THE ROBE SONIAN PUBLISHED TUKSDAYS AND TRiDAYs BY ROBESONIAN PUBLISHING CO. CHAS. A. MINES, Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATIS: One Tr 61s Months ! Three Month One Month Onr AdrerUnlng Bate are based upon a mnlform schedule of price from which there "m ..i.tmn onr rate and adyertls- lnK books are open. stall times, W intending advertisers. ... 1... H1. matter at the Post- offioeatLumberton. N C.. under the Act of rniprau at MirrJ) Ira. Irw7. TUESDAY, JANUARY 23. 1906. And now as the last echoes of the football season are dyinj? out, the colleges are planning for the spring baseball games The Clansman reoeived about the kind of reception in New York that Southern people had expeoted, The non-partisan newspapers gave it fair treatment, while others foundevery posaiblefault. It ,i6, however, far from a failure finan cially, and the author is becoming rich from the window receipts. The Mormons, it is said, are go ing to Mexico. Large tracts of land have been purchased and the vanguard oMhe party has already gone South." Mexico grants the Mormons thejprivilege of.practic- ticing their own method of wor ship, with the understanding they must obey the laws of the land. No regrets will be expressed by the majority of the American peo- pie and Mexico will perhaps find them unrulv subieots. " 1 Those that doubt the patriotism and love of country that inspire Lumberton people to do and to give should have attended the ex- eroises at the Opera House Friday evening and seen the manner in which the businessmen and citi- zens generally responded to the call for contributions to the mon ument fund. The monument will be built and those that 'gave will be proud that they had a part in erecting it. A bill providing for the estab- Hshmnnr. nf am inanmnon hn,n has been introduced iu the Virgi- expected to work in conjancitiou with the corporation commie- sion, have control of and enforce tne laws against tne insurance t 1 . . companies. This 19 a movenseut in the right direction. The insur ance lompanies, like many other big corporations, have been giveu too much reiu. If a closer watch were kept upon them, tbeir affairs could be regulated more easily; Governor Vardaman. of Missir- sippi, in a recent interview. admit- ted that be thrashed a convict who made an impudent remaik while shiniug his shoes. The Gjvernor said he kicked the con- vict, aud then taking a broom gave him a beatice with it, ThP affair ha caused naitft a flm.atinr, it is said, though we thought that the point had been reached where notmng toe Jlississippi governor could do would occasion auy sur prise. The matter will be mvesti- it should a- commit tee, which was appointed upon r. cemmeudation of the G vernor. Just at this time much is being said of the life and character of General Robert E. Lee. One in teresting incident in his life's his tory is especially interesting and furnishes an example for the man who is prone to sell influence for money. Forty years ago he was offered the presidency of a north ern insurance company at a salary large for those days. He replied i that he had not the ability or theU;d: A. II. McLeoH. U. C, E. G. experience to command su;h a 1 Siphor, A. L., T. W. McHu-, salary. The company wrote his I P. C. C, G. T. C-.x. Banr," I)' name was worth it. Withchara:-ter W. Bi,Cierk, J. .. Fleming, J6tic frankness Lee replied, "what I. L Pope and V. .. DjB .ih, influence I have with the Suuth-1 Hoar 1 of Managers. Te meeting ern people is not for fale." ! was one of enjoyment and interest. NEWS OF TH E STATE The United States Uovernment baa just paid Mr. R. P. Laxton nf t -r.n tl' fnr a hnrflA bridle and saddle taken (rem bim by the garrison at Morganton while he was on his way home from the Confederate army, just 44) I after the surrender of General T.aa W All the banks, State offices aud publto schools at Raleigh were close i Friday ou account of Geo I oral n.n.UW wmuij.-u.uu j J h j,da JJortb Carolina. I O ' The loosi coapter uaugnter 01 the Confederacy, held appropriate exercises, mere ware many ce ebratioDs in differeut parts of the State gam Watts, a deaf mute, of Wake county, N. 0., 19 suing for a divorce from bis wife, who is not a dfaf mute. Watts alleges cruelty. Layiua his wife beatB him and wi.l not allow their children to loam the sigu language. It is puzzling Watts' lawyer to determine bow he will get bis testimony before tde jury Mr. Thomas Davis was shot four times and instantly killed by his brother-in-law. Mr. Henry Peele. a short distance from Ham let, Friday, There had been es trangements iu the family for a long while, and this caused the killing. Mr. Peele went at once to Rockingham and gave himself up to the sheriff of Richmond. Cap'. Stowe, of the Ida G. Far roD, was iu towu Tuesday night, aud speaking of the wonderful I j .. r : . 