THE 8 EMI-WEEKLY KOBESONIAN. 0 A MATTER OF HEALTH PQUDEB Absolutely Pure IIAS I!0 SUBSTITUTE kMplai 5wft( Potstoes Ahout eeventT Dr cut. of tie weight of a twet potato it a w tt liquid A larR per ceut. of that moistura muit rvaporata through its coating or the tub,r aill tot. As the water HvapraW?s when the potato! touch each otrinr, it can ses a softeuiug ot the skju aod tUM4 k ric tW4 A nnruil froui Mait i. ' ' h Nowt O.orvor A' .' Station, tu unlri lr -m h-i- 'ho pvjll.l III" I H 1 1 ST lltrt.l t wtjit-hit n.ilt;iiti"ti y 'If rrp rt .f an attempted . uira ' au u.ikntti imsfo up. n the dug lr of Mr S.ruiu Siuartl, a highly f.-jcld ciln :. of thst c iincuuiiilf Details ff lh affair aro mesgsr. Ilaunf. however, lat'"'the"iejro had r ftiofed a stealthy eutrauca into Mm Stuart home aud concealed himself o ti Jm tb td in thrt y- uug girl's charooer. Her father having oc casion to enter the room, found, the door locked. The negro had probably locked it on hearing and rocogoiiiug a miu'i footfall. Mr Stnartt's had not. it appears, gone t her room. The father finding the door thus locked entered the room. pru- mablr through th window, and t g'i an investigation. Tht re sult wn the discovery of th :w-r- lieneath the bed The latter, seeing that lurthwr concealment wat impossible, scrambled to his f-ef, broke from the father's de- When In Fayetteville to the CUMBERLAND CAFE for your MEALB " and LUNCHES. Our Motto is Good 8er vice POLITE AT TENTION, MdNgIH 5akeru Go., PROPRIETORS, 107 Highamith Building. W. J. PREVATT. 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. a. MUa. A. W J. a. thea wet rot sets id. Do not store liDioJJ eateh td fl. sweet potatoes id a cellar unless i be a dry basement above ground Swe,t potatoes should be placed in dry room for threw week! be for thsr are Dot awar to be kept otsr winter. After they bar indergoDe a sweat thsy can ba eaaily kept lound by plao- mi tbem to an upper room aod covered so he"--,ten:pertuT will sot lover than 88 degree. Tbey my be towered with cotton eeed holla, dry, ooaree Mod or pine straw. If plaoed in barrels or ftoxee and pot op in the garret or I 3l3oeo, wnare smoxe win ascend, the toberi will remain sonud, and is the epriog will be eweetand de liciona. Red ham gravy and baked aweel potatoes ere more pal' atablrthan- pound cake. South" era Agriculturist. Compelled to Vote fer Roosevelt In the November of Everybody'! Magazine, in his article on "Fren tied Finance," Thomas W. Law on says : ''It it an indignity that any free American abould be compelled ti vote for a man for the PreeideDCv of the United States who wot I 10 any way countenance so bad a man aa Addicke ;and I would ad mit that if this were an ordinary national election I mean by 'or dinary' an election where both the lesdi jg parties stood as th y usu ally do, for honeat Americanism bot of d ffrent brand Theodore xtooseveh abould be defeated for this one act alone." Mr. Stuartt at once aroused the community. Squads ot men were hurriedly formed and scattered to scour the countryside. Blood hounds were sent for aod are now on their way from here. If the negro is captured, hie fate at the haoda of the deeply in oeoaed. cj.tiiensppw beating the ccoDtry in search of him, saay be easily guessed. MlUtl MaCoralek. IcLEAI, IcLEil a IcCOBllCI, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, T nUBKBTON N i. Temporarily I,ocalrd iu Shaw Builtfing. Ovrr l'uatoflice. Prompt attention given to all busin T ALLK. V. U. CASTUlllV Drs. Allen & Castlebury, Dentists, LUMBERTON, N. C. Ofice