T" 1 '1 a THE 8E MI-WEEKLY K0UE30NIAN its ' ! i .4 V I ..- 4 - It liut ' !,, la -mi ' ' It.. I I 1 1 1 1 I ! t V H d'.Ul.ii ' . . I I' . I . " H ' 8'iprii' ii' 1" im elmui-d, h worm kiud uf ii , tint f the vrt y. in., u rhi.u8H in lu.t i.ec.ifianlv 1 1 1 un P' or. It ym hnv.' mttiu laiuea y ur luUKnty, if ycur cbr actnr .tatdi f,ur quare to the world, if you bare Dver bent the kuee of principle to Tnc, yoo ihnnffh too mi? be oompelled to be bread Oruou Swett Marden. iD Succeaa. Senator Jo Blaokburo. of Ken taoky drifted into Indianapolis the other day with some terae oam paian obeerrationa. He baa been tupping in Indiana, helping the Demoorata to awing the Hooaier State bck to its old allegianoe. ' ihere is really in this cam paign no point jutting out far enough for one to hang a gueas on," said the Kentnokian. He did have some comments to Ka UfltleflsneBS. the i Hid A V USSU wa-v 4ike of which, the Senator said. ha Knil nvnr before known. He also thought tbe campaigu a re minder of the 1892 campaign. On one thing th Senator was em phatic. That is. that Bryan's whirlwind tour through Indiana will help the Democratic party :25,O0O votes, and even if the Re publicans win, they will have 25, 000 votes less than they would otherwise have. The effect of Bryan's tour on tbe vote of Indiana is the all-absorbing problem to the politicians of that State. Mr. Blackburn's emphatic statement settles it for irnany confiding Democratic vo ters. 'Hw to Manage a Wife " The a ve was thy subject oi tt e foll.iwiua priZ" '"SaV . Man I the late I)r C. F. Dterm, cf N- York; 'Mtioasjf? W'Jiu.t is . tl.a.'. D es it. mean c utroi? W. mai t ge a horse. We use our stiperio' uuian intellefitq cop tied, and t . guide hip eupenor. physical Btifgth so as to ,pbtain the best regal . J But a wife 1-. npi n (irr-, Wt a two persons are well m,?.9r:ed th wife is as superior to her Im-' i' ill Ultiuy . h ? i- r i f, i i i. 1 iinr u i . ;s ' . i rjapi : t.-s-i : i.t- 'h- - u, r r -;r- n ). ,, first busiuf 88 of the huababd t if mauage bniilf h ad twrfcefip ' n elf always his wife's respejtfu reua, . .5 hr tua.-r j..v-?r. t- ways ti-; ..ri.: ,urt;..T, j8',t i t.uutn r Si .-. r i-c t . r. 'J' his ii i 1 it! 11; f.t- th-- W ff- f. be his admiring fr etd, aiwans ) affectionate sweetheart, aUav his ... u? itt, .,. v.;,v. h:- . tiding war.-? A: d ih:s vti'i i,. i -act upon the husband that his ikn it a.! ' 1C . I , ; . H - tn ( f , . i h x : l H.. u flxmities cf hi one and only ife. Ex. Croon ki!,d a i.akc jjt u.sirt- t-' ''' -.1 (irU l.iiiM 'I " ' ' I .. ui- if . a i t 1 in I n I I 'tit M II .1 ! i: i i ii.-. i -i i. .i . hi Kl't i l I!. ' " ri'.Mii nij. wmiiil j. nt it bt'ip it Mt . ii. r'.' Nn iih'thcr piioulil U' uitlmiit this "I'i hikI tir.'td ri'iut'il in the lnm. for it i- tian v use wiii pruiiiptl) cure any 1 u i tliri.iit ir It. 'ii.-bitil tr. utile in licriiclf ur Iiit rh ililrcii The worst couh ur culd can U' 8jKedi!y curd by (ier man Syrup so can hcarsnesa and congestion of the lirnchial tubea. It maks exctoration aay, and gives instant reilief and refreshing rest to tbe oougb-rackd consumptive. new trial bottles, 2." ; large size, 7."c At all druggi-sts ContratuUtloo Already Earned. leas Mr. Ktd.ey u very at tractive to you. I suppose cod- graiQiations win soon be in or der. Jess They're in order now. Ten iDdeed? Jess Yes, I rejected him last J u;gbr Exchange. fluty rutbara a Ukm Oplaloa. Mrs. Pilmer, of Oordova, Iowa, ays: Une ot my children wu ob ject to croup of a severe type, and tbe sivioa: of Chamberlain a Goae-h Elemdy promptly, always brought re- iler. Many mothers in this