j fit' 1 1. 1 , V H ,. I "SI'S ' I , ' , ' J ' " ' , .1 ' . ' i i !. i 1 ? t I 1 THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. 6 i , 1 . t The Secret ol Good Cofiee Even the best housekeepers cannof make a good cup of coffee -without good materiaL Dirty, adulterated and queerl blendod coffee such oa unaprirptdoua dealers shovel over their counters wot da But tak the pure, clean, natural flavored LION COFFEE, ttc leader of afl package colfees the coffee that for over a quarter of a oentury has been daily welcomed in millions of homes and you -will make a drink fit for a king in this xr&jt HOW TO MAKE tiOOt) COFFEE. re LIOH OOFJTO, bewe to Rft best result you urait me the beet coffee. Grind your LION COFFKB rather line. Use " Ubletpoonful to each cup, w itr. Tor the pot" Pint mix It with little cold wter, enough to nuke Add white of n egg (if eg Utobe oaod m a aettler, thea follow one oftoe follow ing rules : tat. WITB BOILING WATER. Add boIItna wter. nd let M boll THREE MINUTES ONLY. Add IltUc cold wtcr and act aside Uvc mlantca to aettte. Serve promptly. . Id. WITH COLD WATER. Add your cold water to the past nd hC It to Ti boll! Thea at aalda.add a UtUc eold water, and In five alnutee lta ready to aerve. 3 4Bon't reVtstand feorethanten minutes before aervln. DOrrTS (Don't uee water that has been boiled before. TWO WAYS TO SETTLE COFFEE. 1st WKa Emv TTea art Of the wMto of an egg, mixing ltwiih the ground LION OOFFKS I Wofolhi(f. , . ,, .f aJdefor to. WRn Cow water Tonma or egs1- eigm 1 or ten mlcatee, then aerve through Insist on getting a package ol genuine JJON COFFEE, Erepare It according ffb thts recipe and yon will only use ION COFFEE In future. (Sold only in 1 lb. sealed packages.) (Lion-head on every package.) (Save these Lioxwheads for valuable premluiha.) SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE WOOLSON SPICE CO., Toledo, Ohio. Had Its Other Advantages. The relative from the East, who had come to visit his cousin, the postmaster at Boom city, was sur prised at the Bmallnes9 of the place. "I expected to Bee a larger town than this." he said. "Surely there can't be much salary attached to a job like yours." Why, as to that," taid the postmaster, ''the salary "is only $12 a year, but it is paid with tbe utmost promptness, and with my life and fire insurance agency, law business, carpenter shop', agricul tural implement business, drug store, and cigar shop I manage to get along. In addition to that, the position gives one a sort of er standing in the community. Chicago Tribune. Rubber Pavement. In 1SS1 an incessantly and heavily traveled bit of street at tbe entrance to Euston station in London was experimentally paved with india rubber vulcanized for the purpose. A concrete founda tion finished. with cement to make it smooth was covered with two inches of this preparation, and when ready the wheels rf traffic were turned upon it. Thy cof tinned to roll over it without in terruption until May, 1002 a period of twenty.one years, and in all that time the rubber had cot worn through at any spot. Wilmington Labor Celebration. Wilmington, N. 0., Sept. 4. Labor day was tittiDgty observed here today. Tbe allied unioas after parading the city boarded, tte steamer Wilmington for Carolina Beach. There they wefe addressed by Mayor A. M. Waddell. Practi cally uo business was transacted today. The banks were closed ami the several government offices ob served tbe day. The majority of merchants closed at 1 o'clock this afternoon. The Doctor Answered. Wagstaff Good morning, dec tor. Are you enjoying good health this morning? Doctor Well er that's about the only kind of health a man can enjoy, isn't it? Ycu never knew any one to enjoy bad health, did you? Wagstaff Ob, yts; I've known some doctors to enjoy bad health. "Senitof CuTISm '"musi'"''feeT"Yi?' couraged. That quadrennial report of a row between him and Billy Larimer is several months abeid of schedule. It has always pre saged the Seuator's re-election. A. R. Gates, of Curryville, Mo., boasts of whiskers four feet in length that be kai grown in twelve years. Mr. Gate is different from most men who beast of their hir sute achievements, at he has been able to do other things than raise whiskers, being a incceiiful mer- chant.' :. Remember tbe place to boy Tobacco i ' W. O. Thompson . 