m- IN V w o I THE . jr. ' . - - . HEM! T J . i u 1' j! i in Mi .0 ifs 1 1 - teftiahk reparation ft As -ilmHating BcFoodandBef uta tug t Stoawriu andDowtb of Promotes DigwtioarhmfuJ rasArriRfstXofitAins neither OpiumXorptuat norMiucxal NOTIUKCOTIO. Apcrfed Reraedy forCtoB&p- Mrms jConvuhions Jevtristr ivss and Loss of Sleep. FacSimb Stfoatara of Southern Chivalry. Chivalry la oca of the moat uc- ble traits of a manly man, and baa svsr bsen oas of the chief attraotioui of tbo true 8ontbero gentlemar. The chivalry of th old-'ime Southerner waa seen in hia invariable reTerenoe for a good woman and bia readmeaa always to a"feud her from others, and not only from others, bat from himself. His obivalry waa aeen in bis loyalty to hia frieoda and in bia fairoeaa to bia foe He would share bia last morse witb frieud : be would take i o mean advantage of a fo. He would give bia life for hia friend, and conns it bat a reasonable aaorifioe; he would fight no foe exoept in the opeu upon eqaal terma. He waa a gcod lover and a good bater. He waa a fighter aud be believed in tbo "code of honor;" bat bia belief in the l oode waa in deferenoe to bis chivalrous idea that that waa the fairest and most genteel wry of set tling "difficulties betweeu gtutle iv men." i.x Like knight-errantry of old, du- -Q eliug ;tself ran into abuses, and u become ao brutally absurd that it was finally abolished, bat there was this much to be said in its 1 behalf: It made a man wh" I ,. wished to move in the best soeip y 3- ' -i;od be received, as a gentlemau f V'-'-fy' exceedingly careful in his coc " f ' V; duct ana in his (words, for every ! sach man knew that if be wan guilty of at y act uubecomiug a I gentlemau, especially where tbe ?f- fair name of a woman was iu- volveJ, he would surely be called to account, and he kuew wbec he epote id dispuragpmeLt or at y man in bis nwu circle be must bo ready to uiakn gi'.d at the poiut of a DiBto'. 1 i a eeiiee. there fore, tbe cuel tmdpd to pro mote chiva!: , to protect w cuet!. to hold thn iz lemtn fq u a rely up to all bis r- I'lilites, Of cjurs ire iai that thn dullo--ju.iii."- ' ijuih bus beeL afoli-h d, i ut h h' p- tnar with Hi au(-i!it? t-e " wnl i't i:u J--Cidi:CN in thr- :rr. ot ctivairv whirb (iueii! ;m its !nght-t Dtn. bitr ctJi--iL'iied to oe!-ud and prom 'tf. Hishuiond Timjf-Di--patcn.' .Th emaliet co u iu tbe world raving a sjhi u circulst'o is j.robab!ythe iliitese "grain," a '5, J tn y fragment ot bronie ab ''? &big as tbe top of a slati bout as peccil and worth only one-twelfth of a penny. For InfttnU and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years mum Scho! CbiMrca'a Eyes. An examination of 7,166 school children in New York in 1904 i ronght out the fact that 1.278, or 17 per cent., were suffering from defective eyesight of the worst kinds. If to this figure be added tnoae suffering from less manifest defects, the peroenage of defects interfering with study was 831. Eye strain has bad re flex effects oa tbe general health and often exists when not suspect ed by tbe hurried oculist. It is for school boards to consider whether tb same tasks shonld be imposed on all pupils; whether pupils having defective vision, likely to prejudice health, should study as many ologies as those who have perfectl) sound eyes; whether, in faot, at least one-half of tbe so called studies should not be abolished. From tbe Balti more dun. Sued by hi Doctor. ,,A doctor here baa saed me for $12.30, which I claimed was excess ive for a case of cholera morbus, ' ' says R. White, of Ooacbella, Oal ,,At the trial he praised his medical skill and medioine. I asked him if it was not Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy he used as I had good reason to believe it was, and he would not say under oath that it was not. ' No doctor could nse a better remedy than this in a case of cholera morbus, it never fails. Sold by by Dr. H. T. Pope & Co., and Dr. R. G. Rozier Quick and Thorough. Mrs. 1'ftddock I bouaht Rob bie bad a fyteai for playing the rao8. Mr. Paddock He had, but he bet ou a horse Darned Sareapanlla and it, cleaned his fyitetn uut. Puck. Mis Specialty. Graglv tells ma be ied' ing won derial work wih bi present em pi yr. I didn't kuuw he waB