THE Hniij -WEEKLY ROBESONUN. 8 . CAR LOAD OF HOLES Ilara arrived. Call dow while they tr all here and make jour eelevtion from the entire lot Tbeae mules Lira ln selected by ma personal. Ij. and will meet your reqaira rnents both in price a d claes. Alo arriving daily pew Boggles, Wagons, Harness, Etc. Our stock in tbeae lines ia right "op to now." You can't do better elsewhere, Give aa a chance to show yoa what we can do. Very Truly, A. E. WHITE, LUMBERTON. N. C. sloj PODII flj te lake sad eay le act b Out Iiimm attio fiH DeWln's Utile tily Rimii. Tais le Jm te the fci thai they tome ! Ut la- Mm4 of purging It. THy a-awr f rip nor itckan, nol evao the moat oaUcaie led, and yal they ere m cwuii to results thai ne an "a Sham Is aiaappotalod. Tha cure torpid Ihrev. COAMtpAUOM, UftoiUn, j41c, haadacHa, malala end wars' elf p no am monia sad feTas. lie. rxwiTT a co., cmaoo I V) Don't Forpt tki Itmi. arty Elisors For Mle b? Dr. II . T. Fope k. Co. TO THOSE IN NEED OF Fine Watch, Clock, Spectacle and Jewelry repafting arc aeked to call on W. L. Skip per, better known as '"Bill Skipper," in the atore of Mr. P. C. Blake, in tbe McLeod Building (any ont will abow you where it is). All work guaranteed for s year or no money aakeu. onra to please, BILL SKIPPER. Lmnherton. N. C. Inlr ra. ror Ollfedge Ciuelty. "You know," aid Mils Kreech aftir her a lo, "I intend to go abroad to finish my mniical ado cation. mirk- . a:.w ...i.. II UJ UUl UUIIU I IlKUk uuw, sugneHed.'Miss CadWy, "and save the expense V" A Ke-xk-Oal. Dr. King's New Medicine for oolds, Gold Breaker, Is now getting Id some fine work. It li speedy, safe and sore. The price la only a 60. Con venient package. Find it at Dr. II. I T, Pope Co's. t. L. MOOKK. U. 6 BLIZZARD, l'reildrnt. Hro. and Trraa. U. C. PATE. Ant. PALMETTO MARBLE COMPANY, DILLON, S. C. Prices tod Designs Famished on Application. Phone Ho. 41. MADE TO MEASURE GARMENTS FOR GENTLEMEN AT L0WE5T PRICE5 Mixim Gorky miht iuqaire hat other author has a Czar for a preis ageut.i A I i diy goods firm at Cleve land, Ohio, ha achieved distinc tion without placing tbe blam on Mrs. Cbadwick. CMTeCtisf ta Taetawe. I I raajt.ra af i h la ttmf Will -Tba IUMians cla.m they lost to i. UI lht. Uu UJ that last tattle taosa lb wsh.LM da4d die thai fl.eoe ha -r rqst mads it trnj a 1 1 for tbem. J ben able to rare In all lu tu'ra. and I. a -I m a aaiaaa a. .. n ..... !..,!,. iiM u.ei la itrra. uaJi s . i.rra i ere Not much! It -as . ...0M o-J cure waa I A lha m,.1 I-. 1 tr Uiril 1 1 V Pa tank thsJsps mid, it lK,nUl rue k, ft dl -1 Qslr a coaaillalioaai treleaer.t Hall's CaUrrb Car is Ukaa Inter- C,..Kb 4Cii-.-rwJ-l aclaf dlrly epoa the blood rrw I and maroal serf are aAt tbe iratoa. Bnd do moasy sissp'y write and I thereby daatrtyiag tba adattoa ef try Ilclanlo Clood BaLm al oar ei-1 the diaraae, sad filling tbe patleel prcae. Botanic Blood BaJin (B. B. B )streogl)i ly ballding ap tbe con tile kills or destroys tbe polaoa ia the tlon and aaslatiag aatere la deiaa: lu blood wbioh oaUane tbe awfal acbra io I work. Tbe prop fetors have so asacb Lsack and aboalder bladra, abiftlag failb in lu curative powers tLal tbry paioa, dlfflcalty la moving lagers, I offer One llaadred Dollars for any toes or le irs. bone pains, swollen raaa-1 ease thai It falls to oar. 8nd for eles and jolaU of rbeeuallim. or tbe I Hat ef testimonials. f 1 breath, hawking, spitting, drop Address T. J. CUENEY A CO.. pings In tbs throat, bad hearing. Toledo, O. specks flying before tbs syes. all Bold by all Druggists, 7 Ao. played on t fee' log of catarrh. Bo-1 Take Hall's family Pills for c n tanloB'ood Balm has oared handreds sllpatlon oi raari of 80 or 40 veavn Btsodlnc after doctors, hot swings and paienl Tbe Omsrsl Afterthooght mediolnea bad all failed. Most of In bis terse, vigoroas wit Ot he cared patients had token Blood Sherman had d.flned ar. Balm as a last resort. It Is spec- ... . MU V "IL CO (Ifldp Li raffia, lmnoaaibie ror anv one 10 am i j - - - fer tbe aconles of rbeamatlam or ca- chai g Urrh while or after tklDg Blood Balm. It makes tbe blood pare and "Tbu Ddmocratic piny should ich. thereby giving a healthy blood aeltM:t. a placw to staud," asyi an supply. Cores are jiermanent and . . .. rr 1 . , ' ,, . I Ailauta Lapr. I'jtbe coutrai), not a patchinK up. 8old at drug atore.. tl ir lame bottle Sample of UB ww" U""B"" Rlood lUlm int free and DrfDAid. now t ruu. aj n airau-isai m i i r a i anwim nv (isai. r., u, 1 ... it n s 1 aiuiy stated teat K t.