Country, Qod and Truth. SINGLE COPIES 6 CENT8. VOL. XXXVI. NO. 83t LUMBEBTON, NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 15. 1905. WHOLE NO. 2095 ESTABLISHED 1870. AMUAL REPORTS COUNTY OFFICERS Tie Robesonlai Awarded Contract to PnWlsi the Statements. METING OF C0MUIS5I0NERS .... A..nv niH nfforod Reclved and Approved Num. ber ol Bills Audited ana Alio w - ed -Coast Line Allowed Rebate oi Taxes. -Cnly routine business was trans voted at tbe meeting of the Coun ty Commissioners Monday. The bonds of the oounty officers were approved and the annual reports reoeived and adopted. These were ordered published and Tbe Eobe aonian. having made th9 lowest bid. was awarded the contract The reports will appear in a sup clement to tbe Kobesoman in a few weeks. TheAtlantio Coast Line Com pany was allowed a rebate of $107 50 in special tax for schools in Lumber Bridge township. It was ordered that as soon as the chain gang completed the work now booked for them that they be sent to Lumber Bridge township to repair a part of the wall across the mill pond near the town of Lumber Bridge. The bill of J. D. Townsend for $23.46 for repairs on bridge at Company's mill was ordered to be paid. . .V Km I IntTi a nsa All nmari a ba - xfc iU xavAo tt an auvnou a a, w- bate on $200 in Britt's township. The annual statement of W. H. Humphrey, elerk of court, was or dered to be published and filed. A road petition from W. JR. Smith and others was reoeived and filed. It was ordered that notices be iJsued. Mrs Harlee Townsend was al lowed $15.00 for taking notes in Emerson Bollard case. The December report of A. A. McLean was filed and recorded. Joseph Pr-ivatt was allowed $3.00 for repairs on Caldwell Hrirfcra nnrl for In mlr fnr - iron bridge. Joseph Prevatt was allowed $4.15 for nails and jaok screws for four bridges on Lumbei River. - It was ordered that the bill of W. W. Sutton and Company, $59.60 for lumber be allowed, . J. Biggs was allowed $10 81 for repairs on Williams bridge. O. A. Oliver was allowed $7.00 for services as oounty commission er, this having been overlooked. The bond of Archibald A. Mo Lean, as treasurer of Kobeson county, was tendered and aocepted. The bonds of D. W. Bullock and W. H. Humphrey, register of AaaAm and OatV rit hal nnnrt no VMM... M . . M apectively, were filed and approv ed. Vs ' tf"' '. ;.; The bond of Sheriff McLeod was reoeived and , same was ap proved and aocepted. The annual report of the Sheriff was' reoeived and aocepted. W. G.JUlen, oounty supervisor of roads, was allowed $141.67 as salary for month of November. The annual report countyof treas urer McLean was filed and aocept ed. The treasurer was instructed to use such funds as he had on hand to pay any outstanding ao- oeunts. t0 to Bobc.n. ci,c,,it. to th. uoHDHENI TO AN EDITOR ueusni oi au, ana alter a visii 10 his old home at Mt Airy will take up his work next Sunday. Rev. W. W. WilhV.has opened a confectionary store on Main street, which was formerly owned by Archie McDaniel. The Memory ol Editor Gonzales Hon ored by South Carolinians. Columbia, S. C, DJcembr 14 Almost within aBtone'a throw A revival is being held at Ionia of where he fell mortally wounded churoh. Mr Walker beine assisted I on January 15, 1903; within tbe by Rev. E. A., Baker of Lumber- shadow of South Carolina's" capi- ton. tol aud on tbe widest thoroughfare S. J. Smith has bought a house of the oi'y be loved so well, a bean an A Unn rWfom amnt arA SI1 I tlfUl CQOUUmeUt WAS lit) Veiled tO vu wi su vvviaaw w nn i Itna memory nt. toe late r. v. Mr. tl. Uunyan Btepnens is building a dwelling on the new ex tension of