ESTABLISHED 1870. Country, God and Truth. SINGLE COPIES 6 CENTS. VOL. XXXV, NO. 01. LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1004. WHOLE NO. 1067 RED 3WN0. Laaabt strUge Locale. ; A3MPOLE. Giitn. Cotton pioklng ba been Urn porarily stopped on account tA Wednesday's itorm. FayetUville Presbytery meets Tuesday, September SO. 11 a. m. at Dtnitlim cbarob. MIm EloiaeMoDiarmid, of Fay etteville, it vielting MImm. Kill and Roeie Williams. Wa are aorry to part with Mr. B J. Sanderlin and family. They bare ratarned to Bladen. Mr Fannie Coble. Mrs. Dr. B. F. MoMillan and Om4 0M4f . To the Kdrtor of Tba RoUwoUi: Mr. Ed. Cobb, of Uerel, Mite- Trinity Perk Senool. crwpoo4c T RoWoii iuinm. who haa been Visiting bill Tba school baa bad tb bMt Mr. f red Pitman. km of Mr. Praak mnlHar. Urt. Nellie Oobb at Sheo I Owning 10 Itehittorv. Thar have rltaaaa formerly of tkiiraiHT whole oou, returned to bia far southern I biao matriculated already between w dtiioa of AUtnulikm to""! bom. 1 100 aud 170 etodeote and otbert W raiatirae ho era glad to wtiookia K AFT SAJ"U Mr W. C. Powell who baa Ua tf- fwlag- If ttrtnl wee vita fartr. Uj (promt), we ar to ao. Eev. 7. Paria A I lad hia malar ao- Rt u: rre15. Ciwrawpovtco of Tha Kobe-oalea Ta revival eondeotmd by Rt. S. K. Maroar of Rod Springs aod K W. Smith of Hope Mills proved a eacoeee aud did aaoeh food. 18 Col. 8. J.Cobb lost hie balance S:"1' "? " P H-in m s.-tay aha, 0,or r.l:f,on. Tboy org... hie wagon laat Tbnroday aud io l.b! ro0B9 ,0. lh .f omhIo"" -u pch,., .. a 1Id . Methodfat ab.rah kor.M lliughf. foot ... caught in a .J !Luk w!S"! . ' . W K,"d "J ' IP-.' -bo ha. h... M vr 80 ... bor., and .r7" in falliot wagon ebeet with tba painfni ooo "UM Wl " u ' ;Jiho euthoritiee and are beiog oo- DiiMa oKa It a. a. aIaaAaJ ha . . a- I Ulf 1UI WWW W WlfU IWU UflU mo awampt woro uroauy BWWI Prof. J. F. Bifioi, bat not yol ar loo by tba htavr raina lait TbnnriTod bai u ox poo tod io a f day aud croat iuconvonionoa wi dayo. Iu the meantime Prof. F. - t lorTored bj traTeliera for aeToral b. Aldndre u aetinx a bead w I . . ...... miL.r Th. uhAA .. n .... a v vj v w m luaa 07V a a u n wu w a ubbi uuw b b rattan, joaa v.u i , , . - .. . " ih UBf.,rtUB.i ,v.n tioa uowu vo won aion an uoee, id iu..Ba...u.1,uWlawa, fro-Urt bndal toor Ta.y niftl aoj ral .Mkt it .1 .11 Improrl. eoriptioo tO boild a cbartb 00tal .vmw,. vf U( ooanuBf tits Hn Bi:e Mktr. I j u i n.i. i . ., I mit j " oraama a-., a., muni a mi i . n w oiaav i am aaao aaaatai am uua ubiiui bi Wo trt gUJ U wvlaome aaotber pmty Imm uvUar lot Ralci b bto lby will doll art. 7uo briJt la or midat. Mrt. Fr-rtaan board Ibo apootal Iraia crrm North Tba UaildlO OOBniitteeareeo bo wa Miaa Uftet of BuarJaiaa ICaroliaaa dolatratiua la lb (xt. Mr. J. G. WiUiarat vaa ardJcotly abot I Orowrrt' Coavaaiioa at S(. Loula att WedimUr. 'jut f lad to know ao4 Tba atar it raaaiaa- acra tba road tcrioaalr and hopa b wlil mo b out. Ll bob aidaa of Mc.NriU'a brid.'t mi lo- Tbo abooUnj vaa done by Mr. Owen one con to a f a dop' taakitK it i in . bt of hla bat fnonJa wbo mort tinwely ro- lor pxlmnaoa tad brl ridrra. Tba w r j i tod J. A. MoNeilrtmilldame were Mre. Looioue MoKae, arrired tbia " , . . . oroaen aoa many oriuva uau- pbyiical, mental aud moral. Tba Tct ilt b ao ice cream tupt-ar next X tiff tOi!.: a I I - 1 . i t i. 1 moraine W,WMU . loaug zueu uaniiiAu amocii BC1U17 d,i. in"n 07 io wuier. ut IHvu vwetvu w e waw a- w