l-t ' t V -fry THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. 3 Early i 8rs TBI FAMOUS UTTU PILLS. For quick relief from Biliousness, Sick Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaun dice, Dizziness, and all troubles aris ing from an Inactive or sluggish Uver, DeWltt's Uttfe Early risers are un equalled. They act promptly and never gripe. They are so dainty that it is a pleasure to take them. One to two act as a mild laxative; two or four act as a pleasant and effective cathartic. They are purely vegetable and absolutely harmless. They tonic the Uver. rilPAIID OWL.Y av E. C. DaWttt & Co., Chicago For Sale by Dr. H. T. Pope & Co. - TIE NORTH CtROLINi COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE And Mechanic Arts Offers practical industrial ed ucation in Agriculture, En gineering, Industrial Chemist ry, and the Textile Art. Tuition $30 a year. Board $8 a month. 120 Scholarships. Address President Winston, West Raleigh, N. C. ' je 16 In Glooslirj Golleoe In choosing a college consider CLIMATE, CHARACTER, COURSE OF STUDY, COST You will find each satisfactory at Tbe Southern Presbyterian College and Consenatory ol Music, Bed Springs, North Carolina. For catalogue address : Rev. C. G. VARDELL, D. D.. tu jy 5 tf Red Springs, N. C. I. L. MOORE, H. S. BLIZZARD, President. Seo. and Treas. H. O. PATE. "Xgeo. PALMETTO MARBLE COMPANY, XJILLOILC. Prices and Designs Furnished on Application. Phone No. 41. MADE, TO MEASURE GARMENTS FOR GENTLEMEN AT LOWEST PRICES The Largest Assortment of Samples JOHN D. MCALLISTER BERKSHIRE HOGS Quick growers. Easily going 300 lbs. at six months, and 500 at one year. The sows very prolific, and the best of moth ers. They are Dish-faced Mortgage Lift ers, or, as the Irish say, the "Gintlemen that pay the rint." Their breeding is of the bet t to be found in the world. JOHN CALHOUN CLIO S. C Land Sale. I OFFER FOR IMMEDIATE SALE, for cash or on easy terms, a tract of land in St. Paul's Township, Robeson County, known as the "McNair" land, belonging to the Univateity of North Carolina, con taining jceo acres, more or less. The tract is situated about four miles from tbe Atlantic Coast Line Railroa' and about three miles from St. Pauls, aau a good part of it is excellent farming land, while th; balance is timbered with lsne and short-leaf pine", oak, cypress, poplar and other native woods. For further information, as to location of the lands, call on W. B. Burns, Esq. St. Pauls, N. C, and for further informa tion as to price and terms, call on A. W McLean, Esq., Attorney at Law, Lum berton N.C. sect 15 Wood's Seeds. New Era Gow Peas are rightly named. They are the best of Gow Peas, whether for northern, western or southern planting. They are early to ma ture, upright in growth, enormous ly productive, both of vines and peas, and are altogether the most satisfactory and sure croppers grown. - .. We are headquarters for Cow Peas; had over-forty different v-eties in our exhibit at St1 t-ouls, on which we were awarded, the Grand Prix. Wood's Deacrlptlv CaUtofm gives the Anient Information about Cow Peas and all Oar dm and Farm 5eas. Write for Jtand apecial price list of farm Seed. T.W.Wood & Sons, Seedsmen. vtieNIQM VIRIIIIA. If you want the sweetest ami best Watar jhmom ana caataioapoa grown, plant . , W d'ag thcraia-was j. Our , Ducriptlv . Catabfaa Mllf all . about, the beat klnda to plant. It's mailed fx for ths asking. 