ROBESONIAN ESTABLISHED 1870. Country, God and Truth. SINGLE COPIES 6 CENTS. VOL. XXXV. NO. 102. LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17. 1005. WHOLE NO. 2010 THE LUOR BRIDGE NEWS. UTMSia laJDO. H. C. MV. T. JL LAW. EDITOR. Oarryiog oonoaled deadly wt pool it it admitted by all, it a sou roe of much frigbtfol iv.l. There it a oaute for this praotiee. We bav never known ft law abid ing ftnd righteous man to be guilty bafora the law of the State and tbs law of Ood of tbis oondoot. Tba parties wbo do it are aa a role memberi of the tough element f society' Their clothsa may be good, their pores may be fall, tbeir borne may be elegant, yet tbej are moral toughs. It it gu eraily tba rowdy, tbe druukeo.who bare uo fear before their tyee wbo do jt. Tbe piatol id the bio pock et signifies all tbis. Mary a time it ia the murderer in hie heart who secretes hit gun. A proper public tentiment that frowua upon aacb law breaking would go far to ai reat it. We conclude iht th moral uplifting remaiot to be done on this point. Lettbeobli quity of tbe offence beemphasiteb unremittingly by good meo. Wbed men come to know it will work dugraoe, maDy ot them will be deterred. Man feara and qaakea at the bar of public opinion who feara and quakea at nothing elte Tbit bealtby aentimont ia grow ing. wot one or our readert can think aa well of a mail who it aeu with a five shooter iu hit hip pock et aa he did before. If tbe flrtt time you tee ft man, the handle tf hia gun it aeeu outude hit pocket you at once data him with tbe rowdy aud immoral element. We aee that Gooernor Folk cf Minonri has seat ft message to the legisla ture of his State reoom mending the crime ft felony. He tars cai rying thus guns oott hit State an nually 1100,000,00. Two Valentines. Two weeks of tbe wont winter weather we ever felt has been ex perienced of late. The- thermom eter to be sure has through the years, recorded intense oold. But cold it hat been in very fact. In our bed chamber, the water in tbe pitcher and in the bowl waa fro zen. Everything appeared to be frozen. We ourselves did not freeze of course, bat wattr frcze in eighteen inches of us. But oold is only ft part of weather- There it ery much in weather not em braced in any defkiteneai. There fore more than moitture, heat, anew, sleet, ram in it. Of two opellt of equal moiature, heat, oold snow, sleet, rain, aadden changea, one is often seen to be muob se verer in its effects npon man and bcatt. What makes the difference we can'a tell. Mas baa not yet aolved thia problem. Now no spell of weather within oar reoollection was so trying upon animals as this late prolonged winter apell with its heaviness and thicknesi, ita sun ahiue and rain, its enow and ahifting cold winds, it lowering cloudt and raw atmosphere. Boa- iness waa aaspeuded. People atayed at home. AH energy waa aapped and ambition gone. The most cheery spectacle was the blaze of pine knot firea Families gathered about tbe hearthstone and got whit cheer the? could from a common source. We hope we shell here no repetition of the season, Little need be said of the bonds of which the now well known Soath Dakota bonds which hare been pissed on by the Supreme Court ox tbe united States ftre rep resentative for the State will dis pose of them honorably, There if no disposition now and never has been in onr State to repudiate a iust debt. The bonds aggregate we believe aboat $240,000,00. and how they were issued and for rhat purpoae is now known of all. If the bonds can not be purchasod at a compromise price then the State will aa it abould, pay their faoe value. We have always proceeded on tbe rale of action that the law if honesty which binde the indi vidual binds equally the State. There are reatont why the Stat a ahould be scrupulously careful to honest transaction by the State goes tar to corrupt tbe mais of ita