THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESON UN. CAR LOAD OF HULES Ilae arrived Call now blle tbey are all here laud aula your selection from the eutirw lot. Thess mules have ten selected by m personal ly. ami will meet your rtuire menti both In price a d class. Alao arriving daily ne Bottles, Wagons, Harness, Etc. Our block in these lines is right "op to now." You can't do better elsewhere. Give ua a chance to show vou what we can do. Very Truly. A. E. WHITE, H'MBERTON. N C. TO THOSE IN NEED OF Fine Watch, Clock, Spectacle and Jewelry repaiiine are aeked to call on V. L. Skip- . . , i m r- . ii . . . nrr rtter Known as ou raiiipcr, iu the store of Mr. P. C. Blake, In tbe F I McLeod Building (any one win snow 7VU ..MWV . ' I - I All work gnaranteea ior a year or no money asked. Yours to please, BILL SKIPPER- LnmbeTton. N. C. loir la. iqos. K. L. MOOKK. I'rid-nt. H C. H. 8 BLIZ-AKb, Src. and Trean. TATK. A)rrnt. PALMETTO MARBLE COMPANY, DILLON. S. C. Prices and Designs Furnished on Applicatftn vr ' Pnone Re. 41. v MADE TO M tiAKMKN I S KOK KfcUiLhaiiH AT LOWEST FKltta The Largest Aaaortment of 5araple JOHN O. MCALLISTER WHAT IS ASBESTOS? IT IS ONE of the greatest beat resisting substances Hnrhter'a Durable Pa'nt. wnicn prevents it from nakinc or blistering and makes ii I the best paint on the market. Ask your painter. The McAl'inter Hardware Co. BERKSHIRE HOGS Quick growers. Easily going Joo lbs at six months, and 500 at one year. The sows very prolific and the best of moth ers. They are Dish-faced Mortgage Lift ers, or, as the Irish say, the 'Gintlemen that pay the rint.' Their breeding is of the bert to be found in the world. JOHN CALHOUN CLIO S. C Land Sale. I OFFER FOR IMMEDIATE SAE. far cash or 01 easv terms, a tract or land in St. Paul's Township, Robeson County, known as tbt VUcNau" land, bfclonring to the UnVareity of North Carolina, con taining jcejo acres, more or leas. - The tract is situated about four miles from the Atlantic. Coast Line Railroa and about three miles from St. Pauls, an . a good part of it is excellent farming land, while the balance is timbered with long and short-leaf pine, oak, cypress, poplar and other native woods. For further information, aa to location of the lands, call on VV. B. Burns, Esq., St. Pauls, N. C, and for further informa tion as to pric; and terms, Call on A. W. McLean, Eq.. Attorney at Law, Lum bermen N. C. i. i u . tt 15 Wood's Seeds. New Era Cow Peas are rightly named. Thev are the best of Co w Peas, whether for northern, western or southern planting. They are early to ma ture, upright in growth, enormous ly productive, both' of vines and peas, and are altogether tbe most satisfactory and sure croppers grown. ; 1 We are headquarters for Cow Peas; had over forty different varieties in our exhibit at St Louis, on which we were awarded the Grand Prfz). Wood's Daacrloflra Catalog mm gives tbe fullest Information about Cow Peas and all Oardoa aatd Farm Soeda. Write for it and special price list of Farm Seeds. T.W.Wocd&Sons, Sieten, IICHMOII - VIIIIIIA. If too want the sweetest and best Water Mthai and CaataJoapoa grown, plant Wood's Saoiaof iioweaod. On DucrtotJvo CBaJos;s toUs all s ; a boat the bast klada-4 .ptatri. - i It'SBedfJiotaajln. lorly Risers tic riNois irmx niu For ukk relief frem BlAoueneae. Sick Headache, Torpid Ur. Jeurv- dlc. Duuloeea, nd eU trouble aris ing from aa inactire er elufftah Htr, DsWlil's Utile Earl Risers ere un equalled. Thay art promptly and rvsver grip. They ere m dainty iKal It 1 pltuuri lo take them. On to lo act as a mild laiettve; two or fouf Ml a a. pleasant and eJfectlva cathartic. They are purely veretable end aboolulely harmless. They Ionic the liver. at. C. DWIM A Co.. CSsleogO) For Sale by Ir. 11. T. Pcpe 5c Co. Seasattoa la Wbrtevllle Court. The Wilmington Star of lb 4 in speaking cf WbiteTtlle Ciurt whi-h tu held last week, says: ' Monday, loon after Judge Fer qnioh'a charge to tbe grand pry the solicitor called t n tbe calendar :beuamecf V. P. Ward. Sjme out stated that tbe defendant was iu the ccurt room, but wn nek with ocallp' x. Then there was