1 . t J Proaaci8 01 "uuoi t-uuu.y, um ot ft 7" man tweQty 01 i r i- 1 1 age, nameu xvonarcn, iivmg at Wales Head Lighthouse, Curri- tuoki wno weigha 750 pounds, and oucDed for the truth of the state- meut- As 8 Joke 8om0 ot tne YaDK mD'd frieuda filled bis pantaloons wltD ooru anQ tne captain said by actual measurement they held fif teeu bushels. Browns In the Convention. The following editorial reference om the Charlotte Chronicle to XI Oil. J. A. IilOYU, Ol UUBUUUUIll, will be read with pleasure by his many friends Here: in tne cotton convention at New Orleans, last week, there were three Browns Brown, of North Carolina, Brown, of Geor- 8la and rown, of Liouisana all bulls. By the way, our North Carolina man, J. A. Brown, of Chadbourn, aoquitted himself well. His influence was given in the direction of conservatism. His view of the gathering is that it was an educational work and af forded an opporutnity for an in terchange of ideas that will prove beneficial to the people of the Boutnern cotton producing states ae 8am inai one or me greatest features in this fight for an im provemeut in cotton conditions is tuat tnere waa no obligation placed upon the agriculturist. He was left absolutely to his own discretion whether or not he would make voluntary reduction in acreage sixtieth Marriage Anniversary Mrs. D. H. Meares, who has been visiting relatives here and at other points in the county, for the pa9t month, returned to her home in Brownwood, Texas, Sunday af- temoou. This was her first visit to her parents Mr. and Mrp. James B. Barnes, at Orram, iu twenty niueyjurp. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes will iu April, celebrate their six tieth marriage anniversary. VV. O. W. Install Officers. The Woodmen of the World met in Lodgi Hall Friday night, and enjjyfd an oyster supper. The re gular business was transacted a: d the following uhw f Hirers install GENERAL NEWS. Gov. Glenn delivered a Y, M. C, A. address in Charleston, 6. C last Sunday, and received consid erable attention while there. Harvard College has abolished football until the game shall be re formed. Bravo. Harvard! Other colleges have taken similar action, and others will doubtless follow the good example if the wave of sanity continues to spread. 'The Lee birthday baiqiet ot the societyof tbe army and navy of Confederate States of Maryland, was held iu Baltimore last night, tbe prii - cipal addresses being made by Senator John W. Danie', and Con gressmen William A J nis and John Lamb and Major Robert M. Hooter, all of Virgiuia. At Macon Ga , yesterday ai - nouncement was made that the ast dollar will be paid the cred - tors of the il'-'ated First Nttial 3ank, of which the late R. II iaut was president. Tne depos - tors, will get all tbe monfy thev had in the vaults with interest at three and a halt pefccnr. Th nai - meuts will Iih made JmUiry22. Rev. W N. Cleveland, 73 years old, and a brother of ex-Pesiden Cleveland, died Monday night last week at his home in Colum bus, Ohio, from the eitects of pa ralysis. Mr. Cleveland was a Pres 1 1 t . 1 a Dyienan minister ana assistea in the ceremony at the marriage o President and Mrs. Cleveland in the White House in June, 1886 Elections now being held in En gland are resulting in great vioto ries for the Liberal party. Mr. Bal four, bo long premier, who only re cently resigned his offioe, has been defeated for re-election to Parlia ment. Mr. Balfour advocated tariff policy for England, and the Liberal victory is heralded as a vindication of the free trade idea. General Lee's birthday was ap propriately celebrated Friday in Norfolk, Augusta, Savannah, Charlestun, and many other Southern cities. At Savauuah pleasing incident of tbe parade was the presence of nearly one .lundred veterans of the C.vil War, many wearing grry jackets, who paraded by invitation with the State troops. The correspondent of the Asbo oiatect PreBB at St. Petersburg bav iug been queried from New York concerning the reported arreBt of William English Walling in that city for revolutionary activity, telegraphed yesterday that Wall ing has not been arrested and tbay the report tc that effect ia without foundation. Tin Associated Press received the afatecnont that Mr Walliug had beuu arrested from Abraham Cihan, editor of the Jewish Daily Forward, y;sterday and accepted it as correct. The demurrer to the indictment in the cases of Henry C. M chie aud John S. H-iwkius, jointly charged with conspiracy to extort moneys from the late Robert D. Ballantine, on the threat of dam aging his reputation by publish ing abroad allegations concerning hisjprivate life, was over-ruled by Judge George W. Morris, of tne Charlottsville, Va., Corporation Court yesterday. Th two men pleaded not guilty, and requested separate trials. Monday, Febru ary 26tb, was set for the trial of Hawkins aud $1,000 bail fixd. CURRENT COMMENT. Morales' brokeu ankle will not interfere with him to ary great extent, as he has ever been use to eaning on others, aud he has never givbti others an opportunity of pulling hislg. Undoes all the lg-'jull i.ig allowed. Wilmington Dispatch. .!nl?e Wuni wants ! ttf-r tm'R'?