THE SEMI-WEEKLY R0DE80NIAN. Start MMdM f tae Live 4 rrm. idaet ea Vk HrvaUeai. TUltlVtXT 0O8IVElT. Theodore RoTlt, President, wit bora iu New York city on Oc tober 27. 18i8; entered Usrvsred U'Neiain 1370 aud graduated iu 1S30; took op the study of lit, bat in 1SS1 was sleeted to tbe New York legislator, aod ss twioe re-elected; to bit too ad tsrm io the Leiiilstore was tbe caudidate cf bn party for Speaker, tbe majanty of assembly, however, beine. Democratic; dorioc bis tbird Urm served at obairmau of the ommittee ou cities aud of tbe special committee wbicb io vestigated abuses iq the fovsru. merit of Nw York city ; n a del egate to tbe State coovsaticn iu 1834 to choose delegates to tbe Republican uatioual convention, and wae selected at one of tbe fonr dldgstes-at-large from New York to thejuatioual convention ; later in the tame yaar be went to North Dakota and spent most ot Lie time there for sereraj years on a ranob, engaged iu raising cattle; in 1880 was the Ripabhcau nomi nee for mayor of New York city; was appointed a member of the United States civil service com mission in May, 1839, by President Harrison ; resigned this position in 1805 in order to accept tbe presidency of tbe police commis sion of Nw York city, ncder Mayor Strong: in April, 1897, wis appointed bvPresident McKinler as Assistant Secretary of tbe Navy Upon tbe outbreak of the war with Spain iu 1808 resigned this pest and became lieutenant colonel of tbe First United States Volunteer Cavalry, was promoted to the col onelcy of the regiment; was in tbe fights at Las Gnasimas and Saa Joan ; was mastered oat with bis regiment atMontaak, Long Island, in September, 1808; was nomi Dated shortly afterwards as tne Republican candidate Jfor Qonx nor of New York, and elected in November, 1808; was unanimous ly nominated for Vice President of the United States by the Repub lican national oonventicn of 1000, and eleoted ; succeeded to tbe presidency upon tbe death of President McKinley, September 14, 1001. VICE PRESIDENT FAIRBANKS. Charles Warren Fairbanks, of Indianapolis, was born on a farm near Unionville Center, Union county, Ohio, May 11, 1852; was educated in the Isommop schools of tbe neighborhood and at tbe Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio, graduating from that institution in 1872 in tbe classical course; was admitted to the bar by tbe Supreme Court ot Ohio in 1874; removed to Indian apolis in the same year, where he baa since practiced his profess'oj ; never held pnblio office prior to his elections to the Sen ate; was eleoted a trustee of the Ohio Wesleyan University in 1885; was unanimously cbcs?n as the nominee of the Republican caucus for United States Snat r in tbe Indiana Legislature iu Jan uary, and subsequently received his entire party vote in the Legis lature, bat was defeated by plvid Tnrpie, Democrat; w9 a delegate at-large to the Republican natio a convention at St.' Louis in 1898, and was temporary chairman cf tbe convention; was a delfgatr-at-large to the Republican national convention at Philadelphia in 1000, and as chairman cf tbe com mittee on resolutions reported tbe platform; was appointed a mem ber of the United Statea and Brit ish joint high oommiBsion which met in Quebec in 1898 for the ad justment of Canadian questions and was chairman of the United States high commissioners; was elected to the United States Senate Jan uary 20, 1897, to succeed. Daniel W. Voorheea, Democrat, and took his seat March 4, 1897 f was. re elected in 1903. The Cjngres aioual Directory1. ,T ' GeeaasLMlea Dertsieei is) Tbe Iuter. Slate Commerce Cai- aoissioo, in opinions by Com mieMioasr Ciatli besaauem rd its decisions io tt e else o( Li. II. Tift and others, members ot tbe Georgia Saw Mill Asociaion, agaiuat tbe Sjutharu Rai)wy Compaty and othars, aud thecals of the Central Y-tllow I'm Asso ciation agsintt the Illinois Central Railroad Company aud others. These cases involve the qoostiou of the unreasonableness and icju tioe of au advauce of 2 oeuts per hundred pouuds on lapiUai from Soutberu poiuts to Ohio River dettiuatiou. Iu tbe Tift case tie commission holds that the advance iu rates cotnplsiuad of