part cularlv strong iu about business, Hh Hi's merely particu- rly ttr. t:2 iu talku.e about inisitics Philftde'pTiu Press. Natural Inference. Mr?. Smith I rall'-d my has baud tack tn k:s him good-bye t! ri;ori)ic;'. M . J-.ref. A:,d what did he sav ''. M'p. Smith Uh ?aid What's the matt-r. C 'del-a ? D d you ftrgettrig . t'-.r'URh my pocket 8 last I'ight. Frooi Chicago Daily The cost of tbe pension roll is $1.7") a year for every man, woman and child in tbe United States. IK Lodt, Rasalan Poland. Jems 81. Eighteen persons wsre killed tud 100 woondoJ Wednssdsy bj Tollays fired by dragoons od Ooe sacks on s prooeealoo of 50,000 workmen, which had besn organ, ited as daaionttrstlon agtiast the govtrnrunt. The dumonstation had twa quietly arranged. At B a'oloo the workmen, 0,000 strong, with thirty red flags, mtrcbed through i the etreete ebootioir, "Dou with despotism!" They gathsred ip the old market place where speech m were inadeby tfocialieti. Up to tbia point tbe polioe had not interfered At niue o'olock tbe nroceaaion re-formed and waa marching up Ulowna street, when suddenly tbe Coaaaoka and dra goon a rushed from the aide streets and tired a number of volleys The crowd fled panioatricken leaf eighteen killed and one hundred ounded. Throo CMMrM 4. la ths early summer of last yeaxjan emrfDoy arose to whlob Mr. R Monroe, of Marlon. 8. 0. . was equal. He writes: "Dr. King's Diarrhoea and Dysentery Cordial U tbe beet saediolae far' bowel tnrablas X ever saw. I saved the live of three chil dren In my neighborhood in tbe last few days' after tbe doctor bad given them np to die." It's tbe beat and screes on earth. )5o tae prioe. Sold by Dr. H.T.Pope & O. la the foarth century was in troduced tbe quill or featber pen. ine nrst steel pen was made in the latter half of the eighteenth, and the first gold pea in the first half of the nineteanth century. Tired oat, worn oat women onanot sleep, eat or work ; seems as If she would fly to pleoea. BoUisters Rooky Mountain Tea makes strong nerves and rich blood. S3 oenta, Tea or Tablets. Wages in Russian faotories are two oents and upward. There are tboisauds who work for a cent au hour, and tens ot tboasaude who do not receive 80 oenta a day for ten, eleven aud more boars' work. Tfco 3ocrt f Forty million bottles of Aturust Flower sold in the United States alone since its introduction! And tbe demand for it is still growing. Isn't that a fine showing of success? Dont it prove that Anarust Flower has had unfaiUns: success in the cure or indigestion and dyspepsia the two greatest enemies of health and hap- I r. . . . . messr uoe u not an or a tae bet evl ence that August Flower is a snre- sDe- unc tor an stomache and intestinal dis orders? that it has proved itself the best of all liver regulator? August Flower has a matchless recerd of over thirty-five vears in cut-ins: tbe ail'nsr millions of these distressing complaints a success thst is becoming wider in its scope everv dav. at home and abroad, as the fame of August Flower spreads. Trial bottles, asc: reg ular size, 75c. For sale by Dr. I. D. Mc Millan. A married man says tbe easiest way to manage a wife is to let her have her own way. LIFE. W. FRENCH ROWLAND. N. C. INSURANCE. a Prudential Lile Insurance Company, Best Fire Insurance Companies. ACCIDENT, HEALTH, LIABILITY. Livery and Feed Stables. . I bate re-equipped my Livery and Feed Stables, and am in position to serve the public who are in need of a good turn out for any and all purposes. Good horses, good vehicles and careful drivers, can be had at reasonable prices at ail times. When I tell you that Billy Martin is in charge you will know that your wants will be well supplied., : : Plenty ol Forage and Grain For Sale. Call when you need us, Very Truly, H. K. MCCORMICK, Rowland, N.C f By leeal applications, as they can not r& the also aood portion of tke ear There U only s4 way cars aWneas, and that Is by etwattlattoaal rented! Dufnaas Ls aaassd by an laflatned oowdittun of tbe bk tlatag as? tbe KaaUcklan Tube. Wasn this tab la Inflsmxi yo bare a rum bllaj sob4 or lmporfoct boarlag, and wbon it la entirely cloood, Daafoass is tbe rMali and an loo lodaania ttoa oan be taken out and this tab r loros to lu noruaaJ rood It ton. 1 oar- lag will dootroyod forever j nine oa sm oat of Un are cauaod by Catarrh which is aothlnf bnl an loflajnod oondltlon of tbe uaooot rfsco W will give One Handrod Dollar for any om of DoafaoM (oaaood by catarrh) ihu cannot Ucurod by Hall's Catarrh Ours. F. J OliKKKT s Oa. TtUd. o. Bold by Druggists. 