2 . - i ife vif X..1' ?iw'.'5 - r "i . -t . fc c . v 5i RISES TO SLOW MUSIC. Andrew Carnegie Has Organist Help Him to Awake. On mornitiKS whn Andrew Car DOKi hHH lu'en iu thit c:v mi the past yemr ht ln.s hv.d Waltnr C Gib 1 rganist of th.' Lf-'ady Ta! -eriiacW1, n me t- hi? Kitth uv.M'ti' hnmit nt. lii(it --v'COlid Ptrn t lit 1 1 o'clock in the ftvenii'R and phf on the giat nrgiiii t h ii t it. I u 1 1 in the lower hallwav of tiiesir ni:i"'frV me-iop. Tr. CarmiH is usually wakeued by Mju music. It is tiudrstooct that Mr. Gili is vory well piid for gHttinf? up Hr:v pnoneh in the ruurnit tr to wak" ndrew Carneitj. Mr. Oai oicgib is a great lovtir of music. The organ Mr. Carnegie has bud built in his New York house is di -scribed tts oi-a of tha best and big gest to ha fonfd iu a private houif. It is a hugo BfTair with four ko' -boards, built near the staircase in tbtt lower hallway. Mrs. Carnegie and Mr. Gale a - raugad a musical surprise for Mr. Carnfgie last Sunday afternoon. At T) o'clock the thirty members of the Broadway Tabernacle choir assembled o the Carnegie hoaie. Standir-g about the lower Btan woy, they eaug a lot of old Ger man and Euglish and Scotch Christmas carol?. Mr. Ciroegie was taking his af teruoon uar. The singing brought hitn to the bead of the stairs, b s face fairly banning. Miss Rb Cornett, a soprano, sang rsa solo "Come Unto Me, "from ;Tne -siab. "Mr. Moore, a baiytoue, sang Cantique Noel." Oae of Mr. Carnegie's great favorites 19 "Si lent Night, Holy Night." The whole choir sang that. Another is a part, of "Adeste Fidelia." which was i ho sung by the choir. H-i enjoyed a Bohemian carol. Other pieces sunp by the choir were "J': fant So G-utl." "Sleep, H lv Babe," "f o. II w a R )fe Krf Blooming," ard "It Cicne I pon the Midnight Cloar." 1 he jjrtt Success. . Forty miDwn-lxJltles of August J-'loww oi1 iu V'ue I'uttrd iatiUei a wje iuce ii n:r"'1uctroti! , A ti ; 1 llie !etiiai;ii for it is 8tiircoiitj Isn't di;it i f!ne; .'hawing of '"Sb? . Dq'1 it tlKit, August F'- ' has' ha'rtirifail'.nt; success in llie cv.- ' mdigestioii ' and tivKpepsia-t'ie tv . . r teit c;uEUjes tf. U-ilth and h;,'; piut.' Docs it not aft 'lie 'ev! tlenct that AMuKt J'owtr is a sore s-ti?-cificfor fi1.' ."totii-iche aud iut-.esiiil !i . ordf rs? thai ,t has provei! its: if th best of all livfrr rtKulto.? August Flowei lias a rjjatch'n-ss record of oi rr thin) -five vrs iti urii.jf t1nra:.':i)r nn'.iior.s f tV.? e distiesiln c!uplxuiit- ;i uc lUut is lx;GaJlii!iii wii'.fX Hi its ai;,; itry i!u'. . at home ar.d :'ioad. as tin- ' nie of A nj-ut Flower si-rcadh. Trinl hoi-.u-s, 25c; rct ular -ic, 7;c. I;or f..a!e'o lr. j. Mi:- Of (.'ourse the governor oarniot have the Watts law enforced hut he oouhl lend us to believe that be wants it done. j ,- . The man v?ho I urns his cotton on a par with the man who dout le the acreage. H S r1 f ! .".'4 r -..a, v a . iCi Li ftS '.6. J Teacher's ProlcsS. It was bound to come sooner or later, the Pittsburg Dispatch says. We have had father haunted by the taunting refrain committing suicide to escape it and father tak ing young hope! ul out to tne woodshed to show him that there are times when even father works. Hut father lias now taken his pen iu hand and this is the result: Dear ( Hiservations : Allow me to sulcnit the following variation of Lew )ockstador's edifying dit ty: "Everybody Works but Father " This is the terrible truth. ( Now all join in the chorus.) Evei y body works but mother, She gads around all day; Goes to women's meetings; Take in the matinee. Father toils and worries, He has a good time nit : Everybody works at our house But Ma She's quit! Yours truly, Father. A Tlio;i;and Dollars Worth of Good. A. H Thnrn. ii well known oonl operator cf Buffalo. O., writes: "I have been Hllicted with kidnew and blader trouble for years, passing gravel adft stores with excruciating pain. I got no relief from medicine uDtil I began taking Foley's Kidney Core, then