is not warrantee and that tbe resulting lucreased rates ate unreasonable aud oujut Tbe advaoce complatued of is bald to have beu tbe result of cot-cert ed actiou ly defeudauts aud other carrier. Iu the Central Y-llow Pins case substantially the saui prelimiua rnlmff are made iu the fire w F" t case. Wesbiugtou Post. Trylthe Semi-WeekJj Robeson- ian for a year its only S$L50.LUW druggist. Cfcaaatrrtalae lMt Keeaerfy. "I can hartily and oonsclentloaly reoommend Chamberlin'a Ooagh Remedy far affections of tbe throat and lonjrs. " says Hon. John ShenicK 9 20 8o Peoria St.. Chicao. "Two yeaat ago daring a political campaign I caosht oold after being overheated which irritated my throat and !I was finally compelled to atop, aa I coald not speak alond. In my extremity i friend advised me to nee Chamber Iain's Coutfh Remedy. I took two doses that afternoon and could not be lieve my senses when I fonnd the next morning the inflammation bad large lj subsided. I took several doses that day, kept right on talking throagb tbe campaign, and I thank thismed icine that I won my seat in the Council." This remedy is for sale by Dr. H. T. Pope &Oo. and Dr. R. O. Rosier. Iu a little while tbe country will get used to having a Vice President agaio. Champion Llnleaeot far Rb naatoam Chas. Drake, a mall carrier at Chapinsville, Conn , says : ' 'Cham berlain'S Pain Bala is tbe champion of all liniments. Tbe pa t year I wna troubled a, great deal with rheu matism in Tny shoulder. After try ins several cures the storekeeper here recommended this remedy and it com pletely oured me. ' ' There is no use of anyone suffering from that painful ailment when this liniment can be ob tained for a small sun. One applica tion givs prompt relief and its contin ued use for a short time will produce a permanent cure. For sale by Dr. H. T. Pope &Co. and Dr. R. G. Rzier. The casualty columns still bear evidence that some railro&ds think laborers are cheaper than safety devices. I suffered for many years with ner- vous and sick headache. Tried many medicines and several doctors. Noth ing cared me until I got, Lee's Head ache and Neuralgia Remedy. It is mply worth it weight in gold. mrs. jno w Sprinkle. Charlotte, N..O. The price 25c. at Dr. H. T. Pope & Co., - President Roosevelt is to &end a message to the C ingress of Moth ers, soon to be held lu WashiDg tor. It is expected that they will appreciate a message of that kiud more than tbe C-iugressof Fathers, did. , , - - Proper Treatment of Pneuaaoaia, Pneumonia is too dangerous to disease for anyone to attempt to doctor himself, although he may have the proper remedies at hand. A physician should always be called. It should be born in mind however, that yneu- momia always results from a cold or from an attack of tbe grip, and that by giving Chamber lan s Cough Bemody the threatened attack of Pneumonia may be warded off. This remedy is also used by physicians in the treatment of pneumonia with the beet results. Dr. W. J. Smith, of Sanders la. , who is also a drnajajty, lays of it: "I have been selling Chamberlaid's Cough Remedy aud my practist for the past six years. I used it in cases of pneu monia and have always gotten the best results, Sold by Dr. H. T. Pope & Co. ana Dr. B. Q. Rosier. Stats: or Omiu, Cirv or To lido, LlXASCot'fcTV. rraaa j Cbcavt tk utb ltl a U miw partita ol t&a irai tAV .). C&vaay Si C. la ti Cut ul T- ladtJL Cmilr aat forraakL an.I taal Mi't hrra U1 y tbt uta U OS'Kj 11L'MKE DOLLAKa each aoJ try ra of Caurra) Uut caaaot ! cured ( br taa aaa ol Hail Caiaah Cuit i FJt!iK J. CHKJIKY. ' Strtxa to tcfix u aud uUrri'jri id , BIT (MBC. IbU Wb) lUjf ot Ihrcrmlcr. t A. D. ISS6 A. W. OLKASON. (Ssau) Not ab l auc Addrea T. J CHENEV 4 00.. TaUtlo. O. fluid by all Draft-ista. 7 V. Take Hall Family Pill for oun- itpetion. Proailnrat Citliea UraI. Mr. E. L. Vaiico. cf Klhott. died Salnrdav oi last wtk. Iih wee 76 yart old. The remains were interred at Cliutou. Mr. Faisoo left a w:d w. wbo was M il Cornelia Mapper, of Weldcn, aud two childrnu, Mr. K. L. Faiou, Jr., who i a member cf a corps of eugiufrs iu tbe l'uitd State Gtologioal department, aud M'S. Mariou Butle'. He was au