1 a itraluer. Only An "if" inhe Way. A citizen of Nashua, N. H , writes to the Telegraph newspaper there inviting the people of the United States to hang out flags throughout the country on the day when the formal exchange of the treaty of peace is made This is not a bad idea. The more we can celebrate every triumph of peaoe the better. That would in volve such a subtle encouragement of the right spirit as may well be welcomed and helped long. Springfield Repulican. Quarantine and Immigration. Nasheville, Tmn., September 1. Governor Cox today sent the following telegram to the gover nors of all the Southern States : "Will you join with the gover nors and commercial orders in call for a Southern conference on immigration and quarantine to be held at Chattanooga about No vember 1st, next?" The object of the proposed conference is to discuss uniform immigration and quarantine laws. Governor Cox is of the opinion that suh a con ference would be of great bentSt to all States concerned. Morning Post. Great Jewelry Robbery. NTew York, Sep. 1. Jose Ay- mar s residence, hiixq. oiu xjasi street, has been plundered during the past week of jewelry, bric-a-brac, paintings, silver, etc., worth it is alleged, more than $100,000. The police made the robbery pub lio late tonight. Mr. Aymar is a millionaire lawyer who married Miss Lillian LeBau Vanden ilt. The family is in Canada. Several Cbicauo statesmen as sert that they will favor municipal ownership of street railways if it will not disturb. their present graft connections. "In scorning ill-gotten wealth, the whol9 country is united,"" says William. Allen White, of Kansas, who has not agreed with Senator Burton for a long time. Mr. Rockfeller, who has been doin? the bare footed stnnt, put his shoes on long enough to kick San Francisco lightningplants in to the Standard Oil camp.-- ( Another argument itt JfaVor. of uniform laws among the States is the prospect that it would limit the aotivity of the lawyers and 'ffllgurretfrcewtnW Thq return of the ' mouth with an "1" in it may renew the ru. mor that Mr. Cortelyou is to re. sign the chairmanship of the Re publican National Committee. Mayor Dunne, arrested for ex ceeding the automobile speed limit in Chicago, paid his fine rather than ask HarfiNsJ-ewis ' to take his whiskers into the impure air of the Police Court. Kansas is going jto pipe her natural gino Sr. Louir . It would b) flue for all concerned if the sai could be raied iu tbe pipes by a return current of St. Louis frotb. uoiung vu vu i - ; - Bacon Succeeds Loomls. Robert Bacon, of New Yorkbas been appointed aesistantjsecretary of state, in!successionlto Francis B. Loomis resigned. President Roosevelt authorized today theofficial announcement of Mr. Bacon's appointment. The appointment. The appointment of Mr. Bacon was agreed upon al most immediately Ehhu Root had accepted the office of Secretary of State but was not announced. Mr. BacoDfor many years had been an importaDtfactor cf busi- uesBhfe in New York city, having been until within a year or so a junior partner in the banking house of J. P. Morgan and com pany. President Rocsevelt has known Mr. Bacon for many years and came particularly, into con tact with him ac the time of the anthracite coal strike. Mr. Ba con will not take up the duties of the office probably before the mid' die of October. Wilmington Messenger. Tbe Secret oi Success. Pnrtw million bottles of Aufitist Flower in flu United States alone since its introduction! . And the demand for it is still growing. Isn't that a fine snowing of success? Don't it prove that August Viae iar vmfnllincr RIlCCeB9 in the cure of indigestion ana dyspepsia the . r i 3 1 two greatest enemies oi neauu auu uay n!n.c) TVe it tint afford the best Cvi dence that August Flower is a sure spe cific for all stomacne ana miesunai ins orders?tbat it has proved itself the best nf nil Hirer twulfttors? AUJTUSt Flower has a matchless recerd of oyer thirty-five vearsin curing the ail' ng minions oi inese ,1itrccincr rnmnlnlnta A SUCCeSS that is becoming wider in its scope every day, at home and abroad, as the fame of August Flower spreads, inai ooiues, 25c; rcg nlar size, 75c. For sale by Dr. J. D. Mc Millan. ; ' "' Cuba has a surplus of $22,000, 000 in her treasury. Cuba has improved upon her pattern. It must be a real joy to SeDatcr Burton to be able to prove an al ibi