THE SEMItWEEKLY R0BES0N1AN. THE ROBESONIAN PUBUSHXI) TUESDAYS AND FKIPATS. Friday, September 8, 1905. FSK80KA.L AMD LOCAL DKFAETMKM Cotton to-day, will was . Littleton Ferpale College open September 13th. Mr. Wilkes, of Bowmore, on our streets Monday. Mr. J.D.Proctor left Monday for North Carolina University. Dr. N. A. Thompson spent Moo- day in Whiteville on business. Mrs 0. R. Barrett has been very siok for several days past. Mr Bob Inman, of Marietta, spent Wednesday here on busi ness. Kyles and Roland Porter, of Emerson, will enter Rolesou In stitute Monday. MissJohnniePorter arrived from Emerson Thursday for a visit to Miss Dora Smith. Mr. A. H. Slooum, of Fayette ville, was registered at the Waver ly Hotel Wednesday. Mr. Jim McLeod, of Rowland attended the commissioners' meet ing held here Monday. Miss Pearl Biggs and Mr. Joe Biggs, of Saddle Tree, visited re latives here this week. Mr. Daved Humphrey, of J3ad die Tree, left Tuesday for David son, to study, medicine. Miss Leslie Proctor left M onday for Raleigh, where she has entered the Baptist University. Mr. J. A. Barker has conveyed two insane patients to the asylum within the past few days. Mr. Jim Humphrey, of Shan non, visited at the heme of Mr.W. H. Humphrery, Monday. Miss Irene McLeod leaves this week for Southern Prestyterian College for Women, in Charlotte. Messrs. Frank McLeod and Nash Barker left a few days since for Bingh am School, at Mebane. Mr. J. L. Stephens, salesman for Messrs. Caldwell & Carlyle, spent Sunday at bis home at Ash pole. Mr and Mrs. . A. Yost have been visiting Mr. Yost's reiatives in Rowan county for several days past. Miss Martha Allen left Thurs day fqr Salem College where she will be a student during the c om ing year! Messrs. M. A. Chisholm, of Raeford, and Jno. D. McNeill, of Red Springs, were here on busi ness Monday. Miss Scribbins, of Lumber Bridge, has acoepted the position as matron at the Dormitory of Robeson Institute. Mr. H. B. Jennings is expeoted to return home this week from Philadelphia, where he has been in a hospital, for treatment. Judge T. A. MoNeill .is now holding a six-weeks term of oourt in Asheville. To begin with, there were 701 cases on the docket. Mr. F. P. Humphrey, of Saddle Tree, has moved his family to Pbiladelphus, for the purpose of sending his ohildren to school. Rev. F. B. McCallof Durham, who assisted Rev. Z. Paris in a meeting at Smiths for; a short time, passed through here Wednes- is return Married Wednesday Evening. At .the borne of the bride'i uncle Mr. B Godwin Wednesday even tog at eigb$ o'clock Miss Dora Faulk was. united in marriage to Mr. Alva H. Ward, 10 tte presence of the immediate members of the lo cents family.. The ceremony was per- 1Q cents. I formed' by Rev. A. E. Baker, after which Mr. and Mrs. Ward re paired to the Waverly Hotel, their future home. Miss Faulk has for a number of years been a resident in the home of Mr. Godwin, and has won a host of friends here. She is one of our most popular young ladies; of charming per siuahtv, and attractive appear ance. Mr. Ward.who for some time past has held the position of cash ierof the Robeson County Loan & Tiust Company, but a few months ago, resigned to accept the proprietorship of the Waverly Hotel, is one of Lumberton's most popular young men, a man of business ability, and eterliugqual- ltiep. The fioliesonian extends col- gratulatiouo to this popular young? coupla. Rsv C H Darhaai has returned from Gastoma, aud will conduct services in tne .Baptist unurcn Sunday morniu? aod evening. His family will remain in Gat tonia for ten days longer. Don't forget N. A. Carter's big excursion wbieh ruus on Wednes day, September 18th, from Elrod to Wilmiccttou For all the peo ple Special cars for whites Let eveiy body turn out The biggest excursion of the season Mr. J. J. Inman, of Ashpole, was in town Wednesday. He tells us that his son, who some time since was very low with typhoid fever, is now in the last stage of consumption; the fever having developed into this disease. Mr. R. G. Barrett, of Rooking- ham, entered Robeson Institute