i -t ' 1 THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. I - 5 p THE RODESONIAN. rialltHKIt TCtspaYS ASt rtlBAIS. , .i i Fsiiuv, Maich lo, !$. riSSOSaL aU LC.L PlfAtTMUlT . S Cggt 1& cents The LegisUiure a'jjurned Von. day. tijtif Vj lcira Ibat Mr i'ltnoo Mm Porter ii tisitintr at th homt of Mrs. Smith, od Third street Mr. W. A. Grabaro, of Rennert. made at a pleasant call while in tewn Monday. W. li. Briee & Bon, of Ashpole, bate mole for . sale. See their change of ad. on page 6. . Meaara. Cramp A Floyd are eel ling Tom Dixon's latest book. The Clanaman. See sjcial ad. Mr. Joe Perrin, S. A. L. indua trial agent, now has bla office np stairs in the Argos building. We were pleased to see Dr. Carl H. Lennon and Mr. C. D. Smith. of Rowland, in town Monday. The condition of Mr. T. W. Maxwell, who haa been quite aick foraomedaya. ia considerably im-proved. Ja O. 5-tth. The subject of thia sketch irtd thia life rather anJJe yesterday morning at 2 o'clock, InJfc the Tfitb year of his age. Though Mr. t'nitb had brtn in rtU tealtb fur some jfirt. be had only j breo confined to his rooti two J dava prior to hia death, and was, walking about in the house the renins, before the final luuitnoos came. Mr. Smith wss well known throughout this entire section, re aiding about eight miles from LambertoD, in iioweiistiue town ship. lie leaves a widow and eight children, among the children being Messrs. John Ii. and Win. D. Smith and Mrs W. II. Humph rey, of Lamtrton, to mourn their loss The funeral was conducted this morning, at 11 o'clock, by Bar. Z. Paris, from Mr. Smith's late resi- dence. - The New Store, in Read Satpervlsor for Rsbcaoa. Raleigh N. 0.. March 7-Wil-liam 0. Allen, for the past year supervisor of Wake's roads, and for many years superintendent of the county borne, is elected road superrisor of Robeson. lie ac cepts and takes charge April 1st His salary is $1.700.-Sroial to Wilmington Messenger. Below is aroended a few words . . . " . be change ol ad. or ttorjesoman , of praiM of Mr Auen ttom th, "ire New Dress Gtla. x ,Lairs and Itriliisutines. etc fur Srio' wear, all shades snd at prices you rsn't grumble st. Percales. Suilioes. Lining snd White Goods. ValsneiSBM. Laces and Embroideries Fancy Notions. TearF Buttons. Bells, (ilutrt. Corsets. Ladii Collsrsand Ties, fldkfs. Hosiery, Bobtaetand Lace Curtains, Ribbons. Window Shades 10. 4 25 and 50c. Everything New No old aooda to show. I ssk a ahars of your patronage. C. D. Townsend, at UTMBERTOX, N C. LUMBERTON MARKET. Cottoa per pnucd T Cora pr buhr I T Fodder ptt huD(1ri1 Hint per pound. 10 Sldrs 11 Should 10 Uf Chickens frown X at Chlrkeca. fries 1&- X Turkeys ... Qutler per pound SV M B'Mtn pr poend . W Ti!ow jr ynuid I I Hu 1 W A UATTER OF HEALTH 0 llf AbcolotttyPare has no suosmum BUSINESS LOCALS. Printing Houae on page 3. They Raieigh Timei now hare a supply of claim and delivery blanks. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McLean are viaiting the family of Mr. Mo Lean'e aiater, Mrs. J. F. L. Arm field, of Fayetterille. Mr. J. P. McNeiJ and aister, who have been in Washington at tending the inaugotipnetojrned weanesaay monuug. Our neighbor, Mr. U. M. EoV; wards, is carrying nit arm jn a ling because of injnrie sustained while working with bjcjcle. Gen. F. A. Bond, who resides at Moee Neck, (Lumber ton R F. D. G) was a pleasant caller at our office while in town Wednesday. Miss Edith Bowers, of New York, who has acoepted a position as miliner for Caldwell & Carlyle, will arrive in a few days to tegin work. Air rifles have become a nui. eance in town If the small boy must have a gun, let him go to the woods where there is plenty of room. Among those who attended court at Eilzabethtown thia week, were attorneys N. A. McLean and J. G. McCormiok, and Mr. C. M. Fuller. The town is t) install a system of 'phone fire alarms, for the present placing one in each