THE SEMI-WEEKLY KOHiSSONIAN I u,k Oil I k, II .nJl.-i 11,,. I I It Hi I' T '( ! f,iui,: . , 1 .tt, of a lliihrlor iln.,4j Wat lumd High. .. . . ' - J a ! !. tiul . s I .tut. ll r C a o W.ule if2 li.i.r I. rr I I..- ft ml M i.- 'I .1. i In I 1 l - In '!! M )? M M I M H M M M M M DO YOU WISH TO SAVE MONEY II- .SO COME TO Till Uid Reliable Hardware Store Ko,: UA:ll)WAliE OF K VlJii Y' KIND. M iHliiil'Ll; '.L'.iiU 1 1 J!-;-- . ., ' '. A .11"! i .. , 1 . .! i 4'. I ..!!!!, ! :. M::. : '' ;.. !: : ,. . '. !M- ii MM-. - i'. I I K ,S UIi -nN .sl-.H- N I ,l iiiiiLiii I'u 1 m.ii, A i'iiiii f ' !.c 11- - I , ' 1 1 ill : al 4) a o:i I it fi ! . i i.c u 1 1 1 ; n 1111 k'.N l'.MNT iALtlGH, N. c. it i ! i.' 1 tl.rr' III.. I f. . t : I t' i.. i hi III1 , III I ' M' I t 1 1 um the ii ! 1 i'-'i 1 v rilli-n trrirs !,n- ulri mi I'" nn dm. Tlif 1'itu-kiM miii thfit ci.jht linn- (irt'il i,,Mi llllli - llHM' U't'U hoM i" well, ill oil tll(H terms this full if ur8 (lie waiver in tlii t, miner f tlu homestead ereinpt- loiie (li)' not amount to anything liut moat "f tlio purchasers are itf imrant ix-oiile who when con fronts! with the iron-olail run tract they have ainwl are f riht nctl into making moat any kind of an agreement in order to save wiiHt land and erBonal projierty they have acquired. The people should lw careful how they sin contracts of this sort. They should know what they are doing when tliey put their names to papers promising to pay money, esiecial Iy at the solicitation of strangers. They may rest assured that these raveling agents are not going about the country seeking them Hud offering them bargains for their lenerit. If these agents can not make a profit and a big one out of the purchasers tbey woald not be hunting them up as pur chasers. It is one of those schemes for getting something for nothing r a great dea1 for n very litt e which are so often offered to the jH'ople and in which the party making the offer comes out at the big end of the horn and tho other finds he has been swindled when lie thought he wns making a good bargain. Wil. Messenger. The .New York City Vote. Tho vctc in Now York City wil be a tremendous one. The regis tration amounts to 0SS.775 citi zen?. Bv wav of comparison. The Kyeaiug Sun says that this regis l.ation is crreater than thu vote cast for President in H00 in sm other State in the I'uiuu except Illinois. Ohio and Pnuu8ylvania Toe paper from which wp qu te rf gards Iudiaua, Iowa, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minne sota, Missouri, Texas and Wiscon sin as great Commonwealths, but iu each of thm there were fewer ballots cast in 15)00 than there are voter on the registration lists iu New York city to-day. The States of Alabama, Arkan sas, Florida, Goorgia, Louisiana, Mississippi and South Carolina combined cast 087,001 vi.tes in l'JOO, or 1,114 less than would be cast if every registered voter in N.w York City wera to go to the polls on election dav, l'J04 But, of course, there will be absentees for on ca,use or auother buHinoss, pleasure, sickness or death. Esti mating the percentage of absen teeism at 10 per cent, the total vote would till bd ti20 0J0 in round numbers. Charlotte Oi -eewrer. . - in u i r ' !i . . , .. . i ,i -.i . -. t It t (! i.iirenci'ii vl l-!i' - i : a v : 1 1 u 1 1 I It" v. u,! 