citizeni. The influence that the preatige of the State as inch wields on tbe individual citizen ia incal Continaed on 8th page. i BT CECIL f A MALI- "I beard you eay tomorrow would be Valentino's day so Bro tbtr Hob, woo i too please write one for me?" Pray what youog obap has found so warm a plact in yoor heart, dear, as to make you tbiok of taking so forward a step as this? Yout g chap inpeed I It is no sucb. I'll tell you wbo it it if yjo will write it for me. Well, now confess, and here goes it right off, said tbe young man, reacbiug for a sheet of note paper, from a box on tbe table beside bim. But wby not write it your self f Haven't you learned ye:? Ob yes, tut what I write looks ao clumy, I would like it oh so mo looking and full of love for I do love her so much. Love her I wby it it a girl yon propote makiog love to? Wby Brother, thame on you! I am only teren, aod lovo Miss Anuie ever so much better tbanldoAlf Morton on any one else, beside you and Mama aod Papa. Tbere now little ooe.yoo've let tbe secret out anyway, said the yooug man, but a close obser ver would have detected on his face a tuddea rise of color at mention of the little boya name for be was none other than brother to Olive Morton, tbe deareat girl on earth to him. "What shall I write for you?" said tbe young mau pen in band Tell her I love her and will come to aee her soon and shall expect to aee our new borne before long. He finished the loving epittle. How shall I tign it dearie? he aaked. Juttyour valentine, ahe auawered, and I will jutt .put my nam at the bottom to let her know who tent it. He handed it to .her and tbe read it. Ob, that a mine, and taking tbe pen the wrote her name. A drop of ink fell from it. There now, I have quite spoiled it, but never mind, Miss Aauie will know it wai an accident. Robert Allen took a neat envelope and addressed it to Miss Annie Fielding. Robert Al- en now turned his atteution to a Valentine be bad purchased for no ther than tweet Olive Morton. He unfolded the gay miative with ita pictures of flowers, Cupids, and other emblema ot love, he put no writing, other than bit initials R A. in tbe corner, one will apy tbete, he thought, and know who snt it. He carefully placed tbe two in tbeir respective envelopes and left them there to mail later. After he went out to hia work Rosa entered the room to look again at the Valentinea. Her bro ther had permitted her to look at the one he had bought. She re moved it from the envelope then took her own out also The blot looked very unpleasant now to her She took the scissors and cut the name off. Just then her mother called her, In her haste to re place them she inadvertantly placed them wrongly. Robert came in later, sealed them both to the postoffioe,vall unoonsciout of the ezohange made by tbe little girl unintentionally. Mr. and Mrs. Allen had not long resided in the city with their two children, Robert aboat twenty. two and Rosa seven. They had for. merly lived at a small village aome milea away. Robert showing de cided preferment for Mercantile pursuits, they had decided to lo cate in the city. Rota had re luctantly left her former home where lived Mitt Annie Fielding tbe village sobool teacher of whom ahe waa ao fond. She was jutt thirty modett and retiring in die position. Those who knew her bett loved her Tnostrsm Mr. and Mrs. Alien felt a warm attachment for her. With R.bert ahe wai a special favorite. Dot Olive M r ton with her wirsxse wavs aud btautiful'feoe aod form bad cap tivated tbe heart of the y-aug get. My Japiter, be cried, Hoes a I AsapU rleppeaJega s y mticricki did toi. I feel Mra. Callie Jenkina. widow of ear she cat ant n harm, bat I am the laU Pinkney Jenkina and sore In a bcx. lie inquired of I we known ami loren old !ad of man. bbe was tbe only daughter, j Mm Kmldiug if she received a thia community, died last Hunday and pride of