- i y i ? I-.,' i t , ' . t v , mS0i-4! ' - ' . - ' - ;. : ; . THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBSQNIAN. 4 been one discovered that is the eqnat a systemic remedy, because it contains no strong minerals to derange the stomach and digestion, and affect the liver aed bowels. It is made' entirely of roots, herbs and barks; selected for their purifying and healing qualities, and possesses just the properties that are needed to restore to the body strong robust health. When the blood becomes impure and clogged with waste matters and poisons the body does not receive suf- I have usedroor S. S. 8. and found it to be an ficient Nourishment and suf- excellent toaic to build no the general health and debility, weakness, SSSJSSSiaak1 Sleeplessness Berrousness, mmoTSd everytg combing As loss of, appetite, bad dlges- toit8 tonfc properties it gives a splendid petite, tion. And many other disa- refreshing sleep, and the system undergoes a gen i greeable symptoms of a dis- eral buildinir v under its invifforatintr ininence. ordered blood circulation, 548 Woodland Ave., Warren, 6. Mrs. KTk Becz. and if it is not corrected some form 1 nf Tnalio-nant terovr nr ntbpr daniywrnis" dlnordpr will snllnw S R R Wilds up the broken down constitution, clears the blood' of all poisons and Impurities and makes it strong and healthy. The nerves are restored to a calm restful state, refreshing sleep is had again, the appetite returns and the .whole system is toned up by this great fier and tonic and acts promptly in tystem. Book on the blood and medical advice furnished by our physicians, without charge. . THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO ATLANTA, GA. Just A Few Of the Cakes that are manu factured by the Lumberton Bakery: . Pound Cake, Marble Cake, Jelly Roll, Lady Fingers, Maoaroous, Kisses, Diamonds, Cresents, Lem on Snapps, Vanilla Wafers. ALSO Bread, Rolls, Buns, Pies, Rye and Graham Bread. Remember we can make you anything you may want from a Ginger Cake to the finest Wedding Cake. Lumberton Bakery, Phone 6. Excursion to Wilmington. They Seaboard Air Line announces that it will operate an excursion from Raleigh to Wilmington aad return, Au- Sst 22nd-23rd, taking on passengers m Raleigh to Lumberton inclusive. Rate, $2.25 from Raleigh, graded down to $1.00 from Lnmberton. Train will leave Raleigh at 8 a. m 32nd. Return ing, will leave Wilmington at 8:30 p. m., 23rd. This is the last opportunity of the sea son to visit Wrightsville, Carolina's most postnlar Summer Resort, at low excur sion rates. For further information, address near est Agent, or C. H. Gattla. T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1789-1005. Head of the State's Educational System. DEPARTMENTS. Collegiate, Engineering, Law, Pharmacy. Graduate, Medicine, Library contains 42,000 volumes. New water works, electric lights, central heating system. New dormi tories, gymnasium, Y. M. C. A. building. 667 Students. 66 Instructors. The Fall Term begins Sept. it, 1905. Address Francis P. Vxnablh, President, Chapel Bill, N. C. june 23 LA PI EES ir. la Franco's ( ! Sftj Quick, Relate Regulator , Snporto 4tbr fejfoflMtoM at HfeS pHW Our nirutMd. aowwrulljruil fcr 'JOO.ttQa WeiT FrtM. as fiwts, SteMorby oMU Ienlnionilt booWst tnt Dr. teFrattcor VkUadelpbla, Pa. wmmwmr 7 In 66'ooslirj 60II6O6 In ohoosing a college oonsider CLIMATE, CHARACTER, COURSE OF STUDY, COST Ton will find each satisfactory at Tbe Southern Presbyterian Collega and Consenatory ol Music, Red Springs, North Carolina. For catalogue address : Rev. C. G. VARDELL, D. D.. tu jy 5 tf Red Spngs, N. C. LEAK BROTHERS, Lnmberton's - Expert Tonsorlal Artists, Clean Towels, Keen Razors, Quick Service and Polite Attention. Located next door above McAllister ' Hardware Company.' Give ua your patronge. The Celebrated Bi-ped Tack Puller, for sale by McAllister Hardware Company, nex