'i I ' !i l'I 1 1 . . r hand I'-t' r nb m nuirru d t. veil and to wait! t u l attor L ' Mat. i f ( '! it v of, 1 oVi M. i: I WOtl MK Tfl At UK A NiMioIImiii cbrlln Heated Mr. Arthor Chinmu w ritinK from Ior.n, Ntl. South Africa, ny; "A m proof ttit Chamtwrlniu'i (oj(h Kedmedy ta cnrf iultble for old aod youtiK. I lD yu "16 'olIowinK: A nlK-liloro of mine had child joit ovf r two monthi old. It had very had coodh nd the jwreiita did not know what to r1t it. I uRKttl that If thfy would net a ottle of Catnberlalne'a t'ongh Hemlv and pot aome upon the dummy teat the baby was molting it would no doubt cure the child. I hli they did and brought about a quick relief and cured the baby.'' This remedy ia for sale by Dr. II, T. Pope & Co . Dr. R. O. Rozier. Would Work a Hardship. The eminent investigators were bout tod isouver the microbe of crime. "D m' do that, gentlemen, for heaven's sike!" imtautly ex claimed the great army of detec tives, policemen, wardens, jBilers, turnkeys, aud criminal lawyers. "What will we do for u living'" Kxchange. One Box Fucd Kim. " Shopton, N. 0. "I have had kid ney trouble for the last four years, and got no relief until I tried Dr. King's Blood nd Liver Pills, and one box entirely cored me. FRANKLIN WATT. " The President of Charlotte Hard ware Co. Kays: ''I ronsider Dr. King's Blood and Liver Pill the very best I ever uotd." Dr. King's al wayn cure. Sold at 2oo. by Dr. H. T. Pope & Co. I.U( ar- 'ullUtT Prank .I Cl.ri.ry make oat I t'at he ii aenlor parttit-r nt t tie flun I K J Chdiiry V Co . doing tio-iin- Iu tlie City if Tolfdo. t'oontv aud Sttr aformald, aud that aald tlrni will Iny the aum of ONK HUNDRED !! LARS for each and every can of Ca tarrti that connot te ( urd ly the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J CHENKV. Sworn to before me nd autisrrihfd in my presence, thi 0th day of Dec remler. A D 1SSH, A. V. O LEA SON. (Seal) Notary Public Hall a CnUrrh Odre la Ukeu lu ternallv. ajid acta directly on the ' blood and mucous Surface of the y tern. Send for testimonials freo F. J. CHENEY A Co., Toledo. Sold by all Druggist, 75c. Take Hall'aamily Pill for ron tlpation. MONUMENTS TABLETS IRON FENCES Wrilt- fc r tic t'tlj;. Wt PA TH FREIGHT COOPER BROS PROPR'S. II Starts With a Cough. WHAT? At the Reception. Ox-eye Daiy Yoa don't recog nize me, do yon? Chrysanthemum, nodding gra cioasly Why, , of course, we belong to the same family. Von i . are one of my country couk u- ! I termination by vSLlUg Exchange. YOU KNOW. Prevent the probable See Our Non-Rust Tinware! If it rmts vc will another piece. Come in am) ci- ttnncur tK-autiful SII.VKK-UNKD N1CKHL TA11I.H UAKK, hlc A);eiit for ANCHOR HRAND I.1MF. We buy in Car lyota. Pay Cash and Sell Cheap. Oct our pricea t-(of e tuyiug. We are in posiliou to aav you money Thanking you for pait patronage, we are Yeurs for huiineaa, .McCORMIC & ROGERS, ROWLAND, NORTH CAROLINA 'TTZZZXXffi !!!! zxzr xxrxrfll HYATT'S STUDIO Photographs, Landscapes, MuM and Kodai Finishing. ;a!I work done In Arlilo Platlno and PlaUnnm. OVER POPE'S NEW DRUG STORE, LUIBERTOI, I.C W. (). rii'impsu:i huys all iluce ami pays Inchest prices. PIANOS AND ORGANS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. . Seeking Trouble And Finding it. Cirirmanv''? "little war"wiih t I i -natives in Southwest. Africa to i tiuues, a; ! p- " t' r- ' - Knew of her Father At a rec-'ptiuu t Btr Harbor tl otlw VMituig I'i r Mis A'ice R osevplt ti voting niHii h n.tro dncod t her. l;i tile einb riass rjj int f hnving souiethmu in eay sti. m inrf'vi . "Mi-- R'-.-aeveli i! I'm V -TV h ;piv ri ni-'ef von I hvti o n h ari t vnir fathfr." New Y ik T . mc. l.oit Their (jrip. S. T. Johnson thonght himself a K'ner when Grippe took hold if him lest fall. A 2c. bottle of Dr. Knit's ild Cherry and Tar made it turn loose. Dr. King's Wild Cherry aud Tar is a grat LaGrippe Mcnicino, and B' cms to Core all who take it FOKT MILL MFG CO Fort Mill' S. C. Testis good, and hold by Dr. II. T. Pope & Vo. A. D.JONES & CO. Greensboro, N. C. Southern Factory j 'Dis tributors for the World Famous KIMBALL POPE'S Syrup oi White Pine and Tar. Price 25c per bottle. Dr. H. T. POPE & CO. Yre loan you money to buy them. .'e give free trials. 