THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. a TllK GREAT WORLD'S Weak FAIRiHearts AT ST. LOUIS. I brought wltiuo T leacJi by lb" k fa lea offered by the ATLANTIC COAST LINE i A du to if.d.ujn Nutety-tJn of evary , ! hiutdrej fvfie wrw he rn( trout (cn iaiiemter atxa II aaa almpJe Ind fea- 1 I on. i WMOlilu: fail thai ! ce0f I Head 1imj. iwl u a inc. are rwl l a-eable to. tul aie Ih llel rctull jf Uwli- ' faallou. Ail lood Into I ha lml A Wdmi Hi riikioi I Marries! lae Pea I ni tty plliwingfl"s "it t arc -unla I Tk. !,.... ...... i oi.n f.i.nn.K m.i.ii..,. j lh- Chr, ()(r.. , 'Chariot!- in 'rii.'-l i' It). S I ... patch, t i foil . a.; u! !rutn lliB Ultrf ,' Lll 1..M-I. tol ail tii read ttitti inti 'ni hr : ..f A ANSTOKV lirakient. C J I IK'ihM. Caaa.e K It. WM.t tAMV)N. JCHS KI.UOT ja.l lie 'Tea I which fails ot perfect diratitoA ferment and aval. ihe somaca. pulfir.f II Lp afalnal the Seaaon, Siaty Day tod Fifteen Tick eta now oa sale. Pot rates and other inforuialkoB call oa or write O. M.EMKRSON. Traffic Manager. W. J. CRAIG. Gec'l Tim. Agt. WILIalNGTO.t, N. C. TO THOSE IN NEED OF Fine Watch, Clock, Spectacle and Jewelry repairing are aaked to call on W. L. Sit kipp ke. 1 McLeod BuUdinf (say oo will eaow i. ThJ iMerfaraa with the action of the ham. 44 d In It cotria of time ih deUcale but vttaJ organ Womti diMajed. Mr D rtaaato. at Htnit O . atonatS sxMaia a4 m la WJ atata I a mm H I hjua Idea By H'iu C K m mt tmi a 1W4 w. Ko4d Mswati WVat You Lai and rebeva tha of aJI aerveaa atraln and tha fcM or all jm a uCUaeaalr II M ik aataK IS a. K KM. SVeearee- at S. Ok OaWiTT tH, Fk aale bjr Dr. Jl T. Pope Co. tb ator of Mr. f. C Blake, la tbt yoa wher it k) AH work naranUd for a rear or no bm7 aaked. Tova to pleaaa, bijx sximx. Laun barton. N. C. Jalr 14. iwi. L Lk66tf. i.A autlll. rraaldaat. aa. ai rraaa. H. 0. rATl. Al. PALfJOTO fJARBli COUPANT, DILLON, & C. Prices ud Deslu TuiislU a Fk::i 19. 4L Tbi Or flti of tka H abiBto Family iitorgis WsthinKtou born in Virginia na efery youiiK Aiuer- i. an knows ilia father and grand, fathwr.werw Virviniana too. the "Sunday School Advocate reminds ua hut his ureatgrandfather. whorw naijiti was .ohn. was horn Knlmny and sniltxl over the ik8d to N'irginia about the year 1 ';!, to HOek his fortune in the New World. There had been a time, a century before John crossed the ocean when tbe English Wash- logtons had been wealthy. King Henry VIII had glren them a fine Urge eetate, called Sulgrare, in the county of NortbsroptOD, and "A faati unal'i v drai'd otiian a Oi0it)iir u(i briB) bant Sc t laud couiity fainilr oho rau)-aiii Laun jtuij(, wai arrrilnJ by tbn pohev to-dav on a co(C t h p liltiiig which ib admittrd. A gold watch, ackak, lac-. nl bous aud otbar valoab!) articlea era recoTerml froi the youiTt; woman. "Charlotte poopla whom she is visiting dclrt she is a kleptoma- uiac aud this claim her friends soslaiu. The tuuuk woman was detained at tbe police statiou all day u tbe custody of a policeman and latfl this afternoon was re leased on bond pending a hearing to-inorrow afteruoou. Her friends have retained counsel and au ef fort will be mads to squelch tbe affair. Tbe f iihr of thn youug lady ii summoned by telegraph and arrived hre to-uigbt. Cireat sympathy is xpresed here for both tbe yoaug woaaau and her family. Wilmington Dispatch. THE NATIONAL BANK, FAYETTSVILLE. N. C. ii"' nrai marnatf in tr,.i ttiti.irv l)r.f,. ne nrrrtt rhi a ( t