THE 0EUI-WEEKLT R0BE30NIAH 4 i TrWa rtru Dyaaaatta Wat. Fas. frutbt No. 4 on iba Ualu ssor l Ohio Railroad mock i waoi load wiih7&0 pouuda o drnamiu at the erou. at North liaaeh. W. V. font ml- t o tiara, ihia aflaroooo. To parson war killed aud Ma r iLjurad, Ibfm of tbam aanoualj. Tba daad ar : C. WALTER WHITKHAIR. frool brakamau, Brouick NKL30N PIKK. Marliuaborg, Ttunu angiuaor, oaldd all o?ar aud lutaruallT, Imd two boon. TLe iiijurd. A. B. riaudara. flrQBu. North Moaottiu. W. V4 . arm brokac, Milod no Uci, bodr and Diudi; Cbaa. Hamilton. Haltioaora dt Onio operator tad poatmaaar t North Hraucb. catt ou fac and body. Scott lUuiItoD. of Liltls OiImui, Md . cot ou faoe and ,d? at flft 'a namhr: Jidm Aihakailla, Little Orleane. oot iu faoa; MrTTwjgt,Uldtowi). oat in face; Rsymoud Hamiltou, cut iu face; Maud Saibart, cut in fvi- Jirnm Liiui. aged 21. who wti driTiof th dynscoita wagoa, out ou Ik sod ear dram fractared Tha Baltimore Jc Obio tower v wrAkd. at wm eral rati WhlU VS b-4'S DO Id Ins de. ixr.u will be fiotoriOBt to liana o&kMiu, we believe they ere go iot to cits ibe repsbuoaoe oi.rfQt? bic ecarc. Tbo tl't) ibuueend republicans bo be ind A oladae DOt to TOt for auy candidal for tbi Ufiilator bo will oot declare to fetor oi reciprocity with Cauada are going to oee (ruiu fluaoc iu to ceoj peigu aud tbar ara hoidk to make aerator Lodge do eonie tall tbiuk- tug aud Hearing aa to what ton for reelection ha will gtt id tha noil leaitlatore. furthermore to mdioatiooa point to tha nomine- liou for governor by tha democrats or William L. Djoglau. At oiil tare uow aleud ba beano opponent for tha oomiuatiou. lie n one ot tba troo,Mt miii in tb e'ate. ()a thia aabitot tha New 1 ork Kveiiiog Poet eaj : Mr. Oberlee 8. Hamilton baa an nouueed that b la not a candidate for the democratic gobernetorial uomiumoD iu Maiachntta. Thie leavei William L Dioflaa in t)oeiou of the flold. Iu enm- waye thii n booud to beigbto thf ioteret in the campaign. Lng laa la a larg employer of laor, nH hit relatione with bii man bav bu good 1 A f A. L tAILWAV Tbarw la on If 70 ctata Id Ut MUilMlnnl Htata fraaaurr. TEa W w Miaalaaipiji autboritiaa should oiire Srratary Hbaw'a raclj for making a deficit look Ilka a sin of opulence CAHCt CI tl V MUMM BALI Mr. U. U AdaoM. rrodoola, Ala., look Boasie tllooa Daim. wniro effectaallj ocml aa 4lDg oancer of lb oom aad fftoe. Te aoree h.ld prfctlr. Mdt do. -tor lid jlTB ep br caea m hopeleea, haodrdt of run of oaooer, eatlon eorea, eonwral IniaweUlofa. tic., het e oared by Bluod Balm. Among other Mr B M Oaeroey, Wftjrior 8tad. Ala. Her noe aod lip were raw aa bef, with offeottTe diecharf frota tba eel I on ore Doctor adrted oaitlofr, bat II failed. Blood Belm bealed the aoree and Mr. Goerney la aa wall aa ever. Botanic Blood Blm aleo oare araema, tubing hamora, acate and aoaJaa, bone Ine, nicer. offenelre plaplee, blood (oleon, raxbaocle. acrofola, riilnire id bamie on the akin and all Mood trooblee. DrnKileta, 1 per lare bottle. Sample of Botanic Blood Balm free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co , Atlanta, Oa. Deecrlbe trooble and epeolal aaedlcal THE SAC1E OLD QUESTION! It i it alght to crowd of ioPU sizing nd woodrtrin,r !lr ' .md r of ood arririog at Aab jas Cloihlng, Shoes, flats, Caps, Dry and Dress Goods, ng Room Slai. rf 1 wfarooati. Uaj. etc., arriring daily for ua. but aolid r,r ritnes!, and that ia wbv tb? am loada tbey har nerar It it impoitible adlce eent in eealed letter. It If .M.hiiDirt hia will Dla? oeminly worth while InrtinniD, - r . . i - m I L L.LI. - .1 Dl I hnt hli attitude 18 lltelT tO be D rBmiriiui. mNJ, m t-.w ..a k. .mn.rtiA nntnn Balm onrea the moet awfal, woret and with that of th Fall Hirer cotton moei arep eeia aite. - - . 