let father' htart. Her mother haviug died, the bad beeu at a mother to her little ten year uld brotber. All wbo at- tended tbe tame school with Rosa Alien aud tbe two wart) great frieods. Robert btd oftenealled at tbe borne ot Mr. Mortca and tbooght Olive not iodillerebt to his attentions. Among lbs Yelea tiuee she received, none absorbed ber attention so macb as one di rected to herself in tba wall known baud of Robert Allen, bat within was a nesily written sheet with tbe words "My dearest Miee Annie I send yju this Valentine t tll bow much I love you. I am com ing to see you before long aud shall expect yoa to return with me that you msy see our new bnnse, hoping to soe you soon, and with fondest lve, your Valen- tice " It wta to ber a mystery She felt sure about tbe baud i ting but wbo was Mim Annie? an how came tbe tbe slantine ad dressed to herself ou tbe outside A few evenings after she met Rob ert at tbe home of a friend. N opportumtr was afforded to men tion the subject, but a pang jealousy wasfelt by her npon hear iua him remark to a friend tba he would be absent for tome day tbe following week and ei pec ted to bring with bim a lady friend on hia return home. A few dayt afttr Alf came from tobool and an noanced that Kota Allen bad in vi ted bim to her birthday party altiue with initials iu ou cor n-r. i, wita KtBi soe ac rd. I kuew tbt dear little child ut if. Next day he learned from Rosa about bow occurred. She was . L .LL. .1 111 lu "'" astnM-a ) -an road. vQW j, tL concerned that "A'l it well t r at .trt vivvwiv v tai uuvi ami waa burird at tba family grave yard. Manv of the male popo'ation of Aabpole ara attending court thia the obange wek to iMr gnt ngnt on sorry about counl cf bad weather and worJ time for our ends welt." Robert and Olive wer soon bspp:ly betrothed. Aud Mr. Mortou sacceedod in poriusdiug Miss Auuie Fieldiug that it we never to late to eek at.d rind bap piuess iu a tru rnarnast aud lout. before another Valeutiueday ca tut- both couples were bspp:ly mar- rifd. 5c. PauU Items. 1 be distinguished lecturer, Hn rv Bloun lectured hera Haturdav I. . , ' learn tnat ane ia improving Miseee McCall and Iiullard. of Elrod, and Miss Chapel!, of IV kin, X. G wbo are teaching at Klrtxl, aptnt last Saturday and Sunday in town. Aa it wait tbeir first visit we are acrry it was such inclement weather. Dr. A. (i. Floyd and little son of Fair B uff, were orer laat week to aee Mra. Caroline Floyd, wbo was quite aick. We are irlai to and spoke of Mitt Anuie "tome body ' wbo was at ber borne and would greatly add to th enjoy ment of tbe children. Invitations came duly to the family. Olive aaid the preferred ttaylng at home but her father seemed so pleated at tbe projpeot of attending that the decided the would go. Upon arrival at tbe home of tbe Aliens they were oondocted to a room where many children were gath ered. At one end of it wai a bay winaow; witnin it a tame on which waa deposited the simple gifts from friends to Rosa. ,Olive advanced to pjace those brough by Mr. Morton, Alf and herself. A lady dignified, graceful bat not young stood near arranging the gifts. Wbo is she? thought Olive, what wondrous brown eyes she has, and each" a smile at she bowed to her. Jest then Rosa came forward holding Alf by one band; Mits Annie, thit it Alf Mor ton, and she nodding toward Ol ive, is bit sister. Mies Fielding extended ber band and met a oor dial retponte from tbe beautiful girt. Mr. and Mrs. Allen ad vanced, introducing Mr. Mortou who recognized her aa friend of by gone dayt, and resolved then and tbnre to lay Beige again. for the heart and hand of one so worthy. In looking over her presents Rota remarked that one of tbe pictures reminded her of one the had teen once on a Valentine. Yes dear, the one you sent me contained one very much like it. No. no, Mitt Annie, tbe one I tent you was just a