THE SEMI-WEEKLY ROBESONIAN. iarDy G3 isers THE FAMOUS LITTLE PILLS. For quick relief from Biliousness, H Sick Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaun dice, Dizziness, and all troubles aris ing from an inactive or sluggish liver, DeVitt's Little Early Risers are un equalled. They act promptly and never gripe. They are so dainty that it is a pleasure to take them. One to two act as a mild laxative; two or four act as a pleasant and effective cathartic. They are purely vegetable and absolutely harmless. They tonic the liver. PREPARED ONLY BY E. C. DaWitt & Co., Chicago For Sale by Dr. H. T. Pope & Co. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. N A. McLean . A . W. KcU-fH J. . MeConnlck. mclean, mcle:an & kccormics, ATTORNEYS AT I AW, LT7MBERTON. - - v " Offices on 2nd floor of Bank of Lum besfcon Building, Rooms 1, 2, 3, & 4 Prompt attention given to all business. E. M. BRITT, Attorney at Law, - Ll'M PEltTON , N. C. Office upstairs in Argus Building. All business promptly transacted McTntyre & Lawrence Attorneys and Counselors at Law, LUMBERTON, N. C. Wishart & Shaw, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LUMBERTON, N. C. Office in Shaw Building. Practice in all the Courts. E. J. BRITT, Attorney at Law, Lumberton, N.C. Office over Pope's Drug Store. McLean & Black, Attorneys at Law, MAXTON, N. C. Dr. N. A. Thompson, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Lumberton, : : : : N. 0. Office nextdooi above Savings Bank. N R. T. ALLEN. V. D. CASTLKBURY. Drs. Allen & Castlebury,' Dentists, LUMBERTON, IM. C. Office over Dr.- McMillan's Drug Store. PhonesOffice, 45 ; Residence, 94. DR. J. D. REGAN, DEN0IST, Lumberton, - - N. C. Office in Shaw building, over Pope's drug store. J. P. Brown, M.D. VV. A. Mcl'liaul, M.l) Brown .&;McPhaul, PHYSICIANS AND SCRGKONS. Ashpole, : : : : N. C. Calls answeied prompt's dav. I'liene No 11. lr.ulit and C. H. LENiMON, D.D.S., DENTJriT, Rowland, N. C. J. E. SWAIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rowland, N. C. Dr. F. H. PITMAN, DENTIST. ASHFOLEj N. C Dr. R. B. BECK WITH, Physician and Surgeon, Offers his services to the people of Lum berton and surrounding country. Office in the McLeod Building, Phon No. 6. Can be found at night at residence formerly occupied by Mr. George M. Wbitneld. Furs Still Wanted, ui oniy ai msrtet value, ine mar ket has recently become uncertain, and we can only guarantee the market prices until the middle of February, when the market will probablv be better. ' J. D. PAYNE. Jam 2 2m Burlington, N. C. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of NOTICE TO TEACHERS. lo tne Public School Teachers of Robeson County'. It is requested by the officers of Betterment Association that each public school teacher of Robeson county send a written report stating in full the con dition cf their school houses. !Stato the necessary needs, con dition, cf the yards, etc. Jf yon have made any improvement please tell us about it A similar report will be railed for just before the close of yru school, and to the teacher who reports the greatest improve-J J ment a reward of ten dollars j i will be given. I It is also requested that n tiiei evening of the b'dh of February! each school give an entertain ment, charging a mall admission fee, this money to be used fur the improvement of your school room.. A great many teachers will doubtless say: ''We cannot give an entertainment. ' suppose we make a great etfort and really see if we cannot We are indeed sorry for the teecher.and for the community but especially the little child, whose sad lot is to live in a community composed of people who will not go out to hear an educational address or to attend a bright little entertainment given by their own children. By a little effort a great many schools can secure the ser vi es of some attractive speaker for this occasion. The public schools will last in most oases but a few months longer. Our time for work, therefore, is short, so let us be up and doing, for truly there is a great work to be done. We respectfully ask that each tjaoher send in this report - imme diately. Address Pres. of betterment Association, Parkton, N. 0 DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. 