Walnut . street in the upper part of town.', This is the first, but no doubt others will quickly follow. We believe it is destined to be one of the most popular parts of our town. We understand tnat tne money for the new school building is in Dana ana wort win oe Degun in a short time, at which news we all repioe. Gofczjles editor of Tti State. fhwro had been erecid a teoopura- ry stand on tbe muniment tor ucocamodattua of p-ciilv ic- vitod RU-sitK. About this nux'd k arjiH crowd or "citizen who bi gathered to pv tiibate to the d ceased editor's wortb. Seated upon th stabd wore tbn mem'wr of the. Goi)Zila M mnmeut. A9o Ciatiou: members ut tne Ladies Aaxiliarv Association: member of tbe familv of the deceased boa I and visiting editors and the BAZAAR A GREAT SUCCESS. tion was given them. They were! the recipients of a large number of presents. This popular couple Oyer one Hundred and Eignty Dollars nTe fche be" w,,hM of tDeir Vmm Evsnt mD7 "ien ua W9 are Klta uvwumi At VIM UIVMII COKFEREHCE WITH RAILWAY OFFICIALS have them in our midst. Miss Minnie Shipman, of Clark- ton, is visiting Mrs. John Bridget. Mrs. Chas. Stubbs has returned The Bzaar given by trie ladies of tbe Metbodis! cburcH closed Tuesday night. All day Monday the Indias and children wnrn bnsv I from in liar inn f r M C arraticrinir tha hnniha ftiid dicn- , . ... o r . I CI . l i .. j rating thn inferior ,.f thp store ioaramaD. . .1 Hf T i : . mT ... t i i. room nLder tb U -lombiH lintel. UAl0 oiciu, ui Aiupuie, Whfi!. cnmnlMM. t h s t h. was ipeot last week at Mr. R. W. Bui - . . iodned u attractive one. To tbe M"ra iett fmm t he eotrsuce wa the Mr. Will Collier, of Columbus racicv wcrk "hovt-h. nr'-'.j"l over oounty, visited bis sister, Mrs. hv Mt IU Humphrey snd Daisy John Bridgers, last week. C-urtuy. hH (irjt a the Mrs. R. T. Pools is visiting rel doll I'ootK in .-hsrge of M SSes Utivea at Maxton thia (M)k. r.ivi t . n . u I " UQia uompnr-v. tzzie wi.uueia Mr. Dan Patteraoit inH n.tor Trackers association Promised Better Serrlca by Coast Line. SEVERAL CONCESSIONS MADE Strawberry Growers and Track- ers Generally Promised Better Service During Coming Sea sons Soothers Express Com pany Promises Better Service. Wilmington. N. C.,Deo.l4. An m POLB MM& LETTER. Mr. McLeari thu-cnases Byrd Hotel of y2 w- Pormer Owner. -.' -- ; Aahpole, Deo. 14.6ohool will close for a tendays'holiday Thurs day before Christmas. Tha teaoh rs will all no home. " The Bet. J, -M. Ash by as, re 1 He Methodist sunday sobool deroy of the city. Members o expeotstonaveaunnctmastreeior the Columbia chamber of cenv- the pupils on the night of Christ- meroe : Kuigbts. of Pythias, or ma8, I zamz itiuus of which Mr. Got Miss Dovie Bullock had a most zales was a member ; the Typo delightful birthday party last graphical Union and employees of Monday night. A number of her the newspapers of tbe city at- young tnends participated in the t8naed in a body. ywu u4 yuK. exeroi8eg weM op9Qed with Miss Mamie Kyle is making a prayecby Bisho p Ellysoa Capers, utcuv Play iu f iwuu nmu . . . ' . a f;-j Jbpisoopsi unaop oi oibw viru- Mr. J P Pm-n Wr1 nnn. "". followed by the hymn V'My fnronnA nt. Wilnnn nnrl Vinrl n An. Country. Tis of Thee" rendered Iightf ul visit among old friends. I by a selacted choir. After an ad Mrs. Marv A. Ivev left last dress by W. A. Clark, president week for New Albany, Ga , where of tbe Gonzales Monument Atso she will spend most of the winter oiation the monument was for with her son, Mr. B. B. Ivey. many auveiled Mrs. w. u. urown is steadily Rev. Samuel Smith. pastor improving, ane.nad a relapse at ofthe Firat preibyterian