plain love letter with no pictures but next time I'll tend a fine one like Brother. Here ft warniDg glanoe from Robert canted her to pause in some confusion. Robert bad noted a certain re serve be fancied coolness, in O -ive'a greeting upon meeting him that evening. A little later ihdy were seated apart from the reat. Tbe children were having a gsy time. Olive, he asked, did you receive a Valentine with initials in the cornera? She wat aarpriaed at the queation. She anawered by telling him aboat tbe one ahe did bearers were entertained by hia eloquent and witty lecture. Mr. and Mra. L. Shaw have been vielting at Lumber Bridge and Red Springa thit week Miss Mary McArtbur has been tbe guest of Miaa Bella MoGeachy for the laat few days Mr. Kirder, of Scotchville (ia., visited hia friend, Mr. James Johnson recently. The ladies Miieionary Society met at the residence of Dr. T. L. Northrop thia afternoon The R. F. D. from here to To- larsville will go into effect Feb 15th, 1905. Mrs. Mary Ivey ia again on the aick Hat this week but we bone it ia not serious. Tbe rain on Sunday kept Rev. W. G. Walker, of Rowland, from filling bia appointment at tbe Presbyterian church. Rev. J. M. Aahby bad a small but interested audience at the Methodist church at eleven o'clock and left immediately after dinner to oonduct the funeral services of Mrs. Mary McLean Faulk at Aah ry church. Rev. J. A. MoKaugban aod family left last Friday . for their I'xh Itee. The weather hat been so vtrry tal the farmers have done very litt e work towarda starting a new crop. Mr. II. B Ward returned boose Saturday fr m Baltimore, where he haa been to purt-biee drags. Mr. J. W. Barnes and sister. Mlaa Bettie were visiting relative here Friday. Mr H U. Ward speot most of laat week with ber uncle, Mr. AU len Kiena. It raited ao Sunday that W&. iamn and Itammonda were diaap- Ioiuted. I gueat aome one at Back Swamp wat disappointed alxo. Mr. W. W. Rowland aod wife spent laat Tuesday Mrs. E. C. Ward There waa no school at Cen tenary laat week on accooat of Prof. J. O. McArtbur being sick. Mr. Jay Hammond waa in town Saturday. Mr. Frank Williams went to Hamer, S. C, Monday on busi nesa. We are glad to' toe tbe Echo Items come out in tbe Aros, Let us hear from you again uncle , Zao. Marietta Items. Mr. Maok Oliver spent Satur day in Lumberton. Dr. J. G. Rogers, of Pages Mill, was seeing some of the aick folks prevented By tne wgy nerernuay. Dennv haa charmed na all with There were no services here Sun- her violin playing. She is indeed day on account of tbe inclement 0ur artiat weather. Miss Belle Smith, of the faoul ty at Orrum. spent Saturday and Sunday here witi ber sister, Miss Ella Smith. Prof. Fred Brown went over tbe line Friday evening. He seems to ike some of the people of the Pal metto State. What has become of the Robe- Sojynui tuns. There will be a public entertain ment at Bardensvills School boas Feb. 17th, 1006, at early ciudle . light given by the ladies, and sack lady will be expected to bring cne nia or ftik-M in h mnA ta thu hih new home in Wilmington and are ,lt bidder. The procMd, . to greatly missed by their friends. . . - h- . flt a(thm Mr. Cliff Rankin spent last charoh. The public is cordially spent Sunday at Lumberton. invited to attend. Miss Lelia Denny was to take r v a nr:.k..t 4 a.4 the trip too, bat the bad weather I j JU j t k r JLIBB I t. A Q W;.t...t M si Minnie Moors spent San- day at home with her paienta. Mitt Laora Witbart has been will the houae'vacated bv Cant son uounty xeaoner a Meeting r e rofs. Jbdens and Brown hoped to paricton itema. kept at home on account of the Owing to tbe oold wet weather iiieM 0f her mother. i i i i - peopie Bare ueen noueeu in, con- We are sorrv to renort the death sequenuy mere is not mucn news QQ Feb 10th of Mff John to write this week.. Htnbba of dntsrville. tit i i il. vveareaorry 10 