1 Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver L and bladder remedy. - 'It is thff mp.rli. rQ cal triumph cf the nine- 1 4 y icciiui tciiLuij.', un covered after years of y " Know, mv kne cien:;iic research ty . "vfl Dr. Kilmer, the erni - ner.t k:aney ana blad- . , . ai,u. wonderfully successiul in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou- , bles and Bri-ht's Disease, v.'hich is the vor; ; form of kidney trouble U't Ivnmcr .i owuiii'"iu"i i-j iiul r rt. ominencicd for every tiling but if you have kid, hvefvpr bladder t:-oubi-.: :' will bu U.v.n:' ju. t t':.e remesyyo-.i rceJ. I: ha.; bce-i tcte in .-,0 nia.iy wap, in h.-rpital vcrk. in rrivaf practice, among ths heipir.-s t -ofocr to pur chn-; reiief ?-:id has proved .-.. tucce-;fui i:. evo,y car.e t a src-i::i amnjjcmcr.t h. . been nude by vhirh ell reader- of thir, paper who b.avc not aireaay tried it. n'.ty have, a sample bottle f. ec by rr.s.:!, also a bock tolilnj more about Cwafnp-Rort and how to fin lout if you have kidney c r bladder trouble. When writingmention readn.j this gee.erour offer in this pinrr and jf eenj vour i Dr. Kiimer iCo.,EiiH; hamton, N. Y. Tne regular fifty cent and nomn f Swamp-Hoot dollar Mzes are sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remembei the name. Swamp-root, Vr. Kilmer s j OWHinp-r.oui. aim 111c auui -.-, ciugiiaiiuuii, N. Y., on every bottle. editorial paragraphs. From The Durham Herald. We can stand the bad schedules if only the jug train comes in on time The Ward law is now in opera tion. WTe tell y n simply because you may not have noticed it. A Grim Tragdy is daily enacted, in thousand of homes, as Death claimes, in each one another victim of Consumption or Pneumonia. Bat when Coughs and colds are properly treated, the tragedy is averted. F. O. Huntley, of Oak landoa, Ind , writes: My wife had tha consumption and three doctors gave her up. Finaly she cook Dr Kings New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds, which enred her, and to day fche is well and strong. " It kills the germs of all diseases. One dose relieves. Guarn- teed at GOj and $.100 by all Erug gest. Trial bottle free. ,n n if i u How's ThU? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any cane of Catarrh that cannot te cured by Hall's atarrh Cure. F. J CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, tlie undeisigned, hive known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and lieve him perfectly honorable in all bu.s neis transactions and niimciailv able to carry out any obligations made by his firm Waliu no. Kin oa & Ma vis Wholesale Drngfits, Toledo, O fall's Catarrh Cure i taken i.iti rnal'v, acting directly upon ihs blo'd and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottles. Sold by all Drugsrist . Take Hall's F.iinilv I ills for constipation. An Eight Dollar BUI. C nrr:,' y t -ii, h:i ; :i SS bill of t:. of 1 77 S. It II inv of -ii l:: g 9''9S1 HI u 1; ci u 1 mi: i! ! j U.'iii pi.e" j M-t i-v-r l,x ii j .t ii : g1', s:.J ! C :;.t l-l II pap.; r u, ;h, whit. ineh. r, 1 ; . -v i v :ry p'.;:.riy p ::. O.i t;: ' . " ,:. b! -in and iiti ii,: with the wotdn, r ; :i round . rr -:ri ji! 1 hi 1 1 i L ! it: , 1' : i : . d S i.'...e uf AmoriCi" aon l h: U'p. T-' the ri; h t of theemb!- ni are tL'j words : ' This bill entitles the hearer to receive o'ght Spanish miller! do l lar?, or the value thereof uig'ld or silver, according to u resolution pasted ty congress i-.r. Philadel phia, September 20, 1771." On tho back is a design :n three tr. fobacco Iomvh nod ;h; word-: "Printed by Hall Sellers, 1778 " Kiusaa Ci y Jonruai. Chamlierlain's Couj(h Rened- th; Bes Made. "In my opinion Chamberlain's Oough Remedy ig the best made for colds, Bays Mrs. Cora Walker of Porterrille. California There is no doubt about its being the best. No other will care a oold so quickly. No other is so sure a preventive of pneu monia. No other is so pleasant and safe to