THE ROBESON I A N. ?fHUtHl TfWMMYS AN1 FRIDAYS Select Something Serviceable! A. r. OAI.UT. j so d xcai.lmtz. i'M " Fbiday. December 16, .uaiirtua raica.AraaTaa. Kev. Thomas Dixon ba a new novel on the press, tbst ia to he issue on the 14th of January. It is entitle "I he ClanBman" and and tells of the Klu Klui Klan of afterthe-war days. He says this hook will set these people right before the world. Tbe qiiaiut little house in which PrfisidHiit Andrew Jackson born, has been moved ie-i.tly fr m'th eitv 1 f Rlieh to Pnller Park where it will be fitted i p a a preaidnntisl mutcum ly the O lot-ial D.niie sud the Daughter of the Revolution who purchased it. Although Mr. Roosevelt baa said and done many things of which Southerner osnnot approve, still if be decides Jto visit the Month, be will be treated with ntmost eoartesT. It has ss vet to he said that a true Southerner is wanting in hospitality and Mr. Roosevelt mar rest assured that this visit ef kia will prove no sioeption to lbs role. The forrosl openioi of tbe Cor aelta Phillips Spencer Building. the new dormitory was offioiallv orervd at tbe State formal Indnaintl College in Greensboro Wed used y. The dxdiastory ad. drea. was anad- b? President O. T. Winst a. of tbe A. A M Col !. of Raleigh. AanoDg other ir.,oiineot pnoosges present were Gov. R. B. Olson, Pris deol of the Stale University Vsoable State 8opriuteudat of Poblic I -true' mo J yur, But Tra rr l j, am t is members of tbe te I" srd of directors of tbe Oo leg A maas meeiiig ot tt l na cbonh at High Poin 8 . y night, of all the eboroh u h iou. $850 es raised aid d for tbe por of the city U ider the syeten. S ogu Ud ai d . d ' ut ny ibe cnaK-hfs, co r 1 y f. m v will be iu need lhe -o.tMr li ne been so arraiig'd t 1 1 ui. deceiving get. tll.lle, t all who are ril v u und are helped. Such a relief eatt oa ' n ia one of the beat 1 hi g teat oould be orgaixU in any t -. . There are iiumera in and r uud all towns ot at y six, who are deaerving n( help, and who ate uoable to keep tbe wolf irom the door daring tbe bard winter moutls, and sncb ' aasoeiation not only helps tbo to whom help ta given, bat it 1101 bless ing to tknse who beloug to it. Christmas is coming, and you will want to give your Friends, your v. Brother or Sister or some other f member of your family a preaent; We are ottering things Seasonable, Serviceable.Suitable. See our Line ofClothmsf, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Overcoats, Gloves, Hats, Shoes, Hosiery, Watch Fobs, Scarf and Stic. Fins, Cuff Buttons. These Goods are desirable for such pur-, poses. Come and inspect them. CANDIES - - FOR CHRISTMAS! Our Christmas Dimilay of Candle ia a marvel Ureal Van ty to 1 ;,.. Choose Front. - BEAUTIFUL BOXES -AND BASKETS, -- (Satin Lined) -' . These Package are just tbe thing FOR , HOLIDAY GIFTS. Wa have sold lots of them dnring past seasons, and onr line lor this Christina is the finest wo have ', ever ahown. '-.'