THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESON UN. CAR LOAD OF MULES Have Arrived Call now while thay are all her and make your indention from the eutire lot. The uiulea have wn ae-lett! by uo personal ly, and will met your require meat both in price ard claM. Alao arriving daily new Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Etc. Our stock in the lines) ia right "op to now," Yon can't do better elsewhere. (live us a chance to abow you what we can do. Very Truly. A. E. WHITE, LUMBEKTON. N. C: Sour Stomach Na apfetll. lot of strengut. aervoua. . nesiacr. conatipanoa. bad breath. fneal debit) I jr. tour rlalnja. avJ ciUnk ot ih stomach ar aildue UlndlresUoa. Kodol evs latiifeeuon. This M discovery rpr wi the natural Juices ef tflrution they In a healthy alemech, oombioed vlih the greatsst known Ionic cad rceiatrct!r propertl, Kodol Dyrpa Cur doa do I only cur loJirwtlon and dyspepsia, but thla iimoui rsmedy cur all stomach troubles by cleansing, purlfyir.f. sienlnf and itrsnjihsnJpf the mucoui mcrr.trsne ilrJr.f ins sio.-nacn. ."7 - I UnM iti mir Knah for ry twt KatfjJ rttW a M4 M ftt- vUu II la uk Koaos Digests Witt Yoa Eat. aruoaJjp 1 1 00 Sua koidiw 2H Bimi is trial Me, wJc Mill for SO CU. Vee eras' o - O. D.WITT OO.. OHIOAOO For Sale by Ir. H. T. Pope & Co. TO THOSE IN NEED OF Fine Watch, Clock, Spectacle and Jewelry repaiiing arc asked to call on W. L. Skip pr, better known as "Bill Skipper," it the .tore of Mr. P. C. Blake, n in the McLeod Building (any one will show yon where it ia). All work guaranteed for a rear or no money asked. Yours to please, BILL SKIPPER. Lumbertnn. N. C. Inl id. ion . L. MlK'KK. H..- fcLIZ.AKD, i'realdent. See. and Trea. H. C. PATK. A;ent. P.tilag of the Simple Lif. We used to lore Uncle Joe Can non for hia common, homespun ways, but they do aay Uncle Joe baa con and bought an automo bile. "Dew tell !' PALMETTO MARBLE COMPANY, DILLON, S. C Prices and Designs Furnished on Application. Ptionfi Ko. 41. .MADE TO MEASURE GARMENTS FOR GENTLEMEN AT L0WE5T PRICES The Largest Assortment of Sample JOHN D. Mr ALLISTER WHAT IS ASBESTOS? IT IS ONE of the greatest heat resisting substances known, it is also one ol toe substances in Rnchter's Durable Paint, which prevents it from risking or blistering and makes u the best paint on the market. Ask your painter. The JVTCAI Muter Marnware in. BERKSHIRE HOGS Quick growers. Easily going 200 lbs. at six months, and 500 at one year. The sows verv prolific, and the best of moth ers. They are Dish-faced Mortgage Ltftj ers.or, as the Irish say, the "Ginjjemen that pay the rint." Their breeding is of the beft to be found in the world. On the Way. Jackson The grand jrry re turned three indictments against omitb this morning. Johnson uracious ! That man will be a Senator If he keeps on. A Dolractlv Fir . To draw the fire out of a born, or heal oat without leaving a scar, use DeWitt.s WitohHazelSalve. A speofice for piles. Get the geoine. J L. Tocker, editor of the Harmonizer Ceater, Ala , write : I havo used De Witt's Witch Hstel Salve in my f ami ly for Piles, cuts and buens It ii the best salve on the market. Every family should keep It on hand.'' Sold by Dr. H. T. Pope. The reading public would be bet ter pleated if Law sou did not cod fins h;i tea' efforts to his proapec tniei. It ii about an even figix as to whether Addict! or Niedrioghaua will hit the bottom of the Seuato- rial toboggan first. Georgi Washington and Theo dore Roosevolt are the only Pren dents whose opposition at election time was fouod in thecduma marked "Scattering." . XALH .1 O H N y'cuo s. c OUN -7- Land Sale. I OFFER FOR IMMEDIATE SALE, for cash or on easy terms, a tract of land in St. Paul s Township, Kobeson county, known as the "McNair" land, belonging to the TJnirataity of North Carolina, con taining jteo acres, more or less. The tract is situated about four miles from the Atlantic Coast Line Railroa ' and about three miles from St. Pauls, an a good part of it is excellent farming land, while the balance is timbered with long and short-leaf pine, oak, cypress, poplar and other naUve woods. For further information, as to location of the lands, call on W. B. Burns, Esq., St. Pauls, N. C, and for further informa tion as to price and terms, call on A. W. McLean, Esq, Attorney