-trate-". O 1 th right track :u'a:n. The m-:i w ho prop' f ) hand "itt. ov;i.-'jaudpd juMiee hould bf above reproach or as nearly so-as possible and , practicable. Still, under the system, the inducements n a financial way are not turn as to encourage a very decided eagei- ness to hold the p sitiou. Greens boro Telegram. There has ten too much io suiting .f Gen. Miles; abese of Mr. Wnituey; and brutal attack upon a hlple9 woman at tbe White H ase to suit tbe American ueoplc. If Mr. Roosevelt bad f et bis ruffians a better example prob ably Mrs. Morris would not have received tbe outrageous treatment that has aroused tbe American people News and Observer. It is claimed that corn whiskey wili kill rate. Iu Anson county the discovery was made and i has bwen tried and is now generally used to lay tbem out. A little of it placed around in a flit pan, it is said, will be eagerly imbibed by tbe rats and soon they are dead. There is nctbing strange about this. It will kill a mau in the same way and why nut kill a rat, though we thought a rat had bet ter sense thau to drink it. Greeus- boro Record. TWINKLINGS. The Djctor's Daughter Papa can you tix dully? I operated on her, and all her utensils are com ing uir . Life Mr. Naggers Have you forgot teu tnao tnis is our twentv -tilth anniversary? Naggers (wearily) No I'vo not, foig ntea, but I've torgiveu. Exchange. "I your daughter goiug to make herdeout this season, Mrs. Par venue?" No iuueed! Mme.Pafciu attends to all that. We don't have to do our own sewing no more.'' Baltimore American. "lour frieud bluvvnu seeme to be much more caretul about his drtBS these dtyi,'' remarked Tjn. "Yds," replied Brownf, his wile gave him a high silk bat at Christinas and he's trying to dress up to it." Philadelphia Press. "Why didu'c you thank that polite mau who gave you his seat?'' "I dou'c tnauk dim a bit. He did it because he thought I was tbe oldest, womau in the car." "Isn't it qaeer how quickly some people develop? '"Yes. There is Flabbyson, for instance. She was a bud only a year ago, and now she is a t'ull-btowu wall-lljw er." "But, my dear," protested the political evaugelist, "you ara standing in your own light.' "That's allright," rejoined he of the hardened heart. "I pay my own gas bull. "Bridget, I don't like the looks of that man who called to Bee you 1 tst night. " Bndget. "Well, well, aiu'c it funny, ma'am? He said tne same thing about you. Mrs" Gjode ( clergman's wife) "My husband always says a short prayer belore each meal." The New Cjok fiudizuautlvl "Well he needn't take sich pre cautions phwyl I'm at the range; 'm no cookin' school graduatel" "That loug-'iaired man with th diamonds, at the piano, I just beard, started life as a poor musi- can. Pa'ric-vVell, He's that ye. Knicker So Jones had planned a model apartment house. Bocker Yes; the jinitor lives on the op flor, so the steam is alwpys uu aud the elevator always ruu niug. Reporter "Uncle, to what do you .attribute your long lifb? Oldest Inhabitant "I don't Know yit, young teller. J nev s jveral of tbes patent medicine jmpanies that's d'ekerin' with me. Mi". StoplaU- That ng alws y moves m, Mis- Trslrj-; If I'd known I'c hav- tu::g u:i h ( u r ag'- "Shr- djesrj kt -.bildren i-'Cuse she d'-!i. . ini'n: tmy. yriU nay?" Children! h'he doesn't even kiss her d.p." Houstou Pest. Fnfifteesi Cenntt Cotiftoni 1 Will be a Great Thing for our Country, and we earnestly hope it may be realized by our people. : : : : : : If you have concluded to hold your Cotton for Higher Prioes, protect it from weather damage and insure it against fire in our Warehouse at a nominal cost per month. : : : : We will lendjyou Eight Cents per pound on It, for any length of time at 6 Per Cent. j j j j Our Warehouse was built upon the suggestion of the Cotton Growers Aeeocia n, for the benefit of tbe Farmers, and it ia to their in interest to patronize us. : : : : : : Robeson County Loan & Trast Company. A. W. McLEAN, President. LUMBERTON MARKET. Bf frsh per pound 8 IS Cotton per pound 11. eo Corn per bushel 76 Fodder per hundred J.00 Hams per pound. 