church since her return home she has im- of thl olty delivered an oration. proved very much. Th9n cams the formal delivery of ,w-., r the monument by Mr. Clark tu m WW MEDAL Mayor T. H. Oibbe., who re- oeived it in behalf of the city with ConCBFt at St. PmIs FrldaV fa? Run--1 a speech of acceptance. The ... .... ceremonies were closed with a ntOILlDrary. beuediotion by Rev. W. 0. St. Paul's, Deo. 14 A ooncert Lindsay, pastor of the First Bap whioh promises, to be a most inter- tist church of Columbia, ing on, will begiven in the school The monument is a granite building here on Friday evening shaft 25 feet high, resting upon Deo. 15. Each number of theprc- a base 20 feet square giving it a gam has been carefully selected, total height of 40 feet. The mon. and will no doubt be well rendered, utneat is erected by tbe people of By no means a small feature of South Carolina, subscriptions for the evenining will be tbe perform- its construction having been made ance of the famous "Line Kiln from every county in the state, Clab." This play is loanable of The shaft stands at the inter- holding the attention of any audi seotion of Senate and Sumter ence and wherever presented, it is streets, - overlooking tbe pretty received with the greatest entbusi- park which surrounds the state asm. oanitol. To arouse a greater interest in oratory a $5 sfold medal has been Rev-J-G Fi,heP Dead' offered, to be contested for by the Messrs. John and E. Fisher, schools of Parkton, Centreville, of Ash pole, have the sympathy of Barkers and St. Paul. After ths their friends in the death of their concert, oysters and coffee will be father, Rev. J. G. Fisher, served by tbe ladies of the town, which occurred at his home at Ths publio is cordially Invited. Roslln, Tuesday. ' Mr, Fisher Adnissian'for adults 15 cts. for was a Baptist minister, well ohildren 10 cts. The proceeds are known in Robeson and Cumber- to be used for the improvement of land counties, and his death is the sohoolbuilding. heard of with regret. The Fay ' Mr. A. R. , McEaohern has re- atteville Observer contains the turned from a trip to Jacksonville following: In the death of Rev. Fla. whither he was called to the J. ' G Fisher, who suooumed to bedside of his brother, Mr. Hugh his recent piralytio stroke, the McKaohem, who still oontinues county has lost an excellent oiti critically ill. sen and upright man, and the - Mr. W. L. MeVeill spent church a oonsecrated minister and Thanksgiving at his home at R'.v- tireless worker in the Maker's erton. ' : ::-r ' cause.:';.,.. Oor sohool here is in a flourish- ' ' "t ' 1 . ing condition, having an enroll- : Attended State Conclave, msntof 112 Tbii ii ths largest Mr. J. P. McNeill, one of our enrollment ever known in the his- popular merohantt, went to.Wil tory of the sohool. , - mington Wednesday evening to . In both the mosio and art de. attend the State Oonolave of Plan partmets under the efficient man- tagenet Command No. 1, Knights agement of Miss Lula Arrowood Templar, which was held in the exoellent work is being ' done. Asylum, Masonic Temple, Wed We oonsider ourselves very fortun- nesdsy eight, for the election of ate in tiaviog sedured the services officer?. Mr. McNeill reports ths of so competent a teaoher. : oocasion a most pleasant one. will be of the large 40 foot cars in- stead of the 36 foot cart which, have been furnished largely in the past The sohedalea of trains will remain pra tically the same as last year, but the railroad people claim tbey are in b tter position as to WITI CIVR ENTERTAINMENT moUvef power than ever before, en. Plotted to Escape. 