springs. The reports from all county, and Sheriff Weir is in readiness I directions this morning indicate to serve warrants against the negroes im-1 much damage done to crops- and plicated. The names of six alleged mem- property. At this, place the town bers of the club are already "tnown. drainage was ovreflown and many They are all farm hands and live on the trees blown down. Telephone and plantations of six well-to-do farmers who telegrahphio communication is are marked for slaughter. The aim of badly interfered with, and - tis the negroes is said to have been to wait even said to have rained down eelsf -nnrH som cotton hsd been sold by the as two or three of. good size were farmers and then kill the men, rob them fouund on the side walk near this and burn their bouses. Peace warrants offioe, and one or two men assert will probably be issued for the tregroes I that they saw them fall from the asnplicated. , iogald. dieredrenlt. The A. & M. Col lege is a better place for boys to- day, by 100 peroent than it was one week ago, God pity the home with no authority, and the boy who goes from such home to an ungoverned and undisoip lined school. Raleigh Post. Rev. P. R. Law writes he will be here anu preach in tbe Presby terian church next Sur.dy morning and Centre oburch in the evening. Be also says be hs secured redoo erTratfla over the A. A. and. Ah. erdeen and Rockfish railroads to Presbtyery at Bensalem oh arch next Tuesday, the 20th. Mr. J. D. Norment was in Fayetterille on business yesterday. Miss Bffie and Eunice Sinclair, of Fay- cteville, are visiting their grandfather, Dr. Sinclair, at Rowland. New Cotton Picker. An Albany, Ga., dispatch says: G. A. Lowtv. inventor of the Lowry Round Bale Gin and sev eral of his associates have been in Albany for several weeks ex peri men ting with a cotton picking machine which Mr. Lowry is try ing to perfect. He does not claim . 1 1 a a tnat ms mac nine nas oeen per feoted yet, but be believes that be is working on the right line and hopes to have a cotton picking machine with a daily capacity of 4,000 pounds before the season is ever. Cotton planters who have seen tbe implement say that it is wonerf ul maohine and they express connaence mat 11 win De orougn to a state of perfection that wil make it a great boon to cotton growers. We lesrn that Mr. W. A. Yost has purchased the residence occupied by the family of Mr. T. W. Hutchison. Mr. Kueoen Stewart, or Pembroke, re turned Monday from a visit of several days to relatives and friends in Harnett eounty. The storm Wednesday seriously inter. fered with the operation of trains on the Coast Line by breaking the wires so that orders could not be had from the di patchers- Mrs. Neill Shaw; of Lumber Bridge, is in the city shopping today. Mr. D. . Z. McGooean. of Lumber Bridge, is in the cfty to-daa. Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. White expect to leave this afternoon for t visit to rela tive at Winston-Salem. Mr. E. 7 Humphrey received a tele grant yesterday afternoon conveying the sad-news that his father. Mr. James Humphrey, was"dyiot; at hia home at Saddletree, Robeson county. He and his two brothers, Messrs. F. G. and R. B.." Humphrey, left on tbe afternoon train to bo-with their father, Exchange. Cotton is bringing 10 V cents on market. The electric lights will be turned on tonight. 58a bales of new cotton have been sold here this season. Mrs. Coble aadjdaughter. Miss Claire are visiting relatives at Red Springs. Miss Minnie McKinnon left recently f.r Scotland Neck, S. C, to teach in the Graded School at that place. Mr. aad Mrs. S. E. Gibson and chil dren left Tuesday for Clarkton to viait the family of Mr. Thad. J. Fletcher. Misses Minnie and Emma Willis have returned from Morehead City, where they spent several weeks with the family of their brother. A tenant house house on Mr. A. F. Patterson place was burned Friday morn, ing. Thi occupant, Gilbert Thompson, colored lost all he had except a water bucket and an axe. If Thompson's gun and dog were burned it was indeed a great los. Thomas Wade, a well-thought of col ored msn who lives near Gibson, had the misfottune to lose by fire Tuesday night his barn, to mules, one one-horse wagon all farming untensils and feed. The fire is supposed to be the work of some mis creant. Norfolk, Va., September 15. Reports of last night s storm are gradually coming in from tbe bay. Ibe monitor tlonda was com pelie to anohor in the Chesapeake near Crisfidel. Md., during the blow, she arrived here today and reported sighting many small craft ashore in the bay. The schooner White Wings picked up tbe crew