1 THE PAPER. When pa picks up the paper He reads the war news through; He looks np things in politics And skims the trade review. But ma has different methods She reads the weather gness; She lingers o'er tbe marriages And articles on dress. When pa picks up the paper, He reads it bit by bit. And when at last h; puts it down He's eall through with it. But ma has different methods She'll read some here and there And drop the paper. After awhile She starts again somewhere. When pa picks up the paper He reads of baseball folks, Ma goes through the births and deaths, And puzzles o cr tne jokes She reads the editorials And tries to grasp them, too Of course she reads the social page, As all good women do. The paper keeps pa posted On subjects of the clay; The paper keeps ma posted, too, In her erratic way. The sheet must be progressive To satisfy my dad, But ma is quite contented if She finds a bargain ad. Cleveland Leader Chamberlain's Cough Nature. Remedy Aids Medicines that aid nature are al ways most effectual. Chamberlains Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, relieves the lungs, aids expectoration, opens the secre tions, and aids natnre in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Sold by Dr. H. T. Pope & Co. and Dr. R, G. Rozier. High Tide of Prosperity. Ibe yaar 1905 stands out as a record-breaker "a year of super latives in the.. .business world," as Duu puts it. Prices of the sixty most active railway securities have reached tbe highest point on rec ord; the output of pig iron in the first half of 1905 not only far sur passed any preceding six month's production, bat exceeded every fall year prior to 1898; prices ot hides are at the highest position since the civil war ; wool qn ta tious nave not beeu as strong since tho aarltr 'Sllj ah nnnanfi rf Fnnt. r nan 1 f in m Rnofnn Bra r. 1 f n t hn ""r..r maximum, and iocludrhg all shoe centers, the movement this year is hounnt) nranoHnnt F.iroirrn r.m. fa n.nria tn T n I tt otipnoaoarl tho aap. respouamg mouiu iu auy previous year. Ex. All Skin and Blood Diseases Cured. Mrs. M. L. Adams, Fredonia, Ala., took Botanio Blood Balsa whioh ef- factually cured an eating cancer on the nose and. face, The sores healed up perfectly. Many doctors had 'given ud her case as hoDleess. Hundreds of oases of oanoer, eating sores, sup- Derating swellings, etc, have been oured by Blood Balm. Amonsr others, - - i Mrs, B M. Gnerney, Warrior Stand, Ala.. Her nose andlin were raw as beef, with offensive disoharge from the eating sore. Dootor advised out- ting, bnt it failed. Blood Balm healed the sores, and Mrs, Guerney is as well as ever. Botaaio Blood Balm also cures eczema, itching humors, scabs and scales, bone pains, ulcers, onensive pimpies, tuooa poison, oar- T i , , hnnnlxu flpTnfn 1 a rlclna a n H hnmnal -.v-, ..a.UBu auv. uuua i on the skin and all blood troubles, Druggsste, $1 per large bottle. Sam ple of Botanie Blood Balm free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta. Ga. DencrihA tmnhlA and special medioal advice sent In sealed letter. It is certainly worth while investigating such a remarkable rem edy, as Blood Balm oures the most awful, worst and' most deep-seated blood diseases A Strange Story A very remarkable story is a a . anoat in the oounty concerning the murder of J, L. Patterson, at Fort Mill. It is rumored that Mrs. Ed. Deaton, of Chester, is husband, who is serving a loot; term in the penitentiary for hav ing killed Patterson. The grounds for which she will crave a pardon are that ahe herself kilbd the man. She claims that she bad wronged her bnbaud aod that Patterson was to blame. She says she killed him in desperation. The woman is supposed to be work ing in a mill' and her husband went to prison rather than have tbe crime fixed on her. The story if true, ieds like " a novel. The woman is trying to support a large family on, her t earnings, from the mill. Rnck Hill, S. 0. Dispatch. The jbzar objected to paying an indemnity at vehemently as Oil- tro kioka against paying toa dsbt, Pointed Paragraphs. Uucbained bulldoe idiy fast aai Jo.). Aliiy an aprvgbt piau.) is & downright. u audiiCi?. Woais.i are jent like girls only a httle more s , An awkward boy is a chip tho old stumbfiiig blo';k. "Wh?n the swall jWj homeward flv" the bartecder is busy. Diamonds are trumps darirg courtship and clubs after mar riage. A crauok is a man wao will not permit hi neighbors to turu him. Too many sermons are aimed at the pockatbooks of tho coogrga tion. P. y tnay be akin to love, but