this week. He is a brother of Mr. U. L. Barrett, who was here some weeks since, representing Parker Gardner Co , Pianos. Mr. Barrett has been in town several days this week also. Mrs. Ira L. Pope, accompanied by Dr. H. T. Pope, left yesterday for Charlotte, wnere she goeB to a hospital for treatment. While there Dr. Pope will enter the North Cirolina Medical College for the purpose of taking a special course in gynaecology. Wuile the Doctor is away, his patients wil te attended and looked after by Dr. Mclotyre. REPORT OFTHE CONDITION OF - THE BANK OF ROWLAND At Rowland, in the State of North Caro lina, at the close of business . August 75th, 1965. KEsOURcES. Loans and discounts . f 88, 106 Banking houses, furniture and figures 3,77, 3s uue irom oants and bankers, 4,10524 Cash Items 418 40 Gold Coin 730 00 Sliver coin, including all rninor coin currency . 1.2S6 86 National bank notes and other U. S. Notes 1,289 00 Total... 199,768 60 LIABILITIES.- ... Capital stock paid in J1.. $25,000 00 undivided profits less ' current expenses and taxes paid, 1 toi 6j Bills Payable, mooo 00 Time certificates of deposit.. 11.708 06 ucposus suojeci to cneck 29,465 90 Total qq -6 fio oiaie 01 xxonn Carolina, 1 county of Robeson, ' I, W. F. Bristow. Cashier of the above. named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. F. BRISTOW, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me. this 2nd day of September, 1905." R. S. Boxd, Notary Public. Correct Attest: A. L. BULLOCK, ALLEN EDENS, W. II. McLfiLLAN, Directors. Cole's "Many Use" Gil. the best fn. Sewing Machines, Typewriters and etc 10c. at McAllister Hdwe. Co's. Try Gillette's Safety Razor, for snle h the McAllist r Hardware Company; they give twelve extra blades with ea ch set. Satisfaction Guaranteed or mntin r. funded on the celebrated Bi ped' Tack Puller, sold by the McAllister Hardware Company. Price 25 cents. The New Store, 40 years ol.d Showing New Dress Goods, in if T I Tsn? - . . . ... m uuaixa anu xriiiianiines, eic, for SpringVear, all shades and at prices you can't grumble at Percales, Suitings. Lining and White rGoods, Valencienes, Laces and Embroideries. Fancy Notions, Pearl Buttons, Belts, Gloves, Corsets, Ladies' Collars and Ties, Hdkfs, Hosiery, Bobinetand Lace Curtains, Ribbonjr, Window Shades at 10, 45, 55 and 50c, ff T 'THE f I I JACOBI I y AXE Everything New No old goods to 6how. I ask a share of your patronage. C. D. Townsend, LUMBERTON, N. C. STANDARD FOR QUALITY The Axe Of Your Childhood. Tried and Found True. When you want a relia- ble Axe, call for "THE JACOBI." Don't take any Just as good." For sale by the Leading Merchants of Robeson County. N.JACO Wilmington, I HARDWARE CO : : : : : N. O. BUSINESS LOCALS. NEW QUARTER READ ON. WANTED. TO CONTRACT WITH several parties with teams to log for saw mm. Apply at once to J. A. Duke, aupi., K-ingsdale, jn. J. 7-20 Watch This Space. -30C-5- THE NATIONAL BANK, FAYETTE- viue, N. c., is anxious to letd out $25 000.00 oh good security, in amounts 01 25 00 up to f5 000.00 7-28 WANTED. WE WANT TO PAY YOU 4 per cent, interest on your money, compounded every three months. Write, phone or call on The Robeson County Loan and Trust Company, Lum Derton, jn. c LAUNDRY Our new advertisement will appear in this space next week. Watch for it as it will surely be of interest to you. DR.H.T. POPE & CO, Everything in the Drug Line. The following young men ar among tnoae who left frjm tme county for different schools this week: Trinity Park High School, Messrs. Elwood Whaley, John acd David Fuller, ofLumberton ; Tom and Bunyau Staneel, of Allenton, Rooney Thompson, of Ashpole; Ernest and Jack Ward, of Echc. Trinity College, Meserp. John Boone and Richard Norment. day evening on his return nome. Bev. Bobert Bteinhoff, who has been conducting eervioes at the Gospel Tabernacle for the past month, returned to Dnrham.Tues day. His people were not willing to give him np. Mr. Emory MoNeill left Tuefc day. for Baltimore for the purpose of bringinghrs daughter, Mrs Joe Stone home from the Univer sity of Maryland Hospital, where she