take These are good reasons why it should be perferred to any other. The fact is that ,few people re satisfied with any other after hav ing used this remedy. For sale by Dr. H. T. Pope & Oo. & Dr. R G. Rozier. Napoleon's Ideal Woman. In response to a question asked hy a lady the great Napoleon rt pliwd: "My ideal woman is not the beautiful featured sociBty belle, whose physician tries in vain to keep her in repair, nor the fragile of fashion, who guilds the tortures f diseas) with a firced smile. No. M ideal in a woman who has Hoeepted her bitu? h a sacred trunr, and whoeleys the laws of naturu for the nre&er- Vat io1. of her body and s'oul. Do ovoluutaril v ,,-,,,,1, ,,, homan.. ih,, I th., v " ' " ' " mai.rou who rnucri' 8 nnaaie uge m complH'H pres-i va'io; l.,at w - ' ' man 11 r-mderd benutilul by ptji - rct hea I tb and the stalwart chii ' ' , ,"n .-y u' i nnjr, air? 1 1 1 1 1 n n a 1 u f i Hit H 1)1 V I do H I Wort) 4 1 1.'' Always Jucreasts lii ; Strength. A reasonable amount of food throoph ly digested and properly assimilated will always increase the strength If your stomach is a "little oft " Kodol Dyspepsia Core will digest what you eat and enable the digestive organs to assmimilate and transform all foods into tissubuilding blood Kodol re lieves Sour Stomach, Belching, Heart Burn and all forms of Indigestion I Palatable and Rtrengthening, Sold ,by Dr. H Pope. Her Sugar Weighed by his Soap. In the little town of Peru, ten miles from Pittslield, Mass the farmers in the winter bring their butter and eggs to Frank Cream er's and exchange fiem for tea. sugar or anything else they need. One day Mrs. Ackert brought some butter in pound lumps to ex change, and after weighing tkem, he said, " Mrs. Ackert. this butter does not weigh a pound. 'I can't help that," she said."I weighed it by a pound of soap I got here a few days ago " Chamberlian's Cough Remedy Absolutely Harmless. The fault of giving children medi cine containing injurious substances, is sometimes more disastrous than the diseases from which they are suffer ing. Every mother should know that Chamberlians's Ouugh Remedv is perfectly safe for children to take It contains nothing harmful and for coughs, colds and croup is unsurpas sed. For tale by Dr. H. T. Pope & Co. sy Dr. It. G. Rozer. Ancient Salt Currency. In various countries anciently and is some eastern ones down to the present time, salt has b en recognized as a medium of ex change. Cosmas speaks of a suit currency as being in use in the heart of A1 rica in the sixth '"en, tury Marco I'ulo in his work " V'liceniing the Kingdoms ;u:d -Marvels (if the Kawt written in I the thirteenth century, tell i 11 j the Tibetans had none if the .great khans paj:er nioiiev, but j uswi suit instead. Their fin di change wus made thus: They had sail, which thev levied and .-et in a 11 1 1 ' 1 i Iht- iid j.v ,ind rn in atiuve, and kvyy j iece from thu mold weighed half ;i pound hi these molds the price's mark was set and none but the royal ollioers specially appointed was permitted to iiiuke it ELhtv of these n.o'. :;s were reckoned io b equal to h 'se.ggiu of tine gold." Von will not find beauty in roue pot 1 r complexion whitewut-h. Troe beauty comes to them only that take Iloliitr's Koi iky Mountain Ti a t is a vtonrierful tonic and beaut tier :t.r cents Tea or tablets. Ask your DroKgipt. Cool Actress Averts Panic. During the parting scenes in tho third act of 'Mozart," played here tonight by Howard Kyle, the light clothing of Miss Josephine Victor, who essayed the part cf La Mandini became ignited from a candle on the stage. !She was un aware of the danger, until the lead er of the orchestra directed her at tention to the burning drapery. Reaching down she quickly ex tinguished the flames with her hands, which were burned badly, and continued her lines, without a break in the words or expres sion The accident caused the scene to lose none of its interest, and her coolness in all probability saved the audience from the dan ger of a panic. Savannah (G.) Dispatch Peifeotion can only be attained in the physical by allowing