neih- uuiuouu iitini toe same u i ao aoout , j.i, . i - I this remedy and want no other kind for their children '' Fnr ul l rtr H. T. Pope & Co. and Dr. R. O. Ro-1 D tVld Hni --4 (ram T i.Hi - -Huna ... . ., nr- dieting that Iudiana will go Dem- ."inc. Ob, ytis, he's porfotly sife, as no penalty t prescribed for makma: predictioDa. ; Can You Eat? o. o inyior, a prominent mcr T r m i thajt of Cliriesman, Tex., says: uld not eat because cf a weak stom h. I lout all strength and ran down i a weight All that money could do as done, bnt all hope of recovery ar.ished. Hearing of srue wonder !ul cuits effected l.y use of Kodol iiyi-pepsia Ci tp, I.courluded to tiy it. ".'be first brttle benefitted me, and : ft;-r tskin' four bottles 1 am fully e.-tord to niv usual atreufjtli, weight u.t h.-ftith. ' ' Kodol Dysttpii C&r I'ictFth wi.a: ron eat and cur-a. l.y Dj. H. T. Fop- & Co. .: Sold 1 I Miss K. I,. BROADWKI4-. Toi.ar.s- VILI.E, N. C, say - " Bliss Native Herbs has tieeu used m our home for the last yiar, and ha proven to he the best medi cine for I,iver Cotnplaiut, etc... that we ever used. It has cured me of lndit;e tion, and I thlhk it will be a blessing to any one who will Frv it for n while " A1 BOX of Bliss Native Herbs is a family doc tor always in the house. 1 Its use prevents and-cu res rt cq Constipation, . D.ys llOO pepsia, Kidney and NATIVE Liver TroubleSkin f- HERBS. diseases, Rheuma tism and many I Blood diseases. It is purely vegetable contains no ruin- eral poison and is pre- 1 pared in Tablet and "tfOO Powder form. Sold DOSES in One Dollar loxes with a Guarantee to $1.00 cure' or money back. Our 32 page Almanac telling how to treat disease sent on request. MEDICINE MAILED PROMPTLY BY D.J. HUMPHREY. Agt. Tolarsville. N. C, THLALONZO O. BLISS CO- WASHINGTON. D. C. I t n4 is,, It tfekaca Ikif' VrtUrt Ai Tolodo ltx Circuit eourl bat xkii aekml whthr a chickwu uoiuh imu 'rt claseitifd at a hut ir not uiiJr r lw "Mo - l f na- a in n J'i. a c- urt had v.-ral iifttX it ! . - in-, i .! I i t 4 1. ick'-h .1 IH l II I. ! I ! , ' ! , f v, U .1 . f i- it.:' ii I .' 1 ; . V !! Ul ' . i . i. . ' j . r I r i'! 1 1 ( 1 i : i '. t , i! i tij. I' ! '.:!,. I'..;,.,:- I ' i i -.. i ' , ;i . . '. s .j.l Jun. mi. ; . !i . ! ' NK lil'M 1 " ii. I.H r. i r i Ii miiiI i v. r .-.ise oi O.i.jhiI. tl.at ;i:tlii.I hi- cun-'l I v tin' um' of Mini i Caiurrli Cun-. FKANK .1 rilKNKV Sworn to IcIuh' ni and mil.Mril.i'il id niv premme, tlntf'tli day of I'-Ci-Ull'fl , A. 1" 1 8 S ti . ISi-iil ) A. W. CJLEASON. Notary Public. Hall ' Catarrh Core la taken intr- i dhIIv, and hcIh directly on the blood and mncoui gorfacea of tbe iTntem. Send for tBtlmonlalH free. F. J. CHENEY &Oo., Toledo. O. Sold by all Drnggista, 76o. Take Hall'i Family Pilla for con- ftipation. W. O. Thompson buy all kind pro duce and paya highest price. PIANOS AND ORGANS WHOLESALE AID RETAIL. A. D. JONES & CO. Greensboro, N. G. Southern Factory IIDlS- frihntj-irq frr f.ha W WX W w W W OrlQ T amOU9 l I R A I I I I VI lr k mmmw We loan you money to buy them. WeBive free trials. We pay the freight. w" Mve yu '5 Per cent- Weadd nothinK t0 the principal whei sold on Easy Payments. 6fe?"Vrite for our latest Piano and Organ Catalogue, and for full particulars. A. D. JONES 4 COMPANY, 2( South. Elm Street. GREENSBORO, N. C We are The painting season is at hand and we are ready to supply your needs with The Sherwin-Williams Paints Let us figure on the paint for your house. S. W. P. will prove the best and most economical paint vou can buy. Full color cards for the asking. SOLD BY. t i x I Kozier, Ijumberton i Pushing Paint Q i St. I oula u ih c. & 0. Kouf. New it U tin to mm Dm grMl Wodil't Pair ai til. lAmis, Mo. I. 11 jflitfal ratt.rr and h Ktpuailiou o uitrtn lu all II 'a ttraaty &a op juTtutiltj m l) t miawnd and never ! I fnftfoUcMi Nr ll.al Tuurllrkrlt ar. la the ' .v i U.I It iff ! Hallway HhufUnt. nUlikcl ag Iht'Vi i ,,,., ,r,nt(.rt i .