ROWLAND DEPARTMENT, ROWLAND, N. 0. Geo. K, McNeii.1,, Editors. NKitt Smith, THE HORNET. Samsos, he wuz a mighty good man, " Bat ez much ez yo' mav scorn Him an' Sullivan Iwfe tergedder Couldn't win out frura a hornet. Dressed up in his little gray suit, He stands er roun' some proud; He's de littlest man ter git so much room, But, Lawdj', ain't he loud! C. D. S. Memories, like bread cast ou the waters, come drifting back. Some times they break upon the shore of consciousness with luuj?httr aud gaiety;, again 'tis with a muau as on days when clouda hauR low along the main $he breakers com plain and die, cursmg a fate they know ;iot of. In either case they are a potent factor in life. Poet? have snug of them and world heroes hava known them. Alexan der remembered his past achieve ments and wept because there were uu mure wuriuo iu tuuuoi, and Napoleon stood upon the deck of the ship that bore him to St. Helena, his feet apart and his hands clasped behind him, looking far out across the sea, his soul tortured with a silent agony springing from the memory of a shattered dream and a waning glory. Tennysou, the greatest sing er or the last century, if not of all time, read the tragedy of memory and wrote that pregnant line, "That a sorrow's crown of sorrow is remembering happier things!" And even in our own little lives memory is often playing the lead ing part. Whether the role be that of tragedy or comedy depends entirely upon the source of the clot. The things we' look back npon are bearers of pleasure or pain. Should onr gaze rest npon a rugged path sloping backward and downward from our present station a slope that we have manfully climbed a deep satis faction fills our hearts ; but should the retrospection touch the height of lost estate from ' which we ViasA afnnahlarl Itirnnnh nn- nan inefficiency, a burning brand is set to the fl9sh. These memories t Is there wonder ttfat some bless, and others curse, them? Lady English woman, is coming to this couutry tor the sole purpose of convincing a be nighted people that the earth is fiat. Most of us know that it is "stale aud unprofitable," bnt any any one who wishes us to believe tht it is also ''flat" had best oil up hor couvincer on the way ever and polish her arguments nntil they are as smooth as a mahogany finish, or a grand-stand finish would do, if no other variety were convenient. A man who can be lieve that the earth is nung out in apaoe to dry and to famish us a plaoe to go through the calisthen 101 of birth, life and death npon, just as a picture or plaque is hung upon the wall, must cenainiy have enlargement of the. believer or a bad case of ingrowing concession. If the earth is flat, that puts us on a level with the Chinaman and the Fiji Islander. Then did Co lumbus break the egg in vain and sail the "ocean wide" to no pui pose. The subsequent eveuts that have transpired ou the continent that he discovered are all the mis takes of history. The fourth of July and Washington's Birthday are mere pretenders to the throne of dates and the lasf World's Fair the veriest farce. Now, why any woman should wish to break into the order o things and change the ways oft oreation is beyond the conception of the ordinary man. She should be satisfied with holding the destiny of man in the palm of her baud, aud leave the plan of Creation alone. But she is not so easily sated. Her thirst for achievement aud power is only exceeded i:i magnitude by the an due propc- tion of her curiosity. Such a t te only m that it has been oft -.pea ted. It is as true, as tBeT phyTItTte rla W9 and" it is not meant asjlacder. For, after all, this old f world- would not be the' same .without her. Then mau wuuiu uavw au extra no in nis side and he would not be swelled with an importance that would have no no one to appreciate and humor it. ( auoto feed it on soft words' and ' moonlight all the year 'round. Yes, woman is the pearl of Ore ation audk "with all her faults we jovtt'faar Still." But the question j How to Keep her so? Mr. Bin MoEacheru left Wed oeiday morning for Oak Ridge. Mr. Cbas. Sinclair spent a few days last week at WrightsviJle Beach. ' Mr. J. F. Parker and son Law rence, of McDonalds, were in town Saturday. r Prof. J. E. Swain, of Asheville, arrived Tuesday pf last wek to take charge of the Rowland High School. ' Miss Anna Bethun. of Lumber ton, is visiting Miss Hallie Lytch thu wek. Messrs. A. B. Hedgpeth. and A. L. Bullock spent the groator part of laBt week in Baltimore baying their fall and winter stocks of good?; t 4 The many friends of Miss E .hel Bullock, of Manly, are glad to know that she will be the assist ant in the Rowland Hitfu School again-this year. Miss Bullook ar rived last Thursday to make prep aration to begin teaching yester day. We are glad to learn that Row land will be represented by four good cotton buyers this season. This will without a doubt enable the farmers to get the very highest prices for their cotton. Rev. W. T. Walker aud family are away on a weex s vacation at Mrs. Walker's old home. Mr. W. B.' Thompson spent a few days last week in Fayetteville. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Dixon re turned Monday afiernoon from a teu day's outing :at Red Springs, Asheville. Faison and other places. Mr. J. F. Barkley, of White ville, speut last Wednesday night in lown. Mr. J. W. Bracey spent Mon" day in Dillon, S. C. Rev. J. W. Bradley is assisting Rev. J. M. A6hby in a revival meeting at Bethseda this week. Mr. L. R. Hamer of Raynham, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Watson McDaoiel of Ha mer, S. 0. was in town a short while Monday. x The protracted meeting at Cen tenary Church will begin Wednes day night Sept. Utb. CaptAGeo. T. Pate, of Gibson, visited his son Dr. G. M. Pate on last Tuesday. Judge W. D. McKay, of Cle burne, Texas, came down from Red Springs Monday and stopped until Wednesday with Mrs. T. H. Morrow and chil dren of Port Norfolk, Va., ara visiting the family of Mr. C. B. Cox. Mrs. H. K. McCormac, Miss Willie Thompson, Mrs. W. T. Thompson and Mr. R. H. Miller attended the funeral of Mrs. Lil lian Pharr at Charlotte Saturday. Mr. D. A. Ccx left Monday morning for Raleigh to resume his atudies at the A. & M. College. Mr. D. M. Watson, ot Hamer, S. C. was iu town Monday. Messrs. B. A. Edena and Crittie Reedy spent Sunday in Clio, S. C. with relatives. mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stubbs of Purvis, were in town shopping. Mr. Steel Monroe, of Branchville spent Sunday afternoon in town. Mr. Clyde McCallum left Sun day evnning for Floreuce.S. C. Prof. J. 0. MoArthur began teaching at the Centenary School House Monday. We hear that the prospects are very bright for a full school tbia session. Miss Mary Prinoe Gibson, of Gibson, arrived Monday afternoon to take charge of the music class at Rowland High School. Dr. B. Reedy is spending bis vacation at Charlotte this week. The stock-holders ot the Row land Cotton Warehouse Company met Wednesday, August 80. It was decided that enough stock bad been subscribed to make an organ ization possible. A board of di rectors was elected, composed as toiiows; L. K., Hamer, C. T. Pate, A. L. Bullock, J. W. Ward, W. F. Bristow, R. S. Bond and W 'irMoLe!?ifnr','w"w''"'"'' T A bnilding committee was ap pointed and work will begin im mediately. It is understood that the warehouse will be located near the Rowland Planing Mill's plant. At a director's meeting tc-dsy L. Hamer was elected president. H. McLellan vice president, W. secretary and Jreas- Missonri has a candidate for the Mexico Ambassadorship, If Jhe towards are not mora liberal, M s- souri is apt to regret that shs) moved to make it unanimous las' fall.. ' Try the Gillette Safety Razor fo 30 days If not perfectly satisfactory, will refund your mouey. For sale by the McAllister Hardware Company, You can get a nice Bowl and Pitcher for 75c at W. O. Thompson's. 0. H. LENNON, D.D.S., DENTIST, Rowland, - '. . - ' . , N. C. J. jrFREESLANDT Jeweler, and Optician, RowlandrN. C. WOOD 3IILL FOR SALE. APPLY AT Robesocian Office. 8-as-tf Look Oat For William Brick! R. W. F. Bristow nrer. Mr. Morris Pate left Tuesday evening for Biofcham, S. 0 .where be will act as relief operatof for some time. For Carey's Stop-A-Leyke call at the McAllister Hardware Company store. In any case where the leak is not completely topped, the money will be refunded. I am just from the North with my New JLine of Fall and Winter Stock of Clothing, Dry Goods, jShoea and General Merchandise. Most every merchant olaims this year that goods are higher than last year because cotton is higher, but I bought my goods at the same old prioe by paying Cash for them. , I will save every customer 25 to 30 per cent. I also bought a fine lot of Beautiful Pictures to be given away. Every customer buying $2 00 worth will receive a pic ture free, worth 50 cents. For $4.00 he receives a. picture worth $1. For $5.00 he receives a picture worth $1.25, and for $10.00 he receives a