1 ROBI OMAN 1 ESTABLISHED 1870. Country, God and Truth. SINGLE COPIES 6 CENTS. I VOL. XXXVI. NO. 3. LUMBERTOtf, NORTH CAROLINA TOE8DAY, MARCH 7. 1005. WHOLE NO. 2016 T THE LUMBER BRIDGE HEWS. .PMc saiDoa. m. c. RKV. f. R. LAW. EDITOR. A copr of a ThomaiTille, Qor-gia.pap-er fall ucder our i;n ff ceutly and read with iutertet the ecoouut of a uofel rac n DMitd by over fifty thcasand per pie. The acaua waa near Loa Ac geles, Califoruia. The contestants wtre aa air ship, tie Califi roia Arrow, aoi en automobih.said to ha tha fiueat aud fastest on the Paci6eCosat and owned ry Mr.M. T. Hancock, who, by toe wav ia tha fatbar of Mr.. J C D Luasfear Brt-fge Locals. NOTES OF INTEREST. Fayetteville Presbytery meet tbia spr ng II b of April, at Car. thsge, Mr. Will Or. ham baa the band- somest r air of horses in tba town- Governor Glenn and his staff will stUnd President HooMrelt'a inauguration to marrow. Several military oompaniee from tbia State iu iu iuwu' i i . i ship. Ha ia proud of them and w " " IU lu" wu,u7 bat good reason to be. Oorernor Qlenn -ssued a pardou Tbe cry of cbiokene recently in ,Mt W(k ,or J" T. Wilson, serv- tba poultry yard of an upper-end ling a fire year term in Iredell for er awoke bim to fin i a drinking assault. But it rime too late. dart ey in t be dark neaa waa filling kVilaon died tba dav b-fr. the l.i. I 1.1. I4U .kl.l uim iwu iu mm wnKvm wiiu vuiti' i . , . ena awaiting out in the higo way. raon CUVkX D,m- Tbe negro waa aoon in doranoe An autojy on Cadet Midabip- Tile. I pon inTeatigation It waa mn S. Weatrav Battla. cf North found bia little wagon bad aa a n.,.nln. -h .U ..,.M-,i. -i.iu supplement jugs filled with whit- , ... . ' . ... McNatt.of Parktoo. Tbe air abip kev freab from Iloffaan. There ,B,,,DK ,ni ran" " ine inueu rou the race. We respectfully we-e 27 gallona in all. The negro Mates a?al Academy a few daya call tbe attention or our esteemed ami iui?a were held fast The jus- It go, abowa that death waa due to contemporary. the Charlotte Ob- tioe of the ieace in those parte excessive fatigue. arr tha fait frianri if nnt liltaral I trtrtk than- in hanH ami natural.! patron of airships.to tbia aohiere- ly enough and to hie credit, waa no Milton w- Arrowood. of. North meat. The owner of thu swift little indignant at the high banded Carolina, whi disappeared aerer.l ranniDg though beaten aott mobile lawlessness. In tbe beat of bis weeks ago from th Battleship is spoken ot ai a millionaire wno Interrogatories to the doomed dsr- Kearsage on which he waa eerv i.ta, ,h hi. m.h,n-hhi- Z I ing his hnsl course, is now under ceared for higher speed and more kev. Paraona Law. Croaa andCali. arre,t- De wl11 probably be tri d tiiM mtvtBMI te reea f Ilrf I Kfo4 Deins. S - ItaaM Acoordiog to tbe reports of Mr. J. W. Jobneou is still on- Miss Slli McNeill, of Mt. Tf earn of the oewipepers the mc?. Lble to U at bi. offioe.bat i- beu bo'. 'Pa fatorday id Sunday coeeu, 3fite Aoas) meat amour tha farmirs of South to hold their oottoc for 10 cent aud to diminish the acreage thie year '25 per cent, is a boo i to prove a failore. They y that while a large number of ar ners sre diipod to sccep' ocb au agreement and to obeerve it loyally, others are (jai-tlf sell lug witbeaoh little rise iu tbe market. This is isid to be proved by the steady Tolom of receipt. the h for Mvsral diyt. Mrs. W. B. McLaocbiiu, we are glad to report, is improving, bat I till iu a hospital at Cbarhtt. Mrs. F. Kttie Walkr it North, supplying bereelr with millinerr. with hr r.vaue. Mrs. John M:Artbnr is visitiog relstivee aod fneud at Booettf Tille, S C. Mr. Ed. McCdrmiek, of Parktoo.' Her maiy frieode areglad toknow fieited his home f ki Monday. the is with thaMooreSapply Hoa.s this year. Mtny of our ppiv are iu Watbingtou, . bsvibg got) to b It bat boeu predicted that this be present at tbe luaoturatiou of ... I t e-i a uioTemut would drop t piece lD