at Law, Lum berton N. C. sent 15 I Wood's Seeds. fa llow Era Cow Peas are rightly named. They are the best of Cow Peas, whether for northern, western or southern planting. They are early to ma ture, upright in growth, enormous ly productive, both of vines and peas, and are altogether the most satisfactory and sore croppers grown We are headquarters for Cow Peas; had over forty different varieties in our exhibit at St Louis, on which we were awarded the Grand Prize. Wood's Descriptive Cataloeu 1 the fullest Information abont Cow and all Garden and Farm 5eeds. Write 'for it and special price list of Farm Seeds. T.W.Wood & Sons, Seedsmen, IICNHOID VllttlNIA. If you want the sweetest and best Water Melees and Caataleepe grown, plant Weed's Seetatieai seod. Our Descriptive CetaJefee tells all Sboat the best kinds to plant It's mailed free for tne asking. Night Prewlnc Thievee. Cronp and Whooping Cough come like a thief in the night, stealing in to fasten the fangs of mortal disease' upon the children as they peacefully sleep in their little beds. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar, the new dis covery for Coughs and Colds, will drive out these deatlidealing demons before the doctor can arrive. It pro tects the lives and health of the littl ones. (Contains no opiates. Keep it handx"Sold by Dr. H. T. Pope & Co. There was a small rict at Saluda, N. C. , Saturday afternoon between the town marshal of that place and several citizens on one side and a gang of negro toughs on the other. Twenty cr more shots were fired aud the result was that the town policeman and one negro weie wounded, but neither serious ly. After the smoke and excite ment died away the gang was rmcded op and landed in Polk county jail. It will bring rick, red blood, firm flesh and music. That's what Hoi lister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. Taken this month, keeps you well all summer. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Ask your drug gist. Gov. Vardamau wants to come to the Senate. He would make an ideal Senator for a State that wants that kind of a Senator. Addicks is said to have executed a financial coup and to be in funds again. This will be cheering news to certain Delaware politicians who teared thpy might luve to work for a living. "Buffalo Bill" cried in the court room the other day. Oat of re spect for our old illusions, we hope he removed bis flowing wi?, and snaps before the weep act. . It is believed the Czar wculd be pleased if he should wake up some morning and find bis window open 03 a peace fire escape. Can't Lose a Humbug;. Senator Lodge has deoUred once more in the debate on the agricul tural apportionment bill that the sending of seeds by members of Congress is a humbug. Most mem b r ot C jcereis ticitly agree with the distinguished' Senator in this respect, and still the humbug is at lively as ever. Ex Vrr Caaftiows. Coet ( (he Desleg rUMt Th modern bignvsymau ap- Tak all the rocca and chu-olat , pti acLt-d 111 autoux bile, ran doeu manufactured in this country in a i , t.d tbeu droistidrd year. Add all the blacking and is watcb. bluing, the flavoring, and extracts ' Y u ar taku g advai.ttg o' and tLe axle grease Ta'.e next e me. ok tested the cit ie . I year s reluct of th t let sugar ".Nut at .'II, assured the b)gl- Industry which was important ytsatj. 1 watt yoor watcb U nougb to hold up a great treaty time mj b.achiue so I will not be fur two years in the Congrrs of arrsitoi for fsst dnviuf ." Cm- the I'uited States Throw -hi rsg' Fcws. alltheclui, the re hoed lard, the . " castor oil. the irfuines, and ce , . , . . nietu-s. and the kindling wooJ Do 1 dm the atcmacb to mre a 0 m L t H t . . . . 1. : I k 000. h One Mlnote Ooosh cuts u l' moras, draws the tnflammalioo I entire output of ink and mucilage oat of the threat, longs and bronchial Jue total value of this accumula tb. heaJs'soolheS and cares A tlon will atill i ia. than that ol oolck oore for Croop and Whooping , t . Ooogh. Sold by Dr. U. T Pope A Co. a e" ' P 001 of whl we 01,1 "patent medicines Lo.umpui.of a iD.r.i. The census of lUO placed the The Indian of the Iod an ler- of "i.atent medicinee" do- .1. .1 4.. I - u :?.,"""V " dd in this country annually at the ml men of the country. There 11 ':- A tb "g is ilan&er that thev know enough is about one third, this me.ns " ' J n I to be insulted by the prohibition that the sura paid over the retail clause of the bill admitting una-1 clruKKit cou-ters, taking no ac ijuiuia. l f : J ... Iiuun. 