..v: Come and Look Tbcm Over. j. d. McMillan, wb. Phone 31. Tovnsend Brothers, Lumberton, N, 0. G1STMS M Grand Display ol Fire Works, Fruits, Cudia, and Eierjtliii. ia Holldij Ctodj, On Bead aad Aniviag Dally at tk PARLOR GROCERY. In the Tb Raleigh Nv A Obnnrvnrof tbn 14th appears tbe fall text of tbe opiaion of tbe Mi preme court ooDoorred in by all of the fire joa tinea ia tbe on nbrnt ed Balma Connection Caae, la blob it ia bald that tba railroad moat continue ibe oonaaotiona at Helma Wbicb vaa maintained for twentj yaare prior to the breaking of the oonneotion laat Tear. TbJ braakiBg of thli eonnectioD baa caased great ioooDTQieoce to tk oi)n of eutern North Carolina. The connection n juat to tbe travelling public .t d not injurious to ibe railn ada The dpcision of tbt' c. tut in. ImifS f n i jncigmert (ttemnz lit rr t-attfirpnt "f the coiJfi?f f ti tri l;y Hip .'"th tf re riia y Tht-ti1 l ttiN )utd rn na jt to the iHilrt wl!(1 le I'J the o rp, iiitit.ti ct niinia- o X' ti nt i hp cnm ia o ea to all thr ia hill ilunbt tbst any truntile will be road? hy rvsiitanr? to the decision of the Mate high est court and it ia hoped that the railroad wil promptly yield to tba aaandata of tba eoort and reetor tba Helma connection Kailwaya bavaa waya baaa) regarded aa pu lie bikway tbey aiaorgaaiaad for Ike ubb tnaatwet aa4 In aviaaaflUf tka Fb0a Itra Wwti st exry itrtpiiaa. Jnat aalaaJtd $.mm au di, aU tWaa4 col n Immmm Cad1 from 6 Im.W to a Mia. Sky Rockate. eoartn. aatf and om ppfltwl. TorprnVwa, Tov Cam, paper Batlooaa, fnr Cracker, Caaaoa UMim new om ia aneen iwcaea ua iaat a. v ' - Chnatmafr Fruits. CatxUol Nu Saknaa. Will enW ChiiaCaua Week 33 Btvtva Pnh New York Apple), rosMMtinff of aveb vell-kiwira vaiiitMa a Ktajrft. H4jii n i mi tm, aeiie flower, aeeaa, finou wiae (tap and Boiot 9lectrri Hlotirt Onnfca, tl Mxea, thia ped4 tweet and jatcy. to B itcbs Ripe, Yellow Aipinwall Baaanaaa, . . Birrets Kx ra Pancr Yllow Golden Pear. Lex are indeed at thi aeaaoa 7 RirreU Mliif and Almira Ruach Grape aelecicdaad daiatilr Utmaaed. 750 Poor Hi 3 Crown f, L Buock Raiioa. New Crop of 1904 S B -x Bxtr Kanry Cbfter Raiaiua imported. joo Poiindt Thii Shell Naples Walnut. v ; 100 Poondn l.r((e Ratter Nuta, roo rVmnrt Ijirf Almoiutf. . j . ino Prfiinri I.arv I'praiu, Poondu Nrw Filherta. ' - All New. Sound and Cheap. Evrytbiny for the Chna mai Prait Cake teded Rakioa, Currents Cttroa, Unmn, and otidi; reel, Almond. Mjr,a, lMtea, Hie. . 100 Piunt7s Finest Large Turkmh Preaeed Fiw, Jf 3 Boxes New rerhtan Date. Large California Apricot a, franf , Peacbea, anil Pearn evaporatetl. -? hvttv Vim-tv uf Pure Caady from 8 cesta to 75 cents per pound. 5 Bfferela Small uri aisertea navora. 