row ms iscu, Mrs. W. P. Barker soent the of Capt. W. F. Biddell, who are d. t Mr. Qb Warwicka laat a r . i r - ai. . i i - moving to Xiea cpnnga mis wees. Tnesdav r -v t l T V a a 1 1 I Air, uoDDin juoxiaii win occopy Bid- have one meeting here in march We hope thev may succeed. We will try and entertain this repre sentative body of men and women if they come. Misses Othel Oliver and Mary Brown, of the Barnesvil'e school, spent Saturday and Sunday at Hon. J. S. Olivers. They inform as that tbeir school at Baruesville oloses Wednesday, February 22nd, with one or more addresses in the day and a concert at night. As this is a legal holiday guess oar two sohols here will be represent ed. Last Saturday afternoon as Mr. G. C. Page and Prof. Fred Brown were returning from Fair Bluff in time to fulfill an engagement with some of tbe lair sex as they en tered Ashpole Swamp they saw a nice large possum crossing the road in front of them. Mr. Page says, Mr. Brown is fine on pos sums, haviog succeeded in a few minutes ia pattiag bim ap a tree. In the mean time they were j ined by Mr. Oliver, our county om missions, who helped to capture Mr. Possnm. The possum is now quietly enjoying life at "The Ma rietta Hotel" and may be soon in Lumberton at tbe Robesonianl omce if tbe Editor sun wants a niae live possum. "More Anon.' Mr. lay lor Jrianer reoeivea a telegram from his son Pearl, who was at Wake Forest at school, stating the sadden illness that caused him to be taken to John Hopkins hospital. Hope be will soon recover and return homo Miss Minnie B. Allen, after quite a stay here with Mrs. Biddell her sister, has gone te Lilesville, On account of the inclement weather, we had small congrega tioas at Smyrna Sunday. Bro. 0. E. Paul preached an exoallent sermon. Mr. W. P. Barker, aon and daughter, Mr. A. N. Barker and M m Lit lie Barker spent the day at M A. S. Wiibart't last Toes- day. Thr.vlof School at Raynbam. 1 be High School at Kaynham, N. O.. to spend a few days with MQ cbargeuf Prf. Reynolds, is in ralntioaa hfnr ml limine tn har a thriving condition. Aboat S8V- home near Wadesboro. There has been an epidemic of oolds around here, but very few were slighted. Joint Debate. sity pupils are enrolled, iwo we-ks ago, Miss Mamie Gibson, of Gibson, aocepted a situation in the icbool aa masio teacher. Miss G.bton is recently from Greens boro Female College, aud comes A joint debate will xr held in highly recommended as a0 in- tne upera noase on soe nigut 01 muuwi u uju.h- Feb. 24th. between tbe Melke Lit erary Society, of Robeson Initi- In the Secate Ineaday xlon. JJ,. tnte. and the "F. O. I." Literal vJ- Bnil maa a Pon- om me Society, of Stinceon Institute, citizena of Robeson county asking Question, "Rssolved, That a citi- for improvement of Croatan school , .UnM .nta .nri,ff tn hi. distriot. Mr. Britt intrcdaoed the v vve vww swww u. own choice-and conviction!, re- following bills: To allow the It-. i a w a ffardlpss of oartv tiet. Messrs. I 5anlt oi LumDenon 10 increase lis sr I . i i i J W. S. Britt aad W. R. Betfaone. ooart of directors, ana to snow of tbe Melke Society, will support Kobeson County Loan and Iraat the affirmative, and Messrs. F. F. Company to increase its board of njiin..nH Randan nr th. directow. The bill to allow Robe. "F. O. I." Society, the uesative. on county to borrow money from th; school fund', wts raunea. Mr. Iiham Stone, baa quite sick for some time. beeo A uniform charge of 253 will be mtde for admiasitn, and the pre- ceeds, after paying expenses, will be for tbe bentfit of tbe Mslke Literary Society. It ia hoped a large crowd will attend. Bigamist Hoch persists in main- taitiog a cheerful manner, despite the fact that tbere have been sev eral deaths in hit family recently. Mr. W. G. Hart, of Tar Heel waa a pleasant caller Wednesday. i

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