v. THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. J i V i t 3 p i'i i 1 THE ROBESONIAN Democratic National Ticket. .. ! '!! ... V . of Stu VlM t I ,,i hir l'iridrn'. Ill SK I'. IS. i.l Writ UK"1 State Democratic Ticket. l-'of ftlPI ' ROUKT H i.LKNV hot Llrulriint l".t)fMi: KRAS'-'IS 1 WINSTON W A UOkl . l.KOKf.l-: H liKOWN. Jr Statr Auditor It I. ll.ON Stair Trf ' It K LACY Sriirlsiv i'f Slutr J. liRYAN C.RIMK.S. Altomrv Crnrrnl ROHI.RT I r.ll.MI.K ;Siipriiiitrii.,.i nl ( 1'uMu- In-mul. J. V JOYNKK CoIUUIlMlnC! of I. ill. I I'Mllt'.'lK II. It. VAKM-.K Coi'i;i'.Hu CiiinuMsMunrr S. I.. KOC.LKS. CoinmivMon r of AKni'ul!lin : S. I. PATTF.kSON. 1 I illicit-sj. Mlli I lrti n-t : GILIU'.KT B r.TTI-.KM.N.u! KoiK-vm PrtvdentiHt Kltrtr.1- Mth' Disinci: H I. CMliWlN. Jodte of t1 SuTi Coint cf ttie I Kirat Judi al lntri.-t : j GKOHCiK w. WARD County Democratic Ticket, Si-r. iti . A. L SHAW. House nl Ri-'resi-:i':itn i-s: E. I. HRITT. C t-'IH !:. SheiiiT: CKORi.l- B. McI.KOD. 'itj-ister of I)ieiK: D. V. BULLOCK. Treasurtri : AK'JM. A. McLKAN. Coroner: GKORG1-: I.. KANCKH. Survivor: J. I-!. rURCLLL. Coiui'iv Commi.-.sionen: T. W. CARTfR. R. R. HARMiS, J. HOI'OIN. C. A. OI.IVLR. J. L TOWNSUM). Constable --Lumbtrte 11 Towashi;,). FRANK BARNHS. "Allow us. Mr KoWsonian." says the lied Springs Citi.tii. "'to jump at another conclusion. Vmi say it is generally believed that SheriiT MeLeod would have been nominated by a much larger ma jority on tho second ballot. As the margin was so narrow, een with the eight votes of Red Springs, would it not have been lietter to have called the roil again V It waB a close call for the "ma chine," too close for comfort, and they stuck to the firht ba'.'ot, you remember. " Why in the thunder -didn't vuu ask for n second ballot then in stead of whining about it now like a whipped 'puppy V Thoiv ia something wronja; with a paper which snys ;t will support the nominees of a convention and stili I darry oix, who win uive ueaaiormost irom a tower questions their fitness as ofiic rs!orie hundred and six feet hiorn into a tank of water and even their nomination. Get . - i off the fe'ice ;md support the nom inees of the Democratic Conven- t tion cordially, if at nil if you i -can tuo tins, say nothing about ?' tbem. I'f this is impossible, side J, with the Republicans openly and f fairly, but stop saying you will support the ticket and still do all against it which suggests itself or i 1. . la flu rrrroutii1 fn i n r! ' n In n r-1 r, . . 1 JJ. w ""66 fcv j uu. m nnu a D lauU I. .t flnmaiL'kara unit lf 4liA iui., .! . w . - . auu id. iu- rrj v; j '11- know where you are The policy of thfe Citizen, in regard to some of the candidates, thus far, has ; been that of "damning with faint j praUe.'' -s. The idea that there is no neoes- ity for your voting when your ( party is going to win is a mistaken f tuie. I but 4 Not only is it a privilege, is is also a duty evsry n !- : r nitii ( I . ill I 'i .' tn'p n i ! Ii i f , , i . i , i ' ' I -.) ... 8 , i -. ) .. 'n : , , i I If I I ; I I Ml (I 1 1 i i 1 , t , . . n , . ' : : 1 1 1 u i i i r, .'it.-ini.Ti oi i .. t i i b I : r i ' i r .! ,11,1-,, I .at li "I I . i.ol.irr t . . -! t i 1 1 o - it I .',-, .1 ntid ilitrlllgelll iitfu:r inl tl.o i art of I'ltl.i'lll till It rrnuld'l III llll!Mtll!lii'll.l-Ul with t its ((llliMlllltAllt t iu-. iiin tirrriit r. i uj'rtU)! uf nil . f the U"t OltlCIIB i -Mil I MCCoUI- ... I ,i ... iihbbfl tlif cront'"t Msitiilitu'S I iii i i ... for cixl i' ! UMiehwm mliniitiatrittmn under our form uf urcriiiiKMit. Kvery innn nuiBt leml Imiul to tho wM't-1 1 not only sliow lii own intri't in pulilu- ntTni rs. Iut stiiuu IhU tlmt of otlur. 