THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESON1AN. THE ROB ESTONIAN. rrausHW touiuTi akd raiDATs. Friday, Dmnbet 30, 1904. fit OH LI. AMD LOCAL DEPABTHIVT 6, cents SO centa Cotton toey, " Mrt. Matt Jones left Tuesday for Abbottabnrg , (or visit to her fetter. ' Mm Jessia Feller spent Wei needs in Laorinbore; visiting ber friend. Mm Booms Willie. Attention it tailed to the change of ad. of the Bank of Lumberton, which appears in thie ltioe. Mrs. Dan. Shaw returned to learinborg Wsdussday. after aw- ml dart' vitit to ber parents. Mite Maod Lee. of Laurinbnrg, arrived here Teaterdar morning for a Tiiit to the MUeee Whitfield. Hue Maie Oibeon, who hae Excitement st Pembroke. C jasiderable excitement arm oauaed here Saturday night ou iu ouuut of a telegram ie:e;v:d by Sberiflf MLiod bearing the poet' mark of Pembroke, eigued ly frieod and Hating that a riot wai threatening in that town. Sheriff MoLeod encored a posaae and boarded the afternoon train for the icene of (hi disturbance. boon after reaching there, the orowd diaperaed. One man waa ebot in the arm, but oot dauger- ontly. How or t y whom nae not been learned. Tbe cante of the disturbance nae primarily liquor which a camber of tbe Oroatens bout tbe village bed been indul ging in too freely and in conse quence of which they were making themselves exceedingly conipicu- 001 about tbe place, firing their gone aad pistols and acting in ench a war ai to aronae the feare cf the people lest'eome difficulty might ariee, tbe consequence of which would be eerioua. However 2897 SECCRED STIEFF'S CHRISTMAS PIANO. Person holding this number will please mail to oar Charlotte office. Our January announcements will be interesting watch our advertisements. Chaa. M. St it rT, Manufacturer of the Piauo with tbe Sweet Tone. Southern Warerooms, . 211-218 N. fryoo Sts ., Charlotte, N. C. C. H. Wilmoth, Manager, BUSINESS LOCALS. WANTED EVEBVBODY IK THE town of Lumberton to open an ac count with the Robeson ConntT Lean and Tmu Company. Remember 25 ceutae opens an account. FOR SALE-HOUSE AND LOT SITU ated in best portion of tows. Houce containa aeren rootna, water works and electric light. Plenty room in attic (or two more largf rooms. T. A. Nor nient, Jr. en 30 tf charge cf a snusie class at AI fordayUle. is visiting her home I ,, -;,., the presence of tbe law in presence pre its rcogn'j?d. Runaway. seme little excitement was canted here Monday morning by the running away of a male be longing to Mr, S. Weinsteio. One of bis children was in tbe buggy, and another standing between the wheels, when the mule became frightened, and ran, throwing tbe child to the ground, and one wheel ran over ber. After going a abort distance the child in the boggy jumped to tbe grcand. Al' though kith wire bruised severely they sustained no tenons lnjn ries. A second time Mendsy morning tbe mule ran away. This time Mr. Ike Snyder was alone in the boggy. The male took in the sides of honses, tele phone poles, barber posts, and things in general. Three of the wheels were released entirely of their sookes. Mr. Snyder at- eaoed without Injury. The male evidenoly found out it was Christ mas, and wanted bis holiday. near Laurel Hill. Bey. 0. B, Durham conducted Christmas Mrricea in the Baptist ehnrch Sunday morning. There was no aarvioea in town Sunday fretting. Mr. Nash Powers, of Barkers, who is home (rem Trinity