75o. Take HaU's Kamlly Pill for onstipation. But the only way to hnd out what a woman really thinks of ycu is to marry her. Host man led men and it easier to be boseed than to be boas. C. H. LENNON, D.D.S., DENTIST, Rowland, N. 0 J. J. FREESLAND, Jeweler and Optician, Rowland, N. 0. It Ougkt to te :n Every Home Our Tailoring SLouldToo ..'t u th kind you would aot Vt without if rou kaw it qualitio. tyl ud ono. Aflf) higk grxlo 11 wool tbriat, caMtSMroJ, T' durioli, twecdj. homo (pun. worsted. .htck. plaid, ttripo. Uia oolora, n fat the .andotnct waortmsat vr obowa ia tki rt of th country. Zomt and hrt u tiow you kow w eaa rnaks :k kiguaat cbu rad to mtwun garnMat at !5 per cent Icm money than it eot say vhr else Satufactioa potitivaly guaraatecd. Ymcncan Woolen Mills Co. Ik ProreMiv Tailor Ckioago Id. Bracy, Roilud. I.C. You can get a Watch for c, guaran teed for one year, at W. O. hompson's FIRE. BRISTOW, 0j HAVE 400 Bushels nice sound N. O. Corn in 2 bushel bags, 200 Barrels Flour, 250 Boxes Tobacco, 2500 Pounds Rice, 100 Bags Salt, 100 Dozen lit Jars, 100 Cases Canned Goods and Syrups, Molasses, Cakes, Crackers, Snuff,. Soda. Soap, Lye, Ciold Dust and Hattinj Powders In proportion. Cotton Plows am Plow Castings of every description. A ftxlr and complete line of GROCERIES and Staple Drugs. My stock of Dry Goods Is up-to-date. Enough said come to see us. Agent for McCall Patterns and Publications, Ralston Health Shoes,' Shields' Hats. Lovell Diamond Bicycle and Jthe Celebrated Acme Harrow. Yours Anxious to Please. JNQ. W. -WARD, ggj&$ We Don't Sell Everything, But we do keep on bsnd and sell most things that are kept in a First-Class, Up-to-date Drug Store. If we haven't what you want we will take pleasure in ordering it for you. You will find oar line of Drugs, Medicine, Stationery, Sohool Books and Drug gists' Sundries, as complete aa in any Drug Store in this part of the Stste Our Soda Fountain Is the most popular plaoe in town these warm dsys. We person ally guarantee every article of goods we sell as we recommend it. As for Quality of our Drugs that go into Prescriptions, eto., we refer you to one of the most reliable chemical houses in the United States, from whom we boy all of oar Drugs direct Goods sola by as that are not satisfactory the money will be refunded Could you ask to be treated any fairer? We make a speoialty of Prescriptions, and oan fill any that are entrusted to oar care, no matter whose Prescription Blanks they are written on, or what Doctor writes them. We guarantee every one of them to be filled by an experienced Registered Pharmacist, with the best Drags obtainable, and our charges are very moderate. Kai-r inH Snnin Maalinir Farmers are earnestly invited to our store, and to make it their s'a Headquarters while in town. Ton are oar friends let as ber.,.'l yours. THE ROWLAND DRUG CO., V' Geo. K. McNeill, Manager. i One Minute Please! BANK OF ROWLAND. ROWLAND. N. G. Does aOeneral Banking Business. Lends Money on approved security. Pays Interest on Time Deposits. WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE WE DONT WANT MONEY. We want to sell you FURNITURE. Come to our Store, select from our Large Stock suoh ar tides as you desire, pay us a small sum down, take the Furniture home and begin to get the use of it at once, and you can pay the balance in small weekly or monthly installments. You get the benefit of using and having the Furniture be fore you pay for it. If you want to pay all down when you buy we have no objection; Our Line is complete, and you can find anything in Furni ture, Mattings, Shades. Etc. to suit you. We have also added to, our Stock a complete line of Burial Caskets, Coffins and Undertaker's Supplies, and furnish anything in this line promptly. Don't forget that we are Headquar ters for Hardware in this town. McCOKMIC & ROGERS, ROWLAND, NORTH CAROLINA and Notions with avarr nna ib our Motto. ' i An i: i, I