THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN.' THE ROBESON I A N- PUBLISHED T0K8DAY8 AMD FRIDAYS A. P. MOALUtTlK. DITOB. C. P. XCALLISTIK. BC8INMS MaNASM. Friday. September 8, 1005. oisckiptioii raics. S1.6O ria tea. It is true of oations, States and communities, as well as of individ nals that their wealth is not meat. ' tired by what has been produced, bat by what has been saved and kept at home. Naturally; the South is the wealthiest section of " this continent, and it has since the war, produced wealth enough to have enriched it fabulously. Its accumulation of wealth bow ever, has been retarded by the Bevere. drains upon it in sending oat both its money and ita product to other sectious. One of the large channels through which much of its wealth has flowed which has enriched other sections 19 insur ance, and until comparatively re cent years, there has been but little effort made to restrict this drainage. Withitrrecent years how ever, insurance compauies have been organized in the South. Later they have come even into our own State and now within touch of our own immediate borders. Early this week a life insur ance company of $250,000 capital4, $105,000 of wLich has be9u paid in, was organized in the city of Fayetteville, with Mr. E. H. Wil liamson as president and a board of thirty. one directors. A good deal of Robeson county capital is invested in the enterprise, which gives an interest in the success of the institution, which should urge every one about as to give it their cordial encouragement and sub stantial support. Insure in the Southern Life and keep your, money at home, should be the motto of Robesonians. We copy the following Fayetteville special of the 5th to the Wilmington Mes senger: The Southern Life Insurance Company was organized here to day, capital stock $100,000. It largely oversubscribed and is a representative gathering of the strongest men of the Cape Fear section. It is estimated that tb,e men in attendance represent the wealth of over two million. R. D. Caldwell, of Lumberton, was made chairman, J. A. Oates, Bee retarv of the meeting. Articles of incorporation were read and adopted. The following were unanimously elected officers : i' President, E. H. Williamson Vice Presidents, W. J. Johnson, John Blue, A. L. James, R. D (Jaldwell ; (ieneral Manager and Treasurer, C. J. Cooper. Medica Director, Dr. J. V. McLanchlin Executive Committee, W. A Vanstory, A. L. Shaw, R. McMil lan, A. E. Rankin, T. B. Up church. W. L. Holt, W. H. Sikes, T. L. Northrop, backed by a strong board of directors. ine me9tmg adjourned to meet here September liHbv for adoption of by-laws and. permanent organi sation. C. J. Cooper and his asso ciates are warmly congratulated on the success of the organization. Uaddysville Items. Mr.-JtM. Gaddy was hereon business Tuesday. Mr. S. E. McKinley, of Dillon, spent last week here wiih rela tives. Mr. Frank Williams, accompa nied, by Miss Blanche Ward.epent Sunday at the borne of Mr. J. R. Burns. Mr., Kinard Rcgsrs, of Pages Mill, S. C, apeat Monday in town. Mr. J. W. Bains went to Mul lins on business Tuesday, Mrs. Maggie Rogers is erecting a nice little cottage. Mr. F. F. Miller spent Tuesday here. Mr. H. L. Curtis and family Dent Sunday with relatives in S. 0. Mr. Troy Cobb and Miss Flor ence Bracy, of Rowland, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. J. M. Gaddy. - Mr. J. G. Regan received a very ?aiof nl wound while bathing in ee Dee river Saturday afternoon. Ha started to jump and his foot t slipped, causing him to fall on a nag and cot a verp ugly place id jh aider : Lumber Bridge continued from I 1st page. Port Arthur territory fell to her alio. And a large sum of money cornea to her both for taking care of Russian prisoners and the rail way line in question. Russia's place in the orient for which she had expended so. much money is all gone, save one ice bound port. Jspan feels, and with good reason, that she got enough in the glory