r . ui'fii, r.iln K-Ilt, a V'1" t whilri woman ui .Mudfn coor tr. f" at uuuii c u Uird a yaar'a Jrai A Marley, of L.Urty, UlipitAl HtOCK .... iug tb contracting pa'rti.a Mr. f Additional Responsibility o! SlodiclCffa bad wntian b wuold mt br in I Surplus in Gold - ioe pnaou ana marrr D-r immn diatwly. Tha (flieiala at sauted . i i, . . . jninco u iiiriK, a Meiican war veteran. Derformed the cere monv. l be woman a conduct bad ... j j , uru bo go(a uoruig nr term aa to be praised by the fticials. Her ctfejst) was mainly dne to igno rance she bad no money and no attorn- y. Cauaa aod Effect. I wonder what it is," said tbe family man, "that maket land lords and janitors dislike to have small children m (lata?" "The small children, I goai,'' replied the savage bachelor. Ki-change $ 50,000.00 50.Q00.00 10,000.00 $ 1 1 0,000.00 The rule that 'The President or Cashier can not become indebted to this bank," notifies the public that this institution will not be run for the benefit of the officers. Farmers wishing to hold their cotton can tret money from us at 6 per cent Yours to call on, C. J. COOPER, Cashier. MADE TO MEASURE V GARMENTS FOR GENTLEUEN AT LOWEST PRICES Tbe Larxwet Aavortmeat of Samptaa JOHN D. MCALLISTER WHAT IS ASBESTOS ? IT IS ONB of the greatest beat resisting an balance knows, it la aJao one of tne awbstances in Rnchter'a Durable Paint, which prevents it from naklng or bliatcnng and malcea it the beat paint on the market. Aak vonr painter. Tne McAJ 'later Hardware Co. BERKSHIRE HOGS Quick growers. Easily going 100 lbs. at aix months, and 500 at one year. The aowa very prolific, and the best of moth ers. They are Dish-faced Mortgage Lift era, or, aa the Irish say, the "Gintlemen that pay the rint." Their breeding ia of the bert to be found in the world. JOHN CALHOUN CLIO S. C Land Sale. I OFFER FOR IMMEDIATE SALE, for cash or on easy terms, a tract of land in St. Paul's Township, Robeson County, known aa the "McNair" land, belonging to the University of North Carolina, con taining joojo acres, more or leaa. Tbe tract is situated about four-miles from the Atlantic Coast Line -Railroad, and about three miles from St. Paula, and a good part at it is excellent farming land, while tbe balance ia timbered with leaf and abort-leaf pine, oak, cypress, poplar and other native woods. For further information, ma to location of tbe lands, call on W. B. Burns, Esq., St. Pauls, N. C, and for further informa tion aa to price and terms, call on A. W. McLean, Em., Attorney at Law, Lum berton. N. C. sept 15 in the little old stone church the pariah tbe curious American traveler may still see tbe brass tablet over tbe tomb of Iiamrenoe Washington, bis wife and eleven children. Those ware proeperoui days, but hard times oame and they lost their fine eatata and had to move to a smaller plaoa in Brington, fifteen as ilea away. Here ia another parish church in which more Washington are burled. On tha tombstone of one of them ia put his ooat of arms, the faot that it has atars in it and stripes across it has led some people to suppose that the idea of tbe Amerioan flag was taken from the family coat of arms of the Washingtons. It is interesting to know that the En glish Washingtona got into trou ble because they were loyal to the king in tbe great civil war. In fact, that is why John Washing ton came to America, with many other "Royalists" who found it unpleasant f r them in the old oountry after King Charles