PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. P. Brown, M.D. W. A. MrPhaul, M.D Brown & McPhaul ...'PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, . Aehpole, : : : : N. C. Calls answered, promptly night and day. Phone No. n. K A. Mclifm. A. W. McLean. J. G. McCorreiek HcLEUt, MctEAH & McCORMICK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ttJSIBERTON. - - N C. Offices on 2nd floor of Bank of Lnm- berton Bnildinp;, Rooms 1, 2, 3, & 4 Proiiipt attention given to all business R. T. ALLEN. V. V. CASTtKBORV. Drs. Allen & Castlebury, Dentists, LUMBERTON, N. C. Office over Dr. McMillan's Drug Store. Phones Ofiice, 45 ; Residence, 94. DR. J. D. REGAN, DENTIST, LUMBEBTON, - - N. C. Office in Shaw building, over Pope's drug store. Dr.F. H. PITMAN, DENTIST. ASHPOLE, N. C. R. E. LEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rooms, Nos. 1 and 2, McLeod Building, LUMBERTON. N. C. Wishart & Shaw, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LUMBERTON, N. C. Office in Shaw Building. Practice in all the Courts. Dr. N. A. Thompson, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Lumberton, : : : : N. C. Office nextdooi above Savings Bank. Norman McLean, ToDBorial Artist, ASHPOLE, - - - - N. C. Shop fronting postoffice. Operators Wanted. We want 100 girls to learn plain sewing n overalls. Steady work; easy hours. WILLARD BAG & MFG. CO. 13-21 South Water Street, Wilmington, N. C. june 80 Our stock of Mnles is now com plete. The most careful purchaser can find stock exactly to his pur pose whether he desires farm mules or wagon mules. Our ex perience has placed us in a pon sition to know the needs of this section, and we are now in shape to supply them. Baggies, Wagons, Harness, Etc, In addition to our line of mules and horses, we keep constantly on hand Buggies. Auburn Wagons, Cart Wheels, Harness, Etc We can give as good values at reason able prioei as oan be had any where. You don't have to leave your community to buy in these lines. An inspection is all we ask. Truly" Edgerton & Wioslow, Parkton, N. C. janlO Central Academy ! REV. M. W. HESTER; Principal, PROF. W. M. HINTON, Associate Prin. A Christi"'' Home and High School for boys and ynr -gmen. Spleadi .1 located in Warren county, one mile fr.:ii depot, immediately on S. A. L. road in a beautiful grove of 12 or 15 acres on 1 6co acre farm. For further information address the Principal or Associate Principal, Little ton. N. C. iul" 7tf Be happy, and use Happy's Safety Gate Latchers. For sale by McAllister Hardware Company. I Pii Pv Trt a nr wim.i.... . . . New Arrivals w x wna w eK otopacoo wno will cat out and maJl ua this Centerville Items. Picking cotton is the order of tba day at present. Lula Britt.of Back Swamp visited Miss Ethel Lggitt last Tnosday. Mim Lacy Stephens, of Afifipole 'in. it few dsys last weefc with Miss May Lewis. " We regret to hear of tho illness of Mr. H. Z. Duncan. Messrs. Claude Pitman aui E. C. Bizz-11, were the kuub of Mies Maud Bullock lust Sunday. Mrs. Stella Atkinson i- B"iiiR to visit her"oid home m 'Hi.raett county t bia wor-k. Miss Bertha Smgletary attended thi- meeting here la3t wetrk. Quits a number fruru Back Swamp attended preaching hero Sunday. Miss Venie Byrd will return to her homo in Harnett county. Miss Cleo Purvis spent Friday nigHt and Saturday with Mine Laura Wishart. Miss Ciroline Jenkins will Bpend this week in Ashpole. Miss Maggie Stubbs and bro ther, called on Miss Clea Porvis Sunday. Mrs. Kate Stephens spent San day morning with Mr?. Emma Belle Jenkins. The people of this community are well pleased with the work 01 the new road plow. Our read is being graded with ' it now. Those saud banks that we have been climbmg are being converted into hard road. Let the good work go on. Rev. E. A- Paul held a very successful meeting here last week. We wish to commend him for his excellent work here. It seemed that the longer he preached, the better the sermons were notwith standing the first was not bad by any means. The meeting closed last Suuday with a good many conversions during the week aud several additions to this church in membership. Like Finding Money. FiBding health is like finding monoy so think those who are sick. When 70a have a cough, cold, sore throa, or ohest irritation, better act promptly like W. 0. Barber, of Sandy Level, Va. He says: "I had a ter. rible ohest trouble, oansed by smoke and coal dust on my lungs; bat, after finding no relief in other remedies, I was cured by Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds." Greatest sale of any oougb or long medicine in the world. At all drug stores; 50c and $1 ; guar an teed. Trial bottle free. How She (Jot Him. In St. Louie the other day a girl expressed disbelief to her sweet heart that astronomers could pos sibly calculate the hour and min ute of an eolipBO of the sun. The young mau asserted they could, and that the pending eclipse would eventuate to the minutp. "Non sense," said the girl; "I'll make you a bet. If the eclipse occurs on time I will marry you at once ; if it doesn't I won't marry ycu at dill" Of course the eclipse was on schedule time, and they were married. Smart girl! It is a sate wager that she knew more about eclipses aud the ability of the sci entists to calculate them accu rately than the young man did, and that she took this means of helping him over a hard place. Ex. Go-off Cheap. He may well think, he has got off cheap, who, after having contracted oon-tipation or indigestion, is still able to perfectly restore his health. Nothing will do this bat Dr. King's New Life Pills. A quick, pleasant and certain care for headache, consti pation, etc. 25o at all drag stores; guaranteed. Th?8? standpatters who became converted to a reduction of the Phillipine tariff during their stay in laying it jto the climate after they had a beau-tc-heart talk with Uncle Joe Cannon. TO THE MERCHANT : If you haven't Red Meat Tobacco in stock, write the factory we TA XT YTN A Don't Mew the Roadside Flower. J. Horace McFarland, President of the American Civic Associo tion, writes in The Country Cal endar for July : ''I am aware that in the prodi gality of nature tljere will beT h time, an encroaohraent of gruwth upon the road space, and that in the pinched narrowness of our highways this may need to be re strained. ' Restraint, or selection, does not mean destruction, howev er The result of this ruthless mowing of the roadsides ia always to kill the more delicate and beau tiful of the shrubs and flowers, and by thus disturbing nature's bnlance, to encourage the growth of tho vigorous but really unpleas ant weeds.which otherwise would be in the minority For instance, along one road with which I ain familiar, the goldenrods, asters and the like have been destroyed, but each season there springs up a plentiful growth of dock, sand bur and other unpleasant weeds. In another case, the naturally pleasing combination of several viburnums, huckleberries and a dozen herbaceous plants has been 'improved' until now the road is bordered only by briers of black berry, which, while they do give one burst of flowers and fruit, are not by any means satisfactory. "I talked with one of these su pervisors who was thus 'improv ing' a road in central Pennsylva nia, and found that he supposed it necessary to cut out the growth in order, as he expressed it, to cause the road to 'dry out.' That is, the faults of narrowness, careless making and a gutterless condition were all charged to nature's effort to beauty, and it was thought wise and right to chop off everything that could be cut away on both sides of the road." TheOood Old Way. A severe cold or attack of la grippe is like a fire, the sooner you combat it the better your chances are to overpower it. But few mothers in this age are willing to do the necessary work required to give a good old-fashioned reliable treatment suoh as would be administered by their grandmothers, backed by Boschee's Ger man Syrup, which was always liberally used in connection with the home treat ment of colds and is still in greater house hold favor than any known remedy. But even without the application of the old fashioned aids German "Syrup " will cure a severe cold in quick time. It will cure colds in children or grown people. It re lieves the congested organs, allays the irritation, and effectively stops the cough. Any child will take it. It is invaluable in a household of children. Trial sie bot tle, 25c; regular size, 75c. For sale by Dr. J. D. McMillan. The following, beaded "A Sane Magazine," is a recent editorial from the Emporia Gazette, whose editor, William Allen White, is well known to every reader of con temporary periodical literature : "Between the magazines that are us ing the lever of their circulation to pry up the world, and those which have nothing of current interest later than 1812, there lies a fine pathway for some Magazines, for people who are now on earth who are not excited about the prox imity of the demnltion