tclled. When the crstem rets debilitated sad in fi run-down condition it needs a tonic and there has nevei of S. S. S. It is especially adapted lot remedy. S. S. S. is a blood pun this run-down depleted condition of the Mutually Satisfactory Arrangements They bad beeu married iti due and abcient foem. "Geoffrey, "said the vouugwife, "yoa endowed me with all yoar worldly goods, didn't von?" "I did," answered the young husband 'Well, I hereby give them back to you." "Gwendolen," he said, "you promised to obey me, did you not?" I did." "Well, dear, I hereby solemnly command you to do as you please hereafter, no matter what orders I mav give you." On that basis they lived happily e'ver after. Ex. No Unpleasant Effects. If yoa ever took DeWitt's Little Early Risers for biliousness or consti pation yon know what pill pleasure is. These famous little pills cleanse the liver and rid the system of all bile without prodaoing unpleasant ef fects. Sold by Dr. H. T. Pops & Oo. Mr. Neill Buie, aged 84, and Rev. Reuben Newton, aged 86, both of 71st township were in town yesterday looking hale and hearty. The Rev. Mr. New ton walked to town, a distance of Dine miles, and said be intended to walk back, a journey that a muoh younger man would hesitate about making voluntarily. Fay etteville Observer. Excursion Rates to the Pacific Coast The Seaboard announces on ao oount of Lewis and Clark Centen nial Exposition and other occa sions to be held on the Pacific Coast season 1905 they will sell round trip tickets from prinoipal (oints at following rates to Port and, Oregon, ana return, going via any regular direct route and returning via that or any other regular direct route, $71.50; going via San Franoisoo and Los An- Sles $32 50. These tickets will sold practically every day until September 30th and bear final re turn limit of ninety days from date of sale, and will permit of stop -over at and west of Colorado, common points, Cheyenne, Trini dad, Fort Worth, San Antonio and west of St. Paul and Chicago. For further information as to schedules and rates to the Lewis and Clark Exposition, apply to agents, or,- C. H. Gattis, T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. With all the talk' abont John D. Rockefeller's system cf money getting and giving, there is at least one thing to his credit; there never" was a strike for higher wa ges among bis vast army of em ploye?. He always pavs good wa ges, and ho one cared whether his Dayroll was "tainted cr not. Siuse of Insomnia. Indigestion nearly always disturbs the sleep more or less and is often the cause of ineomnia. Many cases hare been permanently cnred by Chamber lains Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by Dr. H. T. Pope & Co. and Dr. R. G. Rozier. She Looks it. Those who saw Empress An's picture at the World's Fair lest year will readily admit that she is capable of engineering the mean- t sort of a boycott Ex, .Pointed Paragraphs 1 Some confidence men look.1! for Jays and some for rich wives ffXspinster says " that a stolen kiss is better than no kiss at . all a tt a all ' Things that go into the ears i of gossip drop out of their mouths. Honesty buys and sells things; dishonesty steals and keeps thein. Dpn't sneer at a man because he works. He may lose his job, some day. It is because of a man's modesty that he keeps, his faults in the background Opportunity sometimes waits until a man goes out before knock ing at his door. Only the sweetness of love's young dream doesn't seem to in terfere with the dividends of the sugar trust. Shortly after a woman has her lace curtains laundried she is apt to notice that smoking in the house is injurious to her hus band's health. Numerous and Worthless. Everything is in the name when it comes to Witch Hazel Salve. E. 0. DeWUt & Co., of Chicago, discovered some years ago how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for