ward. More will be added when found needed. Every cne interested in the movement td relieve the cotton sit uation ahoalo; be rare to read the article entitled", "Distre sed Cot- ton," on the sixth page. We are glad to learn tbafMesars. T. F. Reeves and W. M. fWorley are contemplating removing their families to Lumber on to reside. We hope they will decide to come r Law, the fourteen-year-old kon of Mr. R. F. Gregory, who resides near here, fell from a ladder Sun day morning, breaking his right arm. He is now doing very well. The Seaboard Air Line will run a personally conducted excursion from North Carolina points to Havana, Cubs, and return March 29th-30th. See its announcement in another column. We are requested to say that be cause of the protracted meeting to be held at the Baptist church next week, the Wake Forest Glee Club has postponed its engagement here from the 17th to te 24th Mr. Fred A. kWley, who wa operating through here some dayi eDce as a pictufe dealer and who was charged wuh. ha vine fdrged checks, was arrested inFyntr. ville Wednesday and was brwtrgh; backjiere tor trial. Operators Wanted. "Robeson county ia to be con- vnt icorirli to learn pUin scwinr gratulated in securing tbe servioes oTtrij. Mciy work; ciy hour. WILLARD BAG & MFG. CO. 13-21 South Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. Jan 18 of Mr. Allen, as he is one of the best road men in the State. He was for tome time supervisor of the Wake county roas and their condition is sufficient evidence of hia ability to build reads Tbe system of working roads in Bobeson is already a good one. but Mr. Allen will carry ' on the f work with bis old -time push and sJt.ni, And Kobeson may expect to pe Jwcona to sons in oe Diaie wi t h h er pu blio roads . " Letter to J. W. Carter, Mixton, N. C, lieaf out tsot lew of tea men who, sell tbe hundred different painta in tbe market know macb about them. All Dvoe afreets have a state chemist's certificate telling just what it's made of ; they know a good deal, Dot only about Devoe but tbe rest : we ste that they do. We buy every paiut that has auy sale, aud anah ze it Oar agent finds out ail about it. Wheu we know what a paint js made of, we know bow it will act; we kuow how far it goes, aud how long it wears. .Devoe is tbe standard; call it 100 Tbe best of tbe rest is about 75; the worst about 25; tbe rest are between. Bat tbe men who sell tbem, dou't know SDy better. They know what the maker tells tbem. That is: they know tbst be tell tnem. laeydon t tnow wnetner bo tells tbem tbe truth or eo .-v Houw'ta LuarixrtoB N. O.,on Uie 4th Moodmy uu uuowieuKe: toe less luev kuow. ijmt FLOUR IS ADVANCING EYERY DAY, But we are at tbe imi OLD STAND W.th the SAME PRICES and BttrBMd, R1 s Pies, C.ks. E-c. than vtr before Lnmberton Bakery, Phone 6. LOST ONE GREY SOW WEIGHING bout 173 ponad. Finder will b re worried by rvturving to Brary Lamb, I ui"1 1w N. C. L.R W. H. WAKEFIELD, OF CHAt Jotte, N. C . will b to Lomberloo. at Hotel Waverly, on Friday, March 14th for one day oolr. Ula practice U 11m HkI to Eye. Ear, Suae and Throat, and Fittiag Gla THE LUMBERTON COTTON OIL AND GinniDg Conpany't Ginnery will be in operation for tbe nest three weeks to erre the pnbltg any day. -tt-4t IVER JOHNSON REVOLVERS o o z ft I WRITE FOR YMCES. I. JiCOEI EillDIilE C9.,j lfi i U Sosi. Frost St, IlLIIIJTCir, - I t ALL KINDS CARTRIDGES. ProteGlion 10 Depositors: IMS 4 per mnded WANTED. We want to pay von cent, on jour money, rotopon (juarterly. The Robeton County Loan and Trutt Company. HIGH GRADE COTTON SEED MEAL for tale or eicbange for Cot: on Seed by the Lumberton Cot'.oa (il and Ginning Companj. 