8Qring j,,, Ume Raleigh, N. 0., Deo. 14 . . The truckers committee also Governor Glenn gave out a state- "M" m "rMua rn9ia mum- had a conference with Scjnrin. ment to-day that it is a fact that SOU lBStit&t6 TO-Qljllt. tendent Walter Buckner of tha Ed. Utley, of Fayetteville, and M . Southern Express Company, rela- James Willoox, of Elizabeth u"; T 7,, v V ti to an express Mrvice cn the City, serving terms in thepeni- of Bobeton lnimnt. will give an northboQnd train hom WUniw tentiary respectively for killing entertainment ,n the Opera House ton at , fat jr BaokJr important oonferenoe between the ud CiMidm Uv.s i.x' on the M Baldwin, of Maxton. ware executive committee of the Truck- right came tbe candy booth, herekere jfondav enronte to Proctor. p Association, President T. M. Misses Aohie Neil! Fuller, Aunda ville t0 attend the funeral of their Emerson, and Traffie Manager H. MiDiaruiid and Georgia Whn field anDt Mr Qraham- M. Emerson, of the Atlantio Coast wero kept bury wauiuyc ou custom or. Across tbe building from the candy booth was the country store, i li ctiurK of Misses L zzie Bridg ers, Ruth WhiUy, Jean Jones and Misers. WallacH Norment and Paul Pahi.. rear were a Mr. J. K. Chappell, of Pexin, is visiting his sisters, Miss Tiny Chappell and Mrs. Rupert Bridg ers this week. Miss Lacra Dick is visiting her Wull lurther in the "uu" Mim' nnmber of nrettilv Mr. L. W. Bollard went to Max- Line, and VicePreaident and Gen eral Manager T. W. Ellis of the Armour car '.lines was held here Tuesday to disouss the matter of transportation for the coming strawberry and trock movement. The truckers were given absolute assuranoe of 2,000 refrigerator cars to handle the crop to be delivered decorated tables where edibles were 'on Tuesday. servbd by attentive and charming Miss Annie Culbreth and Mr. j upon requisition of the business little waiters. On Monday and I A. T. Stubbs went to Moss Neck j agent, Baoman, of the association, Tuesday nights, oysters, salad and I last week to attend the funeral of I through the Coast Line, In the gelatine were served. On Tuesday their nephew, the infant son of matter of minimum car loads some a bountiful "Thanksgiving" din- Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Stubbs. loot cessions were granted b the ner was served from twelve to two The Loxic of cotton Prices. transportation people. The corn- o'clock, wh.i ... v,i u t. mittee also received stronor assnr. , vv uo 9 cau cos w tuiuk; att id aaj vhli " The occasion wis a most pleas- for no I ances that efforts would be made ant one in every way. and proved year ag0 the prioe wag jn8t getJ to prevent overloading and result- " F""u ting ready to drop, now it is ready iu poor ooduiuoq. At ladies, who have been preparing for a ri8e Bat : . i t th g tu least 80 per cent of the equipment for it for the past several mouths, Lra olant a biff on j l a -. -k - " o r aeservB rnuoa ereaic. une nunarea agaiir nt yeaf and the B&m QQe.goy uoiiars was reanzea, perfence Will be encountered. vnmn anau t.n tho nam nhnrnh I wr t o 1 rveeD aown tne acreacre. nn crona r I it j j 1 1 m I . a k- o iuuu, oue iuuu.auu uuiiar. ot the Drioe or vioe Terg.GrMn wmcn nas oeen promisea Dy tne viUe Mountaineer. ladies of tbe chnroh. Clerk. Hollingworth, of the La- Fayette Hotel, and Nell Cropsey, two of the most famous murders in the State, were found recently te have revolvers in their possession and that the two convicts had plotted to escape. The matter came to the Governor's attention by his having oalled for the record of Utley in prison with a view of Friday evening, December 15th, at 8 o clock. A most interest ing and