10 rati rrenca afixtare, at to eenta roo Crcoannt and Peanut Candy tn all varieties Laree Stick. Bella and PcoodA Chacolie Creaia ot all flarota. Candr Tora. f) carta. Prtnta. Pin aa mile. Ginger. Cberrirx. aoH ntber frot, ChreaUlited, Frencb Bonbons and Pine Creaaa Specul shipment of Wile Lowner'a Packae Chocolate and Boaboaa for Xaiaa trade. : f ita Candy, and pure enriy yon want we'll ban 3,000 poaada la aelect from, ait vartf lira, ahapea and flavor When yon ronte to hvy your Chmtanaa Goada, patroniste awn who knew tbeir and aTdr to pieaee ron every day. We are not ta Urn nnxtaeaa for the bo ida trade only. Ht for all time. Pleaa Id na aerre jraa aa we kaet dnriag tbe and Holiday E doll MMoa. Many tbanka for peat favor. Remember, we wil knee plente of Norfolk Ortiera. Caae Cod Cran K&lamaioo Ce'ery ftr ChhataBna. Plena call or phone H earl qmart era for PARLOR GROCERY, C. B. REDMOND, Proprietor. ' ' Phone 86 . Pre Delirery. IIT- 11 A : HI: . l . 11 um viui uiivuu c Vast aW t Dr. For Men. In the New Styles or Winter Wear. CLOSING OUT AT COST, From bow antil Jsnuary ib Ut wa will tics oat oar an tiro atock Drj Coods, Clotblii Shots, Halt, Ete.. al first coa for h. Wa ara olosinf out mt bminsa. Goods Mast Go. All inJabtad ta ar rsqoaatad tat 00m la and MM imrowrii , ,'Y7 "half. . . a 0. NORMENT & CO. Pa II ' ' , A. I. THOMPSON. TALL OF 1904. W. L UHUIW & CO ' Wa bav thla wa flirt shipmsn of flu Mali and Horaas oirwl irnwi o wm f TsnnnsM. W And T wwirii that (his alas of Stock ia twff auitad to our amiotrv tban Sola ahiPDad from tba Far Wert, t all timns dorin tba totin " narStabla Will b wull sfckt with Millet snitrd to all tnri. Waara BKADQUARTRB1 tr RswanM and Waionl Ot nui 1 Uosarpaasad ol aav North C olioa Market. Oar Parkax lot tba fall trad ara W kaavv Hav iat aoloadad Car of th Clckratd Solid BimI Ax! AUBURN WAGONS all . Akvi tiaialUr 8kipmt. of Hiokorv, Piadnoot, Haokoav and ntbarawkM. . ' I36CIB, , lufisna, . IDWB Striatlv Ira olasa and ap v ia stvbt aod aoiaa. Th aaalta awd on t totradaati'm Haokawv, Babaoek,' .Wnwa. and Rook Hill ar knwa to ba'aa i th asnrt rlibl -ak oflrmi to tba tratt. W hava otfcar ka of lew trad. ;. W tkiak w ata to, powtioai t swddIv ntt Md. H boa t" lebpw? tai,. w.ll ) Tbaakmf vosi for past f;N. ptroB aad J fair ana triB dsaliat bop to aaartt a eonUe aaae of aaata. W. I. UNKHAW A CO Spt. SO. 1804. Tovnsend, LUMBERTON, N. G. . IX 1LX21) mi a toCaUff DO YODREAD? II Sa tbe f aiarlj Hotel Feis staad Can Supply Tonr Wants. Tfcis Mitaniria ao oaeb okW ia out towa ha juat baaa svtxh liabad. Froa bow oa yoo nan p- th daily Hut papsrsk U iI:P( ortbra dailica, tba baa arctt! arsiix aad periodioala, t. pvtiawr with a woll aataulwl lino ri tba soM taadbbi aad oVa'naW at awrataad. CaUu! HOLIDAY! i. Wa art in the finest sbapa of anybody to niaot tba of tbe i lopla for tbeir Holiday (Jooil W will start at the FURNITURE DEPARTMENT First-1 We bare it omj Inle. Wa hate nira Bod Boom Huita Hall Back Centra Taljles. Sid Bmrd. Dining Chairs, Willow Rocker; Flower Stands. rMctnreK, Piolur Frame. Bag, Mat ting. Carpet, Parlor Lamps, Ciocka, Baby Carriiges, and lot of other thing in tbn department