. ;,',i"?.;-!'';'-'-VJ J- .''Y v ' ' ' ' ! I- ' " 1 ' ' '-i; 4 ''M'iv'i'.- l',"',v- THE )3EAtfc V7JSKLrK0BES0tf IAN, 8 .1. 1 "'ii J- it ' . r I. 5- i . ?. 7 ' r. V ROWLAND DEPARTMENT, KOWLAND, N. 0. Gbo. K. McNeill, ' Etiiton. Keill Smith, Summer ib fast rauiog. Like tome incnra')le, however, it cliogi to life with a tenacity that qlIj the doomed are capable of. It oiyers at the thought of ihe cold hand of death, and shuts its ejei and dreams ot a 'happy past.wheu an opulent reign redounded with praiee? of its lorv. Bat the si lenci of the tomb is ahead. The crip breeze of Aatamu will sway the yellow grass bove its grave and drop a hundred fluttering leaves about its headstone. The cry ot migrant birds will ring from the blue above it, as they wing their blithesome way to the winter resorts where oraDges glow in the kiss of a eun that is always warm and pulsing with life. These are incomparable days wo are entering upon. The happy joy of a golen melancholy suffuses the world, softly, Bweetly and ca ressingly. The languor of the loafer, even, feels us touch and is stirred from ita ma tivity. Rus tic seats will soon be desertbd and the lace parasol of the summer girl will seek the nunnery of Win ter s seclusion to dream of past corquests and to plan for future ones, while the girl herself may anticipate its designs and plight a troth under the mistletoe instead. All we can say is "Success to them and theirs for a life of use fulness and joy!" The world is full of plots and counterplots, and Love, the arbiter, may his shad ow never grow less I The bustle and bustle of busi ness is in evidence throughout the land. Particularly is th9 cotton platform a scene of active life. The result of the year's work is rapidly passing in a panorama be fore the merchant and farmer. Balancing of accounts is in order and the residue, if any, will be shortly manifest. The crops are short, but there is still hope, and visions of a Thanksgiving turkey and a ChristmaB dinner are clam oring for admittance into the busiest- minds. Taking all this into consideration, who would not fain be a son of the South and a child of the cotton fields? Now comes au accouut ot a pitched battle between a body of Roman Catholics and a detach ment 'of scouts from the Salva tion Army in Canada, This seen.? to be a casa of fighting for one's convictions. If the Canadian au thorities are not derelict in their -duty there should alBo be a case of conviction for one's figting. This is an age of religious toleration and there is no palliation for such an attack. The arm of the law should exercise a flabby biceps s little in such emergencies as th:. The Japs afe more aggreeBive than we ever dreamed. They have raised a general disturbance that amouuts to a riot just beoause they were not allowed to have an other round with the Russian Bear. It is always true that one who hunts for trouble will find it soourtr or later. The world is wide and Time is a lengthy individual, So, if tne Japs will only get and and bustle aud do some waitirg. there is chauce for them to get entertained yet. The house of Mr. Duncan Mr. Girt, of the Branchville section, was entered by a thief lasfweek and $16 taken therefrom. The robber had not been apprehended according to the last account. Mr. John H. Carmicbael, of Dillon, spent Wednesday in town. Mr. Frank Carrie, of RpH Springs, was here two days last wees. Editor C. D. Smith spent Sat urday and Sunday at Clio, S. C. " MiSSeS Bessie MnHnrmnn nr.A Enth Smith spend Monday night IB L1I1C1 Miss H .'lie Lytch left Fridav morning to visit relatives and ineuas neir L.aarnburg. Miss Selma MeCallum returned noma Friday from Red Springs. Misses Irene aud Florence Mc Qaeen spent Friday in Dillon hopping. Miss Flora Neal McMillan, of Liumcerton, visited friends in town last week. Mr. V. G. Pleasants spent last Thursday in Dillon. Mr. Ira Lsnnon of White i.le, imed pis sou last week;. Mr. R. S. Bond spent last Thursday in Dillon. t Mrs. Gratam McKinnon and little daughter, Allie Byrd visited friends at Maiton last week. 