2 THE SEMI-WEEKLY KOUESONIAN lets ttrlaia HiB tWk lo M. 1-9 Lut fur a ecbt-ol tca-hor. ho died rculy. troobl KJeard SsftK, al.o rstflold. a i escaped workhouse priuior, tack to St Si I. un, (lor teo oars poll I iu trvo! al. . vrr the wuf Id ;mv-:ii uiiicars .Maiy ainl (.uihl.ii rrvitrd Saftt at S.b and Wahiut stie ta, Monday ijight Hp eat Jacob Wulfaiau, t) was as ' taLtui into cuittd ThT bad aii iffft at which HaltiR bad .Id to Wolfman. f t ik " fi rt t armttd iu I..ui, i u a(tr th atsaisiua tiuii . f I'reiident M;Kiuler. be tattd that ho was a friend of Ct i!n , a ho ki.'lHl the I'rtBi dent. H'i doclarai that he place! the p 1 m Vi )gou' baud and showed him bow to commit the dOrtd He CJUld 4l0t he CoDIHCted with anaei.Liatiuu, and wan re-leai'-d. . aid time liter Saftijr waiar l rv.d :i a charge of petit Jar vuc and sent to the workhouse. Ileticaped and bad nut been aeen since. Meantime, Sa f 1 1 i i bo be came acquaint-! nth a St. Lrui tacher aud fell iu love with her, although be bad no reaiou to be lieiesiie retorned the affection. He told the police Tuesday that he had beeu in foreign coutitrits iu RtiiuK away from the work house, but that bn love for the teacher had compelled bn letum to Si LoDia, wh'ie be hoped to s'.-e her 3gaiu. After reaching tbe city he taye he ascertained that tbe woman had died nc mtlr. St. Luis Republic. Why tfe'. fUk Ui4 Kub propagation hat coma to b an important gorarnmeut fuuctuu in minr st-ctnci of the couutrr hundreds if families aocurmg their pnucipal aiat (apply I rum riven and lakca itockej .1 y the govern ment with JoyuK tilth. Neverthe less the ( (liciala of the tiih com iuiiiiuii are got tuppoind to be I'otanitt. at leait th v have not ' eua- local i4V4V1f4LHt4&m ik? n ae rrr ...r 9 preel aowr. aa4 this te Ue aai TIIL 2 (U despair ot th who hare t III 1 1 Till I III r l,)U- wPPr uaJferaal taatrue- J a-Zi-lllkAV. Lwilv I uotieloM the aebooli? Or oo meaoa; .... ? tui Instruction. Ilka the aaenjbJaa of f (he Invention of our clvJUiatloo. It CHARLES WAGNER. tht meant ct band alaara fortup plying watr couraei with p.'auti nducive to the urowtb of &tb. It it atated that tboutanda of dol- 'ar bare undoubtedly bten waited in ate ckiug lakea aud riv-ra with young tlih in which certain plant ife was lacking. S.cretary Wil ton it now cc-opprating with thj commiiaiot. to the xtentof find- ng nut what aquatic linti are uitab'e for propagation in oar water bodiei which will aiant iu he development of the fltb with wh.ch it n diiind to itock tbeae atert for the benefit of the peo ple living near them. Kx. Prteldent Kooeevell eaye lo the avulKor of Hi I ft ft: ft "I AM rREACMING YOVR BOOK TO MY COVNTRY. HEN." mo more be ts atturoo of to-morrow, according to the view of ordinary good eat, the more he concern! him telf with the question of how be ahall live, he and hU children, how he wl'l eitahllh them and their detcendantu Nothing can portray the fcara of a man of meant, Lhi-ir number, thulr rt ach and their roAned ehadea. Of all thli haa rrnultwl, acroaa the different social onlert. and according to the conditions, with a variable In tenuity, a tpei.crml agitation, a state of mind most complex, which can but be compared lo lh humor of spoilt! children, at once ovcrw holnicd with gifts and Ktlll dUcoutcnted. aiier all tut a tool All depends upon the workmaa who make use of It. It 1 the same with liberty It la sinister or salutary, according u (he manner la which It 1 employed. IK liberty still remain when It be long to malefactor or even to the caprlelou. the disreputable, or even the stupid ttuoderer? Liberty I an atmoepher of hJgbrr life that one grow capable of breathing only by slow and patte-Dt Internal transform- A MATTER OF HEALTH 6 wruvv l is mm, mvmm Absolutely Pure HAS UO SUBSTITUTE Elephant Stealing in Aiaam. Au elephant is not a handy ob ject that a man can pat in bis pocket aud steal iu an unosten tatious manner, bat tbi form of tbeft is becoming tbe curse of the firm which is working tbe Siam ese) forests for teak. From one of tbe forests in tbe neighborhood of Raheug, so many elephants have been stolen that Ihe British firm working it says that it will be compelled to give p working there if these thefts continue. The value of a timber working elepbaut bemg roughly 200, tbe thelt of even one is t serious matter lor tbe owner, and when elephants are continually being stolen from a forest it be comes a question of