a general exodus through wiudows, dxrs and every other possible out- et. Judge Ferguson ordered tbe man to leave the court room at , . . . olC, remarking tDSt It De culd . ... , f .nethmir as wamea.oui mai n on mmiiuvu he could ffet most auvthin.7 be did not want. The man went to Dr Maxwell, who did not confirm tbe layman's diag - osis that tbe patient j bad smallpox. At aoy was not allowed to come back: to court laud his case waa contiuned A Daatrucllva Fir beU tJrltcmX leatlfga acax, nse rWltt.a WltcbHalSaitTcA',Pcfloe Mater. Ala., write.: iteedDe witt a wiicn fiateiBaive in my rami- Jy for P1iei ontt Md bnena. It Is the best salve on the market. Every family eboald keep It on band.'' Sold by Dr. p. T. Pope. uo " the "two long luita of tbe present " wbiskev. One or both of tbele have been on board nearly all tbe time. Well, these are eoccewnat interesting subjects to ancb a body. Ftb ie good brain food, and ia al ways in demand. As for the whie ky, tbeee bright sunny days, tbe 8UtJjfc8 w jH BOon begin to crawl out of their winter homes id so it's well iu peace to prepare for war. Let ua take no chances. " Ydi, verv cheerful talk for vm, because yon have "bug juice a- pienty down your wsy, but what are we to do here if we get a anake. bite? We have prohibition here and can't get drop at least our prohibition frienda eay eo, and tbfy ought to know. GreeDab.oro Record. Nlfht ProWIng TMevaa. Cronp and Whooping Ooagh oome like a thief in the night, stealing in to fasten the fangs of mortal disease npon the children as they peaoef ally sleepM in their little beds. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar, the new dis covery for Coughs and Golds, will drive ont these deathdealing demons before the doctor can arrive It pro tects the lives and health of the littl ones. Containa no opiates. Keep it handy. Sold by Dr. H. T. Pope & Oo. A Letter That Upset an Editor. When the editor of an Engliih paper received a fiue chicken, says tbe Albany Jonrrial, be believed it to be t)ken frjm aomo apprecia tive reader. After tbe editor en j iyad a dinner in which the sup posed gift played a part, be re ceived a letter from a man, who said "I tent you a chicken in order to settle a dispute which , has arisen ber-. Can voo tell me what the chicken died of?" It will bring rich, red blood, firm flesh and mnsic That' what HolHster'a Rocky Mountain Tea will do. Taken this month, keeps you well all summer. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Ask tout drug gist. Tbe Senate baa furnished precedent by which tbe Home vote itiftlt that grab mileage withHqt c-oultiTjf the Senate or the Chief Executive. Usaeral Law Wailao. February 15, 19 s l' James Wbitroeab Riley. Nr. Iib. ttoa mightiest of all !' ra ' itii.urroi itoj dreaded U.ef Thy he hand can beie bu: 111 Lljbl a tbe Autumn leaf. Aa vomit, too. Ua weight ts loul Voua the arruu' kalabl-r a tad - Still ttroug h the cHarf t aoJ raooci a le ll riaabct lo tbe lAtl. y Id forum - aa in baitUfiilJ His voice rang for IB Iralh tb rifbt Keye.i nh tbe ahibWletb tbat pealed 111. Soul forth to tbe right; Tbe iLSpirattoa oi bis pea G'owrtl at a star, and lit anew Tbe facea and ibe beaiU of men Watch ng the loag night through. A dealiny 01 Jained divine It aremed to boa1 a of tuoae vibo saw His rie aince youth arc! market I the lin Of hie aacent with awe Phmb ibe now ktoned Utile town That r.ave hint birth and wtrth. behold I Bto tbia day ot bia renown. His sword and word of gold. SeivHcg the Land he lot es ao well Hailed tnidaea or in loreif n pxiri, Or in atrange-bannered citadel Or Oriental Court- He horored for his Nation s sake, An J loved and honored for his owe Hath een his Flag in glory ahake Above ihe Pagan Throne. Collier's for March 4. Ihr r.l Milflr Worn yon want a physio that .1 . . I k k L m wk trtntle, certain to act, always net Cbsmtr lalns's Stomach and Liver Tablets. p,.p ..u hr Dr H. T. Pow Co. Dr. R. Ci. Rotler. Not Mia Fault. If the work of the legislature h fAiipn hrinri 11 cauuui ub ..I I A 'A 4 I charged up to Gov. Glenn. He has been doing his best and has broken all records in sending in