- nrlV.4n.i mnrtr trnnh an1 writing " " i , .,,tr:. .,..,. nrannal trial nf Ittnnd Ralm ia tatter tiodU do.'HuClU lt)d HuUSe Nentralgine. Th re are thousands o; Kennedies recom :n nde:l for the cure of Kneumatism, Indiges tion and dyspepsia, out n thin2 to compare with NEUTRALGINE .For Rheumatism and Neutralffine Dyspepsia tablets ior the curtj of Indigestion and Dys repsia. For sale by Dr. R. G. Rozier, Lumberton, N. 0. flr ZZIZXXZZ than a thousand printed testimonials, fo write at once. ui- A. y a il-rji.t action wojid D ilat uliOtU n ... g. "Big Tim" Sullivan has RivPD away 8 COO pairs of shoes to thf poor of New York. Gov. DourIsi Da oat supprcaa a couga . wLcu you Lave a coogh do uotl a. - I. I :rv to buuureea it. Dai remote tue . . . Lflnte. The ooUgn IB only a smp- Bixby. N. O. I know that Lee's I o Manachueetts. would doubtless of some disease and the dieeaae IIL Remedy is the best I ever tried. I ,, , is hat voa shoald cure, then the .12 FarKer-Gardner 6o. FURNITURE CARPETS CURTAINS Y'Mi tan anarch th 1' d sad too wcu't find letfr bar caina "r n."rM attrrcuvH g ods than we offer. W Roar ioi to ssve v"u moi;r. :::::: PIANOS AND ORGANS At this alcre yon can bay tbe very reet made on earth. In ru men U of Aitiatic Character and World-Wide reputations. Our Pi.ons and Organs are the kin.l that yon find in tbe arliatic mnaical borne all ovrr the world. No enaiional methods. No falae clairr. No promiaes infillrd. Tajr- are our metbotla. In our Furniture an ! .Mimic Departments we show more tbn double tbe stock of any other dealer in the State. Write ns for catalogues. PARKER - GARDNER CO. LARGEST DEALERS IN THE STATE. CHARLOTTE, N. C. call that real charity TheSenaie want to studv the railway questiou Ke'ore actirjg thiDk it a God-ent remedy in my home. I have been troubled with headache from i; child, but Lee'e FTaariaphA Ramatv 4a th hmt nf all So wiU say to my headache sufferers. nPon the Pfesident's recommen 'Try this great Remedy and be oon- daHon or rate Lg'slation. it is vinoed.'' MRS. T. O. ALLEN. aitoniihine how' littl tbe Senator Sold by Dr. H. T. Pope & Co. nrofesi to know about railroad-. The Nebraska legislature has re- Tha Largest Assortment of Samples ftDpr igte $5 qqq fo. t e Thouaand. Hare Kidney Trouble JOHN D. MCALLISTER ha6 of a 8llver ,ervi(Je f the and Don't Know it. pnrohi battle-ship named for the Stat, How To Find Oat. Fill a bottle or common glass with your WHAT IS ASBESTOS? IT IS ONE atrrin demonstrating that tha til. water and let It aland twentv-four hour a of the greatest beat resisting substances .. , , . sediment or set- known, it is also one of the substances in r question is a dead mue. ll seat, Jnr Indicates an Ruchter's Durable Pamt, which prevents W 2-1. unhealthy eonrfi- it from fiakine or blistering and makes h It makes no difference how many rrTTV 1H vltzSPV? tlon of the kid- tbe best paint on tbe market. Ask yo-ir medicines have failed to Cure you, if VfA f i neys; if It stains painter. Tbe McAl'iater Hardware Co. .. tmM-H ih l.n.H.oha TpATTPOrA your linen It Is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain In the back is also BERKSHIRE HOGS you are troubled with headache, con- fstipation, kidney or liver troubles, Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well. Ask your druggist- is hat yoa should cure, then the coouh will stop of itself. The most e k t i a wimiucu cauheti cougfting is a cuia. Anodynes will promptly suppress I the coogh, and preparations coutain- cblortform, opium, e to., are used for that puipose. but they do not core the cold. Chamberlain 'a Cough Reniedv on the oilier had does not aniiiiros tho oooab. but relleVeB it by removing from the throat and iaiJK: the muscus which obstructed the breathing and allaying tbe irrita tion and tickling; in