retiasnt. for lack of concerted actiou. Kach prospectt,at least, of victory gan, and all? The wretched victim by court martial for, desertion. Bosioeti called us to Parkton last Thursday. It was a delight ful outing to us on several ac counts. We eDj'oyed seeing maoy friends. But it was pleasing to us to see proofs of so much prosper ity. Tben.it is a growing town. Tbe population baa been doubled in a year. Three net were seen gcUg now the Aletooduts are going to place tbe lumber on a lot tor a cburoh in a few daya. Tbe Bap tists and Presbyteriaas have uew oburch houses already. Tbe Park too Mercantile Company, of which Mr. Taylor Fisher is president. ar d bis jogs are now safely in jail as a a quel. It ia probable that Rev. Dr. R C. Reed, who baa manv'frienda in thi section, will move from Colnm bia, S. C . to Qastonia, N. C, to take charge of tbe church there. He ia a very able man. Mr. J. G. McCcrmlc is push- residences in? to completion bis handsome up. Aud rraidence in Parkton. Our people are felicitating them- Revenue officers aeized 3, 800 gal lona of whiakey at Roxboro some daya ago. Nathan Bui lard was accidentally killed at bia aaw mill at Roseboro some days ago by a apllnter which dew from tbe taw and went into hla eye and brain. Re?. Dr. McKelway, ot Char lotte, was one of the prinoipal Mits Roena Alford returned boms Sander, after an x tended vistt to br sister, Mrs. M. T. Mc Oor gan, bear Rd Springs. Miss Ala MsXeill, ot Ml. Te bor, is visiting Mrs. W'n. MeOor mick. Miss Jsnie McGocgao spent Saturday night aod Sander with her parents near R'd Spricgt. Miss Maud Stewart, who baa been visiting her ooole, Mr. Jcbo, selves that the crossing of Raft leakers at a meeting of the child Swamp, oc the Red Springs road near Shannon, is to be made en tirely safe and easy under the skilled hand of Rob't Lancaster and his 'chain gang." Tbia crossing has never before received the attention it needed. It will labor o mmittee in New York some daya ago. His subject was "Child Labor Situation in South ern States." v Sm a 1 1 4- Kirti Trvftin i ar w ia.nPaai ant. ana mr. .i. it. iinioM. inc. . 7 0 r. : . . . r.T . j . . 1 I lllB HllttUUUU 11 UWUSU. It Wl 1 Unhutinn . l. Vn k. 0 . ha a nrraaf onmfnrt tn a I a Tcra rnl. I . . manager.it building an elegant ri i""Ti Pythias, has set aside Thursday. bosiuess hense of brick two stones umo 01 "avB1. Af-rrh 9th th m'c-ht nn whiVh high and ninety by forty feet. Blessings brighten or they take . . .. ... . haldbv Mr. J. CD McNatt haa recently their flight. Dr. Thomas Stamps, 8Pecial meen8 W1 be beld by assumed the management of the who rarely lea res his field of prao- tbe one hundred and twenty lodges hotel aud in connection with it luce, wa cal ed to Greensboro, throughout JNortb Carolina. the new liverv stables with its full I professional! v. for three days the anninmont. Tha hotel mnran-raf nast Pk anrl rlnHno- ththrinf i nn ly college nad a we noted, is undergoing repairs in- time, there were occasions for the with Randolph Maoon College on aide aud outaide. The mercantile oalling to our midst Drs. Nor- Wednesday night of last week firms of the town are th Parkton throp. MoKenzie and McMillan. This is the second contest in ar Mercantile Company, Mr. Neill It is easy to see that the prolonged mQf uQ i uuxidiii. mi. u. J . lubxunt iu. 1 auwuuo ui a uuvuuau uiiku uo and Mr. Collier Cobb. Tbe school is prospering under the management of Prioctpal Dao McBryde and hia cores of assist ants. Mr. A. Garris haa a gocd trade in horses and mules and takes pleasure in showing visitors hia fine stock. We, ourselves, al most envied him some of his at tractive roadster. In nothing in leges, in eaob of which Randolph Macon haa been successful. Trin- felt to be a calamity. Florida. There is talk of issuinc ltv 8 "tandard-V earers were Messrs papers of requisition for him if he B. S. Womble and C. J Harrell. a a. I