had his head cut off. Strange, is it not, that a great-grand son of his who was named Gorge, after the king, should be tbe man to lead his countrymen in driving King George 'a troops out of the land? Tne Morning Star. Myriads of Frog a Stall a Big Train. Spokane, Wash., Oct. 24. Ac cording to veracious officials of the Omaha, it required 287 pounds of aand on the tracks to ran a heavy freight into Lake Crystal, on ac count of the slippery life blood of of myriads of frogs which were orusbed under the drivers of two locomotives attaobed to the train. Where the frogs oame from was a mystery, bat the offioials say that the first effort to get a train throagh Saturday night was a failure, because the rails ware so slippery the big drivers would simply whirl around, while the engine ooagbed and spluttered. Only Make a Baa Matter warae. Perhaps you tiave swrer thought of It bat the fact a art fee apparel to ev ery one that cotMtipratton is oaoeed by a laok of water in the system, nd the use of drastic cathartic like tbe old fashioned pills only asukes a hml mat ter worse. Chamberlain's Stomach aid Liver TsAteta are muoh more mild and gentle ia their effect, and when the proper deee is takes their action is so natural that one cum hardly realise it ia tbe 'effect of a medicine. Try- 25 cent bottle of them. For sale y Dr. H. T. Pope Jb Co., Dr. B. O. ftozler. Fever at tbe Orphanage. Just before going to press Tues aay aiiernoou tne fever situation s reported to us sf follows: There are now sixtceu cases in the infir mary. One new case was sent in to-day. Five patients were re moved as convalescent. On -the whole, there is considerable im provement siuce our last report. The cool weather will aid materi ally in checking the disease. The patients are doing as well as could be expected under the circumstan ces. Faithful nurses aud watchful physicians are doing everything possible for tneir comfort. Ex. SEABOARD Air Line Railway Mitti lei York, Ttmpi tad PolaU Soitl ud Test. f aJTXXXX IIIXXXIIIIIIIXIITtTT T W T WWW gTS I I Parker - Gardner 60. m xttbct JAMiuar ma. iss. SOUTHWARD f . Tn.b a a I. rfcilaaWlaaJa, P. K. B. Lv. BaJUaaora. T. B, . Lt. Waairoa. w. a a.s. Lt. aiaaavoaA. i.i.L j. ratafsawrg , Lit. woruaa. tr. Baaaaraoa, t. EaiaUh. " Lt. SowUara Itaae, " Lt. Haalat. - Lt. Oelajaala, J A aMaaW M At. Jaaksoarlha, " Ar.Taaita. Lt. w Tark. I.T.r.SM. Lt yailaaalBSIa, " Lt. Vaw ToriToTb. a. S. Oe. Lt. BaJUaaora. B. S. P. Oo. Lt. Waah'tan.M. A W. a B. Lt. PartamoaU.S. A.L.Bj LT.Weldon. Lt. Morllna, - Lt. Hcndaraoa, Lt. Balelgn, Lt. Southern Piaea, M Lt. Hamlet, " LT.WllmiBftoa, " Ar. Charlotte, Lt. Cheater, " Lt. (ireenwood Lt. Athena, " Ar.AtlaoU, t " Ar. Aaguata, C. A W. C. Ar MaeoB.C. of Oa. Ar. atontcoB'rr, A. AW. P. Ar. Mobile. L. AN. Ar. New Orleans, L. A N. Ar. NashTllle, N. C. A 8t. L. Ar. Memphis, " Mw. It 11 as at I MtB f HlB U B)B II as a aa 1 itta S ssaai S HlB a so T SSam s Ma I Mia T seaai lata Me. SS. -rT Mas U III B fsospai Iaily U IS aw f Ssaaj S Saw lsataw lUa s as a IUIB t i a at T B1 S ssaaj ltMlB 1 worn at f aw S ssaai IHib Mo. Il IB a osb SOam IS 13 a 1 Mam S Mam 4 111 B 5 SO a m T SSam 10 OS am 10 SO a m IS SS a m S SOpm S SS p m S 90 p m T wpm 1 pn 3 Ma m T IS a m S Ma m I tfpn ttaMaai S SSaai .1 HlB I 44 BBS s is pat a 00 p S IS D 10 40 pm a is p BO 10 44 p m IHIB S 6Saai 5 Mam 6 so a a 11 10 a S aspa FURNITURE CARPETS CURTAINS You can search tbe land and you won't find better