4 vKa arA ..PI Tha i.vitHall uimn I inrtrnanh n.ntr. Thu ffrfCt Of blf " " tnM nurhf. The oommiaaarrL.n4.... n m.nnfintnr.n and ins and the yellow peril will be . . . I . .. i i ..l.j .i.ii 4 1. II :l of Mike Klcnore. wanaan, aan- tradeimeu will alio oe wiwow iuccwiwi uj ine jtu per i ,nHntnr and tha Wabaih tarn- with great intereat, ou account of ' I.- 1 .J . . i L . I I . Jl I.L I 111 .v -.u.- ii all DronouncKl botocbot iu u"i i wu iniur wornea wiia cniiif Pll OI a policy iot woiou i iu i ior year uuiu ironi iur jn mgo porar? hoipital, l a rr l , i ioritr cf th republican TOfera of I when I took one-tblrd bottle of Dr indowa o; a ecbool home ou the tQ, attA have put tbemaelTea on Kln'a Chill Tonic, and I bave not record Canadiau reciprocity. Id had a chill line I tTV I . 3 I wr n ! a w n rw ot. e particular uougiae atanaei rmtn i.uL.&n i. forth ai the champion of a camel Not bad to take, and always no which the boaineaa intereata of care no pay. r0o. at itore of Dr Manachuatte havu much at heart H. T. Poped Co., and all medicin There is no uncertaiotr id that dealer jcctioo rpgardirg tne dut? on hida. Both capital and labr are keenly alive to the harm they hare received from the re-impoai- tmn of be duty ou hi raw mate- Wilmington Mesaenger. Enrtocy MadlcliMS. tnnnntain ha f a mile away were all brokiu out. Nj houaci eecap nd damage. Jame Laing, who drove the wag ou. McaDed with ouly trivial in jury, aa did the two bonee. a thoDirh tb latter were blowo 50 yardi into a field. According to eye witueuee, Laing, hearing the tiaio, beoamejterrifiedaijd atopped rjai ou the track. The wagon was three fet of clearma it wheu the u .u.. . j It is a Kreat conrenieoce to have . . . . , at band reliable remediea lor oae in lDg UOOtwtbBtoretneexpioaiou. r ofMCden for light lnjo L.aing deaerted tne wagon aud ran re8 U(j aiimenta. A good liniment down from the traok mto a ditch, and one that ia faat becoming a favor lie waa knocked down and ren- lf not booaehold necesaity ia jiaraA nncninna for a time, but Chamberlain'a Pain Balm.. By apply L . . , , ing it promptly to a cut, brniae ox the force of toe explcaion pMied L u Md Mwa over lim. I the injury to heal in about one-third The engine wai overtamed and j the time uaually required, and aa it rtripped and seven can following ia aa antiaeptio it preventa any danger yr I fill loaded wlh high grade mercb1tn. ofbloodP?ifl0,!ln- When Pain Balm I VI U,TO W01" """8 ""Med before inflammation aeta in, which mohahed. The track were thrown qaiCk recovery. For sale by oak of the bed nd twuted eerpeo- Dr. H. T. Pope & Co. and Dr. R. Q. tine, while rails were snapped like Rosier. PIANOS AND ORGANS WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL. A. D.JONES SCO Greensboro, N. C. Southern Factory Dis tributors for the World Famous 3ALL. pipeatems. ine wires were torn dowD aod relief was tele grtj piled for after going to Patter son's Creek on a band car. Seven doctors went from1 here by pecia train. Engineer Pike was Held under iron scraps ou top of the boiler while beiug slcwh cooked to eath. It required four men to extricate him. The explo sion knocked uearly every person in the neighborhood dowu, hurled Hunter Brown through a roof, but did uothurt him. and threw narto of the engine 200 yard. Slack telegraph wires were uappd mid way between the pols by concussion. . a itie average love match soor flickers oat unless there is SoIbf money to barn. Don't imagine oa are a vocalist simply became the neighbors fail to shoot at you wheu you attempt to sing. When an old mau proposes to a girl he should accompany his pro poaal with a certined cLie:k not neoeaaaiily for publication, but as a guaranty of good faith Chicago JNews. Alonttaual Strain. Many men and women are ocn stantly subjected to what they commonly term "a continual strain" because of some financial or family trouble. It wears and distresses tbem both mentally and physically, affeotiag their nerves Daqiy ana bringing on oliver and aiqney aiiraenia, loss of appetite, sleeplessness. low vitality and de spoadfency. Tbey cannot as a rule, get xid of this "oontinually strain, "but tbey can remedy its heath-destroying effects 'by tak ing frequent doses of Green's Au gust flower! It tones upvthe liver, stimulates the kidneys, insures healthy bodily functions, gves vim and spirit to one's whole being, eventually dispels the physical or mental distress caused . by that wuuijuw biraia. Binai DQttle ot Angnst Flower, 25; regular size, 75o. At all druggists. 12 ceute ia caah bars oae gallon kro aac oil at W. O. Taomnaoa'a. From i4Hto oa Poundi. One of the most remarkable cases of a cold, deep seated on the lungs, causing pneumonia, ia that of Mrs. Gertrude E. Fenner, Marion, Ind., who waa entiiely cared by the nse of One Minute Cough Cure. She says: The coughing and straining so weak ened me that I ran down in weight irom 14S to yj pounds. I rriea a number of remedies to no avail nntil I need One Minute Cough Core. Four bottles of this wonderful remedy enred me entirely of the congh, strengthen ed my lnnga and restored me to normal weight, health and strength.'' Sold by Dr. H. T. Pope & Co. We loan you money to buy them. We give free trials. We pay the freight. We aave you 95 per cent. We add nothing to the principal whet aold on Easy Payments. 0lOi?Write for our latest Piano and Organ Catalogue, and for full particulars. A. D. JONES Sl COMPANY, 208 South Elm Street. GREENSBORO, N. C. Arswn,T CaaWktt T" ta WeU far. Si. LmU.M Tha Hsaboirt! Air Ltt.e R.tUay I ,innuDtv a vary aitra-t a . inawv uooductl Tour to tb Worlds ralr on Tueaday. Ootu. ar 4th. blch will U In charge of wr 11. uaiiia, iravanng fas ugvr Agvnt. from all points on ta linr and cunnaot na within tha Stale Arrangemsr mad fur 8i'ial Trail I H .. II Ii. I f 1 1 unman I'rnwmg itoctn niii ug Cars and vatibui. high back Day Loacha u run through from ItaUigb, Wilmington and Char lottf to St Louis without changs. The ruut ! tfd ia una of tha moat attraotivn in the South, via Atlanta. ChattauoLirH aud Nash ville, the Route of the Dixie Flyer, passing the battlerielda be twen Atlanta and C'hattanootra. around Lookout Mountains and through the beautiful fanning! con try of Ksutucky. nates from Raleigh 15-day lim it, tl hO: tan days, llS.toikJfronj , Wilmington, 15 days. $2V25; 10 days. rM.W, from Charlotte. 15 days. r24.G5; 10 days. $1.30. Rate for double berth in Pullman f'VOO. rwo can occupy berth, charge just half. Leave Raleigh 4 .-00 p m., Wil mington Jiup in., and L bar-1 rTTt ni , lotte 7 6 p. m. Tuesday afternoon, 1 He LlieSaDeakG & OhlO Rfl.ilWfl.Tr Ootolir4th " All arrangements will be made for hotel accommodations at Inn Side Inn, Exposition Grounds. Pullmans will be provided for the return trip and everything will be done for the comfort aud pleas ure of those who avail themselves of this opjortunity to visit the grateat World's Fair ever held. For rates from other points, schedules. Pullman reservations. pamphlets of the trip, address the undersigned wi" C H. GATTIS, T. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. Or to Frank Gough, Lumberton. wondering each one asking the other what we are going to do with all tbM goods. But 1 Wc Invite the People's Inspection.