uoes noi come quio.iy. VVa,ter partridgef coloredi who It all goes to ground tne view oriminally assanltfld Mrs. Hanes, that if there is not a reduction of m .1 j acreage and fertilizers according a wh4lte woman ,ia Cumberhnd to the agreement of the Cotton county, a few weeks ago, was con- did tbe town shew its progressive Growers Association, the farmers victed in Cumberland Superior spirit more than in fosteinga larg will rind tnemseives at tne oiose 01 Court last week and sentenced to ainging school. The great need in this year In a sure enough deploy- be hanged April Cth. most of ourchurohet both in town able condition as to prices of their and country, is better singing by cotton it they should make a good John Moore is in jail in Wilkes- mora of tbeir congregations. Tbe crop. boro charged with killing his five teacter is Mr. A. a. McNeill and Mr8 Maggie Moody and son, cf year-old daughter. He went home heard unstuuted praise about the Libe-ty. Georgia, are visiting at with liquor, gave the child some wore ne was aoing. r-rgu Mr. J. G. Hughes. Mrs. Mo.dy nnA n,fa,Ja ua. . u, A 9a t-T nrvriaa ' aiafar I & her about Next mornincr the The Masons of Parkton are re child diedf whether from the beat BU1TUU IO VlgtllLLV a lOUgB III IUHH at an early day Mr. D. P. McCrsrv. of Ash- farmer, beliefing tbst tb.s ne.gb- hofo Q O0Q9 tim, iu t0fIQ r,. bors will redaoe tbe acreage, will culy probably plant a large crop ub the hope of big profits. Should March nas eotsred as beoedic this bedoue allovertbe cotton belt tion f,'wn th recent cold there will proably be another o. ice aud rtin, csit af McArtbor returned to her home aft large cotton orop mad. Another 0T,f tbt rlh lU briht w'lcom Johns Station last Satardsy. big crop added to tbe surplat now h.ppr rays of sunshine Even Thtichooi ln a0ttrUin. on haad and ttill in the bauds of ID, l,m. " mor intn m9Dt mtX Friday night, which tbe farmers would certaioly mean lome. consisted of mosio ky tbe mosic prices too low to jastify tbe farm- Business has takeu on new life, class and several recitations by ers iu raising cotton at all. Were machinery has sgain its old time some of the pupils. It was aa these conditions to obtaiu cotton music, ths farmers are new pru- joyed very ranch by all who at- would I probably drop down to uicg tbeir tree, repairing fences, tended. After the entertainment or6centsp9r pound. Ssnford lining up things generally for the we bad a spelling mstcn between Expie. pitchmg of theirvsrtous crops.hsv Ceiterville and St. Pauls school. ing ground their tools.implements 10 which we are glad to ssy, St. aud mental capacities to the most Pauls wn. active, keeuf at point. Msy they At the Opera Mouse. sow and reap as never before. Beginning this (Monday) even Snynia Items. Mr. E. S. Wishsrt, of ton spent last bandar parents. Lumber- with his Quite a number of cur Sunday school scholors attended tbe Sun dsy sohool quarterly Sunday. Oar section has moro new lands inS at 8:30 o'clock, the New York thrown open to cultivation than Moving Picture Company will bs)- , at Oakton aer before, and hundreds of acres gin a two nighta engagement at of its best soil yet lies waiting the opera house. Among the many M .a K.lia Thnmn-nn .nant ' 008 . P10W picture to be ahown will be 24 Mitt rJolia ihompson spent ,h,.. , Saturdsy and Sunday with her 9cne8 frm "Ben Hnr," "The grandmother. Mrs. Marys Mc- Raeford.'now is entirely ear- Bold Bank Robbery' '"The 8t. Intyrs. We are sorry to hear rounded by a stock law. Tbe fence Lonia Fair," "Child Kidnapped, she was tsken worse Friday, will constructed tnis spring. ..A Frenchman in search of aa . Same goes north and north eatt ot . . ..... ,, ,lTT , m Hope she will soon recover. the town from 7 to 10 miles, tbe Anwican f. 