- f ,L!(;H HAKuLt WORKS c. WL'MEHTS liOi FENCES A I'A THE f Hit'. COOPER BROS PROPfl'S it Starts Willi a Cough. WHAT? YOO KNOW. Prevent the probable termination by taking POPE'S Syrop oi White Pine and Tar. Price 25c per bottle. Dr. H. T. POPE & CO. Oct. 18. LIACHINERY AgaoMflaja BalaVBBataiiiMBhai laaaan, mkim, aiaama aewin aar, awar mm aaa woowaaMM ACMWKMT, aMMIaLC AMO LATM aUOMIMIMT, conn MILL. aaioa Maaiaa maomin aay, mwowio umi CS8ES MACHINERY COMPANY. CelwnUa. S. C btrongest in tbe World. THE Eqnitabe Life, OF NEW YORK. . i - . izimm Outstanding Assurance. 11,179,276,725 00 Afsets 1 33.039,720 34 uaouiues 259,910,678 28 Surplus 4a - .r;.." 7i.129.p42 06 Lagest cash settlements given to policy . iders. c Deth claims paid in futl and at once. Strongest, Safest, Besf -cd most rotnpt paying company on tarth. B L PAGE, Agent, GaddySYille, N. C. K. R. Page. Lumh-rton. N. C. GUARAN TEED BY A k nnn BANK deposit JjJm Vr VT Railroad Fars Paid. 500 mmmmmrjifggff'm FHE K (?ourss Offered. GORGIA-AUBAMA BUSINESS COLLEGE Macon. Ga H0LLI3TERS Tacky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy MadioiM for Buy People. Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. unmlfln tnr PnnafJrultlnn. IiuHamtion. Lire ia KiJoey Trouble. Pimplea. Eczema, Iropura ) 1. Bad Breath. SIuMlah Bowel. Headaahe a I Ilaksohe. It's Kocky Monntln Tea id tan, .t form, an ceota a box. Onnuloe made by HnM.i8TB - Dare Comfaitt, Madlaoo. Wla. ldi h nuggets for uuif pi rc " ff 1 L DO YOU WISH TO SAVE MONEY IF SO COME TO THE Old Reliable Hardware Store FOR HARDWARE OF EVEItY KIND M four and traiu li ii H M II 11 H H ( t ( ( i H t i MS! -t r 1 i - See Our Non i: i HT McCORMIO & ROGERS, ROWLAND, NORTH CAROLINA M HYATT'S STUDIO Photographs, Landscapes, Enlarging and Kodak FlnUcliigs. ;au work fliiti Id ArUt.i Hit!n and l'!lluuni OVER POPE'S NEW DRUG STORE, LOIBERTOI, K. C The Chesapeake & Ohio Eailway WORLD'S F-AIR SCENIC ROUTE TO SAINT BUUKihsr, yuiCKKST and BEST ROUTE. Vestibuled, Eleo trio Lighted Trains with Pullman Sleepers and Dining Cars. Through tickets from North Carolina with direct connections. Special Rates for Season, Sixty or Fifteen Day Tickets. Fifteen Day Tiokets from Lumberton, N. C, $26 25. Sleeping Car accommodations engaged upon application. Special Coach Excursions On; authorized daf. ticket good tor ten days, at rate of 120.40. Correspondingly low rates from tions arranged for parties. Stop A O. celebrated mountain resorts. ohase your tiskets accordingly. For coach excursion dates, reaerra tions and other information, address One Minute Please! BANK Dos a General Banking Business. Lends Money on approved security. Pays Interest on Time Deposits. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE f& U J4 WLJtl fflfa & V--'4$f The KEELET INSTITUTE, GREENSBORO, N.fC. FEEE ! OUR ILLUSTRATED HAND BOOK 1 - . 'A - !r - "I'i ! ill; i IN - Rust Tinware! 'I LOUIS. other stations. Special accommoda - oTers permitted within limit at 0. Use the C. fc 0. Route and pur- W. O. WARTHEN, D. P. A., C. 4 O. R'y. Richmond, Va. OF ROWLAND, ROWLAND, N. G. CUT THIS OUT TODAY-MAIL IT TO BOX 166, GREENSBORO. N. C. Please send tee your Illustrated Hand Book No. 16. Name Address M M M I 1! M ! A WiSra1 - XT'- WWJflBB -1 .

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