special messagea. He deemed these neces sary or he would not have done so, yet the legislature ras in effect said to him "we know our busi ness ; you attend to your end of the line and we'll do the same;" at lea6t their action gives rise to sack a thing, for tbey have paid little heed to him. The time may come when they will wish they had. No man is closer to the people than Governor Glenn, and he has been close to them all the time. This was clearly evidenced by hia race for Governor. Practically every politician was against him, but he banked on the people and tbey landed him. Therefore it is rea sonable to suppose that he knows what tbey want far better than even a member of the legislature, for one county may be of one mind, while the one adjoining it may be all wrong, but Governor UJenn takes the State as a whole and be knows the sentiment of the people. We hope the legislature has made no mistake in ignoring his advice, but we very much fear it has done this very thing. Time will tell. Greensboro Record. It is about tiu-e tor a diplomatic note announcing tbat Russia baa decided to keep ber original promiietabout evacuating Man churia. 1 SicK Headache When your head aches, there is a storm in the nervous sys tem, centering in the brain. This irritation produces- pain in the head, and the turbulent nerve current sent to the stom ach causes nausea, vomiting. This is sick headache, and is dangerous, .as frequent and prolonged attacks weaken the brain, .resulting in loss of memory, Inflammation, epi lepsy, fits, dizziness, etc. Allay this stormy, irritated, aching condition- by taking Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills: They stop the pain by sooth ing, strengthening and reliev ing the tension upon the nerves not by paralyzing them, as do most headache remedies. . Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills do not contain opium, morphine, chloral.cocaine or similar drugs. "Sick headache la hereditary in my family. My father Buffered rat deal and for many yeans I-havj had spells that were ao severe that I was unable to attend to my business affairs for a day or oo at a time. During a very severe attack of headache, I tooK Ir. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills and they relieved me almost Immediately. Since then I take them when I feel the spell comiria- on and It stops it atonoe. JOHN J. McERLAJV. Pre. 8. B. Eng. Co., Boat Bend. Ind. Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills are sold by your druggist, who will ou a ran toe that the first package w!U ensf1W If U fails ho will return your money. 25 doses, cents. Hover aekl 1 bulk. Miles Medical CoEDkhaut. lad Cts is .ry D The farmers in this t-ororu unity are ba.lly 1 ehind with thei faim won tlaulitiff eusiio I as brn the order of the day fur tde two areka at Mr V. Q Carter, of Clio. S. (' , ia duing aotne carje-nterin in this com in unity. Vr I). A WcPhail sp nt last Sunday night iu Clio with tn brother. The bachelors of thia commnni. ty are building rery raj idly must b something doing. llr J. O McArthnr ia prepa'- .... a 1. WW icg to build at an early date Hur rah for your 'Squire! No e'eatha or inallpoi to rejxjrt. .Madam Rumor says the wedding bell are to riog toon. There will be a debate at Cente nary next Friday night The public ia cordially invited to at tend. Mr. T W. etackhouae.of Dillon stent laat Sunday in thia coram 11 nity. t-ome attraction, sure. Mr I) A MePbail ia preparing to tiuiut a residence, which he ei pects to occupy aoon. Misa.Varv McDonald sind few (lava at Mr. John McGirt'a thia weV. to the delight of a cer tain young man. Misses Mollie Faulk and Lirzie Phil ips spent last Wednesday at the liomeo! Jlr. M. J. .Mclor mick. Mrs M. J. McC'ormick returne 1 roin Rcnnert last nicbt. where she hns Iteen visiting her daughter. Mrs. P.ttman. There was a sociar-le Ht the home of Mr. Will Williams .ast night, Inch was very much en jojed by all. rami abor is verv scarce in his community. Miss Flora McGirt is in Lura- berton to day attending th teach ers meeting. Mr A. M. Bracv, of Rol and, pent tunday in this community