'Holy City," : We are very glad to know that west and south being Robeson tet- "Joseph sold by hia Brother,, Mrs. A. S. Wishart is very much ritory, has been understock law and other scenes to please you. improved. for some time. Wire fence will be The prices of admission will be '' W.,wiok". .choc. VZ' J reiS M. 2-5d35oeBU. EeW mU if , i ..w K- I.K; 11 .4 T i . T dv. Same is more durable, lest W1J ot danger being destroyed by fire and Store, has expensive, considering the woik. Prof. Gorge ill close on Fridsy night March 10. 1905. with a public entertain ment. A big time is expected. The rabbits have been right numerous, bnt we think tbe range is some what broken. undoubtedly forging ahead and must be put down as one at least of the most progressive towns of our great county. ing or the liquor is not stated TVr T P fT?an7io antra nnr nr. In AoSOn COUntV OUPerior One Ot tbe CDeefcy and puerile in - rftnont iannn ahnnt tAlk. Pnnrf iha nihar Hnv n whit man nteutiona , that has J J ing hit him hard and he is going who had klltad a negro wa8 acquit. I to i. that of Mr'. Glenn William. H "llT k ted' and the K re when he urged as a reason why be L-4 mh. nr haa tha wnntt inn turned. Judge Ward, who waa .1 1 J l. . .Inn.th.t tka laall ... .. .. 1 - . I !? .1 . r1 i . tliuuiu uo mi a.vuo ui. u0 r.f hAirnran PTWntinnn v nrndAnt PresiQincr. saiQ : Ureniiemen. tor you have course he made his increased iHneedediUtall. So it often happens m ery grea a yestments as n own . auu that our effort8 to do d for Thoma8 Mundav 23 years old. in aoing so u '"" almo8t naught, for they are heeded ftomnf rt nnmmit otner man does unaer nceciroum- oni- y those who have already wi C 7 i stance, everywhere And it iittfe oV no need to do it. 7 h? 3omfL1Dg fT. tha scarcely ibbb ibmouu vu i.ua . imra siory 01 a looacco iaciory, as some have done, tnat tesnonid ine Miunt Airy iNewa says: bnt his iniuriea weranotof conse have been let alone siuce he can go Tue8day morning a citizen men fa nvar into Vircinia, with nis eieatl.. i iL r . n - I riATiAfi inR taox inm Hnmn mmnro. i tt i i . . 1 il i j x. . i u iih iriHti I h m 111 I M u ill ninw abouldoeiet aione iaai e ' 0f being an exceptionally prudent presiding, said: "Gentl legislature incorporated bis towr, maa with bis tongue The very the faots in the 0ft8e wer0 for as if one legislature bound its sue- f j, who needed th article to decide but think vou eessortoany line of action. O mo8t, W9 dare say, failed to see they TltJ overshoes dur- on a previous occasion, but the i . 1 1 1 1 a. I MVUVU WMAV J,WV W Sail plant and ship whisky freely into Til t.h counties of tha State. It is had taken nis enough to say duty was done in ing the night. Another , oitizen doctors pumped the drug out of stopping u.e dusiubsb as tar saia ms were eioien too, ana Dy him. Tne Statesville Landmark was possiDie unaer tne iimiwiions noon tbe fact developed that ai M ta he try a iron next time tr-State Commerce law, he and m 7 " . P , ovefllpe8 Yea snd let it be an unloaded pis. It will certainly do the work. T PUiiuoivv aejs v a aav au i aiaf ial - . . a . I mnA afAlAW 4 tlAWAhaa WMMal a . . a ai a a others can ship whisky into the """ uu""5 1 tol m the bands of a iraall Doy. State.but there is a bill in Con- tne nignt. l wo anew were taken gress in such shape that its pass- from another citizen, a clothes age is a foregone conclusion, whioh une was robbed and a cow milked other States. By andby we shall Mr. John Watson, who has been properly restrict the evil,"and the Florida for some time, pros (Continued on 8th page ) pecting, has returned. Col E. F. McRte, of Maxton, waa among tbe vistors here Satur day. v Dr. N. A. Thompson spent eral dsys here last week. tet- Messrs E. E. Watson and F. A. Wishsrt went out hunticg and killed 15 last Thursdsy. Mr. G. B. Wiehart is wll pleas ed with his disc cultivator. Mr. and Mrs. John Herring spent Sunday with Mr. aud Mrs; W. S. Allen. We leafu that Mr. Sid Thomp son is to erect a new residnce Lea Smyrna church. We are sorrv to roport that Mr John Warwick has tbe mumps The 3ardensville School. Mr Gio. Wrwickjjteacher,"will close Friday night, Ttbe.lst. The pro gramme of closing exercises wil consist of dialougues, recitations etc, Mr. Warwick ia oue of tbe county's best teachers and bis icbeol closing? are always enter taming and enjoyable. 