'I'hw clumv of Hdinmif trution resta with th jtojili' ml with them nlono If they prove r-rr nut to their duty, fnil to tHke Mil intiTi'st niid I'.xjin-Hs thi'tiiwdves in -oii-ntion hiuI at tho polls pxe rMiidulHteH to l ohouen imd politico to U tiiMiiipulnted by h few. on their own shoulders reMa the burden of ininumnHt'nient and the ili-nlTeelion whirh follows , Where eery one hus partn :pateil in Biifh ii IT a i i re.sulta tire only ! rliHr'eMble to the w ill of the mil- !jority and .should they not prove j j BHtisfactory to all, the diseHti-ti d I , eleinent will at leHSt have the cmi- i , si'iuiisnesH of having performed ; their duty isithfully and in their jdefeut Buluiiit to tho will of tire ! majority. Let all come out and 'te. Let no onereinaiii at !io:i e. 'P1H duty of citi.etibhip ia ini'iim- ) ... ... 11S Hli HIll t.t 8 d B- I .charge it fn thfully. Tomorrow in the last day you ran register unless you become i qualitied Jietween i hen and the day I DONT FAIL TO lliftl 'i t." ! ilg Free JONES CARNIVAL COMPANY'S ATTRACTIONS AT LU BERTON, IM. C. M ONE WEEK BEGINNING Oct. 31st. Nov. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th, '1 This will be a week of fun and frolic in Lumber ton. There will bo Band Concerts every half hour. Six rr 68 Attractions Dai i One of these Special tt n i- i ii j . i . 9my IIirefc) ana One-nail leeL QCep Professor Louis Selzter, er, will ride a Bicycle and in mid air one hundred feet from the ground. Dutch Baker will amuse T-l T rarmer Jones. This Company carries Ten High Class Shows; Memgo-Round and Ferris Wheel. I ii the -i-4-iivii Tin- l, 'lit ill. 8 I .1 o . Iinli- w i ! U- i t I lie f n . r i ! 1 1 v t ' t li t fi I nr .' t .. i. , nr. ,:,-! .! ,.t V I I r h'.-. i t! ,1 I . h : .' i-1 1 tl- lily rn-x.ii Ii tic li,dKe W.tiBti.ll 10 tl.ltt be ,Jot t' " K001 f. r tiu'ui nti.l li-ft tluin Tiny tali - I I W i liilt I II .1 i ton k'ikk! in aiinmin wiui inriu whii li Hci'uuula for the lutil onn- I .i t .1.1 I !,. I, ! i. .ii it. .1 .. . i urn I jw iiuiu m uun.ifti-. I "J ... i Tlie ililiki'. howpver. will nut pre- . : ,u 'uvornor of North C'arolmn A Statl f:lgur Anvwher. D.-ar, kindly, Mitt Kauaom, .ratwhil Am.ricau inmialer hnrs, in th daya Imturu '.hern wn iti KinliaMy. Hh wi tho pink of cnirtmy, a real chevalier, roman tic iu i my, ulwnya Cheatorliold liu. ovon to tho point of innkinK ! the moat pohto M.'XicaiiB despair i f rivaling him. In hi aohtary ' walis Miniater RHKoin litcd the Alatnea. a d th rui'" d- la K orina. then n t tiuiit up. H Wat t ,IiCj , j jjnrn-'iun Pu.iS-'ti, volcano t,,p,, tinned with pink, a pretty girl' bright eyes, a nobl horae, and oil of Gi d'a good thing. l wa(J ft 8tat,eiv figure anywhere, and nl8 aianuera were of the fine old rioutnem achotd. He should be mado an archangel.hu had the tigurn and the dignity. H.9 Ian- ;;tir.go wsb choice atid he w as nice about verbal usug-i. To know him was to b-ve him, b r he was a man ot personal charm. Mexican If-rtild.. Tom Wat n is to follow iiryan thr 'i:gh Indiana, and will ho him ;t' . ,loAt-d I'V S.