the rosnlta wan enrnriainer A few doses started the brick dnst like!ria8es and were dven to fine stone and now I have no pain across my kidneys and I foet like a new man. It has done me $1,000 worth of good.'' McMillan Drug Store, & H. B. Ward Rowland, N. O. You can depend upon it that most of those who are fighting the dispensary would be doing notk ing to help prohibition if that was the if sue. Of course r any people think that it is no harm to violate the prohibition laws, provided they are not caught, and ereare some, perhaps, who think the same way about stealing. How to Avci 1 Pneumonia. We have never beard of a single liiftanreof a c; Id rr'-ulting in pneu monia rr other Inng trouble when Foley's Honey and Tar lias been taken It not only .toj)s the couuh, bnt h-'afci and strengthens the luns. Ask for FoI.'v'h HoneyJ'and' Tar and re fuse Hubfttitnto ( tiered" Dr. O J. I'-isliop,. of Anew, Mich, writes: "I ' hive' used Folev's Honev nrl Tar ifl time Very" serve cases of i luiffninoflia with good results in every ciine '.' For .Sale by McMillan's Drng Store Lnmbcirt'JD, H, B. Ward, Row land, N. C Tf the ternpe atk-e movement causes the politio'iMifl to ride the water wngon for a while it will have accomplished some good. If the politicians and the prohi- ' oitmiwsts dux it up we !;:ow who is going to come out on top It is all right for the farmers to have something tqlowith polities but they should watch out for the politicians. A liquid road doesn't drown the traveler's sorrow. THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBES ONIAN. & ii Wm 5 V- ..V S3U B -tji :-.' at.; i 'ti if.' ",! .ft. ; 3: 1' 2SS.23-;2Z QUIN LIVAN-LAFFITEAU. Pretty Church Wedding In Wil mington. The Wilmington Messenger of Thursday contains the following, which will be of interest to many readers of the Kobesonian: "A pretty marriage was cele brated in St. Thomas' Pro-Cathedral yesterday afternoon at 5 o'cl ick when Miss Theresa J. Quinlivan became the bride of Mr. Artiatides V. Laffiteau, the ceremony having b n performed by Kev Father Dennan. The church was comfortably tilled with friends of the con tracting parties who had gath ered there to witness the happy event. ''The bride was accompanied by her maid of honor, Miss Kate Carrol), and the groom by Mr. George Sweeney who was the best man. There were- no other attendants except Masters John and James Quinlivan who were the altar childrju. '"The bride wore a becoming brown traveling suit with hat to match and the maid of honor wore a gray ooat suit with hat to match. "Imm;d;ately after the cere mony the brida! party took car- the I A 1 11 1 noiue 01 tne onae, where a recep tion was given. They left on the b;f0 northbound train for a wed ding trip to Philadelphia, New York and Savannah. Mr. and Mn. Laffitea u will return to Wilmington in about two weeks. The bride is a young woman who is much loved by a wide cir cle of friends and they wish her much happiness, Mr. Laffiteau is an employee of the Atlantic Coast Line and since he came to Wilmington ..he has made many warm friends. Chronic Constipation Cured. One who snfferes from chronic con stipation is iu danger of many ser ious ailments. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures chronic constipation as it aids digestion and stimulates the liver and bowls, restoring the natriral ac tion of these organs Commence taking it to day and you will feel better at once. Orino Laxaive Fruit Syrup do s not nauseate or gripe and is veiy pleasant to take. Refuse sab 8tUutfl - "or Said by McMillan Drug Store I-umberton & H B. Ward, Row- and N. C Tho show that cannot give coon songs between the acts had best ; teor r!ear of t b i 3 town. How wo live may bo a mystery to some people, but whv some people live is a mystery to iu When a man has n pair of hand cuffs on his wrists he knows what it means to be within the clutches of the law. While the republicans may see ! that it is to their interest to get Hagefher tou know how they feel about it. k .!:! ..