6 THE SEMI-WEEKLy ROBESONIAN. War and Peace. Great is the rejoicing through out the whole civilized world over the close of the war in the East. It is an event in the history of the world which will not soon be ' for gotten. Well it may be remember ed. The lives of untold thousands are saved, and they may live to bless the earth, instead of dying, curse it. (Manufacture, agricul ture, trade, long interrupted, are to be resumed. Swords are to be turned into ploughshares and spears into pruning hooks. Indus tries wbicn make for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, take the p ace of contrivance and struggle to shed men's blood. And these, the good results of peace, are to be felt not on'y in Japan and Russia, but through out all. nations. Men's eyes will be turned from scenesof carnage - . t mi to those of j)eacetnl and uselirl occupations ; the topic of all man kind will no longer be "The War;" and the spirit of those who glory in killing their fellowmen and are g'orified for it will not dominate the ideals and aspira tions of the young manhood of the world. But consider: There is more rejoicing over one sinner that re pents than over the ninety and nine that went not astray. "War is Hell." So said Gen. Sherman, and Gen. Sherman knew. Even when humane soldiers wage it, it is so. -And this war now closed was perhaps the bloodiest of all the bloody wars of history. Over 100,000 men lay bleeding and dy ing on the field when the sun went down on Mukden one day, almost the exact number that were en gaged on both sides in that tarri ble "holocaust' the Battle of Get tysburg, in which on both sides 43,000 men were reported ''killed, wounded and missing. " And there was Liaoyang with its 40-, 000 victims, and Port Arthur with its 6O,O00 ; and there was Shakhe River with its 48,000; and many others, as deadly to a lesser num ber, Tha world has never seen the like before, or anything ap proaching it ; may it never see the like again ! And for every bleed ing man on the battlefield, how many bleeding women's hearts at home! How many blighted chil dren's lives, not for today but up ward through the years! Verily "War is Hell " and we do not half appreciate the blessings 0fMiKinley peace, or the glory of being o. the ninety and nine that went not astray. There was no excuse for this war It was initiated in Jungs' palaces. The Japanese, perhaps the best ' disciplined people and the most patriotio since that "el der day" when "to be a Roman was greater than a king," have been fighting, nominally to resist Russian aggression, but largely for the glorification of the Empire of Japan. .The Russians have been driven to fight, by fear of their master, the Great White Czar, and they. fought poorly only because they feared the fierce Jap fifty yards in front of them more than that Czar.every whit as fierce uut v,vw i-ij ilea avoy If any one man is more tu blame for this cruel war, than any other, it is Nicholas II. Robespierre, "the seagreen," monster ,of mon sters, whese very mention causes men throughout the world a hun dred years after to curse and exe crate his memory, caused to be guillotined during the Reign of Terror over which he presided, 1,285 persons. Compare that with the 160,000 on Mukden field that ' day. Yet the Little Father is a sweet tempered and kindly souled L. a. r. nm ii gentleman Charlotte Observer. Cared of Lame, Back After 15 Years of Suffering. "I bad been troubled with lame back, for fifteen yeara and I- found a complete recovery in the use. of Cham Fiaber, lad. . This liniment is also without an equal for sprains and bruises. It is for sale; by Dr. H. T. Pope & Co. and Dr. R. G. Rosier. Remember the place to buyJTobacco 11 W. O. Thompton s. Victims of Cholera. Berlin, Sept. 7. An official bulletin just iBsaed says 13 new ca ses of cholera aud to deaths were raported duriDg the 24 hoars end ing at noon yesterday, making the total 90 cases and 25 death. The infected area was sensibly wideued yesterday. Tbo river Oder has become tainted. Three cases have been roported from the ad ministrative district of Fraukfort-on-the Oder, in three small pla ce along the stream, among riv ermeu. Thirty boatmen have bnen quarantined at Kustriu, a railway town near the union of the Oder and the Wortne. Siiarp sanitary precautious hava been taken throughout the district. A case of cholera, the third up' tc -date, 'was foaud today in the heart of the business and hotel districts here. The new case is that of a Polish woman, the wife of a coachman living in a thickly populated alley. She was taken to the isolation hospital. The house in which the woman was fonnd and several adjacent, houses have been quarantined with all their occupants. The authorities trace the latest case of cholera to the same course as the other two. When the Rne sian emigrants came to Hamburg they were permittsd to enter the town, where they visited a dance hall. Here the women evidently came into contact with them.