bar gains or more attrcctive goods thau we offar. We guar tee to save yoo money. PIANOS AND ORGANS At this store you caa bey tbe very beat made on earth. Iaro mesta of Artistic Character aad World-Wide rrpaUtioae. Our Pwejne and Orxaoa are the kind tlat you lad ia tbe artistic maaicaj boeaea ell over tbe world No srnaetJouaJ metbia. No falac dauna. No promiaea an filled. Tbeee are ear metboda. Ia our Paraiture aad bfaaie departmeala we abow more tbasi dowblc the stock of any other dealer ia tbe State. Write aa for catafefwes. PAEKBR - GARDNER CO. LARGEST DEALERS IN THE 8TATB. CHARLOTTE, N. C S 66 p a S 46 pa NORTHWARD. -r CAPITAL STOCK t30.000.00 We riTC the world's best snd moat saodesa IMslaees taacauea. our ionejea are KlBf ' meana Tltorougb i,n everythins; per- Positions guaranteeU, bacaea the moat helcful acboola in America taining to Buaineaa Edncatiea. Railroad fare paid : AA -.a-.a ur wmuch wuuav.1, NO VACATION. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION. ENTER ANYTIME. Write for onr College Journal snd offers they will point you to the road thAt leads to success. Addkbss King's Business College, Ralsich, N. C, or Charlotte, N. C. t;t an eighi-day clock from W. Thompson for $1.98 guaranteed. O. A Heavy Load. To lift that load off of the stomach take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It 4i gesta what yon eat. Sour stomach, belching, gas on etomaoh and all dis orders of tbe stomach that are curable. are instantly relieved and permanent- cored by tbe nse of Kodol Dyspepsia Oure. 8. P. Storrs. a drnsKistat 27 Main staeet, Kew Britain Oonn. says: &oaol Dwspepsia Cure is ativisiK such unirersai satisfaction and is so surely becoming tbe positive relief and sub sequent ue for this distressing ail ment, I feel that I am always ure to satisfy and gratify my customers by recommending it to them. I write to ahow bow well the remedy is spoken of here.7 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Was discovered after years of scientific experimefitsand wi!3 positive ly core all stomach troubles. Sold by Dr. H- T. Pope A Co. Lt. Memphis, N.C. A St.L. 1 r .. U . ...... Lt. New Orleans, L. A N. Lt. Mobile, L. A N. Lt. Mod tftom'ry, A. A W. P Lt. Maoon, C. of Oa. Lt. Auirnata, C. A W. C. Lt. Atlanta, t 8. A. L. By. Ar. Athens, " Ar. Greenwood, " Ar. Chester, " Lt. Charlotte, Lt. Wilmington Lt. Hamlet, " Lt. Southern Pines, " Lt. Raleigh, Lt. Henderson, " Lt. Norhna, " Lt. Weldon, ' Ar. Portsmouth, " Ar. Wash'ton.N. A W. 8.B. Ar. Baltimore, B. 8. P. Co. Ar. New York.O. D. 8. 8 Co jas aw v w a ui aa. vr. As o & vv Ar. PhladJphU,N.Y.PkN Ar. New Yon L. By. Lt. Tampa, 8. A Lt. Jacksonville, lt. baTanaan, Lt. Columbia. 4 Lt. Hamlet, ' Lt. Southern Plnea, " Lt. Raleiaii. " Lt. Henderson, " Lt. Norllna. S.A.L.Et. Lt. Peterabttrr, " Ar. Richmond, A. Washlnston.W. 8. R. R. Ar. Baltimore, . B. B. Ar. Philadelphia, " or. DallT No. S3. H4finoon S 80 p m 8 IS p m 13 40 a m 6 66 a m 8 00 a m 10 10 a m UOOnoon 3 67 p m 6 16 p m 7 17 pm 7 36pm B 10pm 10 80 p jn 11 16 pm 1 20111 3 48 a m 8 So a m 6 06 a m 7 SOam lliy No. SS H OOpB SOa ir 1 OOpa 4 30pm 8 00 p u 11 28 p D" 1HIE 4 00a m I 5 01 a id Ar. New Yc -r6 46pm s 10 pro No. 60 00pm b o a a 1 16 p a 6 86 p m M) ao pm 11 18 pm 1 aa am 3 68a m S 40am 6 40 a m 6 86 a m 10 10 am 11 SC-am 1 88 p m 4 Upm 7 so a a 8 so a m 10 CO a a 13 S7 p a 1 to p a 8 00 p a 6 SO p a 6 66am H SO a a te OOpa a wa a S 00 a a No. 68 8 60a a 7 60PB 