Canor Cert-S my bleed Bel.. Mr. M. L. Adams, Fredonia, Ala.. 00k Do'anic Blood Balm which enect- ually cured n eating cancer of Ihe nose nd fCi. The sores healed up reriectiy. Manv doctors bad given up ber case aa hope ss, hundreds of cae of cancer atiov sefe. supprrsung swcinogB. tit., hae been cured bv ElxJ Ba m. Am ng other!", Vt. B. M. Guerney. Warrior Stard, Ala. Her nose and lips were raw hs bief, with offensive discharge from he eating sore. Doctors adut-eJ cut. ing. but it failed, blood Balm hesd he sures, nd Mrs. Ouerney is as wrl'. as ever, wtanic mooo mim m-v cui ct zemrf, iiciiinn huuior, ca &d scales, nooe rain-. ulc-rf, client ie pin-T'les, blood poison, carbuncles, scrofula. risings nd bumps on tne sain ana an u.uwi troubles, Druggists, $1 per large bottle. Sample of Botanic Blood Balm free and oreoaid bv writing Blood Balai Co., At lanta, Ga. Describe trouble end special medical advice sent in sealed letter. It is certainly worth while investigating such a remarkable Blood Balm cures the most awful, worse and most deep-seated blood diseares. rtonumcnt to flaine Dead. Salisbury, March 1. A bill ie now before tbe Maine Legislature askicg n $5,000 monnmiit to th Maine dead burud in tbe Federal cerxetery at thii place. From r dozen different regiments in tbjt State, there were men, and it neaic tbat nearly all of tbe 150 of tn pis rict of Colombia Cavaliy wer Maine men. A great number ct these died here, about twc-tbird of the: number imprisoned. Mr. George B. Haikela prieoner hen iuring that period, is working for the bil', and ttinks it will g through. This will add very materially to the beauty of tbe cemetery. Sick Headache. This distressing ailment results from a di sored I condition of tbe etomaoh. All that is needed to effect a cure is a dose or two of Cbamber lian's Stomaoh and Liver Tablets. In fact, the att ack may be warded off, or greatly lessened in severity, by taking a dose of these Tablets as soon as the first symptom of an attack appears. Sold by Dr. H. T. Pope & Dr. R. O. Rozier. The Czar declared that he would prosecute tbe war to the bittet end, and tbe Japs have pushed the bit ter end up to within, seeing dis tance. A 5le Couch Mealciae for Children. . In boyiDg a cough medicine for children never be afraid to buy Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. There is do danger from it and relief ia always awre to follow.- It ia especially valu able for bolds, croup ard whooping ooogb. Tor sale by Dr. H. 'T. Pope & Oo , and Dr. R. O. Rozier. 1 "3 Parker - Gardner 60. FURNITURE CARPETS CURTAINS You tau a.rrh 'be land end von wou't find better bar gains nr mo:- a'trrc'ive g . oil than we orTr. We guar xn to lid v u ui"iiv. PIANOS AND ORGANS At this stcre cu can buy tbe rtry 1-eat made on earth. Ine'u menla of Aniatic Character and Wcrld-Wide reputations. Our Pi-noe and Orana are ibr kitd tLat on find in tbe artistic musical borne all over ibe orM. No sensational methods. No falae clairr. No promises 'infi!li. 1 hne are our methods. In our Furniture nd Mumc departments we show more tb-n double the stock of any otLrr dealer in the Stale. Wnte for catalogues. PARKER - GARDNBE CO. LARGEST DEALHRS IN THE STATE. CHARLOTTE. N. C. One Minute Please! BANK Doi a General Banking Business. Lends Money on approved lecurity. Pays Interest on Time Deposits. WL SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE ROBESONIAN PRINTING HOUSE HOST AHYTHIHG II PRIHTHG" , PHONE NO. 90. :: LUMBEKTON, N. C. Claim Delivery We are jplad to inform you that we now have a supply of the above. : : 'Phone or mail orders will receive our prompt and careful attention. : ROBESONIAN PRINTING HOUSE "MOST AIYTHIIG If PRnmiG" PHONE NO. 90. :: LUMBEKTON, N. C. Neutralgine. Th are are thouaanda nemodies rocom :i :i 1 i J for the cure of it ujmitiam, Indlgea Uon and dyspepsia, but nothing to compare with NEUTRALGINE ,For Rheumatism and Neutralffine Dyspepsia tablets for the euro ot Indigestion and Dys pepsia. For sale by Dr. R. G. Rozier, Lumberton, N. O. OF ROWLAND, ROWLAND, N. G. BSB9 8 ft and

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