whether that forest eau be worked x;ept at a ices. Tbe stolen elephants are, it Appear, in some cases taken over the frontier into Burma or the tihan States and the others con cealed in cr near jangle villages in Siamese territory near the fron tier in their own interest? La horj Tribune. As a Defensive Measure. Mr. Hull's bill to spend $1,000, 030 of United States fondi an nually to promote rifle practice among the men of military age if one to increase the real defensive power of the couutry. Ninety yoars ago at New Orleans the ut: drilled men of the WeBt mflicted a crushing defeat on tbe best troops of Europe because thy knew bow to take aim, and, as late es tbe Boer war, tbe same power to shet accurately was shown to balance immense rdis in other respect?. The increase of range in the modern rifli has only increased tbe power of the man who can hit the target at long distances. Military training iu other respects- is important, but if the Imited States can induce all itf . oungmeuto become ex perts with the latest military rifles and supplies a stock t) arm all who may be needed in an emergency, any invading army that could ever reach our coasts would be doomed to extermina tion. Pittsburg Dispatch. Miss K. t,. BROADWF.LL. Tolahs VILI.K, N. C, nays : " Blis Native Hrrhs h l)cn used in our home for the last year, iiid has provrn to I the best medi cine for Liver Complaint, etc., that we ever used. It has cured me of Indiges tion, and I think it will be a blessing to any one who will try it for a while." A BOX of Bliss Native Herbs is a family doc- tor always in the house. Its use prevents and cures TU IQ Constipation, Dys DLrlOO pepsia, Kidney and NATIVE Liver Trouble, Skin HERBS Diseases, Rheuma tism and many Blood diseases. It is purely vegetable contains no min eral poison and is pre pared in Tablet and Powder form. Sold DOSES in One Dollar boxes with a Guarantee to page Almanac telling how to treat disease sent on request. MEDICINE MAILED PROMPTLY BY D.J. HUMPHREY. Agt. Tolarsville. N. C, 200 OSE $1.00 THE ALONZO O. BLISS CO., WASHINGTON. D. C. The fimple life is the kin! pub ofScials in Oregon aie not leading this year. Tom Lawson is at least educat ing tbe public to appreciate tbe difference between the- price and tbe Ttlue of stoeks. We are -Pushing Paint The painting season is at hand and we are ready to supply your needs with The Sherwin-Williams Paints Let us figure on the paint for your house. S. W. P. will proye the best and most economical paint vou can buy. Full color cards for the asking. sold SY B. Q. Rozier, Lumberton If we have not become Lappler. nolther have we Krown more peace able or brotherly. The Hpolled chil dren dispute often and vlcloualy. The more necdn and (logins u man has the more occasions he finds for con flicts with his fellow-men, and these conflicts are more bitter In propor tion to the lack of Justice In the caune. That they flpht for bread, a necessity, U the law of nature. It may beem brutal, but has an excuse even for Ks hardness, and In Renersl It Is limited to rudimentary cruelti"8. All other Is a battle for the super!l.i ous: for ambition, privilege, caprice, and for material pleasure. Hunger alone never caused m.in to descend to the baseness which ambition will cause him to commit, or avarice, or thirst for unhealthy pleasures, i-go!-isin becomes more maleficent as It iHVories more refined. We have therefore, in these days beheld an ag Knivatlon of the spirit of hostility among our fellow-beings and our hearts are less at peace than ever. It Is useless to ask if we have be come better. Does not the "nerve of goodness" lie in the capacity of man to love something besides himself? And what place would remain for the neighbor In a life sacrificed to mater ial cares, to needs mostly fictitious, to the satisfaction of ambitions, ha trerts and fantasies? The man who gives himself up entirely to the ser vice of his appetites makes them grow and multiply so rapidly that they be come stronger than he. He Is deliv ered to an Internal anarchy, from which Is born at last an outward and visible anarchy. Moral life cousists in the government of one's self. Im morality consists In the government of ourselves by our needs and our pas sions. Thus, little by little, the basos of the moral life are displaced, and the rule of Judgment Is deviated from. For a man, slave to numerous an.l exacting needs, to possess is the great- j est