--.on.' V 'U -Jttvi JiS .'-.-.i,.' ACTION OF TILLMAN. Resolution ol Investigation In troduced and Tabled. Wa&hingta-i, ; January 18. There was an echo of yesterday's stormy session in tKe Senate to day when Mr. Tillman presented his .resolution directing a Sena torial investigation into the re moval of Mrs. Minor Mor.is from the White Ilouse The resolu tion provoked no debate and Mr. Tillman contanted himself with a brief statement in which he said that , he would not have intro duced the. resolution but for the taunts of Hale. When he con cluded. Mr. Daniel, moved that the resolution be laid on the ta ble, and this disposition was position was made of it by a vote of 54 to 8 Mr Tillman's resolution was as follows '. ''Resolved, That the President of the Senato ' be authorized to appoint a committ e of five Sen ators to investigate the recent nn fortunate incident at the White House, resulting in the expul sion from the executive offices of Mrs. Minor Morris, and the n- port to the Senate." Soothing and Couifortng. The Soothing and comforting effects of DeWitfs Witcb Hazel Salve, when applied to Piles, sors, cuts, boils, eta., subdues pain almost insantly. This Salve draws oat the inflammation, reduces swelling and acts as a rubefa cient, tliusoircaloting the b'ood through the diseased parts, pre fit ting or aiding Natnre to pertiant itly reiroved the trouble entirely, riold by Dr. H. T. Pope. Carlyle's Way. Carlyle appears in a brief re miniscence from the pen of Percy Fitzgerald thus: The thing with Carlyle was to send out for a long churchwarden (a clay pipa) and a ocrew of tobacco, which put him in great good humor He talked to his plate, as you might say If anybody said anything from which he dissented you would hear him murmuring, ''Oh, the puir auld fool: a regular puir auld fool!"' Sickening Shivering Fils of Ague and Ma aria, can be relieved j w .... ...o.xo u.tierH. iu,8 is a pure, tonic medicine: of esc cial . . - . ' " uouei.b iu ujamiiB, iur u exerts a true curative influence on the disease, diiv ing It entirely out of the system It is much to be preferred to Quinine, having none of the drug's bad after el1ect8. E. S. Munday, of Hen'rietta, Tex., writes: "My brother w'as very low with malarial fever and anndice, till he took Electric Hitters, which saved Ids life. At al! druggists : price 50c, guaranteed. A Conjugal Till. Husband I see plainly you ' want to get up a quarrel. And in the street too.! Wait at least till we are' inside our own hous?. Wife Impossible. I shall have pooled down before we get there. Paris Journal., 1 Pointed Paragraphs. Whisky blossoms are often the burn. It's rough pn a j.;ir! if her beau neglects to shave. It's a poor artist who is unable to draw an obese salary, A waiter is a chap who has learneil to labor while he waits. It's lawful to lish for coinpli ments in any and all seasons. Nothing equals the arrogance of some men's so-called humble opin ions. Only a very lazy man is afraid to earn money because it may be tainted. There is consolation in the Bi ble for all except the woman who isn't invited when her neighbor gives a party. Mincemeat is but a gastronomi cal merger. A newly married man gets back to his lodge by degrees. Uait your hook with a gold brick when you fish for suckers. The more disagreeable the truth the more mighty and prevalent it is Too often fortune smiles upon those who are unable to appreci ate it. There is a lot of sentiment in the squeeze of a hand by the right person. As a man's brilliant future grows shorter his unbrilliant past grows longer. A confidence man is one who tellsyou his private affairs under a pledge of secrecy After a glanoe at the statesmen composing the average State legia la t ure, it is easy to understand wiy so many of our laws are un constitutional. I' 'MAKES YOU WELL ALL OVER New Scieutific Remedy That "Oetsat the Joints From the Inside.'' When yon get