miiuu hij ej um w lUW III UK I w w mnoh timber in tbe Woodl wat cp lat ereuiUK aod quite a Dumber the church furniahin faod. We hope ton. arrifed TeaUrdar. and ia ilt- L, ,nd hroWan nffarwlulMraah of o.w etndanu uuitwj tbemeelrea it my pre. .jcc.Io ortry way. w I W WWa jaarw- ra I ...a a . . I . ... . ... ... IH.n.t k. Um. nf Mr J D . : a j witn IQe Ateooiation. ID AIM- Mrt. u. o. wiicn.u u enjoyiog a .an V"6. ' DawtPOQ,,w,w w'' " 'w" '" ciatiou'doet all itt Dower to hu.ld ber old home new Barker. Churcb Austin. We learn that effort! are being doQ lh oottonorop cannot ,ife ftnd w iDipiM him with the J made to remove the poat-offioe to orevoio uu ia win u uigneii iuaia. ivt won meeio Cnnrca TueaJay to cooduct tue aarncea araat we dare HTIl all leareu wivu vuw unmnv irmuiioT 01 at tao laoerai or aira. w. u. amito or while the ttorm wai raginir in to I the facultr. To-morrow e?enin( I Rowland, whoa death cauaed much r lot AMWianuu win kit 1 rocap- lret among ber former inenda tn tbta bridirr aeema in good coodittoa. Rev. rent to Aabury a mora aeoure and better looation. A report oooee from Raeford that a negro girl killed ber broth er. The crime waa committed with a pittol. We learn that Mr. J. E. Pur cell, who waa nominated aa ooun ty turreyor on theDeaacnratio tick t in LumbertoB laat week baa de clined the office, and ao written the chairman of the county exe cutive committee. Meters. L. M. Cook and J. A great fury. Aooordinjr to the reoerda of tbe achool. Rafreihmeota will be raiiwa arent here U70 balea of aerred and a prugram haa been octton were aniDoed irom poiut dnnug the year ending Sep th it prepared Tbe Ualnoan an4 (irady Lit ember 1. The railroad authorities are to anlarira our ootton olatform we a laarn br addins twenty feet to tion toioa dow ttaaeuta 01 tno community Tlie atorm did a good deal of damage to al)T0U coarae dluuer waa oervad crop and roaia but wc are glad to learn The parlor, belli aud diuing room that no aerioua damage haa been done. Th matt damaira rlon in th lnn waa erary oocieuet ay gowen nuaer to Mr A j. FloyJ., ntw brlck war again ana nave mutated a number of new men. There ia tome very promiiini material for aooiety work among the new itu denta aDd the year promiaee to be auooaaafnl to the aocietiea. Tbe poo-d of Meeiro. B. J Bottiek. b. B. WiIIi.gbi, J. D. Jobneon, Mo rit Pau. A. 0. McLaao. Tbe boild lug oo mm it to boa not decided bara to locau tbeeborch yet. Aa wo at tbe lot te teen rod tbe baild mg will oonmenee. We have a vary good Sunday eebool now e? - rr Suudav at 2 olwa- in ih. IVaaa Party. 1 ... . tcnooi acaaa. no bavo prayar Mr. and Mre. Adioi Wiltou Mc meetiog erery Sunday night at 9 Latu gave a dinoor party on o'lock. couduotod by tbe young Tburtday evaaiug ia booor of nj. Liii end all are laritod Judga Ooorgt If. Browo, Jr. Tbe Mr. Dtaou Baztay will novo iu invited gnetto biug tbe membert 13 bit now reeideooe near bare neat of tbe bar and ladies. Judge and week. Mrt Tbocnaa A McN'aill, Mri E. Mita Katie Buie baa gone to K. Procter. Jr.. Mioa Anuie Neil I Waebiogton, D. C. to apeod a ftw Mclau and Mr. John U. McCor- Jayt witb ber eieter and tbey will mick aatiaUd 10 racaiTiog. At tbe o to tbe St. Looia Eipoeitioo. pr ipr mornoot tbe guotta wore M r. Obaa. Dandaia. of tbe firm if iQvitad to tbe dioiog room wbera Caroliua Chemical Co.. left y-M ttrdav for a moutb'a vjut to bia home to Peouaylyaoia. the roof and plastering. Rev. J. A. McKaugban