for the holidays, spent Wedneeday visit, ing the family of Mr. W. H. Humphrey. Mr. and Mrs. Neil T. Pitman, of Delgoda Mill, near Wilmington, hare been rial ting Mrs. Pitman's mother, Mrs. I. 3. Birthright during the holidays. Ber. Mr. Pari, we regret to report, hae been offering aererely from rheumatism for the past week. He was unable to meet his appointments on Sunday Mr. Donald MoCraoaren. of Wbiterille, has been risiting at ths heme of his sister, Mrs. Re becca Teos. We vera pleased to bars call from him Wedneeday. ' Mia Minnie Edward if the guest of Mitt Don Smith. Her brother. Mr.' Htetor Cdwardt. who hat beta riaiting here returned to Wilmington where be hat a posi tion, Tuesday Mr. Jes. McNeill tad Miss Kins Batsman wen married Thursday afternooa'at ths home of th bride, near Wakalla. Tbe Robe Ionian extend best wishes for this happy yoang eoople. Miss Edith Courtney, milliner at Dillon, 8. C-, errirtd here last Saturday saoroinc for visit to her sister, Miss Daisy Coortoey. Thsy expect to leers in few day for their home in Baltimore. Mr. R. & Townseod. of Wil son, it risiting his brother, Mr. Ira B. Townseod. this week. It 11 the flret time .he hae risited hire in evert seven years, and he received a meet sordiai welcome by hit many friends. We regret to leora that Mrs Wade Wiahert it verv tick at ths home of her father, at Whiterill. She it three tea sd with pneumonia. Mr. Wiehert want to Whitenlle sineettnti to Ntsiro Monday, bat 'on leotmnt of MrtWishart't Ul- asst. wast nab U to do to. BaU't Moring Pictures and il lustrated song wilt be thowa at tbe Optra Hoott Saturday tight, ths ilst. The pnots will he reasonable. Tbe train and tat bank robberies will be Ulastrtted with lift taotioa pietnree ;tlto tbe mat aatrtd tang, "Tht Holy City." A treat it guaranteed all ho attend., Mrt. 8at Proctor pasted awty at aer host ber Monday moro iog. after aa Ulosat of several oatht. Her ramaiat were ear tied to hsr old .homo Itot, to Bnttt Uwnehiplfot interment. 8e was 64 year f age, and at arrived by foar uttemaael two hrethera. Mrt, Peter Hsletw, the Mr. Trwywlck Dead. Mr. Stephen JMcIntyre received t message by telephone yesterday morning annenncing the death of Ber. S. a Trtywiok, which 00. rorred Wednesday night about nint o'clock, at his home in Laur inburg. Be baa been quite sick foreereril months past aad bie rWh waa not unexpected Mr. Traywick ia known tomany of ocr 1 people, haring risited at the bomet of Dr. R. T. Allen ana tire, o- o Intyre. He had been a member of the Korth Carolina Conference for m.n wars neat. The burial waa mrU naterdar afternoon. On account of no train going there by here before evening, hit relatives ber were unable to be present, Dewta at mt. O. Meiipw. We regret to chronicle the death of Mr. Daniel J. Hedgpeth which ooenrrtd at his boms near Oak ton Churob. Sunday. Mr. Hedgpeth wmm aDDarentlr :in good health. baring aot long since rtcorered (ma a etrtrt attaca or tioaneaa. Sunday be waa taken with hemor rhage of tbelunga, wbioh resulted in hit death. . Ho wat about fifty yeartof tge. and it tnrriywd by . damtad wife, to whom wt would extend our sincere sympathy. Our young people who are thinkifis of taking a buaineea course abenld aee or write to Prof. W. B. Loving;, who ia in charge of the Business Department of Kooeson losmnte. Any etoaent wno will enter the first of January may be