piles. For blind, bleeding itch ing and protruding Piles, eczema, cuts, burns, braises and all skin dis eases DeWitt's Salve has no equal. This has given rise to numerous worth less counterfeits. Ask for DeWitt's the genuine. Sold by Dr. H. T. Pope & Oo. Reflections of a Bachelor. A man could avoid a lot Of trou ble by never being born. A boy can fool his mother as easily as she can fool his father. Women all ought to favor their husbands smoking because it con soles them for staying home. Next to putting money in the collection plate a woman takes the most pride in having her son pass it. Attacked by a Mob and beaten, in a labor riot, nntil cov ered with sores, a Chicago street oar Conductor applied Backlen's Arnioa Salve,- and was soon sound nd well. "I use it in mr family. " writes Q. J. Welch, of Tekonsha, Mich ;, ''and find it perfect'' Simply great for oats and barns. Only 25c at all ' drag stores. The Comparison. Towne Yes, my wife is able to dress ou comparatively little money. Browne Oh, come, now I Com paratively little? Towns I mean on little com pared with what she ought to have. Ex. Best For Children. Mothers, be careful of the health of roar children. Look oat for Ooaghs, Golds, Croup and Whooping Cough. Stop them in time One Minate Cough Care is the best remedy. Harm less and pleasant. Contains no opiates. Sold by Dr. H. T. Pope & Co. Hs Ouessed It. "Have a smoke, old man?" said Stinjay, proffering a weed, "No; thank you," replied Wise man, who had had one before. "What's the matter? Don't you enjoy a good cigar?" "Yes; that's what's the mat ter." Ex. - Always Successful. When indigestion becomes chronio it is dangerous. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will care indigestion and all troubles resulting therefrom, thus preventing Catarrh of the Stomach'. Dr. New brough, of League, W. says : "To those suffering from indigestion or soar stomach I woul say there is nobsterjre lis Core. I have prescribed it for a number of my patients with good suc cess.'' Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. Sold br Dr. H. T. Pope & Co. A Huge Jokev "I wonder why it is said that 'all the werld loves a lover.' " "I guess it's because the world thinks it, b such fun . to hear his letters read in court " Ex. "How Hearts are Broken" is the title of a new play, . .which proba bly deals with the rejection of ap plicants for office. 1 u kfcfe fc a 1 t i'i IF! Sat ;!- it.St ha vhvt I lip . Mf.i i-', ....!. ;t : ,.- i ; -.it li : a ie.;ii:w ' t r;T:- ' , -VIT !;:.ow!i t In-! ,'r ,-.ur . 1 k-1s gel a Ix.'iL- of ::y s vERnCE lease foh childrek tnkf a KUhstitnt If il''i(T!Ut does uot kwp - it tweet'.- five teoj in ; - 10 :b 2EJ. 37l3ElV - aitlmorc, Mel, wiJ b mailed you. A Thrust Near the vitals. Rev. Dr. Cimpbell Morgans parting svord on sailing lor r.ig -EuRlish homf3 was a trill? scorch ing. The American church, in bis opinion, has become social organizatioo ; " and evidently he meant the coat to fit us when he said:' "I would rather have ten men caught by the divine passion aud compassion gathered into a church, but mixiDg with the world than 1,000 dilettante church mem bers fooliDg with Heaven and friv olinfj with hell." Ex. Senator Depew's refusal to talk seems almost too good to be true or to last. ABERDEEN AND ROCKFISH RAILROAD CO. TIME TABLE IN EFFICT AUG. .15, 190i. Dally except Sunday. Mtl sod Express, No. 8. Leare Aberdeen, 8.30 . m.; lea re Leaving, 8. 4Sa. m.; leare Junction, SAO a. m.; leare Mortrose, 9.ooa.m.; leare Tlmberland. .15 a. m: ; leare Raeford 0.85 a. m. ; leare Dnndar roflh, S.S0 a. m.: leare Arabia, 10.00 a. m. ; leare RockiUh, 10 .15 a. m.; leave Treefall, 10.46 a. m. ; arrive Hope Mllla, 11.14 a. m. Daily except Sunday Mall and Express. No. B, Leave Hope Mills. 1. 00 p.m.; leare Treefall. 1.80 o. m.; leare Rockflah, 1.45 p. m.; leave Arabia, 2,06 p, m.; leave Onndarroch, i.16 p. m.; leave Raeford. 