up in the morning with a headache, pains in the joints and muEcees, and a dark brown taste in the mouth, it is ample proof that your blody is in bad condition. Pills and stimulants may give yon tempo rary relief, but they will not cure. RHEl MAClDK goes fight to the seat of the trouble, sweeps all the germs and poisons out of the blood cleans up every "plague Spot1' in the lindr anA ''mabu vnn wall nil rwo.r. jmEUMACIDE tones up the stomach, relieve8 indigestion and constipation, - .1. i- j 1 -j regulates the liyer and kidneys and restores each organ to its natural functions By bulding np the entire system, RHEUMACIDE fortiges you against La Grippe, I'neumouiS" and wint Colds. Thorough its through cleaning of the blojd it wards oil' Malaria and prevents Springs Fever. No other medicine has yet been found that cures Rheumatism to stay cured. A remedy that is powerful enough to cure Rheumatism also re moves the gcrinB of all other blood diseases. Powerful as it is. RHEUMACIDE is a purely vegetable romedy that does not even harm tha stomach of a baby and acts entirely through nature's channels Your druggist sells and recommends RHEUMACIDE. 5 C 1 ' ' i: .'.V.' R O L I A. SEABOARD Air Line Railway on Effective April 16th, 1905. DIRKCT LINE TO PRINCIl'ALCITIE NORTH, WEST AND SOUTH. BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND NEW YORK. NORTHWARD. No. 45. Lv Wilmington Lv Luniherton Ar Hamlet 7 00 a ui 9 35 a m 11 02 a ni No. 39- Lv Wilmington Lv Lunibertou Ar Hamlet, Lv Hamlet Lv Southern Pines Lv Raleigh L Norlina Ar Portsmouth Lv Richmond Lv Washington Lv Baltimore Lv Philadelphia Ar New York 3 oopm 5 26 p 111 7 35 P.ni "10 10 p in 11 20 p ni 1 25 a in 331am 9 00 a ni 6 23 a tn 9 50 a 111 1 1 30 a in 1 45 p m 4 !5Pi SOUTHWARD No. 67 Lv New York Lv Philadelphia Lv Baltimore 12 50 pm 2 55 P n 5 17 P iu 7 25 p m 11 00 p ui 9 30 p in 1 57 a ni 4 15 a m 6 20 a m 8 40 a 111 10 15 am 12 45 p tn Lv Washington L,v Richmond Lv Portsmouth Lv Norliua Lv Raleigh Lv Southern Pines Lv Hamlet Lv Lumberton Ar Wilmington No. 44. Lv Hamlet 3 30 P ni 5 10pm 7 5p m Lv Lumberton Ar Wilmington ATLANTA" BETWEEN WILMINGTON AND SOUTHBOUND. Lt Wilmington 8 (Hi p m Lv Lumberton 5 'in p ni Lv Hamlet 10 15 p ni Lt AthauH 0 us a m Ar Atlanta n 40a ni NORTHBOUND. No. UN. 00 p m 11 28 pm a 40 a 111 Iu Ui s m 12.46 p ni Lv Atlanta Lv Athenn Lv Hamlet Lv Lnmlierton Ar Wilmington BETWEEN WlLMINUTON AND TA MI A. .SOUTHBOUND . Lv Wilmington Lv Luinberlon Lv llamlft Ar Columbia Ar Suvannali A r JaekHonvil In A r Tampa il (Hi p m 6 M p E 10 10 p in 1 J 15 p m 4 40 a in H 5ft u 111 86 p m NORTHBOUND. No m Lv Tampa 'iv Jacksonville Lv Savannali Lv Columbia Lv Hamlet Lv Lumberton Ar Wilmington 8 60 a ni 7 60 p m 12 10 a in 5 HO am 8 40 am lo 16 a m 12 45 p ni Through Pullman Sleepers on all trains. For ifpueral information, timetable and paniph let, address J. 11. UATTIS. T. P A.. Raleigh. N. 0. J. A. HOZ IKR, Ticket Agent, Lumberton, N O ABERDEEN AND ROCKTISH RAILROAD CO. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT AUG. tfi. lm. Daily except Sunday. Mail and Kxpress, No. 8. Leave Aberdi'en. 8. 3D a. in.; leave r.pavtttn, 8.1.) a. tn.; leave Junction. 8. flu a. 111.; leave Monirose, O.eOa. m. ; leave Tlmberland. M15a. r.i. ; leave Kaefoi ! W.85 a. m.; leave Dundar ronh, tt.su a. 111.': leave Arabia, ln.1111 a. m. ; leave Kockflsb. Ki.l'i a. m.; leave Treefall, 10.45 a. m.; arrive Hope Mills. 11.16 a. m. Daily except Sunday Mail and Kxpress, No. fl, Leave Uope MUls. I. en p.m.; leave Treefall. 1.80 u. m.; leave Kockflsh. 1.4A p. m.; leave Arabia. 2.0ft p, ru.; leave Dundar'roeh. 2.1ft n. in.; leave Raeford. 8. 00 p. m..; leave Timber land. H.'.'O p. m.; leT Montrese. 8.85 p. m.: leave Junction. J. 45 p. m.; leave Leavitta, 4.16 p. n.: arrive Aberdeen, 4 25 p. m. All trains coming over Bethepda Hlllr-UFt be under perfaot control. O. K. BLT7K. Oeneral Superintendent. Approved: JOHN BLUE, President jew i V . S.S WIT Sly I-