Dow wows to the orbit of this sad old earth and in that path Scrkner'a Magazine seems to be walking in solitary state. Its fiction is particularly sane and wholesome. It lacks the Miss Nancy pucker of the fic tion of the magazines of prunes and prisms, and holds the vigor of the fiction of the more strenuous magazines without the slightest rawness. Scribner's is a great and good magazine, and should be in every American h Home. Former Ambassador Cnoati re fuses to serve on the committee to investigate the life lusarauce com panies iu New York. He under stands that it i a case where di plomacy will no; serve as well as disinfectants. Good advice to women. If yon want a beautiful complexion, clear skin, bright eyes, red lips, good health, take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. There is nothing like it. 85 cents, Tea or Tablets. Ask yonr drnggist. ., iLas-hegiunins; to dawo. upon Boles Penrose that there is a df fect, m hi3 title at Si.utor Quay's successor as boss of PennFylvanja. FT TO THE We give you our absolute guarantee that each 10c plug of Red Meat is made of better tobacco and contains more good solid juicy cbewing quality than any other 10c plug of any weight offered of sold by any factory. Writ, nam and addrtaa plainly advertisement, we will mail him a . The Kind You nave Always in use for over 30. years, ana Has Deen made under his per- Z7"y sonal supervision since its infancy, fCCCA44j Allow no one to deceive von in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good ' are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Pare goric, Drops and Soothing: Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures) Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething- Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS SI Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. A TMC KMTMIH OOaHn, TV MURRAY STMCCT, NIW YORK OfTV. Try Girette'a Safety Razor, or sal bv the SicAllist r Hardware . on pany; tlicy ive twelve extra blades with each et. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICIII Exv?rgi a?' MIDieiiE DEHTISTRTPHaRMACT Modem Laboratories ia charge oi ipedalirti. Quii System. Superior Clinics. Bedside teaching in oar own Hospital. Carey's Stop A-Leyke, for sale by the McAllister hardware Company. They guarantee it to absolutely atop a leak in any roof. Money refunded if not as rep resented. Low Rate Tickets on Sale via the Southern Railway. Extremely low rates are announced by the Southern Railway from points on its lines for the following special occasions : PTuIadelpTiia Pa. Patriarchs Militant and Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. F., Sept. 16-23. 1905. Portland, Ore., San Francisco, Los An geles, San Diego, Cal. Lewis and Clark. Centenial Exposition and other Special Occasions on Pacific Coast, June i-Oct. 15. I95- Richmond, Va. Farmers' National Congress, Sept. J2-22, 1905. Rates for above occasions open to the public. Tickets will be sold to these points from all stations on the Southern Kail way. Detailed information can be had upon application to auy Ticket Agent of the Southern Railway, or Agents of connect ing lines, or by addressingj.the under signed: R. L. Vernon, T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C J. H. Wood, D. P. A.. Asheville, N. C. S. H. Hardwick, W. H. Tayloe. Pass. Traffic Mgr. Gen. Pass. Agt. WASHINGTON, D. C. Wood Notice. ' To avoid the bother of getting your fnel delivered and stored during the win ter months, you can ' save money and trouble by having your supply put in now. We can supply you with any quan tity, cut and Split as you may desire, and will be glad to furnish yon in cord lota in any shape you wish. Prompt attention given all orders. Stove Wood a special- ty. McNeill & McMillan. Phone 93 at present. 7-18-tf Special Rates to Hot Springs Ark. The Seaboard announces rate of one first-class fare plus $2.00 from all points in North Carolina to Hot Springs, Ark., Eureka Springs, Ark. and Eldorado. Springs, Mo. Tickets will be sold first and third Tuesday's in July, August and September, final limit ixty days from date of sale, but not to txtend beyond October 31st. For information apply to vour nearest Agent or address. C. H. GATTIS. T. P. A , . . - - 'v " Raleigh, N. C. For extracting single or double pointed tacks from matung or carpet, the Bi-ped Tack Puller, for sale at the McAllister Hardware Company, is unsurpassed. CONSUMER : hr! card which will entitle him to one 5c Bought, and which has