13 10 p a a aoa a 8 60a a 86a a 11 86 a id 1 00 p a 1 CO pa 4 02 p 4 66 p m 8 86 p m 11 36 pa 9 sea m S 80 a m A CONVENIENCE FOR THE FARMERS. The Lumberton Cotton Oil Hill Ginnery Is in operation. J. H. GATT18, Traveling Piaenger Agent. . A. DOZIER, Agent, Lumberton. N. O Note. -tDally Bzoept Sunday, t Central Time, i Bastern Time. Let us gin yonr Cotton, sell ycm Bagging and Ties, and boy your Seed, for which we will give the high est prices either in money or exchange forJOotrOax Seed Meal or Hulls. Prompt attention. Satiifst guaranteed. LUMBERTON COTTON OIL AND GINNING COMPANY. K. M. BIGGS, Sec. and Trcas. CiAL TION. uur preeent circumstances aa merchants lead us to oeiieve that we can meet the demands, desires and expectations of the trading public to a greater degree than we have done in the past Our Goods at the present is greater than we have ever carried. We had to provide more room, so we have just completed another store, adjoining the ones heretofore occupied by us, which gives us four Stores, and, inf addition to these Stores, we have three Warehouses. All of these buildings ara now filled with goods of almost an endless variety, and in order to afford an onnorinrntv fn, of this large stock, we have set one week in October as a SPECIAL EXHIBITION WEEK. ppuriunuy ror an We Call the attention of tbe Public to an extraordinary event, in whinri nil emm riKini ,n nrtnafv fool nnrl m An if not an interest Th forrVi onf an K,'o a.aa 1 1 -j- ..... uaiucm auu viu"F""j ul wiuiuuxmjf ii -wiioi iiBwjuen a oomoiuniiy in more oe contriDtiteB 10 ineee ue&irauie conuiuons. uur aim ana enons since January, lStH, to the present (90 vears have been to render the very best service to our customers. We believe we have added to the comfort of many, to the happiness of many more, and to the prosperity of a &reat multitnrl ' " Uur present circumatanoes as merchants lead us to believe that we can meet the demands, desires and expectations of the trading public to a greater degree than we have done in the past Our Stock of a block ef inspection .Beginning on Monday, October 24tb, we shall keep "open house'" to all visitors. All can come feeling perfect freedom to visit all our various departments, examine any and every article set anv informa tiqn desired that we oan give, without feeling under any obligations to make any purchases. We shall have an extra force of employees whose duty it will be to wait on all callers without effort to sell coods We ask a lartre attendance of all Who WOuld like to be Well DOatad AA fn tha Ifoi-nhanHi'aa nnn, btA ir tUia town fnr tha arwinl nnrnnan rif nfTnrriinrT i-on'aiu frnm t -.1. . . . 7' . v . , , p mq, , . 7 , , -1 fe --""'j uiaso selections. tow, as tnis is to be a special opening of our large Fall Stock, no such occasion has been presented or will be repeated, We deaire to impress the I fact that we hav made unusual preparation for this event. There will be special display of goods in every department Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery Clothin? Shoes ParrtB Housefurnishings, Furniture, Giooeries, etc. e v,urpei8, Please remember the dates: October 24th, 26tb, 26th. 27th, 28th and 29th, This will be an opportunity which we can not afford to repeat in the details and arrangements employed on these dates. " We promise a pleasant occasion to all visitors. CALDWELL & CARLYLE, Lumberton, N. C.

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