good, source of all other good things It Is true that in the fl ;roe struggle for possession, we come toi hate those who possess, and deny the right of property when that right is in the hands of another, and not our own. But the ferocity In attacking the pos sessions of others Is a new proof of the extraordinary importance which we attach to possession Itself. Things and men end by being estimated at their selling price, and the profit to be made therefrom. That which brings nothing is worth nothing, and he who has nothing is nothing. Honest poverty risks pas ing for-ahame, and even unciean mon ey has little difficulty in passing for merit. "Then," some one objects, "you con demn modern progress by wholesale, and you would lead us to the good old tlme3, to asceticism, perhaps?" Not at all. It Is the most sterile and dan gerous of Utopias to wish to resusci tate the past, and the art -of right liv ing does not consists in withdrawing oneself from life. But, we are seeking to bring to light, with the aim of find ing a remedy for it, one of those er rors, which weigh heaviest on social progress, and that is, that man be comes happier and better by increas-s of his outward well-being. Nothing Is falser than this pretended social axiom. On the contrary. The dimin ishing of the capacity for being happy, and the debasement of characters by material well-being without counter weight. Is a fact which a thousand, ex amples are at hand to establish. A civilization is valued by what the man installed in its center is worth. When that man lacks moral direction, all progress but serves to make the evil worse and to further embroil problems. Thert must b a law to an tu; to that of man more neceatarlly than for Inferior belnf. for the life of mao and hla aaaoclaia la more precious and niura dellct than tiuU of plant and ant mala. Thla law for man Is at Drat an eiterojU cx but It may become an Internal one. Aj soua mt a man ha recognized thla Inner law and bow before it. ht Is ripe for Ifbertjr, by rwepect and vol untary obedience So ton as be baa not that Inward law, strnnc and sov ereign, be la ineapablt of breatblnf the air of liberty. This air will Intoxi cate him, madden him and kiU him morally. A man who guide bla life by that Inner law cannot longer live under that of external authority more than a grown bird could lire closed In the eggshell again: but the man who has not yet gained tbe moral point where he governs himself can not live under the regime of liberty any more than could the embryo bird without the protection of bis atiell. These things are terribly simple, and the series of their proofs, old and new, never cease to grow under our eyes. And, yet. we are always unable to understand even the elements of so Important a law. In our democracy. how many are there; great and small, who have understood, who know, from having verified It, lived and some times suffered It, this truth without which a people is incapable of govern ing Itself? Liberty is respect. Liber ty is obedience to the-inward law, and this law is not the Bxd pleasure of the powerful, nor the caprice of mobs, but the higher Impersonal rule, be fore- which those wh( command bow DO YOU WISH TO SAVE MONEY IF SO COME TO TEE Old Reliable Hardware Store FOR HARDWARE OF EVERY KIND. Screen Ious and Windows, Sh. Doors and Blinds Huilding Materials, Mill Supplier, Belting etc IM PROVHD NO. NINE U'HKELKK & WILSON SEW INO MACHINES. c.t makes of Cook Stoves. A com plrte nock of (he Best Paints always on hand, including the famous kL'CHTKU'S PAINTS. See Our Non-Rust Tinware! If it rusts we will give another piece. Come in and ex amine our beautiful SILVKR-L1NKI) NICKEL TABLE WARE. Sole Agents for ANCHOR BRAND LIME. We boy in Car Lots, Pay Cash and Sell Cheap. Get oar prices before buying. We ere in ptaition to save you money. Thanking yon for past patronage, we are Veurs for business, McCOEMIC & ROGBES, ROWLAND, NORTH CAROLINA HOLIDAY GOODS ARRIMG. Our Stock of General Merchandise is complete in all lines. We have just received: 1 Car Load Flour, 1 Car Load Seed Oats, 1 Car Load Fine Salt, 1 Car Load "Old-Fashioned" Coarse Salt, the head first of aii. shaii we say. And piles of other goods, Bought for Cash Come XiSS to see us and we will make it to vour interest to bie and worthy, otherwise public life do so. Remember that we are headquarters for becomes impossibleand a nation pro ceeds through license and