the throat. It I also opens the secretions and effec tually and permanently cures the cold ..f wtll as the cough Ftrsaleby Dr. H. T. Pope & Co. & Dr. R. G. Rozur. .Bhawa. One Minute Please! BANK OF ROWLAND, ROWLAND, N. G. Cnu.,rMi now proponf g to ru al the bankruptcy act, since t: e I country is so prosj ercus that on!) Do?s a General Banking Business. Lends Money on approved security. Pays Interest on Time Deposits. r, oTTTT" T v . convincing proof that the kidnevs and blad- b.nktriare usitg it Quick growers. Easily going aoo lbs. ciru c. toiler saa ue cau uoi deraTe out of order. at ai months, and soo at one vear. The live his time to nolitics. and the What to Do. sows very prolific, and the best of moth ers. They are Dish-faced Mortgage Lift ers. or. as the Irish sav, the "Gintlemen that pay the rint." Their breeding ia of the bert to be found in the world. JOHN CALHOUN CLIO S. C men who have tried to follow Th... I. l ,L. I I.J h( I wuiiuuil 111 mo MlUWICUgO so ! flftCn Tnr.SWrl that n, ITllm.r' Cn.amn. Rassia refuses to stop the war, ut it is just possible thai, she might be tickled if some one eljej would stop it for her. ; WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE Land Sale. I OFFER FOR IMMEDIATE SALE, for cash or on easy terms, a tract of land in St. Paul's Township, Robeson County, I , known as tne "ucmair - lanci, oeionping to the umvcTaity or xsortn caronna, con taininsr ICOO acres, more or less. The tract is situated about four miles from the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad and about three miles from St. Pauls, anv. a good part of it is excellent farming land, while the balance ia timbered with leng and short-leaf pine, oak, cypress, poplar and other native woods. For farther information, as to location of the lands, call on W. B. Burns, Esq., St. Pauls, N. C, and for further informa tion a to price and terms, call on A. W. McLean, Esq.. Attorney at Law, Lum berton N. C. sect 15 i political leadership are insisting Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every A u l 1 wian in curing rneumatism, pain in me that he can do what he pleases back kldneyS( liver, Dladder ln5evary with bl9 time, as they do not want of thc urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain In passing it, or Daa euects loiiowlng use of liquor, Tbe PaeiHaonla Season. Coughs and Colds in children as well as adults are frequently danger- during the night ons at this season of the year, and a ing tbe public. This is to warn you to beware of such people, wbo seek to nedy's Laxative Honey and Tar, a best. Sold by druggists In50c.and$l. sizes, profit, though stealing the reputation oombined cough suid cold cure anew Toumay nave a sample bottle of this 0f remedies which have been success scientific discovery in meioine-Ms a " 7 ZinVlT1 been making and trying to sell necessity of being compelled to go often .... . . . " during the day. and to get up many times lotions of Dr. King's New Disct 1. I Utla -n-Ae-".N waa-anv wwaaaa a.A mArl TCAnZCQ AibUJu VJ DlSaltala.a.VPU llu W UBSal V BBam V W3 MAA Va.LJ a.a I a t . m . 1 . uenui cures or tne most distresstn? cases. The mild and the extra ordinary effect Of SwamD-ROOt Is SOOn and nthAr mlinnPfl t.hrAh Aatrm.nA sd. It stands the highest for its won- i .1 1.1 1. mvi. 1- eurM t9 tha rrt r9i 4t.Ma.m ...... . a , - ...w vara uu.iv.Jll.t ..MViii trouble, worry ana expense. u you need a medicine vou should have the Fraud Expoaeo. A few counterfeiters have lately lm- Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. i mmmm printing house ' MOST AMTHIHG IH PRIHTIIG" PHONE NO. 90. :: LUMBERTON, N. C. mnA m Knnlr certain cure for Roughs, Colds, Oronp, more about it. both sent Whooping Congh, etc The coughs absolutely free by mall,, fully curing disease, for over 35 years. A sure protection, to you, is onr name on the wrapper. Look for and colds are cleared out of the sys Address Dr. Kilmer & hob of Smmp-Root. it, on all Dr. King s or Bnoklen'i I ," n 1 t a v t at ri 2 i . 