8. 00 p.m.; leare Timber land, J. 20 p. m.; leare Montrase, 8.83 p. m.: leave Janctlon, 8.45 p. k.; leare Learltta, 4.10 p. m . ; arrive Aberdeen, 4.35 p. m. Ail train eomins over Bethesda Hill must be under perfect control. C. N.BL0I. General Superintendent. Approved: JOHN BLUE, President, Thk Hcqe Loot Beam SAW MILL WITH HCACOCK-KlNG FCKO WOHK3 ENaiNIS AMD BOILIBS. WOODWORKINO MACHINtar. COTTOK GlWNKTO BICK MAKINO AMD 8 HI NO LI AN0 LaTR Macbimkbt. Cokk Mills, Etc Etc. OIBBCS MACHINERY CO.. Columbia, S. C. THK OlBBCS SHINGLK MAOHINK Strongest in m World THE Equitabe Lile, of;newyork. Outstanding Assurance.f 1,495,542,891 00 Assets 4i3.953,oao 74 Liabilities .... 333.X58.75i 53 Surplus 80.794.a69 at Lagest cash settlements given to policy holders. Death claims paid in fatl and at once. ' Strongest, Safest, Best, aad most prompt paying company on earth. B. L. PAGE. Agent. ASHPOLE, N, C. Institute for Col logo vtttnnH"'r Women and PP Arp Courses Conserva tory ot Music. The Best Place lor You Daughter Bit b Standr4 aatwotf Catalog . c. IKKE lUnw fn.DfawMdte.PtM. C ASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yoa Hare Alwajs Bought . Bears the Signature of The Gillette Razor is for sale by the McAllister Hardware Company. .Sit me 7 Wby Oil Kills Mosquitoes. Hnry Bach Needba jq wrut-t iu th September Couimy Caiuuaf : "ilyiquito Jarvue, cr wrigglers, as they are tesmed, rtqaire water for thwir development. A heavy shower leaves studding water, nhicb, when 1 th air is full 01 moisture, evaporates slowly. Tbn, the mu rjorgnnisms an whicli tlu. larvae leed; wirgglers found in the water forty-eigit hours ane: tbeir formatiuu wul have pisity oi food, and adult mosquitoes wn. appear ix to wight days a.'ler iL egga are laid. Clear wFathar, witi; quick evaporation, int(;rferf with tnt devHlopuieut ot the wngh rs, ao thut u HKfeBuu witt: i-l.ji.y v raiti, but wil.'j suii-jrniiy, diyiuk wesihtr iiiterv :".n,jj, : v.ui 'g cC mofq".it w 'f.tbci' "iuusimich a a 'unfrat'.w:! maqultoe8 apprar to torment m n within tyu dave, ut tUa.J v:.g;9,. alter the :gg3 aTr? liv": 'as, r.'bt.tcb laid Ly a feuiale mosquitj u-i . -tnius irom iwn hundred tu f. ti: hundred eggs; as t'rum eaoh tg?, may i9bue a larva or wriggler whit.;, in six days will be txu adult moe qaitu ou iht; wing, it id to t aestructicu cf the larvae that al teration should be directed. Th larva is a slender organism, whiu or gray iu color, comprising eigni segment?. Tae last of these parts is in the foruJ of a tube, through which the wriggler "breathes. Al though its habitat is the water, it must ccme to the surtaco tc breathe, therefore us natural p -sition is head down and tail, or respiratory-tube up. Now, if oil is spread on the surface of a pool inhabited by mosquito larvae, tbt wrigglers are denied access to the air which they must have. There fore they drown just as any other air-breathing animal would drown under similar circumstances.' : A Laxative Cough Sjrup. "A cold or ooagh nearly always pro duces constipation the water all runs to the eyes, nose and throats instead of passing out of the system through the liver and kidneys. For the want of moisture the bowels become dry and bard,' Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar is the original Laxative Ooagh Syrup. It meets and oorreots the above conditions, by acting as a pleasant cathartic on the bowels- ex pels all Colds from the system and cures all ooaghs, croup, whooping cough, LaGrippe, bronchitis, etc. Sold by Dr. H. T. Pope oV Oo. - Whichever way a lawsuit goes, it is robbing Paul to pay the law yer. There is an awful lot of money wasted in trying inventions sou Id to save it. A girl who has her hand squeezed gets very indignant to have anybody looking. If a man has been introduced to a millionaire, he always speaks of him afterward by his first name. The Cuban