entertaining program has been prepared and it promises to be a delightful evening of music, fun and langbter. The Droeram fol. lows: Uusic, Ruth Whaley and Lina Gougb. Reading. "Elocpamejt in 175" Irene McLeod. thought the express paople would put the service on the train provid ed tbe Atlantio Coast Line would handle tbe extra oar. A sub com mittee composed of Chairman Wm. E Springer and Secretary Ban- man, was appointed to confer with tbe Atlantio Coast Line officials with a view to securing the extra service. k Mr. and TIrs. Anderson to Leave. Mr. E. O.Anderson, whosinoi Little Girl," Lina Gough. I1" installation, has held the posi- Mosio.--Irene McLeod and Lillian l0u assistant cashier for the Proctor. First National Bank here, bas re Reading,(a) She Displains IiMW accept a similar position (b) When the World Butts with the First National Bank at Thro,'1 Annie Rath Caldwell. Lincolnton. He leaves to begin Readin,--,,Th9 Freckled Face dntiet tnere dnesdajf 20th. Girl," Lillian Proctor. Mrs. Anderson will accompany Moatzoniety County Youns Wonts Mnsic, Misses MoLean and blm' Mr. and Mrs Anderson have Marries a KoDesoaiaa. I ur,ii,.m. I won numerous friends durins their s v t 0 - . C..December, 14.- Beading. 'Telephonio Oonversa- Mlidep06in 09t mid' and theif tion," Miss Edna Prevatt. departure is much regretted. His, Music - successor here nas not yet been Following this, a play entitled appointed. "Bdvs Will be Girls,'.' in one act, Hands. will be presented. Heveral pupils The South Carolina Secretary of will vartioipate u' this most en- State-laat week isaned a ahsW considenng an application for his k, . . navHAn rFkici sarrrvlr varaai . nrvainot I r " 'K9adinS,-"Brer Rabbit and tho uiui bo (uevroveraof uisiuisBou .uoi matter of a pardon He it now havin g a rigidinvestigation made o asoertain who slipped the revol vers to them. The pi t was to 1 kill the guard and escape. . . mf im w CHAPPELL-BRIDQERS WEDDINQ. Elrod, The home of Mr. L. V7. Bollard was the soeoe of a pretty home wedding last Wednesday after-1 uooo, when M ss Nellie Chappell, ot Montgomery county, was mar ned to Mr. Rupert Bridgers. The parlor ws artistically decorated Uertaining play. with vines and chrysanthemums. to tbe corporation that reeantlv Thft nriena of AilmttiaSnn k. I . . At 4:80 o'clock wh.l Mi.. Rta ",": " - acquirea ua rauroaa operating . . t . zoinaflaoMM. Uuliard ply d the march tbe bridal parrv wiered ; first Mr. C I Mr Brry Townsend Dead. Pate, of Purvis, with Miss Tiny I Mr. S. Hamilton, the efficient Cba.-poll, sisrr of tbe bride; fol-1 telegraph operator here, was called owed by trt- nd' aud groom. to Hope Mills Saturday night on between this point and Marion, S. C. John Skelton Williams is . . of Philadelphia, vioe president. The charter takes in Charleston: 8. C. ou tbe sooth and Raleigh, , norihward. The Company is capitalized at $850,000 Tbe oer h i y was performed by J account of the oritical illqess of v.J. W. Br diy. of Rowland, Ibis unole, Mr. Berry Townsead. N. 0. Mr. Townsend lingered antil Snn. After C"i irato lations or tne rel-1 day nignt, wnen be pased awsy. Carlyle's Livery Bualness Sold. aives a . a nw ineuds present, Mr. I Mr. liamuton returned home Mon Mr. J. M. Goddard. of Favette. and Mrs. Bridg-rs left for the day night During his absence rille, yesterday poiebased the liv. noma of .. m, Mr. John tbe western union office was at err business of Mr. W. W. Carlvle. oriuKi, " : oiegaus reoep-: tenaea wy -nr. ionn Doynn. and his son will have charm. ; :-.f-:.. , '..,--y.,.. !-. ..:.,' . , ' r. ""T A-- J-:

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