uncle' of Dr. P. L. Murphy, of M rau-' gautou. Mr. Faitou was a promiueot, citiziu of tbe S at. CURES A Pavarllt Rtatd r ft Bmbtm. IU pleasant taste and prompt cu ', have made Chamberlian's Congh Remedy a favoriU with the mothers of small children. It quickly cor? their ooagh and colds and prevents I any danger oa pneumonia or other! aeriou cosequences. It not only cure croup, dui wnen given as soon of the croupy coogbt appears will prevent attack. For sale by Dr. H. T. Pope & Co. & Dr. R. Q. Rozier. TTTE body got It lif rVnea fooJ propavty digwauJ. Ilaalthy JJgwtM nroaa j-ura Hood tot Um body, but atom trouUaa aria from taHrankw La ealiajy and stoat- haurlr apaH Ua entire tyaUtn. tmpnip erty maatiraUl food xm oa Us atowukiu causing dutneinf paiaa, bwtciting ati natiara. Vbca ott oaXiog i pcnuuxl in tbe atocnacs becum wesonal aad worst out aaJ dyspepaia claim the rictim. ThedforJ Ula. krVaught cum djratwptia. U trt tbe atuo.ath and bwrJ of oonffaatad mtUtr and givna Ux luruai-h new life. The aUuth i iju. klr iat itfooUod awl tho riaciiraJ atimulatiua rwulU in a aruvtil. with tha txjwrr to thor- ouxrhb digvat food. You ran build up your rtotnarh with thi snild and natural remedy. Try TbMiord' UU.k JJraug&t today. You can bur a , package from your dealer for 23o. if he doe But keep it. etmj the maoey to The Chaitanoutfa Medicine Co., CoatUouoga, Tana., and a package will be mailed you. THEDFORDS v SnflDjsIde Floral Narscry, Fayetteville, N. C. Chiua ba piued lue Iuterpar- liameutary Union for the Promr. tiou of Universal Peace. In the meantime, she will coutinue to act as an innocent ryjianaer wane tbe powers in the tar East shoot at each other. Taucht Rd buck. Mr. L. Shurley, the noted instruct or, told the writer he expected great thinsrs of his pupil. Mr. Brynt, the famous Southern Journalist. At same time he wrote: "Send me 8 doz. Kentucky Horse and Cattle Powders. am out and there is a big call for . ' ' Prevent Lung Fever aud cures Q landers. Distemper etc., and wakes Fat. Sold by Dr. H. T, Pope & Co. , MAGNOLIAS. Fine FUnU-i-JJ oril lo II N ch PINES AND SPRUCES U iDChr t) ft V) cenu to SI .60 Mch. ARBOURVITEAS. In American. Pfraaldll. Slbtilan. etc. li lochr to r-t, SSoenM O f l reti, two.d Inn to alsa kad rttj. T"T ,t HEDGES. fj For HrdKC we hTe Arboarvllft, Cellfomlt Prim, Jpu Oranire. rtc , t from f 1.00 to m 110.00 prr .uu. ROSES. it la attempting to pass a pure food bill, tbe Congress invited tbe opposition of tbe wLisky trust by classing whiskey as a food. A D1""" lavltatlou. After a hearty meal a dose of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will prevent an attaok of Indigestion. Kodol is a thorough digestaot and a guaranteed cure for digestion, Dyspesia, Gas on the stomach, Sour Risings, Bad Breath and all stomach troubles. N.Wat kins, Lesbos, Ky., says: ''I can test ify of Kodol in tbe cure of Stomaoh trouble. I was afficted with Stomach Trouble for fifteen years and have taken six bottles of your Kodol Dys-1 pepsia Cure, whecb has entirely cured me. The six bottles were worth $1, 000 to me. "Sold by Dr. H. T, Pope &Co A flu collection atrona plants that will bloom this co hi In hmod. tlM per dozen with the celebrated Crtmaon Rsmbler a epreslam. LANDSCAPE GARDENING. We are prepared to da any work in thl Una from a mall town lot to a cltr park or oeme. terr. and can furnlan everything from onr own 3 round. II lntrvted write u at abofe ad re. James M. Lamb. BLACKSMITHING, All kinds of Iron ami Wood-Work. HORSESHOEING AND REPAIRING A specialty at the New Blacksmith Shop, corner Bond and Maia Street. Satisfaction Guaranteed. H. H. STRAUGHN. Rowland, N. C, Jan. 20. If you cannot eat, sleep or work, feel mean, cross and ugly, take HoUleter's Rocky Mountain Tea this month. A tonic for the sack. There is no remedy equal it. 15 cents, Tea or Tablets. Ask Tbe Czar ueed not fear any radi cal action from a congress", it he establishes a senate modeled after the Atnerioan pattern. If taken this month, keeps you well all summer. It makes the little ones eat, sleep and grow. A spring tonic for the whole family. Hollister'a Rocky Moun tain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Ask