OTtr Dr. McMilUn's Drag Store Pbone-Office. Ai I Reidece, 94- IUi Jl Rrrrlvr.1 the Iryrvt ami Most Cixiitlctr I J or of Spring and Summer P.nnik KVKR BROLT.HTTO TMI.S MAkKF.T Naiaaook, l)r(aoite. Imlta Linen. Taffrts Silk, Fancy While CocmU. Cbauiijj"('. Jilk IXU, all Percale Cbatnbraj, Sattfena, Drraa Unens. Uwni, Duck. Ktc. Ktc. C. H. LENNON. D.D.S., DENTIST, Rowtjuid, N. 0 DR. J. D. REGAN, DENTIST-. LDainxoRi N. 0. Office in Shaw bwfldiaf, orer Pope's drag store. Dr. F. H. PITMAN, DENTIST, ABMMLC. rim C. J. J. FREESLAND, Jeweler and Optician, Rowland, N. O. MalvTTBi. a- e. lawiici Mclntyre & Lawrence, Firrt-clasi Harness work dene to 6tay oone oy a man uat knows tbe busines at Wewster's Tin Shop. I suffered for a long time with a bad is of Catarrh, and took a great deal oi medicine without any benefit I had a continual headache, my cheeks had grown purple, my noae was always topped up, my breath had a sickening and disgusting oaor, and I coughed incessantly I heard of your S. S. S. and wrote tou. wnumencra 10 use ix, ana alter taking CTcru Domes i was cured and nave never since had the slightest symptom of mc disease. miss MARY L,. STORM. Cor. & Felix Sts., St. Joseph, Mo. Wheeling, W. Vs., May a, 1903. 1 had Nasal Catarrh for years for which I used S. S. S. with very gratifying result. I tried local applications for some time, and getting no permanent relief I came to the conclusion that the seat of the trouble was in the blood. Knowing S. S. S. to be a good blood medicine I began its use, and after using it for some little while it did away entirely with the offensive mu cus in tbe nostrils, and I did not have to hawk and spit, especially in the morning, to dislodge the catarrhal matter. 1627 South St. Fred H. Pressy. The filthy secretions and foul mucus that are continually dropping back into the throat, find their way into the stomach lad are absorbed into the blood. Catarrh then becomes con stitutional, and the only way to get rid of it is through the blood. Write us if you have Catarrh, and our physici ans will advise you without charge. Tit 8wff8palia Ceapuy, Atlaata, 6a. Self la Maxta. The moet able address we have ever liatened to on political nat ional iaauea, was delivered in tbe Town Ball at tbia place Monday nigbt by Hon. W. A. Sell. We do wish we bad apaoe and were able to reproduce tbe able arraign. meut of tbe Republican party. Emperor Teddy, the big "If' The whole party combined in ooe plutooeat. His negro f eastings, msivttbb. and Sooth hatine propensities. TTia militarv RtrflnnoaitT and fla- ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW, grant unfaithfulness in keeping Lmnbertoo bis promises with Cuba, Poto- Rioo and the Philippine Islands. His love of blood and conquest. But we must desist and we cannot give even a glimpse of tbe able. convincing, eloquent, presenta tion of all tbe leading issues of the day. The speaker was intro duced by Hon. G. B. Patterson in short appropriate talk. The speaker had a fairly large aadi- enoe, among whom were a number of ladies. Mr. Self is easily one of tbe 6rst speakers of tbe State and we wish that every sleepy Democrat of Robeson county could have heard him. The Scottish Chief. N. c W. a NORMENT, Attorney at Law, LUMBERTON, N. C. Practices in all the Courts in the State. R. K LEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rooms. Nos. 1 and a, McLeod Building, LUMBERTON. N. C. Largest Line ol White Goods on tbe Market. COM JLKTK ASSORTS! KNT OF NOTIONS. WE'RE OUT FOR FALL BUSINESS 