that fell to her in an uninterrupted series of great victories by laod and by sea. May the peace be a lasting one. All the world joins in this hope. Governor Glenn did the very thing he ought to have done in calling upon the solicitor of the district to go to Newberne and ferret out by -legal processes the guilty fifty men who went to the jail there and took from it a negro who was incarcerated for assault ing the wife of a postmaster with an axe fdr purposes of robbery and banging or shooting him to death. It was a .brutal murder that was committed. The woman assailed by the negro was not killed aDd the purpose of the asBaul wbb not the nameless crime, but robbeiy. We see in thin heartless crime committed ro deliberately and in excusably the tendency ot mob lw. The tendency must be ar rested. If proper reverence, the only safeguard of the people, is to be maintained for law and the courtf, such high handed and cold blooded murderB must not be per mitted in the commonwealth. Murderers must not be allowed to escape because twenty-five or fifty of them are conjoined in a given felony. Crime is crime if com mitted by one or by fifty. The governor stands as the chief ex ecutive of the law and is cath bound to enforce it. All good and law abiding citizens will commend and uphold his hands as be does his duty faithfully and fearlessly. Court Calendar. Monday, September 11, 1905. D. L. McLean, admr. of A. C. Leaoh, vs. J. P. Patterson. D. L. McLean, admr. of A. C. Leach, vs. William Stewart, et al. J. P. Patterson vs. D. L. Mc Lean, admr. C. T. Morrow vs. L. Z. Hedg. petb. Charlotte Oil & Fert. Co. vs. Joseph Strickland. C. W. Wiggins, Jr., vs. J. A. McCormick. J. E. Butler vs. W. F. Biddell and wife. W. S. McNair vs. W. C. Wilks. Gaston Britt vs. J. P. Willoughby. C. T. Pate & Co. vs. J. C. Tur ner. Tuesday, September 12, 1905. J. C. McCaskill vs. Sarah E. Walker, et al., (Protest). Neill Alford vs. W. E. McNeill. J. C. McCaskill vs. Stephen McNair. Junius Hall vs. Anna Belle Hall. Will Faulk vs. Prude Faulk. H. A. TownBend vs. J. J. Inman. Clyde McCallum vs. Jesse Scott, B. B. Currie vs. Jno. F. Conoly and wife, et al. H. M. Brown vs. W. T. Bowen and wife. A. H. McLeod, admr , va. T. W. Thompson, et al., (2 cases). Return Williamson vs. Lucy Parker, et al. C R. Harrelson vs. W. A. Campbell. H. A. Townsandvs. Marion Iron Wrke. J. W. McLaucblin Co. vs. N. McP. Clark. O. F. Bracy vs. H. K. McCor mick. A R. W. Livermore vs. R. F. Groves, et al. Albert W. Mayer vs. McRim mm &, Smith. Wednesday, September 18, 1905. Tbos. Graham, by his next friend, vs. Lucy Graham. A. H. McCormick vs. S. A. L. R. R. Co. A. J. McKinnon vs. S. A. L. R. R Co. D. J. Ballard vs. Sandv Ed- wards. W. B. Cooper vs. T. G. Britt. et aJ. v M- B-Bsje. vs; A.- L. I . n -i Co. (Protest). R. D. Newton admr. (Protest), O. R. R. L. R. R. vs. A. O. L. R. R Co. J. H. Watson vs. O. Co. Sellars Co. vs. A. C. Co. McAllister Hdw. d. C . C. R. R. Co. B: W. Townsend vs. A. n t. R. R. Co. ; A P. McAllister. At al.. A. L.R. R. Co. W. A. Warwick vs. 8. A. L. R. R. Co. t Webster et al. vs. & A. R- R. Oo. McAllister Hardware Company. 001 I am now in the Northern Markets purchasing my Fall and Winter Stock of CLOTHING and DKY GOODS. I jim buying them so as to SAVE YOU MONEY, and am paying Cash and getting the closest possible prices, so that I may be able to save you money on your- purchases. Cotton will be a good prioe this fall, and in consequence I am buying largely, expecting BIG SALES. My Btore will be more crowded with Gocds than ever before, and if GOOD GOODS at LOW PRICES are any inducement my store will be crowded with people as well as Goods. Keep your, eye on this space, and I will have something to tell you when I return and open my stock. : : : - : : : A WEINSTEIN. THE KING CLOTHIER, Lumberton, : : : r : N. G. August 25th. t "V ou can tool some ime of 1 the people all the lime, and all the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time." The