IE 8EMI-WEEKLTROUE80NIAN. 5U Ml m4 ia QUI. AVfrtfctaUe IYf jwraiionfor As slmOatlng DieraxlandBrtula tm 0 Sbnadts andliowm of Promotes DijjfstionJChirrful nrss and JVsl on tains nrithiT (XiiunuMorptune nor Mineral. Not "Naii c o ti c . Aperfecl Remedy forCoratipa Hon. Sour Stoowh. Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsiorts . Fevrnsh nrss And Loss or Sleep. Fac Simla Srgnahiraof NOV YDnK. TfTTT nfUlfl juuini Children. ixact copy or waaeptu For The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature of AM h aV Richmond. t, Juoa 2J, tit local apt4kailust uiUrMB DIM Ford snot and Instantly ' rach lha dlasa d portloa of tU tilled George C. th and and fatal In Use For Over Thirty Years E1 ly wounded Miaa Lydia Inchiuin gr last night at Waterloo Road, llockbrtdjp) county. Mr. Catb ai d Miaa Iocbaiiuvr war return ioir from oburch, ben Kurd met them od tba road and asked : "If tbat Miaa Incbminger? ' and ujon receiving an affirmative reply uvuh1 fire wit a revolver. Tba girl who ia fourteen ) ears old and very pretty, it yet alien. Ford it A) and Cash waa 1H years old. They worked at longda! Mines, Alleghany oouuty Fori ruada hi eacape, and baa not been ap prrhended Jealousy ia tba aU legtd cauaa of tba shooting. r hu Oecte. ,,A doctor here baa soed me for $12 SO, which I claimed waa eos ire for a rasa of cholera raorhna, " mti iv. white, or uoacneiia, t;ai ,, At tba trial ba praised hie medical kill ud medio i ue. I aaiedbimif it waa not Chamberlain's Colio.Chol era and Diarrhoea Remrdv tie oaed ai I bad good reaeou to belie Ye it was, and ha would not say under oath tbat It waa not. ' No doctor could nae a better remedj than this In a Case of cholera morbat, it never f alia Sold by by Dr. II. T. Pope fc Co. , and Dr. R. O. Roller ear That la oaly o way to rare deaf usee, and thai la by eoaatilaticaal recaedtea Deaiaeaa la caased bT aa I taflaiuad oodlllo of tba maooas ttaiag of tba Kaaiactilaa Tabe. Whan litis tab It Inflamed yoa bavs a ram. bliai aoeod or imperfect bearing, and wbea it Is ealiraJy cloaed, Deafne It tba raaull Slid oeUs Uia Id flats ma tioa oaa be taken oil and this tabe raatorrd to lu normal ear tag will destroyed foravtr; aloe oa eat oat of ud are oaaaed by Catarrh which It nothing bat an lutUrued condition of llie maooai teifaoet We will give One tieodrod Doll an for any cevee of Deafueaa (caoaed by catarrh) that can not be cored by Hal It Catarrh Cure r. J OHKIfKT CO., Telede. O. Hold by Droggiata, ?Ao. Tale Hall't Family PilU for onttipatlon. nil Hi AVE It it unfair to recall tbe fact that Char lee J. Bonaparte voted for Grover Cleveland. He baa tiuce bean trying to lire it down and ihould ba encouraged. U. H. LENNON, D.D.S., DENTIST, Rowland, - N. C Panridgea a Cap ivliy. Dr. Cliftou F Hnge, profettor oi bil ht at Clark Univernty, ia bavn g r. oiarkat'ln iurom iu bit f tln tow rl dotnott icttiu tho rn(Td jfroui., r partridge. Thu latent tchirvt-meut, it tbe raituj of a ettooud KUKration "f the birdt while they ee m oaptirity, rive troug, bealtby Hirdt havini; bm hatched two weks ago 1 y 'hp ooo'bftr partridge Alireoouid scarcely desired tbau to baVH a pair mate and pro dace their yoaog i:i tbs hack yard of a oitr bumf, So far aa if kuowu tbe birds bavo aoted exactly the aame ai their brothers id tbe woods, even t the coriout set of drnmmiug. Tbey ar jaat at large aa those iu tha wood and are lively oonteuted. Oue of the old male birds seem to h especially delighted wbeu Dr. Hoge Miners ib eocl isure iu whio i they are kept and plays with the bird at oue would with hia pet oat. Iu no oate, ao far aa is kuowu, has this species been auywhere near ho perfectly domesticated. Dr. Hodge began these rxperi- tneots iu tbe spring of 1908, when he obtaiaed some partridge ttggs from the wojds and batched thorn at under a bantam hen. At th time he was laughed at for tryiot it. Bat after the chicks wer li.l.l., l ' - . Z t, -I - . i UBiiueu uut, IUU All waa UtHii LUU hpy were being raised, a member of tbe Missaohnsetts Fith and Game Protective Association wb resides iu Worcester reported the affair to a meeting of tbe direct ors, wheu they voted $200 to be given to Dr. Huge iu aid ot bis ex penmen -n. He is am x it io enlarging hie uclouree with a virw to aidiug aucli wtk. as association it 4oiog, epacia!lr by eveotuallv aettlL the birds iVbh iu tha covers of thi State ti.d erhups