picture worth $3.00. Every Dollar saved is 100 per oent made. Satisfaction Guaranteed or money refunded. My location is next door to Raw land Furniture Store. Come one, come all. Look out for he sign of WILLIAM BRICK, Rowland, N. C. Sept. 1. Money Free To Everybody. Go to A. B. Brick's Store and buy y6ur Goods, and be will 'save you from 25 to 35 cents on the dollar. We have just returned fro a the Northern Markets with the Largest and Latest Up-to-date Styles iu Clothing. Drv Goods, Shoes, Hats, Notions and Millinery, that hrtve ever been seen in Rowland. Our Stock is bought for Cash, and we can undersell the other merchants in Quality and LOW 1 RICES. We all know that "A Dollar Saved, is a Dollar Made." : : : : : : : : We also give away Prize Tickets with ev?rv 50 cent w.h vou huv fr.-u u " . .. . 1: i a i . . : : . . . . -. I Ii You Get it at Ward's it's Good. School Supply Wisdom. It certainly pays to buy at Headquarters. We are Head, quarters for School Books and Supplies. No one. .who knows can question this.. We have an immense line this year, and it was bought right. Experience counts in this branch of business as in any other, and to the selection of Sohool Supplies we bring the experience of many years. We can do you good in many ways, sometimes om better quality, sometimes on better price, sometimes on better assortment. : : : : : : : : BRING IN YOUR LIST OF NEEDS AND LET UjS SEE. WHAT.WE CAN DO FOR YOU. H. B. WARD, PH. Drugs of Quality, Rowland, N. C. us, and when you retura tickets to us anuun is to $ o vou will he euti- titled to a VALUABLE PRESENT. Wu are viost ror.l a':lj invited to call at our Store, look over eur Stock, and get the L j Paces. We Guarantee and make satisfactory everything we sell. We thank vuu( for your past patronage, and remain . - Yours for Bargains. A. B.-BRICK, Proprietor, Rowland, N. C. OUR MOTTO IS More Goods for Same Moneyj-Same Goods for Less Money. " aug 25-26 ASHPOLE INSTITUTE, ; Prepares fbrgany College in the State. Foot Teachers compose the Corps of this Institute in Literary Work. An able Instructor in Musio has also been engaged. Fall Term Begins September 4th, 1905. For information, address THOS. M. SEA WELL, Principal, August 15th. Ashpole, N. C. LIFE. FIRE. W. FRENCH BRISTOW, ROWLAND. N. C. INSURANCE. Prudential Life Insurance Company, Best Fire Insurance Companies. ACCIDENT, HEALTH, . LIABILITY. IE A' , j E9 Only a few days ago there arrived in town one of the Swellest Lines of Stationery and Druggists Sundries that has ever been shipped to this part of the State. Something Neat, Nobby, and Attraotive. All tfee Latest ' Styles in Box Paper, i Tablets, Poured Paper, Envelopes. Pound Paper from 15 cents to 36 cents Per Pound, Envelopes from 5 cents to 10 cents Per Pack, Box Paper from 10 cents to $1.00 Per Box. We trill be better prepared than ever this year to furnish School Books, Tablets, Slates, Pencils, etc., than ever before. We are very much pleased with the daily increase in our bus iness, and are grateful to our many friends for their kind patronage. You Help Us Let Us Help You. OUB MOTTO .Fair and Square Dealing with Everyone. The Rowland Drug Co., (Inc.) GEORGE K. McNEILL, Manager. I have re-equipped my Livery and Feed Stables, and am in position to serve the publio who are in need of a good turn- . out for any and all. purposes. Good horses, good vehicles and careful drivers, can be had' at reasonable prioes at ail times. When I tell you that Billy Wartin is in charge you . will know thirt your wants will be well supplied ' : Plenty ol Forage and Grain For Sale. Call when you need n Very. Truly, . " ' 1 H. K. M9CORWIICK, Rowland, N. O DON'T START A BO wi 11 If you must start something, start a bank account with BANK OF ROWLAND, ROIWD. N. 6. IL. PAYS INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS X& There Os Ise In waiting till you take a trip out of town to buy your Hardware. We have it here and we have the prioes to please you. If we ' have the Goods and the prices buy from ns, if not then go else- That Stove you've been promising your good wife is ready for you come and see it. Our line of guns, ammunition and sporting goods, for the Fall Trade is complete. : : : . v : Trade with us, keep your money at home, and all of us will share the benefit. Keep your eye on this space ;i will have something more about Hardware before long. : : : : : McCORMIO & ROGERS, BOWL AND, NORTH CAROLINA ' i" . ' ', ,4 1 0

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