01 iiicri'HBcu coiieuiuoiiun in the last four years, is something Wht-n you want a physio that Is lke jso.tKX) 000 a vear about 11 mi la ana trentie, chit iu iiii uiu , i 11 j fur At uri- nifin vAmm anil hllrl certain 10 act, mmii uou uiujlwi i , alns's 8tomach and Liver Tablets. J uie v For sale bv Dr. H. T. Pope A Co. t.ncar Cer-e k uie Dr. R. ti. Rozler. Mrs. M. L. Adama. Fredonia, Ala , . . ixjk Ho'anic Blooil Balm bich effect- Dr. Diriitigton, of New York, ua;iy cured au eating cancer of the nose ays a germ will live a on Ujanv doctor had Kuen up htr cae a paper monfy. So Can a mau, if hopeiess.. hundred Of cae of cancer, , . rating M)Tr, supperaling awtllings. etc., tne dejomiuatiou of the bill is fcxe ,,irn rUft.,) i.v M. . 1 Hn'tn Auu ug large t-UOUgh. her, Mra. ll. M. Out.i.t), V.'rriui Stand, Ala. Her note aiid I p were raw Newspapers keep talking about . beef, with offensive (!i5crargt imm tne i-rttini; sore. Doctor aivit"i cur. :i:ig but it tailtd. Elxxl liw!ni healed the "passiLg of Addick," but be does not pass at y faster than a bill iu the Senate. Chicago women have declared thaTThe prayer, "Now I lay me," is out of date. We had cupposed that any kind of a prsyer would be a novelty in Chicago. Tje Sejatois are apparently try iug to make hard work ot their job of killing tim. 1 tri?-' Neutralgine. p!i re ore thousands 'tnidioa rocom 1:1 :ri- 1 for the cure of hrirtumatiam, Indiges tion and d38pepaia, Dut nothing to compare with NEUTRALGINE For Rheumatism and Neutralgine Dyspepsia tablets for the cure of Indigestion and Dys pepsia. For sale by Dr. R. G. Rozier, Lumberton, N. 0. :xacxx: By th 1 oaic Route. The pills that act as a tonio, and not as a drastic purge, are DeWitt's Little Eatfv Risers They core Headache, Constipation, Billioosness, etc, Early Risers are small, easy to to take and easy to act a safe pill Mack Hamilton, hotel clerk at Valley City, N. D., says: "Two bottles cure med of chronio constipation." Sold by Dr. H. T. Pope & Co. N il Burgess is bankrupt with liabilities of $21,112 aud aesets limited to two suits of clothes, slightly worn. Ntiil was always an extravagant dresser. There is h"pe that Attorney Geneial Moody will find time to lake a long drive at the golf ball truBt by the time the hnks are clear of snow. There is not much enconragem nt .or a Republican Congressman to bolt the administration program when be finds a couple of Demo crats auxious to take his pliCH. the otcv nri'l Mr. Guert.ey la aa wtll as ever, botanic Blood lijim aiso cures ec- cuii, itching huuiort' acabs and cale, I 'Oe p;ns. ulcers, tfTenive piirples, 1 jiI poison, catounchi SC olula r.s ngs ai.d bumps on the tkiu and all b owl troublesl Mrugi', fi per la'gr bottle. Sample : Hoiacic Biocd Ba.tu free and prepaid ut writing lilool Balm to.. At UnUi, lia. Discnt trcuble and special uic(1i?h1 advice tent in sealed letter. Jt is certmuly worth while investigating such a remarkable B.cud Balm cures the most awful, o se andmoii deep-seated blood diseafes. Parker Gardner 60. FURNITURE CARPETS CURTAINS Y'u search 'h Uud sod voq won't find bett-r bar gains or no a t'rc:irt giod tbau we offer. We guar te-i to stve v u !n'uv. :::::: PIANOS AND ORGANS At thi alore yon can boy the very beat made on earth. Inurn ment of Artistic Cljarartrr and World-Wide reputation. Our PL. one and Organ are the kn;d'uat you find in the artistic musical homes all over ihe worM. No sensational methods. No false claiir.. No promise;il. 7hee re our method. In our Furniture ami Music department we show more tLn double the stock of any other dealer in the State. Write n for caUlognes. PARKER - GARDNER CO. LARGEST DEALERS IN THE STATE. CHARLOTTE, N. C. A Living Monument. If we were to assemble all those who have been cured of heart disease by Dr. ' Miles' Heart Cure, and who would to-day be in their graves had not Dr. Miles' been successful in perfecting this wonderful heart specific, they would pop ulate a large city. .What a remarkable record a breathing, thinking, moving monument, composed of human lives, that for