'e pay the freight. save you 5 per cent. We add nothing to the principal when sold on Easy Payments. t'JarWrite for our latest Piano and Organ Catalogue, and for full particular?. A. D. JONES & COMPANY, -208 South Elm Street. GREENSBORO, - N. C MACHINERY izsini EQcnaxn a vusltl tStl j UU MAT BMNica, aoiLcna, aiNHina maomim kav, aw miu. ano wooowoaaiM atAOMMf ar, hmols and lath MACHINERY, COAN MILLa, aaiOK MAKIHO MACHIN (RT, KIMDAIO LINCa CEDES MACHINERY COMPANY, Cohmbla, S. C. The Chesapeake & Ohio Railway WORLD'S FAIR SCENIC ROUTE TO SAINT LOUIS. SHORTEST, QUICKEST aDd BEST ROUTE. Vestibnled, Eieo trio Light' d Trains with Pullman Sleepers and Dining Cars. Through tickets from North Carolina with direct connections. Special Rates for Season, Sixty or Fifteen Day Tickets. Fifteen Day Tickets from Lumberton, N. C, $20 25. Sleeping Car accommodations engaged upon application. Special Coach Excursions On" authorized dates, tickets good tor ten day, at rate of $20.40. Correspondingly low rates from other stations. Speoial accommoda tions arranged for parties. Stop-overs permitted within limit at 0. & O. celebrated mountain resorts. Use the C. & O. Route aDd par chase your tiakets accordingly. For coach excursion dates, reaerva tiooB and other information, addrens W. O. WARTHEN, D. P. A., C. & O. R'y. Richmond, Va. One Minute Please! "i BANK OF ROWLAND. ROWLAND, N. G. 8-ri'.'ti i . v. t ) t j i fe .-' i it u . ,; C h.i I -' i tbd' Pa'. I..' f r,' u'i.r. Miss K. I. HROADVI 'lil.I., Toi.aks- : VII.i.k, N. C says : Illiss Native fUrlis . has Ixien nsd in our home fur the last year, nml lia pr'v-n to l the l ist mi di- ; cini- for I.ivi r CoiiMlaiut. etc.. that we ever used. It lias i-un-d me of liili;e-s-tion, ami I think it ill (e a tIisiiigto .in v one w I'., w ill t r v ii for -i v !:!.-. ' fatnily il.n tir ;tys in the hoti: :. Its !i.X'i"' :uil c-im s Lou -tipnt'on, , ;:... KifliK-y and l'.i"i.T Tniul 'It-. Skin i );s.. .:m , kiu uirui i i - ra n ;i cl AB(-X r,r BLISS NATIVE HERBS. It l- '!ii'. iy o mii:- We are Pushing Paint Strongest in the World, THE Epitabs Life, OF NEW YORK. -im Outstanding Assurance. $1,179,276,725 00 Assets . 331,039,720 34 Lia'i'Ji'i;.- 259.9'0,67.S 2f S't'pl'IS 71.119,042,06 '..1; ' c;.sh a n.entv gtvi:i tc jviicy lit- .t"; . L-iiinr. iail in full at.l n 011 re. Sunniest, Sat'est. Best . t.'iost rr!-:;): ;:v::.:.' c v .,..:; . Do?s a General Banking Business. Lends Money on approved security. Pays Interest on Time Deposits. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE 6. L. PAGE, ftgeni. painting season T! nana and wc are ready t supply 01r needs will D.Scr i mi aa t 1 d iir.iiim.ii.i:. . t) i - v.n i. (iiT; ri 1 1 j e ri r- ;:-d to ' Can lo :n?i-er f"r p'jtati. i u. Ex 200 DOSES $1.00 ik lat i.isCe V n r - u . Have you seen V. O. Thotnps n's line o, O.'tss Gi....s' He will save you money. cral 1") -on ,:v- paid iu Ta!iu-t an.l l'owlc-f fn:;n. S.-Kl in One Dollar Ivixl-s with a (iuaranUf to cure or niotic' l..Kk. ( ra.r 32 pape Almanac telling ln'v i- trcajt diM.i.e sent on. rti;iK -t. n n t' " . M I Mf.IICINr T'Ti.V RV D.J. HUMPHREY. Agt. Tolarsville. N. C. THE. ALONZO O. BLISS CO.. WASHINGTON. 0. C. The Sherwin-Williams Paints Let us -figure on the paint for your house. S.W.P.v'M proe the best and jnost economical paint vou can buy. rull color cards for the aslng. SOLD BY G. Rozier, Lumber tc:: 'itORo...-. 4 , ClUSRAK- 1 j ' f v" . 'f . " The K EE LEY INSTITUTE, GREENSBORO, N. C. -AH ou:iai Ten N iggets .'. .ius7 MjJiMai for Eu.j P.-apte. 0.:.:on l.a'-i - ' H.vti Vim. . li.ti. 31 Ion. Live - V ' vmiin. Impure Hen-pis. Hradaahe 'unir.ia Tea in tN . i ., C in.'l'p" - .', 1 . . . 1 i l brrtftih. flu. . ' 'r- ii o t ' ; auio? made by T v-t r- i-,ii-,-i. wis. OUR" ILLUSTRATED HAND BOOK CUT THIS OUT TODAY-MAIL IT TO BOX 166, GREENSBORO, N. C. Please stn 1 me your Illustrated Hand Book So. 16. Name Address -

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