went to Board- man Won da) to unite in marriage Mr. Freemaa who ia Superintendent of the South Eaatero Lumber Company to Miat Wa are glad to know that Mr. V. K. Ellia baa returned to bia for mar petition at the epiritine plant. About twenty girlaoame here on 40 yesterday enroote to tbe South ro Preabyterian College at Red eaob end. It ia expected by many that thie ataff of the Park School Gaitte ii L. 1 or., .n wnrlr nn tha Draft iiina commnnny win raaao uwarij u..; --- - - -- the newly married coup!e aU bappineaa i-r i u. i . . .1 .jjidq now to nave it out in aiewi liuggina are aiwuuiug iu uu- percent more oottou tu.u 11 f, . r . K.. Mita Sanndert. for I. K. and minarton Carniyal. They are- on haat ar. Bntwhile theae wordil Kn'aifta- frr fam Ha, hnt i. C. w. Thompaonit expected by the .aoeaaa ... al ' l tne icokoot xor aitraouona lor hai nanned a treat wind aud able to meet hie olaaaea a train. were decorated with feme aod cut flowere. Judge Brown'a approaobiog a'e ration to tba Supreme Court beach j while e .tource of much eatitfec- tion to bia frieude here, naverthe- leea ceuaae regret bee a nee of the Springe. fact that bit rogular Tititt here aa Superior Court Judge have given Col. N. A. MoLiau returned laat llaaonJo Fair week hare, and aa ..ia itorm raging and what ef . only tbe beat and puree t are to be Mt x ml n4Te npon the crop we ecured. they will keep a watchful htTe no m,IDI 0f telling. ye over what they see and hear The initial atepa have been ta before making contraota. ken looking to building a new The Committee, Headed by Mr. eohool houae. Let tbe work go on Huonrina. are meeting with trreat Thio meana prosreaa. We cheer eaooeaa, and the Matonio Sept. Truly yourt, Richard M. Normknt. 18, 1904. Heater of Boardtnan. A. U. Aahley. Eaq. 1 ... ... alio accompanied the groom. Wa wiah pieaenre to oia many warm inenda Sunday after an abaenoe of eeveral iu a auoi w.j. N... Mr. L. H. Aibley, of Kingtdale, wtt regittered at the Wayerly laat Sunday. I twentieth of the month and they hive an up to date atock for Fall. ill Itvprovlag Cottoe Seed. Reoently mach haa been aaid Foreign New. Rejoicings are being fir. Humphrey Deed. We regret to hear of the death held I Mr- W- r'Q-mi' Humphrey, I plan of glaolng ootton theae daya ootton experta aa to the deterioration of cotton teed aa the prime canoe of deoreaeed prod notion of lint. Tbrre ia not mnoh trntb In that otatement. Bat It ia evident that owing to tbe We call attention to tbe change of ad. of tbe National Bank of Fayetteville. Mr. John Ward, of Rowland. ... . ... . .1 r . 1 . , 4i.r..Kr.,tt t.i Ka k;.k wnicti occnarea. at nia noma m i Md axe nrettr thoroaihlr mixL I wio cameaj a larjre una 01 irrooer- tba throne. The pope haa tent Saddle Tree towutnip tint morn- Bat it la not a matter to lm- oariea and dry goodt, baa a changw eoBirratnlationa and have moat of IDH out nve o cioca:. ue naa prore When a farraer deeldee - ppennng m uu uaue. Fairlfnlly aa a great privilege affixed the aevereigna of Europe. Con- &Mn o-cll7 unoraiong time 0n tbe variety that mita him. let hun ... . . ... a ... . - . 