the semiweeklyrobesonian: PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J, T. Brown, M.D. W. A. McPhal, M.U Brown & McPhaul, , HIYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Ahpolfc : : : : N. C. Calls answered promptly night and dv. Phone No. n. 1? A. Mci.tU . A. W. McLean. J. ). McCorm mem, mclean a Mccormick, ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LUMBERTON. - - N C. Offices" n 2nd floor of Rank'of '' Lnm- bertou Bnilding, Rooms 1, 2, 3, & 4 Prompt attention gjven to all business. R. T. AU.E.N. V. t. CASTLKM'RV. Drs. Allen & Castlebury, Dentists, LUMBERTON, N. C. Ofiice over Dr. McMillan's Drug Store. Phones OiEce, 45 ; Residence, 94. DR. J, D. REGAN, t DENTIST, LUMBERTON, - - N. C. Office in Shaw building, over Pope's drug store. Dr. F. H. PITMAN, DENTIST. ASHPOLE, " N. C. R. E. LEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rooms, Nos. 1 and 3, McLeod Building, LUMBERTON, N. C. 1 7 : Wishart & Shaw, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LUMBERTON, N. C. Office in Shaw Building. Practice in all the Courts. Dr. N. A. Thpmpson, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Lumberton, : : : : N. 0. Office next doot above Savings Bank. Norman McLean, Tonaorial Artist, ASHPOLE, - - - N.C. Shop fronting postoffice. Operators Wanted. We want too girls to learn plain sewing en overalls. Steady woric; easy Hours. WILLARD BAG & MFG. CO. 13-21 South Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. june80 Hew Arrivals. Our stock of Mnles is now com- plate. The most careful purchaser can find stock ezaotiy to his pur pose whether he desires farm mules or wagon males. Our e 1 penence aas piaoea us in a posi eition to know the needs of this seotion, and we are now in shape to supply them. Baggies, Wagons, Harness, Etc In addition to our line of mules and horses, we keep constantly on hand Buggies. Auburn Wagons, GartWheels, Harness, Etc. We can give as good values at reason able price as can be had anv where. You don't have to leave your community to buy in these lines. An inspection is all we ask. Truly Edgerton & Winslov, Parkton, N. C. jan 10 Central Academy! REV. M. W. HESTER; Principal, PROF. W. M. HINTON, Associate Prin. A Christian Home and High School for boys and youn men. Splendidl; , .ated in Warren county, M I 1 A ( ' . . 1 .. A. 1 . 3 ..... n ww-wus uinu-Jteuui, luiuivuiaieiv on k; A. L. road in a beautiful grove of 12 or 15 acres on a 600 acre farm. For further information address the Principal or Associate Principal, Little tonr N. C. julf'7 tf Be - happy, and use Gate Latcners. For sal Hardware Company. Happy's Safety : by McAllister , TO ANY CHEWER of tobacco "Under Two Flags." A straugo story as that consti tutes the plot of any novel will b) told to Governor Hiegius, f New York, bv a New York city lawyer wben be endeavors to s-. carnft pardon of a man wbo chc6o to swve a sentence of three years' imprisbiirrieut in Sins Sing prison, for theft) which he was innocent, to shield tha.uame of a woman from toandal. Curl Fisher Hanef-n, the lawyer, said today that h vwmld at once appeal for tho pardon of the prisoner, whose name he would not reveal, at the r. tiu-at of the woman wboso repu tation the prisoner had saved at r.u expensR of his own liberty. The woman, Mr. Fisher Hanson said, had visited his cflicB within a few days and said that her husband had just died and that she now wauted'to do justice to the prie cer. They.had been friends for more than a year ago, when her husband returned unexpectedly, he caught the other running away. To save her from scandal, the, man confessed that he bad broken into her home to steal. Whereupon he was arrested and is now in Sing Sing. The prisoner, said Mr. Fisher Hansen, was a young college stu dent who disappeared from one of the colleges when he was arrested "1 will not say whether it was Harvard, Yale or Princeton," said the lawyer. No one has ever known what became of him aud he was tried and sentenced under an as sumed name. The woman in the case has alec paid a peualty for her indiscretion as a servaut who knew ot the af fair has colleoted $86,000 in black mail from her within a few years. She is a member of one of the best of the old families in New York and her late husband owned sev eral factories in New Jersey. The lawyer added that he ex peoted a signed statement from the woman and would then in vestigate the case. Like Finding Money. Finding health is . like finding money so think those Who are siok. When you have a cough, cold, sore thros, or chest irritation, better aot promptly like W. O. Barber, of Sandy Level, Va. He says: "I had a ter rible chest trouble, caused by smoke and coal aast on my langs; bat, after finding no relief In other remedies, I was oared by Dr. King's New Disoov ery for Consumption, Ooughs and Golds." Greatest sale of any cough or long medicine in the world. At all drag stores ; 50c and $1; guaran teed. Trial bottle free. The Example of Japan. The progress of Japan carries with it a lesson which the other Dowers of the world will do well to learn.