m ur Makl z Walnut More PUntllul. That remarkable Califoruia sci entist whe hai ben produiu til sort (f f rait freak, incladicg pitless peaches ani eedlei berries, has turned hit ttteution to other hues of tfTot. He now aunouncet that 'y crostiDir, d tfreut vtru Msof wsluats he has evolvni a tree which make tbe fastest growth of any koowi . This is bald to be the most importaut ot ai y of bit discoveries, iud it has a ditr nci aud direct commercial value. Wa ut wo"d i- uow very icaro and ffh-priCHd, as much as $250 tc $.)00 a thouiaud feet beiDg paid i ( it f'ir manufac'Dring pnrp s i Tbe professor alleges tbat by usius ni prfoss tbe wood can be pro- duced to raDidly and cheaply that .. will be iu abundant supp'y for u' Mur-makiug, etc., aud may even ba -1 as fuel forsti v- and ru(H . If all that is claimed can be v-nfi o ne will put graftitig fo a most bi(,ffiont ue Troy Times If you aut urotty face and de lightful air. Ropy cheeks and lovely hair, Wedding trip across the sea. Pat your faith tn Rocky Mountain Tea. oity parhap- Or. i Hodgn'e ,,)erini6u u. h 4 co j kernel. study bCiHit ti rela' us nt : flab ;t e l ! . . aibi! UJ8I u l . t ur ci y aikr, ; ii; tx j b i8 i w u hi In ; t trspi-ial y t iv thn i.'i' ildj;.Cki ' a ,i t tm p-jfc-d Ui-si i c a 1 1 ' i . ..j J Ti 'ft oat. worn at womeu cannot :, sled J) eat o' w,sth : sepm as it the .'; woo;d fly m .i: . b.. Hodiaurs Ri Mou itaiv .i inak s strung iier?i e auit ii u biuoj. Cdlitt, lei or Tab aU G ? -A D:ke Alexi, tal of tbe Kuesiau h itgned. Thr- :s no i li:gh hdmi- 1k y in id- Shooting in Pine Woods. Tallahassee, Fla., June 20. A J Gobagan, a woods rider for the Vender & aticer Turpentine Com pany in the Smith creek section of Wakulla county, was shot by a negro last Saturday and bis slayer was shot and killed by a Mr. Langs ton. A crotfd of negroes had gathered around the co oniissary and wtre acting in a nois manner. Goha gan stepped out to quiet them, when a negro seized a shot gun loaded with buck-shot, and fired, killing him. Other white men were in the couimifsary, and when they came to the door t hey were shot at by the Egro One of them, a Mr Lans on, narrowly missed being - ii led, as a pait of the load of buck shot went through bis coat. La lgston got a gun and opened rire, and after a few rounda the negro fell, mor ally wounded, and died during tbe night. .'' Three Children JMv.d. Iu th; early uu.naier of hint yearjan emergency arose to which Mr. R. touroc, of Marion, S C. , wa cqoal He wins: ' Di. Kins' Diarrhoea and liyst-ntery Cordial is the best medicine lor bowl trdables I ever ?aw I naved tli Iivh of three chil dr. ninmv neighborhood in the last few days' alter the do-Kir hntgiven c.:em up to (ii." It's ths het and Succumbed to the Heat. Savannah, Os., Jane 2f J P. M i rt iu , ot Mtriou, N. C travel it g salesman for tbe MoDjwell Furniture C unnauv.of tbat place, j wat attacked by beat appjplexv in tbe Ceutral fj )tel this after. noou aud was th"Uht to be iutox- cat'-d bv the hotel clerk, who had a patrcljiau arrest him aud seud bim to the barrack. Taere bit true conditiou was au)rtai(ied aud Dr. W. F Bruuuer. health officer was called npon to examine bim Dr. Brunner at ouce saw tbat the case wss a critical on and ordered the man sent to Joseph's Hos pital, where he died fifteen ann ates after arriving there. J. J. FBEESLAND, Jeweler and Opticiau, Rowland, N. C. 400 DushelB nice Bound N. C. Corn in 2 bushel baf8, 200 Barrelfl Flour, 250 Boxoa Tobacco, 2600 Pounds Rice, 100 Bags Salt, 100 Dozen Fruit Jars, 100 Coses Canned Goods and Syrups, Molasses, Cakes, Crackers, Snuff, Soda, Soap, Lye, Gold Dust and Baking Powders in proportion. Cotton Plows and Plow Castings of every description. A ftill and complete line of GROCERIES and Staple Drugs. My stock of Dry Goods and Notions Is up-to-date. Enough said come to see us. Agent for McCall Patterns and Publications. Ralston Health Shoes, Shields' Hats. Lovell Diamond Bicycle and the Celebrated Acme Marrow. Yours Anxious to Please. JNO. W. WARD, N?rth CatoUM Th jcrtt ot 5accM. Forty million bottles of August Flower sold in the United States aione since its introduction! And the demand for it it still growing. Itn't that a fine thowing of success? Don't it prove that Augutt Flower has had unfailing success in the cure of indigestion and, dyspepsia the two greatest enrmies of health and