kinshipdoes not always iudicate friendship. A man mey imagine that his head i going round when in real ity it's only tne wheel?. When you spe a woman draggmg n a K 1 11 flrttarrt r ha of runr n rtn a a uuiiu u v u nun obincu out? ia icau i n ft art nnha nnp 1 1 f a Au old bachelor says it t as dangerous to send kisses by mail as it is to deliver them iu person. t t r j-s . e " r uiu 10 nave ine patience 01 joo a the boils happen to be ou hie After a woman discovers tfcatl her nose gets rd every tim9 she sries she doesnlt trv it on her hns- band so often. A homely girl gets a lot of at tention from all the girls of her acq-aaiutance if she happens to . have a good-luokiug brother. THREE JURORS CURED. Of Cholera Moibus with One Small Bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. nr. n tit 1 .1 t t : i. . ' Ala., relates an experience he had I , . . wniie serving on a petit jury in a murder case at Edwardsville. county seat of Olebonrne county, Alabama. Says: V hlle there I ate 8ome I It, ffAVA ma nhmAra. mnrhnn in a vitrv 8evere form j wa never more siRk in my life and Sent to the drug store fnr n, onrt.nin rhnloTa mittnro hnfc tho i uiuiBb dcuu iuc a uull.au ui, uuauiurji Iain's Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kennedy instead, saying that he had what I sent for, but that this medi ne was s0 much better he would rather send it to me in the fix I was in- I took one dose of it and was better in five minutes. The second dose cured me entirely. Two fellow jurors were afliioted in the same manner and one small bottlo cured the three of us. ' For sale by Dr. H T. Pope & Co. and Dr. R. G. Rozier Speaker Caunou it ready to snous uon possumuH to any l ' t 4 a propositions that mav be made by the tariff revision eniovs. Rheumatism, gout, w-feache, acid uvidvui -ate irouj jy' cy bxuuuic ' - J TT,, . . ! r, , Tea goes directly to the t-.r t i t-. iSease and ;5 cents. cure wnen all fi x.- u 1 Ask yonr nrn gist Thcwisecds Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. How'To Find Out. RH a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling indicates an unhealthy, condi tion of the kid neys; if it stains your linen It is evidence of kid ney trouble ; too frequent desire to pass It cr pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. There is comfort In the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curine rheumatism, nain in th back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing It, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of beine comnelled to va often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra-' ordinary effect of 'Swamp-Root is soon realized, lt stands the hlrhest for its won- oonui cures 01 me most distressing cases. If you need a medicine vou should have the J .-1 M X-t . . . . best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes. tou may nave a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery and a book that tells more about It, both sent absolutely free by mail. Address ut. numer at . . at Co., Binghamton, N.Y. When writing men- Don reading this generous offer in this paper. iwn t mane any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Rpot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, FJinghamton, N.Y., on every bottle, o ; : ; , How's This? . We effer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Core. F. J CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F.J. Cheney for the last 15 years. off jnd believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and finan cially able to carry out any obliga tions made by his Arm. WALDING RINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Drogg sts, Toledo, O, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter. nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonial sent free. Price 75o, per bottle. Sold by all Druggists Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Perry Makes for North Pole. iSow lork.bept. C A telegram received from Brjoklyn this moruiug states that Commauder Perry wires he left Etah, Green land, August 10;h, for the far Lorth, wtth twenty-three Eskimos and two hundred dogs.and reports all well. 1 y j TT T . 