1 ani Pais loern eav aa aa nrtv nnaw. i a a a. i a i i tnMmtaaa Ka lha mmt ninoah a UMa MatMaa va tha t-iaatl 1 An fftF An I maa t n I l Mf mavAalal rrwaal K a wa raiwTi uu uim uiaiu w mm uvv uuva DQI I eBrUDl HIDa Ur TWO KJ VmiUM I a. 8 - .a.: l .0.Wh..d lathi. ..Cioaof .l,in,.,..pi..Ux .tab (ran. Ffi.t Eoo.f - -Jj J LS. i m of D,.' H. "pVCl I Vav XVWkaUT kaVwwaw I the State. not one oppoaiug vote wea oaat. It is reported that during the bia eight then by a bnllet wound. and 3oo or 400 ponndt of aeedeotton. Mra. Mary C. Campbell died at I iJ 4 L as IV. T Rey. Q. T. Pace will move froa. P.KUUYL T t her home near Antioch laat Sat- Red Springe back to Philadelphua T,n,nMa -rtrttl JT . . l : . i 1 " . -T . . .. .e uraay morning ana waa ounea we learn to taie np again mo upon a fort, wbiob thereupon die Sunday at 11 a. m. The funeral achool work be carried on there ao played the Japanese oolora. The exerciaes were conducted by Rey. auooeaafnlly two yeara and more Japanese, thinking that the place J. A. Caligan. She ia tbe moth, ago in connection witb preaching. JJ oaptured, did not fire. . . ma- n t r When they approached they re- of our townsman, Mr. C. B. Camp- Many of n wonld bt gltd t0 iee g Myere fir8 that nearly an bell, and waa a lady loved and ea- R(T D p Mc0eaohy elected to nibilated one company. teemed to the extent -of her ac- fin the poaition of Superintendent Russian decision on contraband quaintanoe. f Svnodical Home Missions to be baa been communicated to the a AwU.1... th. hnanitahia 1 Anwmn Km? Da w w Oil la.nia British, German and American tx t' m ar vr mi . , . ' Embaases. It understood that nomew ur. v. rr. aonaui, on in noyemoer. RuMia reo0gnize9 the principles the 8th inat, another of those Mn Gilbert Hughes is yet at and proviaions that contraband happy annual reunions waa held. home Uter QO doobt he will re. when consigned to private parties Many long and intimate frienda nma in . nam fl.M hra M only oontraband when tbe oar- Z fu,nv ware nrent bv in. hn? " D9m d W ! g. re government, military or - inianna nnainata ciDacitiee v n... n. have ample rauge. vitation. and the day waa spent and much enjoyed. well In Memorlan. Miss Belle Rone. Miss May Belle Rone, eldest daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Rone, of the North Caro lina Conference now stationed at Rocky Mount, died at the home of ber cousin, Dr. Jj. u. Aldrey, at Bandera, Tex., on the day of September, 1004, The London newspapers say Few steamier dayt are seen in that Sir Thomas Lipton recently this region than laat Wednesday invited Herbert Urossland, i waa. iuo wiuu uww .u.iuuaiy T? 1 V.k ni.,U A: tneraiu fell copiously nearly all 1. 1 V " ." day. At timea tbe blaata came in He waa well known ia thia oouoty he wUl be aore of good aeed of one Those who wish to attend the aa a man of aterlin: integrity Uariety. He may have to waU till St. Lonis World's Fair wonld do aod honor. Hia preaenoe will Lheglanl ng aetaooa la nearly over aad well to go on Frank Oongb'a Ex- D greeny miaKi oy tn urge Iperhapo pay aomething extra to have I ounon on Uotober 4tb. Dumber wtio neld tor Bin tnera miM lot ginned. Five bandred high eeteem and si noereet regard, poond of teed ootton will give ten Hie was a lite well aod nooiy bnahela of the eelect aeed. Letaalml apent. A good man haa gone to gelectlon of ohoice bolla from beat reet. The funeral will take place 8tilf be inede from that crop. He tomorrow at Saddle Tree ohnroh wm then be able to exhibit a variety at 10 a. m. ine funeral aervicea 0f cotton that la tbe same throughont will be oooducted by Rey. I. P. the Held. It etanda to reaaon that Hedgpeth. Weexteud our deepest imoroTed ootton aeed will increase the Btptiat Church Sunday even- evmpathy to the bereaved fam-l the yield. Well