- Ex. , . ,McKinIey's Favorite Hymn. Eliza and Sarah Flower were gifted English sisters whose earthly lives began and ended between the opening and the cloBe of the first half of the last century; and yet in that brief period both left their impress on their generation ; and the younger, Sarah, achieved un dying fame by composing the beau tiful hymn, "Nearer, My God, to Thee." It waB suggested by the story of Jacob's vision at Bethel, as found in Genesis xxviii: 16-22. The hymn was first published in 1S41, and although it met with some favor, it was not until 1860 that Dr. Lowell Mason's beautiful and sympathetic music "quick ened it into glorious life" and gave it a permanent abiding place in the hearts of the people. This hymn gained immense ad -ditional popularity through the tragic death of President William His last intelligible words were: "Nearer, My God, to Thee, e'en though it be a cross, has been my consrant prayer." His prayer was answered. It was a cross one of the greatest that could come to him and to the be loved nation which he had served so faithfully that led him tbrougi a martyr's suffering and death . j claim a martyr's reward. Mem -rial services were held in innumer able churches in our own and other countries, the most interesting of : the latter being in Westminister abbey, by order of the King. Here, a elsewhere, the greatest interest centered about the singing of the rymn which was id the heart and on the lipaof our heroic President as he weut to meet his God. Th Daliniator for September. To Build New Navy. St. Petersburg, Sept. '7. Taere i9 a report that the sum of 500, 000,000 roubles has been set aside for the construction of a navy. The municipality lias decided to offer Witte the freedom of the city od his return as a mark of honor foi the successful negotia tions of the peace treaty. The Czar has approved the plan.' Arrange ments have been made to celebrate the singing of the treaty by hold ing a great religious service this morning at Peterhof. The Czar with his entire imperial family will attend. Residents of Zion City are pre testing against old Dr. Dowie'i order that each family matt bring a baby to the .baptism each year. Batter not anger .the old man, or be may change tiis mind and order tlcj-.:i'., ; Mr. Younghusband and His Baby. One of the funniest things in the world" is to see a young married man holding a very young baby his baby when he doesn't know how. Jiist watch one in a sireet car some dBy. In the first place, he never gets squared inio the seat properly, for he has an idea that if he sits comfortably himself it won't be right for the baby. Then he holds his arms as if they were a pair of pokers. One usually gets under the'toaby's neck somewhere so the head falls back and the mouth flies open. And the other? Well, that sort of grabs on to the dress somewhere about the waist line. This gives the infant's legs a chance to go off on a couple of excursions in opposite direc tions, but what difference does that make? A young baby that isn't troubled with indigestion can sleep anywhere even on it's fath er's lap. In fact, almost nothing can wake it up not even the ter rified, helpless expression on the face of its youthful ancestor. Detroit Free Press. Tbe Secret of Succeif. Forty million bottles of August Flower sold in tbe ITnited States alone since its introduction! And the demand for it is still growing. Isn't that a fine showing of success?1 Don't it prove that August Flower has had unfailing success in the cure of indigestion and dyspepsia the two greatest enemies 01 neaJtn and Hap piness? Does it not afford the best evi dence that August Flower is a sure spe cific for all stomache and intestinal dis orders? that it has proved itself the best of all liver regulators? August Flower has a matchless record of oyer thirty-five years in curing the ailing millions of these distressing complaints a success that is becoming wider iu its scope every day, at home and abroad, as the fame of August Flower spreads. Trial bottles, 25c; reg- nlar size, 75c. For sale by Dr. J. D. Mc Millan. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Arrow wood, of the Rems Creek section of Buncombe county, were in Asheville last week for the pur pose of having their children's pictures taken. Mr. and Mrs Ar rowwood are tbe proud possessors of five hopefuls) and they claim the distinction of being tbe only couple in that section of the State having triplets and twins. The family attracted no little atten tion and interest in the city. The triplets are a little more than three years old ; all three exactly the same size weight and height and dressed similarly. They are sturdy youngsters with bright and intelligent faces. They manifested a keen interest in all which they saw and heard. The little ones the twins are also strong and healthy and bid fair in the days to come to add credit and strength to the "State of Buncombe." It is Baid that one of the photos bear ing the smiling faces of the trip lets and twins is to be sent to President Roosevelt to demon strate to the chief executive that there is no such thins as "race suicidtf" in this neck o' woods. X. Worse Since Fever Started. Vicksburg, Miss., September 5. With six new cases of yellow fnver to 6 p. m., today's record was tbe worst since the disease made its appearance here. Of the new cases five are white, one of them a prominent lawyer. They are widely scattered, almost every seccion of the city apparently be ing infected. So far there have been no deaths and no one is seri ously ill. Reports from Tallulah, Madison parish, Louisiana, eighteen wiles west cf this city, report a serious state of affairs, where eighteen or twenty cases of yellow fever have appeared within the past few days. A. T. Lane, secretary of the fifth Louisiana district levee board died today and several oth ers are critically ill. A week ago Dr. Kress gave the town a clean bill of health, but the fever re appeared last Saturday. There is a suspicion that the Czar has used the American Sen ate as a model for bis popular as sembly. Tbe announcement that Venez uela is buyiufi gaus is little less exciting than would be the at -Douooement that the is paying fot them. ; II THIS SPACE FOR OF, A Large Line OF New Dress Goods Just Received and arriving daily. A LOT OF Puritan Corsets, The best and mostji satisfactory on earth, just opened up. . Immense Line of Ladies' Fabrics ,AND Gent's Clothing Opened up for the in spection of customers. An elaborate display 01 LACES AND EIJBR'O'IDERIES, a W. i PREVATT. VV. J. PREVATT. Chang "Sou cannot cut yourself, and you can secure ssfacltoysutsAbsolutely Guaranteed by the makers, and m:. , FOR SALE BY McAllister Hardware 60. j Lumberton, N. C. -l sUSIf Lzriv tsT- (incorporated ) the most helpful schools in America. King's means Thorough in everything per taining to Business Education. Railroad fare paid. Positions guaranteed, backed by a written contract. NO VACATION. INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION. ENTER ANY TIME. Write for our College Journal and offers they will point you to the road tha leads to success. ssadDres3 King's Business College, Raleigh, N. C, or Charlotte, N. C. THE CROWELL SANATORIUM For The Treatment of Whiskey, Morphine and Nervous Diseases. Modern Buildings. Baths, Electricity, Etc. Special apartments an! nw a for female patients. For full information write Dr. GREEN L. REA, s. M. CROWELL, M. D., Supt, Assistant Resident Physician. No. 8 W. 3rd St., Charlotte, N. C. Parker -Gardner 60. You can searchthe land and you won't find better bar gains or more attractive goods than we offer. We guar antee to save you money. PIANOS AND ORGANS. At this store you can buy the very best made on earth. Instru ment8 of Artistic Character and World-Wide reputations. Our Pianos and Organs are the kind that you find in tbe artistic musical ho: nes all over thi world. No sensational methods. No false claims. No promises unfilled These are our methods. In our Furniture and Music departments we show more than double the stock of any other dealer in tbe State. Write us for catalogues. PARKER - GARDNER CO., LARGEST DEALERS IN THE TheKEELEY INSTITUTE, GREENSBORO, N, O rn r r 111 e OUR ILLUSTRATED HAtll) BOOK rvn 111 IRj 1 Jflttont Stropping Is the main feature of i.i Gillette Safety Twelve double-edged flexible blades are included with each outfit each blade will give ten to thirty shaves without atten tion. When one blade is dull lay it aside and insert a sharp one. CAPITAL STOCK $30,000.00 tir 4tA v-i Buafneas Education. Our Collet are STATE. CHARLOTTE, N. C. 1? it IU lazor. &1 " UTZTHISIOUT TODAY-MAIL IT TO BOX 166, GREENSBORO, N. C. " . v f Ple&ae send mejyouitninstrated Hand Book No. i6.' Name..: . Address :