- Without the believed advantages of Western civiliza tion, the land of the mikado has made her way silently, without pomp and announcement, in the family of nations. Hardly three decades ago Japan laid aside her samurai her traditions of thepast and 'began her lesson as a pupil of the Western nations, retaining, however, the diplomacy and strat egy of the Orient, until now she presents perhaps the strongest sight of the composite picture of development of physical and in tellectual power. Now, aftfer her success in her struggle witw Rus sia, she has already aroused' a feeling of fear and suspicion amdng the other powers. Atlanta Jour nal. ' , ' Got off Cheap. He may well think, he has trot off cheap, who, after having contracted oonstipation or indigestion, is still able tp perfectly restore his health. Nothing will do this but Dr. King's New Life Pills. A quick, pBant and certain cure for headache, consti pation, etc. 25o at all drug stores; guaranteed. TO THE MERCHANT who will cut out and mail as this Two Lads of nettle. Those two Yale students fib started out for a tramp Inst week are showing a lot of the spirit which is known to be continually on tap in New Haven. First they got "orofce" aud blistered their haids in milking and pitching hay. Tflen tbpy went in swim ming and a steamer's swell washer aay. their clothes', which, bo ever, were for'uoatf-ly recovered. Their next peril was a visit 10 VBSsar College, whero thuy wuro rjceived by the few girl students remaining like Christian-" at thf house of the comforter. A Bipti-t church, taking tbm tor gmii: e trumps, tried to" cffer them saiva-. tion the only tree -tpuig iivy fc&u thus far mot .witbsV-and at last ac counts they are working uU, Jitu: Jacob Astor's farm for a modest wage per diem. AIT this will have done them no harm when they get back to college next fall, browu, alert, and iniye resourceful for their little journey into the world. Boston Herald. The Good Old Way. A severe cold or attack of la grippe is like a fire, the sooner you combat it the better your chances are to overpower it. But few mothers in this age are willing to do the necessary work required to give a good old-fashioned reliable treatment suoh as would be administered by their grandmothers, backed by Boschee's Ger man Syrup, which was always liberally used in connec ion with the home treat ment of colds and is still in greater house hold favor than any known remedy. But even without the application of the oldr fashioned aids German Syrup will cure a severe cold in quick time. It will cure colds in children or grown people. It re lieves the congested organs, allays the irritation, and effectively stops the cough. Any child will take it. It is invaluable in a household of children. Trial size bot tle, 25c; regular size, 75c. For sale by Dr. J. D. McMillan. Success Thoughts. The best in others will only come out to meet the best in you. The man with an idea baa ever changed the face of the world. One reason why we do not make the most of the winning material m ourselves is because ot a magni fied idea of the groat superiority of others who do things in the world. As a rule no good comes from criticising othsrs. Anybody can do that, but the man who can ac cept his own honest estimate of himself and resolve to prefk by it has achieved something. No matter what you are doing, think your way. Don't go with out thinking. Think everything out. Don't run without a ached me. nave a programme and go by it. Tniuk 1 Think 1 Tniuk ! Success. . Theufollowing, headed "A Sane Magazine," is a recent editoria from the Emporia Gazette, whose editor, William Allen White, is well known to every reader of oon temporary periodical literature : "Between the tnasrazines that are us ing the lever of their circulation to pry up the world, and those which have nothing of current interest later than 1812, there lies a fine pathway for some Magazines, for people who are now on earth who axe not excited about the prox imity of the demnition bow wows to the orbit of tmi sad old earth and in that path Scritner's Magazine seems to be walking in solitary state. Its fiction is particularly sane and wholesome. It lacks the Miss Nancy pucker of the fic tlon of the magazines of prunes and prisms, and holds the vigor of the fiction of the more strenuous magazines without the slightest rawness. Scri brier's is great and good magazine, and should be in every American home." uooa aaviue 10 women, u you want a beautiful complexion, clear skin, bright eyes, red lips, good health, take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. There is nothing like it. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Ask your druggist. In the Beginning. Adam hung. his hat on the nail. "Ohu-Adam,' cried his fright ened spouse, '"there was such a queer looking man came and in sisted on kissing little Cain." With bitter tears they realized the office-seeker was abroad in the land. News. : If you havent Red Meat Tobacco in stock, write the factory we TO THE CONSUMER : We give you our absolute guarantee that each 10c plug of Red Meat is made of better tobacco and contains more good solid juicy cliewing quality than any other JOc plug of any weight offered WritdfcnaiTs and address plainly advertisement, we will mail him A Card which will nfitU him mm - m.u,..umi vray mr bitmcrt-acalea The Kind Yon Have Always in use tor over 30 years, and ZsJ'jZs- sona' supervision since its infancy. 'tCCwI4j Allsvtir nn rmtx j tt Anolra xmn tn tills All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good "are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor' Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worntf and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The KM You Have Always Bought 'In Use For Over 30 Years. THf OCNTAUn COMPANY, Tf HURRAY TH(CT, MtW YORR MT. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, "v?0 MIOICIM-DEMTtSTrT-PHIRWUCT Modcr Laboratories la chargo of tpcdalisti. Quis Sjrttam. Superior Clinics. Bedside teaching in our otra Hospital. FardetaJlenformati Carey's Stop A-Leyke, for sale by the McAllister Hardware Cempauy. They guarantee it to absolutely stop a leak in any roof. Money refunded if not as rep resented. Low Rate Tickets on Sale via the Southern Railway. Extremely low rates are announced by the Southern Railvray from points on its lines for the fallowing special occasions ; Denver Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Colo. ational Encampment Grand Army of the Republic, Sept. 4-7, 1905. Philadelphia Pa. Patriarchs Militant and Sovereign Grand Iodge I. 0. O. F., Sept. 16-23. 9J5- Portland, Ore., San Francisco, Los An geles, Sin Dieo, Cal. Lewis and Clark Centenial Exposition and other Special uccasions on facinc Coast, June i-Oct. 15. I90S- ' ' Richmond, Va. Farmers' National Cougress, Sept, 12-22, 1905. Rates fdr.above occasions open to the puoiic. Tickets will be sold to these points irom an stations on lue Southern Kail way. Detailed information can be had upen application to any Ticket Agent of the Southern Railway, or Agents of connect ing lines, or by addressingf.tue under- signea: R. L. Vernon, T. P. A., Charlotte. N. C J. H. Wood, D. P. A.. Asheville, N. C. S. H. Hardwick, W. H. Tayloe. Pass. Traffic Mgr. Gen. Pass. Agt. WASHINGTON, D. C. Wood Notic0. To avoid the bother of getting your fuel delivered and stored during the win ter months, you can save money and trouble by having your supply put in now. We can supply you with any quan tity, cut and split as you may desire, and will be glad to furnish you in cord lots in any saape yeu wish. PVothpt attention given all orders. Stove Wood a special ty. McNeill & McMillan. Phone 93 at present. 7-18-tf Special Kates to Hot Springs Ark. The Seaboard announces rate of oce first-class fare pins 2.oo from all points in North Carolina to Hot Springs, Ark., Eureka Springs, Ark. aud Eldorado Springs, Mo. Tickets will be sold first and third Tuesday's in July, August and September., final-limit sixty davs. from date of sale, but not to extend beyond October 31st. - For information apply to vour nearest Agent or address. C. H. GATTIS, T. P. A , Raleigh, N. C. For extracting single or double pointed tacks from matune or carpet, the Bi-ped Tack Puller, for sale at the McAllister Hardware Company, is unsurpassed. sd or sold by anv factory. here 1 Co.. W nit.Jki. u i Bought, and which has been has borne the signature of has been made under his per- Signature of DONTCHER