aelected corn la bet- mgwhich was thoroughly enjoyed ily. ter tbao tbe ahattered corn picked op I by tde large congregation. io tbe bottom Of the cria There i. Miw MglMt Cox Mtarntjd to no reaaon why lndnatriona yoong hw nom. ,t Alfordayilla, after Mr. free server. litararv man in tha Stab. TTn ia tonity for a careful young farmer to I A eolo "Some time tbe Silver Cord will Break" was well ren dered by Miaa Jimmie Bndgers in the Methodist Church Sunday morning, and added to the enjoy? ment of the aervice. Mies Maggie Ward sang a solo in Rising Light. . John Charles McNeill, the farmers should not improve .pending a week here viaitin tbe lance' of The Charlotte Ob- M l wlU bring ftmil of h9t brotber Mr. 0 T r. is one of the moat brilliant H a bushel There lea floe oppor- Cox terrific force blowing down cotton and corn aud uprooting trees. All of the forenoon tbe wind came from the north East but is shifted 8th quickly at 1 P. M. and oame in equal fury from a westerly direc She bad lagrippe last spring (l0Q and it developed into consump tion, and it waa with tbe trust Wilmington Diapatoh : Since the bravery that she, accompanied by I editors viaited Bosemount naay of ber xatner, Daae me icvea onea them are of the mind that Mr. Pu at home good-bye about 5 weeks ker aboald talk a little more. It has ago, and waa willing to seek the been oar opinion that too aaaob dry regions of Texas, that she I speech-making by . the candidate of rjoeaiblv mitzht resrain her health. I tha Democrats wonld be harmfal. It, too, took a brave heart after bat alnoe aoaao of the keen-eyed edi they had been there about 10 ton of the country feel that he daya. and when there had been j aboald make a number of epeeohes all no visible signs of improvement, I over the country we tar go ahead to insist on her father going land shoot it oat. Every time Jadge back to hia work, hoping almost I Parker has opened his month be haa asrainat hope! that she would ey-1 said something of troe worth and er be any better. i tharo ia ao raaoon to dombt that he Tbe disease had made snch in-1 still haa many more good thiags to roads into her constitution, that say. If It will help the Democratic her cousin. Dr. Ardery, who is caste any by Jadge Parker delivering 4 lung apecialist, could not ar- a limited aomber of apaeehea in dif reat it, and thus one of the pur- feront aectioma then ha i should do ao est, brightest and best lives I by all meana. . He haa the oars of ever knew, went to the God who the whole -people and while they are cave it. Charlotte Observer. I listening ia the tiame to do the work a challenger for the America's oup. Mr. Crosaland submitted a design, which Sir Thomas is now consid ering. A hundred and nine children were bom in Rome the same day as the heir to tbe Italian throne, which is four times above the av erage for daya in births. In all $ase where parents are willing the State will educate the male ohildren born on that day at mili tary colleges as officers. , Physicians of Prince Herbert Bismaok at Berlin, declared that the death agony had begun and that the illustrious patient would not survive until sunrise. Tbe latest reports received are that feeble ray of life still flickers. . Chinamen who left Port Arthur September 12th say tbe Japanese are tunneling under tbe rtuaeian forts with the intention of blow ing them up. not only an able writer of prose 81 bnabel for choice aeed in- and verse now, but the character 25 nM ' tn oil miUB- of the work he is now doing gives Thoroughbred seed of any kind will promise of a brilliant career for lways be in demand at a fair price. f . a aW va . him I Jowon riant Mr. MnNflill ia a man of rara on AivanifiiA ifr nnrt.