'You can fool some of the people all the lime, and ail , the people some of the ; time, but you can't fool all : : the people, all the time. " The people who can't be fooled buy the Artistic Stieii Piano. We invite comparison with any renowned make, and if any Piano can be shown to be superior in anv point, to the Stieff, we will pay $1,000.00 in cash to the person who makes the dis covery. STIEFF, Manufacturer of the Piano with the Sweet Tone. Southern Wareroom 5 West Trade St., Charlotte, N. C. C. H. WILMOTH, Mgr. Notice to Plumbers. An r plumbing installed in the town of Lnmberton by other . than licensed plumbers, will not be connected with the water and aweiage ivstemi. Partie expecting to install water work! in their houses wonld do well to remember this. I. B. TOWNSEND. Mayor. A. P. MCALLISTER, T. C. and T You can get a Watch tor 98c, guarau eed for one year, at W. O. Thompson's. You can get a nice Bpwt and Pitcher for 75c at W. O. Th mpson'a. C. H. LENNON, D.D.S., DENTIST, -Rowland, N. 0. T. ' J.FREESL AND, Jeweler and Optician, Rowland, N. O. WOOD MILL FOR SALE. APPLY AT Robesocian Office. 8-25-tf Look Out For William Brick ! Master's Sale Under Dscrees ol Foreclosure. IN THE CIRCUIT COCRT OF THE UNITED 8TATK8 FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA AND IN THE CIRCCIT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Master's Sale Under Decrees of Foreclosure In the Matter vf Carolina Northeru Railroad Company. Atlantic Seaboard Company and Guarantee Trurit and Safe Deposit Coinjauy, Complainants, vc. In Equity. Carolina Northern Railroad Company. Defendant. By virtue of a Decretal Order nade by the United States Circuit Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina, on the 18th day of August, A. V. 1V05, and of an ancillary Order made by the Catted states Circuit Court for the District of Houta Carolina on the Xvth day ef August, A . D. lWOo, In the case of Atlantic Seaboard Company and Guarantee Trust & Sate Deposit Company vs. Carolina Northern Kail road Company, I shall offer for sale, for cash, ac public auction to the highest bidder, on Tuesday the seventeenth (17tn) day of October, 1WJ6, at one o'clock, p. m., before the Court House for theCounty of Robeson in the city of Lumber ton iu the said Couaty of Robeson, in the State of Nortn.Carolina, the following prop erty of the said Carolina Northern Railioad Company.Srhlch will be sold asau entirety and not in separate parcels, to wit : All ana singular the railroad, of the said Carolina Nortnern Railroad Company as the same has been constructed and bow exists from Lumberton, North Carolina, to Marion. South. Carolina, Including all the roadbed, su- ferstructure, rights of way, side tracks, sid ngs lands real estate, terminals, rails, tracks, bridges, viaducts, buildings, depots, station houses car houses, engine houses, shoos. warehouses, turn tables, water stations.fences, structures, fixtures and appurtenances belong ing to the salu railroad, and all the corporate rights, prt . ileges and franchises appertaining to the saiu railroad; together witu a. 1 and sin gular the tenements, hereditaments and ap purtenai.cc to the said premises belonging, or in an.'-'.rise appertaining, and the retersiou and reveiaions remainder and remainders. and all fie estate, light, title, interest, prop erty, possessions, claim and demand whatso ever, at 1 uv or 1a equity, of the said lailroad, of. in anu to the same. At said sale no bid will be received lor a less sum than Two Hundred Thousand Dollars (A),0(xi). nor will any bid at sucn sale be re utied Irom any person who shall not 11 rat de posit with tae undersigned as a pledge to make guod his bid iu case ot us acceptance, the sum of Ten Tnousaud Dollars in money or by cei ti lled cneck on some responsible bank; the de posit so received from any unsuccessful bidder to be returned to h'u when tne property is struck down, and the depos.t so received from the success! ul bidder to bo applied on account of the purchase price. Furtner payment of the purchase price bid shall be made after the continuation of sale as the Court may froj. time to ti cue direct, bald property abote de scribed will be told suojeci however, to such liens, if &uy, which u uy hereafter be adjudged to exist in lavor of certain receivers crtnlcates and other claims recited In the said Decrees of bale. ' ine purchaser or purchaser! of the said property at the said sale shall, as part of tne consideration of the purchase i.rlce of said property, and in addition to tne amount bid at said sale take the haid property upon tne express condition that at or ifiey or their assigns will pay, satisfy and dlseoarge the liens, if any, which may be decreed to exist thereon in favor of t esald receivers tv rtl Qcates and claims.su b ject to which the sldproperiy hasbeenordered to be sold, and also any unpaid compensation allowed to the receivers, and all valid claims made and established against the said receiv ers, and all valid obligations contracted and Incurred by the raeeners or which may be contracted or incurred by the receivers prior to the delivery of the possession of the proper ty suld to tee purchaser. which shall not have been paid by the receivers prior to such dellv try of possession out of the income of the pioperty sold; such claims and obligations so assumed when duly established to remain ana constitute a freth lien upon the property sold in the hands of the purchaser until fully dis charged. And pursuant to the Decretal Orders herein before recited. I shall at the same time and place offer for sale for cash at public auction to the highest bidder, as an entirety and not in separate parcels, but separate and apart from t.ie pioperty hereinbefore described, all and singular the rolling stock and other phys ical personal property of the de.endant Caro Una Northern Railroad Company not Included wmun me aescnption or tne pioperty herein before described. At said sale no bid will be received tor tne property last above mention ed for a sum less than Eighteen Thousand uoiiars,Ai8,iJU). nor will any bid lie received from any person who shall not first deposit with the undersigned as a pledge to make good his bid in case of acceptance, the sum of Three Thousand Dollars iia.ooo), :n money or by certified check on some responsible bank. luu uciwai so received iron) any unsuccessful bidder to be returned to him when the proper ty is struck down, and the deposit so received from the successful bidder to be applied on ac- """' ue i-urcuase price, xne further pay. ncentof thepurcnase price shall be made in cash after the confirmation of sale as " toe Court may from tine to time direct For further particulars reference should be had to the said Decrees of August 18th and 16th, 1U06, on file In the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern District of North Carolina, and In the office of the C'erkrf the, Circuit Court for the iiBtrict ui ooum Carolina at Kalelgh, N C and Charleston, 8. C, respectively, or to the undersigned at Marlon, s. C. August 23 rd, 1W0S. V. E.McBEE 8--tuts Special Master. Valuable Farm for Sale. I oHer my farm in Blue Springs Town ship, near Bo wmore for sale. There is a four-horse farm of open land, and a six room dwelling on th r,1 t ni the entire pTace reasonable for cash. For H. J. WALL, 9-5-im Marengo, N.C. I am just from theNorth with my New Line of Fall and Winter Stock of Clothing, Dry Goods, ihoes and General Merchandise. Most every merchant claims this year that goods are higher than last year because cotton is higher, but I bought my goods at the same old nrice bv cavincr Cash for thum. T will anra nvrorir onafnmor iis 30 per cent. I also bought a fine lot of Beautiful Pictures to be given away. Lvery customer buying $2 00 worth will receive a pic- iure iree, worm w cents, ror s.uu ne receives a picture worth $1. For So. 00 he receives a pjoture worth $1.25, and for $10.00 he receives a picture worth 3.00. Every Dollansaved is 100 per cent made. Satisfaction Guaranteed or money refunded. My location is next door to Itowland furniture Store. Come one, come all. Lookout for the sign of WILLIAM BRICK, Rowland, N. C. Sept. 1. 