THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. 11 ii I CO 13) CS si (pa GQ (e5) .s v y cq (515) cm M i Vra E l CQ CQ 01 I 8 2 tQ H 0) CD .3 S 3 i -p rf CD EH "S OQ il m & M 9 A H rH h-p CO S5 cocoTjTfcDtfc&co - n cd to r co a 03 T! o p, f M 3 dD CCS q o as s5 5 s i r.j a i i 0 t 5 o 03 O O rj cx a. a a o o CO io I co c- 00 o Xi m o a r o o oooooooo P 9 Q d ctf id co d iOCDC0-ii-tT-iTHCM a 9 o o o o o oioooo " oi co" Tf id - K cJ" 28 S CD I 90 g , PB -s -S n "3 ml -8 5 v D 0 Q S SdOflg a,s rn "Zl S a- Indigestion Causes Catarrh of the Stomach. For many yean U has been aupposed thai Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion and dyspepsia, but the truth is exactly the opposite. Indigestion causes catarrh. Re peated attacks of Indigestion inflames the mucous membranes lining the stomach and exposes the nerves of the stomach, thus caus ing the glands to secrete mucin Instead of the Juices of natural digestion. This Is called Catarrh of the Stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia Curo relieves all Inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the stomach, protects tha nerves, and cures bad breath, sour risings, sense of fullness after eating, Indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. Kodol Digests What Yon Eat Make the Stomach Sweet. BottUi cnly. Rerular size, $ 1 .00. boldinc 2 tlroot tha trial tlx, which Mil for SO cants. 'Prepared byE.O. OaWITT OO., Chicago, 10. For Sale by Dr. H. T. Pope & Co. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. P. Brown, M.D. W. A. Mrphanl, M.D Brown & McPhaul, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Ashpole, : : : : N. C. Calls answered promptly night and day. Phone No. n. V A. MoLean. A. W. McLean. J. G. McCormlek. mean, Mclean & Mccormick, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LUMBERTON. - Nf C. Offices on 2nd floor of Bank'of Lum berton Building, Rooms 1, 3, 8, & 4 Prompt attention given to all business. R. T. ALLEN. F. D. CASTLBBURY. Drs. Allen & Castlebury, Dentists, LUMBERTON, N. C. Office over Dr. McMillan's Drug Store. Phones Office. 45 : Residence. 04. DR. J. D. REGAN, DENTIST, LUMBERTON, - - N. C. Office in Shaw building, over Pope's drug store. Wishart & Shaw, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LUMBERTON, N. C. Office in Shaw Building. Practice in all the Courts. Dr. N. A Thompson, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Lumberton, : : : : N. 0. Office nextdoot above Savings Bank. Dr. F. H. PITMAN, DENTIST, ASHPOLE, - N. C. For Sale. One Thirty-Five Horse Power Return Tubular Boiler, one Sixty Saw "Van Winkle Qua. with Feeder and Battery Con denser. Will be sold Cheap for Cash, or on time with good security. Apply to H. A. Townsend, Raynham N. 0. The "Old Man." "Everybody Works bat Father!' Have you beard it? That a the harden of a popular toug -which has displaced "Bedeha and put 'The Old Apple Tree" inti the ahade. Observe the chorus: Everybody works but father. He sits ronnd all day. Feet in front of the fire, Smoking his pipe of clay. Mother takes in washing, So does Sister Ann. Everybody works a ronnd our house But my old man. JhiB ii rather rubbing it 111 on tbe old man, wuo, woue tr aoag artist wails "Save my Angtl Mother's Pioture From the Fire," never had so much as a cheap crayou enlargement from tbe cue little photograph he had taken years ago. It it bad enough to be ignored in thH fashion, bat to be snosred at in a classic gam like the f )regoing is a whole lot worse. Now why not let up on the Mother song, atd the Sister bong, and tho dear old Grandmother song (or awhile, and let Dad take a fall or two oat of the patient Muse? If it hadn't been for father, who bustled like a coss somewhere or other all day, sister aud brother couldn't go, to the show to hear eouae cheap skatesiog about