-a .fnll Resolutions of Reapoct ;;raduate of one of our best col- Whereas Ood in his infinite wis eges. By inheritance, training, dom haa seen lit to remove from our and inclination he is fitted for lit- midat oar beloved friend, Ira Lam er ture. which be has chosen for loos Pitman, to a brighter abode in To be laves tlgatod. Col. Thomas R. Robertson ta in vestigating the charges made against North Carolina soldiers by oertaim Reideville merchants. He does not think that Tar Heels are gailty. I: will be recalled that certain soldiers, alleged to be North Caroliniara, were accused of going in one or more t tores, and carrying away watches, dry goods and- liquors. Thia ia aaid to have Vt ia I i fa tanrh T7a wrifna with i ha.v.n mnA hanu. Ha waa 1 at ml eaual ease tbe stately article, the member of the Philomatheaian So- "Mn. .7 . mmam fCvill.TKv TtAna ann tha ItOfht I Mafcv ha It nunlTkil mOmlng. UOI. KOOertaOn III ttt piece overflowing with fun,, as cir- Firat, that we. the members of the fbarge of the first aection of the train cumstances may suggeat. His Pbilomatbesian Society, feel keenly poetry in this respect is (ike his to -o of thia exoeUent young man. prose. His poetry finds a ready oeoona, tnac we extend our neaxi market at good prices in our best aympathy to hU bereaved loved Mr. Dunie, of the firm of Dunie Bros, who have recently opened up in tbe mercantile bus iness here, has moved bis fasu- y into rooms over the Bakery. magazinea. Warrenton Record. List of Letters Remaining in the Lumberton, N. C. postoffioe, ept, 5 th, 1904 If not called for in one week will be sent to the Dead Letter office, Washington, D. C. Par ties calling. will please say ad vertised : Miaa Varnia Byrd. J. C. Cnllins Miss Florence Clark. Miss M. H. Edwards, E. C. Hays, Miaa Below MoNeal, D. W. Regan Mrs. M A. E. Smith, GWynne. Misa M- J. WilUams. B. M. Norm en t. Postmaster. ones, and oommend them to the Ood who will wipe away all tears. Thirdly, thai a oopy of theae reso lutions be spread upon oar minutes aad that a oopy be sent to bis family, to the Lombertoa papers aad to the Wake Forest etadeat. J. B. WEATHERS POON, H. M. JOHNSON. W. R. EDMUNDS, Committee. Wake Foreat, N. C. Mr, aad Mra. A. K. White returned yesterday from Winston where they hare been visiting for a few davs. Mr. Lather Bridgers west to Rowland yesterday for a few days. that brooght the Tar Heals. None of hia aoldiera looted. Ia bis charge were the Charlotte, the Winston, tbe Shelby, tbe Conoord, the Lexington and the Mt. Airy companies. The second section was onder the care of Capt. 1 F. K. Heame, of Aah ville. He bad tbe following comptv nles: Hickory, Salisbary. Statesville. Asheville, aad Wayneaville. Capt. Heame reported that tbe conduct of hia mea was good. Ia talking with aa Observer man. last night. Col. Robertson said: "I am making an investigation of the chargee. have written and wired ta naayor of Reideville, aad will go to the bottom of the matter. I cannot beliave that the alleged loot i eg wa the work of North Carolina aoldiera. ' Got Robertaoa is determined to as certain the troth at any cos. Char lotte Observer. ,

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