0 mnnrco -J4J&Etd COOKING QTIW17Q Hiatal line in the country and we don't eapect to irtirc on tbe profit we arc making on them. Tfce truat ba kept the price of atove material pretty high, but we are atitfied with a molest prt'fit, and want yout patronage. COME PICK ONE OUT WK'LI, SKT IT VP AND FRKH OF CHARGE. . . FURNISH THE TIPE ISN'T THAT FAIR? The McAllister aav TITS C'kLBBR ATED Puritan Corset ALL SIZES. SHAPES AND STYLES. COUPLETE LINE OF SHIRTS. ALL SIZES. Collars, CnHs, Hosiery, Hdls. Etc. Reliable Bargain Store! W visfe to call everybody's atteatian t thisx Sosne people of the country donl maderstad why A. B. BUCK sella food so mnca' cheaper, and sella mors) goods thaui other aaerchaata. Wa will explain this te yon. People of this covatry generally take advice from the Scriptures. It teaches them aerer to do anything aatil tney know they art doing right If a person has toothache he will aot go to at blacksmith becan ha haa- pinch ere ; but to a dentist who aaderstaad hia ptofeaaiosu It ia the same la buying goods - always go to headquarters wbere- thev Mderataaa ueir Duaiaeaa. aati a sow now to Day goods as well aa to sell them at Low Prices. We are jut home f om the Northern maiket with f 10,000 worth of Clothing, Dry Good, Shoe. Hats, Caps and Notions. Special hne of Ladios' Skirts, Jackets, Capes and Millinery. We Utnght oar stock lot cask, therefore we can sell goods from 33 t 40 per cent, leas fhan other merchant. Com petition ia ploasut to ua. Now, we call yoar special attention to this aa we are overstocked on roods, we will sell every Saturday from early morning till 12 o'clock. rrerrthinsT at actual coat. Trusting that yon will come early, and thanking yon for paat favore, we remain roars for Bi: Bargain and Service, ODR MOTTO: More good for ant money same good for lean money. Rowland, N. C. , A. B. BRICK mill1 Wade Wishaht. D. P. Shaw. WISHART & SHAW, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LUMBERTON. N. C. Office over Pope'a Drug Store. Practice in all the Courts. Cares Blood an Sfcla DiaeoMa, Iwblag rltt- saora, Eczaasa, Scrofula, tch. Send no money simply write and try Botanio Blood Balm at oar ex pense. A personal trial of Blood Balm is better than a thousand printed testimonals, so don't hesitate to write for a free sample. If yon anffer from uloers, eozema, scrofula. Blood Poison, cancer, eating sores, itching skin, pimples, boils, bone pains,' swellings, rheumatism, catarrh, or any blood or skin disease. Norman McLean, Tooaorial Artist, ASHPOLB, N. C. Shop fronting postoffice. SHOES Anything you price. want style, sizes and Can fit anyone. NEW AND COMPLETE LINE OF Hen's, Tooth's and Boys' CLOTHING! LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HATS Almost Any Style You Want. For sale at this office. is the oldest (37 years) and firat Business College in Va., (second in tbe South) to own a building erected for its use one of the finest in Richmond. Endorsed by its students, business men and the press. Philadelphia Stenographer sayr. "It is the leading Business College south of the Potomac River. ' "When I reached Richmond, I inquired of several business men for the best Business College in the citv. and. without exceDtion. they all recommended fcmithdeara as the best." Wm. E. lions, Law Stenographer, Richmond. Single, Double Entry and Joint-Stock Bookkeeping, Commercial Arithmetic, Business Writing, Business Practice, Shorthand, Typewriting, 1 eiegrapnv. Commercial Law. English Department. Ladies and gentlemen. Day and nigh Sessions. No vacations. Students enter at any time. By Mall. Bookkeep ing, Shorthand, PeRmanehlp, at home, to those who cannot come to College. Special Inducements to well edncated young men, especially to teachers. IV rite forcatalog and full particulars to 6. A. Smithdeal, Pres., Richmond. Va. ABERDEEN ANDi ROCKFISH RAILROAD CO. TIMS TABLK IN EFFICT Al'ti. K. 1901 Daily except Sunday. Mail and Kxprran. No. 8 Leare Aberdeen, 8JW a. m.; leave Learltts 8.46 a. m.; leave Junction. 