1 jxcuicuy wiiuuut a reer. I Liver Tablets more beneficial than any other remedy I ever used for stomach trnble," says J. P. Klote, of Edina, mo' rr ny aisoraer ol thestomacn, biii0nsne8s or COnstipa.ion, these tab lets are without a peer. For sale by Dr. H. T. Pope & Co. and Dr. R G. Rozier, It is now proposed to place the sugar trust in hot water. On, tudSe 1 Did you see those Eight-Day Clocks for obc. at w. o. Thompson's? GUARAN TEED BY A OflABAXK DEPOSIT VjJvJaVfVrVr Railroad Fare Paid. 500 ' VUVr. Cmiroi Clf'.r.. UL&!1IUWU&RSRS! B:rdtCcl. Write Culc OEOftGU-AWUHU BUSJNESStOLLEGE.Macon.Ca . SEABOARD Air Line Railwav Effective April 16th, 1905. DIRECT LINE TO PRINCIPAL CITIES NORTH, WEST AND SOUTH. BETWEEN WILMINGTON NEW YORK. AND NORTHWARD. No. 45. Lv Wilmington Lv Lumberton 7 00 a m 11 05 a m Ar Hamlet No. 32. Lv Wilmington 3 oo p m 5 26 p m 7 J5 P m 10 10 pm 11 20 p m 1 25 a m 3 31 am 9 00 a m -6 23 a m 9 50 a m 11 30 a m 1 45 pm 4 :5 pm Lv Lumberton Ar Hamlet, Lv Hamlet Lv Southern Pines Lv Raleigh Lv Norlina Ar PorU mouth Lv Richmond Lv Washington Lv Baltimore Lv Philadelphia 3d el pi York Ar New SOUTHWARD No. 67 Lv New. York Lv Philadelphia Lv. Baltimore 12 50 pm 2 55 P m 5i7pm 7 25 P ni 11 00 p m 9 30 p m 1 57 a m 4 15 a m 6 20 a m Lv Washington Lv Richmond Lv Portsmouth Lv Norlina Lv Baleigh Lv Southern Pines Lv Hamlet Lv Lumberton Ar Wilmington 8 40 a m 10 15 a m 12 45 p m No. 44.. Lv Hamlet J 4 40 p m Lv Lumberton 6 10 p m Ar Wilmington 8 40 p m ATLANTA BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND SOUTHBOUND. Lv Wilmington S 00pm Lv Lumberton - 5 26 p m L.Hmlat - . OJSjUtt Lv Athena - e OS a m Ar Atlanta 8 40a m KOBTHBOCND. No. 88. Lv Atlanta - 00 p m Lv Athens 11 28 pm Lv Hamlet 9 1 40 a m Lv Lumberton 10 15 a m Ar Wilmington 13.45 p m BETWEEN WILMINUTON AND TAMPA. SOUTHBOUND. Lv Wilmington 8 00 p m Lv Lumberton S 2fl p Q Lv Hamlet 10 lop m Ar Columbia 12 16 p m Ar Savannah 4 40 a m Ar Jacksonville 8 64 a m Ar Tampa 8 8& p m NORTHBOUND. . ' NoM - Lv Tampa - t 60 a m Zv Jacksowrllle 7 60 p m V Savannah 13 10 a ra Lv Columbia '6 80am Lv Hamlet . 8 40am Lv Lumberton 10 11 am Ar Wilmington 1 6 p m Through Pullman Sleepers en all trains. For general Information. Umetablea land pamp aAXTia-T,1a4lelcirlf.--C 7. Littleton Female Golleoe, Splendid location. Health resort. Over 200 boarding pupils lart year. High grade of work. " High standard of culture and social life. Conservatory advantage in Music. Advanced eourses in Art and Elocution. Hot water heat. Electric lights and other modern improvements Remarkable health record; only one death among pupils in J3 years. Clo'e per sonal attention to the health aal social development of every pupil. High stand ard of scholarship. All pupils dress alike on all occasion. 'Charges very low. 24th Annual Session will begin Sept. 13th, 1905. For catalogue address REV. J. M. RHODES, A. M., President, Littleton, N. C. PUPILS FROM NEW YORK It TEXAS AT THE Fishbnrne Military School, Waynesboro, Virginia. Able instructors, best training, pleasant hbme and social life, good fare. Prepaiea for College, University and Government Schools. Pure air. sparkling springs, fine cawpus for athletic. Electric lights, tam heat. Teraisf Write for catalogue. stieeened Twenty First-Class Mules, Which are well broken, gentle and sound, which we can guarantee. We have reduced the prices twenty-five per cent, on account of the low price of cotton. Now Is The W. B. BRIOB & SON, . ASHPOLE, N. O. Do You Pontemplate Building? If so it will V e to your interest to see me before buying your n atenal. I am now prepared to fur nish weather boarding. QermanSiainff Sash, Doors. In fact, anything needed for a plain building except brick and metal roofing. I guarantee the price of all material to