repared to take a position the first cd Jane. decij 4t Max ton, N. C. Dec. 10, 1904. The Southern Exchange Co., Maxton, N. C. , Gentlemen: I nsed 40 tons of McKiunon's Speoial Fertiliser 00 my truck crept tbie paat aeason, and waa mgniy pleased with tbe reenita obtained. In addition to the excellent Mi cbanical oondition of the Fertili xer, it produces a bonntifnl crop that matures earlier than the other fertilizers. Yours truly, H. C. McNair. TfFT'SPRUIT JUICES, ALL OF THE fruit that ia fit to eat, ia delicious with soda. Pope's Sods Fountain. LUMBERTON COTTON MILLS OF fer complete sets bagging ties and bucxlee enough for a bale at fifty 1 cents. Apply at null. ONLY fi.os BRING YOUR COTTON to the Lumberton Oil Hill Gioary. We fwill gin your cotton for $1.00 per bale p to 550 lb. Buy your seed and pay highest prices la money or exchange for CS. Meal. Prompt attention aad eat isf action guaranteed. K. M. Biggs, Secretary and treasurer. WANTED 100,000 pounda SEED COT ton. K. M. BIGGS. oct 18 rf All kinds of Roof work work done to star done by H. G. Webster, uumbertou TOBACCO SEED DISTRIBUTED TO the farmers: free from tbe stores of Messrs' Caldwell & Cartyle. Commissioner's Sale. Rr vlrtn of ttBthoiitv eoafeiTetJ dob m br judgment rf tit Superior Ooart of KobcaoB Oonntr. tawm! SwpWntarr tnn, 1M, IB etvll Mtlon ebvrtl a pandliic. whertjln Mr. L. A. Tftri It plaUotiff, nd J. J. Jmektaa and oth r Drtle on known hf Irt-mt-law of If ra - K. D. Hi 1m. drfrmUatai. t will, on Mondvr, the Sth d7 of rebraevrr, ltOC at IS o'clock H., at tbr C'oort Hoqh dtnr. Is Lanoberton, North Carolina, offr for ! at aablie auction , for tMih, to ih hlirhMt blddar, tba following da Mr 1 bed property, to-wlt; Lt Ko. U is Blook f, of tht toira of Row land. MO. Thf p la loeatatS oa thlt lot a Ttry omforta hle mail taof mwnt oouaa. The lotli aear the A.C. L. Deoot, and Bear tbe HatD Straet of the town of Rowland. Toll tM aWta. OMf of vaceiB ber, UKM iOBIhT 1. LIB. VmmWbnr. If. Com LUMBERTON MARKET. Oottoa aw poaad Ootb aor tmhai ...... totldar pn hawtlrad . Haata ar oad; idtM..... tM MU I can make roar old tiere oook or heat rood aa- wnen you Drat got iu a. u. Webtrter, the Tinoer. Tbe kind of Valley Tin yon want Good Tin. Put np ftratght. Price Iowjj est. When roo want any Roof Paintinn done aee or write H. 0. Webater. te Tianer, Lumberton. He nae the b- painta and pnta them on the right way FOR SALE ONE LOT OOOUPY lng aboo.1 oca half ton with S room bonae, (now) barns and itablea. Lo oated to the town of Ash pole. Ad dreat L. O. Hnxaey, DrUon, B. O. Something New Every Week. tjhlakasa growm . Chlakaaa, frtca .... Tarkara atltwlwMewaNl i Tailow pn poaad ... Catch Tbe Mule. Aot or iodine a nice Black afare Hal about j years old, will pleas a anuria! with Bor W. I. Llnkhaw & Co.. Imotmn. X. C ataleant oat en ri;nnsras pay. Beea.?.-t 'Bats. V. 0 SaperioteDdeot J. B. Poole was M Vadoeedar to Hist Pearl Jnknaoo. of Tomanawa, etwpw ooanty, at the home of ber par anta. Ther are azpseteel to arrire kert toatorrew, ao4 win eoera a Mr. W. H. Hatapnrey t. ,J-r. Poole eat woa tie ttfatt af tbt peostle at oat-towa ismn resHteoet kert and hat tS bee ...Miol'a Wraaleeaacaras ,o( frMHia. Tt hits aoe) hit ohartt- bridt, we aztaosl aorauu wo ml AT COST. A big lot of Boggy and Wag on Earnest will be sold within tht next twenty dare at abto. iott cost, in ordar to reduce roy