'Sqaire Ed. Tyson married three couples Sunday as follows: Qait. Meares and Cornelia Taylor; and two colored couple?, all of Wisharts township. The first named couple was married at the residence of Mr. Stephen Taylor. the father of tbe bride, where a big dinner was served. Mr.. C. E. Chambers, one of the proprietors of the Farmers Tc oacoo warenouse wnion, waa burned last week, arrived here from Danville Saturday for the purpose of having insurance ad- usted. We are glad to learn tbat the Bank of Fayetteville will probably be reopened soon for business. This is one of the oldest instntions of this section of the State and our peo ple should regret to see it dis continued. Kuropstkin has been fully beaten, that part of bis army has been diapersed and that the railroad north of Mukden will be cut. New Chwang. March 4, 7 p. m via Tien Tain. According to tbe a test reports recived here, tbe Russians are burning Mukden sta tion and tbeir stores preparatory to a retreat. There are persistent reports that tbe Russian left has been tacceufal. bat that their right is panic-stricken. Oja hundred Japanese cavalry arrived from the north thjs after- noon, mey exenanged snots with Russian scouts in the outskirts of j the town. Two hundred Cossacks are three miles east moving north. The Japanese are scouring the country side. hauling guano. They seem to be, expecting a good crop this year. Tbe public school here clcs jd last Fridsy, but we will have a short term of private schools, at olose of which we will have a con cert. We are hoping to have a . nice time. Manettajis rather quiet in the building line, but as far as work is concerned, it is second to no other town of its a&e. Why doesn't the county tax "DM Raeholnra" and oia-a id. ... . . . - i money to the scno is 7 it would either put tbe bachelors to work (what at?) or help the schools."". Some of our farmers who hart strawberry farms report- small berries now, and are expecting to be eating strawberries soon. Don't judge a man by hia fail urea in life, for many a man fails Rev. S E. Mercer and family because he i a too hnnaat tn ipent this week over here, vititing his congregation and friends. Marietta Items. completed and one service has Our obliging friend, Hon. Judga been held tberin. It is a lovely Lewis, was a buainess visitor here structure and much praise is du on Monday of tbia week. U uK SKiuu wuo uav lauoreo w fc f fa . an faifrfnllw fnr ifa inKKiai aurtl J J wv. m.wm&u. .w. v . .uwwva wuu 11 C ljf T 43 "L beau'y. -i w. . m. omuu. We are having some beautiful Kurpatkla is Routed. spring dsys. which all the farmers Berlin, march 4. A dispatch to are gl id to see.. The Tageblatt from St. pjterburg A d many of the young peo ayj: "General Kuropatkm, in a pl- ;r ui here attended the concert; telegram which arrived here at 7 at P me? ville, tbe 22nd and report o'clock last evening, said 260,000 a lit tici. Japanese had broken through the Missel Viola Watson and Beulah Ruasian left wing and that it was Oliver -jwut Saturdsy and Sunday cut off from tbe remainder of the with relatives in Rowland. rinJ- Somr youug people from near At 10 o'clock came another dis- Baruesrilie were visiting in our patch from General Kuropatkin, community Saturday and Sun wbich read: "The Japanese are day. We are told that they walk, marching on Mukden. My post- ed tbe railroad over here. . . 1 ion is exiremeiy oangerous. Tha farmera of our section, wra - .. . - iu government circles here QftTe hauled their guano, are nw there is a conviction that General Uin-i,,-, .it.hnnrh anma -tni Ba,-wraa,a) a-v m v SW-a-W Vlll I