which every other earthly possession is sac rificed. The Miles Medical Co. re ceive thousands of letters from these people like the following: "I feel indebted to the Dr. Miles' Heart Cure for my life. I desire to call the attention of others Buffering; aa I did to this remarkable remedy for the heart. For a long time I had suffered from shortness of breath after any little exertion, palpitation of the heart; and at times terrible pain in the region of the heart, so serious that I feared that I would some time drop dead upon the street. One day I read one of your circulars, and immediately went to my drusjast and purchased two bot- -Uea of the Heart Cure, and' took it according: to directions, with the result that I am entirely cured. Since then 1 never nt'iss an opportunity to recommend thls'remedy to my friends who have heart trouble; In fact s a traveling- advertisment, for I am widely known In Uue locality." J. H-BOWMAW, Maruurer of Lebanon Democrat, Nashville. Tenn. Dr. Mil' Heart Cure Is oW by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. If it fails he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Poss bty Another World's Eair. W hether or no there will be an expo6iti n held in 1909 to cele brate the 1.000th anniversary tf the disco ery of the Hudson River is yet nndeci.'ed, but several New York City societies are consider ing the matt r and may do it fur tne glury of New York If there is an exposition it will not be hold in the city, of course, for there is no room for it unless on Long Is land, and to ask the people to go to Long Island would be a surd. The site euggested is on the Hud son's ba k, at Verplanck's point. estchester county a fine place, eaeily accessible. Sick Headache. T this distressing ailment results from a disored condition of the stomach. All that is needed to effect a cure is a dose or two of Chamber lian's Stomach and Liver Tablets. In fact, the att ack may be warded off, or greatly lessened in severity, by taking a dose of these Tablets as One Minute Please! BANK OF ROWLAND, ROWLAND, N. G. Do'-i a General Banking Business. Lends Money on approved eecurity. Pay 8 Interest on Time Deposits. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE ROBESONIAN PRINTING HOUSE "MOST AHYTHIIG IH PRIITIKG" PHONE NO. 90. :: LUMBERTON, N. C. appears. Sold by Dr. H. T. Dr. R. O. Rozier. Pope & O Valuable Unclaimed Property. The stories of lost and unc aim ed property form a monumental history of human carelessness. Equally so, it would seem, is the story of unclaimed stolen proper ty. In the Rue des Eco es, n Paris, a yearly sale takes plsce of objects found on thieves and mur derers unclaimed by their owners. It is truly surprising that so many reople refue to claim what be longs to thm. Among the things on view the other da were a pair of earring, sold for $45, a pearl breastpin 110, and one brooob $240. There were dozens of dia. mond rings sp endidedd watches and chaines, and one diamond weighing three and one half carats. A 5(e Coufb Mcdlcloe for Children. In buying a cough medicine for childnn never be afraid to buy Cham berlain's Coogh Remedy. There is no danger from it and relief is always snre to follow. It is especially valu able for eo'ds, cronp and whooping cough. For sale by Dr. H. T. Pope & Co , and Dr. R. G. Rozier. WonFd Stand High. "I hear your wife caTe too a good rating last night," remarked tn.e sporting citizen. V-xes, she cave me a eood rat ing," admitted the coavival citi zen, "fcucn a good rating, in fact, that it's a pity I "can't use ner as a reference instead of Brad I CROP LIENS f Or, more properly, the Agricultu ral Lien and Mortgage. We have recently added a quantity of these the full and complete form-" to our supply of Legal Blanks. : : 'Phone or mail orders will be given our prompt and careful attention. OUR PRINTING Pleases Particular People. Our best efforts given all work ; none slighted. We are already printing for a goodly number of custom- ers in this and adjoining counties. We want to do more ; we would like to do yours. A trial is what we ask. Samples and estimates can be had for the asking. : : : : ROBESONIAN PRINTING HOUSE "MOST AITTHIIG II PRimiG" I . PHONE NO. 90. :: LUMBERTON, N. C. street."

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