21 I! You Get it at Ward's it's Good; Money Free To Everybody. UI. '"'"lil Til' fl Go to A. B. Brick's Store and buy your Goods, and he will save vou from 25 to 35 cents on the dollar. We have just returned fro a the Northern Market9 vyith the Largest and Latest Up-to-date Stvles ia Clothing, Drv., Goods, Shoes, Hats, Notions and Millinery, thai h.ive ever been seen in f Rowland. Our Stock is bought for Cash, and we can undersell the other merchants in Quality aad LOW I RICES. We all know that "A Dollar Saved, is a Dollar Made." : :t : : : ; ; : : We also .give a.wsyr Prize Tickets witlTeverv .50 cent? wo-th vou 'buv froni us, and when you return tickets io.us amounting to 3 o vou will ie e:iti tnled to a VALUABLE PRESENT. u aie most -lt.1 ti. invited to call at our Store, look over ur Stock, and gn the Lo.y Prices. '.V'e Guarantee and make satisfactory everything we seU. We thank uu for votir rast patronage, and remain Yours for Rartraine. A. B. BRICK, Proprietor, Rowland, N. C. OUR MOTTO IS More Goods for Same Money Same Goods for Less Money. aug 25-26 ASHPqLE INSTITUTE, Prepares for any College in the State. Four Teachers compose the Corps of this Institute in Literary -r Work. An able Instructor in Music has also been engaged. Fall Term Begins September 4th, 1905. For information, address THOS. M. SEA WELL, Principal, August 15th. Ashpole, N. C. 1 Scnoo Supply Wisdon J - It certainly pays to buy at Headquarters. We are Head quarters for Sohool Books and Supplies. No one who knows can question this. We have an immense line this year, and it was bought right. Experience counts in this branch of business as in any other, and to the selection of Sohool Supplies we bring theexperienoe of many years. We can do you good in many ways, sometimes on better quality, sometimes cm better price,', sometimes, on better assortment. : : : : : : : v: BRING IN YOUR LIST OF NEEDS AND LET US SEE WHAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU. H. B. WARD, PH. Gk, Drugs of Quality, Rowland, N. C. LIFE. FIRE. W. FRENCH BRISTOW, ROWLAND. N. C. I N SU R A N G E. Prudential Lile Insurance Company, - Best Fire Insurance Companies. ACCIDENT, HEALTH, LIABILITY. TI LATECT UJ ENS Only a few days ago there arrived in town one of the Swellest -Lines of Stationery and Druggists Sundries that has ever been shipped to this part of the State. Something Neat, Nobby, and Attractive. All the Latest Styles in Box Paper, Tablets, Pound Paper, Envelopes. Pound Paper from 15 cents to 35 cents Per Pound, Envelopes from 5 cents to 10 cents Per Pack, Box Paper from 10 cents to $1.00 Per Box. We will be better prepared than ever this year to furnish School Books, Tablqtsii Slates, Pencils, etq., than ever before. We are vexy'much pleased with the daily increase in our bus iness, and are grateful to our 'many friends for their kind patrqnage. , You Help UsLet Us Help You. OUR MOTTO : Fair and Square Dealing with Everyone. The Rowland Drug Co., (Inc.) UEOEGE K. McNEILL, Manager. Livery and Peed Stables. I have re-equipped my Lively and Feed Stables, and am in position to serve the publio jao are in need of a good turn out for any and all purposes. Good horses, good vehioles and careful drivers, can be had -at reasonable prices at all " times. When I tell you that Billy Martin is' in charge yoa will know that your wants will be well supplied : Plenty' ol Forage and Grain lor Sale. Call when you need an, VeryjjTraly, H. K. MCCORMICK, Rowland, N. O 1 "pun aK' DON'T START A ROW ! If you must start something, start a bank account with BANK OF ROWLAND. ROWLAND. N. G. PAYS INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS m There Os Ho Use In waiting till you take a trip out of town to buy your Hardware. We have it here and we have the prices to please you. If we have the Goods and the prices buy from, us, if not then go else where. But, try us first and we'll risk the result. That Stove you've been promising your good wife is ready for you come and see it. Oar line of guns, ammunition and sporting goods,; for the ' Fall Trade is complete. : : : : : Trade with us, keep your money at home, and all of us will share the benefit. , Keep your eye on this space; it will have something more about Hardware before long. : : : McCORMlO.. & ROGERS, B O f,L AKfD NOBTB. OARdLINA V:':