3-2X 41 FIRST Capital Stock and Liabilities, $100,000.00. SECOND Insurance against loss. THIRD- -Officers all bonded in the aggregate of $60,000.00 Justified with sureties whose aggregate worth is over a million dollars. Safety is our first consideration. Liberality to our customers next. The Bank Of Lumberton, FINE NORTON lYAV Planting for u!e. A Blake, Lnniberten, N POTATO to R. K. . RRWARD OF FIVE DOLLARS will be paid for return of Bicycle and arrekt of party who Hole it in Bed Springs on night or January 37th. Al ligator Punctnte Proof Tires with red label. One tpoke ont of f.ont wheel. Right hind pedal weltled on. Cbai. E. Zedakrr Red Springs, N. C. TUFT'S FRUIT JUICES, ALL OF THE fruit that is fit to eat, la delicious with soda. Pope's Soda Fountain. A. W. McLEAN, President, O B. TOWNBEND, Caabier. R D CALDWELL Vice-President. J. P. 8TAN8EL, A Mil ant Caabier. A Few Specialties. I tan make your old stcve cook or beat good as when you first got it. H. G welater. the Tinner. FOR SALE ONE LOT OCflUPY- ing a boot one. half acre, with 8 room boase, (new ) barns and stables. Lo cated in the town o Aehpole. Ad dress L. G. Hnrser, Dillon, H. C. toe more comfortable tnry are. " 7 Yoora truly, - F W Djbvok &Co. P. 8. McAllister Hdw. Co sell oar Tbe town pt Pembroke TTBTrjeeD ixicorporated and Mr..W. G. Hall nitmei at. mayor ; MetaVa. J. Stat.l?r, A. M. Brtjecf," A;A$ Tbaf ard and Neill Hcln'mi, eommia inera. ---r Tbe protracted meeting at tbe Baptiat oborcb began iaat eyn inR. Paatni'Darham if beinr ii- aiated by Ber. 8. . J. Porter., of Kaoaaa City, Mo. THE CDANSMAN. THO latest boak for fr.5 at Floytv a. Goint fan. dfr'S p & Notice cl Snmrnons by Pnbllcition. NORTH CAROLINA. In the Superior Row-son County. '. Court. Al'.rn Edens. rt. P!lntlffn, . Nollce of fuironi u nub- Honr Horn and wlfr. Wary publication. Hone, anencanu. The defendants above name w'll take notice. that an action entitled aa above, has bwn i-C'inaienred In the huperlor Court of Kobe go n County, having fortlaobjeat tbe foreclosure of a irortfre executed by tbe defendants on certain lands in Robeaon County. N. C. which Id mortmre la now owned tor the alalntiff. v. 1 , n u u v uw.ouub.j tim w .a. i.i tui i fake notice that they are required to appear a the next term of the Superior Court for tbe Oouaty of Robeson, to be held at the Court t tfae first Monday In Karen. 1M6. (balne tbe Ird day of April. IMS) and answer or de mur within sala term, to the eomulalut of the plaintiffs, whieh will be deposited la the oftce of tbe Clerk of the Superior Ooart of said uounty, or tne renei aemanaea in said com pJalnt will be r ranted. - Witness our said Clerk this Snd day of aarcn, nus. (lned) W. H.HUMfHRKY, Clerk Superior Ooart MeLeaa. McLean A IfeOanlck, Attorneys ior piawucs, Ben I t in Those bo have to dr ve lonif distan ces through the cold will aipreciate the use of a buggy heater. v c eil the best McAlhtUr hdwe. Co. The kind of Valley Tin you want- Good Tin. Put np straight. Prices lowg est. When you want any Roof Paintmh done see or write H. G. Webster, the Tinner, Lnmberton. He uses the bes pamts and pots them on the right way Try an I. X. L. tool 1cm. No bom eoinplete without one. Only 25c. For sale by McAllister Hardware Companya The new and more roomy quar ters for the postoffice are looting toward completion. Handsome, new farnitumja ,0 be installed. The new postoffic protniaes; to be a credit to tbe townv and aj macB greater coLvenience to tbe general pcpizc. For TbeUdTantage 01 Tbe Reading Public. WE HAVE OPENED A Nefttfs Stand Administrator's , Notice. The Undersigned harinr analified -aa Administrator of Archibald McGoogaa, decease, Hereby gives notice ta all per. aofli having claims against the estate of said deceased, to present tnem to the un dersigned for payment on ' or before tbe 3rd day of March, 1906, or this notice will be pleaded in bar . of recoyery. All persons indebted to said estate muit make immediate payment. H. MCI,. MCOOOGAN, Admr. o( Archibald McGoogaa. Shannon, JN. C Mar.ch 3rd, 1905. 