tok. . Also a lot of BUGGIES AND WAGONS Of detirablt and Standard Hakes will ba told aa low at . tbey oaa be bought snjwbere. Coaoe -qaJofc- aad get arbart i gain. Everything: to write with ... . v Remember tbls it a Stationery a ell aa a Draff! store. Oottotoert who kaow "what't what" in writ4 insr mrjar are alwart D leased with dor aalnetiona. Ton '11 utt 'atyit and quality here araa if you tray obaan naners. ai or ZO otntt e box, and wa hart the niotst goods made to tell at 40, W, and 60 cents a box. Writing tableta too. 6 to 26 cents. Peat, a dozen kinds. six for Stents: Oold tax, Hi oeott White Ink, 10 cenU.I Tbe beet gradea of EnTelopea; no oheap stock here. Dr. H. T. POPE 4 g0.4; Tbe Droggittt. 1VER JOHNSON REVOLVERS ar H IA H e e s WRITE FOR PRICES. JACOB. HARDWARE CO., 1 10 4 12 South Front St., WILMINGTON, 1. C. ALL KINDS CARTRIDGES. Among The Best. Our facilities for hand ling checking accounts are among the very best, and we invite you to place yourself in po sition to enjoy them. The Bank Of Lumberton, Lumberton, N. O. Money baok if not eatisfied. WHERE IS A. E, WHITE, Deceth . ; ; Santa Clanse?. He Is At The LumDcrtpn Bakeru With a Carefully Selected tint of v DOLLS, TOYS," EtC Especially for the Cnildran, We eordlally larito yen to call and wa will tait great pleeanre In thowing tbaa to yoo, Bakery Phone 0. Town eerrl, W ti The FIRST NATIONAL BANK r': OF LUKBEETOI, I. C. - A Opened for Business .September 15,1004. Deposita October 10th - $31,844.07 . November lOtH - 38.7tl.66 ; December 10th 67.77&76 TissWpatrk to ! teltia Coemaaereia Bukiaej. aWssjiilifssillaiwiiaaiiiealsiaaaTttasufcsassarfiiiiM T Safety Depodt Be fer Bgn& i f Great Clearance Sale ! Aw T am going to make a change in my businesa, and to make room for my immense rail bcock, '--Jyrm for the NEXT THIRTY DAYS eeU .""Bay entire stock at a great reduction. - j faese Star Lye, Octagon Soap, Package Starch, Bale Brand Mil, -pims Bread MUk, ac 4C IJC Baking Powder, ' 4C : Soda, per poaad, - At Good Kke, - . iXt Oood llolaaees and Sjnrp, per fi, see Good Tobacco, per poaad, - - sju Bayles Picklea, Sweet and Soar. Brunswick KHh, CUE Sanaa, Salad Prearlng. ,taaMO Catswp. Honeradish, Mustard, Worcestanhir Sanee. Sold . itir.t Ewrrwkere for aje. Oat psiet, tte, ; Hena, Shoes, Trases, KoUoot, ia fact, eraryOiag ia stack will be sold at a great , kajcttoa. Coeoe ia, price and be c-i-riaced. Ws guraxtea to pleaa fom. Hdftiiig Charged This Sale is SPOT CASH! Uir3t ear lower Price, ebsen oar Latest Strife. Cosoe aad eaanimew good! at cloae tBg, aad we'U take ou chuct ol making a sale and a castgnt sa. afydo. Yonra for Beriraiaa, ' P; 0. BLAKE, In Front of Court House. fta liiarter: January 1st. All Money Deposited on or before January.: 1st, bears t interest from date. THE ' ;. - ROBESON COUNTY LOAN AND TRUST CO. ':. ; ; LUMBERTON, N. C ; Mi CipitaTiai Slxxlliolden UfliffitJ, S2fl,C00.C9. DIII CC. You can deposit from 23 cents up . Il II TJ r-to ft60.000.0a Withdrawals can hk mad &t acV time without notice, and we will Dt you 4 per cent, annually, compounded .every .. three months. . . . - A. W. BteLaUH. frsa. . i f orriccne. a. tx CALrrannx. Pn. A, . WAJLD,CsaaJt. VtLI. 1 larUWiIsms, ' 1. Mleis, wire of a weu-aowa -1 t. ,! CWlf, was with ate - Bv.. - r -; t-f 1, Mm U. barfwea, , i-m. . . at. aa . -. - - -- S - a,

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