poor father's lazy wave. Father may not be an ornament, sometimes, ind theru are probably times when he boosts bis feet up before tbe fire and sucks beer while some other one in the household chasji tbe duck to the nearest saloon. Bnt take bim ail round father is a pretty good sort of fellow. When the girls have their fellows come to see them, he is packed off to the kro.iet' bat he puts ap the cash when the wedding comes, jast tho same. Dad is a darned asefal person to have around when the bills come in. Somebody ought to" say a word about father. Let mother rest for awhile. She is worth all she gets and a good deal more, bat dad hat been peekin' pathetically roaud tbe corner long enough. All he wants is justice. He's been on the outside so long that be might not know how to behave in com pany, bat give him a chance acd hVll learn he'll learn. North Carolina Congressmen. Wasbmgton, D. 0., Dec. 11. In the aesighnment of committees in the House of Representstive to-dav North Carolina members were appointed as follows: W, W. Kitohin, on naval Affairs, and Manufacturer. Page, on Insular Affairs, Expenditures in Interior Department. Thomas, on Pablic Buildings and Grounds, Patent!, Territories. Gndged, on Invalid Pensions, alcoholic Liquor Traffic Claude Kitchen, Claims eleotione. Blackburn, on District of Colum bia. Poo, District of Colombia, R9vision of Laws, Reform iu Civil Service. Small, expenditures on Pablic Buildings, Postoffioeg and Post Roads. Paateraon, Census, Merchant, Marine and Fisheries. SEABOARD Air Like Railway Effective April 16th, 1905. DIRECT LINE TO PR INCI PAL CITIES NORTH, WEST AND SOUTH. BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND NEW YORK. NORTHWARD. No. 45. Lv Wilmington Lv Lumberton Ar Hamlet 700am 4311m 11 05 a m No. 22. Hollister's Rooky Montain Tea is Bimple Liquid electrioity. It goes to every part of your body, bringing new blood, strength and new vigor. It makes yon well and keeps you well. 25 cents. Ask Your Druggist. Sluggish Liver a Foe to Ambition Yon can not accomplish very much if your liver is inactive as you fell dull, yon eyes are heavy and slight exertion exhausts you. Orino Laxative Finit Syrup stimulates the liver and bowels and make yon feel bright and aotive. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does" not nauseate or gripe and is more effective than pills or ordinary cathartics. Refuse sub stitater. McMillans Drug Store, Lumberton, H. B. Ward, Rowland. It sometimes happen! that when lain ii fully ocoupied he too fall to tit np tnd take notioe. Reflections of a Bachelor. Thejjman who Bits in Qthe 'front m thinks he is the whole Wuu a girl smokes cigan t es general!? it is a eighn hh wishes she wereu'c doing it. It is easier for a woman to have blond hiir than curly hair, and it doesn't coat any more. Tbe people who think they knew it all seem to get much more sat- isfaction oat of it than those who d(. No matter wbatja man has done t- make his wife unhappy, she wiil3ever forgive him for it un less ue deni Lv Wilmington Lv Lumberton Ar Hsmlet, Lv Hamlet Lv Southern Pines Lv Raleigh Lv Norlina Ar Port mouth Lv Richmond Lv Washington Lv Bajtimore Lv Philadelphia Ar New York 3 00 p m 5 26pm 7 35 pjm io iopa 11 20 p m 1 25 a m I 3 3i m 9 00 a pi 6 23 a m 9 50 a m 11 30 a m 1 45 pm 4 ISP m SOUTHWARD No. 67 Torture of a Preacher. The story of the torture of Rev O. D. Moore, pastor of the Babtis church, of HarpcBVille, N. Y ., will interest-you. He says! ''I Buffered agonies, beoanses of a persistent cough, resulting from the grip. I had to sleep Bitting up in bed. I tried many remedies' wihout relief, untill I took . Dr King's New Discovery for Oonsuptfon Ooughs and Colds, which entirely oured my congh, and saved me from consump tion '' A grand cure for diseased con ditions of the Thioat and Lungs. At