Nature to appropriate and not dissipate her own resources. Cathartics gripe weaken dissipate, while DeWitt's Little Early Risers simply expel all putrid matter and bile, thus allowing the livor to assome noremal activity. G od for the complexion. Sold by Dr. H. T Pope We may make thorn hide them selves in the back alleys but the world will continue to have wo men of the Violet Page stripe as Jong as men make it possible tor them to earn a livin". ; Ulcl" tnl" " ni"-,. ; -- I Three little babes were nestled in bed name William, Willie and Bill,' mother said ; j Wide wan her smile, for triplets thy : be. She lays her good lock to Rocky j Mountain Tea (Great baby medicine. Ask yonr Druggist Every Heai1Aciie Every pain in the breast, dif ficult breathing-, palpitation, fluttering or dizzy spell means that y-Gtir heart is straining it self in its effort to keep in motion. This is dangerous. Some sudden strain from over exertion or excitement will completely exhaust the nerves, or ru; the walls or arteries of the heart, and it will stop. Relieve this terrible strain at once with Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. It invigorates and strengthens the heart nerves and muscles, stimulates' the heart action, and relieves the pain and misery Take no chances ; make your heart strong and vigorous with Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. "I suffered terribly with heart dis ease. I have been treated by different physicians for my trouble without results. I wont to a physi cian in Memphis, who clalnjfa that I had dropsy of the heart, lie put the X-ray on me, and in connection with his medicine lie came near mak ing a finish of me. Some time before this a Mr. YounK. of St. Louis, was In our town. He saw my condition, and recommended Dr. Miles' .Heart Cure to me. I gave it little attention until my return from Memphis, when I concluded to try it, and am pleasd to say three bottles cured me. a chakles ooounrcir. Caruthersvillo, Mo. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure is sold by your druggist, who will guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. If it fall he will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind liiHrtWlWrf immm Ae?cfahle IVeparationfor As sirriilaling iltcrotxl and Nebula -ling the Sluinatrts and Dowels of Promotes DiseslioiLChecrful ncssand hVst.Contains neither Opiuin,Morplune nor Mineral lT "XT in r T T PmJcui Seal' Jtx Senna yininr Sent Jltpmrwit - MnnSfJ Ctmuil .iifnf WuHyrmm norm Aperfecl Remedy forConslipn Tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrlioca and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YOT1K. imci m EXACT COPY OF WRAE2ER. 1 ii'imtm I Parker -Gardner 60 ; You 'can searchthe land and you won't find better bar gains or more attractive goods than we offer. WTe guar antee to save you money. PIANOS AND ORGANS. At this store yon can buy the very best made on earth. Ins'.ro ments of Artistic Character and World-Wide reputations. Our Pianos and Organs are the kind that you find in the artistic musical ho ties all over the world. No sensational methods. No f Use claims. No promises unfilled. These are our methods. In our Furniture and Music departments we show more than double the stock of any other dealer in ihe State. Write us for catalogues. PARKER - GARDNER CO., LARGEST DEAL ICRS IN THE STATE. CHARLOTTE, N. C. N L. u. - ... w ' t The KEELEY INSTITUTE, GREENSBORO, N. C F OUR ILLUSTRATED HAND BOOK ASHPOLE IE! Prepares for any College in the State. Four Teachers'corapose the Corps of this Institute in Literary Work." An able Instructor in Musio has also been engaged. Fall Term Begins September 4th, 1905. For information, address THOS. M. SEAWELL, Principal, Auguflt15th. Ashpole, N. C . For Infants and Children. The Kind You. Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years Ta mtmm iiwiw. mtm ti, flt'UI tor 1 yranrra'n'ffiikrt CUT THIS OUT TODAY-MAIL IT TO BOX 166, GREENSBORO. N.C. Please send me your Illustrated Hand Book No. 16. . Name Address INSTITUTE, 1

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