-.Conie in and Price Oar Goods And of course you will b mere surprised at the reasonable, ness or prices ami pa red with fhe quality of goods, yet your question will be answcml at such price, a. we are going to Z , our P-to-dara goods. Tbey won't last long; so oom early and have the brat choice. Come and look over, even if no buying. ()Qr motto is No (roub,e to ahow ul.te attention to all Come-it will be to vour advantage DUNIE m,ki0 ASH POLE, Respectfully. BROTHERS, NORTH CAROLINA. MACHINERY eemrn tqomm k sftaurr. IMWUi HHIM. MMMaa MAC Ml M- tar, Ma tu aroewaaaiM MNMMar, Binaata AaauirN MNiMin, caaa anuva, tea aa4a mew car, aiaoaia uaca CCCCS MACKFKY COMPANY. s. c. WORLD'S FAIR SCENIC ROUTE TO SAINT LOUIS. SHORTEST, QUICKEST acd BEST ROUTE. Vestibnled, Eleo tno Lightod Trains with Pallman Sleepers and Dining Cars. Through tickets from North Carolina with direct connections. Specisl Rates for Season, Sixty 'or Fifteen Dar Tickets. Fifteen Day Ticketa from Lnmberton, N. C, 120 25. Sleeping Oar accommodations engaged upon application. Special Coach Excursions Oa authorized dats, tickets good tcr ten dava. at rate of 20 40 Correapondingly low rates from other stations. Special accommoda tions arranged for parties. Stop-overs permitted within limit at 0. & O. celebrated moautain resorts. Use the C. & 0. Route and pur chase your tiskrts accordingly. For ooach excursion dates, reserva tions and other information, address W. O. WARTHEN, D. P. A., C. A 0. R'y. Richmond, Va. Fashion writers stats that there is a revival of the passion for bits of rare old China. Russia is dis posing of her oolleotion of that kind at a big sacrifice. What' la NaaM? Everything ia the same wben it comes to Witch Hazel Salve. E. O. I OeWltt-& Oa of Okiose dissevered! (me yean ago bow to make a aalve from Witch Hazel thai 4s a specific for Piles. Tor blind, bleeding, itching and protruding Pile, eczema, cats. bnrna, brniaea and all skin dlaeaaea. Dewitt'a Salve baa no, equal Thia baa given rise to numerona worthless counterfeits. Aak for DsWitt'a the genuine. Sold by Dr. H. T. Pom & Oo. . 1 We are S Pushinp-Paint o III "aBBaaawaBBBaaBBaBaBBBm I A Chiosgo man choked to death on a piece .of meat. The waiter probably placed the check on the table with the face up. W. O; Tnoaipaoa . buys all axnu vra- duce aad pmyt higheat price. The paintino; season! is at hand and we are ready to supply your needs with The SherwinAVilliahs Paints Let us ntrure on the paint for your house. W. r. will prove the best and most economical paint vou can buy FuH color cards for the asking. SOLO) av Strongest in tie World. THE Equitable Life, OF NEW YORK. Outstanding Assurance. 11,179,276,725 00 ; A9t9 ,33i.39.720 34 Liabilities 259,910,678 28 Surplus 71,129,042 06 Latest cash settlements given to policy holders. Death claims paid in futl and at once. Strongest, Safest, Best, and most prompt paying company on earth. ALLEN EDEN3, President. BANK A. L. BULLOCK, Vice-Pre. W. F. BRISTOW, Cashier. OF ROWLAND, ROWLAND, N, G. DIRECTORS: ALLEN EDENS, W. W. McCORMAC, JOHN W. WARD, E. M. HINES, W. F. BRISfOW. A. L. BULLOCK, L. R. HAMER, C. T. PATH, W. H. McLELLAN, WE SOLICIT yOURlPflTRONflGE B. L. PAGE. Agent. Gaddyaville. N. C. K. E. Paare. Lumberton, N. C. ftll A BANK DEPOSIT VPvfVrVrVf R"m1 Para Paid. 500 P jf'W'flvr. liTHiirt.lM.HiiiH .I.,.. .,1 ..11 ,., ,. f .-. ,.p f-m11 EOlSUVaUMMa USINCSC0UMI.aeaa.8a. The ljumDertpiBarbepr WaatOV wlkb an eaay abava, Aa good M barber erer (ara, -Jut call oa ma at my aalooa. At mornlag, era or noon : 1 evtanddrcaa tba hair with graea Tb inlt the oomtaar of tha faaa. Mr room la a cat and towala clean, Solaaora ihara and rasora keen, aadareirthing I think ron'll find. To aalt tha faoe and pleaaa tha aUad, am a. ojri uai 'iaa no. If Ton luat call I'll de tor ron. IrkiE OUR ILLUSTRATED HAND BOOK cinr jMis, our TpokhntL it to , DOX 166, GREENSBORO. N. C. Please send me your Illustrated Hand Book No. 16. Name Address To Cure a Cold in One Day Wjfinntsaitwam Otttwtwfiput-f'.Ai iri'"y.-- Td Lrtivo Dromo iMatU R. G. Rozier, Lumber to u r

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