3-3-fri Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as Admlniktrator upon the estate at Dennis baxley. deoeared. this is to notify all persons bavin); claims agsinsi eaia estate to present mem. to me at my reeiaence near auie, . u.. or to my Attor neys, Mclntyre A Lawrence, at Lumberton, N. C, on or before the 6th day of February. IDOS, or this notice wl l be plead In bar of their re covery. All persons lndeb cd to said estate, will please make immediate payment. CO. kaXLXYi Administrator. " Mclntyre A Lawrence, Attorneys. feb S Sfrl. . - . -AT Pope's Drug Store. It will be bar object to make thia enterprise right up to now in eyery sense of the word. Yours For Best Beading Mailer. Flour, Baoon, Rke, Coffee Can Goods Pope-Eedmond News Co. , tSfigE$St Notice of Dissolution. Notice hereby given that the oe-part-neTship heretofore existing between A. T. McKellar and J. E. Dick, under the firm name of McKellar & Dick, istbisdaydis aolved by mutual content. All parties in debted to said firm will nuke payment to A. T. McKellar. who i) authorized to re ceipt for same. A, T. McKELLAJU a-i7-4fri J. E. DICK. Be happy, and. use Happy's Safety Gate Latchers. For sale by McAListei Hardware Company. ab- Watar man's Ideal Fountain Pen tbe rst on earth, solately guaranteed. Try one on a week's trial. KODAKS, all kinds from $5.00 to $97.00 BORAX FOR YOUR MEAT. - COLGATE A CO'8 TOILET 80APS Cinco Cigars, the best smoke in the world for a nickel. WEDDING PRESENTS ALL THE YEAR ROUND. Stationary, School Books, Tablets, Pencils, Etc. Remember that we carry one of the largest stocks of Pat ent Medicines in tbe county. We try to keep just what you want at a price that always pleases yon. Prescriptions are filled by us seven day in the week, and if necessary twenty-fours in a day. Rowland Drug Company, G. K. McNeill, Manager. Just opened another lot of those 8 day Clicks. Guaranteed. Only fi.98. W. O. .Thompson.) 1 You can buj Dresa Goods, Outings, Etc at cofit. Calico 5c W. O. Thomp son. 1 'WANTED Bnsmeline; the beet of stove polishes, ioc . at MeAltietef Hdwe. .Go's. the Hew England Conservator j Huntington Avenue. R. L. Flanders, ' Manager. Geo. Wi Cbadwick, rector. Boston, Mass., Jan. 6th, 1905. My. CharleaM, Stieff, Boston, Mass , Dear Sir: The Stieff upright Piano, which you sent to the New England Conservatory of Music on A t -X I I mat iasi vsciooer, nas proveu en tirely satisfactory, and on the strength of this trial, I have de cided to place an order with you or twenty-five (lo) Htiefl Upright Pianoe,;same style as sample sur mitted. : . These) Pianos must be delivered at the New England Conservatory b Music-on or before September st, 1SU&. - Your 'very truly, Ralph L. Flanders. Luiiiberion N. C. ware; Tbrware Batdes, CoTiats! TrseeA .a fact, en most anything, 1 hcrmpao will sstsjosj WKmtj Gnas. M. Stieli Manafacturer ol the Piano With r Tbe Sweet Tone. f C. ?L WtLMOTH, Manager, SOUTHERN' WABEBOOMS. ni213'N6ith Tryon Street. CHARLOTTE, . . . N. C. ; : ON THE fltiantTG coast FroiuGomnanii's Farm 1,000 STAWBBBRY PICKERS. On or about the 15th or 20th of 'April, 1905, to pick Strawberries front one of the Largest Strawberry Farms in the South. Oar farm is situated 8 miles from Whiteville, on Fair Fluff and Whiteville public road, near Fruit Ridge Siding, and cod tains 115 acres of tbe best berries. We will give you an opportunity tu pick all day. We pay cash and guaraotee good order and satisfaction to all. Good accommodations and the right place to earn money. Come to see us or write us for any information. Address, ATLANTIC COAST FRUIT COMPANY, i, ' Chas. J. Burdick. Treasurer and Manager. . Chadbourn, N. C. tmmi w . .... t CS5SS-" ' :. -r ? ' Pilules, aT Twenty ,First-Class vymcn are well broken, gentle and sound. wnictww)'can. guarantee. We have redaced the prices twenty-five pefoent. on account of the low price of cotton. a Now Is The Time To Buyl W- B. BRIOE & SON, ASHPOLE, N. C . f

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