1 tern by gently moving the bowel.. SSK n""' "'"T? and at the same time the throat, non't make any mistake, but remember itations. H. E. BUCKLEN & CO., chest, lungs and "bronchial tabes are the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Chicago, 111., and Windsor. Canada. so strengthened that there is little 5wamp-Koot. and the address, Binghamton, probability of danger. Kennedy's w.Y on every bottle. "Russian plots thicken," -ayt Laxative Honey and Tar is pleasant the New York Tribune. We to take. Contains no opiates. Sold by Dr. H. T. Pope & Co. t fy i 0 Wood's Seeds. Extra Early Peas are usually one of the most satis factory and profitable crops to grow, ooth. tor home marketiand shipping. Wood's Lightning Excelsior Wood's Pedigree Extra Early are the e-rliest and most produc tive kinds in cultivation, and are in great favor with . trackers wherever they are'planted. Special prices quoted in quantity. Write for prices and Wood's Quarter Century Seed Book, telling all about the best Garden and Farm Seeds. Mailed free. T.W.Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, mCHMOMD, -iTimwA. WOOD'S SEEDS SR1I0 PRIZE T $T. LOUIS, 1184. SOLO If ECU - PARIS, 1100. It is announced that tbe oitv of ficials of Philadfllnhia. are trninff tn make a study of vice. We had Proclamation been led to believe that there was Another thing to be said in be nothing new for them to learn. half of February Evidence in the Denver election bot ODCe a yeir' fraud cases shows that the workers Gns Machen has led enoh a busv The poles are evidently deter- thoD8ht theJ "preadinR. . mined to show the Czar that be I Another of those actresses who cannot end a revolution with a was playing at Ford's Theatre wheq President Lincoln was as sasinated has just died. There ... w 1 r ii r",u "ul uo UUI" ooupiu ui hundred of them left. Mr. Wm.S. Croane, of California oat there can he as fast as thev hfa that ho ;hi faa h .. on- Md- suffered for years from rheuma - af I av v-mv a-v v 7Ui'ij uv ao 1 1 t roar. n ra F.ip o . -" . .. . J AVOW v u a V S A cau vote. titled to take tbe The famous Goodyear Apple Farm, UUF' ' J""- near waynesvuie, jn, u., is now New Mexico and Arizona want it owned by John Farrior, Esq., who nndfiratoorl that if thv . fnrriArl into an unwelcome union, no anti- said: King's Wild Cherry and Tar is the best Congh Medioine. It is pleasant and effective, and I would not be without it. ' Even a slight cold is not a thing of no moment. It may end in catarrh or pneumonia. Keep the breathing apparatus open and clean. All diseases of the throat and bronchial tubes are cured quickly aud pleasantly by Dr. King's Wild Cherry and Tar. 25c., no cure bo pay. Sold by Dr. H. T. Pope 5k Co. advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm, which he did and it effected a oomplete cure. This liniment is For saleby Dr. H. T Pope & Co. & Dr. R. G. Rozier. If you te the Tobacco W. O. Ti.on.p tells for 25c, you will not try else divorce crueada can from separation, keep them On the railway-rate preposition some of the Representatives want it uuderatcol ttat tby will rote as tbfy must, not as they wist. Judge Sveyae's defense, brief, if. "There are othert." in Ail towns look alike 2rd. j in a bliz- Dorothy Russell declares that she will never wed again. She seems determined to be different from her mother in some re- rspects. Ptna on Commissioner Warner's declaration that be can write poe try, but will not do so, places him in tba hero, data as the only man able to suppress the poetic im nnl.. " 0 to CROP LIENS Or, more properly, the Agricultu ral Lien and Mortgage. We have recently added a quantity of these the full aud complete form to our supply of Legal Blanks. : : 'Phone or mail orders will be given our prompt and careful attention. OUR PRINTING Pleases Particular People. Our best efforts given all work ; none slighted. We are already printing for a goodly number of custom ers in this and adjoining counties. . We want to do more ; we would like to do yours. A trial is what we ask. Samples and estimates - . can be had for the asking. : : : : ROBESONIAN PRINTING HOUSE (a,M0ST AIHHIIG Ilf PfilKTLIG" PHONE NO. 90. :: LUMBERTON, N. C. m 0 0 it h ere t - t JT1 U1 w

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