-i.attT Fair- , i:8. Indiana is playing a pretty t . tT ga me. ATTEND THE Attractions is Professor j a i - . Champion Wire Walk- walk a wire stretched you on his trauese as old ' I . 1 Street Fair T r 'i n- d V I l.j v ur ATIONERY J. :i't you? If ;. purticulair you MM 1 i ,iv" trouble m iit t nur xru-tli tlio kind you (i( t:iru como m undivo us tho pkmu urt) of ahowinp you our tin utjtfortraent of writing necessi ties. We will boplad to do this even if you do not intend to pur chase anything just now. We only want you to become ac quainted with this department of our store. W' r j. d. McMillan, DragiS?, Phone 31. Whatever The farmer need. we make a no cull v of hunilling. lt' in cur hue; it's iiui business lo krep farm aup-pb.-s uf all kinds ami wr stric U ki,) our slock frcdi uml equal to a!! demands. We f-1 1 1 1 continue aenl for the celebrated Hickory Wagons, Which for years have wen such genrial satisfaction i-i this .mil other sections, and unhesitatingly say lha' for farm and ro ut pur-ioses it is not excelkil. Besides having a supply of tlu'se on hand we have ncei.wv received a lull line of Cart and Waguu. WhctL. and Open and Top Buggies. We .hi- the or:;;i naturs of the' bu;!v business i:i t! "s ; .u;, ..mi think our pas; experience enables us o !e especial alten'.ion to all w ho purchase nl us. We can sup ply ii with Harness, Briii.es. Col lars Whin:-, fie, &c. Accept our thaiks for -oer past p.ttroi: .ige, and ;ive us a share of your future favors. Verv tru'.v ouis, 0. C. NORMENT 4 CO, FALL OF 1904. W. I. LINKHAW & CO. We have thi" wnek received our fisrt shipment of fine MuleB and Ho raoa direct troai the farms of Tennesseo. We find by experience that this class of Stock is bott-jr suited to our cmnrry than Mules shipped from the Far West. At all times during the entire season ! our Subles will he well stockud with. Mules Minted to all purposes Woari HEADii:ARTEKS for i Bnggn:9 and WuJiia. Our line is l:uurposed on anv North Car 'oliua Mi.rket. Our Purchases .or the fall trade uri v. rv hefivy Have jus" unloaded a Car of th Celebrated ir'oi.d St-1 Ax!u AUBURN WAGONS all a'.--?. Also Smaller Slnprnirot uf Hu-.k''.rv, Ib-dmcjit, fluckney ft'id ot her mi ken. BUGGIES, BUGGIES, BUGGIES ri'ric'ly first class nnd up to d:it in sl vle aii'i fin iili. Ti: muk.'n :r-;,d i;n i ; t r 'ductioii f U".-!:ie'V, Iji c ,ck, Wr- nn, and llcck II'H ar-: known to be brme the mt'P'- r'di-.bh-: mok"S ofl'errii to the t ud-:). Wo huv-' other make uf lower grad. . , Wo think we are in position ti, "Ripply your needs. No house buys cheapor and no one sells cheaper Thr nking vq for pat libera! patronns?o and bT fair tvd straight deaitns'8 hope to merit a contiu uatsco of same. W. I. LINKHAW & CO. Sept. 20, 1901. DO YOU. READ? II So the otel News Supply Yonr Wants. This enterprise so much needed in our town has just been, estab lished. From now on you can get the daily State papers, the leading Northern dailies, the best monthly magazines and periodicals, to gether with a well selected line of the moat readable and desirable new norels at our stand, Call and J Warn KA. HA. HA. . . r U .1 ' I .. I .' I r - M v i in .'.r J. ..lllr I i. Men's Youths' and Boys' Clothing. . i - . " I M"n'"Sn;! fiiin ft in Jis , t,ulh .Suil (loin ft ; f it y; U Sulla I llilli .,1 i"rn: Iii .. iru ( r v ..