your druggist. The Mukdeu forecaster predicts that the ram or8 itlls v i Icvnt.nue for some days. Even Worse. "I cannot sing the old songs," warbled t e young woman at the piano, tint this was small relief, for the new ones sne sane were even worse Chicago tribune. Siould idiots ba killed at birth?" asks Dr. HiKi?. Better forgit that in congratulations that tbe plan has not beeu in effect. Oaod Advice. Learn to hide yonr troubles. Your friend has troubles of bis own to hide, help him by example. This is good advioe, but when a man waks in the morping with a raging, split ting headache, not enough energy to to get up constipated bad tasteed, in the mouth, tired legs, it's not advice that a man needs. It's a good dose of Dr. King'" Blood anl Liver Pills. Purfy the blood and send it bounding,' coursing through tbe veins, and make the liver live. No purging, gripping or nauseating 25c. box at Dr. H, T. Pope &. Co. vya want ACL INTf RCSTKO IN MACHINERY to havs ou atMi aaroaa DURING 1908 Writs us stating what UnS mt Machinery you wae or wM install, and w will mall www Fbee oa- all Cost a h mou amo uacrui Pocket Diary and Atlas OR A LANOI Commercial Calendar J Cibbes Machinery Company, C0LUM3IA, S C. a etooa of nomi eowca na rftssaas to OLoaao out av 8PECIAL PRICKS Yhi Pf)le aa 1 1 Ckwrth We are constantly deb tin nJ haaring it debated: How will tbe Choroli t hold of the jwn o- jle? You cannot i SI t intl it fi IAA tail Vi i v wi i vii uuirvi j aa oj by of the matter And it ac ms tu me that tbe inevitable pbiloao- phy of tbe matter a this: Tnere ar only a certain number of things that impivae young r ! sons, only a certain nutnlwr that imjirrsi uld ones. or. for that mat ter, that impress anybody. Tbe things that impress the young persons aud the old 'are convic tions and earnest ne in action that look like business, and a cer tain dignity and simplicity that go along with lieing in earnest S ben we ssy. therefore, that the way to get young H.)ple to tbe church is to make the church in teresting. I am afraid e too often mea-) that the way to do is to make it entertaining. If you iu an to dra young people by en tert itiment. you bare only one exciis for it. and that is to folio up the entertainment with some thing that is entertaining, I ut which grips the heart like tbe touch of a hand I dare say that there is some excuse for alluring persons to a place where good will le done them, but I thin it would be a goodleal franker not to allure tbem. I think it would be a great deal better aimply to let them understand that that is the plaoe where life is dispensed, and that if they want life they must come, to that place Presi dent Woodrow Wilson, of Prinoe ton I'uiversity, in The Sunday School Times. Every 3:;,r ? &o Minutes The wlMrs Wattrlo. Colonel John M. Fuller, of Honey Grove, Texas, nearly met bis Water loo, from Ltver and Kidney trouble. In a recent letter be says: "I was nearly dead, of these complaints, and although I tried my family doctor, he did me no good ; so I got a 5oo bottle of your great Electric Bitters, which cured me- I consider them tbe best medicine on earth, and thank Ood who gave yon tbe knowledge to make tbem. "Sold and guarnteed to cure, Dyspepsia, Biliousness aud Kidney Disease, by All Drugist, at 50c a bottle. lacradibl Brutality. It would have been incredible brut ality if Cbaa, F. Lemberger, of Syra cuse, N. Y., bad not done the best he could for his suffering son. "My boy, " he says, "cut a fearful gash over bis eye so I applied Buoklen's Arnica Salve, whiob quickly heMed it -and saved his eye.. Good for burns and ulcers too. Only 25c at All Drug stores. Startling Mortality. Statistics show startling mortality, from appendicitis and peritonitis. Tf prevent and cure jthese awful dis eases, there is just one reliable reme dy, Dr. King's New Life Pills. AI. Flannery, of 14 Custom Bouse Place Chicago, says: "They have no equal for Constipation and and Biliousness.' I 25c at All Druggist. It is now explaiued that G Penu; packer rede a scare-pro horse iu tne parade. Mill i- wai equipped with blinders, so it could not see its rider. Physicians tell ut that ai! the blood in a