beea has borne the signature of Signature of 1 I DON TCHER KNOW You Warehousemen, that, as the tobacco sea son is now on, you want to get your printed mat ter in ship-shape? If there is anything like Letter Heads, Note Heads, Envelopes, Buy era' or Farmers' Bills, Tags or Signs, or, in fact, anything in this line, don't forget us -when -placintpyour'or-" der. All kinds of Print ing done, at right prices ROBESOHIAN PRINTING HOUSE 'PHONE 90. THIS CITY. For Sale. One Thirty-Five Horse Power Return Tubular Boiler, one Sixty Saw Van Winkle Gin. with Feeder and Battery Con denser. Will be sold fCheap for Cash, or on time with good security. Apply to H, A. Townsend, RaynhanvN. C. aug 8 tf Old Furniture Uade New The beautiful spring mornings are here, the birds are singing, the lillies are blooming and God has blessed our town with good health. I am a Furniture Doc tor to -visit your home with the best pol ishes that are made. When you want your Furniture glazed nd have a rich appearance, call on me. I always take great pleasure in giving the Furniture its proper appearance. I have all colors. A. L. MERRICK, men 14. LumberioiL.Ni Ct. . The Celebrated Biped Tack. Puller sold by the McAllister Hardware Company, is without equal as to surety, durability and nvenience, Price only 25 cents. will supply you direct cut of Red Meat Tobacco FREE at Pot Giidi Stock is being sold these days and as we have only a few head on hand we have changed our ad", and are now pushing our line of Standard Makes and Latest Styles for all purposes, excellent Buggies, Farm Wag ons and Carts, which can be bought for a little cash .We have endeavored to secure suoh a line of these vehicles as are Popular in Brand, in Style and in Price. Our variety is large enough to furnish the most fastidious. Harness is one of our Specialties. We know what it is and how to buy it so that the price will sell it. See us. It's to your interest. Fuller Brothers. CAROLINA NORHTERN RAILROAD. Schedule in. effect Jan'y 8, 1904. SOUTH. No. 1. No. 3 Lve Lumberton 10.30 a m 7.05 a xa Pope 10.38 71.5 Kingsdale 10.43 735 Polopolis 10.49 7-4 Proctorville 10. 57 7. 50 Delia .11.09. 8.05 Barnesville 11. 14 8.1s Flowers ....... 11. 18 8.28 Marietta . .. 11.24 Holmesville n.30 8.5a Page's Mill ....11.36 9.11 Kemper .11.47 9.19 May 11.50 9.25 Squires 11.56 9.40 Fork 11.50, 9.50 Zion 12.07 P m 10.00 Rogers --12.13 10.10 Marios.. 12.30 10.40 VORTH. Ar. No. 4 No. a Lve Marion . . 5.00 p m 3.00 p ! Rogers 4.40 3.15 Zion 4.30 , 3.24 Fork 4-20 3.33 Squires 4.05 3.36 May 3.50 343 Kemper 3.40 3,45 Page's Mill 3.38 3.51 Holmesville 3.20 3.57 Marietta j-ia 43 - Flowers.... 3.08 4.09 Barnisville 3.00 4.18 . Delia 2.56 . 423 Proctorville 2.48 4.35 Polopolis 2.44 444 Kingsdale . 2.32 4.48 Pope .......... 2.20 4.52 Ar. Lumberton .... 2.00 5.00 Nos. 3 and 4, mixed, daily except Sua days. Nos. 1 and 2, Sunday only. T. C. McNEELY, Gen. Snpt. W. I. EDWARDS, Receiver. 5000 TELEGRAPHERS NEEDED Annually, to fill the new positions . cre ated by Railroad and Telegraph Compa nies. We want YOUNG MEN and LA DIES of good habits, to Learn Telegraphy And R. R. Accounting. We furnish 75 per cent, of the Opera tors and Station Agents in America. Our six schools are the largest exclusive Tel egraph Schools in the world. Estab lished 20 years and endorsed by all lead ing Railway Officials," We execute a $250 Bond to every stu dent to f nrnish him or her a position pay ing from $40 to 6o a month in, States east of the Rocky Mountains, or from I75 to $Ioo a month in States west of the Rockies, immediately upon graduation. Students can inter at any time. Np vacations. For full particulars regarding any ot our Schools write direct to our ex ecutive office at Cincinnati, O. Catalogue free. The Morse School oi Telegraphy, Cincinnati, Ohio, Buffalo, N. Y. Atlanta, Ga. LaCrosse, Wis. TexaVkana, Tex. San Francisco, Cal. 8-1 -4m For Sale. A well-built and comfortable house, containing seven rooms and pantry, sit uate at Alma, Robeson County, N. C, Stables and other necessary outhouses located on the property.&The property contains six or seven acres of cleared land, in vraaA state of cultivation, and about seven acres of woods land. This property is loca tedad jacentla Jiie S A, L. Ry. Co., and a short distance from the station at Alma. The same will be offer ed at a bargain for immediate sale. Ap ply4to . J.G. McCORMICK, 4ntif in tf T.nmhrnn "M . CV any store handling this brand.

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