KNOW You Warehousemen, that, as the tobaoco sea son is now on, you want to get your printed mat ter in ship-shape? If there is anything like Letter Heads, .Note Heads, Envelopes, Buy era' or Farmers' Bills, Tags or Signs, or, in fact, anything in this line, don't forget us when placing your or der. All kinds of Print ing done, at right prices For Sale. One Thirty-Five Horse Power Return Tubular Boiler, one Sixty Saw Van Winkle Gin. with Feeder and Battery Con denser. Will be sold Cheap for Cash, or on time with good security. Apply to H. A. Townsend, Raynham, N. C. aug 8 tf Old Furniture Made New The beautiful sprinj? moraines are here. the birds are sineine, the lillies are blooming and God has blessed our town with good "health. lama Furniture Doc tor to visit your home with the best pol ishes that are made. When you want youf Furniture .gkzftd nd have arich appearance, call on me. I always take great pleasure in giving the Furniture its proper appearance. I have all colors. A. L. MERRICK, mch 14 Lumberton, N. C. The Celebrated Bi-ped tack Puller sold by the McAlfisterHardware Company, is without equal as to surety, durability and nvenieice, Price only 25 cents. will supply yOu direct ' nt P4 Mt Tnharcn FREE fit - 'J g ROBESONI AN i 1 PRINTING HOUSE jj 'PHONE 90. THIS CITY. 1 TOBACCO EM Rich Stock is being sold these days and as we have only a few head on hand we have changed our ad, and are now pushing ' qui ; . line of Standard Makes and Latest Styles for all purposes, excellent Buggies, Farm Wag ons and Carts, which can be . bought for a little cash We have endeavored to secure such aline of these vehioles as are Popular in Brand, in' Style and in Price. Our variety is large enough to furnish the mqst fastidious. Harness is one of our Specialties. We know what it is and how to buy it so that the price will sell it. See us. It's to your . interest. Fuller Brothers. CAROLINA KORHTERN RAILROAD. Schedule in effect Jan'y 8, 1904. SOtJTH.L No. 1. No. 3 Lumberton.. .10.30 am 7.05 am Pope 10.38 Kingsdale- 10.43 Polopolis ......10.49 Proctorville 10.57. Delia ...11.09 Barnesville 11. 14 Flowers 11.18 Marietta ,11.24 Holmesville 11.30 'Page's Mill 11.36 Kemper 11.47 Mayv 11.50 Squires ..11.56 Fork 11.59 71.5 735 7;4o 7.50 8.05 8.15 8.28 8.40 8.5a 9-" 9.19 925 9.40 9.50 Zion ...12.07 P m lo.oo Rogers 12,13 Marion 12.30 10.40 ORTH. No. 4 No. 9 Lve Marion . .. 5-oo p m 3.00 p : Rogers 4.40 3.15 zion ....... 4.30 3.24 Fork 4.20 3.33 Squires... 4.05 3.36 May, 3.50 Kemper 3.40 3,45 Page's Mill .... 3.38 3.51 Holmesville 3.20 3.57 Marietta ....... 3.12 4.03 Flowers... 3.08 4.09 Barnesville 3.00 4.18 Delia ,.. 2.56 4.23 Proctorville 2.48 4.35 Polopolis ...... 2.44 4J44 Kingsdale ..... 2.32 4.48 Pose ... 2.20 4..S2 Ar. Lumberton .... 2.00 5.00 Nos, 3 and 4, mixed, daily except Sua- days, Nos. 1 and 2, Sunday only. T. C. McNEELY. Gen. Sunt. W. f. EDWARDS. Receiver. TELEGRAPHERS NEEDED Annually, to fill the new position cre ated by Railroad and Telegraph Compa nies, we want yuujnu uaa ana LA DIES of good habits, to Learn Telegraphy And -R. R. Accounting. We furnish 75 per cent, of the Opera tors and Station Agents in America. Our six schools are theiargest exclusive Tel egraph Schools in The world. Estab lished 20 years and endorsed by all lead ing Railway Officials.: We execute a 230 Boud to every stu dent to furnish him or her anosition Hav ing from $4.0 to 6o a month in States east of the Rocky Mountains, or from $75 to floo a month in States west of the Rockies, immediately upon graduation. students can enter at any time, fyo vacations. For full particulars regarding any ot our Schools write direct to our ex ecutive office at Cincinnati, O. Catalogue free. Tbe Mersa Scbool ol Telegraphy, Cincinnati, Ohio, Buffalo, N. Y. Atlanta, ,Ga. " LaQrosse, Wis. Texarkana, Tex. San Francisco, Cal. 8-i-4m .it ' For Sale.. A well-built and comfortable house. containing seven rooms and pantry, sit-- uate at Alma. Robeson Count r. N. c Stables and other necessary outhouses located on the property.BThe property contains six or seven acres of cleared land, in good state o4rcultivation, and about seven acres of woods land. This property is located adjacent to the S. A. Ky.-Co., and a short distance from the station at Ahna; The same will be offer ed at a bargain for immediate sale. ' Ap J J. G. McCORMICK, june 30 tf , Lumbeiton, N. C. anv'strm hftnf1inr thin hranA 5000 ,(.,-;- -if,-- - - "-V;-" ' , - i vt, 1 , ' " , ,, J. V'

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