has been for treatment for some months. She is much im. proved, altbongh still far from welC r,;;;'-;- Ti':&: Letter to J. W. Kaneer. LnmbertoD, N. C. Dear Sir: It oosts two or three times as much to'put paint on as to buy it. A gallon of poor paint coats as much as a gallon of good. for the work ; and a gallon of poor don't go half as far. Poor paint lasfe half or a third or a quarter as long as good ; and protects wood and Iron a half or a third or quarter as well as good. Do you buy good paint or poor? X on don't snow any poorY Why, fvheniaket4!io! " All Devoe agents' have' a state chemist's certificate whioh tells jast wheat's in Devoe. Go by the name : the one safe name: Devoe lead-and-zino. Yours truly F W Devoe & Co 75 P. S. McAllister Edw. Co, sells our paint. . i Patronize the old reliable Charlotte Steam j.aunary, one or tne finest equipped Laundries in me esoutn. The Bank 01 Luiiitotiin only. All work guaranteed. TTT'll. t - 'j 1 We will collect your laundry on Monrt W 1UU fct -UiM'fcie OclUlbai, ihlXU. IJTJI on Thursdays and o fine GauirnriGnt. this Bank .wvvjr. wtuoio OUliUiltJU irom Wmtfi nann O solicits your account. The Bank is prepared to extend every reasonable accomo dation. Call and see about Laundry collected and delivered free of charge Vm. H ill 1 . D luur wuaage wm do appreciated. Redmond Brothers, Agents, it Lumberton, N. O. LAU September 8tb. IMDRY. The Bank ot Lumberton. y Lumberton, N. O. Notice to Plumbers. " An r plnmMng Installed in the town of Lumberton by other ' than licensed jlumbers, mill be - connected, with the water and leweiagt avitems. Parties expecting to install Water worka in- their hcrnaea would do well to remember this. I. B, TOWNSEND, Mavor." 4 We Beceive a Shipment of th is Fine Confection ill obeson 11 s 1 1 1 u i o , LUMBERTON, N. C. Pall Term dpens September 4th, 1905, Thoroughly prepares bovs and eirls for College and the active duties cf life. Of1. erV in On A Titrr TVi r.a- Merg taorogh instruction by successful teachers in Literary. Business, Instrumental J V"v WKJ, lUree an(j ycal Music, Elocution and Art Courses. Buildings well equipped. New Donni- 'Name on Every Plet." and Five Pound Pack- ages, by Express Every Week. All Mail and Telephone Orders will Chocolate Bon-Bonss be Promptly Filled. j. d. McMillan, i :- ' ... Lumberton, : : N. C. Aug. 25tb, STINCEON INS TITUTE AND . Commercial School, V ORRUMN.C. Fall Term Opens August 21 et lOOSA Gites thorough isstmctictis in Literary, Business, Music, Art asd Normal Connea. - : . ... In regard to Board, Ttfiticn, Location, Health, Water, Moral AdyantaEet, .etc.jmtetd - -'"'.vrT ; m. shepherd; " Aug. Jim. . -.. -rnnapie ana proprietor. tory, well furnished with new furniture, electric lights, water-works. etc. ARTESIAN WATER. Health Record unexcelled. The School is steadily increasicg in pat ronage and influence. Five Scholarships To leading Colleges in the State, including University, offered to student mn'. 'r highest average. Rates of Board and Tuition verv Reasonable. For further information address, Prseton S. Yann, 1 B., L. L B., Princip I 1895. 1905, RaRfnpfl- nst tiilR. Thorpugh Preparation for any College. Special advantages in Sight Singing, Freehand Drawing, and the Pnblio School 'Branches for proepective teachers. - Mugic-Department instrnots in Piano, Mandolin, J Guitar. Voice Culture. Art includes: oils, water oolors, crayon, charcoal life sketchine. freehand, rjortraiture china train tine and nTrourranhv. Elocntion for service, not for show. Eight Professional Teachers representing the training of ten Col leges, Conservatories, 'Art Schools, and Schools of Expression. Send for Catalogue and Hand Book. A JOHN A. McLEOD. " Jnnel3 3rn Eaeford, N. O. LAND FOR SAXrB 933 ACRES. OF good land.about 70 cleared; good dwell ing, tenement and outhonaea; tobacco barni sttoated 5 miles west ot Ashpole Hge.Ai O; Inman, Ashpole, N. C Going like hot cakes, i the Bi-ped Tack Poller for salt bj the McAllister Hardware Compwrj. It wins it on a war' without recommendation.

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