healthy human body pastes through) the heart once in every two minutes. If this action be come irregular the whole bovly suffers. Poor health follows poor blood ; Scott't Kmulsion makes the blood pure. One reason why SCOTT'S EMULSION is such a great aid is because it passes so quickly into the blood. It is partly di gested before it enters the stomach ; a double advan tage in this. Less work for the stomach; quicker and more direct benefits. To get the greatest amount of good with the least pos sible effort is the desire of everyone in poor health. Scott's Emulsion does just that. A change for the better takes place even be fore you expect it w win Mn4 r a B aurt that thi kturt in th farm tf a label it m Um wrap per of mtrj aottk Emulaiaa) jam bay. Scott tt Bowwt Chctnitai 40? PcadSt., N. Y. fo mtt k4 AU JnfgMte Cole's "Many Use" Oil. tbe beat for: Sewing Machiaea, Typewriters and etc.. ioc. at McAllister Hdwe. Co'e. G. W. McQUEBN, The LjumDerton Barber. When yoa wish aa aaay shave, Aa good aa barber yr gay. J oat eall oa at my salooa, Al morning. y or aoon ; 1 cut a4 dives the hair with giaa To salt th eon ton r of the f. Mr reoai la aast and lowal laa, BeUsora a harp and ratora ken, And arary thing I UlBfe yoH Sad. To aall the faoa aad nleaas the : A"A all my art and akill eaa eV. If yoa tnet eall I'll do for yoa. laa WANTED Special sf.presbxTatii'X in this county -nd adjoinirrg territories, to represent and ' . advertise an old established business house of solid financial sUndiag. Salary -. $2i weekly, with Expenses advancea v each Monday by check direct from head quarters. Horse and buggy furnished when necessary; position permanent. ddressBlew roa. & Co. , Dept. A. Monon Bldg , Chicago, 111. Strongest in tbe World, THE Equitabe Life, OF NEW YORK. OutaUndingAssurance.j1.179.27fi.725 00 Assets 331.039.720 34 Liabilities v 59.9io678 28 Surplus 71,129,04a 06 Lagest cash settlements given to policy holders. Death claims paid in futl and at once. Strongest, Safest, Beat, md most prompt paying company on earth. Inflammatory Rhc umatlim Cared. William Shaffer, a brakeman cf Dennisoa, Ohio, was confined to his bed for several weeks with inflam matory rheumatism. "I used many remedies," he says. Finally I sent to McCaw's drug store for a bottle of Cbamperlain e Pain Balm, at which time I was unable to use hand or foot, and in one week s time was able to go to work as happy as a clam," For Sale by Dr. H. T Pope & Cc. and Dr R. G. Rozier. B. L. PAGE, Agent. Gaddysville, N. C. R. E. Page, Lumbettou. N. C. 4T BANK DEPOSIT nan. TECO ST A Railroad Fare Paid. 500 rill Courses Offered. SJ BoanlatCost.Wr!Otdck 0RCU-A1U1IA BUSIRESSC0UEGC.a1aeaA.Ga. Ate Everything 34? at. Dr. King's Chill and Fever Tonic is, without a doubt, the beat medicine I have , ever found for chills. All my family were in poor health last summer, andafter several other chill tonics bad failed, tried.Dr. King's, and in in a very few days we were all better, eating everything in sight. N S McCORKLE. Sold by Dr. H. T. Pope & Co, Ky the Tonic Route. The pills that act as a tonic, and net as a drastic purge, are DeWitt's Little Eaily Risers. They core Headache, Constipation, Billiouscees, etc. Early Risers are small, easy to to take and easy to act a safe pill. Mack Hamilton, hotel clerk at Valley City, N. D., says: "Two bottles core mod of ehronio constipation. " Sold by Dr. B. T. Pope & Co. RALEIGH MAMK WORKS RALEIGH, N. C. MONUMENTS TABLETS IRON FENCES Write for new Catalog. WE PAY THE FREIGHT- COOPER BROS PROPR'S McDuIfie Drag Stor,. (Franklin & Moore) FAYETTEVILLE, N. O. CALL TO SEE US AND MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEAD QUARTERS. FULL STOCK OF DRUGS-SUNDRIES OLDEST DRUG STORE II F1TETTKY1LIB HOUJSTER'S) Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggsts A Baay Xtdlaute a Any raaiia. Baiip Ooldaa Eaaltk aai Iaaseai Tlgm. A epocifta for QiaattpaaioB. Iadlaaattoa, IJy sad Kidoey Troubiaa. Flanptea. baaon, Impore Blood. Bad Brea-th, Slurrlah Bovtia. HaaAaaha aad Bakate. It'a Bocky Xoutaia Taa ta tae tot torea. as casta a box. OMatae ma4a y Hotxasraa Dso Obatvairv. ataaHanw. Was. k UEII NUGGETS FOB SALLOW PCOMJK