(. Ilwin f I c o lo fifiuo; 'i.iilll' OvriCudla fi..ni i I f 7 y. .Mrai I'AM'S In.lll SS cmli up lo f oo Voullm lnt tluni S i iruli u. , .. . Jk.) ' rii! torn :s cruU U $1 3. Shoes for Everybody. Men Shoe, from emu lo 1 5 ou r jwtr IjUe' Short from 7H ceuta to l 50 ix-i wir , Itoyi' Shoe Ifouj y ct nl to I v. ChiMrfn' Short from 15 crnta up. Bargains for the Ladies. J,a.htV kirt from so criili to y,, Inlic' Jacket from 1 1 AS to ti 1 50; Ladlca urn ln.iii v' vein lo f 50. Calico 4c uinr.jiun i- jcr ant All Come an. I m-c :hI c coiivinccil that I'r i'ea. Vmira fur Uunineas, BLACKER BROS. PIANOS-'T-COST. ' ) jnauo tiini jum oue out of hindum has left aeveral high-grade Plan, s of ditterent makea which were, on i onaiguuK nt. Thene lauc ujust tie aold iu ml '.'0 daya or retnrncd to tti lactoriea. ! Now is voor i Iihikt of a lifetime to ?et a Fine. Piano at or below i factory coat. 'A PIANO AT YOUR OWN PRICE )V 'n caa.T terms or for cash. We will ship the Piano cn frie trial at J our ex)KntK- Von take no risk. There are only eight cf theie pianoa, j some slightly uaed. fefc, fifS One 5500 GfilGkerlno npriQlit. almost flood as new, $175. t.. HKMKMI'LK. these Piaimawill he returntl to factory if not sold by N'ovcnilH-r I Write quick if yon want cue. State ptiie and terms yor. w idi tn r.iv First answers -et first clioicr. Renumber there Hre onlv H Pina'.s and their buyers will save from f i". 00 to $1,000. f n) Tics is not ;i fake sale and ia not contacted with any other adver tiser :n this pajiet. ADDRESS FACTORY AGENT, care P. O. Box 237, Fayetteville, N. O. A lot of mi in y had I n lost I y paying too much for goods. Read thes'i prices i::d eoe hjw mn:h y u havn lost. Homespun for 4i cents per yard, K-k . i to- 4 c-.it- ' i o cents per yard, Outings f r r coi.ts to lOcnts per yard, All Wool, yard wide, Vonetian Dress Goods for JJ'Jc per yard. Ladies Capes and Jackets. .( (() Jackets fcr s Uv J rickets for fj U0 .Iar:kot for ipes from 7r Clothing ! The Larst Stock of CLOTHING ever s, en in Luinbertou, aod pr 0"S t.) nut all. Look at these prices: $15 ):) Suits fi r - - - $7.r0. 10 Suits fer - - 5.00 liuvs Su.is for jj;i)s 4 to 0 v 'iirs. from t)S: up to $5.00. 5(K) Overc .,1 M est b- s .Id quick. 'Prion- $1 50 to $10. 00, 1 0!)0 11 it - i'..r ipaick soiling. Prices from 253 to $2 50, 500 Pair SIi.i). r"i!v to keen your bet. warm. MooVShocs 98. Ladies' S i; -iv !''. n;. C ii'drtn's Shoes !57c. np. ICntire, Sl"ck New Goods Vou all know that we do just ns e s ii'. C ir a ihi!o these liargaius last. SKLZ and liANIcTKR bt.(;e-.. AARON KSiMG CLOTHIER. Hi Stock! New Legal Blanks oi all Kinds For Sale at this Office. I., ... ' t ' 1 . . V ! I . k' ' I- t 1 II I llC V. ul !.f uii .j s .an I !.r y mi or. I i . lv ! .! i I. i .i Hi!', lira ii-l ! , '. i t hi S 1 1 !i 'i t i I'rl n t4i a.nl .1- U k! oll.i il.c c I.. Hi ii'i ixr van). White Humripuu 4 prr van!. our ooiltcan uot c merit lonut because our we are the leailei in m lo-ilate Good and lONty ' $." (X), 4.00. J5.00 , up to $.3 00. Clothing" ! ! up. EINSTEIN. I have just moved into the handsome new i Proctor Building, wlieie my facilities for com fortably handling my increasing trade have been greatly improved. New, fresh stock in General Merchandise Has been added and our customers' require ments can be filled. We do not overstate ihe matter when we say our store is one of the handsomest and our stock one oi the best selected in the town. Let us convince you by a trial that we can serve you to your advantage. Very truly, K. M BIGGS.

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