10 12 Sides... U Shoulders io KRgs 20 Chickens grown 2585 Chickens, fries 1526 Turkeys 751.50 Butter per pound 2580 Beeswax per pound 22 Tallow per pound 5 Hav 1.00 BUSINESS LOCALS. SURRY FOR SALE CAN BE BOUGHT cheap jApply to Dr. R. B. Beckwith, McLoq Building.over Postoffice. FOR SALE. A JERSEY BULL AND Leghorn and other chickens. Apply to R. B. Beckwith, McLeod Building, over tne Fostothce. 1-16-tf FOR SALE OR RENT. ONE HALF acre lot, situated We9t of the Caldwell Bridge, containing one nice dwelling of six rooms, and two good tenant houses. Apply to Mrs. V. A. Daniels, Lumberton, N. C. 1-23 2t FOR RENT. NEW AND MODERN seven-room dwelling, with city water and electric lights. Ready for occu pancy Feb. 1st. A. E. White. 1-16 FOR RENT. COMFORTABLE TWO room dwtllijff, with kitchen and din ing 100m attached. Possession given at once. Apply to Mrs. Ellen Red. mond. 1-9 COLUMBIA HOTEL FOR RENT. For terms see B. Godwin, Lumberton, N. C. 1-2-tf FOR RENT. uOOD, LARGE STORE rooni. Formerly occupied by the firm of O. C. Norment & Co. Reasonable price. Apply to B. Godwin, Lumb r to,N. C i-2 tf OFWCE FOR RENT ON JANUARY 1st, over Bank of Lumberton, formerly occupied by Mayor Townsend. Also three offices over First National Bank. Apply to Sheriff McLeod. i-2tf SpecIalRates via the Seaboard. The Seaboard begs to announce that on account of the occasions mentioned be low the rates and conditions named will apply. Chattanooga, Tenn: Southern Baptist Convention and Auxiliary Societies, May 10th 15th 1906. Rate, one first-class fare plus 25c for the round trip, (minimum (rate 50 cents, tickets sold Mav 8th, 9th, and 10th final limit ten days in addition to date of sale. Tickets may be txtend ed. For further information as to rates from any point or schedules apply ti your nearest Agent ot address the under signed. Pensacola, Fla. New Orleans, La. Mo bile, Ala: Account Mardi Gras, Feb.-ua ry 22nd 27th. one fare plus 25c round trip, tickets sold February 21s. 26th in elusive, final limit March vd. Tickets can be exted until March 17th. Louisville, Kv: Account Department of Superintendents National Education al Association, February 27th-March 1st, one fare plus 25c round trip, tickets sold February 24th-25lh-26th, final limit March 4th. Niagara Falls, Ny: Account National Association of Retail Grocers January 23rd-24th, one and one-third fares plus-. 25c on ceruncate nan isasis C. H. GATTIS. Traveling Passenger Agent, Ruleigh.N.C. THE IMPLEMENT GO. RICHMOND, VA, ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR Fencing, Roofing, Barb Wire, Poxiltr- Netting. Write for prices and catalogue. We carry one of the largest and best stocks of v Farm Implements in the South, and can save you money on your purchases. What ever you need, get our prices be fore purchasing. Special bargains in Farm Wagons and Buggies. Best makes. lx)W Prices. The Implement Co. 1302 Main St., Richmond, Va. c. n. MORROW, Cashier. w.i.Linktiaw&Go 1 906. With grateful feelings for the very Ub eral business received during the year just closed, we tiass aaother milestone, and enter the n... 'ar be'.ter prepared than ever to supply the trade with any thing in our line. At all times our pens will be found well filled with the best Tennessee Mules Experience has taught us that this class is much better suited to our climate than those bought in the far west. Our BD66Y AND WAGON REPOSITORY Was never better supplied. We carry only STANDARD and HIGH GRADE work. The Hackney Wagon Is the peer of all in Eastern North Caro lina. The old reliable Piedmont Is too well known for comment. In Bug gies, we are prepared to shoir you from 50 to 100 at all times fromwhich to select Our Leaders are Wrenn, Hackney, Bab cock and Hummer. Latest designs and up-to-date finish. Everything in tbe Harness Line. Terms, Cash or on Time with Approved Security. W. I. LINKBAW & CO. Lumberton, N. O. Jan. 8. 'THE OLIVER" The Typewriter WitL the LONGEST, STRONGEST and BROADEST Guarantee. Catalog for tbe Asking. J- E. Grauton & go General Agents, Trust Building, CHARLOTTE. K. C. "WT have been thinking of ill I niacin a piano In your hon e It's a duty you owe your family but the question that worries you is, 'TVho Will Treat Me Right?" JM V ask voutoi.t-alwjtb Y1I I the house that iu. f to the commonweal of vour State made in the South; for the South and by Southerners. We always hae bar- , eains in second-hand 1 lanos ofall V makes. Talk It over with us ; we'll e i i you the right tiiano al the r$Bl price and on the right terms. CHAS. M.STIE.FF, v.,rtistlc I'lanos'and Orpanp. W. Scott Decker, Msr 2 Front anil Grace Sts., Wilmington. i F0LEYS nONETTAR for htUtrmnt mafm, ur. AT mplatmm

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