all Druggist; price 6O0 and $1.00, g varan teed. Trial bottle free. Lv New York Lv Philadelphia Lv Baltimore Lv Washington Lv Richmond Lv Portsmouth Lv Norlina Lv Raleigh Lv Southern Pines Lv Hamlet Lv Lumberton Ar Wilmington 12 50 p m 2 55 pm 5 17 pm 7 25 pm II GO p TO 9 30pm 1 57 a m 4 15 am 6 20 a m 8 40 a m 10 15 a m 12 45 p m Parker -Gardner 60. Yoncaa searchthe land and you wen't find better bar gains or more attractive goods than we offer. We guar antee to save you money. PIANOS AND ORGANS. At this store yon can buy the very best made on earth. Instm ments of Artistic Character and World-Wide reputations. Our Puno and Organs are the kind tbst yon find in the artistic musical ho aes all over tbe world.' No sensational methods. No false claims. No promises unfilled. These are our methods. In our Furniture snd Mafic departments we show more than double the stock of any other dealer in the State. Write ua for catalogues. PARKER - GARDNER CO., LARGEST DEALERS IN THE STATE. CHARLOTTE, N. C. MS tor Winners la Lifs. The people who win their way into the inmost recesses of others, hearts are not usually tbe most Brilliant and gifted, but those who have sympathy, patience, self for getfulness and that indefinable faculty of eliciting the better nature of others. We have many friends who are more beautiful and gifted, but there ia not one of them whose companionship we en joy. better1 than that of tbe blain f aoed man or woman who never makes a witty or profound remark, bnt human goodness make up for rary ther defioinoy. ; No. 44. Lv Hamlet 4 40 p m Lv Lumberton 6 10 p m Ar Wilmington 840pm ATLANTA BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND SOUTHBOUND . Lr Wilmington 8 00 p m Lr Lumberton S 20 p m Lt Hamlet 10 15 pm Lv Athens A 08 a m Ar Atlanta 8 40am NORTHBOUND. No. 88. - Lt Atlanta 9 00 p m Lv Athens 11 as pm Lt Hamlet t 40 a m Lv Lamberton 10 15 m A r Wilmington 13.45 p m BETWEEN WILMINUTON AND TAMPA. 8QCTHBOUNP 1 Lt Wilmington loopm Lt Lamberton I 28 p 0 Lt Hamlet 10 10 p m Ar Columbia 13 16 p m Ar Savannah 4 40 a m Ar Jacksonville 8 66 a m Ar Tampa K p m NORTHBOUND. No 68 LvTamra 8 50 am ZT Jacksonville 7 60 p m y Savannah 13 10 a m Lt Columbia 80 a m Lt Hamlet 8 40 a m Lv Lamberton 10 16 a m Ar Wilmington 13 46 p m 1 ' . tt a? v Through Pullman Sleeperi en all trains. For general information, timetables snd pamphlets, address J H. OATTI8. T. P A.. Raleigh. N. C J. A. DOZIER, Ticket Agent, Lamberton, N C Open for Business. I hereby notify the public that I have bought the Lumberton Nnvelty Work Plant (formerly run by McLeod & Frees man.) Your orders for Mantels, Brackets, Tables, Safes, Columns, Balusters, &c, will receive prompt attention. Also Furn iture repaired, and odd jobs of all kinds neatly done. Mail orders solicited, whieh will re ceive prompt and careful attention. R. B HUMPHREY, ' P. O. Box? 215, Lumberton, N. C !i-2S-itn FOR SALE. ONB SIX-ROOM DWEL ling ia Lamberton. London desirable: . Bex -.; ii-x; wm"-r- 'imp -" k The KEELEY INSTITUTE, GREENSBORO, N. O -ST- FREE! OUR ILLUSTRATED HAND BOOK CUT THIS OUT TODAY-MAIL IT TO BOX 166. GREENSBORO, N. C. Please send me your Illustrated Hand Book No. 16. Name . Address . STINOEON INSTITUTE ' AND Commercial School, ORRUM, N. O. Pall Term Opens August 21st, 1900. Gives thorough instructions in Literary, Business, Music, Art and Normal Courses. In regard to Board, Tuition, Location, Health, Water, Moral Advantages, etc., write to M. SHEPHERD, Aug. nth. Principal and Proprietor. ' THE CROWELL SANATORIUM For The Treatment of. Whiskey, Morphine andwNeryous Diseases. Modern Buildings, Baths, Electricity, Ete; special apartments an I wh i fo feaaalt patients. For fall information writ 5 Dr. GRBKN L. RBA. 1 8. M. CROWELL, M. D., Sapt, ' AjsisUat Resident Phrsidaa. . ' Na. S.W. yi St., Oaarlate, N. C. a