8.50 a. in.; leave Montrose, .00. ai.; leave llmDerland, v. is a-, m. : leave Raeford O.Sft a. m. ; leave Dundar- j . i-i.. tj.i- m j roan, m.: leave AraDia, iu.iw a. m. leave wo outibo vu iv wtc MJmimuiv uiwu RockfUh . !0 .15 a. m.: leave Treefall. 10.46 a Balm (B,- B. B.). Especially recom- : arrive Hope Mills, it 16 a. m. mended for old, obfitinate, deep-seated D1 except Sunday. Mail and Expre, No. , cases of malignant blood or skin diiJ . eases, because Botanio Blood Balm (B. Arabia, 2.06 p. m.; leave Dundarroch. 2.16 p. r. r . ... ..... . ni-; leave Raeford. S. 00 p. m.; leaveTimber B.B. (kills the poison in the blood, Cures land. 8.30d. m.: leave Montrose. 8.88 D. m. whr All aIm fll hAU .Tr.rv .AfA MaTe 1 nnctton , 46 p. m . . lea ve Lean tt, .lo ' i n. m . - arrive Aberdeen. i.'Jri r. m. makes the blood pure and rich, gives the skin the rich glow of health. B. B. B., the most perfect blood purifier made. Thoroughly tested for 30 years, uoets 91 per large bottle at drug 6tores. To prove it cures, sam ple of Blood Balm sent free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta Ga. De scribe trouble and free medical advice sent in sealed letter. fLaT'This is and honest offer medicine sent at once, prepaid, a All trains oomlntr over Betheada Hill muBt be under perfect control. (J. N.BLI K, general Hupenntendent. Approved: JOHN BU S, President. BennettSYllIe Marble Worts, J. W ,M;ELWEE, Proprietor, BENNETTSVILLK.S. C. In business since 1880. Prices and de signs of the newest and latest styles. A Pair. "Ah. me," sighed tbe spinster. "I have lived in this world fifty years aud made no man happy." "just about thnsame boat with First-Cltss Wortind Reasonable Prices. cr y wile, replied Men peck. IOIUIEITS, TOMBSTOIES, CURSINGS, Etc., furnished on application. GROCERIES Pell Stock of Flour, Coffee, Sugar, Bacon, Lard, Molasses, Rice, etc. 5,000 Pounds Tobacco, ALL GRADES. CAR LOAD OF Best Timothy Hay, Corn, OATS AND PEAS. We?e Got ANYTHING YOU WANT IN HARDWARE Cook Stoves, Heaters, etc. Full Line. Come and examine our stock and be con vinced that we have the newest, nicest and most complete stock ever offered on this market. Have you teen W. O. Thomoson's j;c. Shirt? They are 50c t.iewhere. W. W. PATE, General Agent, G. E. RA.NCKE, Salesman. r7if ' 1 ' ' ' ' nncii att' ' i I yy, j, rncvHi i, j W VvWf 9 m W SfrvffTTvv www w v v www w w Buggies fc5.oo and up; Harness 6.oo to I15.00. Big Line Winter Robes, $1.50 to lu.50. Big Stock Horse Blankets, 75c to f a.50. Heating Stoves, lots of them, $1.50 and on up. 50 Breech Loading Shot Guns, both double and single barrel; price tight. Loaded Shells by Thousands. (We are giving away $4.00 Rifles to purchasers of Guns and Shells at our store. Try your cbanc at one. ) Hunting Coats, Leggings. Shell Belts, Pistol Cartridges, Etc. We Want come see us. orr Patronage. To Please YOU. You to remember thst we frry the-" only complete b'ne of Hardware in town, and our motto is square deal ing with all. YOURS TO SERVE, The RAEFORD HARDWARE CO. LUMBERTON, N. C. jeos.