lack of dis cipline to the inextricable complicar tioiss of demagoguery. HOLIDAY GOODS, v, r.riS'l Suitable for Holiday presents for the children complicate our social life, by what- and tile Oid folks. ever names they are designated and rni,l.i. . , , . the enumeration would be long-they inanKing my many priends and customers for all lead back to one general cause, past iaVOrS, 1 am wmcn is tnis: tne contusion oi iutj secondary with the essential. The mav terfal well-being, education, liberty, all the whole of clviiSzation, form the frame of the picture, but the frame does not make the picture more than the frock makes the- monk, or the uni form the soldiers. The picture here Is the man with what, he has, the most iatlmate of his possessions, his con science, his character and his will. And while elaborating and embelllsh- hxg the frame, they have forgotten. noclotoH and dlsfljnird the nictirre. Thus we are surcharged with external If SO it Will t 6 to VOUP interest to 866 me beforft goods, and miserable in spiritual f. buying youm aterial. I am" now prepared to ftor- We have In abundance things which . . , , ,. "T K y a1 we could, if netful, do without, and msh weather boarding. GermanSidmg Sash, Doors, we are inflnitefy poor in the only In fact, anything needed for a plain building except thing necessary And when the brick and metal roofing. I guarantee the price of depths of our being awaken, with Its n 4... , , . -"P" to j " r,11V0 i; need of loving of hoping for the reaii- all material to be satisfactory, and will be pleased uation of its destiny, it feeis the an- to quote you on application. Very Truly Oct. 4 tt J. T. BRYANT. Yours Anxioas to Please. JNO. W. WARD,mD, Do You Contemplate Building? This principle may be verified In other domains than that of well-being. We will mention but those of Instruc tion and liberty. We remember the time when prophets who were believ ed announced that to transform a bar ren land Into an abode fit for the gods It would suffice to overthrow those coa'.escent old powers: misery, ignor ance and tyranny. Other prophets to day repeat the same predictions. We have just seen that the evident de crease of misery haa not made man better nor happier. Has this result been achieved in a certain measure he. th jwalaf worth efforta of lnitruc- guish of a living being whom they have buried alive. He stifles beneath the mass of secondary things which weih upon him and deprlra him of air and light. We mast seek out, set free, and re store tc honor the real life assign all things to their proper places, and re member that the centre of human pro gress ts in moral growth. What Is a good lamp? It is not the one most ornamented, the best carved or that which is made of the most precious metal. A good lamp Is the one that gives good light. And so, also, we are men and citizens not by the num ber of goods or pleasures that we pro cure for ourselves, not through our Intellectual and artistic culture, nor by the honors or the independence we enjoy, but by the solidity of our moral fibre. And this, after all, is not a truth of to-day, but a truth of all times. . At no epoch have exterior conditions realized through his knowledge or In dustry, exempted man from care for the state of his Inner life. The face of the world changes about us, the In tellectual and material factors of exis tence are modified. No one can hinder these changes whose brusque charac ters are the important thing the center of these shifting circum stances, should remain man, live his life and march toward his goal! Now, whatever be the road he has to tra verse towards his goal, the traveller must not lose himself in the cross ways, nor load himself with useless burdens. Let him watch over his di rection, over his forces, over his hon or, and that he may better consecrate himself to the essential, ' which is to progress, he simplifies his baggage, even If It must be at the price ot some sacrlficaa, To he CJDtiDoed.J If yon do not iirear off yon wil not hre to invent ezoniei for breaking your resolutions. 4 v its if u 0 ftp W i s m& , i.fnn.ifiiii a.fo.--, ,.-,r. .-yliLA..t-.-f often not without peril. But The KEELBY INSTITUTE. GREENSBORO N IG rtant thing is that man, ia ' ' FIE ! OUR ILLUSTRATED HAND BOOK CUT THIS OUT TODAY-MAIL IT TO BOX 166, GREENSBORO, N. C. Please send me your Illustrated Hand Book No. 16. Name Addresg Legal BMs oi all Kinds For Sale at this Office