be satisfactory and will be pleased to quote you on application. Very Truly, Oct. 4 tt A POLICY IN THE STATE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY AS GOOD AS A NATIONAL BANK NOTE. A National Bank Note. A National Bank Note may be good because it has a solvent institution be hind it, but it circulates in gvery part of the country without question not on that account, but because it is secured by a deposit with the Govern ment. In the same manner, every policy in the State Life Insurance Com pany is secured by a deposit of its entire cash value with the State of Indiana. The Difference To A Policy Holder The difference between a policy holder in a Company depositing a legal re serve with the Sute and one that does not, is practically the difference be tween a man holding a bank note and one that is merely a depositor in a bank. As long as the bank is solvent his deposit is good, but whether the bank is rolvent or not, his note is good by reason of the bank's deposit with tbe Government. The notes of National Banks that have failed, at a great loss to depositors, still circulate as currency, redeemable by the Government. The Law of Indiana. The law of Indiana prescribes the kind of securities companies shall iavesfc in. It provides that they shall be deposited with the State to the amount of the net cash value of all policies in force. Under such a law governing the the investment of funds and tbeir custody, solvency is absolutely guarau teed. The funds of the company cannot be squandered in extravagant ex penses, or invested in doubtful securities. No other State East of the Mis sissippi so fully safeguards the interests of policy holders. The securities deposited with the State to secure the policy holders of the State Life Insu rance Company are absolutely perfect. No industrial stocks or mortgages are permitted by law as property of this compan v. There is no chance for jobberv or fraud iu handling this Company's funds. The inanagers sre not permitted to build houses, promote enterprises, or to buy Rail Road stocks . or mortgages with the funds of the State Life Insurance Company. JOHN McDUPPIE, Fayetteville, NC, General Agent for N. C. E. E. PAGE, Lumberton. N C, Superintendent of Agents. Excursion Rates to the Pacific Coast The Seaboard announces on ac count of Lewis and Clark Centen nial Exposition and other occa sions to be held on the Pacifio CJoast season 1905 they will sell round trip tickets from principal poinis at ionowing rates to rort- land, Oregon, and return, going via any regular direct route and returning via that or any other regular direct route, $71.50; going via oan Francisco and Los An geles $82 60. These tickets will be sold practically every dav until September duth and bear final re turn limit of ninety days from date of sale, and will permit of stop.overat and west of Colorado, common points, Cheyenne, Trini dad, Fort Worth, San Antonio and west of St. Panl and Chicago. For further information as to schedules and ratea to the Lewis acd Clark Exposition, apply to agents, or, C. ix. Gattis. T. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. Cole' "Many Use" Oil. the best for Sewing Machiaes, Typewriters and etc.. joc. at ilcAlliater Hdwe, Co's, Time To Buy J. T. BRYANT. TRINITY C0LLEC7. Four Departments Colltfe, Graduate, Engineering and Law. ' Large library facilities. Well eq"'Ppgq..lahuratnriPH in all da. partments of science. Gymnasium furnished with best apparatus. Expenses very moderate. Aid for worthy students. Young Men wishing to Stndy iaw snouia investigate the su perior advantages offered by the Department of Law in Trinity College. : : : : For catalogue and further infor mation, address, D. W. NBWSOM " Registrar, DURHAM, N. Q. jnly 4 ' Ladies will do well to inspect our line of Oxfords and Patent Leather Shoe. W O. Thonuon. ; Best on Earth, the Celebrated Bi-Ded " Tack Poller atMcADister Hardware Company. Price 95 cents. w ' ' I -1 " . 1 IS x t4 V t i f 1 h