people who can't be fooled buy the Artistic Stieli Piano. We invite comparison with any renowned make, and if any Piano can be shown to be superior in any point, to the Stieff, we will pay $1,000.00 in cash to the person who makes the dis covery. STIEFF, Manufacturer of the Piano with the Sweet Tone. Southern Wareroom 5 West Trade St., Charlotte, N. C. -n TT wttt ArnnnTT at Administrator's Notice. Having qualified as Administrator of Susan C. Britt, deceased, late of Robeson '.ounty, N. C, this is to notify all per sons having claims-against the estate of the said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of August, iqo6. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. inis tne gtn day of August, 1905. W. I. BRITT. Admr. E. J. Britt, Attorney. S-11 6 fri Administrator's Notice Having qualified as Administrator with tne will annexed of Amos Britt, deceased late of the County of Robeson. N. C. this is to notify all persons having claims againrt the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of August. 1906. or this notice will be pleaded in bat of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay This the 9th day of August, 1905. JOSEPH E. BRITT, Adr.. C. T. A. E. I. Britt, Attorney. 8-.n-6fri Valuable Farm for Sale. I otter my farm m Blue Springs Town- tsuip near cowmere tor sale. There is a four-horse farm of open land, and a six room dwelling on the place. I will sell me enure puce reasonable for cash. For lurtner particulars address H. J. WALL, 9-5-itn Marengo, N. C. LUMB ERTON MARKET. Beef fresh per pdnnd.. Cotton per pound ........ Corn per bushel Fodder per hundred 10 78 1.00 Hams per pound 10 Sides. la Shoulders j0 IS J-WW.e,ni crown , .io a Turkey 76-1.50 Batter per pound ., . . 36 80 Beeswax per pound , 32 Tallow per pound .lJ . g HtT 1.00 The Gillette Safety Razor require no stropping. For sale by McAllister Hard wa;e Company. THE LUMBERTON CASH CLOTHING and Shoe Store will open about Sep tember 15th with an Immense Line of doming, fcaoes, Hats and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Everyone should should wait for this Great Sale. 8 a Timber Deeda-sc a piece, 50c per doeen, at Rotxsonisn Printing Bouse. IPioue or mail o deri tfotn prompt at. entioo. ; 7; - .;. nn ti 01 Report ol tbe Condition ol The Bank of Ashpole, At Ashpole, H. O, IutheSUtt of North Carolina, at the closj of business, August 25th, 1905; RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts $I7i435-25 Overdrafts Secured 3.75 Furniture and fixtures 964.21 Due from Banks and Bankers 5, 893. 94 Gold Coin 617.50 bilver coin, including all minor coin currency 1,145.96 National bank notes and other U. S. Notes 1,440.00 " Total............ j.r:.i.r.i $27,500.61 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock paid in $ 9,500 00 Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 1 18.07 Deposits subject to check . ... 17,849.87 Cashier's Checks outstanding 32.67 Total $27,500.61 State of North Carolina, ) ss: Robeson County. J I, F. L. Blue, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. L. BLUE, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 2nd day of September, 1905. O. I. FLOYD, Notary Public. Correct Attest : J. P. Bkown, ") A. J. Fi,oyd. Director A. S. Thompson, J Made To Measure GARMENTS For GENTLEMEN. o 'e are making more Suits and Better Suits than anybody at lower prices. e have the Largest and Most Complete Line of samples. We want to make your next suit. We guarantee to please you in PRIOE. FIT, STYLE, FINISH and QUAL ITY. : : : : Ten years actual experience in the Made to Measure business renders us capable of fitting and suiting you. : : Before buying, see Jno. D. McAllister or A. F. Ward. Lumberton, N. C. ang 25 Special Rates via Seaboard Air Line Railway. RichmUnd, Va.: Grand Fountain. United Order True Reformers. One fare plus 35 cents. Tickets sold September 3 to fr, final limit September 14th. Hot Spring, Ark.: Special Excursion Rates. One fare