revolutionary sol diers have finally received foil payment for the services rsudered by American soldiers in the war with Spain. Are you lacking in strength and vigor? Are yoa weak? Are yoa in pain? Do yoa feel all ran down? The blessings of health and strength oome to all who use Hollister s Rocky Mountain Tea. 85 cents. Ask your druggist, There will be no real peace in the neighborhood of Ds Moines, Iowa, antit Mr. Conger asserts that be does not want to be gov ernor or to go to Congress. Mr Bryan will start for Manils on September 15. ' Mr. Bourke Cockran will be at home about that time, prepared to go on watch until Bryan gets hack. Are You Engaged? Engaged people should rember.that, after maraiage, many quarrels can be avoided, by keeping their digestions in good condition with Electrio Bit ter. 9. A: BroWnTof BennettsvilieT S. O., says: "For years, my. wife suffered intensely- from dyspepsia, complicated with a torpid liver, until she lost her strength and vigor, and beoame a mere wreci of her former self. . Then she tried Electric Bitters, whiff helped her at once, and fi nally made her entisely well. She is now strong and healthy.'' All drug gists, sells and guarantees them, at 50c a bottle. It appears that Ambassador Meyer's meeting with the Czar last ed but ten minutes. The man who gets unlimited time with the Czar is the banker with a willing ness to negotiate a loan. FIFTY CENTS i IN some conditions the gain from the. use of Scott's Emulsion ii very rapid. For this reason we put up a fifty-cent size, which is enough for an ordinary cough or cold or useful as a trial for babies and children. In other conditions the gain is slower health cannot be built up in a day. In such cases Scott's , Emulsion must be taken as nourishment; a food rather than a medicine. It's a food for tired and weak digestions. Sttid for Ir iimpto Scott & Bowne, 409 41s Pwi st. CbamUt Nw York 50c aad fi.ao. All drufglfta Lawn, DlmitiM, Piqtie. Nainook all in this beason's latei for less money than you can buy anywhere else. " W. O. Thompson. A Splendid Business Opportanity. We offer for sale to the right party, our complete Bakery and Ladies' Cafe outfit. The one of its kind in the city of Fayetteville. Can give satis factory reason for selling. A person al investigation of the details of the business will show it to be a fine op portunity for any one desiring a nice, profitable, steady and growing bust-" ness. McNeill Bakery Go. PROPRIETORS, 107 Highsmith Building. WE CAN REPAIR . All American llaks Watches English Levers, Patent Levers, Cylinder Escapement. Duplex, Verge, And"any other old kind of ' Watch." H. O. BOYLIN At B. E. Proctor's store Columbia Hotel building..... WANTED SrsaAi, lSPRESKMTATrvB in this county tnd adjoining territories, to represent aad advertise as old established business house of solid financial standing. Salary $2i weekly, with Expenses advanced each Monday by check direct from head quarters. Horse and buggy furnished when aecesssry; position permanent. Address Blew ros.&Co.,Dept. A. Uonoa Bldg., Chicago, 111. RALEIGH 1IAME BORIS RALEIGH, N. C. MONUMENTS TABLETS IRON FENCES Write for new Catalog. WC MY-THE rnCIOHT. COOPER BROS t McDnIlie Drag Store. (Franklin & Moore) FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. CALL TO SEE CS AND MAKE CraEL STORE - YOUR HEAD QUARTERS. FULL STOCK OP DRUGSSUNDRIES OLDEST DRUG STORE IK FAYETTEY1LLK HOU.ISTCRS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy HadiohM for Buy People. Brings OoldM Heafta tad Ssatwtd Vigor. v A specine for Constipation, Indigestion. Live and Kidney Trouble. Pimples. Ectema, Impure Blood, Bad Breath, Slunrtoh Bowels, Headaebe and Backache. It's Rooky llouataia Tea In tab. let form. S cents a box. Genuine made bj HotusTsa Dnco Coutaxt, Madison, Wia. v WIDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPtfi I'' , J. , Y ' " 'i Y -- f.