too nameruos to mentioa, but we ara ttu.ii;! to clusa them out CHEAP. Shoes and Clothing. We bav ot reoeivi'd s nice line of Shias for Men, Womeu auil Children. . W goaraute to tar too mcny on Sbos. We bate 'a loo jnst renewed tbe swallest una of Clothing that could be bought Save money by coming bar and looking for yourself We alio have right op-to-date Boy Huita, Overcoat. Bam Coats. Wtv Shirts, right's Undrwr. Com bere Buy and , SAVE MONET. . " , . Youra For Boeineaa, ' BLACKER BROS. Follou The Crowd, ' Adawttl tUt WISHART'S GROCERY, War 1 w) d GOOD THING T wT. fwrawr fiwk 3aUJ to baa tk Raima, Canaan, aMaawit. Cttna, Wa 1X nBSB STOCK. M Ua of Pit " Casoaaa. rtws PwMi. CMataniaa, Caarv. A TVIJUT IF YOU Ulta. Toy MI ta tlis nniaaM lwaivai " raen m. en. flH DEJJTEII. J. H. YISHART. nrt noin , fosTornn Dr 1. r. rtoww. Wk-Fi tdsat. F. L. tLUS, Mil flF ASUPOLE or ASNPOUC riHal si li srtrttildiri I fT " '"' - tJS, . Aa,',,. . j " , 1 ,- If yem Have no Back aecwsai ibih ei imw vaaa wmm mmn - -Ik a. a a l 'kr vtw wat wan ta Basal ateaufel w li aatltaw n " mm raalia- r 'ka iraf'a k. Wamanttauasf I M fmr aa w ar .mwiaclulAnM M wa T asaall ." Jo. ke aaaatxi mt rMartan attratat awl tk bo aarrtea ka IW 10 pitt : aiultt ,b atvaota davaWMr itk as t U, a ahall ilal a aa wliwa 1 ti tmm aaj oU( will, sad I pkw au Baakiaa wwiuua at jaat dlapowt .. ym b a ri ol tUrm, . ' 'XV'::vV-?;'' :! Mat ran. B' m Mwan irwawiaw pranapuf,.. , . S;;:..55:p;hf.'4 , L. BLUB. Cakif.f !' LOST M) A";.?t: 'Wt-ii'-'i b t" lot t y ra'iti Vw much fir sotdt. , i.T R Mt !, ne std bow r"b yoa bv lot. ; a.S.eicarn" '".for 4 .puf. yf. h 0 I- 'nr d 6 coi fd-rvard, ' - Oatirca tut 6 t a 10 cut per yrd, . ' , ' All Wool, vard w!. Vwotiai, Dra Q td for Sib) p"'- , Ladies Capes and Jackets. H0 f' t B O) Jrk 400 Jaekx Cap frnv ap ta $6M. ' a 00. 4.00. 8.U0 iClothing I s Clothing 1 1 ! , tba Urs t 8'ock of CI 0TH1K0 to Lawkwrtoa, V. i. nn pri to aait all ' look at toe pnewt tIS.00 eH for . ' T.60, - laniRaiMlnr . . , " ft.00 " .. : f , . 4 t n tntmm DAa ao So t&OQ, - . tOO Omnmais. Mt b s. ld qairlu Prios 1 W t W.wO, . I OTO Hata for qairt allm. rncea rroai www"! . .60 Pair 3boaa.rdcJoA-ia soar It wares. Mb'Bcw. -r , Ladiaa ' 8how Tfrx ap.' Cat'' Satire Stock "t Vmrn Oooda m aav. C wfcile thaee bargain BASISTERJSh. Mna 8kaa tT. an. Mom all know teat w. " laat. HU as AARON veinstein; K1NQ CLOTHIER- PCPtLS FROM NEW YORK f TEXAS At THB Fisttae Man Scicol, Waynestoro, Yirp. AM insttwetoca, bra traiatna . niraaaal fcoaieaml aocial life. .'MjflS folnrr. UainraT an UmmiafM ScLnoia." Pnra air. csr.pasloratbktic. Ekctric lwl, stnua baa Teraf$ wiiaaaw jaanar Littleton Female CoW: awa( a'Hb paliaaan wora TWa an. fmrala Iroaa iw J"i fJ vw W aim ia haanrtar, Sian iMaaaiata lal'Hin sa iv wka wii a ! arkoaa. A paaal o knw n.itial al .ian... IMr ka aa4 aaxtrW a-a,aataaaJalaaM.aiagam. rnq"" . . t-aaa. s-a.

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