hap piness? Does it not aff rd the best evi dence that August Flower is a sure tpe tific for all 9 torn ache and intestinal dis orders? that it has proved itself the best of all liver regulator? August Flower has a matchless recard of over thirty-five ears in curing the ail'ng millions of these distressing complaints- a success that is becoming wider in its scope every day, at home and abroad, as the fame of August Flower spreads. Trial bottles, 25c; reg ular sue, 75c. For sale by Dr. J. D. Mc Millan. it Ought to bej :n Every Home! WW 3ur Tailoring Skould Too He who hopes for tbe bast seldom expects it. Marriage is always a serious step or a more serious misstep. Did you see those Eight-Day Clocks for 98c. at W. O. Thompson's? .: it the kind you would not b without i: ju knew its qulitie, ,tyl and price. If Ml "'" grad-0 U wool tabnot, cuaimrrn, cheviots, tweeds, borne (pun. worsteds, ti(ck. plaids, stripes, plain colors, in fact the undtumcit assortment ever shewn in this iart of the country. iome and let us show you how we caa tnak he highest class made to measure garments at 5 per cent less money than it costs sny- vhere else. Satisfaction positively guaranteed. American Woolen Mills Co. 'Jk Prorctwivc Tailor Clucgo Wooletts disfyd fcy Mel. Bracy, Rowland. H.C. Yoa can get a Watch for 98c, guaran teed for oae year, at W. G. Thompson's LIFE. FIRE. W. FRENCH J3RISTO W, ROWLAND. N. C. INSURANCE. Prudential Lile Insurance Company. Best Fire Insurance Companies. ACCIDENT, HEALTH, LIABILITY. We Don't Sell Everything, But we do keep on hand and sell most things that are kept in a First-Claes, L'p-to-date Drug Store. If we haven't what you want we will take pleasure in ordering it for you. You will find our line of Drugs. Medicine. Stationery, School Books and Drug gists' Sundries, as complete as in any Drug Store in this part of the State Our Soda Fountain Is tbe most popular plaoe in town these warm days. We person ally guarantee every article of goods we sell as we recommend it. As for Quality of our Drugs that go into Prescriptions, etc., we refer you to one of tbe most reliable chemical bouses in the United Hates, from whom we buy all of our Drugs direct. Goods sold by us that are not satisfactory tbe money will be refunded Could you ask to be treated any fairer? We make a specialty of Prescriptions, aud can fill any that are entrusted to our care, no matter whose Prescription Blanks they are written on. or what Doctor writes them. We guarantee every one of them to be filled by an experienced Registered Pharmacist, with the best Drugs obtainable, and our charges are very moderate. Fair and Square Dealing with every one is our Motto. Farmers are earnestly invited to our store, and to make it their Headquarters while in town. You are our friends let us be yours. THE ROWLAND DRUG CO., Geo. K. McNeill, Manager. DON'T START A ROW! If you must start something, start a bank account with BANK OF ROWLAND, ROWLAND. N. G. PAYS INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. ;ll Livery and Feed Stables. I have re-equipped my Livery and Feed Stables, and am in position to serve the public who are in need of a good turn out for any and all purposes. Good horses, good vehicles and careful drivers, can be had at reasonable prices at ail tinies. When I tell you that Billy Vartin is in; charge you will know that your wants will be well supplied. : Plenty of Forage Call when'you need us, and Grain For Sale. oaittt r,u tarih. Jing toj ships on a painted oceaa.lbyEr. H.T.Pope. & Co )o tke price. Sold 'Very Truly, H. K. MCCORMICK, Rowland, N. C WE DON T WANT MONEY. We want to sell you FURNITURE. Come to our Store, select from our Large Stock such ar ticles as,jyou desire, pay us a small sum down, take the Tumi ture home and begin to get the use of it at once, and you can pay the balance in small weekly or monthly installments. You get tbe benefit of using and having the Furniture be fore you pay for it. If you want to pay all down when you buy we have no objection. Our Line is complete, and you can find anything in Furni- ture, Mattings, Shades. Etc. to suit you. We have also added to our Stock a complete line of Burial Caskets, Coffins and Undertaker's Supplies, and furnish anything in this line promptly. Don't forget that we are Headquar ters fcr Hardware in this town. McCOBMIC & ROGERS, ROWLAND, NORTH CAROLINA 'Ml