of the cspsized sloop Sadie from the bottom of that vessel in James river early this morning. The Sadie had been overturned n tbe storm and all ber crew bad scrambled upon her keel- Greensboro, N. C, Sept. 11. William SUpleton, the owne - of a two-horse team hauling brick f r the Greensboro Female College building, aad two negro drivers were arrested this morning foe cruelty to animals. The evidence shows chat not only was the team overloaded, but the horses to be induced to pull the heavy load had been beaten axd abused unmer cifully. When poll rrtn an wjio made tbe arrest, stopped the team in the tour ing rain, to-day, they" ere stalled, and tbe three men were saidU be beaQfig'oattjrjt to ses. them until blood was running down one Of the animals legs and in half an hont on ol tbe horses laid down and died. and escaped farther work and pain and worry. Rnral Rotre So. 6, rnnnint; from here to within two miles of Moss Nick cot menced yesterday. Mr. Clingman Obvis has accepted position as aeJiveryman. Great DestinctJon lo Crops a:d Oilier Damage Done. Ttlfjnp. Tins Doit Crut Tmj Uproots lid Erti flonu Did In Escipi Lti firj of tit Tirri j Winds. Columbia. S. C. September IS. -A special from Conway, Horry county by special mtaaeoger l Florences. 0.. says that great damage haa bren wrought in tnat county by Wednesday's atom, which aaed over tbe lower Mo tion of South Carolina. Commu nication ia cut off iu every direc tion, but rv ports so far receive! indicate that the damage done in Horry county will approximate $o4) The greatest area of damage waa from Ioria. the laat station of tbe Chadbourn and Conowav railroad, in Horry Coun tv, to Mount Tabor, tbe first In orth Carolina. Here crops ap pear to have been wijed out eu tirely. At Myrtle Bearb and Pine Beach a number of houses were blown down. Wilmington, Del , September .Y Kighten were drowned today by the sinking of tbe tvsz Israel W. Durham in tbe Delaware river opposite thia city. The tug waj swamped during the heavy storm. Her cabin and crew of five men and four employee of tbe American Dredging Company were aboard when the tug sank. Two were saved. They olnng to the pilot bouse of the tug and were taken off by a sand snoker. Tbe Dor ham was utilized in carrying coal and other supplies from Philadel phia to tbe dredges of tbe Ameri can Dredges ol tne American Dredging Company. uciohmond, V.a., September 15. Reports are ooming in cf great destruction throughout Vir ginia of crops and farm buildings and other property by tbe sterm of laat nigbt. Corn was beaten into the around, tobacco barns tilled with naif cured tobacco were unroofed or leveled and tbeir con tents ruined, stacks of bay and fod der were swept away by swollen steama and dwelling bouses ware wrecked. At some points tbe rainfall is estimated to have been from 6 to 11 inches. No loss of life has been reported. Wilmington, N. C, September 15. Although no damage was done in Wilmington, the destruc tion in some sections of the state was very great and especially to crops. In some localities houses were blown down. Thus far only a few casualties of any. seriousness have been reported. Two houses at Ingold, a small town in Chatham county. were blown dewn and the occupant of pne of the bouses, Mrs. Us born, who was quite old, waa seriously inured and she ia not expected to live. Mrs. Uaborn in the mother of Colonel W. H. Osborn, mayor ofGreens boro. Tbe furniture from Mrs. Osborn's house was carried for hundreds of yards, and a stove wa3 . found several hundred yards from tbe bouse. The storm in the vi cinity of Ingold attained the mag nitude of a hurricane.. Mr. D. L. Gray, costal clerk running be tween Wilmington and Greenboro, came to Wilmington on tbe day of tbe storm. He said there wa great damage to the crops ia the storm swept district as far west as Siler City, on the A. and T. road. He stated that the corn, cotton and tobacco was lying fist on tbe ground. The rainfall at Greensboro was quits heavy, but there was not much wind. The storm cams from the ocean, strik ing tbe coast between Charleston and .Wilmington and extending westward to about tbe central part of North Crolina. The storm travel led rapidly northward, and early yesterday rooming itwaa raging in Boston, and by noon it bad swept Mr. Stephen Rozier sad MiS MinrLr Rnier are visiting relativr i Laur n burg. Dr. C X. Regnn. of Lain bi-y ap a-, a few days to the coantr tbi wek. Rev. Simn! J Po "e- p "o- i ? Street Baptist Chorch, Ki Cit; . 1'a. parked here yeterdy. re u'ni-w ? v?sit to his mother ia Columbus county

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