plus I2.00. Tickets lim ited 60 days. Sold first atd third Tues days in September. Chattanooga. Tenn. : Erection of Mon- umenta by the State of North Carolina, Chicamauga Park, September 17 to 19, final limit five days from date of sale. QmftnrfoartXtxrlOt the rduntf tripT. Philadelphia. Pa: Patriachs "Militant and Orand Lodge I. CT SepTember iotn to 23ra. june fare plus f 1.35. Tick ets sold September 13, 14 and 15, final limit September 25th. with firivilesre of cziension. Richmond. Va ; Farmera' National Congresa, September nth to aand. One first-class fare pins 2 s cents. Tickets sold September 10, 11 and 12. Final limit September 25th. Portland, Ore.. Lewis & Clark Centea- nial Exposition, Jnne 1st to October 15th. Rates account of tne above occasions will apply from all points, and for infor mation as to dates tickets rill be sold, rates, routes, reservations, etc., address C, H. GATTIS, - Trayeliag Passenger Agent, '( ' - Raleigh, N. C. Yon can get a Watch for 98c, gaaraa eed for one year, at W. Q. Thompson's. IP ' : I ,.-:.; v.. ... lioi Whenever even a single loaf on a tree covers its greenish coat with the hue of yellow, it is a sure sign that Fall is approach mg Add to this the preparation that is going on by the many species of emigratory birds to move to their Winter Quarters, and you are positive that Fall is staring you in the face. Yet we have a more reliable and surer sign than both the above mentioned, and that is when our Mr. S. Dunie gt M the N0RTIEKN MARKETS, and loads upon loads OX IDG D6St CLOTH BIGH-MT Clothing. Furnishings. Shoes, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, Blankets, Comforts, DRY GOODS, ETC.. Are Arriving daily, and such Bargains that only our Mr. S. Dunie being so acquainted with nearly all the Northern Manufacturers, and always buying for cash, is able to get it for such low nrinea. thin is tbn hoai onrl mnol valinKlo that Fall is coming. The space Is too valuable to mention articles and prices, but you only ought to see the big loads of goods coming in daily, and iUwill convince you that the prices must be away down. Come over to see us it is a pleasure to look at such a stock, even when not buying, will make a specialty cf selling very low, Overcoats, Cloaks, Jackets and Capes, The Finest Styles. Come t and see us before Buying: OUR MOTTCf No trouble to show goods polite attention to all. Respectfully, DUNIE BROTHERS, LUMBERTON, N. C Look for the White Sign Board on the street. We will also be ready to serve our many customers at our Ashpole Store, at the old stand. TO PLEASE THE CHILDREN ! And Old Folks Too, GiYe Them wOmeUing Good To Eat. We want to supply you with Gilt Edge Flour, Special Blend Coffee, the Best Butter, Buckwheat, Quaker Oats, Mackerel, Heinz's Cherry Preserves Plum Pudding, Asparagus, Celery Chowchow, Olives, Cherries and any thing else to supply your table. We thank all our friends for their liberal patronage in the past, and ask. for a continuance of the same. PHONE RO. ORE. FREE DELIVERY. J. H. WISHART. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. We issue National Bank Certificates bearing 4 per cent, interest from date deposit is made. Call on or write us for particulars. The FIRST HATIOMLBANK, LUMBERTON, : N. C. Over One Hundred Thousand The Aahpole Market had on dale for the' Opening over One : r Hnndred Thousand Poonda Tobacco. The prices were gen erallj satisfactory. In sorue bases where the strings had not been taken off. the burnt not taken out. and mixed stuff not separated fronrthe good Tobacco, and in some few cases where it was offered too green, the prices were not altogether satisfactory. fe t Get the Strings Off, Pick try to Sell KEEP THE SUCKERS OFF IT while in the field, if you want to make GOOD TOBACCO with BOTH, BODY and i COLOR. Fix it up right, BEING IT TO ASHPOLE, and you Boau nave ine worm 01 it. Ashpol e Tobacco Market; N.G GENTS' We HEXT DOOR TO POSTOFFICE, out the Burnt and do not. it Green. -try-