;i'4 .THE SEMI.WEEKbY ROBESONIAN. i THE ROBESONIAN FTJBLI8HED TUESDAYS AND FEIDATS . BY BOBESONIAtf PUBLISHING COMPANY (Incorporated.) HAS. A. RINKS. EDITOR OBWUniON PMCt, tlM P(R TEAR. Pliable in Advance. One AdrerttBlng Rstrs are bswd upon Milfurm ofaedale of prlcr from which there -will be no deviation. Our rates and advertis ing books are open, at all times, to Intending dvertiers. Sntered as second-clans matter at the Pot- Ace at Lumberton, N. 0 , under the Act of ongresa of March Srd, 1WT. Tuhsday, December 19. iqos. Why not make your friend a Christmas present of a year's sub scription to The Eobesonian. We want a live correspondent at every town and village in Robe son county and will be glad to correspond with anyone who can take up the work. The Democrats may "waBh their lineu in public," bat thf-y cer tainly make no bigger or more diBKtsting display than the Re publicans of the Western district of North Carolina in their uuholy scramble over Federal patronage The d,eth of Senator -Mitchell, ofOregon, brings a feeling of pe culiar aadoBis to the hearts ot those who are in any wise aenti mental. At the time of his clstb he was still a member of the na tion's chief law making body, thoufch serving a sentence imposed upon him by the courts. The Senate took no notice of his death, the first iostance of the kiiidLiiLih history of the bod, 1 dues seeu that the Senate should ezpell its members, if it is not going to x tend them the usual courtesies. Jyrom recent contributions to campaign funds it is stated that the Republican National Commit tee has a large surplus on hand They might pay back to the policy holders a part of the money con A J t i. 1 1 II 1 . inuuieu Dy me Dig msuranoe companies. TbeKaleigh Times says, "There is mnoh feeling at Lumberton over the inexcusable aot of a sheriff's deputy, who shot and killed a negro prisoner while the latter was trying to make good his ee cape." This is followed by a lengthy discussion of the affair. If there is any great amount of feeling over the matter here we have not learned of it. Two bills recently iutrodaced iu Congress are of especial interest to North Carolinians. One pro vides for the making of Guilford battle-ground a national pars. The other makes similar provision tor the Bpot on which was fought the battle of Moore's Creek bridgn The Guilford battle ground is the only battlefield of the Revolution preserved iu its entirety, This has been made possible by some of Greensboro's patriotio citizjns. The battle of Moore's Creek was one of the first of the war. Both battlefields ought to be preserved and to be made Meccas for pa triotic Americans. are G. Plttman-Mitchell. The following invitations being received by friends : Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Mitchell request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Maude, and Dr. Fallsr H. Pittman, on Friday afternoon, December the twenty-second, at two o'clock, At Home. t Ash pole, Nortbi Carolina Efr.....,.v.vv:fcVxvvxvv;vw , The Kind Yon Have Always Bought and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made tinder his per- jXsVt;. sonal supervision since Its infancy. t-CCCCAM Allow no one to deceive von in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. 16 contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Sears the Signature of Mffiteeim V: I Ceimtt : Coflttonn Will be a Great Thing for our Country, and we earnestly hope it may be realized by our people. : : : : ,. If you have concluded to hold your Cotton for Higher Prices, protect it from weather damage and insure it against fire in our V Warehouse at a nominal cost per month. : : ' ' . . - Wc will lend you Eight Cents pep pound on It, fop any length of time at 6 Per Cent, j jt jt jt Our Warehouse was built upon the suggestion of the Cotton Growers Assock&n, for the benefit of the Farmers, and it is to their in interest to patronize us. : : : : . . Robeson County Loan & Trust Company. A. W. McLEAN, President. C II. MORROW, Cashier. The Kind You Have Always Bought ln Use For Over 30 Years. Tim Kmin aomtwi r jumuv strcct, new vohk en. A water-work' election was held at Laurinbnrg last week, whioh was carried in favor of the improvement!. Administratdr's Notice. Having qualified as administrator of the estate ot W. B. Fnillipn, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned duly authenticated for pay ment on or before the and day of Decem ber, IQ06. or lm notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to this estate are hereby notified to come forward and make immediate payment. Ihis the 1st day ot December, 1905. J. E. PHILLIPS. Administrator. McLean, McLean & McCormick, At torneys for Administrator, dec 5 5tu Administrator's Notice. Raving qualified as administrator of Simeon McLean, deceased, late 01 Kooe- son County, N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against tne estate of said deceased exbibit them to the un dersigned on or before the i3,day of Dec, 1006, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to said estite will please make immediate payment. This Dec. 9. iocs, J. A. McLean, Administrator. E. J. Britt, Attornej. Dec. 1 a 6tn Imnporttaiiifi: Mews I Santa Claus has arrived and while in Lumberton will make his Home at 5 The Lumberton Bakery. As he has brought his Christmas load of Toys and Dolls! And wishes to meet all the children between now and Christmas, for he is prepared this year, to gratify each one of their wishes if they will call at his home 1 on Fourth Street. Lumberton, Bakery Phone 66. Will D. Neves, Surveyor. Farm and City Work Solicited. Lumberton, N. C. IP VOU NEED A NICE GOLD WATCH, ladies' or gent's, see us. McLean. Rozier Company. For Rent. A 'wo-horse farm in Alfordsville town ship, with or without stock. For further information apply to S.F.WILLARD, R. F. D.. 3. Box 47. dec 124 w Maxton, N. C. FOlEYSHOIiEMCAR I m m m CHristMs Suggestions by the Kim Clothier. Now is the time to purchase your Christmas Suit. We have a stock of several thousand dol lars worth of the Finest Clothing for men, ever exhibited in Robeson County, that MUST BE SOLD BETWEEN NOW AND CHRISTMAS, REGARDLESS OP PRICES. & & By a bit of unusual Good Luck we were enabled, by buying in large quantities, to secure a Fine Line of Men's Furnishings at Very Low Prices. These Goods ' must go before the Holidays, and in order; to sell them we are offering- some ex cellent Bargains. We can only giye a few prices here, not enougn to give you an adequate idea of the Bargains with which our store is flooded. Read these. . II Hejivy Wiu'ter Ovaro ats at Men's Ra ncoats . . . Mf-n's Hfavv Winter Underwear . Mn's All-Wool Winter Suits Men's Heavy Shoes Tans, Oolts and Vicis Urn uellae . . . . Overshoe All-Wool Sweaters . $1.50 ta $15.00 5.00 to 15.00 .38 to 2.00 198 to 18.00 2.00 to 4.50 .85 snd up .35 and up .25 and up Useful! Gffls .tor Memo ' - - y t; In our Haberdashery Department you will see a Great Assortment of Weara bles that a man is always in need of Bath Robes, Night Shirts, Pajamas, Hosiery Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Gloves, Etc. Never before had we such a Large or Fine Stock of High-Class Apparel, nor did we ever offer such Big Values as we do this season. Oome and examine our smart Suits and Overcoats, and try on your size garments. You will be more than surprised how easily we'll fit you and wonder how we can sell suoh fine clothing at such moderate prices. We are ready to serve you with the BEST there is m SUITS and OVERCOATS for men, youner men and boys and offer SUGGESTIONS for GIFT-GIVING that will bring pleasure to you and pleasure to the recipient. & ? , . P-J 4 Mm . p f A WEI-NSTE n r n tttntr- riT .ottttrir l u m r f rto m " north Carolina! 9 f MM LxarLnjjijririJiMMMW IMMIMM 3

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