to any charge made against him. While vou may have overlooked tLe fact, the Island of Crete has been ia the throes of a revolution for four months. Senator Burton, of Kansas, is charged with nepotism. In some respects, Burton has the failings of a real Senator. The Pennsylvania Railroad de serves credit for fixing a date af ter which it will retuse to accept from other railway cars. A Vermont farmer has been asleep for 100 days. Kansas it the only other State in which they sell stuff as'powerful as that. Now it would have been worth talking about if Mr. Cleveland had taken a trip in a submarine boat while he was President. You may make your own com ment on Fiala's.,. statement that hot weather interfered with his plans for reaching the north pole England proposes to buy vast quantities of American wheat and store it for emergencies, provided, of course, John W. Gates does not object. The printers probably never thought of any other city than Chicago as the place for in augurating the strike for-an eight hour day. . Germans wants an early meeting of tbe Reichstag for the discussion of pubfic questions. German offi cials seem to conr; what. Ameri cans shun. Directors uf tbe Equitable claim they did not know what was going on. It might help if they should return the fees collected for acting as dummies: - - . JDiBtrict. Attorney Beach doubt less regrets that be has no author ity of law tor ascertaining how much money Mr. Hyde keeps in London banks. Tom Lawson 's - failure to - pay his boston taxes puts a damper upon his efforts to convince us that he is different from other millionaires- . '"Russia's army officeri are full of mutiny," says a foreign cone 8pondent Foreign readers of the Taggart trial will get a notion that the American army officers are full of booze. 1 .' " Mf QOIMOCMIOOimMOOIICOPOieajf W. J. PREVATTJ J THIS FOR OF A large Line OF New Dress Goods Just Received and arriving daily. A LOT OF a fcf Puritan Corsets, The best and most3 satisfactory on earth, just opened up. Immense Line of Ladies' Fabrics ,AND Gent's Clothing Opened up for the in spection of customers. An elaborate display 01 LACES " AND - EH'BR'O'IDERIES. V.J. PREVATT. M MMMMIMI I T II S P A CE Change km You cannot cut yourself, and you can secure sacryresults.Absolutely Guaranteed by the makers, and . FOR 5 Mister Hardware 60. I Loimberton, N. O. (INCORPORATED) v the most helpful schools in America. King's means Thorough in everything per taining to Business Education. Railroad fare paid. Positions guaranteed, backed by a written contract. NO VACATION.' INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION. ENTER ANY TIME. Write for our College Journal and offers they will point you to the road tha leaJs to success. ZLTaddressi King's Business College, Raleigh, N. C, or Charlotte, N. C. THE CROWELL SANATORIUM For The Treatment of Whiskey, Morphine and Nervous Diseases, Modern Buildings. Baths, Electricity, Etc. Special apartments anl nms for female patients. For full information write Er. GREEN L. REA, S. M. CROWELL, M. D., Supt, Assistant Resident Physician. No. 8 W. 3rd St.t Charlotte, N. C. ParKer -Gardner 60. You can eearchtbe land and you won't find better bar gains or more attractive goods than we offer. We guar antee to save you money. PIANOS AND ORGANS. At this 6tore you can buy the very best made on earth. Instru ments of Artistic Character and World-Wide reputations. Our Pianos and Organs are the kind that you find in the artistic musical hoi nes all over thi world. No sensational methods. No false claims;. No promises unfilled. -These are our methods. In our Furniture and Muoic departments we show more than double the stock of any other dealer in the State. Write us for catalogues. PARKER - GARDNER CO., LARGEST DEALERS IN THE STATE. CHARLOTTE, N. C. ThelKEELEY INSTITUTE, GREENSBORO, N. O OUR ILLUSTRATED Name--- Addresel HAND BOOK MM Ub Jithont Stropping la the main feature of the ' Gillette Safety km. Twelve double-edged flexible blades are included with each outfit each blade will give ten to thirty shaves without atten tion. When one blade is dull lay it aside and insert a sharp one. ALL BY GflHTflL ST06K S30,000.0a Wlm. tVe, t. MM R,,Tne Pturtlnn 0 r11-. ""UTSTMISIOUT TODAY-MAIL IT TO BOX 166, GREENSBORO. N. C. Please send meyour Illustrated Band Book No. 16. - ". : : '. J A" t ,'